(2005/02) Feb/Mar 2005 Babies

Oh <font color="119911">OMG</font>, ur Ashley looks so sweet!!
Dun think u r quite bad in taking pics lah, cos i find her really adorable!!
How old was she in this pics?

Yap, my BB was same as urs at 36wks!!
Actually she was supposed to be 2.6kg base on scan and turned out to be only 2.4kg.
Agreed that one of our concern is their weight! Image Zoe BB already 3.6kg when borned...

If u bring Ashley to see PD, asked them to weigh.

Well, jia you ok! Soon u will be "released"!!
For me, i actually secretly bath and shampoo my hair when i almost 2wks!! Really cannot stand myself so sticky and smelly!! Furthermore, must breastfeed... Yucks..

hi tiny,

still waiting for one-joy to contact me :p which design did u choose ? mi taking little pinky :p getting half of my gifts from joy coz still have to get traditional cakes for the rest hehe "compromise"

did u cater for full born makan, can let in which caterer u used :p
Hi omg/doll
Both your gals so cute!! hahaha, I dont have to worry my Ray no target next time..

Yesterday night, Ray being cranky again for his feed @11pm+..This morning also the same. he seems to be hungry very fast even though he was latched for abt 45 mins (i am sure there is plenty of milk cos they are not just leaking!) &amp; 60ml of formula!! Perhaps he is really undergoing his growth sput...i shld be worried if he is not drinking well but when he is really cranky &amp; impatient of getting his milk milk, sometimes, i really buay tahan...I really hope this is only temporarily...

btw, anyone know when bb will get more into routine on their feeding time? Some of the days, my boy seem to be really into schedule but sometimes..~sigh~
Hi all,
Haha! Thank u for the compliments! But i think all babies are cute lah

Hi Doll,
Ur Alyssa very sweet &amp; fair hor?
Actually i thk she looks a bit "mixed" leh!

Hi Ocean,
Forgot when i took the pic..i think when she's abt 2wks old. Today she's 18 day old.
Actually i showered 2nd day when i returned home..then kena scolded left, right &amp; centre. After that was bath with the herbal water. 1st time wash hair i think was ~10days...really bey tahan. My hair was always wet from my perspiration...so disgusting! Nowadays i bath every 2 days &amp; wash hair every 4 days

Hi lbs,
haha! Dun worry..nowadays more girls than boys. Ray sure no problem finding girlfriendSS next time..heehee!
As for routine..Ashley also no routine one...sometimes i thought very good liao...then change again

Last night, gave Ashley 60ml of formula at 9pm, then she demanded again at 10pm..so i latched her for 1 hour..she was like starving....but then after that vomitted (~1 tablespoon). And she was like a bit blur after that...so worrying! So i've decided to bring her to a PD later. HB &amp; me were wondering whether her bottle-feed had been contaminated
wow alyssa and ashley the eyes big big one. *envious* my ignatius hardly open his eyes. crusted all the time. clean and clean still like dat.

hi wenn, yeah just noticed date after u mentioned. gd gd...like dat can compare behaviour/symptoms/etc...so i know wat's "normal". so paranoid abt everything now.

thanks doll/jannie for all the reassurance on the regurgitation on milk. is it harmful to keep giving him Infacol before his feeds? i noticed there's a maximum amount listed for kids above 2yrs on the box, but none for infants.

i agree on the non-consistency of their feeds! my boy's behaviour every night also different...i'm so tired from catching up! hope his body clock is just adjusting to our time.

i tried pasting my boy's photo...but too big. must get my hubby to resize it. now using his "lock-cock" computer at his place during my confinement. heh
my birth story:

04 Mar:
0900 - regular gynae checkup. cervix check: dilation 0 cm. amnoitic fluid low. baby movement low. contractions started. mild and irregular.

05 Mar:
0900 - check in and inserted first prostene tablet to soften cervix and induce labour. dilation 0cm. contractions were mild and irregular.
1635 - started to feel regular contractions 3 mins apart.
1700 - Cervix check. Dilation less than 1 cm. inserted 2nd prostene tablet. contractions continue.
2330 - baby turned to face my front instead of facing my back at 2300hrs. back labour very unbearable. requested for epidural.

