(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

Ya, taking course right now. Still left 1 more year to go. Yeah, exam is the most fearful one. How I wish to go for course, no exam and can get the paper. But in reality, no, hv to pass thru exam. I'm more stressful as my course is paid by co.
Ya, I saw your msn saying your result is out

I remember you when you came for the gathering and gg to deliver soon. Tat's you, right?

Hi Poohy,

Hope all is well...

I'm missing out a lot of updates here...

So, who is giving birth soon???? What's the latest gossip???

Anyway, I went to BJG for a trial last sat. Was so disappointed with them... I pulled out my son from their program. Teacher April was no longer with them. The trainer was not engaging at all. Can really feel the difference. *sigh*

Anyone has any good recommendation for kid around 1 yr old to attend????

any idea where did Teacher April go?

How about Little Neuro Tree? heard alot about them but I have yet to try though. I think their fees are also cheaper than shichida methods.

Or playgroups in JG or GUG will be nice for social interaction.
Hi Poohy,

Am in contact with April. Was trying to convince her to teach again. If April were to return to BJG, i will be the first to join leh...

I don't like the current BJG management too... they give me a feeling that they don't want my business... fine then...
Yup... not at the moment.
So sad...

I still like April leh...

Little Neuro Tree - anyone has any comments?
<font color="0000ff">Carla</font>
wow u 'xi ker' leh.. :p

Huh Teacher April no longer owns BJG? So sad.
I also like her alot, infact I miss her, so is my HB. Few Sats ago we went to CEDANS, hoping can see her, but she's not there. Ashley still remember Teacher April &amp; she told me she wanted her Didi to join BJG too &amp; she wants to go in to accompany Didi u noe. She has told me afew times to enroll him into the class liao. So really pretty sad to hear she no longer owns BJG.

U can ask Dewdrops for more on Neuro Tree.

Wow... wow... you are having a "hao zi" as well!!! Hehee...

I missed all of us having lessons with our gals leh... I told april that if she "fu chu", must remember to put my boy in her list. My girl also remember April and ask why April doesn't want to teach di-di
<font color="aa00aa">twinklets,</font>
Dunno why leh. But I don't think he's imitating other kids. When we asked him to recite Tang poem last night, he sounded totally like an ang mo kid! So funny.

Zavier is not a sore loser. But he is lazy.. when he loses in a computer game, he'll say we're better and ask us to play for him.

<font color="ff6000">Wen,</font>
Not that kind of moulin rouge corset lah. Haha... It's those tummy slimming corset that I bought after I gave birth to Zaiver. My maid must have noticed that piece in my wardrobe for v long and took it thinking that I won't notice. Too bad for her that I am feeling fat and want to wear it again.

You're v right lor.. jia zei nan fang. Now I feel v uncomfortable facing her everyday.

You still keep in touch with ur ex maid? You didn't send her home ah?

Intend to send Hazel to CC in Feb. But may be going for a short trip so may postpone to March. Abit reluctant cos she sure cry like hell. But seems like the best choice cos she's getting too close to my maid liao.

<font color="ff0000">Posh</font>
Yah it's a blessing to have no maid sometimes. Though having a maid really brings alot of conveniences. But now I'm like a part time maid. My maid complained that she's v tired and stressed. So to reduce her workload, I've been doing some of the housework like washing laundry and dishes and fold clothes.

<font color="ff6000">tigger,</font>
Must fully utilise ur CL and make her do the night duties. I didn't for my confinement, end up like not having enough rest. Your maid is filipino right? I'm thinking of getting one for my next maid.

If i were you, I will send the maid home. Firstly, she's not showing you respect. Secondly, she is lying. Thirdly, your maid is taking advantage of you. Lastly, she is not going to change.

Take a look at what your maid does this weekend. Is she really overload?

I'm lucky to find a reliable maid after changing twice. She has been with me for almost a year. I was expecting her to show her true colours after 8 mths (after paying off the loan)... but she is still performing alright. No funny things yet. Still monitoring her though...
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Thanks Carla! I just used the info u gave on disney on ice to get my discounted tix to disney on ice! was about to go down and buy the tickets this evening. The post came in timely. Thanks again
You're so right!
She is with us for about a year already. Quiet and dilligent lor. She started having little movements and patterns about few mths ago. Stealing is the worse.

