(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB


S had been learning suzuki violin for the last 10 months liao. There are ups and downs. There are periods of time where he was very upbeat about it and keep wanting to practise. But also period of times where he simply refuse to practise and made no progress at all. There was even once he went into the class and refuse to play at all cos he was in a tantrum... and the 2 of us ended up sitting there looking at everyone else play.

The requirement is to practise as often as possible every day. So need a lot of discipline on both him and me. But the most important thing is... make sure gerald himself is agreeable to learn and willing to take up the responsibility before signing up. Now, whenever he refuses to play, I will remind him that it is him who wanna learn in the first place and I will not let him give up halfway. Its not the learning instrument that is important but the perseverance and discipline that is cultivated.

Oh ya, S can play his twinkle twinkle little star by himself. He is trying other songs now. Violin is not an easy instrument to play... I am still working on his posture... must make sure its very good else next time very difficult to correct.

btw, mandeville is in united square.


by right, the head should be upright and not tilted i think. You should use your jaw and shoulder to support the violin and not tilt the head.
Ya if play too long, will be abit tired not just head, hands and arms too.
I also gotta practise so I know hehee
u know why..
when i asked phoebe if she wants piano, she say violin.
so we are scare she will get stiff neck... :p
hi poohy,
thanks... actually when i bot him to yamaha... he is very excited and say want to learn and play... but i'm hoping it is not just new to him so excited him...... i hope u can pick up an instrument from young... as both my hubby and myself don really know instrument... so i hope both my kids had chance to expose into it...
<font color="aa00aa">poohy:
i love the violin.

you are right abt the discipline part. its not easy to have a young child sit / spend time to practise. c has a performance coming up this sunday but i dont think she is ready.

and if she isnt then i will tell her teacher to pull her out. c seems to inherit this bad thing from me; not confident of herself. she keeps telling me, she doesnt want to. i dont want to force her. if it is going to be so stressful for her, and if i force, she is going to lose interest altogether and that is not what i want to see happen. </font>

I love the violin too. ya sometimes S also lack confidence in himself. He needs a lot of encouragement. He was supposed to go for a year end Singapore Int Strings camp and concert performance but I decide not to enrol him becos at the time of enrolment, he was on the not so enthusiastic side. Hope he will successfully perform next year in mandeville's concert. I feel that performance is very important in the journey to keep the momentum for them and boost their confidence. That's why even though he din perform, we brought him to those concerts whenever they admit kids of his age.


good that P got a prefered instrument already. S had loved the violin first but nowadays he wanna learn flute, piano, etc the list goes on. But he does play the piano at home on his own and able to get some tune like twinkle right. I am considering putting him in suzuki piano next year if he excel in his violin.
<font color="aa00aa">poohy:
you are right about the confidence part. i decided that she would go on stage.. and just enjoy lah. and c did!

she was nervous at some points and looked at me but she did alright. i saw that she remembered her piece and although at some points, couldnt catch up with the song, she did alright. she was able to come in in the next bar. overall, good! hee.

your boy is so fair and handsome lei.

Hayden so big boy ah. I still see him very shy leh. Not really a rascal lah. I think everyone only see their outer look so all think they're angels right? But to us is the devil. Hee
<font color="0000ff">Shadow</font>
Hayden is really big boy liao, likes his 1st pic especially. He looks like a hongkonger to me, haha. guess his fair complexion &amp; tat sweater plays a part.

<font color="aa00aa">Krazy</font>
Wow good! U must b VERY relieved when U saw her performed on stage rite?

so fast, gog to be end of 2008 liao. Gosh!! Amazing, incredible man. Need to set up NY resolution soon liao.

Haha ya man I would prefer him to be an devil at home rather than outside.


My last trip overseas was my honeymoon 6 years ago. Haha, I 'forced' my hb to bring us to HKG otherwise not sure when will I have the chance to travel.


