(2005/02) Feb/Mar 2005 Babies

Hi Ladies,

Sorry for the interuption, I'm actually looking for friesbandit, cos i saw that she has a Medela PIS for sale. Would appreciate if she can contact me, as i'm really interested to get the pump.
I've juz given birth on 12 Mar, and the milk is slowly engorging, so really need a pump urgently.

Please email me at [email protected].

Thanks alot!!

Hi Ribena, Have a smooth delivery.
Now im feeling nervous too :p

Hi all,
May i know whether we will experience throw up during the last stage?Coz i had this sort of morning sickness throw up a couple of time.I hope this is not abnormal.
Hi ribena
You probably in the delivery ward liao. Jia You!!

Will keep my hp near to me for your good news!...

Hi ladies
Ray rashes on his neck has worsen!! Seem to be spreading from right to left & now a bit under his chin! So far, I only put some bb powder..not sure if this worsen the condition? Shld I get some cream from the pharmarcy now as I will only be going to see PD for his jab tomorrow...~sigh~
Hi Ribena, Kristen & Bonnygal,
Have a safe & smooth delivery! Soon u'll see ur little ones!

Hi Snowpooher,
Thank u very much! I got ur email liao!

Hi Folic,
Yeah..some ppl just anyhow touch our tummy when we pregnant..But i think i was more lucky..didn't meet such ppl. They'll nicely ask "Can i feel ur tummy?"
Anyway now no big tummy liao..only left a flabby one

Hi lbs,
I think most medication sold at pharmacies r too strong for our babies..so i think not advisable to buy off the shelf. Let his neck air more..try not to let his shirt irritate his skin.

Not sure abt powder..i've not put powder on Ashley yet..was afraid of her breathing in the particles & trigger asthma or allergy...haha! I'm so paranoid
hi joyce...poor thing. ur MIL sounds...*shudder*...
hang in there. everytime got something like that happen(with me it's my brother and sister in law) i let my hubby know. i'm sure ur hubby will support u. i can't help but feel that this time is v trying...but it also builds up the r/s between my hubby and i as we try and understand each other's situations.

jannie, my boy also seems colicky these few days. we tried massaging his tummy at nite (as directed by mrs wong fr tmc) in an inverted U-shape from his right side to left. one time, we felt this hard lump, and pushed it out. it came out in one loud fart with lotsa poo! he was much happier after dat. i have a qn ladies, how long do u burp ur babies? i usually just burp for 5 mins coz like got nothing come out like dat.

as for the pain in the breast, i think it's due to the milk ducts increasing in size/qty? when i tried to both latch bb on and express at the same time, my breasts started to feel painful and engorged, but no lumps. and started to leak too. so i just assume supply increasing to meet demand.

hi lbs, the nurses at tmc kept telling us baby powder not gd for baby. if wanna use, shld use the liquid kind. my ignatius also got rash on some parts of the body, but after we use the buttocks rash cream to apply, the rashes went away. u can try.
Hi doll,

Yah I recall the zoe show where xiu huan says she tell her 1st bb in her tummy that her eyes must look like her.. and true enuff eyes so round and big.. That time I was thinkg since mine is a boy doesnt matter double/single eye lid lah.. Now I regret preaching my tummy liao.. cos my boys eyes seem like single eyelid.. follow my hubby heehee..
Ok next time I try preach ok see whether effective or not..haha..

Hey u really obedient leh.. 4days wipe once.. me one day wipe twice.. Whos doing confinement for you, why so strict? U also never wash hair huh? I cant stand liao.. Im going to wash my hair today!

Hey me too! On my aircon to sleep at nite.. 27/28degree.. but the blower dun blow direct on me lah.. then u know my mum every nite keep nagging the same thing cannot ah.. last time we cant even open window, must wear long sleeves blah..blah.. I sleeping with my hubby in same room leh.. dun tell me my hubby also follow me to sleep in sauna meh..


