(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

Dewdrops,tat Jonathan is terrible!He 'bullied' Victoria by throwing his backpack behind a construction site and Vic ended up carrying his heavy backpack while he dashed to Phil.She very poor thing,crying all the way to the finishing pt and was abusively shouted by Jon for her kind actions.I hope they can be eliminated soon to spare Vic on the abuse.

Mummies to be,Avent's teats are pretty durable and quite hard for a newborn.Agree with Meow that latex (yellow) teats are softer.But should u wish to use Avent teats for newborns,try soaking the teats for a longer time while sterilising,may soften the teats a little.

My girl got used to Avent teats since 2mths old.She got so used to it that when other brands of teats being offered to her,it will tear.Dunno izzt b'coz she go and chew on it.Of all the other brands-Tollyjoy's is the 'toughest'.


me gained abt 3-4kg at most at 22 weeks. Hope wont gain too much...
hi to all mummy-to-bes,

I'm a first time mummy... my edd is 25 Apr 2005 @ TMC... did my detailed scan and doc confirmed its a bb boy... quite happy even though i wanted a gal...
I also don't understand what Victoria sees in Jonathon. He is so uncouth and abusive.

I intend to buy pacifier. I read somewhere that it can help to calm the baby. So I will just stand by one as a last resort but I will try not to let baby get addicted to it.
Forgetmenot: I bot pacifiers for my BB, Avent brand. My colleague say pacifiers are no good.. later the teeth not grown nicely. But so far all be nephews are ok so I think it depends on how long u let them suck on the pacifier.

poohy: Ok good.. Then I wldnt fee so bad. I get rather worried when pple kept commenting that I didnt put on.. actually I know i did grow bigger. No doubt abt it.. but was wondering why the weighing scale doesnt seem to reflect. My hubby said prob coz I lost muscle mass & gained fats instead, since fats are lighter than muscles.

Meow/Tigger: My colleague uses Avent bottles. She says sometimes pple experience leak coz they mix and match the bottles with the covers. So she told me to mark my bottles properly (i.e. A cap with A bottle). This way confirm wldnt leak.

Ras: How do u determine if ur tummy is round or sharp? I thot mine looked kinda sharp. Doesnt look like a ball. But I'm going to have a girl

Dewdrops: Wat a relief to hear... I guess sometimes MTBs & mummies tend to worry too much right? hahahahaha. Guess we shd trust our gynae.. we are paying them good $$. So if they say "OK" we shd believe right :p
hi poohy, no time no "speak"..

aiya 3-4kg at 22 weeks should be ok. i am only starting 13th week and i think i have already put on 3kg.. good grief.

oh u r going to 2nd trimester liao so fast
I try to limit what I eat to pre-pregnancy level.. abt 2 meals a day and take my supplement. Hopefully, I wont exceed 8kg in total weight gain.. though I think quite difficult liao ... :p Are u going to do NT scan ?
Poohy: Pregnant is no time for dieting okie. 8kg weight gain is too little. Unless u are overweight to begin with. For pple who r normal weight, the weight gain shd be around 11-15kgs. Ur BB needs the food. Dun diet okie. If BB is underweight or undernourished, the BB can have very bad complications in the future, e.g. being slower than other BBs, intelligence will suffer and might even be subjected to more illness when growing up. Thus it's very impt that pregnant woman eat enuff and eat right during their pregnancy. If u are really worried abt not being able to loose those fats after pregnancy, make sure that u do simple exercises now to keep fit. Labour is being compared to a marathon so keeping fit can help u go thru labour better. And exercising can help u go back to ur pre-pregnancy size faster too.. Never never diet okie.

hehe.. actually I am not dieting at all.. Its that my appetite did not increase or any difference from before pregnancy state. Though I do eat an additional slice of plain bread in the morning though cos will get giddy if I dun eat something to curb it. The amt I am eating now hor... already killing me after every meal. Not sure whether u gals feel it but after every meal, my tummy is like going to explode... the skin is so tight... feel very jialat. I cant imagine when my tummy continue to become bigger in the coming weeks... feel breathless. I try to take my multivit and calcium pills diligently so as to make sure got enough nutrients

I think I am not sure whether bb is doing ok so far with my food intake level, probably will ask my gynae next week
Poohy: Ya sometimes I feel like that too.. when I overeat... Tue nite had KFC with my hubby. That 2 pc meal going for $3.95 now right.. I ate that one :p after that tummy like going to explode.. but coz we were at Suntec.. We walked until my tummy felt better... But I think u shd still double check with ur doc abt ur food intake & ur BB's growth just to play safe.
ras, thanks... I was hoping for a gal so that i can doll her up
furthermore bb gals hv nicer clothes than boys.

