(2005/02) Feb/Mar 2005 Babies

OMG, the pd says can use a piece of soft cloth to clean the tongue lightly. She suggested using the corner of the cloth nappy.


Hi doll, not sure abt the Eu Yang San "Bo Ying Compound" though, sorry eh..

Hi doll and omg, swaying bb will not affect the brain if you sway them gently. Sort of sit up exercise (upper part body).

Hi snowpooher, is the water in yellow colour? If yes, then it could be the one that I'm toking abt. Rgd the pooh milk bottle, maybe you can wait until your gal 6 months then use. Guess the suckling will be more steady liao.
Yes, joyce, the water is yellow in color. Guess we are talking abt the same thing. It was the medical hall boss who told my mum abt this and hence my mum bought it for my gal.
Hi snowpooher/joyce, my hubby something for the baby to bathe to get rid of jaundice but he cant remember wat the medicine hall person said it is called. It lookes like reddish seeds that need to soak for 30 mins b4 boiling, after which the water will be yellow in color. Same thing you gals talk about?

haha, folic, I dunno leh cos I'm not the one preparing for the bath :p

But I think we are all talking about the same thing, Joyce, am I right?

By the way, anyone knows when can we stop sterilising the milk bottles? Now I sterilise the milk bottles every time before use. But my mum doesn't want to use the steriliser, so I guess she won't be sterilising the milk bottles everytime before use.
hmm...after reading thru the posts i realise that emma is drinking a lot less compared to all your babies...even though she's one of the oldest! She only drinks for 15 min each feed and if i pump for the same amount of time, i get only about 70-80ml for one side. moreover, she only feeds every 3 hourly, and at night 4-5 hourly! hmm...must be a really small eater. But i can tell she's really grown, suddenly she looks quite big in her cot compared to a few weeks back! At her 6 week check on Mon she was 3.99kg

Does anyone know when they will start pooing less? cos since last week she doesn't poo in the night anymore. so i don't change her diaper in the middle of the night anymore...i just let her wear a bigger one..hee..lazy me...! and just for your info, for S size diapers, the drypers and pampers dry cuts are smaller than the namy poko cut.
snowpooher, er...i heard that must sterilise till at least 6 mths...! some people say till a year. very ma fan hor?
Haha snowpooher.. i jus checked with joyce, she confirmed it is the same thing.

I donno why the older generation is so against the steriliser. My mum initially also says she donwan to use, say jus boil can already. Don understand why got new technology they donwan to use! Anyway, I force her to use

Tiny, I also heard is 1 year leh.

Folic, haha, we all talking the same thing

I also dun understand lor, my mum prefers the traditional way, just pour boil water over the milk bottles and sterilise for few mins. So waste of water hor! I'm trying to persuade her to use the steriliser since I have already bought it but I know her one lah, she said no means no. So I leave it for myself to use lor.
Yah snowpooher and folic. We're toking abt the same thing.

Hmmm snowpooher, got a suggestion for you.
Can ask your mum to boil a pot of water and throw all the milk bottles into it. So no need to keep sterilising them. But at least change the water twice a day.
Btw, 2 milk bottles per place is euff liao.

I'm doing the same thing also. I sterilised them once a day only.
Anyone knows the market rate for paying caretaker day and night (Mon to Fri)? My mum will be looking after my gal day and night once I return to workforce. I asked her how much should I pay her, she told me yi si yi si will do... But I want to pay her market rate leh.
Joyce, I dun get what you mean. My mum will boil one pot of water every morning and throw all milk bottles into it. After each use, she will just wash it using tap water. Is that what you were saying too?
Or do you mean once after use, you will wash the milk bottle then throw into the pot of boiled water again??
Yah, I will only sterilise my bottles using the steriliser once in the morning. After using, I'll wash it with tap water and then throw it into the pot of water that I've boiled.
Oh yah, forgot to tell snowpooher, you can also buy a express kettle for your mum so that she can change the water more often.

ok, good night to all of you. Log out liao..
hiaz, sianz from yesterday..
alyssa kept screaming her lungs thru out the day. kept checking on her n found my mum taking her time to making milk. the worst thing was she only feeds her 60ml each time yesterday
. ask her why, she said dun wan her to "vomit" out milk !! then tell me, she training to feed 60ml 3hrly !!!!!! told her Alyssa will lose weight if this carries on, dunno what to say.

