(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

dunno why lah, but Darryl can understand what we're saying so should be ok. Me jus dun wan him to be a mute can liao. He dun even mumble mama or papa leh. So what you bought at mattel sale?

how good is the mattel sales, going this lunch time.. din realise it is so near to my office... meaning.. i can walk over......


hi meow..
sure ask ur friend to drop me a mail... it is still valid... i think till this year...
Don't need to worry abt Darryl's speech. I think he's just slower... still young mah, got time.

yah I speak to Hazel more and scold Zavier more. Hahaha... that boy comes up with new pattern every day.

Took him to Babies Prom on Saturday. It rained after the concert so we were stuck. He was holding onto his balloon sword, saying he wanted to 'kill' the rain so that we could go out. Told him to stay by my side while I was looking at some notices, he disappeared the next moment. And when I found him, he was welding his sword madly in the rain. I exploded! Imagine it was the road out there. Must chain him liao.

Hazel starts to walk later than Zavier, about 2 months later. I think partly cos she's more timid so didn't dare to try. Speech wise, more advanced. She's starting to slur sentences already. Her daddy, mamee, yeye, popo, jiu jiu, horse, mouse, bus, etc are quite accurate now.
okie will get her to pm you. You go sales later ah? I didn't buy much there. Eh got check your mail bo? The disc is ready

sigh...wait and see lor...his language no one understand one
yup... back from the sales... 1st time there though it is so near to my place... haha din buy much... as i promise gerald an toy.. .so just got him a hot wheel....

for meimei.... just buy 1 toy for her... a lot of cheap barbie doll lah... i think it is for more younger kids like my gal... but hor... most of the toy... her kor kor already have... so no need to buy....

hi meow,
saw ur mail... hmm thinking how to collect from u... might also need to collect milkbag from tigger.... image i had 50 over glass bottles... still no enough to store... now need to used milk bag...... haiz... i think my fridge are full of my supply.. .thinking will need to get gerald to clear some of the supply.... haha...
i bought the dora sch, car, 2 geotrax add ons and bb checkup set... oso help my colic to buy the rocking chair... my sis bought more things for my niece... think this time round spent the least cos still got toys in my storeroom yet to open...
you same like me leh. I didn't buy anything too lor. Only 2 gifts(dora school house without attachment $10) and the puppy playset. Then Sheryl pester me something cos she face black for not bringing her into the Meiji sale, so got her a barbie love 3 cat set. I also have many toys from the store yet to bring out. Waiting for special occasions wor

hi dewdrop...
i think it is common... glynnis also bite me on and off.... but if she is alert... i will tell her firmly no... then she will look at me innocently then continue to suck... but mainly she will only have the 1st bite then realise is not right then she will suck...

now i have a problem.. .don know why i din manage to clear my supply last night... now 1 side is had a hard lump... i try warm water and massage... actually also offer for my gal to suck... but i din manage to clear... now from outside can see some red patch... how to clear the block duct... it is very painfully...
I'm still at home... late for work as usual. haha!

<font color="ff6000">tigger,</font>
understand that you ordered the reversible pinnes, have you received urs already?
Morning gals!! TGIF! How's everyone?? Very quiet here hor??

<font color="0000ff">Dewdrops</font>
Thanks for sharing the Pics. Eden is so cute, really look like his Gor Gor. Xavier is growing to be big boy look. I think most of our kids here are shedding off the babyish looks liao. Time flies!

I myself miss Ashley babyish looks, now she looks so big gal already with the lost chubby cheeks, really miss it!! HAIZ.

Oh .. for the biting of nips, Ashley started to bite mine aro 8mths+ when her pearlies jsut spouted out. I stopped quite soon after tat, cos I couldn't tahan the pain!!

<font color="aa00aa">Zyp</font>
haha a wild Zavier! Think u must really real mad. haha. I never bring Ashley to this bb prom before cos i think she won't be interested in classical music! haha i remember hb used to play Mozart CD in the car &amp; she asked hb to stop it! @__@
Hello! So quiet here... everyone's on holiday? I'm on leave today! Gonna take the kids to Singapore flyer later. Hope the weather remains good!