06 Mar:
0000 - cervix check. dilation 1 cm. epidural administered
0620 - cervix check. dilation 2 cm. Gynae manually stretch to 3 cm and broke waterbag.
1040 - cervix check. dilation 3 cm. gynae suggest emergency c-section.
1100 - wheel into operating theatre for epidural c-section. but epidural not effective. felt the knife cutting the final pernineal layer. anaestethist quickly administered GA.
1122 - Ignatius joins us!!!

i think my pelvic bone also too narrow like Elle's so baby couldn't move down and get engaged. and my urine also bloody one. nursees said it's coz of baby hitting against bladder. will check with my gynae during next check up so can mentally prepare if future babies all ceasarean babies.
hi lbs,

heheh yah loh like wat omigosh said, nowadays alot of gals no worries heheh
tink we shouldn't worry about their feeding timing.. we were trying to go by 3hourly until 1week ago, it became erratic something like alyssa drinks 90ml then cries for milk 45min n drinks 40ml.. so read up n found tat after 2wks theri growth spurt do affects their feeding..
so now we go by *cry on demand* easier.. but also lookout @ her tummy. sometimes her tummy so bloated then stil wan milk. but we try not to give...

hi omigosh, hehe yah loh. all babies look cute. look mix mah ? heheh i find tat she looks so much like her daddy heheh except for the sweet look *mi bu yao lian* :p was telling my hubby tat she dun look mix

envy, at least u can bathe... mi cannot
so far haven't bathe yet :p but got wipe.. every 4 days. during my massage, it was everyday.. wash hair depends.. so far only wash hair 4 times. hubby ask me to tahan until cannot then wash..

friesbandit, hehe dun wori.
alyssa didn't really open her eyes fully so fast. tink after the 2 weeks then she had expressions n eyes openly fully..
i dun give infancol.. i only burp her b4 feeding to remove any excess wind juz in case..
heheh u can try using "PAINT" under accessories to resize. "Image-> Stretch/skew"
ur birth story sounds "painful &amp; traumatic", have to go thru so much *sayang sayang* how r u feeling now ?

oh yah, anyone experiencing menstrual cramps feeling ? i had that early this morning, was very painful !! my vagina n belly was aching like hell... lasted for 30+mins..
hi OMG,

Wow you use spoon to feed for the 1st few days ah? Damn xiong hor.. dun think i've the patient leh.. Yup u r rite, i'll have to let Darryl latch on b4 he cries and get angry due to hunger.
I notice when he start crying for milk no matter how i try he wld 'reject' my nipple and go for bottle instead

Hey your gal so cute.. got really big eyes! look like u or daddy?


hey envy you leh.. your milk can 'spray' out one ah?..thks for the encouragement i think i shall start pumping daily to stimulate my breast since darryl dun really like to latch. Oh yesterday i pump got slightly more milk 20ml.. hope today will improve again..


Ya lor breast milk is free and also no need to sterilise bottles so troublesome hor.. ok i'll try to drink more fluid and massage more.. hope that'll helps.

U feeding your BB full breast milk huh?
Wow.. can save $.


Thanks for the choz address!
Oh u ever heard dr ang's son calling him? If he's 40 then i think he has married late. I notice his wife quite ON one.. every now and then call him .. during my last nite visit to his clinic the wife call him to 'rush' him back.. preg lady need hubby more mah.. U know the wife preg with the 4th one?
Just came back from PD..he says it's likely to be wind..&amp; gave some ridwind. Also gave Ashley some nose-drops for her blocked nose. &amp; he said maybe i overfed her yday

But if she wanna suck &amp; i dun let her, she'll cry leh...HOW? Must i resort to pacifier?

Hi Ocean,
Heheh! Yeah! Measured her weight at PD just now..now she's 2.9kg
Quite happy that she's gaining weight..although not a lot but still happy

My scan that time also showed she was 2.4-2.6kg..then came out only 2.29kg

Hi Doll,
Is ur hubby angmoh or mixed?
The cramp feeling..i also have it on &amp; off, esp after BF..maybe it's uterus contracting?
Why u cannot bathe? Not allowed? Nowadays very hot leh...i cannot tahan! I also only wash bair 4 times

Hi Friesbandit,
It sounds scary that ur epidural didn't work &amp; they had to give u GA! Hope u're coping well from the C-section! Dun strain ur tummy!
Ashley's eyes also crusted sometimes..just wipe with wet cottonwool.