I'm very very tempted to change but changing will mean I've got to start training another one all over again. Wonder if we can cope without a maid leh. We'll probably send her back few mths before her contract expires. Not going to give her any notice in advance just in case she makes use of her last moment to do anything funny... like gathering her wealth? haha
Me book already also. Going on 14th 330pm. Got a very nice seat. Thanks Carla!! Who else going at this time slot?

For those wan to book. You jus need to select the date you wan go...then click the category and discount(10% for public or 15% for feld memebers) then when scroll down it will prompt for password. Jus type WISHES and you'll entitle to 15% discount. Simple?
read about your maid...she got BF outside or not? I got a friend whom have a maid but send her off liao. Why leh is she send many letter and its all love letters. And when my friend as her friend(maid also) to interpret, its all love letter and she slept with many man before....scary siah even the agency also agrees to send her back
Hmm.... due to the economy downturn, maybe i shld start charging 5% to those who use my post to get discount.. hahaa...

Don't think they will ask for proof when u pick up the tickets. If they insist on proof, just mentioned that you have deleted the email. You may want to call SISTICS.
Not all maids are bad…. But from my experience, I would choose an Indon maid age 28 yrs and above. Those 23 years old are just here to "play" and perhaps use singapore as a stepping stone to HK. Anyway, ultimately, it boils down to your luck in getting a good maid.

When I sent back the previous maid to agency, I just ask her to get on the car and drove her straight to the agency. I did not give her time to pack. I told the agency that I will return with her belongings 2 hrs later. I went home and do the packing &amp; at the same time check her belongings. I make sure I deleted/tear away things like my address and telephone number from her notebook. At that time, my new maid has arrived. So, i asked her to watch me pack. Give her an idea on how thorough the check will be so that this will deter her from stealing (i hope).

Nonetheless, I make sure I gave her back all her belongings and whatever is due to her (e.g. christmas and birthday presents from me, etc…)
Don't be scare to train a new maid. With this experience, I'm sure you know what are your own expectation from maid and will be able to enforce it more effectively.
Thanks for your advise. I have a rough idea on how to send my maid back.
My maid is indeed too young... complained that I don't trust her, don't give her freedom, don't let her go out, don't let her make friends... she tot she's on holiday ah!
no leh...my previous indo maid was 28 when we employ her...althou 28, she acts like she's a teenager. childish + super hiao, ties 2 pony tails like how I tie paige's hair, wear dangling earrings on 2 earholes, marjiam like xmas tree. Tell lies, steal, etc.

At the end of the day, it boils down to luck. I think I'm lucky. Also, my maid is actually 3 years younger than what is declared in her passport. So, if your maid is 28 yrs old in the passport. Most prob, she is 25 yrs old or younger.

I don't have good experience with young maid 23 yr old leh... They are really here to pass time. Can be demanding too...
My criteria for choosing one:
- Must be between age 28 – 33 (more matured, I dun want to take care of another ‘kid”)
- Married with > 1 kid, preferably 3 kids or more (more committed to work as there are more mouths to feed back home)
- No experience in Spore, experience in her own country is ok (won’t have a lot of request if no prior experience here in Spore)
- English must be good (able to communicate with the kids)

I agree that hiring a maid depends on luck. Some younger ones can be good as well. I think their attitude must be good too.

My maid is a transferred maid. I got a chance to see her in person and interviewed her before selecting. Her work is not 100% perfect but as long as she is honest, takes good care of my kids and is auto, I am fine with her other imperfections.
<font color="0000ff">Zyp</font>
Nvm lar, at least u noe he's OK with mandarin 1, think he'll outgrow that slang 1.
Now Ashley is really channel 8 in her CC.
She speaks with her friends in Mandarin except her Negro Friend. I think I'll raise up my concern to her Principal. I told Hb that the only time she is speaking english is during English Lesson, Phonics &amp; Speech&amp;Drama in CC, &amp; us parents at home. But how often she speak english with the Teacher during those classes? Yesterday spoke to her fOrm Teacher, alamak.. her mainland slang is so strong...
&amp; the chinese words she wrote in the Communication book, I have to read afew times. *kong head* I'm gog to have a "Da Lu daughter" liao...........
<font color="ff6000">tigger</font>
My maid has experience in her own country which I thought is good. But now she's always using it to compare with the current situaton. But come on lah, she used to work with rich indonesian chinese in jakarta where she stayed in a workers' house that is separated from the main house and was allowed to bring her little mistress out for strolls in their big garden. the best we can give her is good food. she's eating whatever we eat and since she likes seafood, she can eat all the prawns, crabs and scallops she wants leh. hai.. dun say her liao.. gek sim. Now only hope that Hazel is ok with CC in Feb and we can send her back.