<font color="aa00aa">twinklets,</font>
Ya lor, he's crazy and I was mad. haha...
I told him next time I won't go find him, let the bad guy sell him away. He almost cried. But I doubt he'll learn, so still must watch carefully. I also don't think Zavier likes classical music but he's v interested in the instruments. Was so disappointed when he couldn't touch and play with them.
today my last day of leave wor. Then back to work on mon then another 3 more days dun work and back to work liao. All leave pp chop liao so me bo bian cant clear all the way till next yr.

you also seldom pop here liao le wor. How's the little one?? Know sex already?
<font color="0000ff">Zyp</font>
Ya think most boys are like that. Next time I'll have more headache too liao. keke. I tot the kids can go up stage when the show finished?

<font color="aa00aa">Meow</font>
I'll be on leave from 24th Dec till 2 Jan 09. But will be back on 30th Dec though. Think will surf net whole day tat day man. Dunno come back for wat man.

I seldom online cos here also v quiet lor, cant be me self-chatting here mah..keke.. Little one hasnt kick me yet.
I hope bb is ok. Gog detailed scanning next Monday, v excited abt it. Gynea told me 90% boy, so I hope I can see the birdie next monday..
if gynae can say ah boy, then most likely is boy lah. Wont that be good?
Me on leave also surf net. Else bring Sheryl go watch those shows at malls lor. So far bring her to watch sesame st, barney, strawberry and pooh. This yr kind not as good as last yr wor. Everything no show but meet and greet only.
<font color="0000ff">Meow</font>
Ya happy that my hb got 1 boy to play with &amp; share his male hobbies.
I only brot her to watch Barney. Plannig to bring her this sunday to watch Winx Club.

I just have my lunch, i feel so sleepy now..
wow, everybody talking abt clear leave. don't think i can clear liao. now my job change dept and dec is the peak period loh. lucky just took 2 wks leave for holiday liao.

HR dept also mus shutdown 1 meh?

gd for u, a "hao" zi. Hey, saw yr Batam report. which hotel u stay huh? the holiday inn?
how was the SG flyer? Shiok?

eh long time no hear from you. How are you now? You will stil cont to try?

like tat not enough leave how? Deduct pay ah? We got children hor if need take child sick leave gotta use leave then very fast finish one leh
I feel so sad.. Valerie until now needs to poo into diaper. My patience is running out and I'm practically forcing her to poo into the toilet. Which of course is faced with huge resistance from her. I put her on the toilet and she'll cry very badly or she'll cross her arms and be angry or that she'll start crying for help from her grandma or dad.

I dunno what I can/should/suppose to do. Let her poo into diapers I'm worried it'll be a even harder to rid this habit. Force her now scared it'll make matter worse coz she'll just be so stressed abt pooing she wldn't dare tell us.

<font color="0000ff">San</font>
The hotel was Batam View Resort. Old hotel, but their room is nice &amp; big to me. Their ala kar food are nice too. THeir lobby always got singers sing songs &amp; got powerful voice. But u def. can't compare Batam with Bintan lor. Sure lose out 1.

<font color="ff0000">Meow</font>
Ya shd be those Ang Moh Gals dancing lor. haha Ashley likes to see such shows mah. :p

<font color="119911">Batman</font>
i also need to use my own AL to deduct the shut down. Now I left with zero AL &amp; zero MC.

<font color="aa00aa">Valmom</font>
Same here lar, Ashley also need to poo in diapers at home. She surprised us to poo in CC toilet way back in August. I think when u least expect them to do something, they'll simply surprise u 1. So now I'm no longer stressed to make her poo in our house toilet bowl. I can only keep saying "next year u big gal already wor, 4 YO, still shame shame, want to poo inside diaper" She recently then climbs up our house toilet bowl to pee, previously was potty. So I see her more confident now, so i'll praise her high high &amp; tell her once we finish this last packet of diapers, i will not buy anymore &amp; she'll have to poo inside there liao. She said OK, but she always bluff me 1, so I dun pin too much hopes.

