(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

Hi everyone,

I'm new here. My EDD is 11 May 2005.
I hope to share & learn more from you gals.

I'm so glad that I'm now in my 2nd Trimester & no longer feel so nauseous. However nowadays I do feel my whole body aching especially at nites. Is this due to lack of Calcium? Does anyone of you experience such aching symptoms?

Also, I understand from the 5th mth onwards, our babies shd be able to hear our voices & even music. I am thinking of buying some musics Cds for babies to listen to. Any recommendations?

Hi forgetmenot

went to bb hyperstore and bb kingdom today.

there's a cot at BB kingdom which has cute pictures on it and comes in white and brown colour but size is 24" x 48"...think sales price around $289...got free bumpers, sheets, pillow, bolster and toy. Think got free mobile also
It's convertible to kids bed but only i side can drop down...

you may want to check it out. felt it is a little short cos standard length is 28" x 52"? But the pictures very cute...tempted to but also
Hi all

Do you have a good recommendation for gynae in KKH?

My gynae in KKH will not be in S'pore during my EDD, so i'm trying to source for another good gynae.
Hi Ariella,

You also went for the concert?! Which day? I went on the 26th. Mmmm, since your gynae say it's ok, then I feel more at ease. How come you were standing?

Overall, I think the concert was quite good. Pretty impressed with his piano skills and Nan Quan Ma Ma. Only disappointed with the sound effects becos at times it was too loud to hear what he was singing clearly. Maybe becos I am too near the speakers. (Was seated at the $100 seats.)

hey that white bb cot is the one I bought from bb kingdom for my bb
agree it looks very nice and elegant. can even convert to a rocking cot...
Good Morning Gals.

Just wana to ask if I look for a part time admin job now, will I be "discriminated" coz i m pregnant? I used to be in sales line but its too hectic for me since i got pregnant so i quit. Now I starting to feel really bored and keep having negative thots. Hope find some stuffs to do so my time will pass fast.

Reis: I m in my 18week and only start have aches if i stand or sit too long.

Dewdrops: I went on 27th. My seat is $128 and all the fans were standing up and blocking me so I stand lor. I find his performance superb lor, but the staging and sound effect not good. Halfway thru my ears badly hurt by those screams, I can't hear wat he sang clearly.
Hi blurmom,
thanks thanks..... i'm happy the bb is okie.... anyway my gyn say i can't do anything with it... just wait n see lor.... was quite happy that my bb is pretty active....

Hi Stephaine,
thanks for the recommendation... i will take note and try not to squat....

Hi Serrich...
yup man see how the development lor...

Hi Shane,
The main reason is that the placenta might block the passage for the bb to come out... that why need to go for c-sect

Hi Twinkets,
Morning Ladies
I'm back. It's a Princess!
My detail scan went very smoothly, doc never commented on anything so I assumed everything is fine. My BB is still in the breech pos (normal) and the nurse seemed to have ticked everything on the form. He said my BB is normal size (I think FW = Foetal weight = 300gm)

For those whom doc commented that their placenta is low dun worry okie. I read from a book that around 20% - 30% of preggies at around 2nd tri have low lying placenta. The placenta will "move" upwards as the pregnancy progresses. By the time 8th month and the placenta is still low, then that'll be a cause for concern. Only < 5% of preggies will experience that. So dun worry okie. Probably ur placenta will move up in due time

Butterscotch: My mom told me that BB Hypermart + BB Kingdom are having sale now until end of the month. Apparently up to 50% off and can still bargain. Is that true? My fren's cot is from BB Kingdom. Got nice pictures on the headboard and very elegantly crafted. Her cot aslo can be "converted" to a rocking cot, junior bed &amp; has 3 mattress positions. I told my hubby that we must go see this wkend
Esp since now we now that we are expecting a little princess.
28" x 48" is still considered normal size. Generally cot comes in 2 sizes la. 48" or 52". My room small, thinking of getting the 48" one can liao.
Ah yo.. I so excited, cant wait to go BB Kingdom now
Ariella: Hmm... I think in ang-moh countries prob not. But here.. prob yes. It all depends on what type of part time u wan to do lor. If ur appointment is normally scheduled during the wkends/nite then prob they wldnt mind. But they are prob worried abt ur MCs and stuff. Go try lor.. always try never say die
Same here Ariella, when I stand or walk for too long, my back will "break". My back has always been giving me problems even before my pregnancy. I wonder if I'll need a support belt when I reach my 3rd trimester
sgmom: I hope my detailed scan next week can oso find out my bb's gender.. I want a princess!!! Glad to hear everything's fine. About low lying placenta, my fren oso have it during her 2nd trim. now in her 3rd trim already move up liao.