<font color="aa00aa">twinklets</font>
You're so funny!
What do you mean by mainland slang? Zavier's form teacher is also from China but I would say her Mandarin is with the correct pronunciation one. I prefer that to his previous Filipino form teacher whose English has a weird accent.
<font color="0077aa">Hi Carla,

My hubby owns the Little Neuro Tree JE Branch. All of you are welcome to come for the trial class. Both Xavier and Iden are having lessons there now. The method is similar to Shichida one but still got some differences like the classes are conducted 1 time in English, 1 time in Mandarn and 1 time in Japanese. The Japanese teacher are Japanese who are staying in Singapore. So more exposure to foreign languages, other than the flash cards, photographic memory and finger play.</font>

So, ur hubby owns that!!! I spoke to a guy on Tuesday and has wrote an email to him stating my interest to go for a trial after CNY leh...

I'm that Mrs Quek lor... hahahaa

Anyway, sign up got discount or not huh??? Quite ex leh...
Forum mummies got discount???
<font color="0077aa">Hi Carla,

That guy most likely is my hubby, the only guy in the centre.
Will let him know. He is sleeping now. I am sure he can work out something for you. Btw, already email some info to you. Do check it out!</font>


Will check my email tonight cos no access to my personal email in office!

BTW, do you like the curriculum and do you think it benefit your boys?
u really make me laugh when i read that u have a 'da lu daughter'. haha. i think chinese teacher fr china will really have to depends which part of china the teacher came from. D so far attended 3 chinese enrichment school. The 1st i sent is Beijing language centre which is cheap so i tot give it a try. Wa lau, that china teacher accent really hear liao i also buay tahan. then there's 1 lesson teach scissors in mandarin. We will call it 'jian dao' right. They call it 'jian zi'. wa biang man. let her go 1 mth i withdraw her out liao. Then i send to another school. This 1 i like the teacher accent. It is very pure and nice to hear. Like those Shanghai or Taiwan kind. However, after 1 term, the time dun really suits me and so now i just started her to attend Berries 2 weeks ago. This Berries chinese teacher accent is still not that bad but still i prefer the previous school teacher accent. But think Berries way of teaching is quite fun.
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Everybody, it's been so so so long since I last logged in. Was so busy with work, these and that la. How's everybody?</font>

How's your pregnancy going so far? Managed to get the feeding cube?

Same to you hor? How's your pregnancy going on so far. You know hor, since I'm very well aware that we gave birth around the same time in year 2007, very hard for me to register that you are once again pregnant.

For me, I'm under plenty of stress recently. Stress from family and friends. Out of nowhere, all of them started to ask me when am I having my no.3? Gosh.... I'm beginning to avoid family function. It's so so so scary.

Hi Poohy
How's life with 3 kids? Do share more so that I can get myself mentally prepared if I'm really being pushed to nowhere to hide anymore.

Read about the part you mentioned your maid wearing your clothes. I noticed it in another thread in this forum too. Maids wearing employer's clothes and underwears. Gosh.... It's so so so horrible.
For my part, there was a few times when my hubby mentioned that his underwear seemed stained. More yellowish than usual. He did comment that it seems like those stain of a woman wearing a panty. We got so alarmed over this discovery that what if it's my maid doing that? Wearing my hubby's brief? Cos, I did know of maid wearing the sir's clothings to sleep. To try to get some warmth of a man. But investigation shows nothing concrete lei..... Hmm.....

Might need your help with some booking at the Chevron again. :p

So long never chat with you. When free to come out for some dim sum? Hee.....

<font color="ff6000">Anyone on for some gathering? Budget and place to go?</font>
<font color="0000ff">Zyp</font>
I suspect she is from Beijing, her ‘qiao sher’ accent is real strong. -__-“ I really need to strain my ears to listen better..
Anw.. I decide to close 1 eye now since Ashley said she likes her alot. Sighs, the most I have a Channel 8 gal lor. Bo bian..

Btw I got my photobook liao &amp; this time got 1 page having Hazel &amp; Zavier fotos inside. &amp; Ashley pointed out to Hazel's pic &amp; said "Mummy, she is the 1 that scared of Ferris wheel rite?" Then I told her, "is Zavier the Kor Kor" hehe.. so she remember that time I showed her your blog &amp; shared with her the photos there. Hehe..

