(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

<font color="aa00aa">
sharing c's pics:</font>
hi poohy,
Joelle's newborn pic look like Samuel, but now she is a pretty lady... joshua is very handsome... but he look slightly different from the kor kor and sister...
hi krazy...
Cheryl really change alot... i can't even recognise her... when was the last time i saw her... must be year ago... especially i remember her red boots... i bot the brown for gerald but he don like it... so will be keeping for my gal... haha
hi sweatcorn...
ur boy look like u lah.... big better mah... can see better... ur gal look more like daddy lah.. especailly the last pic.... so envy... ur gal so big already... mine still crawling away.... haha
<font color="0000ff">twinklets,</font>
Ashley is really 女大十八变. She looks so different now as compared to her younger days. She is very girly now.

<font color="ff6000">Posh,</font>
Gerald didn’t change much; he still looks the same though.

<font color="aa00aa">Krazy,</font>
Cheryl is so chubby when she was a baby. Now she is slimmer and very sweet.

<font color="0077aa">poohy,</font>
Samuel still looks the same; now more boyish than babyish. Joelle used to be very chubby; she has slim down quite a bit.
Agree with Posh, Joshua has his own distinct look. He dun look like his older siblings at all.

<font color="ff0000">SC,</font>
How come so unfair? Keke..gor gor pics so much bigger than mei mei.

I like K’s complexion. So fair and smooth. Feel like pinching him. I remember he is so so chubby, cute and tall when young. Now he has become more boyish.

S’s pics too small leh…I cannot see. But she definitely looks more like daddy while K looks more like you.
<font color="0000ff">Carla</font>
thanks thanks.. btw u still own me pic leh, I've yet to see your boy boy's pic.
I also hope both siblings look alike, very wen xin leh..

<font color="ff0000">Poshies</font>
hehe i didn't purposely put a ah boy pic there cos she really not much hair at 1 YO.. luckily hair start to grow after i think 18th Mths..

Gerald also so big Gor Gor look liao, all so big liao.. Long time din see him liao. Where's Mei Mei's pic??

<font color="ff6000">Krazy</font>
Cheryl is already so galish since birth &amp; had so much hair since birth! She was so chubby &amp; cute in that 6th mth pic. I want to bite her! haha! No wonder u keeping her hair long now, u really good in doing her hair!!! I got problems tying her hair man, gog to cut short her hair soon.

<font color="aa00aa">Poohy</font>
Long time din see Joelle's updated pic, she has changed so much. So pretty now. U keeping long hair for her? Ya agreed Joshua's face dun really resemble his older bro &amp; sis.

<font color="119911">SC</font>
Keaden's 1 YO pic looks like Ashley leh. hahaha.. I laff when I saw the pink hairclip pic. U ah.. Shanice is much the same pretty pie I last seen her. She got v nice complexion leh..
<font color="0000ff">tigger</font>
haha cos she not much hair last time. i think i complain alot last time when she dun have hair &amp; all the gals here got so much hair. Btw I foresee my lil boy also botak head at birth 1.
yes, a lot of pple say he looks like me while my gal is a copy of the daddy... hehehe...

gerald looks pretty much the same until recently becomes more boyish leh...

i tot s ones are juz nice while k's one too big lah... ahahahaha... u can still pinch him, his cheeks still flabby... pls feel free to do so... aahahahaha..

kayla did not change much since birth leh... juz eyes getting bigger... hehehe... but can see keane has slimmed down over the years... but still as handsome n charming leh...

got alike meh?? ashley's eyes much bigger leh...

ahahaha the clip... i got another pic where he got 2 clips on his hair!!! he likes it leh... ahahahahaha...

agree that ashley grow more n more girlish... so pretty now... yah yah i remember complaining to u abt s not hving hair n u were consoling me using ashley as an example... ahahahaha... time flies leh...
Hi everyone,

I long time no come in liao..cant resist when i see all the cute bbs now become handsome n pretty tods liao..OMG..how much they hve grow..

Wishing everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

joelle n samuel grow so much...esp joelle so pretty now..

keane really looks like u leh...

i oso agreed..Iden really look like gor gor...

