(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

isit???then must ask my hubby to bb kingdom liao..hehe..but i hve to wait till next yr then can go..
btw,hve u decided what type of size u intend to get??i read from the net tt there are 2 types of sizes leh..any idea which one is the normal one tt pple usually buy?

forgetmenot: My fren say BB Kingdom got very good selection of BB cot. BB Hypermart focus more on carseats & strollers. I've been to BB Hypermart but not BB Kingdom. I think bb cot got 2 sizes. One is 48" wide, the other is 52" wide. Depth is mostly the same, 28" I think. Height varies also. So try to get one that u need not bend too forward to pick up ur BB.. or else backache liao. What size to buy depends on how much space u have lor.
talking about nuts, i had a craving for peanuts and i had beeb eating a small packet of 'thumbs up' peanuts for the past few days... about 6 days... sometimes even eat 2 packs in a row. Then my hubby emailed me this morning the following link and said no more peanuts from now on... you all may want to read why...


sigh... there goes my peanuts... as for soya bean milk, ming, you meant those from hawker centre not counted as high in calcium? i have been making an effort to drink that everyday.... now drinking HL milk...
jane: Erh no I dun think so. Actually soya doesnt contain alot of calcium. Unless u buy those packet soymilk. Those are fortified and calcium enriched I think. It helps replace cow's milk for those lactose-intolerant pple.

OK la.. when it comes to nuts, it's not all bad :"It is only peanuts that should be avoided by some women --- other nuts, such as brazil, hazelnuts, walnuts or cashew nuts are perfectly safe."

Yippie. I can eat cashew nuts liao
hi gals,

just woke up from my nap hee hee ... the weather very gd to sleep ley. My place here rainy rainy one ...

ok for the cot and playpen...so seems like playpen not that gd. But I thot for cot, will also have to bend over to pick baby up tho' i think it's slightly higher. So it's better to stick to cot. Must go BB kingdom to see see look look next yr

Sat after Spring, i go walk walk ard the baby shops, most mum shopping, all the tum tum big big one, like gg to pop kind. I feel so funny cos i not showing yet but shopping ard liow. hee hee ... but i just love looking at baby things, they're so cute !
I just this jumpsuit that wrote "i may be small but i'm the boss" ha ha .. so cute. Too bad I can't buy yet. hope next time still hv when I can start my shopping spree.
Icemilo: BB Hypermart & BB Kingdom is at Kaki Bukit. Shun Li Industrial Park. If u free u can go check out both places. I've been to Hypermart. Their selection of carseats and strollers can send make u giddy. When I went my tummy also small small, wearing only normal clothes. Yet pple there are dragging their kids/toddlers/babies along or are having bellies so huge that they might pop anytime. I felt so out of place then :p But coz it's on the way to my mom's place so we pop by to see-see-look-look
usually gynae fm KK dun gave extra supplement except for folic acid n obmin unless u ask for them.for me case, hubby ask whether i can take fish oil n calium, that's why i got it.
when i consult another gynae fm mount A during the first pregnancy, got gave me extra fish oil n iron pill.

u can ask for it if u want to take them.

hi gals,
saw fm newspaper sarong n walker are the main cause for kid accidents in s'pore.do pay extra attend if u r using any of them.i even got scolded by the doc(baby) when i told her i'm using them.

any way, my girl still sleep in sarong during the day n co-sleep whth my mun during the night.

i thk cot(those very high one) not very gd becos once bb reach 8-9 mths,they intend to climb up the cot if ur bb belong to super active one.that very same doc also say let bb sleep on mattress is much better than cot.(interm of $$, space n safety)
hi all,

I'm first time mom-to-be and I'm 11 weeks now. Just wondering anyone is about the same period as me. I just came back from US for a mth holiday, till now I still have no craving and appetite. At first I thou' my appetite will improve in a warmer climate, but it seems the same.
Just wonder anyone has good advise for me. thanks.
hi all mum-to-be,

I'm working for a motherhood magazine, we have a column that feature real pregnant woman with them sharing their pregnancy experience. If you don't mind showing your face + tummy of cos!..(we'll have pro makeup artist ), you can send me a private message.
thanks for the info about the heartbeat.. in the meantime will walk like astronaut...