<font color="aa00aa">San</font>
Yes Beijing Accent, the ‘qiao sher’ is very obvious rite? Sighs, think my gal’s accent next time will be stronger than my niece whom moves to China 1.
Hahaha… Yes me likes those Taiwan Accent too, very clear 1. Her ex Chinese Teacher has such accent, &amp; I really like talking to her too. Too bad left liao.
Wow u so fast, send D to Berries liao huh. I’m not sending her to any Chinese class yet, will see how bah.

<font color="ff6000">Angeline</font>
So far pregnancy is Ok already. Last week got some pelvic pain, but this week is much better already. Can’t wait to see my bb this Sat gynea visit.

Aiya, u are still v young, give u afew more years career then strive for #3!

The cubes ah, my sis not interested. she told me she lazy to prepare. Anw her boy also v fussy with semi solids..

I maidless now
But i feel it is zhi de lor.. Rather than have to guard against them and kenna they geng here and there.

I got 1 indo one for 3 years. Initialy come super guai. Then after renew contract at 2 years, she ask for off day. Gave her off day she buy HP, buy a lot of clothes, makeup, heels etc. Then she started not listening. And ask her to do things she angry. Then she say wanna leave cos want $800 per month and weekly off days. So she left.

Next maid, Filipino. She got 2 kids, Age 30. She came she still mooing. So day 2 she got mastitis. Her boobs were so swollen she was crying. Brought her to the doctor, Then she 1 week in bed, dun wanna get up. When I went into the room can see her reading book and pretend to sleep when we go in. 2nd week she say got flu, wanan go see doctor, another week in bed. 3rd week we brought her to beach with kids, she dun wanan dirty her legs so she sit high high... end of 3rd week I sent her back as a bad match..

3rd maid, Mayanman maid. Put at my mum's place to help my mom. Then she say she like... So hired in my name but at my mom;s place.

4th maid, filipino, 33 with 4 kids. She can work very well if she wants to. but she only works well in 1st week. Then she start all pattern. In my opinion she is the worst. I hired her to take care of Thavis. I told her if she does well, in 2 mths, thavis goes to cc she will be more free and I will still keep her.
My MIL last time ask her to clean the hob and hood 1 time a week. She ask me, last time the maid also dun clean.. why should she?
Ask her maybe when thavis sleep afternoon for 3 hour, ask her get up half hour before him to cook something for his lunch, she say ask me and hubby to take care thavis at night lor.. then she will have energy to not sleep 3 hours in afternoon...
And her daily consumption is way too high. those big tin of jacobs biscuits. She can eat half tin a day. With 4 cups of coffee. And ask me buy condensed milk to put in the 3 in 1 coffee. Eevryweek I buy 1 new packet of 3 in 1. And fruits that I buy for my kids.. she finish all. We all haven;t eat yet she eat all. and butter, 1 tub in a week. I wonder she eat like that really or she pilfer for friends.
And when i go home early 1 day, I went to find Thavis. I saw her at void deck with a bunch of fren and when i ask her where is thavis, she look around and tried to find him.. At that time he is only 16 months and she let him run free by himself while she sit in the shade of the void deck.
Then when i work liao, I dun trust her so much I everyday bring thyler to cc, thavis and maid to my mom's place. Then my sis saw her taking her clothing to put in her bag.
And whole da, she try to borrow money from my mom;s frens liek when her fren come play majong she will say sob story and try to borrow like 1k or 2k. She will say to send back.
Then she buy calling card and everynight SMS and talk on phone.
The day she left, I saw some toothpaste and toothbrush and face wash and shower cream in the bag she packed. The price tag says swanston which is the cheap shop which my mom buys toiletries from in ChinaTown Square area.. So far frommy place. But she say she buy one.. My mom say anyway she leaving liao.. Dun care her..

So after 4 maids in liek a coupla months, I gave up and now i feel more relaxed.

Eeew, maid wear hubby underwear? yucks! ew! At night use for what? To Zi(4) mo(1)?
Wah, I jst realised that my maid post become a long long rant instead. Oops

You lucky leh! But then not like i never gave maids chance, just that I veyr unlucky in this respect.. I have older maids they dun respect me cos they feel they are older than me.. Younger ones wanna play... sian leh.