Dun mind me asking how miserable is your breast milk flow? Cld it be comparable to me?.. I not even flowing out on its own leh.. its only dripping.. So now I pump out.. at most yesterday only 30ml. wat abt you? Dun feel so sad/frustrated due to low volume.. I also feel kinda disappointed but not to the extent of affecting my mood lah.. as long as I tried my best, Ive got no regrets.. (sounds familiar.. copy from William Hung.. heehee )

Hey u sure? Your MIL touch your breast infront of so many others? But with clothes on lah huh? If for me, Ill shout at her liao.. So disrespectful..


Talking abt this dischrg thing.. I also wonder is it cause by breast feeding leh.. For my case, after 1 week of bright red dischrg, now it has turn brownish.. but I realize after pumping milk or massage my dischrg turn to red again..
How come ah? Is it norm?.. You also same thing? I read from books hor.. red dischrg wld continue till the end of 2nd week.. thereafter brownish then yellowish for the last 2weeks..

Glad that your party is a enjoyable one.. also a good celebration for you to "severe ties" with your CL huh? Heehee .. Oh u wont be login in huh?.. No worries I can still sms you to keep in touch..
So u wont be staying in sembw ah, going back to mothers house? Im thinking of wat happens when my mum leaves me and BB alone during my 2nd month of maternity leave.. think Ill also have to place my son in my mums place.. dun think I can cope alone..

Hi friesbandit,

Yah lah.. the urinator bag is such a nuisance for me when getting up/down my bed.. I mean I know my gyne is for my own good lor so I have to REN.. True leh.. save my toilet paper $ haha.. Nowadays realize that my toilet roll use super fast .. can finish a roll in 2 days time..

Oh really wats the difference betw spinal epid and epid? Thought both injected the same way leh.. So your 1st injection is spinal epid then follow by GA?
hi gals,

just an update..

Kristen has been admitted to hospital this morning 7am.. Guess now she shld be in the labour ward liao.. or mayb BB already delivered!

Let's wish her all the best and look forward to her joining us back again!
Hi elle, don't use how much u have pumped out as a guage of how much milk you have. If you latch your baby, the supply will be ther and the baby will suckle until satisfied. Jia you!

friesbandit, are you b/feeding your baby? I was told that if direct latch, there is no need to burp, only bottle feed then need. If I feed by bottle, I will burp for a couple of mins.

hi elle, mine is still 30-50 ml. but i do let my bb latch on in btw the pumps, ss will be even lesser. that's why i still dun understand the ss and dd theory... i latch and express every other hour, still no ss. yesterday, my sis helped me massage my breast and said that she can feel the blocked ducts. suppose to have 5 "outlets" on the nipples but when she squeezed, can only see 1 or 2. today, she arranged for another malay lady to try to clear my blocked ducts... hopefully my milk flow can be more when all are cleared.

friesbandit, do u put some bb oil or ruyi oil when massaging?

folic, so when u try to burp for a couple of mins, your bb will burp? i will try for abt 5-10 mins, if dun burp, pass him to mom or maid to continue.... still cannot. one day at most manage to burp once or twice.... very difficult...... how how?
wah, hheeh this thread really runs fast !!

snowpooher, can email me also ? currently doing@home liao , have four seasons in mind
was not allowed to use outside function rm
email : [email protected]

jannie, it's rubbing @the sides then behind is rub more @ the hip area.. know not gd to do after a feed..

when eat more "bu" stuff" it will get a bit reddish then go back to yellow so it's normal. haha ok lah, mi average looking nia :p
hehe my hubby decided to have minimum 2 kids which i find it ok so tat there's a sibling for ruixuan :p

ribena/kristen !! heheh tink u should have delivered by now liao !! congrats !!

