(2005/02) Feb/Mar 2005 Babies

Snowpooher & Winnie,

Yeah, I agree the Choz confectionery is good although they are slightly ex. They have nice packaging and the cake/pastry taste delicious too.

Ohmigosh, my hubby also like that... the other time he kept saying he will faint then he said doc will be busy trying to revive him instead of paying attention to me.
THen hor, on the actual day, my doc told him, dun faint! hahahah.
But he turn out fine lah. In fact he held the baby when baby still very bloody and some more he collected my placenta ..eekkk.. i dun even want to see it.
Tell your hubby he doesnt have to be on the same side as the doc lah .. that's where all the bloody actio is. Just sit by your side can't see all the blood mah.
Also at that time my hubby busy wiping my face lah .. and telling me when to push bla bla too kan cheong to notice the blood. But he did see the crowning of baby's head coz the nurses all very excited that the baby head came out before i started to push hahaha.
Hi Lyn Baby,

I still eat instant noodles also.. Cos dunno wat to eat liao.. Forever hungry.. Me has been spending alot of food recently

I have pimples on my buttocks too.. Also dunno whether it is rashes or pimples but it looks ugly leh.. Dunno whether it is bcos i apply the clarins oil and the skin kan breathe esp when i am always sitting..

Hi Qdee,

Envy you manage to lose all the weight last time..
Thanks.. I will consider the Choz cake..

I also suffer from bloatedness.. If i dun burp after a meal.. I will feel real uncomfortable

Hi Dolly,

What is the test on cultures?

Hi Ohmig0sh,

You so lucky.. all your weight gain goes to your tummy.. My weight gain is all over my body! Hee my breasts feel itchy at times also.. I notice alot of bluish veins on my breasts..

Ha.. I tell my hb if he dun accompany me to the delivery room with me.. My bb will not call him daddy bcos he is not there to witness her birth! Imagine we are already so frightened during our delivery, if my hb still dun accompany me, i will sure feel very loss and scared.. My hb like urs feel faint at the sight of blood too..
Winnie, I tried Chozconfectionerys full mth cake before. A colleague ordered from them. Q nice and the packaging is nice.

Wenn, I try to eat 2 to 3 servings of fruits everyday. One of them is guava. So far no constipation. There is one or two days that I din eat fruits, then having problems with big business ah.

Doll, buffet ah, most likely will cater from Select or Stamford. I tried their catering q few times and were good. Perhaps, this time round will cater from Prima Taste. See first lah, wait till after I order the full mth cakes, then see my budget.
Hi Qdee,

When i ask my hb if he wants to cut our bb's cord, he gv me a stupid face.. I think he dun dare..

Hi gals,

Anyone tot of cord blood banking?
Hi gals!

I am back from my doc visit. Everything is fine and baby is growing on target. Currently, 12.3 cm
I will go for my detailed scan in 4 weeks time (20 weeks). Feels so long.. I have been going to the doc every 3 weeks
I will do my detailed scan at TMC, by Dr T C Chang. Raffles Hospital will only do detailed scan early next year.

Baby is very cooperative and I know what I am expecting already
However, I am meeting Java tomorrow, so I will let her guess first then announce here.
I am not planning on telling anyone else in the office.. just keep everyone guessing!

As for weight gain, I only gain 0.6kg since the last visit but because I lost more than 2kg during 1st tri, I am still below my pre preg weight. I was surprised that I only gain 0.6kg as I feel my tummy getting bigger and heavier.

Ok, gotta go back to clear mail. Talk later!

Mayb u can say smeting to encourage him n ask him does he wan to c the 1st sight of bb eg.the expression of him/her face n also the 1st cry. I ask my hb to cut the cord for the bb,will talk to the gynae abt tis cos I heard fr my collegues's hb also cut the cord for the bb.

Wow so fast b4 u push can c bb head liao,tt mean the whole process for u quite fast lor.