Congrats!! It's a princess. Did you enjoy yourself during the scan ... I was pretty excited during my time and was curious how on earth can these radiographers see the kidneys!!! To me all looks the same leh
congrats!!! now you can start to buy things for ur little princess liao..

do u intend to buy??i cant buy now,cos still too early for mi to buy..so sian..it seems tt everywhere is having sale now..

just hope tt next yr,there will be sale when i'm gng to buy..
Shadow: Ya lor.. my Dr just go "kidneys seen, spleen seen, heart seen, yadah yadah.." Then he said "XX" instantly I know gal liao.
Then of course he said "It's a Princess." That sort of gave me the confirmation
Ya very excited coz that's the longest u get to see ur BB. My girl girl kept moving none stop inside. Like enjoying her "swim".
forgetmenot: Ya lor.. sometimes buy now like too early (esp for u coz not past 1st tri) but when u wan to buy no discount. Very headache hor. We also thot of KIV the cot but if BB Kingdom is really having sale, and we find something that we like, will also prob go ahead to purchase. I'm almost half way thru my pregnancy liao.
Think my BB smiled at the "camera" yest. My doc took a frontal view of the face. Seemed like there is a smile.
Maybe I'm imagining things hahahahahaha
ur bb so cute. Maybe can feel the heat and feel uncomfortable tats y keep kicking u... :)

after taking tat will feel sleepy? I tot will feel energetic lei.. Hehehe.. anyway i havent tried b4 so dunno wats the effect..

You both also attend concert during preggie arh. I went to watch Mama Mia.. Music also loud but still bearable lor.. Maybe my bb influence by the music tats y veri active now.. prob learning how to dance inside? hehehe...

U so onz arh... Never take MC ones.. Hehehe... I have already taken 4 days of MC from Nov till now..

U kiddin or nt? 4-5 glasses?? Tats a lot. I onli drink 1 glass of soya milk/HL milk every morning. Tats all..

I think bodyache also one of the symptons. I also experience backaches very often.. GP told me tat its quite common, nothing to worry abt. Nt sure if its due to insufficient calcium..
Congras!! You can start buying for ur Princess liao huh! Since u alreadi almost half way thru, shld be quite safe to buy for ur gal liao... somemore now having sale! If nt, maybe u can find out when are they having sale again? Then decide if u want to get it now?

For me, still a long way to go man! Will have to wait till Feb then start buying.. Hopefully there will be sale during that period.

Lucky u, can see ur gal smiling at u.. Are her eyes open?? Can the bb open/close their eyes??
Serrich: I dun think they can open their eyes yet. I also dunno leh. U know those pictures everything black black one. But can see the "eyes", "nose" and "mouth". The mouth is in a crescent shape, so looked like smiling lor. heeheehee. The eyes are like 2 black balls. But I remember reading that they only open their eyelids after birth. So I think they are not open la. I see if I can scan in the pix and try to post online. I'm not very good at this so let me try at home first.
morning gals!

Congrats Sgmom!

U can start buying all the PINK stuffs liao! So happy for you.
I still gotta wait end Dec!! Sobs sobs!!!

Welcome Reis!

I also encounter backaches. Ya think this is 1 of the symptoms too.. me also not sure of whether lack of calcium or not.. maybe u wud want to check wif ur gynea abt it.