Oops, not Zyp maid where hubby underwear, its my H Buddy.. wahahahahah1!!! You sure it is not you go wear hubby underwear at night to sleep?? heheheheh!

So H Buddy,
When you free for dim sum?
hey mummies,
back liao, finally... since sat night. been very busy for last few days, going out with MIL and ex-colleagues. was tidying up hse today, sooo tired now.

no prob to organise gathering, but where is suitable? someone's home or in a rest?

wah, your maid's story is scary leh... bo bian, just have to change and change till you find someone suitable lor.
<font color="aa00aa">twinklets,</font>
More like 'zi zheng qiang yuan' kind of accent lor... which I find still acceptable.

<font color="ff6000">angelneo</font>
GROSS! Did you check your maid's laundry? You don't let her use the washing machine to wash her clothes right? So when she hangs them separately, do you see ur hubby's underwear among them?

Have you been baking recently?

<font color="0000ff">tsp</font>
Tell you something really scary. Today read a news article that in HK, a maid suspected that her employers are sending her home and took their 20mths old girl on a chopping board and slashed her face with a chopper! Poor little girl had 130 stitches on her face and one eye won't be able to close for a long time. I read liao v scared. No matter how much I dislike my maid now, I still must treat her nicely. Must never leave my kids alone with her.
Is a boy or girl ah??? Ya, 2nd pregnancy and having the pelvic pain is very common lei. Imagine when I had Anson, was cringing most of the time when I tried to walk. It was horrible.
Sometimes to think of having another baby again, very very scared lei. Gotta start all over again. However, my eldest SIL suddenly told me, she will TTC along with me. Cos, she wanted to give my brother a baby boy.

You horrible. not me la. Heee..... When you free? How about next Tuesday? Or better you tell me when you free la.
Aiyo, your maid story really quite a horror. The part where Thavis wondered off himself, headache. I ever witnessed the same thing at my place, where the kid wondered off onto the road mah. So, I always warned my maid. If the same thing ever happen to Anson/Joeson, I will not hesitate to pack her back home the very day. Thus, till now, she don't dare to let them out of sight.

You back!!! Welcome back. Come lei, join me and Wenna for dim sum. Heee.....

I checked her laundry. She always wash her own clothes late into the night. For her own clothes, she use her own hands. It's a standard set by my MIL. Regarding my hubby's underwear, seriously never see it among her laundry before lei. Or, I did not check for a few days la. However hor, she did confide in me before, saying she's a virgin, both in terms of kissing and S** la. I almost fainted when she told me that. Hubby came to know about it, always push her to those Blangah living opposite my flat. Almost every night, they will stand by the window and smoke. Heee.... Maid will become very shy and always hide in her room.

Aiyooo.... That HK maid is really horrible! No wonder my mum always warned me, if I really not happy with maid or anything, even if coming April I don't want to extend her contract, send her home without telling her. Let her find out when she's home. Aiyooo.... My hair standing liao.

long time never hear from u. Life with 3 is very busy... especially so without maid. And the crazy thing is I still do think of wanting a no.4 in future. But maybe that thought will diminish with time and reality. My mum helped me a lot. And thank God, Josh is a very easy to take care baby. First time I got a baby that dun need to feed 2 hourly throughout and slept through by 3rd week. And he is not very demanding or cranky. Always happy and relatively patient. If not for his so far great temperament, I would really be up to my neck.

J is going through her terrible two period plus she has arousal modulation difficulties, so the tougher part is managing her ...

Anyway, life is still ok... after being a mother of 3 liao, I guess I tend to close one eye here and there also. Not as perfectionist as I used to lest I push myself or the people ard me too hard

Daily care wise, I had sent S &amp; J to full day childcare so that my mum can give Josh undivided attention. Its very costly. But whenever I think of how J used to be more neglected when she was younger cos mum was caring for 2 of them without maid or helper, I felt very sad and determined not to let it repeat again for Josh. Hopefully the full day cc teacher will help J in her speech and other development.

How bout you? Did u send Joeson to Kumon? how's it? Can share more with me? I am interested to send S.

I had pelvic pain for S too. Then for J also. And for Josh, I had pain walking almost from 2nd trimester onwards. Gone through a lot of pain while walking. Plus backache. Hope you get better soon.

Hi Mummies,

I've 4 tins of Similac Gain IQ Kid (900g) to let go @ S$23/tin. as I had bought the wrong milk formula for my son. If interested, pls PM me for details.