B4 i forgot to update.. Bluebell has given birth to Baby Vera on actual EDD 08/Mar weighs 2.79kg.
Lets hope that she cld come and join us back soon! Congrats!


why u wanna stop breast feed totally? if u have milk u shld continue leh..

Hi Doll,

I love your BB double eye lid.. so obvious and pretty.. yah agree with the rest, she look abit mixed huh?..

haha me also not allowed to bath.. my mum watch me stricly.. i wipe my body daily lor.. U wipe every 4days ah? sure? For hair i secretly wash last sat when my mum's not in.. heehee..
U know hor.. i wash hand also must use herb water. so ma-fun..but i dun care lah..once toilet door close i jus use tap water to wash my hands and legs..


Hey my boy's eyes always got those yellow eye shit sticking on his lids.. no matter how many times i wipe each day hor.. after his nap sure got this eye shit again.. sometimes dry liao.. very difficult to wipe off.. frustrating leh!

Hi Friesbandit,

wow.. i really salute you ! U able to tahan the labour pain for sooooo many hours!.. Me after 6hours of torture wanna give up liao.. u still can tahan over nite.. Dun you feel the contraction pain making you wanna die? I really felt tat leh..

Looks like your birth story more dramatic than mine..after 10hours dilate 3cm only? i thought my 6hours 3cm already terok.. but anyway, most imptant BB safe and healthy .. the pain becomes history liao..
Hey.. we can discuss more leh.. situation similar huh?.. you gyne also say your pelvis bone narrow huh? how many days did you hang onto the urinator tube?.. No doubt my urine was cleared of blood the 2nd day.. but my gyne insist to monitor me a week leh.. so i'm forced to bring the urinator bag with me till last Fri.. so malu you know..
But lucky thing is on wed the urine bag broke and gyne gotta take out for me liao..

hey..u must rest well ok.. we r weaker than those who merely go for c sec cos our bladder is also hurt due to the pushing while trying for natural..

really, U feel the knife cutting pain? For me perhaps b4 that i've already smelled alot of the laughing gas so abit blur liao.. so once they inject the spinal epidural i feel so shiok to be able to lie down and rest..every though i hear the noisy cutting noise i just rest and let them do everything.. half hour later i see my baby liao..
hi omigosh,

heheh u also dun intend to introduce pacifier so soon.. carry leh , does it help? we juz need to carry alyssa up then put her down then she won't cry.. dunno feel insecure or not thatz y cry..
hhaha my hubby is chinese, it's me who is mixed :p chinese &amp; indian. but the cramps tend to get painful..like "suan tong".
my MIL &amp; granny in law say die die say cannot bathe. n wash hair. hubby compromise washing hair liao but bathing is a
. yah loh , itz very hot.. so @ night on aircon haha but @ 26 or 27 degrees
better than nothing :p

went n walk walk about yesterday , ended with aching hips hiaz...
hi elle , hehe need joyce to update coz the copy is not posted :p
heheh bluebell muz be having her hands full !!

heheh yah elle, i also love my bb's eye lid heheh that was the 1st thing i searched when i carried her the 1st time :p the "chen xiuhuan on zoe's show" lah, say 1st 2 child she say eye big big then 3rd one didn't say in the end follow her hubby's small eyes.. so in the last 2 mths i keep rubbing n say take after mummy's eyes . *typical sg* kiasu :p

yah loh , wipe every 4 days, lesser contact with water the better .. hiaz hehe 1week plus more to go. i try to tahan with johnson n dettol wipes :p
heheh i also had to wash face n wash hands n brush teeth with ginger hot water.. hehe after 2 weeks.. hubby also cannot tahan :p so now i also use tap water :p

hehe the eye shit will go off/reduce :p

hi Doll, thanks for the tip. got it resized!

thanks all for the concern. i was so determined to have natural birth...*hiaz* sometimes baby calls the shots! but i agree, the pain is forgotten, and i'd do it all over again.

Elle, thank gdness my gynae not paranoid. the tube was removed the day after the op. i can't imagine having to walk out of the hospital carrying that! so malu!
*clap clap* must salute u for enduring with it so long...though it does save toilet trips! heheh
anyway, i learnt from the anaestetist that a spinal is different from an epidural, though both injected in the spine. he say next time if elective c-section, spinal will be used instead coz epidural is known for not being 100% effective.

anyway, better go zzz now dat my iggy's asleep. gdnes knows how tonite will be like.
Hi mums!