Rest well,everyting will be fine...
qdee & snowpooher,
ic ic... glad to hear of other mtbs eating lots of fruits too
sometimes, i just have this "gian" (crave) feeling after dinner that i must have some fruits or juice
it's mostly apples, orange & honeydew...

glad to hear that everything is well. ok, shall wait for u to reveal ur baby's gender
hi kc,
glad to hear that the test went ok. i know that it's a nervewhacking wait till the results but hang in there
hi jannie,

Congrats on having a BB boy! Jus curious, is this what you've expected?

Hey the nurse pretty 'kua-zhang' leh.. ask u whether you preg or not.. 5tmhs liao no matter how small can tell already wat.. somemore they see preg ladies everyday shld be even more experience to differentiate mah.. Anyway as long as BB healthy tummy big or small doesnt matter lah.. Wat did you wear when you go visit gyne the other day? Sometimes whether your tummy is obvious or not depends on the kind of clothes you wear leh.. If you wear the full maternity dress kind, your tummy buldge out very easily and obvious. Yesterday i wear those office co-ordiniates the top is pretty tight fitting and a stretchable skirt.. my female colleague ask me how come i dun look like 4mth plus preg and said my tummy small.. But today i wore maternity dress, she cld see the difference and said "hey today much obvious leh..looks bigger.."

Wah so fast u gals talk abt 1st mth cakes liao..
Jannie, yup snowpooher is right.. if you colleagues or frens buy things for your BB, in return we have to buy cakes(usually) for them as a form of appreciation gesture. I thought its pretty common practise, you mean your relatives or family members never practise that b4?

But those colleagues who didnt chip in for your BB's gift you are not obliged to give them cakes.. up to individual one.


Hi Hi long time no hear from you liao.. hope u and BB are fine. Yes, i intend to visit Dr. Ang mayb end of this month.. U r right.. get a gyne who u wld be more comfortable with.. Since i've seen him b4 at least feel more secure. So have you decide whether wld you be opting for 2 or 4 bedded rooms?
Hi gals,

Really envy you all leh.. most of you already know the gender.. & i'm here guessing.. I dun really want to know it fast lah but hor when i see BB's clothes very tempted to buy leh.. but its frustrating when i dunno the gender..

Something very funny in my office this morning, all along i thought by now most of the people shld know i'm pregnant.. althought i'm sure all ladies already know but i didnt know guys cant tell leh..

One engineer saw me wearing maternity dress and got shocked to see me in a buldging tummy cos' yesterday when he talk to me mayb i'm sitting down he cant notice it.. So this morning he asked me "U preg meh??" I said ya lah.. i asked him cant he tell meh.. He said "I thought u grown fatter.."
This morning we got conference meeting so as i walk in many strange eye sights(i mean those guys) look at me.. my GM also commented .."hey i didnt know u r expecting.." I feel so paiseh..


Envy you leh..u r only at your 16weeks and your BB so fast let you see the gender liao.. very co-operative huh..
lynn_baby, my baby quite small - 2.93kg only and the head quite small too. Anyway, she impatient lah ..she actually push herself out. I din do much work. The only thing i did was to stop her from pushing herself outlor hehe.
This time around i also hope for my baby to be around that size. .. too big like very painful leh .. scared.
KC, you very hardworking.. still go to work !
Remember to rest more and we will be praying for good results for you

lyn_baby, me too. I am still eating instant noodles now and then. Dunno y, i quite like instant noodles ever since i am pregnant. :p So if late at nite when i am really hungry, i will go n eat those cup noodles instead of cereal or biscuits.
envy u gals can eat instant noodle,last 9 crave for it bt cant eat hiaz...
Most of u gals gt to noe the gender liao so gd can strt to shop for bb stuff alry.