hi elle, heheh u also watch the show ! i also duno how effective hehe but kiasu better :p actually no one is really doing the confinement for me, my MIL can't come to our house coz they r doing prayers..
4 days is wipe with foam then if there's a need then i wipe my body with water. heheh got wash hair lah, washed on the 6th day coz i didn't want to go TMC in the middle of night looking like a dirty mother :p
now is every 4/5 then wash hair. my hubby hopes i can follow as much as i can so trying loh.. coz either do confinement or do away with it which means food also eat normal not confinement stuff. plus i have migraine n a weak back so i try to follow to c if it helps..
my mum dun bother much liao coz she feels the weather so hot, she also buay tahan. so she let me do whatever i want. by going out shopping already major taboo for confinement :p had to convince my hubby to let me go jalan jalan...
kanna "scolded" by my hairdresser :p when went to his shop. told me to wipe brandy on my scalp after wash hair to reduce "wind".
hehe the air con blower also dun blow direct, instead it blowing @ my wardrobe. heheh my hubby replaces ur mum in nagging !! he say he will tahan with me :S

gals, reading about ur MIL, sort of make me relieve tat mine is not doing confinement for me... cannot imagine my MIL doing this to me, tink my hubby will scream on my behalf..
Hi friesbandit, usually she will burp after a while. If after 5/10 mins still no burp, means no wind? or mebbe u can try other position to burp?

Hi all,
I'll still burp Ashley if i direct BF. If she's gonna burp, she'll do it in <5mins. If not she won't burp. But sometimes if she's already asleep after her feed (esp if i BF her lying down), then i dun burp her.

I think her regurgitation problem is bad with bottle feeds. Maybe it's the way i hold the bottle...&amp; i tot bottle-feeding is easy...

Hi Doll &amp; Elle,
I think my discharge same like Elle's for the 1st 2 wks. Goes back to red for a while after i BF/pump. Now it's yellowish...i hope it'll end soon.

Hi Elle,
I think ur BM supply is ok leh
Bcos like wat Folic says, the amt u pump out is NOT = amt baby can get from latching. Baby can get more
hello girls,
wow, didn't come in for a day and so many postings...cannot keep up!

lbs/doll/omg, yesterday we brought emma to the pd cos her face rash was really bad. it covers the whole cheeks and some on the ears and a bit on her chest (upper part). Guess like ray's, it spread all over! PD says it's some dunno what dermatitis...something to do with the pores being blocked, i think similar to our white heads. so young already got such bad skin! aiyo... poor baby!! Anyway apparently quite common, in 60% of infants. but emma's prob worsened cos of the heat, as we had to sun her due to her jaundice. You;re supposed to keep them cool and it's rather itchy, which explains why she has been rather irritable lately and uses her mittens to rub her face. We were advised to use lactacyd to wash the affected area, after that use some cream (a friend recommended Physiogel - but quite ex, can get from pharmacy) and if it doesn't get better, must see a dermatologist. aiyo, so small already got so many problems!

on a happier note, her jaundice is much better! PD was happy to discharge her, as her eyes are much whiter now and he said still got some jaundice, but much better and levels should be quite low now so we didn't have to do the blood or liver function test. Thank God! We were so so worried...and hopefully now that we don't have to sun her so much, her rash will be better.

doll, i ordered the Wishing Star ones for my friends, and the Little Pinky ones for my relatives. My friends' had no red eggs, only the lolly, choc and toffee. As for the relatives, i included red eggs for them cos they mostly come in families. they should be contacting you soon, takes about a day or two. You will love it! It's really very nice. i used kriston but Purple Sage has really nice food. just that kriston has some citibank special so we went ahead with them instead.
Oh by the way, talking about colic, my pd warned that real colic often begins in week 6....so brace yourselves!!! And he says that it helps if you hold your baby upright after feeds, or when he/she cries, as it is very painful cos the acids from the stomach will go up the oesophagus. and when we try it emma's a lot happier. so last week we cought a baby carrier, and nowadays when i bring her out, i will carry her in it and she's really a lot happier. even at home when she cries a lot and nothing pacifies her, i'll put her in the carrier and walk around and she is quiet!
omigosh, bottle-feeding is not as easy as we thought.. the teat has to properly placed in her mouth if not alot of wind will go into her tummy. then the milk has to fill the teat n the neck of the bottle...
hehe i also hoping for the discharge to end soon, cannot tahan changing the panty liner. 5-6 times a day..

tiny, for alyssa it comes on n off.. alyssa also always use mittens to rub her face but even when her face is clear she does tat
didn't know about the skin prob.. muz keep a lookout liao..