A quick update.

just give birth to my darling on 09/03/05 on emer c-section, cos can't push her out even when cervix are fully open. weight 2.815kg.

gtg. cos feeding time. not easy to be a mum!

Can check with u all..
How long did ur "bleeding" last? Mine seemed to have stopped a few times, but it returned the next day..wondering if it's due to BF?
hey girls, any very effective method to get rid of wind in bbies? my boy is very colicky these days leh... he just refuses to burp even if we try for like 30 mins after his feed. i have tried rubbing ruyi oil and feeding him with gripe water, but still not very effective. pls advise, girls.

also, although i have been expressing milk out and letting my boy latch on, one side of my breast still feels very painful. when i touch, it is not lumpy, so i dun think it is blocked ducts? any of you experience this? i tried massaging it when bb is latching on, but not working leh.... pls pls advise, girls.
OMG, i m still having the bleeding on and off till now. though it is abit more brown and diluted than b4. it's my 4th week now.... i think it's normal cos my mom told me that hers also lasted for abt a month last time.
<font color="ff6000"><font face="Trebuchet MS"><blink><u><font size="+1">Congrats to all our Mommies to be in 2005!!</font></u>

<font face="Trebuchet MS"><font color="0000ff">Updated as @ wk 14-Mar</font>
<font face="Trebuchet MS"><table border=1><tr><td>UserName</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Week</TD><TD>Deliver at</TD><TD>Gender </TD></TR><TR><TD>Scarydoggie</TD><TD>14-Mar</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ribena</TD><TD>15-Mar</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Elisa</TD><TD>17-Mar</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lee-Tung</TD><TD>23-Mar</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Butterscotch</TD><TD>25-Mar</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kristen</TD><TD>25-Mar</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bonnygal</TD><TD>27-Mar</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Olivetree</TD><TD>29-Mar</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Girl</td></tr></table></font>

<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000"><font face="Trebuchet MS">*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Popped*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*</font></font></font><font face="Trebuchet MS"><table border=1><tr><td>UserName</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Pop Date</TD><TD>Deliver at</TD><TD>Gender</TD><TD>Baby's weight </TD></TR><TR><TD>HappyBuns</TD><TD>28/01</TD><TD>29/01</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Baby Marcus</TD><TD>2.405kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Steamboat</TD><TD>02/02</TD><TD>03/02</TD><TD>RH</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>3.300kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tiny</TD><TD>05/02</TD><TD>30/01</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD>Baby Emma</TD><TD>2.775kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Keruri</TD><TD>12/02</TD><TD>02/02</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD>Baby Gwyneth</TD><TD>3.280kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babygrace</TD><TD>14/02</TD><TD>02/02</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD>Baby Joshua Kyle</TD><TD>2.410kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Litebreeze</TD><TD>15/02</TD><TD>05/02</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Baby Jovan</TD><TD>3.005kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Well</TD><TD>17/02</TD><TD>04/02</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD>Baby Lucas</TD><TD>2.795kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jannie</TD><TD>24/02</TD><TD>17/02</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>2.635kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Qdee</TD><TD>24/02</TD><TD>17/02</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Baby Nayli</TD><TD>3.160kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babyvon</TD><TD>27/02</TD><TD>18/02</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Baby Kaden</TD><TD>3.700kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lyn_baby</TD><TD>27/02</TD><TD>15/02</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Baby Valerie</TD><TD>3.240kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Joyce</TD><TD>01/03</TD><TD>25/02</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Baby Jonas</TD><TD>3.470kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Stephie</TD><TD>01/03</TD><TD>27/02</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>2.840kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>lbs</TD><TD>02/03</TD><TD>24/02</TD><TD>ESH</TD><TD>Baby Ray</TD><TD>2.990kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Laugh</TD><TD>06/03</TD><TD>17/02</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>3.000kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Doll</TD><TD>06/03</TD><TD>23/02</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Baby Alyssa</TD><TD>2.610kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Snowpooher</TD><TD>07/03</TD><TD>15/02</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Baby Jolene</TD><TD>2.860kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Elle</TD><TD>08/03</TD><TD>05/03</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Baby Darryl</TD><TD>3.050kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wenn</TD><TD>08/03</TD><TD>06/03</TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>3.420kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Seiko</TD><TD>08/03</TD><TD>26/02</TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>2.620kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bluebell</TD><TD>08/03</TD><TD>08/03</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Baby Vera</TD><TD>2.790kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>KC</TD><TD>14/03</TD><TD>03/03</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>3.530kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cheese</TD><TD>15/03</TD><TD>17/02</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>2.620kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Folic</TD><TD>18/03</TD><TD>02/03</TD><TD>RH</TD><TD>Baby Yi Xuan</TD><TD>2.770kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Friesbandit</TD><TD>18/03</TD><TD>06/03</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Baby Ignatius</TD><TD>3.330kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ohmigosh</TD><TD>20/03</TD><TD>24/02</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Baby Ashley</TD><TD>2.290kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fatmtb</TD><TD>22/03</TD><TD>09/03</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>2.815kg