Oic "jia luck" liao alot of pple saying my tummy v big bb shld b v big tt mean it will b v difficult for me to delivers,lots of pple say tt mine tummy lk like 5-6 mth bt nw I only 19 wks leh.
hi Winnie,

the culture test is for checking if it's urinary tract infection...

was also thinking of cord banking but it doesn't come cheap rite ? read it frm somewhere that it costs 1-2k?

hi snowpooher, mi have to have full mth cakes n buffet.. tink have to start saving for those now. half colleagues will wan to come to my hse. then got those who cannot make it then have to get cakes , choz looks gd with the variety.

then cakes for the family which is compulsory. dun even dare to tink how much all these will cost

hi elle, have the same experience as u
i also duno my gender yet. bb was curled up and keep moving ard when the gyane was trying to scan.

hi gals, my M/S is still there,
isn't it suppose to go away...
doll, me too, can't save on buffet and full mth cakes. I think for buffet, I won't invite my colleagues liao unless those very close one since I will be ordering fresh cream cakes for them in the office. Cos I have many relatives, friends and ex-colleague coming for the buffet. I intend to order the economy pack ($5.50) package for relatives, friends and ex-colleague. Very very close relatives will get angel face ($12.80) package. I think the full mth cake and buffet will cost me at least $3K. Me start saving now!!!
Hi <font color="ff6000">Jannie</font>, my detailed scan was scheduled on next Thursday. I'll ask for you if I remember lah, hehe...

Hi <font color="119911">folic</font>, keeping us in suspense huh... ok, I shall guess now, think it should a boy then!

Hi <font color="0000ff">KC</font>, I've completely confidence that your bb is going to be fine. Hence heed doctor's advice, rest well.

Hi <font color="aa00aa">Lyn_Baby</font>, don't be so anxious, going to be our turn liao... just one week away only.

Hi <font color="0077aa">doll</font>, so when is your detailed scan? My MS will come back once in a while also... strange huh?

For those ladies who want to buy clothing for your newborn, you can pick those colours that is suitable for both sexes. Colours like white, yellow, blue and etc. You gals can also buy few suits of day wear and night wear for your newborn if you stilll duno the gender of your baby yet.
Strange, today my bb seem not kicking so frequently.
Resting meh?? Or tired
liao, haha...

Think I must tok tok to him liao

Those ladies having the same week with me, got the same experience?
hi snowpooher,

wow.. cant imagine the cost that we need to spend even after giving birth to our little one. Exps very 'xiong' man!.. Hope BB will bring us some luck on 4Ds and ToTo.. haha..

Hi KC,

Good to hear that all goes well for you.
Take more rest ya..

Hi doll,

But i thought for detail scan no matter how curl up your BB is the gyne wld ask you go walk walk and come back thereafter try their best to scan the gender again?

In my impression of detail scan is no matter wat they've to report on the gender in the report.. is it har?
doll, i prefer stamford catering.. i find their food very nice..

elle, i wore a batik short dress yesterday.... i tot can see, but apparantly cannot since the apptment nurse also tot i just got pregnant..

i m still wearing berms and shorts out. also my sis's biggger sized jeans... so pple cannot see loh.. that day i purposely wear a lycra fitting small tee with jeans, but still cannot tell... so sad....

with regards to full month cakes, my sis also did not give leh... my mom only bought for some of my relatives who gave some gifts or angbaos during delivery... cos most of them will not give until u visit them with the cake or hold a celebration mah.. so u dun celebrate, then they dun have to give loh...

yest saw one lady very poor thing - she is so skinny and her tummy is humomgous!! she had to walk extremely slowly with her legs apart and hold her tummy whilst she walks.. one kid beside me was asking his mom if that auntie is going to have quadruplets!!!

elle, the sonagrapher will ask u if you want to know the gender of baby. i think if u say no, they will not put the gender in the report..

joyce, my baby also not kicking alot today.. dunno if it is bcos i m busy today, did not notice the kicking, or he tired today so slept most of the time...
doll, i prefer stamford catering.. i find their food very nice..

elle, i wore a batik short dress yesterday.... i tot can see, but apparantly cannot since the apptment nurse also tot i just got pregnant...

the sonagrapher will ask u if you want to know the gender of baby. i think if u say no, they will not put the gender in the report..