mi not getting one joy. the booklet i had didn't state about minimum 15boxes.. so ended ordering all cakes. coz my mum wants cakes. ended ordering like 40 boxes of cakes !!
heng , this is the reduced amt of not * BIG BIG HOLE* how was kriston food , was it nice ? mi haven't really decide on a caterer yet :p

oh colic starts after week 6, i did know tat sitting upright is better to burp hmm muz take note...
oh no tiny

I am seeing the PD tomorrow..hopefully Ray's rashes not going to worsen further..so far didnt see him rubbing the affected area with hs mitten yet so not really sure if they are irritating to him or not...
So the cream has to get from pharmacy huhh?

Mayb tonite I will let him sleep in the aircon room liao...
doll/lbs, i think better to check with your pd abt the rash b4 you get any cream. if it's the same condition, then don't use oil based ones. maybe yours not so severe? but apparently lactacyd is good for baby's bath cos it only contains lactic acid andd doesn't have those commercial detergents like sodium laureth sulphate, which even Johnson's baby bath has. but i guess more ex lor...if your baby has sensitive skin then no choice.

kriston food ok lah, nothing fantastic but not too bad. we ordered the lunch and the high tea buffet - had 2 seatings - lunch for friends and tea for relatives. the tea was nicer. so tiring! but it was pretty fun!
lbs, actually no need to let him sleep in a/c room.. fan is enuf. we bought alyssa for a 2hr in a/c room. it did get better but she started a bit of sneezing so we stopped ...

tiny, i checked kriston
rewards not applicable for eve of PH.. then purple sage is not halal but there's surcharge after 10.30pm..
mine is from 7pm-11pm..
Hey, show you gals something interesting.


Aloysius and Jonas

Do you think both of them look alike?

Somemore they looked like ah pek hor?
hey girls, the malay masseur just left after massaging my breasts for 1 hr. better now. but will have another session tmrw to better clear all the blockage.

elle, according to this masseur, pple with small breasts like me (i m still an A cup now), will have less storage place for milk. we will need to pump out more often, if not, once the storage is used up, milk will just leak out loh. our milk production is like others who can pump 4-5 oz each time, just that less storage loh, that's why difficult to get that quantity. feel so much better after listening to her explanation. so now must work harder to pump more often....
Hi Jannie,
Wow! ONE HOUR of breast massage? Anyway good to hear that the blockage is clearing up!

Hi Joyce,
Ur 2 boys really alike leh..Jonas is a little fairer though

Hi Tiny,
Actually i was reading up on colic...then was thinking Ashley's sounds more like just wind..not really colic. Hopefully she dun develop colic at 6wks!
Hope Emma's rashes gets better! Good that her jaundice is down.

Ashley's one today checked--191. Slightly lower but still need to monitor..poor girl, keep having her blood taken every few days!

Hi Doll,
Yup must burp upright! And i read that some babies burp better with his/her head/chin at ur shoulder, so the whole body is upright. Cos when babies r burped in sitting, sometimes their tummy get compressed &amp; maybe cannot burp as well.
omigosh, i place alyssa sitting on my lap n burp her. when lean her forward, she finds it easier to burp. poor ashley.. they take blood from the feet right. her feet muz be bruised from the blood taking...

jannie, the malay masseur is from where ? hehe tinking of having extra massage:p dunno can or not
doll, of course you can do as many massage sessions as u like...this malay lady not bad leh.. today, she spent 1 hr on my breasts (not including the 10-15 mins waiting for me to espress my milk b4 the breasts massage), then abt 1/2 hr trying to get the wind out of my tummy. manissa did not do that at all. she say today spent too much time on my breasts, no time to do full body massage. will see tmrw situation, if breasts no need so much time, she will do full massage for me. very cheap leh, $45 per session. i think this should be the way to do massage.. not tied down by time and do the more needed area. when i asked manissa, she say they do not touch the breasts at all. if need to massage breasts, must charge extra!!! so i will not go back to them for post-natal anymore next time. i will update u on this malay lady's skills tmrw, if she does full body for me lah.

joyce, your boys look so alike!!! so cute......
Hi gals,

I am so so tired! Yi Xuan has been up all nite yesterday for almost hourly feeds and this continue for the whole today until now... xiong ah!! my arms are really aching! Hopefully it is jus a growth spurt and that she will be quieter tonite.

