(2005/02) Feb/Mar 2005 Babies

Blessedbride, I am using the Avent bags as well. Just that I don fill up the whole bag, but divide into smaller portions.

jannie, did you see my earlier msg? Can I have the contact of your masseur? Thanks!


ooops girls. i think i made a mistake, i meant to say that my pd warned that real colic peaks around week 6. not starts at wk 6.
you gave me a big fright there, tiny!!! i m already fretting over my boy's colic problem now.... i tot if real colic starts at week 6, what am i to do then???!! whew......
and oh tiny.. now i finally know what u mean by bb letting go of nipple after suckling and the milk just spray all over.... after my ducts are cleared, today is the first time i see my milk spray on my son's face (instead of dripping on him lah) when he let go half way.. such a funny sight :D
hi gals

back from PD. Ray had his Hep B first jab...hahaha...cried like nobody business...aiyo..

Good news is Ray's jaundice is under control
now..no need for blood test anymore.Whew~

Hi tiny
alamak, u gave me a real fright lar...but still good to take note that the crucial period is 6 weeks onwards...

I also checked with PD on Ray's rashes..she said is common..most likely due to heat & wetness from the milk that was caught in between his chin & neck! Was asked to apply some cream which can be bought from the pharmacy...cant remember the name (me very blur), hubby does, though..

btw, I am really p*** off again by my PIL..Yesterday night, Ray was making so much of noise(those constipation like) Well, checked with PD too, she said is due to wind & is common for BF babies cos BM contains high lactose which will release some kind of useful bacterias which is acided after processed in the tummy (something like yogurt).

Ok..a bit off track liao..back to my PIL topic..as Ray was making quite some noise, my dear MIL came out from her room being concerned & asked what happened. Told her might be due to wind..Then guess what??! she said must be something I have eaten during pregnancy that caused little Ray having windy stomach! I am sooo p*** & told her" Why cant it be something you have cooked during this confinement period which causes this instead?" Then, off I stormed back to my room...hahaha.. I heck care liao.. If she wanna complained to my hubby so be it!

Then this morning, after came back from PD, PIL asked abt Ray's weight. Told them is arnd 3.8kg now & length measured at 55cm...PD already said considered a good growth liao. Know what my FIL said? Not proportionate..oo skinny! wah lau, sounds like I dont feed him well like that. really buay tahan..luckily they will be gone next week!
hi lbs, ray's jaundice went down , hehe gd !!

hheheh ur ray also got make those "ee yee orr ee orr" noises also :p alyssa also , so we know she will passing wind or passing motion soon. hiaz ignore ur MIL, somehow whatever the babies does or have,it's our fault n something we ate during preggie. my mum still passes such comments.. i juz act blur..

hhahah skinny then cham liao , alyssa is only 2.85kg !!
sorry jannie!! hee...but actually it's scary if it peaks at week 6 means all this time if we already buay tahan then imagine how when it comes really bad!!?? anyway, keep in mind what my pd says about keeping them upright when they cry in pain. it really helps. and by wk 6 their necks are a lot stronger so it's easier to hold them that way. emma really likes it and she doesn't like me to carry her lying down anymore.

and haha...milk spraying is funny but very embarrasing when i'm nursing her at shopping centres! at least at home don't have to maintain my dignity ..haha..

and hey the lactacyd seems to work. now her rashes don't look like pimples anymore. ..altho they seem to have fused, and now very red and concentrated around the cheeks - but the outer part is slowly going off. So funny when people see her these 2 days, they say "oh so cute she's got rosy cheeks"!!!??!! haha dunno if they really can't tell it's rash or they're trying o be polite...
hi lbs, i can emphatise with you. it's often so frustrating when all we want to do is our best for our children. we also had some issues with our parents (both sets) about 2 weeks back. it's as though they don't trust us to be parents cos they will keep telling you what to do and making comments about the way we do certain things.. I wanted to say "if you don't trust us to look after her then why in the first place did you keep asking us to jhave kids?" sigh...but must keep the peace lor, so try to say it in a nicer way...

anyway i'm glad Ray's jaundice has also gone down.
I know how relieved you must be feeling! our babies like got one problem after another! luckily got this thread to share info.
Congrats to Ribena & Kristen..Welcome to motherhood!

Hi lbs,
3.8kg still skinny? Ashley is only 2.9kg at 53cm leh..she got quite long legs.
Good that Ray's jaundice is down. Hope Ashley's goes down too! Hang in there...just ~1wk more to the end of our misery! Jia you!