<font size="+2"><font color="119911"><font face="Trebuchet MS">*~*~*~*~*MIA*~*~*~*~</font></font></font>
<font face="Trebuchet MS"><table border=1><tr><td>UserName</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Week</TD><TD>Deliver at</TD><TD>Gender </TD></TR><TR><TD>Winnie</TD><TD>14-Feb</TD><TD>40++</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Vig</TD><TD>17-Feb</TD><TD>40++</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Skinnyma</TD><TD>6-Mar</TD><TD>40++</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>-- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lilac</TD><TD>9-Mar</TD><TD>40++</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>-- </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table></font></font>
Hi gals, I'm feeling quite down these few days.
My elder boy keep sticking with his *gu-gu* (my hubby's sis) and seem like dun want me anymore.
As we're staying just next door, so whenever his *gu-gu* brought him over to my house, he'd cried if she go home. As I can't look after both of them at the same time so I've to leave my elder boy to my inlaws. I felt extremely like *dui bu qi* my son like that...

Last night, my elder son keep clinging on his *gu-gu* again, until 11 plus, my sis-in-law still dun want to go home... still want to wait for my elder son to slp then go home (how can?? if she gonna to stand there and see, how I'm gng to get some slp? Feel very uneasy though).

And I couldn't endure anymore, so I told my hubby I want to slp liao, pls ask his sister to go back. So just when she want to go back, my son shouted for her again, and somemore she still want to turn back and carry/sayang him?!

Wah biang, this time I really really couldn't *lun* anymore, I shouted to his *gu-gu*, "LET HIM CRY!!" then I closed my bedroom's door.
Bo bian, then she *gam wan* go back.

My inlaws just love to *chong* (pampered) my elder son.. they won't let him cry nor scold him. They let him do whatever he wants to. Even my hubby shouted at my son, they would say, "Why shouted at him, he's still young mah." Hey, he's our son leh, we've the rights and responsibilities to discipline him. Right?

If this age still dun want to discipline, wait until when?? Wait until 6-7 ah, too late liao lor!! By that time, his character already nurtured liao.

I hate to be in this family!!! Especially my sis-in-law!!!!! I really detest her!

Sorry for the long winded <font size="+2">complaint</font>, just want to vent my frustration here.
Hi Elle, ya, Dr Ang's wife with 4th BB. I think his eldest kid is 8 years old, if I remember correctly. I got very stressed up with my CL, so decided to stop BF. Anyway my mum wants me to stop too cos she said the way CL feed BB with the BM timing is wrong.

I've just had my gal's full mth celebration yesterday. Gosh, very tired! Lucky I held the celebration outside, if not I think I even more tired ah, still have to clean up the house after the guests left. Shiok ah, really enjoyed myself, after the function ended, just packed up and went home.
Oh Joyce, dun get angry. Me too, can't stand my MIL, she 'chong' my SIL's son a lot. Imagine, she allows him to draw on the wall, eat and drink while running around the house. When he does things wrongly, she never scolds him... I also can't stand it, so I told myself never let my MIL babysits my gal. I get my mummy to babysit for me. Cos I know my mummy will not 'chong' kids.
I find myself very busy leh, how you gals manage to find time to login to chat??