Keke, he is a big boy nw but then still shorter than my DIL leh. Do u know that on and off he will still tell us abt Ashley and himself playing at the playground. He asked me last nite when is Ashley gonna come and play with him agn

wow shadow... it is been long i see hayden... very handsome.... all of us also prefer them to be angel when go outside but some how.... it is hard to control... Gerald had been really miss behave whenever he go out... i really giving up...
hi valmom,
ur son very cute lah... but don know whether it is because val is smilely on the pic.. she look prettier... but nevermind ... boy much stylo better hor... .hee hee....
btw.. anyone can advise .... my gal don want to latch on now... she prefer bottle.... even in the middle of the night... then i had to force myself to wake up ... warm up or wait till i finished pumping then feed her....
<font color="0000ff">poshies</font>
How often do u pump? I pump 4 times a day and I sleep thru e nite wout pumping (nigel is sleeping thru also). Only in the morning 630am I'll latch him and pump at the same time. Other than that.. all his feed are via bottle.

Yes.. Valerie always have this little smile on her face... but nigel is smiley too...


<font color="119911">twinklets</font>
That's what I think so too.. something similar abt the two yet distinctively different. These 2 pictures are v good comparison as they are both the same age... and both sitting on the same chair!
yup.. this picture is very happy...... he is enjoying his sit.... my gal want to crawl out... she hate the bumbo... haiz...

i'm pumping about 7time per day... actually a lot of time but no choice if i length the time... not enough supply for my gal... haiz... so good.... can sleep through at night... my gal still wake up for her feed....
<font color="0000ff">Shadow</font>
ya guess should let xiao liang kuo meet up more often.

<font color="ff6000">Poshies</font>
wow u solid.. working &amp; can pump out 7 x daily. How many mths is ur gal now? Actually dun stress upself too much lor.. if really insufficent can give her FM rite? Is good to intro her FM now also cos wait she after 1 YO then start FM, she may really dislike the taste lor.. Just do watever u can lor..
<font color="0000ff">Shadow</font>
ya lor. by then loss of freedom. wooo..

ya i find Nigel resembles Daddy in this pic. The smile i guess??
<font color="0000ff">poshies</font>
Wa.. 7x is quite alot.. actually she quite old liao.. can mix with FM so u can relax a little? I dunno leh.. he just sleep thru himself.. I didn't purposely train him or anything..

<font color="119911">twinklets/shadow</font>
Everyone says looks like daddy... becoz he is chubby? hahahahaha
Sleeping thru
Keane has no problem with that, he slept thru when he was about 4 mths old. But alas, he started to wake up for milk for the past one year…sometimes up to 3 times a nite. Kayla has never been able to sleep thru…
still need to drink at least once in the middle of the night. Sometimes the siblings take turns to wake up one after another. I hardly have a peaceful night sleep.

I tried to wean Kayla off her night feed by giving water…DISASTER! She ended up crying badly and woke her brother up. I guess I wont be able to sleep much when #3 arrives.

No lah, it's not loss of freedom lah. It will be another form of joy.


Haha no lah. Not becos of that lah. He does look like his dad cos one look at him, does help me recall how ur hb looks like :p
<font color="0000ff">tigger</font>
same here, ashley actually z through when she was a bb, only till 4th mth, then she started to cry twice per nite. When we weaned her off tutu, she started to cry for milk at wee hours. Now I'm preggie, she got new pattern again.. climb up &amp; down to sleep with me or Daddy (sometimes me at mattress, sometimes is daddy)Both of us also v deprived of sleep now, I kinda dread to go to sleep nowadays.
Cant imagine #2 come how will it be liked..
<font color="0000ff">shadow</font>
ya i try to see it positively lor..... but i can imagine i will be v panda-ish. hehe.

<font color="119911">Valmom</font>
think the expression looks like Daddy bah. Duno leh, wont say the features 100% lor.
<font color="aa00aa">shadow:

they do look alike!! hee

phew! ya.. had to tell her to just enjoy herself. dun worry.. and actually, she did fine.

share this with you guys:
<object><param><param><param><embed></embed></object><br>Cheryl's performance! from Natalie Lian on Vimeo.
sgmom: Nigel is so cute &amp; happy! One look can tell Val and him are siblings.

