(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

You are one active mom-to-be. I really admire your enthusiam in exercising. I must learn from you.

I am also wearing my normal bras with extensions but I also bought maternity bras to standby. I will consider buying nursing bras at a later stage.
sgmon, u mean u still going for body pump, combat n yoga now?? u attending the classes at where? i used to go planet fitness...

so sad i cannot do much exercise now cos my plancenta is slightly low... the antenatal class teacher ask me to be a princess so cannot imagine how am i going to tone up those flabby muscles after 10 mths of no exercise... *shake head*
Hi Ras....
yup.... currently still don want to know... hee hee

Actually no been a good girl... keep forgetting to take my vitmin....
wow u very disclipined! i'm kinda lazy to go gym leh. mayb i shd start gog gym. can do the threadmill rite? but hor..me always nato 1...
i havent swim for 1 wk or 2 wks liao ler..

must really start exercising .. arms very flabby liao ... *shake head*

huh u take the supp straight after kopi?
not tat good rite??

good for u!
I recently bought a plastic jug & i put infront of me in the office. gotta force myself to drink more water.
Remember i told u gals i dislike water in my 1st trim? I think was the weird taste in my tongue. Glad the taste is gone, at least can drown myself wif water liao. but still constipation is there. Sighs, forever cant shit finish 1 leh.

hee i guess tat was why we procastinate to buy the stuffs bah.

yeah lor, maternity clothes so ex. Heng i got some hand-downs from sis & cousin.
I think up to date i spent nearly $400+ on the clothes. I told my hubby must split this amt, share share mah, but he hasnt return money yet. Me quite broke liao.

Oh me got wear bk the same top or dress in the same week 1. My colleagues also agar noe how many clothes i own. hehe
sweatcorn: I started wearing maternity clothings since I was 16 wks.
I've spent like $700 so far already I think. Trying not to spend anymore liao. Maternity clothings are so darn expensive. If u are not big size to begin with, maybe u buy from normal boutiques but in bigger sizes. I'm already wearing Large so I gave up trying to look for XLs or XXLs. Hey but I tried on a blouse from G2000 that day.. I can bottom their size 11 okie (with my expanded belly) :p Not bad not bad I told my hubby :p
hi sgmom...
wow that is a lot... yup... those clothes ain't cheap.... surprise my tummy pretty small i still can wear my normaly top.... so far haben go for the second round of shopping for clothes... got a gf pass me her.... as she just gave birth... so i don think i need to shop for clothes already...

shopping for bb stuff... no energy lah..... too lasy to go anywhere..... sign~ dunno know how...
i think is normal to have MS occasionally.
Dun be despair, k?

sometimes i also feel abit nauseous at my throat.
wanna vomit, but cant vomit anything out.
Sweatcorn: No la. Stopped going since I know I was pregnant. 1st tri I was banned from exercising coz of my spotting. Plus I feel damn drained most of the days.. cant do much. I only started when I reached 14 wks when most of the MS & discomfort wears off. I try to be hardworking la.. but I think I havent really been working out religiously
But I will I will. No! I must I must! hahahahaha I dun wan to end up being too tired to push or that my legs cramp when I'm into labour man. I seriously do not wish to use forceps or vacuum to bring my BB out lor. Scared later her head shape weird weird. Oh I used to alternate btwn California & Planet

Piglet: Ok.. maybe I shd hor. Later take already also no effect.. waste money hor :p

Ladies: Maybe to make exercising more "attractive" to u all.. My fren told me that pple who exercises regularly feel less labour pain. She has a fren who exercises very regularly, her cervix was dilated to 4cm and she can still go home and pack her stuff to hospital. Whereas my fren (she didnt exercise at all) already felt labour pain even before her cervix was dilated.
poshies, how can u tar han the suspense ah?? i cannot leh... that's y on my 3rd mth, doc hinted to us the sex already.

sgmon, same lah... i oso started in my 16th week... i oso spent $700 plus but like not much clothes loh... hubby kept hinting me not to buy cos after birth cannot wear... kekeke...

ras, the maternity bra u bought got padding anot ah... so far i see all no padding one leh...
You can buy the extensions from the bra section in departmental stores. I bought mine from Metro, 2 for $2.50. If you cannot find, just ask the staff for help, they should know.