I dun want to force her, cos I scare she'll withhold her poo. That is the last thing I want that to happen to her. I guess all u can do is simply talk &amp; talk &amp; hopefully 1 day she'll get enlighten. My mum say most kids at 4 YO will get enlighten 1. If by 4 YO, still dun want, 5 YO u can then force then, by refusing to buy diapers for them anymore. By that age, they should be aware of the consequences liao.
<font color="aa00aa">Twinklets,</font>
By then Ash big jie jie can take care of di di and probably won't fight for toys with him liao. Now my 2 kids still fight. When both lie down on bed to drink milk, their 4 legs will be kicking each other away.

<font color="0000ff">San,</font>
you change dept already? so what u doing now?

<font color="119911">Meow,</font>
Flyer ok lor. Nothing much to see... lucky the ride was quite short, by the time we're bored, the ride was over. Hazel wasn't scared at all... running all over the capsule and stood at the edges to look down. Zavier was opposite, so scared and cried when his daddy tried to take him to the side. Haha... by the time he overcame his fear, he only dared to stand in the middle to look far. The tixs were from my company, else I don't think I'll spend $ to buy and take the ride. But I have to say that the place was really well done. Very touristy.

<font color="ff0000">Valmom</font>
I think you cannot force Val. Esp now that she's old enough to understand and resist. Got to be patient and wait for someday she is suddenly ready.
me also, if free then i go take else forget it bah. Last time when i was in Vienna i took something similar already. Their view is so much nicer hee.
never disappear very long lah. was out of town for 2 wks. but come back liao, the thread is still moving slow wor.

ey, where go so fast try. fr my surgery till now, only abt 2.5mths. moreover, after that until now, i still yet to get back my menses. think my hormones going to haywire like pre-pregnancy time liao. sianz.

oh so u stay batam view which i think more centralise rite. i always saw the holiday inn room very nice. got seperate living area so very tempted to go. Batam beach definitely can't compare to Bintan loh but at least Batam got more shopping if know how to go.

i am still doing my current job but some profile had spread out to some other pple and countries to in charge so i will do less on that aspect. Since those are spread out, now i am put under the same type of dept you doing as well lor. Yesterday i receive a call fr someone fr yr company saying no reply fr us. wonder is it fr yr side cos' her fax number is 627+++++ which i dun think is fr the RP location.
I think I know who called cos that colleague is just sitting near me. Haha... I was on leave on Fri. As of Thurs, she was still telling me that there was no reply from your co. So the issue settled already? If not, Monday I check with her again. Wow we're discussing work here!!!
<font color="aa00aa">hey girls!
i am back from my HK trip..

it was good to be away for a while.. havent been on a flight for a long long time. hahahah!

good to clear leave.. spend some days and time with family.
my irregular hormones is not those minor condition like yrs.

haha, so are you the gal beside her where she ask what is yr office fax number?
wow go HK. Got go disney land too? Share some nice photos leh. I'm thinking to go either HK or Taiwan next yr with family. But Darryl still young, so hard to travel also.

mine minor ah??...me dunno leh. Even thou i stop their medication for a period of time its still haywire. Like now still go all the way to 11days already
No choice lor, my company force us to take 10 days. I also dont want to take so many days leave.

ya, if not enuf, needs then have to take advance leaves. Luckily I always use my forfeit leave for tis year consume. So I only use tis year's leaves like 1 or 2 days nia, have to save for urgent leave la.
Last time I also forced Xavier then after a while when I dont really force him, he just poo in the toilet without my notice. Thk it really takes time.