Oh ya, i do have some 'lobang' on music stuffs. But now quite bz to type all the details for you. Will update u mayb lunchtime!
u can start to buy now liao lah..cos u already half way thru ur pregnancy..i will just wait..maybe wait for great spore sale..hehehe..
forgetmenot: ya hor... got GSS! Now they start in May... timinig just nice! :) My hubby &amp; I intend to buy a digi cam-corder. Luckily the next comp fair will be ard Mar/Apr.. so also just nice
Soooo lucky of u to see your gal smiling. My boy have been lying quite still throughout the scan .. yawning away somemore, think he must be feeling bored by our politics topic.
Shadow: How can u tell ur BB is yawning? Amazing! Mine is definitely not still. Her hands and legs are all over the place.. the legs are kicking especially.
I'll try I'll try to post the scan online. See if u gals agree with me that she is smiling
the radiographer told us so ... he was scanning half way then he commented 'look your bb is yawning' ... how to see ... all black black ..

So far for all antenatal chkups, my bb has been lying very still during the scan ... dun know trying to pretend to be a 'obedient' boy or wat ..
morning gals !

Back at work today, so clearing emails. sienz manz.

congrats on your princess !!!! can start shopping liow. There's many cute little dresses for baby gals !

u got so many days MC ah ... u in gov sector izzit ?

must be postive okie. talk to ur baby and tell baby to kuai gao zhang da. that's wat i do when i start to have -ve thots. I'll talk to baby and tell baby to be strong and healty and mum and dad loves him/her.

re MCs
I got 30 days MCs. Used to used them alot when i just joined the orgn. Now worked here for some time liow and changed dept, so become guai-er
i think this yr only took less than 10 days....

re babycot
I flip thru' ikea catalogue saw got baby cot, $129 only. But i not sure quality gd or not. But the cots at BB kingdom/hypermart sounds really nice. Must go look look see see when free
Shadow: Prob he is a shy boy. Know that pple are staring at him.. so very "guai guai"
heehee whole morning I'm thinking of a name for my girl girl. I've thot of one.. dunno whether my hubby will like it or not.
Congrats! ...ur girl very active hor?

btw u gals know where to get bra extensions? remember it's mentioned somewhere but i lazy to read through all the pages.
me 12 weeks already. But still feel cramps on and off, is it normal ? whenever i feel cramps, i get worried.
Shane: 30 days mc? U work in govt dept? So far only heard that my sis has this many days of MC (she works in the S'pore Police Force) ya ya my sister is a "ma-da" hahahaha.

Before I pregn I think I took abt 4 days. Since I know.. another 4 days mc cum 6 days hospitalisation leave. Yest cldnt sleep whole nite man.. today quite zombie.. but at least no headache. Prob my princess is train'g me for the numerous sleepless nites ahead.
Tane: Ya prob my girl as "sam-seng" as the mother. hahahaha My mom used to complain I climb windows and stuff in Kindergarten. Until the teacher dunno wat to do with me. Hahahaha Prob the kickboxing before my preggie also gave her alot of "moves" to try out. hahahaha

u very gd ley, sil doc, sister ma da ... not bad ley ... got any siblings lawyer ? then u well covered liow .. hee hee ...
Shane: No la.. no one in the family is a lawyer. Anyway I only got 1 sis lor.. always bully me one
Oh but my mom works in a law firm hahahaha :-O as a tea lady la and my other SIL works in HR dept in Ministry of Law (handling bankruptcy cases one) hahahaha Counted? Everyone like very successful in their career hor. Hopefully mine can take off soon too.
Oh Ladies
For those who are into their 19th week, ur bb can official hear liao
So pls play more of those Mozart &amp; stuff okie
I'm listening to 92.4FM everyday at work. I hate classical anyway so I thot background music in office will do just fine. At home I listen to Kevin Kern (did I get his name right?) When I'm travelling I listen to my Chinese Pop! hahahahaha
last time i used to want to climb the corp ladder and stuff. Now after wkg for so many years (as if so old like that), feel so tired liow. getting slack and laid back. Then now hvg baby, i think i'll even be more family focused liow .....
Shane: I think I wld still want to move up some more. I believe I'm capable of reaching higher than what I am now. I still wish to reach the mark of a Finance Director some day.
Who knows maybe after really becoming a mom things might change! hahahaha
wow, finance director ... steady manz .... I no aim so high lah, in the 'industry' i'm in and me only dip holder ... can't see bery far

your baby gal will bring you lots of luck and opportunities ! and your dream will realise one day ...
Hey gals,

check this out for more maternity wear options -

put in the usual .com behind. I can't seem to post the whole url.
Shane: I greedy mah.. aim for the highest first.. then maybe as the years passed.. I might lower my standard hahahahaha In 10 yrs dunno can reach Finance Director or not leh... now I only a small Accountant.. not even an Asst Fin Mgr ("AFM"). Sigh... Still got a long long way to go man... so many of my peers already AFM or FM liao. Sigh...
so moral of the story: don't compare and learn to be contented.