My CL will be leaving this Sat. I will be going over to my mum's place from next week onwards. Argh... no access to PC cos the PC at my mum's place is spoilt! I'll try to login if have time, will miss you gals.
Hi snowpooher... bo bian. I'll sure get very *hot* (angry and <font size="+2">*bei chei*</font>) whenever I saw the sight of my <font color="ff0000">bloody</font> idiot sis-in-law.
hi friesbandit,

no prob
hehe i also wan to preggie again , tink can tahan the pain liao :p
bb iggy looks so peaceful hehe muz show pix of his eyes open

congrats fatmtb !!

jannie, have u tried massaging ur bb? my mum does it for my alyssa. i do it sometimes. she doesn't burp but farts instead :p
haven't tried ruyi or gripe pn her..

omigosh, have some bleeding still but it's brownish discharge.. went to gynae last week. say womb clean so i presume it will be stopping soon..

snowpooher, u held urs outside ? hehhe where? kpo a bit any pix to c c . mine changed last min to home so i really going have alot to clear

joyce, it's gd to let off some steam if not keep inside , not gd
i realise tat somehow everyone will wan to pamper except the own parents.. so try not to take it heart. having same situation with my mum so understand how u feel.. ur elder son use to ur undivided attention so now he feels neglected. maybe u can try explaining to him. when u do things for ur bb, get him involve?
snowpooher, mi under room arrest now. mum looking alyssa, how to put it, she rather "protective n possessive" over alyssa. i let her b coz maybe she is lonely eversince she resign..hhe so got time to login.. :p next week, surely no time liao :p got to prepare for full mth !! it's like so fast, 1st we were toking about birth stories now full mth liao :p
Hi doll, I got a friend to help book a function room in her friend's condo. Lucky I managed to get it, if not I will faint ah cos I have over 120+ guests.

Aiya, I forgot to take photo of the function room... too busy entertaining guests... Din take much photos leh, wasted hor. But anyway it is a good memory in my mind

Which catering are you taking? I got good feedback from mine.
joyce, my MIL is exactly the same. my hubby's sis (my SIL lah) has 2 kids, aged 3 and 5. they are already so old and whenever my hubby to tell them not to spoil the kids, my MIL will reply "aiya, still so young, slowly teach them lah". i have been hearing that since they were born.....

but my hubby has got a point also lah. he told me that us, as parents, naturaly want to discipline our children. but there's no harm to let them be pampered by their grandparents once in a while. we, as kids last time, also want someone to pamper us mah. if children grow up in an enviornment with NO ONE to pamper them abit, aren't they very pitiful? so girls, just bear with your PILs and/or parents ok? they meant no harm.....just have to tell them firmly that if we are discipling kids, make sure that they do not interfere...

joyce, maybe it is a phase that will pass for your elder boy... i think he could be jealous of the little bb n since your SIL can shower more attention on him than you, he naturally looks for her instead of you. i think once u get better from the delivery wound and able to schedule more time for him, things will go back to normal. it is also partly of the hot weather that's making us all so emotional lah.... i was so stressed by my boy's colick problem, his rashes and my lack of BM ss that i just broke down crying yesterday....

snowpooher, i also feel like giving up BF liao... i let him latch on in the day just b4 his feeding time, then he will sleep for a while and wake up hungry again, then i have to give FM loh.... after that when i express at night b4 i sleep, ss is still extremely miserable... now dunno why breasts are painful, tot got engorgement, went to express but got less than the usual flow.... really heachache ah...

doll, how does your mom massage? which part of the body? we tried to massage the side of the tummy and his back abit, did help abit in the farting part.. but his tummy still round and hard... so still got alot of wind.... how?
Hi snowpooher
Mind sharing which caterer you use? I dont intend to invite a lot of people..The most is arnd 30 lor since most are friends here only.

Hi Bluebell &amp; fatmtb
Congrats on your newborns!

Hi Joyce
relax...understand abt your PIL pampering your boy.. My PIL also now like pamper Ray like nobody business. A bit cry they will hold &amp; rock him. Seem to becoming a habit liao. Ray is using this to seek attention..wonder how to handle by myself when they go?!
Hey Joyce,
I understand your frustration. My elder son (3yrs) is worse, always span by me and my hubby nowsadays. Not to aggrevate you, but at least yr sis-in-law still can take care of him. For me, my mum has to take care of my girl and cook for me. So My hubby has to get my MIL to help to coook now. This naughty boy of mine... i really cannot tahan him even though he is at 1/2 day childcare. Once he is back, the whole house will be full of shouting and scolding at him on &amp; off. We have tried to talk to him nicely but the more we try, the more havoc he create.

So, I guess we have no choice but to bear with it.