Sgmon, dun worry if you hv not gained much weight cos I oso din gain much but the detail scan done recently says bb is of normal weight
poohy, I got the same problem as u... can't eat much too, appetite worse than pre-pregnancy... tummy feels like bursting after taking a few bites... my doc advised me to eat less amt but more frequent meals...

now i'm taking iron, calcium n fish oil supplements... yucks
but no choice cos of the bb...
poohy, ya time really flies.... i have been back to work for almost 2 weeks.

i also always feel breathless... i have alot of meetings in the office, normally after talking for a couple of minutes i will start to pant! it get worst after meals...

sgmom... aiyo very tempting leh the KFC 2 pc meal!
i reckon it would be important to check with the gynae the growth of the baby and the relationship to the food intake. My friend's SIL refuse to eat during her 1st pregancy becos of MS and her bb ended up with alot of complications.. although carried to full term, she was so small and needed to stay in the incubation for a long time.

wat's the fish oil supplement for ? Will it help with brain development of bb etc ? Me only taking multivit and calcium leh.


so do u have any morning sickness ? At wk 13, these symptoms shd be gone liao rite
Can enjoy yourself for a while
Are u going for any antenatal class ?
Hi poohy,

doc say fish oil is for bb brain development... doc stopped my multivit after giving me calcuim n fish oil loh... but the pills so huge, got problem swallowing leh...
Aiyo, didn't know the previous episode of Amazing Race so drama. Thanks for the updates, girls!

Hi Sgmon, I am also thinking maybe my muscles turn into fats, that's why not so much weight gain, although I don't think I have much muscles to start with! Up to now, I am still trying to keep up with my prepregnancy exercise regime, i.e. swim once a wk and jog once a wk (with reduced intensity, of course). However, my gynae just advise me not to jog, cos of the increased strain of the ligaments. So will try to replace with more swimming. Just check with you were you the one who say you were playing golf during your first trimester? May I know what's your exercise regime now?

Hi Poohy, I am also taking NeuroGainPB fish oil. Recommended by my friend who has given birth. Anyway, I am not a fish lover so I don't feel so bad not to take so much fish.
has checked with my sis...like what you say, avent bottles will leak only when mix with other brands of teats. So we'll have to stick to the same brand then.
Morning gals....
how r u all getting on.....

so many to read... but i don have time to go through..... i din know so many of the gal watch Amazing race.... i'm a big fan too.... hee hee

talk abt weight gain... i think i put on abt 5kg but mine is not obvious..... :p
Morning girls! TGIF!!!

kekeke.. my tummy looks more like peanut shape from the side. I only looked at the lower part which is considered round.
My mom told me that I should wait for my tummy to become bigger before I determine its shape. Now, it's quite a weird shape.

Hey! You are making me drool with the KFC two-piece meal!
Morning gals!

TGIF! so happy tat wkend is just round the corner!

peanut shape ..?? hee tat's quite a weird shape.
U wait awhile lor ...

mine is definitely a balloon shape from the side view.

I even ask my colleagues wanna bet boy or gal or not.
Dewdrops: Yup that's me the xiao golfer (but I golf when I reached 2nd tri la.. 1st tri dun dare to golf :p). Now dun golf liao la.. no one wants to golf with me already
I even suspended my handicap.. :'( Now my exercise regime quite ad hoc leh. This week practically did nothing (coz I dun feel very well). I've signed up for prenatal yoga at Shambhala, so tomorrow I'll be going for my 2nd class. I'll try to walk home from work whenever possible. I try to do some simple exercises at home.. like some yoga moves, some stretches and some exercises I read from books suitable for preggies like us. I havent swam for sometime liao.. hopefully come Sunday the weather will be good.
Well I think all my muscles turn into fats liao hahaha All the body pump I did down the drain already :p

Sweetcorn: I'm also taking NeuroGain PB Plus! That one got those DHA, AA etc.. good for BB's brain development. Big tablet sometimes gena stuck at the throat! I'm also taking multivit, calcium & folic. I think I'm taking the most supplement liao :p

Cherry: Ur fren's SIL refusal to eat is stubborn or she really cannot hold her food? So sad her BB ends up with so much complications. That time during my 1st tri my MS also quite bad. Cld hardly swallow anything. Doc gave me injection to help improve my appetite. I had 2 such injections. My MS wears off at around 14 weeks.
haha i'm crazy lor ...

anw nobody dare to bet cos my nose big, but tummy round.. hmm kinda u noe.. hard to bet too ..

btw alot of gals start to buy bb stuffs liao hor.
Have u start shopping for them ? I'm kinda lazy to shop for them leh. Find tat got sooo many things to buy. Kinda confusing which diaper is good, which bottles is good etc etc..
hmm.. u gals very good.. taking the multi vit religiously.. ok.. i think i'll take 1 today..
I hope I wont feel sick thr'out this afternoon.