went to cook for dinner , alyssa was screaming again !! she kept carrying her , then crying stops then cry again , until my hubby cannot tahan, said alyssa is spolit by carrying. went in to her room , alyssa's face was all red from screaming. dunno why also. carried her, realise she was actually hungry. made milk for her n found she WAS SUPER hungry !!

m really worried, damn man n she's my mum staying with us, dun wan friction also..

went out to isetan to get movable plastic playpen coz she complaint the cot is made of wood. alot of mites ?? previously ask for yao lan, buy liao, like a white elephant. hubby kept complaining tat she dun feed alyssa enuf. count in between si bei sianz
hi lbs, i got mine frm robinsons. u can check out isetan/metro also. thatz what i thought also for FM. rackey thru the forum n found tat similac doesn't produce hard stools. alyssa's poo poo r yellow n slightly watery.

hi joyce, heheh thought can get feedback :p since u hav 1 kid liao :p the lady @ EYS say it's gd for bb. maybe need to check out more. hehe since swaying of the head dun affect then okee

oh yah, dun mind mi asking u this
, since u r Full FM,... does ur breasts sort of sag? mine like lose it's elasticity

hi snowpooher,hehe mi also like Joyce, place all the bottles in a pot of boiled water. when wanna make milk then rinse with warm boiled water :p hmmm... was told tat cannot use tap water coz of the chlorine , newborns can't take it?? if rinse with tap water, muz rinse again with boiled water to play safe..

mi using Moulinex express kettle :p heheh sure comes in handy coz only takes 3-4 min to boil water
Good morning to all

Hi doll, of coz got sag lor... when times goes by, it'll be more sagged ah. But mine duno why it kept dripping out milk leh... haha.
joyce, somehow like sag terribly. went back to my pre-preggie bra size liao.. the skin like no support.. never expect myself to do this, ended @ watson looking for bust cream ;p

u got take medication for ur milk ? mi also had milk dripping even though took medication.
hi doll

really ar? I got my two tins of Mamex Gold from the hosp ler..now still left one & half tin...so far Ray ok with this formula but just that he will seem to be constipated if for one particular feed he drinks more FM than usual. Like last nite, he actually drank abt 70ml fm & whole night ee..aa..oo..alamak!
hi joyce,the medication helps to stop the milk production but won't affect for our next preggie. heheh since mi going to check out the creams, can b guinea pig n let u know :p check out forum, "HAPPY GIRL BUST CREAM" like not bad. so far i bought loreal perfectslim (night) then got a extra Fancl shaping lotion :p dunno why, after my wrap , my tummy which went down, came back. cannot tahan the bulge. have to exercise after confinement liao :p

hi lbs, initially i also wanted to give alyssa water but c her poo poo liao. dun need. FM is extremely heaty so maybe now n then stil cont on water:p my MIL bought dunno what powder from medical shop to help relieve heatiness. haven't use yet. granny in law said can give herbal tea also , still tink water is the best !!
doll, i let my bb take the bo yin compound occasionally. supposed to be able to clear phelgm, good for coughs and colds, and help when bb gets a fright....

i sterilise bottles once in the morning and once in the evening.

lbs, i find mamex abit heaty leh. initially, used mamex and bb's stools not very soft and bb tends to regurgitate more often (maybe mamex is thicker than other FM?). now using friso, alot better with the stools n regurgitaion liao.
hi jannie

really huhh? i havent done comparison yet..aiyo..how? I still have one & half tin left...emmm..will let hubby knows, maybe we will try switching other brands...

thks mate!
Hi Joyce,
Thanks for the reassurance on the swaying method for burping..maybe will ask HB (HB actually likes doing it..he's quite "rough" with Ashley
) to try when MIL not ard, if not she'll nag nag nag nag nag abt brain damage

Hi Doll,
Even though i BF..my breasts also like sagging leh..maybe bcos of the extra size/weight
The shape also different liao. So sad...gone r my perky 32B breasts. Now they look like the aunty 36C breasts
Let us know the results of ur bust cream..will try it out after i wean Ashley from BF (maybe when she's 3mths)
hi jannie, how do u go about giving the Bo Ying Compound?

hi joyce, hehe u r welcome
. tink i say wrongly, it's saggy but the breasts also feel very soft.. not firm firm..
is it like tat after birth ?

hi omigosh, yah loh, the sagging is very obvious hor. mine has almost shrunk back to original size of 34B. but biang, feels so soft tat it feels weird... heheh oke, keeping my fingers cross on bust cream, dunno whether will help or not..

can we actually give bb two types of formula?