I'm not so bad. I only use abt 2 days of tis year leaves, so the rest will be carried forward to next year.

wow, so envy to go holiday.
Me, struggling to revise for my exam. My last paper is tis friday. Really have to restrict myself, no tv, no surfing net..see now i'm surfing net and tis aftn got another paper..sigh, got to go and revise liao. cannot be lazy.
<font color="aa00aa">meow:
ya!! went to disneyland! c loved it! so did we!! haha
see c's blog.. : http://preciouscheryl.blogspot.com

i will try to upload the rest of the places we went by today.

i also envy you girls.. have the energy and more imprtly courage to do studies .. i also want.. my BA like so "old" already and every one is like a masters holder now. i feel so dumb dumb.. but afraid that i cant manage. </font>
hi mummies:
I'm having holiday mood too! though still in office.. Will try to clear leave between Christmas and New Year - cos getting a little tired to come to office..

Anyway, cannot remember how much i updated, my EDD is on 10 Jan (3 - 4 weeks more to go only). Actually, quite scary to go through a second time leh and I feel less prepared.
<font color="aa00aa">San,</font>
Nope, she is v snr, won't be asking people on own office's fax number, think we're talking abt different girl. Haha... but then, it also means we're not receiving alot of fax replies from your co! Wahahaha...

<font color="aa00aa">pSi,</font>
Your photos make me feel like flying to HK Disneyland now! Really very tempted.

<font color="aa00aa">Blurmom,</font>
That's very fast! Soon will hear news from you that you've popped liao. Hope you have a smooth and fast delivery
some angle Hazel looks like daddy leh. She real dare leh

so long dun hear from you. Smooth delivery okie.

i bet mine will also love it. But we dun like the water keep dripping down to our head when walking below those building in town
<font color="0000ff">Blurmom</font>
wow so fast u are gog to pop very soon in January! Btw this time is gal or boy? u updated us yet??

<font color="aa00aa">Batman</font>
So good for u, only used up 2 days for this year leave. My company only allow us to b/f 7 days to next year &amp; must use up by June. Last year I already took adv leave for taking care of Ashley, so this year i really left with not much leave.
Like today detailed scanning, I use my last day of AL 1, cant use MC cos my MC already finished liao! Boo hoo!

<font color="ff6000">Zyp</font>
hehe u using the new Picasa to collage the pics issit?? I find the new Picasa really so much better!

<font color="ff0000">Krazy</font>
Wow welcome back! Later will check ur pics. U must really enjoy urself well
hi zyp...
wow hazel so brave har.... i think gerald will be okie too... the other time bot him for the dhl hot air balloon, he also running all over the place when the balloon in the sky.... haha
u know what gerald was watching Superman return last night... and ask me to bring him to take airplane and he even ask me to make sure the airplane would not be on fire... haha
hi krazy,
was reading your blog... i felt i do nothing for my boy... c already start learning piano and been so many place... whereas gerald is still coloring out of the line.... how ... help...
hey mummies,
I am back from holiday too...this thread is moving quite slow, everyone on holidays and xmas shopping mood?

Went Athens and Istanbul.. exciting experience in athens. If you all had watched news for hte past week, central city in athens is on riot. When we reach there on day 1, riot just started but was contained in a small area. The hotel we stayed was very near to the riot area but the staff assured us that it won't spread. However, on day 2... The protestors spread out of the location and were parading down the street which was just in front of our hotel.

The protestors turned violent, damaged/looted shops and burnt bldgs. Police resorted to using tear gas. the main door of our hotel were smashed, the car in front of our hotel was set on fire.. We were having dinner nearby in the hotel. On way back to hotel, we were shocked to see the streets infested with fire, smoke and gases. We decided to cut the holiday in athens short and fled the city bcos of Justyn and preggy me, the police were not able to control the rioters anymore.. Mad calls to the airline, spore embassy to get out of the place because transportation were affected, police cordoned off the roads nearby our hotel.. The day after we left, whole city on strike and the protestors continued with more damages..

Pity that we did not visit the tourist attractions but was exciting experience with real riot scene.. the tear gas was horrible, really tears you out..

Istanbul is chilling cold. The thing I hate is the place is not non-smokers friendly. One can smoke inside air-con place. Was so surrounded by smokers both indoors and outdoors. Never had so much smoke 'intake' in 30 years..
yes the tear gas really tear you out. You must not rub but jus let the tears flow. Rubbing will be even worst. Have experience that before too. Not riot but practise when i was in airforce