Gals, ask u .. how do we know we defficiency of iron? Issit thr' giddiness?? If we din feel giddy, tat mean our iron intake still ok issit?

Btw, i read from magazine, some MTB go for bellydance which is beneficial for certain areas (hmm cant rem wat) ! haha sound so interesting man.
ras/twinklets: Hey I bet I bet. So far I bet all correct one leh.. but i gotta see ur belly leh :p

Ras: I really cannot picture peanut shape :-/ Mine is definitely like a rugby ball. Picture they place the rugby ball upright. Cut it into half and place on my body... that's how my belly looks :p

Poohy: Anyway by when must our belly really be visible? I'm 20 wks liao my SIL said cld hardly see my belly. I mean if I wear loose fitting clothes can still hide leh... :p
Twinklets: Hmm.. bellydancing sounds interesting. When I did yoga last sat, the instructor also included some moves that she says similar to bellydancing. Helps ease pelvic pain she says.
Iron helps blood circulation, so I guess maybe giddy is a sign of poor blood circulation? I believe breathelessness is also a sign.
I am also like you, got big nose and round tummy and I also have some breakouts so it is hard to "predict" the gender.

I have not started buying bb stuff, still busy buying maternity. I am also clueless on what to buy but I will start my research soon. I will also start planning how to tidy up my spare room for baby's arrival. Come to think of it, so many things to do hor and my hubby just leaves everything to me. He thought that it is nice of him to let me decide but can be quite stressful one leh.
Good morning ladies

hi Poohy... i'm in my 21st week going 22nd on monday

ras, peanut shape?? kinda weird right? kekeke...

this morning my throat feels so tight, like someone trying to straggle me, can't seems to swallow anything... do any of u gals experience this sympton??
Hi Twinkets..
.u r not alone... me tooo.... lazy to go n shop... haha haben shop for the christmas present... hee hee

Hi ras...
i'm trying to not know the gender of the bb... haha
You must be more obedient leh. Multivit must eat one, at least on alternate days lah. Don't know if your giddiness is due to deficiency of iron. I read somewhere it could be due to more blood flowing to our uterus and less going up our brain so we feel giddy. Better check with gynae, it may be due to blood pressure too.

keke.. I also don't know how to describe peanut shape leh.
I know what you mean! It's as if there is a stopper at your throat. I felt it at times when my appetite is very poor, simply cannot eat.

oic, you want to have a surprise.

dunno leh... me too my tummy not that obvious. All my colleagues and relatives commented that my tummy is small. I think hor... soon we will have growth spurts and the tummy will really balloon


if u dun feel well swallowing the multivit in the morning ... maybe can try taking at nite. I take all my vitamins and supplement at nite cos scared later whole day wanna vomit (just in case mah).

Talking abt giddiness... I had been having giddy spells frequently this last 2 weeks... suddenly will feel extremely giddy especially in the afternoon when I walk ard during lunch time. Gotta check with gynae liao...
sgmon, i taking 3 types, u taking 4 so abt the same lah... oh u oso attended body pump classes ah?? i totally agree wif u, with the pregnancy, watever tonning we did before all gone down the drain... *sigh*... wonder will it be harder for us to gain back our figure after birth

twinklets, my gynae prescribed iron for me when my blood test shows i a bit low on haemoglobin. Can't take dairy product 2 hrs before n after the iron pill... so hv to plan my breakfast everyday...

my hubby bought some bb clothes when he was over in aussie last mth... he more kan cheong than me... other than that, we hv not buy anything... waiting for pple to give... kekeke.. save $$
the way u describe ur tummy abit similar to mine. wah, u 20 weeks still can hide. I started wearing loose clothings. Even when i wear skirt, can see a small bulge. Must start shopping for clothes liow.

Some of my colleagues know liow. They suspected. Some say can see. Feel abit pai say when they asked hee hee... but now at least they know, then i don't feel so bad for being late ha ha ...

wow, u can tahan the suspense. cool ... My gynae say next visit can try to see gender already. me excited hee hee ...

i still have abit of MS. sigh. supposed to be like 14 weeks this week. But still feel nausea occasionally ....
yeah lor, i want to be obedient liao.
gog to take multi alternate days.