Good girl! Just keep drinking okie. Since we should not drink too much at night to prevent water retention and midnight peeing, we should try to get as much fluid during the day. If your constipation is really bad, ask your gynae for some medicine. My gynae gave me a bottle of liquid medicine in case my constipation is very bad. I have not taken it yet. I think it is not good to have prolonged constipation. I always fall sick if I don't "release" regularly. Imagine the toxins building up in the body...
I am going to my 13 week and going to see my baby tomorrow. So Happy

Think our babies so lucky can eat nice food in XMAS and Chinese New Year.

My MS is better now but got backache. Take MRT like no1 will give up seat leh. Stand very long back very pain. My leg aso cramp easily cannot overlap or cross my leg leh

Think of taking Aquaaerobics. Any plc near Orchard / Hougang offered aquaaerobics / YOGA for pregie lady?
sgmon, so wat kind of exercise do u do now?

i do walking on treadmill (10 mins) n tonning of major muscle group (thighs, arms, chest, shoulders, butt) at california every alt sundays then the 2 sun go east coast walk 2.4km... i tried swimming but after that dwn wif flu... so now stopped liao...

btw do u gals feel that u get sick easily when preggie?? i basically like every mth oso take 1 or 2 days of mc leh... wonder got ganna marked anot...
sweatcorn: I also think not alot of clothes now.. chances are we might have to buy some more at the later stage when we ballon. So I think I better stop right now liao. So far I've bot 8 tops, 4 pants, 1 skirt & 1 capri. My fren passed me another 2 pants, one of which I still cannot wear (too big). I try to buy separates so that I can mix and match them lor. But many pple told me that come final 2 mths, most of us will switch to wearing dresses.. coz of all the water retention and stuff.. sigh.. I wish I no need to buy anymore liao lor....
hi unsure, saw this joke from one of the circulated emails

'In Singapore, u realised u hv the power to make people fall asleep immediately on the train/bus when they see u r pregnant...'

which i personally find it very TRUE!! ahahaha...
Same here! I also feel sick easily especially in the morning. I will be in great dilemma whether to take mc. I don't want to be marked also lor, plus I am worried my colleagues may think I am taking advantage of them so even if I feel very sick, I will struggle to go to work.
Unless I have very bad running nose, fever etc, then I take mc.

I have 7 tops, 2 pants, 1 capri and 4 dresses. It may be enough for now but I also heard that dresses are more comfortable towards the final 2 months so I will get a few more dresses.
Sweatcorn: I do brisk walking, swimming & yoga. If i feel onz enuff I'll do some exercises at home like pushups, side leg raises, swats etc. Sometimes when I really feel very very onz.. I'll bring out my dumbbells to work on my biceps and triceps. Currently I've yet to work out a routine. I do whenever I feel like doing (not very discipline I must say) but I'll try to walk home from work everyday lor, so that at least gives me 20mins of "workout". Whenever I get to do brisk walking with my hubby in the morning, we'll cover around 3km from start to finish. I wish I cld jog but he warned me against jogging lor, say later fall down how?

dunnoleh: Dun expect S'poreans to give seats to preggie man. Esp since urs is definitely not obvious. Even when I wear my maternity tops, pple also wldnt give up seat to me. I'll just stand lor. So that's why my hubby will try to fetch me whenever possible. He says no good to stand for so long. 13 wks is kinda early to get backaches. Maybe u gotta be more careful of ur posture. Backaches will only worsen when ur belly gets bigger so take care okie.
yeah lor, cannot drink alot of water at nite..
must drink alot during the day.
yesh, imagine the toxins in the body if 1 whole day no poo.. My buttock will ache 1 if i cannot poo the day. Whole body like aching, very terok 1.

Yup my gynea got give me 1 liquid syrup for the constipation. Took during 1st trim. Now din take. Better dun so much of this lor. Drink more water lor ..

i very malu, i went to ask the assitant when looking at those maternity bras. "how come no padding 1?" So malu u noe when she reply me.

No padding, then wear liao like can see the nips. leh. so malu.

me ok lor. but i do get cough easily. Yesterday after eating the duck rice, cough non stop. but today ok liao.
u still can walk 2.4KM?? i think i walk 500M, my legs tired liao.

easily tired my legs. SIGHS .......

why those pple dun give up seat for u 1??
issit ur tummy hasnt shown yet?
Very xinku 1 if whole journey standing ..
my colleague not preggie 1. she wore a dress tat day, got a gal gave up seat for her in the bus.
she was so malu!
hahaha same for my cousin. she not preggie, but tummy quite obvious. Pple offer seat to her 2 times in the mrt!!
our collection of maternity wear seems abt the same.. ahahaha... yah i oso hope i wun need to get anymore...

ras, mi too... i try to go work n see doc in the evening... that time i flu, i dun even dare to take the drowsy medicine cos scared later fall asleep at my desk... ahahaha
I am not blessed lah, I am on the plump side so everything also big lor.