Many of my peers are also doing much better than me... everytime hear of their achievement then i ask myself wat i'm doing... sigh ... But overtime, i decided i want to be happy instead, so i learn to be contented. still learning ... ha ha ...
Shane: Ya lor.. my grp of frens also like that. Amongst us got some AFM, 1 FM liao. But me and my gal fren say as long as everyone is happy then good liao. $$ is not everything lor. And I agree. But cant help but want to "fulfil" my potential la.

My fren is currently dealing with Music CDs for the babies.
His website not ready yet, but u can go to below 2 links to check it out. Those are the CDs that he's marketing right now.
I've bought from him afew CDs. Those LovelyBaby CDs &amp; those Classical type, like Mozart &amp; Beethoven.
Oh btw those classical type dun have web to show u.


Personally I'm not those that into classical music. but hee.. for the benefit of baby, I start to listen to them now. Very simulating
&amp; very nice. They compile the songs all very nice. (I also own afew compilation Classical CDs long time ago, but not as smooth as this 1).
Usually I'll listen classical music in our car. Very nice lor.

For those Lovelybaby CDs that you'll see in the web, they are more smoothing &amp; more for relaxation. Good for before bedtime &amp; in the car too.
I like these very much, always play to bb every nite before I zz.
I realize that ever since I start playing them everynite, my nite cramps have subsided alot. Now not much cramps liao.
Hee i duno due to music the bb more guai, or becos i'm now in Trim. 2 lar.

The prices are much more cheaper compare to outside market. We have scout aro &amp; realized my fren's ones are much cheaper.
Those classical ones are @ $18.90 each, &amp; those Lovelybaby CDs @ $12.90 each.

If you want to know more, you can check with my fren Stanley. Actually he got post 1 posting in here too. His email is [email protected]
Or if u feel paisay, u can just check with me.
sgmom, shane,
Wow u gals so career-minded one arh?! I dun have any intention to climb career ladder lah.. anyway how far can secretary climb?? Hehehe... My aim is to be a sahm to take care and coach my kids in future... So my hubby is the one who gotto climb high high...

U also got a lot of MCs lei.. Also in govt sector??
Serrich: Well done! I think it takes alot more to be SAHM. I dun think I can handle all the BB crying and stuff.. so I think I better say in the "rat race" hahahahaha
serrich, i have same thoughts as sgmom leh. i think it takes a lot more to be SAHM. My hubby think that i shouldnt be SAHM, because he scared i overstress by bb..dunno whether it's his excuse to make sure we have double income or he really think i cannot take it :) but i do think SAHM is tough.
Blurmom: ya lor. SAHM got no MC, no bonus, no "promotion" and definitely no "long service award". But their rewards are more intangile lor, the BB's first smile, first words, first steps etc.. all they can witness. But definitely not easy to be SAHM nowadays. Everything so expensive. Single income very hard to survive lor.
sgmom, blurmom,
yah lor... to be sahm got lots of sacrifical.. Tats y i always thinking of striking lottery! Hahaha... Living standard in SG so high, single income difficult to survive. I think to be a sahm even harder than climbing the career ladder lei! :-(
I used to want to be a SAHM as well. I think very impt to have mother around to look after kid and nuture them. But as time goes by, I think I wouldn't be able to survive. A SAHM work is nvr done at all. There was once I took leave at home and the whole day I was doing hsework, very sienz man. From there I sorta realised, I can't take it to stay home and do the never ending work. Unless I super duper rich, then I can engage like a P/T maid to handle the hsework. I really hate doing the hsework, then I can concentrate to look after baby and have some time for myself.