Hi Doll,
Haha! Ur Alyssa also make funny noises? Ashley makes strange noises when she's trying to poo or trying to fart. Sometimes when she sleep also make funny noises & expressions..frown, pout, smile...sometimes i wonder if she has dreams

U stopped BF liao?

Hi Tiny & Jannie,
Aiyo..i still haven't experienced the spraying milk leh...so far only drip drip drip. And i think my supply like declining...hope can maintain BF for longer.
Hi gals,

Feeling tired and a little depressed. Today, I brought Yi Xuan to the doc and found that her jaundice level has gone up again to 200+. Although no need phototherapy, but still need to monitor. Today, they took another blood test, a more comprehensive jaundice test, to ensure that her liver is working properly. She cry until like nobody's business cos the amt of blood needed is quite a lot. So poor thing! Have to go back to the docs again next week. Hope she gets better soon!

hi folic, poor girl, must've been so painful

on your own part you should just continue to expose her to light. actually all u have to do is push the cot next to the window when she's sleeping in the day, and take pff her cloths. window can be closed, as long as daylight comes in and no direct sun. with windows closed, she won't catch a chill. don't be like us, listen to our parents and didn't sun her, in the end jaundice dragged on till 4th week.

hope she gets well soon! and hope u feel better!
folic, sorry to suggest this but do u want to stop BM for a day or two and let yixuan be on FM? it will be a very difficult decision but if it can help her, then maybe u can try it out...
omigosh, hehe yah loh, ur ashley too ah :p make all kinds of funny faces ;p until my hubby sometimes call her "wayang pi" :p yah stop bf quite some time ago coz my mum wants to take care of her. pump out liao also dun give her coz of her jaundice.. so didn't bf liao, now on full FM..

folic, dun b depress ok.. mayb u can check with doc although phototherapy is not needed but mayb it's better to have it to bring down the jaundice 1st.. 2 days of therapy helps to bring it down alot then u can follow up by sun bathing her.. it wil b much easier on u..
Congrats to ribena and kristen!

lbs, can email me your email address? cos have attachment (menu), can't PM to you leh.

doll, stephie, have emailed to you.

jannie, just sterilise the avent isis pump from your SIL before use. I got mine from my colleague and her eldest son is already 7.

Elle, emailed you the catering details liao. Sorry ah, make you wait so long cos I down with high fever, flu and sore throat.
I'll try to login if got time or have access to internet lah... cos the PC at my mum's place gee la liao, and my bro has no time to repair.

My gal's heat rashes has been getting worse, like cat face like tat hahaha... hubby just brought her to see doctor. Was told to apply the cream twice a day and will be gone in 3 days time.

For those BBs with jaundice problem, do stop BF for a day or two. Some BBs are sensitive to BM, hence will cause the jaundice problem. Also, do go to the chinese medical hall and ask the boss. I believe they should know what the medicine is (sorry, I have no idea of the name of the medicine cos my mum bought it). My mum bought some herbs to be mixed with water for bathing my gal. Her jaundice was cleared few days after discharge from hospital.
just an update of my gal's weight. She's now weighted at 4.5kg at 1 month old

For those looking for the traditional package for full month, how about Choz? Nice package with nice goodies. I got mine from them for my relatives and friends and ordered a large fresh cream cake (My Little Girl) from Prima Deli for collegues.


Melrose also have the traditonal package but I find theirs a bit "lao tu". I found their price is so far the most reasonable with the traditional stuff that our Parents will request for.

hi gals
Thanks for hearing me out...else i really will explode..

Yeap, it is such a great relief that his jaundice goes down liao..so heart pain everytime the nurse poked him for blood test.

haha doll
yups..that kind of "ee yee orr ee orr" sound lor. Can be really loud sometimes..

Hi folic
are you total breastfeeding? If so, maybe like suggested by the gals, do consider stop BF or supplement for a day or two on formula. I know it could be a tough decision for you. I actually broke down that time when Ray's admitted for phototherapy as I kinna of feel like being forced to make him to take formula. Then, muz sun tan ur bb daily. Hope Yi Xuan will be fine very soon..

hi snowpooher
my email address is [email protected]
hi there,
hmm...what does your pd suggest, folic? i don't think stopping bf is the only way to reduce the jaundice...i dunno, but i may be wrong. i continued to bf during the 6 weeks and just diligently sunned her and the levels dropped. i read that breastmilk jaundice is different from physiological jaundice, so it depends on what kind of jaundice yixuan has. The latter begins later whereas the former begins on the second day. anyhow, here's some info:

Jaundice can be caused by several different problems.