Whenever you talk about your ballooned tummy, I will feel really curious on how big you are. Did you watch Star Awards last Sunday? You can't be as big as Zoe Tay and Ivy Lee right?

Are you going to buy CNY clothes? My mom told me to wear nicer so that I don't look so pale and sick. I thought just wear the dresses I bought for office wear but they are all dull colours. I can't imagine wearing red leh, I will look like a big ang bao.
This morn when I take MRT saw an old lady kept stressing, lao ren etc tin she is hoping pp 2 give up seat. Saw many young men but none of them willing to give seat. They did not pretend sleep or wat jus sit there :p
alamak, u still curious abt my big tummy ah.

Ivy lee got twins, so nope lar.
Zoe Tay's size, maybe.
But hor i din really see tat show tat day.

Alamak.. who say must wear red?

i dun want to end up like a big red tomato.

I most likely not buying lor. see how first bah.
ex leh .. I'll sure make up, at least make myself more fresh & prettier.

I've been looking so pale & dull during office hrs. & my hair .. oops.. like a mess ..... -__-
sweatcorn: I dun think i fall sick more easily or wat.. so far only been plagued by migraine due to my lack of sleep. This week got abit of flu like symptoms. Other than that I'm alrite lor.

Ladies: When will water retention normally kicks in? When we r into our final tri? I'm just curious la. Anyone cannot wear their wedding band already? My hubby and I wanted to get the Bvlgari Ring but I'm worried I might not be able to wear them after I deliver. Wonder how fat one finger can grow due to pregnancy :p So far I can still wear my rings.. with no apparent diff'ce in tightness...
Zoe Tay was wearing a red gown that night but she doesn't look like big red tomato.
I will not wear red also lah, maybe something pinkish lor.
I sama sama lah, look so "lop" in office.
sgmon, u mean your office n your hse is within walking distance ah... good for u

i try to do some exercise so that it will not be difficult to pick up after birth... but i super lazy at home... juz eat, sleep, watch tv... kekeke...

twinklets... your poor colleague... ahahaha..
I will also give up my seat if I m not preggie esp kekeke pp giving such long speech in MRT hinting no1 give seat

I jus 13 week so hv not start wearing any maternity dress yet. tat day when OG buy a pant so funny but the salesgal said when the tummy big not funny coz the front part got lots of material lah wear like crown man
i got my water retention in trim.1

so sad ..
i'm not wearing my wedding band liao.
i used to wear my proposal ring on the middle finger, now gotta switch to 4th finger..
Ras: I wldnt be buying new clothes for CNY. No point coz after deliver cannot wear liao. I'll just wear whatever I have now. I'll definitely make up lor. Even now I do la. Put some make up base to even out my skin tone & draw my brows. Last time used to do more lor, like put loose powder, blusher, eyeshadow & lipgloss. Now more basic

Dunnoleh: S'porean men generally not very gentlemenly la. So many times I'm the one giving up my seat to pregn ladies & old folks. These able men just sit there and pretend to be sleeping. If they are really asleep I wonder why they never miss their stops one hor
Even without taking drowsy medicine, I will doze off in the afternoon at times, hope that no one saw that.
I very scared to be sick so I will stay away from people who are sick. Having morning sickness makes it worse if you are sick.

You very poor thing leh. I don't take mrt but taking bus is still as bad, plus the bus can be very shaky at times. If got traffic jam lagi worse. I tried to take earlier bus to avoid crowds lor.
wow.. today's thread really moving fast.. just finished reading all the posts.
Think everybody semi-holiday mood already.

I'll be going for my detailed scan tomorrow... so excited.. coz' this is the 1st time that hubby will see his kiddo.

Most likely i'll be getting the baby car seat and the cot tomorrow at Robinsons.. heard there's a 20% sale going on.