i m still wearing berms and shorts out. also my sis's biggger sized jeans... so pple cannot see loh.. that day i purposely wear a lycra fitting small tee with jeans, but still cannot tell... so sad....

with regards to full month cakes, my sis also did not give leh... my mom only bought for some of my relatives who gave some gifts or angbaos during delivery... cos most of them will not give until u visit them with the cake or hold a celebration mah.. so u dun celebrate, then they dun have to give loh...

yest saw one lady very poor thing - she is so skinny and her tummy is humomgous!! she had to walk extremely slowly with her legs apart and hold her tummy whilst she walks.. one kid beside me was asking his mom if that auntie is going to have quadruplets!!!

joyce, my baby also not kicking alot today.. dunno if it is bcos i m busy today, did not notice the kicking, or he tired today so slept most of the time...
Hi Gals
Does yr mil kp guessing wat the gender of yr bb? U noe wat happened last 9 my mil n my hb's bro gf discussing abt the gender of my bb tn my mil insisted tt mine is a boy and out of the sudden pull up my shirt to c my tummy,wat the hell I mean she is v rude to behave in tis kind of behaviours in front of others in the living rm,I am so angry.She is like v old fashion tink tt boy can "chuan zong jie dai" althought she didnt say it bt I sense it the wrds she say.
hey lyn_baby, my MIL is like that also.. but she is already very sure that mine is a boy.. so she doesn't care what others think. i cannot understand why still got this kind of pple in this era... can't they see that it is the daughters who are more filial than the sons?
Yup tis is wat I tink,daughter is closer and mre filial to parent.I dun mind tt she wan a grandson bt shld nt jz pull up my shirt in front of others mah, very rude leh my mum also nv like tt if she wan to take a look can alway ask instead of pull up my shirt out of the sudden mah.
I was at fren's baby gal's full month... her mother was saying with a tinge of sadness that boy or gal doesn't matter, as long healthy can liao...
she gimme the impression that she's disappointed that she din get a grandson....
Lyn baby, I do eat instant noodles once in a while and even eat can food lor..but i compensate those by eating fruits and drink milk after that. Should be ok lar...eat a bit..as long as not everyday eat it's fine.

qdee, this ur second preg? Wah...so u are experienced liao..next time can ask you questions..hehehe...u so lucky..managed to lose weight so fast and now din even put on much weight. I feel bloated too most of the time..especially dinner. Eventhough i very hungry, i get full so fast and can't even finish my dinner most of the time. Dinner eat quite little ler...dun have appetite.sometimes lunch also but luckily i eat heavy breakfast. Seems to dislike eating meat especially fish now..eat more vege and fruits

elle, a bit busy at work..starting to be peak period for me..now a bit stressed up..later just go back early and watch singapore idol to relax hehehe....I think i will choose single room ward lor...but hubby must stay with me..coz i think if not i will be scared sleeping alone hehehe...wat abt u?

omigosh, do u apply any cream to get rid of the itch? yesterday i went to buy johnson baby lotion..since it's meant for bb, i supposed it wun harm the bb, right? now want to use cream or what also scared will be bad for bb..i also bought loreal stretch mark cream..dunno that one is ok or not.

have u all gone for blood test yet? wat do they test? Will be having mine next sat.
hi lyn,

Understand how you feel.. surprisely there are still many 'traditional oldies' in this 20th century. If i were you i also wld get angry.
R u very close to your MIL? How cld she jus pull up your shirt like that! Kinda rude.. complain to your hubby you r unhappy lor.. Ask him to talk to your mum cos its pretty embarassing though..I agree, i realize that daughters are more filial than sons. They r more homely as compared to guys.. Guys once married the no. of times they go home is far less than gals.

That time i also kenna not from MIL but from my SIL(hubby's sis).. when she notice i'm preg, the 1st qs. she asked is "boy or girl?!" I said still early la how to tell.. Then u know wat she said "Oh hopefully its a boy .. i prefer boys.. " i thought its her preference leh.. then she paused for a while and said "bcos can 'chuan-zhong-jie-dai' our surname mah.. .. Wat the hack!.. So selfish hor.. U mean wat daughter than useless lah.. cant stand leh.. She's only 30 and thinking is so 'lao-tu' .. I didnt want to argue with her.. so i jus said no la as long as BB healthy can liao.. B or G doesnt matter to me.. She still said "No lah. boys better!".. So sick!