My gynea told me I no need to take cos the iron in me is strong during tat time. I still havent feel the giddiness yet. But I think yah.. better be good gal first before the giddiness comes ..
I juz swallowed 1... yucks..
u still got constipate when u take this multi vit?

Yes ur 1 round too. same as mine leh. I think i'll join ur princess group. kekekke.
but same like Ras, mine hard to predict. hehe... breakout & a rudolf red nose.

Issit?? Bellydance sound quite good & more fun.
but hor, no kaki to go.
I intend to learn bellydance after given birth.
They say good leh for afterbirth.

U actually can noe the sex liao rite? just tat u want to have a surprise rite?

U really can 'tong' .. heheehee!

yup happens to me sometimes.
I sometimes feel kinda u noe .. breathless at the throat & chest, like wanna vomit.
Poshies: it's time for u to shop liao. Ur EDD is much earlier than most of us. By the time u reach 7th mth u'll prob have no energy to shop already. Esp now there's sale almost everywhere.. it's a good time to shop actually :p Ya I also havent bot xmas present for my hubby. Dunno what to get for him. Anyone has lobang to purchase Bvlgari b.zero ring at good discount?

Twinklets: How do u sleep at nite? Do u sleep on ur back? Sometimes giddiness is becoz ur uterus is pressing on ur major blood vessels, esp if u had been lying on ur back for sometimes. If it persists without apparent reason, remember to tell ur gynae okie.
ras, i feel it after meals so gynae say i ate too much... gotta cut down... eat more frequent meals.

but this morning i woke up wif this tightness feeling... weird...

my frens told me for our stage (abt 20 weeks+) our tummy r juz slightly visible... will balloon at abt 24 weeks or later...

btw gals, hv u all started wearing/getting maternity/nursing bras?? i need to get new bras but still unsure abt getting a normal bra or a maternity/nursing bra which can be wore after birth oso...
hee actually i also waiting for pple to give us ..
if only pple can give us car seat & playpen .. haha.. wishful thinking..

the giddiness due to iron defficiency? u let me know ok? cos my appt gotta wait till 2 wks later. thks!
can swallow the multivit during nite time ah? cos label say morning time.
Sweetcorn: Ya I go gym around 2 times a week. Rotate btwn pump, combat and balance. Altho not like hot bod but at least more tone then now la.. :p (coz I belong to the fleshy type to begin with). I think prob it'll be easier for us to regain our shape coz we enjoy exercising to begin with (I hope!
) Actually it's good that we continue some wts coz next time we need to carry our baby often.. having strong arms and back can help that
Good to do exercises that strengthen the thighs too coz it helps in the labour. Cardio is good coz it helps us go thru the long labour. Heard got pple who gets so exhausted from the labour that the gynae needs to use forceps/vacuum to deliver the BB.
My constipation ease off already. I drink lots of water, eat more vegetables and fruits. It works for me. I realised I have less stools and they really stink, don't know whether is because of the multivit.
twinklets, that's exactly my wish list oso... ahahaha... they are the most costly ones... my hubby's colleague say he got something to give us so we see the condition n then decide loh... i more kan cheong abt maternity wear cos cannot fit into my normal clothes liao... n maternity wear is so ex!!!

btw hv u gals starting getting maternity wear?? I spent quite a bit on it... got enuff to last me until delivery but boring lah cos its like 5 sets of clothings (mix n match) then weekends 2 sets of clothings... think pple will be able to tell today is wat day based on the clothings i wear leh... sad...
sweatcorn: I still buy normal bras.. just bot bigger size only. I'll only buy nursing bra prob when I reach 7th mth. Heard that's when ur boobs will stop growing

Twinklets: I take most of my supplements in the morning, after my breakfast. Actually I wonder if it's the right thing to do coz I drink coffee every morning. :p Caffeine supposedly hinders absorption of such supplements :p I take my multivit after lunch coz my multivit supposedly contains iron. And it's better to space out eating calcium & iron supplements. Sometimes if I forget to take any of them I'll eat them at nite. I guess it doesnt really matter what time u eat. As long as u eat them.

i sleep on back, & left side. actually hor, i dunno wat position i sleep. these 2 positions mostly. u got place a pillow on ur back when u sleep sideway?

i balloon quite early..

i think my gynea will have a shock when see me in my next appt. i wont take breakfast tat morning, juz in case.

nope, i'm wearing normal bras with extension.