Jannie, can i hv the contact of your masseur?

hi jannie, hehe i also wan the ctc of ur masseur. $45 per session really cheap leh :p coz my tummy n belly stil a bit bloated.. is she as young as manisa or those elderly kind ?

will b waiting for ur feedback on full body massage

folic, hourly ah ! how much she drink each time ?
lbs, tiny, i used aloe vera gel on my boy's rashes leh... seems to work... but when it gets hot in the afternoon, new rashes will appear.. so i think i need to keep him cool tmrw afternoon to prevent that...
aiyo Joyce
your two boys look really alike ler..hahahaa....one look like just came back from suntanning at GoldCoast &amp; one look like having spent his X'mas at Scandinavan!

hi tiny
really hope so but cant help feeling worry when see his rashes like spreading..

Hi doll
Just told hubby the aircon plan tonite...he said better not too cos our last visit, PD said Ray most prob has 'inherit' his daddy sensitive nose..later nose stucked lagi jialat!...~sigh~
hi lbs, ur hubby same as my hubby got sensitive nose. went for operation b4 somemore coz something was "stuck" thatz y we r cautious about placing her in a/c

heheh anyway gals, know of any gd cream to apply on the abdominal ?
hi elle, i think the difference between a spinal and epidural is the type of medicines used and the location injected?

my breast milk supply also v miserable. i usually pump when i hafta go out to see gynae etc, else still normally latch bb on. so i hafta time the pumping in between feeds so that i dun go dry and next time bb wants milk, i still have. each time i'll pump for abt 25mins, and only also got abt 30ml of milk, but mostly from one side.

hi folic, yes i'm b/fding baby, but still got wind. coz sometimes when i sit him uprite, a huge burp comes out.
didn't know colic only really kicks in at 6wks. a bit scared now. will burp extra diligently then.

can i ask when u express the BM, how much do u normally feed a 1wk+ baby? i went gynae yest and express abt 1.5ounce...but it took me 3 times of pumping to get so much! but bb slept through so my hubby fed him bottle last nite. Ignatius finish all leh! i was wondering does dat mean he drank 3 times the amt he normally drinks? he looked a bit drunk after dat. heheheh.

hi ladies, besides one-joy, where are you gals getting the traditional cakes/angkukueh/glutinuous rice from? my MIL wants the full works. any recommendations? my FIL v gan cheong spider, want me to settle it soon. my bb only 11 days old! *hiaz*
i checked the Pine Gardens cake website but got nothing leh. emailed Wei already, also no reply.
Friesbandit, I asked the nurse before how much newborn drinks. They say for breast milk, jus offer as much as they want, even when you pump. So for my girl, usually she will drink about 50ml each time. I pack the frozen milk in 40-50ml packs.

friesbandit, just keep on letting your boy latch on and expressing in btw if there's a need. i realised that even though my ss is miserable, when ah boy latch on after i express out, he can still get milk.... so expressing out is not an indication of how much milk we have....

i m almost giving up BFing liao cos last 2 days i can only manage like 10-20ml per pump.. thank goodness got the massage lady to come clear my blocked ducts... now the ss is slowly kicking in again....
hi gals,

Same as Ribena, Kristen has given birth yesterday! Her BB boy was delivered via c-sec yesterday 9am plus weighs exactly same as my boy 3.05kg!

Congrats Kristen! Hope she'll join us back with her story soon..
hi jannie,

glad to here wat your massage lady said..
Me also got small breast.. so i think small = little storage huh?.. heehee..