My MIL nicer, last nite also got ask me scan already or not.. i said not yet.. then she continued and said doesnt matter whether B or G.. But i hope in her heart she really mean it la..
hi snowpooher,

tinking of checking with choz if they can create a special package
with juz 2 eggs n 2 ang ku kueh/fruit tarts only. that to give away during the buffet.

hi joyce !! how u feeling
my detailed scan is on 30th Oct.
last sat was juz scan to c if can check the gender. my M/S was gone then dunno why 2 weeks ago, it came back.

hehe elle, haven't go for detailed scan. what is detailed scan exactly for ?
i did not do the triple test last week then the nurse gave me the look of "ARE U REALLY SURE" ,
then started to tell me that baby is my responsibility n the test is a precaution in case it happens.

even the gynae was a little stun. hiaz...

lyn_baby, my mil dun really say 1st born muz be boy, haha muz say at least muz have a boy.
dunno what it means also

i think we are quite lucky that our MILs do not really mind the gender of baby. When I found my baby is a gal, I am very worried too. I asked hubby to tell his mom and she said, "Gal gal not good meh?"..... then I just relieve!! I believe that she will not tell lie to her son.

Last night before I went in to my room to sleep, I noticed that she stared at my tummy and smile...dont know why she smiled.... hm.....
Hi <font color="808080">Doll</font>, I'm fine, thanks
Normally I went for my checkup at 4 mths, Dr koh can tell the gender liao. Maybe your bb too notti liao...
so you're going to TMS for detailed scan?

Really ah.. your fren's mother expression is so obvious tat u cld sense her disappointment.. Sometimes hor.. i feel like telling these people since u like boys so much go give birth yourself lor.. We took 9mths carrying our precious little one in our tummy and these people are there blaming on the mothers why they give birth to a girl..
Its really hard to be a woman not only in the olden days.. now also.. *sigh..sighh..*
Hi <font color="0000ff">bluebell</font>, your mil so cute and nice...

Actually my mil prefer girl than boy. Girl can doll up pretty pretty.

anyone of you have experience to deliver at TMC? Can roughly share the actual situation??

I heard my colleague said we have to wait outside of the labour room when we are in pain (but baby not going to come out yet). Only when baby is about to come out, nurse will push us into the labour room and doctor will come in. Is it true?

That's why she chosed Mt A to give birth. According to her, she was waiting in a room (not her own ward) with TV some more. Very comfortable!!
Yah lor... can sense a bit of disappointment in her voice... she was telling me that those born in august are mostly gals... but i told her my other fren gave birth to boy... maybe that triggered her disappointment lor...

Haiyah, my in-laws said boy or gal is ok. Then MIL called on tuesday to ask if we found out yet or not... so kan cheong... :p
My mil also say as long as bb healthy can liao,bt I dun tink she mean it lor if she really tink as long as bb healthy the 1st ting she ask shld b bb healthy anot instead ask me gender of bb,my sil(my bro's wife) also say boy better.I decided nxt wk after I know the gender of bb I wont tel any1 of them except u gals keke...bt I tink my hb wil tel his parent wan,I m tinkin of a way to make him kp his mouth seal,do u gals hv any ideals?
lyn, dun let him accompany u to the scan... then u tell ur in-laws that bb not cooperative, legs crossed

that was wat we intended to tell in-laws... can't see so dunno gender
Hi Bluebell,

That's not true for TMC.. i've delivered my 2nd child in TMC .. my 1st with Mt A, now, i'm expecting my 3rd.. EDD 26 Mar 2005.

When u first admit to the hospital, if u dun hv contractions (ie water bag burst or plug came out), u'll be put in the waiting room, the nurse will do all the neccessary checks, prepare you with the hospital gown, clear your bowels etc...