Wow suddenly so many postings? Or i too long never come in. Heh some talk abt Disney... yipee so excited for Isa... we're gog to HK Disney this Sun. i'm not a Disneyland fan esp. when LA left me bad memories. Haha.

Haha Shadow, i seldom bump into you liao hor. Hayden looks grown up liao. Did he enjoy the trip?

Ya man, nw that I am staying in the east liao and yet so near yet so far.

Overall he enjoys the plane ride more than the HKG trip. It is a 'fruitful' trip for him, his "zhan li ping" consist of 6 buses (his favourite, V.Smile TV Learning System and a Thomas Train trolley bag.
<font color="0000ff">Krazy</font>
ya ur tactic is good! Saw the video &amp; I must say Cheryl was doing great &amp; steady, good job!

<font color="ff0000">Ming</font>
u also so long never come in mah. How's Isaac now? Wow so bringing Isaac along or not?

hee I saw ur msg in my blog, aiyoh so sayang never meet any of u in the concert!! I told my hb yesterday so there was my forum 3 mummies in Andy Lau's concert. hehehehe.
<font color="0000ff">Shadow</font>
More toys! Hahahaha.. I have in the maid's room some toys I've previously bot but yet to 'distribute'.. this xmas will distribute coz I didn't manage to do any xmas shopping!!! I still need 2 more pressies for my nephews.. headache man...

<font color="119911">Krazy</font>
Can tell la hor.. both of them siblings.. there is just something abt them that's alike.. yet different.. character wise really quite different lor.. Valerie likes crowd.. Nigel opposite.. he likes peace &amp; quiet...

<font color="0077aa">Disneyland</font>
I have v fond memories of Disneyland... gosh.. more than 11 years ago!!! OMG!!! No disneyland yet for valerie coz she still quite 'scady-cat' now.. dun think she'll enjoy all the rides.. gotta wait...

<font color="aa00aa">twinklets/tigger</font>
That's 1 reason why we booted Valerie back to her room (there was a time she was sleeping w us eventho she has her own room since 7mths) when she turned 4.. coz I know didi coming and I don't want to disturb her sleep.. hee... now Nigel zzz around 8-9pm.. then valerie will goto her bed at 10pm... after pumping and feeding nigel 1 last feed.. I'll hit the sack ard midnite.. sleep till 630am

aiya... this few day had drag to 3 time... supply drop alot.... i don know .....
here is my pumping timing
1. middle of the night.... 3.30 am
2. 6.30am when i wake up
3. 9am (1st thing i do when reach office)
4. lunch time (12.30pm - i lunch in... so no problem)
5. 4pm in the office
6. 8pm after dinner and little house work
7. 11 - 12 pm before i sleep... (but this couple of day... i miss this one... coz sometime already sleep.. )
<font color="0000ff">ming,</font>
How come MIA for so long? Your blog also not updated. Getting lazy?
Have fun in HK disneyland and post more pics on your blog ok?

<font color="aa00aa">krazy,</font>
Saw the video. C seems to enjoy herself during the performance and look confident.

<font color="ff6000">Posh,</font>
Wow, you pump many times per day. More than what I do when I just gave birth. I am more relaxed...by the time I went back to work, I pump about 3 to 4 times daily.
<font color="aa00aa">twinklets , tigger88:
ya, we were glad she enjoyed herself.

its funny how even though they have their own unique-ness, there are still very close resemblance.

N is like of like V's opposite. haha. i like guys who are quiet. deep .. hee</font>
Hi mummies
I'll start my holiday tmr till next Mon, wish you all A Merry X'mas &amp; A Happy New Year! Happy holiday &amp; enjoy yourself!!
hi tigger...
no choice lah... my supply little if i pump less... my supply very little.... used to pump abt 1l per day... now only down with 700ml... haiz.. my gal drink more that now.... luckily my fridge still have supply.... i don want to introduce FM till she reach 1 year old mah..
<font color="aa00aa">mummies:


OMG ! 1 L???

wow! that's a lot. seriously even 700 ml is a lot. my "record" was 200 ml. </font>