Me too get my massage lady to massage my breast for me yesterday..and i feel that the flow comes faster.. I think today will request also..

lets jiayou together huh..
hi friesbandit,
m getting my cakes / snacks(mini chicken pie n egg tarts) from primadeli. comes with 4 eggs n 4 ang ku kueh. if u intend to get primadeli, can pass u my friend's ctc for 10% discount.

heheh anyway ang ku kueh for gals n boys r diff. pointed for boys , curved for gals.

jannie, although i stopped b/f liao.. but which pump u using coz the manual avent has this letdown cushion. does help to start the milk to flow...
hi folic/jannie, thanks for reassurance. we were convinced we bloated our ignatius last nite! haha then were v puzzled when 2 hrs later he wanted to feed again. my hubby thought he wun be hungry for the next 6 hrs. heheh

hi blessedbride, melrose is the most aggressive cake shop. all the freebies packages got their flyer. now i'm trying to compare prices lor...and how to juggle the different combis for family and frens.

hi doll, how much is the cake/4 eggs/4 akk combi? that's the combi my MIL wants. then i was thinking can get the vouchers for frens. everything in one place
hi friesbandit,

haha..i didnt know they were the most aggressive! My Brother In Law recomended to us..cos of their variety...i chose a 4 diff types and play around w it for my firends and relatives...i have contacted pine garden before , their packages more ex and i find the packaging not that nice....not very efficient also...enjoy ur first month!
doll, what is a letdown cushion and what is it for? i do have an old avent isis pump from my SIL but i dun dare to use leh... her youngest kid is like 3 years old liao....so the pump is rather old....
hi friesbandit,

these r the Full Month Packages* (haven't discount yet)
- Butter/Marble Cake with 4 Ang Ku Kuehs and
4 Red Eggs - $10.00
- Banana/Walnut/Fruit Cake with 4 Ang Ku Kuehs and 4 Red Eggs - $11.00

hm no discount for vouchers, hehe i asked before :p for vouchers hor, not everyone like. coz my colleagues n hubby colleagues did feedback say nowadays so "ke yan" give voucher to collect urself. that was when i was preggie so gave that idea a miss.

wan to PM me your number then i get him to call u? then u can give him the number of cakes u wan then ask him to quote u the total cost then u can compare with other shops. if u need delivery, ask him about it also.
hi jannie,

letdown is milk ejection reflex.. normally if bb is feeding on the breast, their mouoth will induce the effect. for pumping, it gets pretty difficult. the avent has this extra "spongy funnel" to place inside the pump to get the effect of ur bb's mouth..

for mine is i massaged my breast 1st then use the letdown cushion with the pump, then u will notice ur milk start to flow then can remove the cushion n resume with normal pump.. if spurting milk , wait till no more spurt liao then switch over :p
How to promote letdown:

<font color="0000ff">Certain things can interfere with letdown.
- Stress or embarrassment.
- You might want to nurse in private until your letdown reflex is well-established (usually two or three weeks).
- Dehydration. Make sure you are drinking and eating well.
- Excessive amounts of alcohol or caffeine. Alcohol and caffeine also pass into the breastmilk and can harm your baby. It's a good idea to drink no more than one alcoholic drink and a couple of cups of coffee a day.
- Nicotine. Smoking harms your baby in more than one way! </font>

- Relax. Make yourself comfortable.
- Put on some of your favorite music.
- Dim the lights if this helps.
- If your baby is crying frantically, ask your mate or someone else to try to comfort the baby a little first. Then nurse.
- If necessary, apply warm wasclothes to your breast.
- Massage your breast gently, stroking towards the areola.
- Use your labor relaxation and breathing techniques.
<font color="ff6000"><font face="Trebuchet MS"><blink><u><font size="+1">Congrats to all our Mommies to be in 2005!!</font></u>

<font face="Trebuchet MS"><font color="0000ff">Updated as @ wk 16-Mar</font>
<font face="Trebuchet MS"><table border=1><tr><td>UserName</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Week</TD><TD>Deliver at</TD><TD>Gender </TD></TR><TR><TD>Scarydoggie</TD><TD>14-Mar</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Elisa</TD><TD>17-Mar</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lee-Tung</TD><TD>23-Mar</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Butterscotch</TD><TD>25-Mar</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bonnygal</TD><TD>27-Mar</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Olivetree</TD><TD>29-Mar</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Girl</td></tr></table></font>