Young Parents?

my gynae prescribed the obimin and calcium 600 for me. Last month I went to kkh pharmarcy to buy some so... he din prescribed the last round cos I still got a lot left.
hi anns..
u r not alone.... i'm one of them... till now.... 5th month plus....still no craving.... n not hungry... putting not too much weight... but just see the gyn yesterday... he say me size is okie...

but i might need to go for c-sect if my... (dunno know what is too low....) think i go back n check the report again.... sign~ bad news for me.... i wanted to go for natural birth one..
Hi Poshies,

When I was at my gynae's clinic the last time (during my 19th weeks), he also told me that my placenta was slightly low, but he told me not to worry as it may shift up in our later stage. During my pre-natal yoga, my instructress told me if I have low placenta is better not to squat. You may want to take note.
Hi ladies,
Good morning!!

Wow seems that preggie ladies can get MC very easily hor.. Everytime i go and see GP they will ask if i need MC.. So far i have taken 4 MCs from Nov till now.. Hehe..

Sorry to hear abt that. You gotta take care of ur health huh!

My bb also veri nauti.. I always experience those bubble bursting feeling as well... Yest i went for gynae checkup.. saw my bb shaking head and body moving abt, like a dancing bb!! Hahaha...
Must update us on ur scan later yah!!

Dun worry too much.. Is it cos ur placenta is low tats y got to go for c-sect? If my bb too big i also tot of opting for c-sect. Dun think i can tahan the pain lei.

Heard from news that many women now opting to go for c-sect. Only then i know that c-sect carries more risk than natural births.. How scary!

hey shane,
so when's ur next checkup??
my next check up is this friday ! can't wait. hope everything is ok.

try to eat small meals even if you don't have appetite. snack on nutritious stuff like those biscuits, fruits, etc.

anyone know y must go for Csection if placenta is low ?
i guess it is very risky by natural birth in case placenta gets detached... you won't be able to give birth again. A colleague of mine just told me hers was low and doctor asked her to rest in bed. She didn't exactly rest in bed all the time. Sometimes she sneak out... one fine morning, there was lots of blood found on the floor when she woke up to pee. She was then sent to hospital for emergency C-Section and thank God, her baby is fine though delivered two weeks early.
Thanks Ming, Shane...
I am in the progress on healing my emotional impact of the loss... I will take care of myself.
I am taking some "bu", like chinese herbs, chicken essence, yomeishu,... etc. But I still feel very weak and tiring, can't concentrate much..
morning gals!

yeah preggie women very easy to get mc 1.
everytime i went for gynea checkup, i'll ask for 1 day MC.

Btw, this year i've finished all my MC.
terrible hor.

So now I'm clearing all my leave, dun intend to B/F to next year as next year alot of leave liao.

Agreed with Blurmom, be it natural or C, so long bb is healthy can already.

Hi Anns,
Welcome here

It is common for us to have lack of appetite during the Trim 1. or even thr'out the pregnancy. So long ur gynea say u are ok, then dun be too worried, ok? You may check wif ur gynea wat other supplements he can provide u during this period .
time will heal. just take ur time to get over it. and take gd care of your health.

that sounds scary ....
u got so much leave ? I trying to save my leave to bring over to next yr, so that I can take more leave after the ML. u don't intend to do that ?
err i mean next year got 3 mths maternity leave, + 14 Days annual + 2 child leave, + 14 Days MC.
so quite alot for me.

I very sian of working now especially December, so think of clearing my leave slowly for this year.