Once contraction starts, u'll be transfered to the delivery suite, in there, there's TV, hi-fi etc.. to suit your needs.. as labour can last for more than 12 hrs... The midwife will constantly do VE to check on you dilation, once u're almost 10cm dilated, they'll summon ur gynae to deliver ur baby..

From my experience, i prefer TMC dan Mt A, as the nurses and midwives are more friendly and supportive during labour..
For my 3rd child, of cos i'll stick back wif TMC.
Hi Folic,

Glad that your bb is growing well..
My detail scan is also done by TC Chang.. In fact, he is my gynae.. He is very nice

You are making me very curious abt ur bb's gender.. I guess it must is a boy

Hi Elle,

You will know your bb's gender very soon..
Hee i hvnt buy any clothes for my gal yet though i feel tempted at times.. No place to put leh..

Hi Qdee,

Lucky you.. Dun have do much work and ur bb is out! Hope i can be like you

Hi Dolly,

I also have urinary infection before.. I think drink lots of water helps..

For cord banking, i think a year costs $250. But the initial cost will be more.. I will discuss more with my gynae..

Hi KC,

Rest well and everything will be fine

Hi Lyn Baby,

My MIL knows that my bb is a gal.. She seems ok abt it but i know she prefers boys.. I think if my MIL does lift up my shirt to see my tummy, i will be very angry too..

u already got a boy leh..no more pressure for you.. So it doesnt matter to your MIL whether now is a boy or girl.
Hi gals,

I am also quite stress cos my bb is a gal but i knw my PIL and hb like boys.. and somemore my hb is the only son so if my next one is still a gal.. they are going to be disapptd.. though they say boy or gal does not matter but their heart does not think this way..

Too lazy to go out shopping for new bras..maybe this weekend

Hi Qdee, Winnie &amp; Lyn,
Hee! Thanks for the suggestions. Will try the "if u dun come in, i'll ask baby not to call u daddy"
I'll be contented enough if he'll accompany me for delivery, dun thk i can de-2 chun-4 jin-4 chi-3 &amp; ask him to do anything scary (eg cut cord, collect placenta, carry bloody baby)..like that he confirm faint ah!

Hi Qdee,
Ur 1st baby's weight at 2.9+kg is quite good wat..healthy range. The way u describe delivery is so easy..lucky u!

Hi Bluebell,
That's so sweet of ur MIL leh!

Lucky for me, my PIL had 2 sons &amp; they'd love to have a daughter. So now either B or G, they'l b happy

Hi Lyn,
Wah! Soo rude of ur MIL! If i were u, i'll stand up there &amp; then..with my foot stamping her, then say "oops! sorry"

Hi Elle,
Haha! Wat an annoying SIL..does she have any sons? Can't wait for our detailed scan..same date right?! Heehee! Actually i'm not very anxious to know the gender, but i wanna see how much baby has grown, healthy or not, &amp; how he/she's moving around.

Hi Kristen,
Never apply anything to tummy/breasts leh..too lazy to buy, &amp; i'l b too lazy to apply as well.
my hubby also say he doesn't want to come into delivery ward with me.... and i know that he will not care 2 hoots abt any threat that i make cos somehow, he has a way with kids... no matter how he scolds them or discipline them, they simply love him...
Hi Dolly &amp; Winnie
My colleague signed up with one of the cord bankers. He told me that there is discount for the initial charge if recommended by existing customers. If I rem correctly, initial cost is >S$1k.
HarLow Gals..
MTBs with TMC, is anyone planning to sign up with the First / Subsequent Born Incentive program?
No no <font color="0000ff">Elle</font>, before I had my first boy, she already hinted me that she prefer girl than boy. She's not the old fashioned type. I remembered that I told her about my son gender, she got kind of disappointment.

Well, I guess girls will be more filial to parents.

I think this time I will disappoint her again. Poor lady... not fated to have a granddaughter.
Water gun, water gun everywhere... arghh!