<font color="0000ff">twinklets</font>
I also wish ppl will give us car seat and cot.. etc..etc
but being the first on both sides of the families, we have to buy everything new. Seems like we're gonna be the ones to give instead of receive.
sgmom /sweatcorn,
think u 2 are the sportwomen of this forum leh. heheheeh

i saw the newspaper, zoe's gown looks awful leh, like curtain!
ok, tell u wat.. nowadays my tummy quite big, i think few wks later, i may not able to polish my toenails liao!
Twinklets: hmm.. then maybe u shd walk around more.. walking helps blood circulation which in turns helps improve water retention problem.

Sweatcorn: Yup. My office is 20 mins walk frm my hse. B4 pregn I used to walk to/from work. But walking to work is kinda hot due to the morning sun so now I stop. I only walk back in the evening when the sun is less burning. I also quite lazy at home la plus I shy dun dare to exercise in front of my ILs. I normally wait for them to go over to my SIL's place then I'll do some exercises.
That also explain why I'm not doing them regularly

ras: Zoe Tay doesnt look like a red tomato but she looked like a red ang bao alrite! hahahahah Red, straight and square! hahahaha And her hair looks horrible!

Twinklets: How abt Pang Shu Qing? Is ur belly like hers? :p I prob looked like Ivy Lee now in Double Happiness II. Sort of can see.. but still can hide with some baggy clothes
morning gals,
today finally is friday,n next wk is xmas liao.....wow......time realli flies..

so the pacifier,u bought for 0-3mths right? there are two types to choose from,one is latex n another tink is normal plastic,how u choose one har? even for the teats,oso got 2 types..

i'm interested in bellydancing leh..been trying to chio my frens to go,unfortunately no one wans to go with mi leh......

i'm fat,n got obvious tummy before preggie,but no one give up the seat to mi leh..
my hubby vv funni..now whenever we take mrt,he will ask mi if i wan to ask pple to give up their seat to mi cos i'm preggie.....he siao one ah..hahaha
Twinklets: I just painted my toenails yest
Still can altho can feel the bump la when I bend forward
No la I no sportswoman la. I exercise coz it's the right thing to do.. and after that I normally feel very proud of myself.. so that sort of fuel my desire to continue to exercise.

Oreo: Oh.. then u prob have to buy everything liao.. Why dun u go BB Kingdom to check out their cots &amp; other BB items? Since u'll be buying quite alot u prob can squeeze them to give u more discounts. I know Robinson is selling 5 cots. 2 from KidsParadise (one $299, the other $329), 2 from dunno what brand (also around $200-$300 range) and 1 super expensive but damn nice looking cot going for like $900. As for car seats, BB HyperStore got the most to choose from man. See until u faint. But if u wish u can always check out the prices at Robinson's before heading to BB Kingdom &amp; BB HyperStore.
hmm but being the first on both sides of the families, your relatives &amp; families may be giving u more things on the 1st mth birthday rite?
I hope my hubby can hint his mother to buy the car seat for us.

cool! tmr u can see ur bb liao!
I havent see bb since 1st Nov!

i practically 'naked face' 1 during office hrs.
will only makeup in weddings &amp; go town..
Your hubby will feel very touched and proud to see his little boy tomorrow.
Keep us informed of your detailed scan.

Yah lor, Zoe's gown not nice, Ivy's look better.
forgetmenot: the pacifier I bot is "silicone" one. from Avent $10.10 for 2. The teats I dunno leh.. Metro only offer 1 type which is $5.15 for 2. Robinson's got more choices. Got different colour one. Mine are transparent. Ya next week Xmas eve liao.. and it's also our wedding anniversary... and I havent bot present for my hubby! Stress....
no lar, me smaller than pan shuqing lar.
Wait i see the show on this sunday, then feelback to u gals bah!

i got difficulty of painting my last 2 toenails on my left leg (me using left hand) leh.
I cannot walk too long, very fast my legs will be tired. Imagine I cook in the kitchen, standing for 2 hrs+, my legs ach like hell ..

ya lor, so fast next week xmas liao! i gotta spend whole sat buying gifts!!!
u interested in bellydancing hah?? i also leh. hehe. i learnt before last time, very fun lor.
mayb we can join together once after preggie hor?? But hor the instructor now teaching private, in Bayshore at East coast, quite far from us!

Wow, the interval between your gynae visits is so wide. Your gynae on leave is it? I feel very insecure if I don't see baby for a long time. I am always worried whether something bad will happen. I heard that gynae may not do u/s for every visit. Hopefully, I can feel baby's kicks to get assurance by that time.