Sighs, i think hor we women have to really take care of ourself during preggie & after preggie. Alot of changes in our body .....

yup agreed wif shane, take ur time to recover.
If you feel bored, just come online to chat wif us , ok?
u want to extend ur Maternity leave?
I think i cant afford to extend after 3rd mth. I'll be so worried abt my work man, dunno co. still got a table for me or not.

I think alot of work to clear man after I come bk from ML, so doubt I'll got time to take leave.
Also worried whether my backup will mess up my work or not.

Btw, I only have 5.5 days leave for this year..
ya i intend to take some leave after my ML so that can spend more time at home w baby. I not sure how my office will be like next yr. But my orgn pretty pro family, so i hope they con't to be like that then i can extend my stay at home longer hee hee ...
Hi gals,
i'm back from cutting hair..cant stand my hair..so just now went to cut my hair short..

ur bb is so cute..dancing for u...hmm..wonder when will i see the hands n legs of my bb..hopefully can see them on my next visit..

must be looking forward to ur visit on fri,right??
U must be dreading for Friday to come man!! Do keep us update after ur checkup huh!! bb shld be quite big by then!! Can see eyes too!!

Your co also pro-family! So is mine lei.. But I dun think can take long leave after my ML.. At most the extended month i switch to half day work for 2 mths instead of clearing it within a mth..

I also intend to bf as long as possible, pref up to 6 mths. My co also has a nursing room for bfg mums to express milk during office hrs.. So not too bad for me unless i dun enjoy bfg lor.

I heard Yomeishu is good. Take it every morning/night b4 sleep rite?? Now just concentrate on nursing ur health!

U veri super duper lei.. finished all ur MCs?? Did ur boss say anything? Whenever I return from MC my boss will talk to me and asked wat happen.. how come i fall sick so easily despite my big build! Maybe u shld come to my co.. 28 days MC!!! Take until u shiok!!

Dun kan cheong! U shld be able to see ur bb's hands and legs by week 11... When's ur next gynae checkup??
hi serrich,
my next appt is same as poohy,on 22 dec..hopefully lor...

i'm being paranoid again leh..cos i feel tt my bb is growing vv slowly hence the EDD is changed to jul leh...
geessh u making me paisay liao.

i think i take full 28 days MC, co. sure ask me like dunno wat.

I super lor.. cos before preggie, already took maybe half of the mc liao ....
so after preggie, the frequency even more. My boss dun ask me cos i always appear tired looking (cos no makeup) . hehehehe
They quite understanding though. My superior also the 1 tell me to take MC for gynea checkup instead of leave. So i hackcare lor.

wow ur co. so good, got bf room!!!
i wonder where can i squeeze the milk??!?!
I may end up squeezing in the toilet. *alamak*

yup yup, mai kan cheong, be cool. hehehehe

Ur next appt, u shd at least start to see a baby shape!
dun be paranoid, try to be cheerful !

everynite, tell ur bb u luv bb, & tell bb must grow healthily. Bb will noe 1
Yah, relax!! Talk to ur bb everyday. Can also sing song to ur bb!! I let my bb listen to music everday. I on the music cd o/n when i sleep as well...

When i was in my ex-co, i also fully utilise the MCs!! Hahahaa... My lady boss veri considerate never say anything also.. But now different.. I dunno if my boss will mind me taking MCs so frequently or nt..

Anyway heard that my gynae also nt generous with MCs.. Once my sil got staining, he onli gave her 2 days MC for bedrest while other gynaes will give 1 week. I went for gynae appts he also never asked if i need any MC or nt. How i wish i can get MC for every gynae checkup! Anyway 28 days how to fully utilise?!
last time was u preggie too?? this time ur 2nd pregnancy ah? haha we all quite tekong type hor ..

ya lor, better dun take so many mc if u duno whether ur boss mind or not ....

hmm i'm the 1 tat asked for MC 1 leh, my gynea din offer to give me mc. u mean u dun ask for mc when u go on wkday afternoon??
Btw at the very beginning of my pregnancy, i got blood clot + bb may not be growing well, my gynea only give me 1 day MC!