Physiological jaundice: This is the most common cause of newborn jaundice and occurs in more than 50% of babies. Because the baby has an immature liver, bilirubin is processed slower. The jaundice first appears at 2 to 3 days of age. It usually disappears by 1 to 2 weeks of age, and the levels of bilirubin are harmless.

Breast-feeding jaundice: Breast-feeding jaundice may occur when your baby does not drink enough breast milk. It occurs in 5% to 10% of newborns. The jaundice symptoms are similar to those of physiological jaundice, just more pronounced. The jaundice indicates a need for help with breast-feeding.

Breast-milk jaundice: Breast-milk jaundice occurs in 1% to 2% of breast-fed babies. It is caused by a special substance that some mothers produce in their milk. This substance causes your baby's intestine to absorb more bilirubin back into his body than normal. This type of jaundice starts at 4 to 7 days of age. It may last 3 to 10 weeks. It is not harmful.

What is the treatment?

Physiological jaundice: If you feed your baby with a bottle, feed your baby more often. Try to feed your baby every 2 to 3 hours during the day.

Breast-feeding: The main treatment is to increase the supply of breast milk. Read about breast-feeding or talk with a lactation specialist. Nurse your baby more often. Nurse your baby every 1-and-1/2 to 2-and-1/2 hours. Since the bilirubin is carried out of the body in the stools, passing frequent bowel movements (BMs) is helpful. If your baby sleeps more than 4 hours at night, awaken him for a feeding. Frequent weight checks are also important. If you must supplement, use formula, not glucose water.

Breast-milk: Occasionally the bilirubin will not come down with frequent feedings. In this situation the bilirubin level can be reduced by alternating each breast-feeding with formula feeding for 2 or 3 days. Supplementing with glucose water is not as helpful as formula for moving the bilirubin out of the body. Whenever you miss a nursing, be sure to use a breast pump to keep your milk production flowing. Breast-feeding should never be permanently discontinued because of breast milk jaundice. Once the jaundice clears, you can return to full breast-feeding and you needn't worry about the jaundice coming back.
Thanks gals!

Actually, the pd never ask me to stop b/feeding. Jus say that the test today indicates that it is not due to malfunction of liver or something more serious. I believe what Yi Xuan has is physiological jaundice. As it is, I am feeding her every 1.5-2 hours and she is showing signs that she is getting enough milk etc.

I will talk to hubby again to see if we should stop b/feeding for a while. I heard that once I resume b/feeding, then the level might come back again. I will continue to sun her for a while longer and observe tomorrow. If she still looks very yellow, I will start on formula for the weekend.

Thanks gals!

Hi Folic,

Actually YiXuan's condition similar to Ashley's. Ashley also had to do the conjugated bilirubin test to rule out liver dysfunction---really took a lot of blood. *Heart pain*

So far the drs I've consulted suggest not to discontinue BF..just let her feed more & enough. Ensure baby is well-hydrated..make sure the urine is not concentrated.

But I tried to give her formula for 2 days (just one feed a day)...And she ended up with a lot of wind in her stomach..now she's still cranky after 3 days of stopping that formula. So it's back to 100% BF. I'm just sunning her more.

The Drs have reassured us that this BM jaundice is not harmful. Cos we measured her weight, & she's gaining ok, so prob means she's taking enough. Anyway why do u say YiXuan has physiologic jaundice and not BM jaundice?

Hope ur YiXuan & my Ashley both gets better soon!
OMG, hee, I also donno why I say physiological jaundice... perhaps it should be Breast milk jaundice, since the jaundice did start on day 4 or 5. She is gaining weight and drinking milk very often, every 1.5-2hours. Her urine is also normal color so I hope she will just get better soon.
So Ashley also went through the blood test? Heart pain hor? Sigh! Next tues another checkup.. hopefully, no more blood tests!

hi omg/folic,
big hugs to your babies. i'm sure both ashley & ray will get better soon! if it's BM jaundice then will take a bit longer, that's all. in fact, emma may be 'discharged' but pd says we should still sun her daily as it's not completely cured. i also dunno what jaundice she has cos we didn't do any more tests in the end, but to be on the safe side we will just let her sleep by the window.
hi lbs i was laughing at how u socked it to your MIL. hahaha...i wld never dare to do dat. =)

hi folic, the PD also never ask me to stop BF if bb's jaundice continues to climb. but the old folks always nag at me to give him more water to drink. but PD say just keep feeding as per normal, and sun him more.
hope both yixuan and ashley get better soon! do u gals find that they are especially sleepy? my iggy has MILD jaundice, and he sleeps all the time, only waking up for feeds 2hrsly in the day, and hrly in the nite. v siong.
friesbandit, wow, your baby's sleeping cycle sounds exactly like mine... I am up almost all nite feeding her! Not sure if it is jaundice related or jus that new borns sleep so much! Jia you together!! :D

actually hor, giving iggy water may be contributing to the problem. i read that if they take too much water in between feeds, then they will be full and that's why they may not take a full feed. thus, the need to feed so often. guess it's a vicious cycle.