<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000"><font face="Trebuchet MS">*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Popped*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*</font></font></font><font face="Trebuchet MS"><table border=1><tr><td>UserName</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Pop Date</TD><TD>Deliver at</TD><TD>Gender</TD><TD>Baby's weight </TD></TR><TR><TD>HappyBuns</TD><TD>28/01</TD><TD>29/01</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Baby Marcus</TD><TD>2.405kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Steamboat</TD><TD>02/02</TD><TD>03/02</TD><TD>RH</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>3.300kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tiny</TD><TD>05/02</TD><TD>30/01</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD>Baby Emma</TD><TD>2.775kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Keruri</TD><TD>12/02</TD><TD>02/02</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD>Baby Gwyneth</TD><TD>3.280kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babygrace</TD><TD>14/02</TD><TD>02/02</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD>Baby Joshua Kyle</TD><TD>2.410kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Litebreeze</TD><TD>15/02</TD><TD>05/02</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Baby Jovan</TD><TD>3.005kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Well</TD><TD>17/02</TD><TD>04/02</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD>Baby Lucas</TD><TD>2.795kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jannie</TD><TD>24/02</TD><TD>17/02</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>2.635kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Qdee</TD><TD>24/02</TD><TD>17/02</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Baby Nayli</TD><TD>3.160kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babyvon</TD><TD>27/02</TD><TD>18/02</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Baby Kaden</TD><TD>3.700kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lyn_baby</TD><TD>27/02</TD><TD>15/02</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Baby Valerie</TD><TD>3.240kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Joyce</TD><TD>01/03</TD><TD>25/02</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Baby Jonas</TD><TD>3.470kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Stephie</TD><TD>01/03</TD><TD>27/02</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>2.840kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>lbs</TD><TD>02/03</TD><TD>24/02</TD><TD>ESH</TD><TD>Baby Ray</TD><TD>2.990kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Laugh</TD><TD>06/03</TD><TD>17/02</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>3.000kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Doll</TD><TD>06/03</TD><TD>23/02</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Baby Alyssa</TD><TD>2.610kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Snowpooher</TD><TD>07/03</TD><TD>15/02</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Baby Jolene</TD><TD>2.860kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Elle</TD><TD>08/03</TD><TD>05/03</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Baby Darryl</TD><TD>3.050kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wenn</TD><TD>08/03</TD><TD>06/03</TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>3.420kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Seiko</TD><TD>08/03</TD><TD>26/02</TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>2.620kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bluebell</TD><TD>08/03</TD><TD>08/03</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Baby Vera</TD><TD>2.790kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>KC</TD><TD>14/03</TD><TD>03/03</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>3.530kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cheese</TD><TD>15/03</TD><TD>17/02</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>2.620kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ribena</TD><TD>15/03</TD><TD>15/03</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>??kg
</TD></TR><TR><TD>Folic</TD><TD>18/03</TD><TD>02/03</TD><TD>RH</TD><TD>Baby Yi Xuan</TD><TD>2.770kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Friesbandit</TD><TD>18/03</TD><TD>06/03</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Baby Ignatius</TD><TD>3.330kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ohmigosh</TD><TD>20/03</TD><TD>24/02</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Baby Ashley</TD><TD>2.290kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fatmtb</TD><TD>22/03</TD><TD>09/03</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>2.815kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kristen</TD><TD>25/03</TD><TD>15/03</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>3.050kg

<font size="+2"><font color="119911"><font face="Trebuchet MS">*~*~*~*~*MIA*~*~*~*~</font></font></font>
<font face="Trebuchet MS"><table border=1><tr><td>UserName</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Week</TD><TD>Deliver at</TD><TD>Gender </TD></TR><TR><TD>Winnie</TD><TD>14-Feb</TD><TD>40++</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Vig</TD><TD>17-Feb</TD><TD>40++</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Skinnyma</TD><TD>6-Mar</TD><TD>40++</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>-- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lilac</TD><TD>9-Mar</TD><TD>40++</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>-- </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table></font></font>