Then hor the next appt i went for scanning, the lady said u shd rest more, take more days MC.
So i asked for 3 days MC from Gynea, then she gave 1. From tat day onwards, i noe .. "ask & I shall be given." hahaha !

28 days alot leh, very hard to utilise 1. If u use all, i really salute u ! heee !
I under utilise my MC given by my company leh. I have 30days MC for a year but i only take 6-8 throughout the year.
Think must try to get more MC liao.

So you didn't buy anything on saturday's seminar lah?
serrich, i think you need to ask the gynae for the MC.. don't wait for him to initiate.. just tell him you need MC for that day and he should give loh..
hi serrich n twinklets,
okie..will try to be more positive..

did u get the music cds from twinklets's fren?there are so many to choose from,dunno what to get leh..
Hi Oreo and Ladies,

Here are the details for The Maternity House :

The Paragon #03-16 Tel : 6734 1848

Marina Singapore #02-152 Tel : 6334 1069

Plaza Singapura #04-15 Tel : 6238 6362

Happy shopping!

Talking about music, I went for Jay Chou's concert at Indoor Stadium recently. Was seated in front of some speakers so it was blasting throughout for whole 2 hours. Can feel the vibrations on the bag I am holding in front of my tummy to cut down the noise. I read some where that baby's hearing will be developed by 5th month. Do you all think it will be affect the baby?

Talking about music, I went for Jay Chou's concert at Indoor Stadium recently. Was seated in front of some speakers so it was blasting throughout for whole 2 hours. Can feel the vibrations on the bag I am holding in front of my tummy to cut down the noise. I read some where that baby's hearing will be developed by 5th month. Do you all think it will affect the baby?
No lah.. This is my first child.. I mean when i was in my ex-co also like to use up all the 14 days MCs! Keep falling sick, sometimes minor pbm also want to get MC lor..

Now have 28 days but try not to get MC lor.. In case my boss suan me again! Somemore i am his secretary! Last time admin position so different mah...

Yah, next visit i must ask for MC liao.. See if my gynea will give or nt.. But he always joke and chat with me and i will laugh and look happy esp when i see my bb, dun look sick lei.. Heheheh....

U realli good worker hor! Dun realli take MC one!! Your boss must be realli happi to have a worker like u! :)

I borrowed the cd from my colleague. The cd is "Golden collection of Richard Clayerman".. I like all the songs lei.. Listen so many times everyday also dun find it bored.. Maybe my bb also like the music as well!
<font color="0000ff">Hey Dewdrops</font>
Thanks for the location of Maternity House.

btw, gals, i' on 2 days MC too!
In fact, i've also under-utilised them. Got 14days MC per year but this is the 1st time i'm using them.
Tell you gals something very funny. I went for BBQ with my IL last weekend. Then i was helping out with the BBQ and i'm standing pretty near to the fire. I think BB was feeling very hot and she keeps kicking me non-stop as if to ask me to move away.
Sobe is nice but hor i read from the label and can't find calcium content. Must drink those calcium fortified ones from Marigold, NutriSoy etc. leh.
Hi serrich,
I taking Yomeishu only at night before sleep because after taking, i feel my body very warm and i am very sleepy... I can't take much, only 10ml.
Dewdrops: You oso went for Jay chou's concert..I ask my gynae b4 goin and she said its ok to go. But my bb dun seem to enjoy the music. I used my sweater to block the sound, its quite loud esp. the explosive. I am not very near speaker though. I didn't really enjoy the concert coz those fans keep shouting into my ears and its hurts. My back oso very pain coz stand too long.
thanks ming! i'll get nutrisoy then. fav is still sobe, but too bad.

i oso have 14 days mc, also haven't taken yet and it's end of year oredi!! my gynae oso din offer when i see him for checkup. but i did ask him if i need mc what should i do. he say just call the clinic and collect it the next time i go see him. sweet hor! but i paiseh lah. so i also din ask.