Let's keep our support here!
Hi gals,

finally have some time to post today. I decided to break my confinement rules cos I really cannot tahan the heat and feel really unhygenic feeding my girl without real shower or washing my hair. Yesterday, there is an article by a chinese physician, chen mei er, in the zaobao fukan. She says it is stupid to not bathe in such weather and keeping hygeine is very important. So happy when I read it and use it as my bullet to my parents and in laws!
Anyone who needs reasons to bathe, can get yesterday's papers and show to the oldies!

As for grandparents or in laws pampering kids, I think it is inevitable. My mum keeps coming into my room to look at the baby until I get quite irritated but can't really say much. She actually wakes up in the middle of the nite to come into our room to see baby as well... piang, I feel so lack of privacy! feel like locking my door when I sleep at nite!

Joyce, hope you cool down soon!

actually girls, i dunno how you all can tahan so long w/o bathing n washing your hair. but folic, happy for you that u finally decide to break the myth!! go take hot shower cos i dun think your yixuan will like it very much latching on a salty nipple!
Hi Joyce,
SAYANG SAYANG! Hang in there! I think maybe can let ur HB know...then he can ask his sis not to stay so long/late. Maybe can also let him know how u feel abt ur elder son getting too attached to his sis. But must try to cheer up!

Dun worry...this is a place for venting frustrations, complaints, worries, info-sharing, advice-sharing.

Hi Jannie,
Ashley is also colicky..so now taking ridwind..just started today so dunno effective or not. She also very difficult to burp sometimes!
When u apply ru yi oil, maybe can try rubbing his tummy a little...massage in a clockwise direction (from ur view)..so from HIS right lower tummy upwards to right upper tummy to left upper tummy to left lower tummy. That's the direction of the digestive system. But gentle a bit..i think i was overzealous &amp; her skin abit red red after that

Hi Doll &amp; Jannie,
So looks like my small amts of pinkish-brownish-yellowish discharge is normal. Sometimes it goes back to red though. I'll just monitor.

Hi Doll,
So u'r mixed! Then u must be very pretty...Indian-Chinese are always so beautiful!

Can't believe u wanna get pregnant AGAIN?! HB &amp; me were thinking..this is the 1st &amp; the last time!

Hi Friesbandit,
Ur baby Ignatius also very cute leh! His eyes also look potentially big..just that they'r closed

Hi Snowpooher,
Which catering did u use? Lucky for u to have a function room

i'll be using my home again...very scared that will have to clean up AGAIN (previous nightmare was housewarming).
Hi Folic,
Talk abt lack of privacy...
My MIL was actually standing there watching me breastfeeding baby Ashley...that was for the 1st week. Wahpiang! As though it's a show
Luckily now no more..maybe HB talked to her.
Hi jannie, dun stress yourself. I had a hard time to make the decision to stop BFing. My mum was the 1st person to tell me to stop cos she saw the stress that I had with my confinement lady. Then I talked to my hubby, colleagues and friends, after thinking for more than a week, I decided to stop. If you find yourself stressful, then stop it. I've checked with doctors, it is a matter of time to stop BF. Doesn't mean that giving BM to our babies mean that our babies will be more healthier than those BFing babies. The most impt is we, as the mothers, must be happy, so that we can take care of our babies. If we are stressed by BFing, we will be the one suffering. If you intend to stop BF, you shouldn't stop immediately. Try to reduce the latching and pumping per day. Now I only pump when I feel engorgement, if not, I just ignore it. My mum told me she only BF me for 1 week and my sis din even get a single drop! Be happy!

Hi lbs, ohmig0sh, I'm using Empire Bristo. They dun have website. If you are interested, drop me a mail and I send you the contact. This catering is very flexible one, I choose my own menu and get them to quote me the price per head. I din want to hold at home cos of the same nightmare that ohmig0sh had too... housewarming.

haha gals, actually I have long ago break the confinement rules. I bathed with hot water at 10pm on the day I discharged cos my CL dun allow me to bath. I heck care ah... how to sleep when my body is itchy. It was only after the 10th day, then my CL boiled the herbs for me to bath, then bath every 2 to 3 days. I washed my hairs also ah. Tomorrow is my official releasing day! Yesterday, I already eating rubbish, drinking cold drinks and bathing, yes now is EVERYDAY bath!!!
Oh ok Jannie, I know what you meant.
Now I just can't wait for my confinement to be over! And my wound can be heal completely. So everything will back to normal.