do you (& folic) have to wake them up to feed them or they wake up every hour and cry for food? hourly at night is really tiring man...
Hi folic and omg, I have a suggestion... hmmm.. but hor, quite a *antique* solution, heehee. My confinement lady told me that last time our grandma's times uses a *Ng kee ji* (pronounced in hokkien) to bathe a jaundiced baby. From what I know, they also BF-ing them. And those seeds need to be soaked overnight before use.

Continue to bathe them for one week and see if it can help to bring down the level of the jaundice.
It may sound absurd but no harm trying.
hi tiny, ya i resisted letting my mum and MIL feed iggy water. luckily my hubby back me up.

hi folic, really must psycho ourselves to jiayou. v tiring.
Tiny, she auto scream for food every hour at nite... :D why would I want to wake her up at nite for food? hahaha!

Friesbandit, my pd says no need to feed water but if really want, then 1-2 teaspoon can
already. I asked her cos YiXuan always hiccup, and although I know no need, I asked for the benefit of my mum, who was with me. She is driving me nuts trying to get me to give baby some water.

Joyce, thanks for the tips. I might try it!

hi gals do u encounter problems feeding ur babies with the Avent bottle? Mine always struggle and makes lots of noise when I feed him. Also, he will open his mouth bigger as if he's unable to suck the milk. This happens even when I have tried to push the teat as close as possible to his mouth.

My baby jovan also likes to twitch his head sideways to burp himself. I had difficulty burping him when he keep turning his head. I heard from a colleague that we can sway him towards his front/back and then side-ways to burp him more effectively. Anyone heard of this method?

and every time, he poos or pees, he will either moan in pain, scream or cry. I suppose tis is normal and will subside when he reaches 2mths?? a bit worried that my mum cant cope wif him once I go back to work..
Hi litebreeze

I'm using the Avent milk bottles also. My bb will struggle and make some noise too, but not everytime. Perhaps it's the carrying position which make them uncomfortable or other reason? So I'll always try to support his head a bit tilted/higher so that he will have a easier time to drink or swallow his milk.

As for burping part, I believe in swaying our babies towards their front/back will make them burp faster. As I always do that if he doesn't burp in 5 min.

My boy too, had several times of moaning when he's poo-ing, then I found out his stools was quite hard. If it's hard, the anus (spelling?) will be very painful when they tried to force them out. (maybe it's the formula milk which harden my bb's stool, too heaty.) So I decided to let him drink some water, now ok, no more crying nor moaning.
hi Joyce

Though I am feeding mix, formula & BM, I sometimes find that the stool a bit hard..in this case, shld I also feed him with water? Cos was told if bb drink BM, no need water bo..but now with combination dunno need or not..forgot to ask PD liao
Hmmm... lbs, maybe a few sips of water may help? I think 20-30ml shld be enuff for one day needs. I only let my bb drink once/twice a day. So I think no harm feeding your boy some water.
hi litebreeze

your colleague is right. you can sit baby upright, support baby's chin with one hand and back of his neck with the other hand and rock him left and right.
Ray usually moans during one of his night feed..then he cant drink much during that feed & will wake up abt an hr later that is after he manages to push out his poo!

emm, maybe I shld try feeding him with some water during that feed...

btw, you on formula feed hor? How much average per feed your boy is drinking?

I still go on 30ml formula suppl with abt 30mins latching but occasionally Ray needs 60ml to feel satisfy..
Hi Folic,
YiXuan's next test is next Tues? Ashley's is this Sat..hope it goes down!

Ashley also always hiccups..just now she was hiccuping while i was trying to burp her, ended up i also started hiccuping..so funny, a hiccuping mummy trying to burp a hiccuping baby

Hi Tiny, Joyce & Friesbandit,
Thank u!
I never feed Ashley any water..anyway she hates it. Now she learn how to spit things out liao...gave her the Ridwind (gripewater) & she pushed it out with her pouted lips.

Hi Friesbandit & Folic,
Ashley was also very sleepy initially when the jaundice level was higher. Now she's slightly more awake on & off (short periods). Hopefully that's a sign that the jaundice is coming down. Anyway jaundiced babies need lots of hydration & rest..so it's good that they sleep & rest, i suppose.