Am thinking to buy similac excellence to try on some of the days & see if his constipation gets better..lesser eee..aaa..oo..hahaha
Hey mums, I got a tips to share... last night I tried it out liao, quite fast. keke

Tips: To those mums who are feeding by milk bottle, can let your bb rest for 3-4 min after they've finished their milk before lifting them up for burping. They will burp less then 1-2 min.

Yah doll... not as firm as pre-preggy/before delivery.

Hi omg, you're welcome.
lbs, I dun think it's a good idea leh.. why dun you lessen the scoop of the powder... e.g. instead of 3, u put 2 scoops lah. Too much of the milk powder will make them contispated too. As my sister told me before.
Can try this method.
hiaz, juz fed alyssa.. her face got rashes again.. the heat is really horrible!!

hi gals !! my colleague who is still bf( almost 6mths) said tat fenugreek pills from GNC helps in breast milk production. but will only see the results after 3-4 days.

hi lbs,, dunno about giving 2 types of FM leh. dun tink bb can take it, wait their insides go haywire

hi joyce, thought we r suppose to follow the level of scoop provided by the formula...
hi joyce
but hor, I always give one scoop(30ml)after latching him for abt 30mins , if he really hungry, then 2 scoop (60ml)..But yesterday night even after 60ml, he still very hungry, so hubby made another scoop & he drank abt 15ml of it..

emm..maybe I just finish the half a tin first & see how...

Hi doll
My PD told me must constantly ensure bb skin is dry & was advise to use face towel instead of tissue to wipe his face/mouth during feeding cos some tissue may contain chemical that bb is sensitive too. Now, Ray's rashes on his neck & lower chin almost gone...
Hmmm.. doll, I know. I do the same thing to my elder one too, yet he also kept gaining weight when he's still a baby and now he's so heavy, haha.
Sometimes, we can be flexible a bit to adapt the situation lor.
Now I follow back the level liao since his stools are not so hard anymore.
Hi gals!

Doll, I can join you in the screaming party! My gal yesterday donno why, keeps crying very loudly whenever we try to change her nappy or when she poos. I think she got phobia of people touching her legs cos she associates that with blood tests.
I fed her from 10pm to 12am almost non stop, then she woke up again around 2am and we all didnt get to sleep till about 5plus.. so shack!

Hope she will feel better today.

Hi Joyce,

usually when she cries, it means she needs milk. That was why I ended up feeding her almost non stop from 10pm to 12 mn! Then during the nite, she was incosolable, give milk also donwan, cry until the whole house wants to collapse liao! Donno wat is wrong! Hopefully, it is jus some nappy rash that is causing her some discomfort. Jus put some cream on her and she seems better. Now i got phobia wanting to change her... scared she scream agaiN! :D
lbs, similac 1 scoop is 60ml... maybe scoop size is diff bah..

wah, didn't realise tat tissue can have this prob!! cham, we were using cloth then switch to tissue.. muz go n tell my mum not to use tissue liao

joyce, heheh i kanna scolded by PD when i ask if can make the milk more diluted. she said bb wil not be full. not very gd tat y i asked :p heheh sometimes have to bend the rules

hi folic, it's bad if she cries when changing nappies also. coz thatz when they stay quiet.. maybe tok to her n stroke her legs at the same time.. make her feel secure. alyssa kept crying when we switch off the lights. in the middle of the night somemore.. my mum n me had to take turns n carry her n walk about till she fall asleep. i also dunno "afraid of the dark" or it's tantrums.. dun wori,ur gal will get better.
hi joyce,

me too just changed to NAN 1 for my boy bcos i can't find the big tin for Friso soy which he used to drink.

My fren told me NAN 1 is only very basic milk with no add'l nutrients(eg. dha etc), is it true? She said is the cheapest milk powder and not very popular in Sin. Makes me worry on the qlty of NAN 1 powder.