I was thinking to have a talk (or perhaps give her a brainwash, lol) with my sil tonight (if got chance lah), will advise her it's not appropriate to pamper *overhead*...

Yah lbs, you shld understand my plight the most.
OMG, go easy with the ruyi oil. alot of docs see bbies whose skin are burnt by the ruyi oil. we are not supposed to use the oil directly on the bb. suppose to rub our hands together to get the warmness b4 pressing our hands on the bb's tummy. the redness on your girl's tummy could be the reaction to the hot ruyi oil!!

snowpooher, my mom told me that little BM is better than no BM. just feed whatever i can for at least 6 mths. i told her "wah piang!! expressing 1-2 oz every time for 6 mths very xiong leh...."

with regards to breking confinement rules, i started bathing the day i got home. then for the 2nd week onwards, i bathed twice a day!!! with all the confinement food (with ginger causing me to perspire so much), and this bloody weather, how to tahan not to bathe!! i really applaud the girls who manage to sleep with all the stickiness and discomfort.
Hi snowpooher,
Yeah! Can i have the contact for Empire? Good if u got the menu too...or i can get from them?!
My email [email protected]
Good for u...no more confinement! Heheh! Actually i didn't know cannot drink cold drinks...so i was taking fresh milk for the 1st few days...hahahaha!

I agree on the part of not BF-ing NOT = bad mothers. The most important is to enjoy doing it, enjoy the time together with baby. If giving formula allows us to rest better &amp; care better for baby, why not?! That's why i gave Ashley 1 formula-feed a day for 2 days..so i could take a longer nap...who knows, she was throwing up..maybe we contaminated her feed or she was sucking too much air (HB was watching TV while feeding her
So now it's back to full time BF..but i dun mind lah
OMG, forgot to tell u.. my MIL win yours!! mine will actually touch and feel my breasts in front of EVERYONE in the living room (my SIL, BIL, FIL, mom and sis are all present) to see if my breasts have grown bigger with engorgement...
jannie, I also have the same thinking as your mum, little BM is better than nothing. Until my mum pointed out to me that I was so stressed with the sterilising of pump, heating up the BM. She said if I'm going to continue, I will be tired out and won't be able to take care of my gal. After that I had several talks with friends until one of my colleagues told me, "No BFing BB doesn't mean you are not a good mum". It suddenly woke me up. Now I'm much happier and have more time with my gal.
Jannie, if I were to be you, I will tell my MIL off. Whether the breasts have grown bigger is none of her business! Bigger breasts do not mean more BM. Ask your MIL if she will want people to touch and feel her breasts in front of so many people?? And BFing is such a privacy thing, tell her you are affected by her presence when you are BFing your BB.

ohmig0sh, I have emailed you the contacts and the menus, plus the buffet list that I catered for your reference. This catering is recommended by my massage lady and she told me it is the lady's mum who does the cooking.
Jannie, I had to laugh at your mil's actions!
I think it is just like when you are preggie, ppl feels it is ok to touch your tummy type of mentality.

Hi Friesbandit,
your labour sound very traumatic..hope u feeling better now..anyway like what elle said b4..after seeing bb..u will forget abt all the suffering..
now i am getting scared myself. My gynae said i have dilated 2 cm but bb not engaged ler...and in fact he said bb might be on the big size but can't confirmed..In fact i wanted to go for elective c-section..chosen the date and time but he not very encouraging abt c-section..
hi snowpooher
Can you pm me the contact too?
Actually, like omg, I also scared the afer event washing of the house...my housewarmingS were really nightmare..yes, I had not only one housewarming but 3 at that time! gosh~

haha..I also heck care the confinement rule liao...I bath 3x a day, wash my hair every 2/3 other days..With this hot weather, how to tahan...somemore with all the BM on my body..so sticky &amp; itchy...I told myself as long as I bath with hot water &amp; dry myself properly, can do liao..my MIL grumbles initially, but I already turn off both my ears..
Hi mummies/mtbs..
will be admitting in the morning. gynae will be breaking waterbag. i'm feeling pretty nervous. KC, kind of recalled u also right? now i can understand how u felt the other night

hi lbs,
will update u again!! pls pray for me. thanks!

got to sleep now, talk to you all again!

Once the gynae break yr waterbag, the contraction pain will come in rather fast.

All the best and have a smooth delivery!!