My Ashley sometimes sleep 4+hours at night at one stretch. Sometimes if i'm not concussed myself, i'll try to wake her up...but very difficult to wake her up once she sleeps..so i just let her be.

But in day time, she'll feed 1.5-2.5 hourly. And ~8.30pm-11+pm, she'll be feeding hourly..then after that sleep & wake up ~4hrs later. Maybe that's wat they call cluster feeding?!

But at night, sometimes she'll fuss & be cranky...maybe tummyache...really tiring.

Hi Joyce,
My MIL bought some chinese herbs things for Ashley to bath last week (maybe it's the thing that u recommended). But STILL same same leh..so now it's just suntan

Hi lbs,
i think according to theory, formula feed also dun need to give water. BUT in reality, most ppl i know give some water..cos the stools with formula really hard. Maybe just give a bit

Hi Litebreeze,
Thanks for the websites..will check them out.

My BB also will strain & give me the constipated look when she tries to poo, although her stools r soft & loose (cos total BF). I think it's common?!
Hi Litebreeze, Babygrace & Joyce,
The burping way that u all describe (rocking/swaying baby)..it looks quite scary leh..wonder if it'll shake baby's head too much? My aunt showed it to me once..but i never tried (MIL also not approving, scared cause too much head/brain movements).
Where did u all learn it from?
I've no problem with Avent Bottles. My CL said shouldn't close the bottle too tight during feeding, if not BB is unable to suck out the milk. Perhaps you try to loosen a bit of the bottle??

My gal, in her week 4, is drinking 100ml of formula milk. She will ask for milk every 2 hrs.

Joyce, wonder if the bathing method to clear jaundice is the same method that my mum is using?
Also would like to check, I bought some Pooh milk bottles. My hubby said the hole of the teats are too big, so he kept the Pooh milk bottles one side. Any idea when can I start using? Cos I will be bringing my gal to my mum place next week and will need to leave some milk bottles at my mum place. I think 6 Avent milk bottles not enough to use for 2 places leh. I'm bringing my gal back home at night.
Hi lbs, yah. My bb on full FM. Sometimes drank about 60ml to 80ml per feed. On and off, will take about 30ml again within 1 1/2 hr.
hi gals

do u all clean bb's tongue? I find so hard to wipe his tongue ler...also dont dare to push too inside...but his tongue got those white milky stain ler...how huhh?
hi snowpooher, thanks recv ur email. the menu looks gd but it's not halal
have a few muslim colleagues who r rather particular...

hi lbs, heheh maybe bb tend to make these kind of noises initially coz dunno how to express themselves :p
alyssa drinks from 70-90 3hrly then sometimes she drinks 40-60 in between *depends on her mood*

i use those small soft cloth (ben ben's wipe hankie) then gently rub , dare not use the tongue cleaner for alyssa , scare it will cut her tongue ..

hi litebreeze, alyssa hates Avent teats until had to keep them away.. the TMC nurse says the teat is too big for her. til now she dun suck well on avent.
i dunno about the swaying coz was told that if the head moves back n forth too much will affect the brain ??
tink all bb have similar symptoms :p alyssa will also stiffen sometimes when burping. so have to wait patiently when she relaxes then attempt again :p

hi lbs/litebreeze, alyssa's poo is soft n watery.. n she's on full FM. haven't give her water.. which formula r u using? mi on similac excellence..

hi omigosh, hehe dun wori, alyssa also gives the constipated look n frowns, not forgetting tat she lift her legs high high then poo.

hi Joyce, hehe since u r know about the herbs. ask u , u noe about the Eu Yang San "Bo Ying Compound" ?

wah , really waiting for confinement to end.. m all heaty now. have those heaty flu
hi doll

may i know where u get the soft wipe from? i just use a normal handkerchief but then like a bit rough ler.

em...tot full FM the poo shld be a bit hard? I m using Mamex Gold & Ray's stool bit like crush tau huay..haha

hi gals, tks for all ur responses.
I am on partial FM and EBM. Using Friso Gold now.
now that u all mentioned abt tongue, there are white spots on my baby's tongue. I read somewhere it's called oral thrush. does anyone have tis pblm too?

hi Joyce & Babygrace, tks for ur advice. I will rock him front/back and left/right too since this method works.

jovan is now coming to 6 weeks old and drinks 125ml formula every 3 hrly. If I feed EBM, it 's 2hrly cos EBM gets digested easier.

I oso find that if I feed my boy water, his stools are softer. But he still cries when he is abt to fart. Somehow after my burping, he still gets lots of wind trapped in his stomach.