Ash is now a pretty little lady liao leh..
<font color="119911">FMN,</font>
I used to think Keane looks like me before Kayla was born. Now everyone says Kayla looks a lot like me. Hmm...maybe my genes is stronger and hence both kids look like me. Haha.
<font color="aa00aa">poohy:

S and J have all grown up and look so independent! esp S. J is very pretty!
and she looks like she is going to be a tall lady in the future.

as for joshua, hmm.. he seems to have his own look. but still very alert and bright.

you did!!
the boots are so nice. i think i will hand them over to my sis when she gets pregnant. c dint really wear it out that often too when she was younger.

looks like K has his "signature, trademark" look! all the pics here shows him opening his mouth wide, flashing his teeth! hee

and S, she has changed so much too! hehe

yeah.. she has kind of lost her baby fats. but i would rather the baby fats than the naughtiness in her now. she is really trying at times and has learnt to scream and shout.

piglet is looking more and more like you lei! haha. she has that very intense look and it seems she is always full of attention and concentration.

c's daddy loves her long hair too and it was him who dint allow me to cut it short. he has a thing for girls with long hair. hahaha</font>
<font color="0077aa">


Yo yo, my turn now. I was in a hurry that morning as I was moo moo-ing and try to rush off for work. Found some more photos to share!

@NB (Xavier on the left, Iden on the right)

@2-3 months old


@6 months
<font color="0077aa">I think from some angles they really do look alike, but they still have their individual characteristics. Xavier is really the small size one. Didi is wearing Gor Gor's 1 year old's clothes when he was 6 months old! Haven't weigh Iden since his last jab at 5 months. He should be weighing about 8kg now which his Gor Gor didn't manage to reach even at 1 year old.</font>
i used to think aaron n k looks alike when they younger... think abt 6mths that time...

wah crystal oso change a lot since young... now such a pretty lil gal... hehehehe...
so heart warming to revisit the old photos.. too bad all my pictures are stored in the hard disk in Oman... must ask hubby to help dig and send to me
Hi Tigger...
yup lor... din really change much... but now my gal getting more n more look like the kor kor..... Gerald can tell me it is mei mei when he see his own younger pic...

Fainted lah.... a lot of pple though i have 2 boy... instead of a mei mei... especially mei mei no hair...

u got strong genes ... then for my case .. .both kids look more like daddy... haha i have the weaker genes..
<font color="0000ff">Hi Twinklets...
haha... hopefully my gal will also grow her hair by 18th month... if not i think i will fainted... have yet to bring my gal photo to office... haha..</font>
<font color="0000ff">Hi Sweatcorn...
really .... ur boy look like u while the gal look like daddy.... haha.... ur boy really grown... i think my boy still big baby.... he din really put on weight....</font>
<font color="ff0000">Hi Krazy...
i will manage sure my gal wear often when she can walk.... it is so pretty rite...</font>
<font color="0000ff">Hi Crystalmum,
crystal... had grew into a pretty lady hor... hope my gal will be girly when she grow... </font>
<font color="0000ff">Hi Tsp,
it is really amazing to see them grow... some of the kids does not change much... but some have so much changes.....</font>
<font color="ff6000">dewdrops,</font>
Both your boys really look alike. Seems like a lot of younger siblings are bigger size than their elder bro/sis.
i agreed....

imaging ... my boy and gal wearing the same size of diaper.... (my boy still need his diaper at night...)

but now he refuse to urine in his diaper... if he is awake.... he was ask to bring him to toilet.... the diaper is to avoid him urine on the bed at night.... but then... last night at 4am.. he wake up and request us to bring him to toilet.... so it might be time to wean off his diaper.... haha) but then he had been diaperless in school for more than a year... sometime he still wet his pant during nap... so any advise...
<font color="0077aa">Hi Tigger,

Kayla also bigger size than Keane? Maybe our body is more encustomed to childbirth after 1st one and we know how to eat better after the 1st experience, I think. I am not sure. Myself is a good example. I am taller and stronger than my sis because my mum was brewing tonics for my sis and she took the meat which my sis cannot take while she was preggie with me. That's what she always say. Pu dao le.
<font color="ff6000">dewdrops,</font>
Kayla is smaller size at birth as compared to Keane. But her growth is much faster than Keane. So now at 27mths apart, they wear the same size diaper and she is only a little lighter than Keane. I think I eat better when I had Keane. More time to relax and enjoy.
<font color="0000ff">Dewdrops</font>
The 2 boys really v v aliked!

<font color="ff0000">Poshies</font>
hehe.. i remember i wet my bedsheet occasionally at nite when I was still primary 1 last time.. -__-"
sc &amp; Poshies - thanks ah..last time i oso worried abt her being boyish look lo..cos wear pink pp still ask gal or boy kind..then the hair oso take super long to grow..tink abt 2 years old then got more..

poshies - sure will get girly one lo..no nid to worry..ash oso mah..so many 'evidences'..haha..

<font color="aa00aa">our kiddos really have changed lots!

valerie has also lost her baby fats. now she is so slim. haha..

xavier looks so different from his birth pic!

must wear .. else its a waste. hee..

mummies who have recently given birth, can you email me your bill. anytime from late nov till now is fine.

thanks in advance. any hospitals (Mt A, KKH, TMC, SGH,) is fine.

my email: [email protected]</font>