Your elder boy drinks it? Hows is it? No prob with poo poo?
folic, know what u mean. nowadays like every simple thing also cry. have to change alyssa nappy or diapers once she wet them even it can b very little if not my whole block will hear her cries. does she still cry even when u carry?
hi folic, if u have fed ur baby and chge her diaper and if she still cries/ screams, it could be colic. try applying ru yi you on your palms and rub them a few times to heat up your palms and place ur palms on her tummy. It should pacify her.

If this still dun work, u might have to give her colic drops. U can use either Infacol or Dentinox available from pharmacies.

Need to ask u gals some questios, if I need the medication to stop breast milk production, do I get it from my gynae or pd? Can I wean off without taking medication?

Also, do you sterilise ur breast pumps everytime u express? If I need to express twice daily at two different timings, do I sterilise it twice? find it quite a chore to wash and re-sterilise my Avent pumps each time I need to express.
doll, yesterday nite, even when I carry her, she also don stop crying.. until about 5 mins later... I think my neighbours will think there is child abuse going on! today, so far so good... i think it must be the slight nappy rash near her inner thighs that is causing her some pain... poor girl. hope it will be better tonite!

hi litebreeze, to breast milk production, it depends on individual.. u have to get the medication from gynae. it's like antibiotics, have to take the full course without skipping. 1 course is for 7 days(2times a day). if wean off will take longer., thatz all. so it's up to u

folic, if it's nappy rash then not so bad
but rash near the inner thigh muz be uncomfortable.. i switched from mamypoko & pampers to fitti then alyssa kanna rash @ the inner thigh also.. we used napkin for a day for the rash to "xiao" then now having pampers n a "sealer" brand (cheap:p)
doll, just give very very little (i dunno how to describe the amt leh, like a pinch), diluted with water, feed half by half on a small teaspoon so that bb can swallow properly. followed by warm water immediately after the bo yin compound is finished. my MIL just use her finger though (yucks!), and smear his tongue and gums b4 feeding warm water.... the malay masseur told me tat taking medicine to stop milk pdtion might cause breasts to shrink leh...

folic, maybe u can try to listen to her cry to see if it is different or not. for mine, if he cries, almost screaming, that means his colic is giving him problem. his cries for milk is different. i think diff bbies cry differently, so u must listen carefully... my sis told me that colic occurs abt the same time everyday.... so u can take note also loh. seems quite accurate for my boy....

litebreeze, i sterilise my pump twice a day, but i pump abt 4-5 times a day. i just wash the pump in btw the sterilising....
hi all the shack mommies, i also v shack. my ignatius was awake from 2-6am...seemed constipated with a lot of wind. sigh. also cry. i read the mommies with older babies can sleep 4-5hrly then wake up at nite i v envious. dunno when my turn will come! folic, i can empathise with u! luckily my ignatius quite soft-spoken, so the cries not so piercing. otherwise, no one will get any sleep!
jannie, icic, heheh then can get my hubby to get. i have a syringe which is for alyssa's vit k. easier to use. hehe i doubt alyssa will let us do tat to her !!

no leh, my breast didn't shrink :p only go back to original
i eat 2 course somemore, coz my milk came back 2 days i finish the 1st course. dunno why also. Gynae n his nurse was surprised..

oh yah jannie, hiaz. tink next time rd of postnatal massage, mi going elsewhere. actually we should drink "jamu drink" together with our massage to speed up the process n relieve water retention .. hiazzz

friesbandit, maybe it's still earlier for our bb.. but hor, in my stomach, alyssa always kick n move when i was sleeping.. somehow her pattern is when she was in my tummy.. cannot b rite...?
hi gals
Do you still have bleeding?
Mine seem to be stopping soon with some spotting, then a day later, the flow get heavier again(not those heavy bleeding though). Wonder why??

yalking abt bb screaming...my Ray also scream when he gets impatience or constipated...somemore he has loud voice..aiyo

can get some comments on what brand diapers u are using? i saw in another thread that nepia is good.. anyone here tried that? also, when comparing mamy poko and pampers, which do u find is better? my frens are still staggering to visit me and bb and most of them will bring diapers. i have only tried pampers and fitti, but i heard mamy poko is even better then pampers. any advice so that i can tell my frens the exact brand to buy?
