(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

Piggy, oh, we lost quite a bit on our place but bopian lah.. just gotta take the hit, esp if we are gg single-income for the long term. Oh I read that article before leh.. but I guess it was 'cos they never really discussed before hand and the husband felt cheated. BUt hor, really I cannot stand working and being away from Timothy. Nowadays, aiyoh, my son lagi sticky to me. Last night, hubby wanted to put him to bed and he told his father 'daddy SHOO, mummy carry..don't do that!!!'.. aiyoh, so hurtful for my hubby. This morning, he also said 'daddy SHOO'.. :p

MG, I'm looking for EM in Bishan/Sin Ming area.. as Bishan is a v small area, the prices remain v stable.. I don't think I could put up with the lack of space in a 5-room after all the space we had at our present place.. also , gotta store my hubby's triathlon bikes :p

Tetra, yah lah, most ppl really do not understand.. for me, my self worth is not tied to the income I bring in.. guess some ppl can call it idealistic or just not ambitious.. true lor.. I just find it more rewarding to be at home and it's really really not an easy job. Sometimes feel so tired just wanna lie down and zzzz but cannot. Yah the EM opposite Longhouse will be convenient when circle line comes out but hor, the prices have sky rocketed already.. no point lah.

Ah Bunny,
Mine is 99year.

$600K can get you quite a new freehold one but 2brdroom only.

My maid will be going with me for sure as she has to take care of Linus. School wise, I don't think that primary school very important lor. I feel that secondary is more impt as that is the time to learn all the bad things.

Ya, my apt is low rise. Only total 6or 7 storey high.

FIL won't bother where we stay. MIL will definately visit very often. I may even bring Linus to her in the day before I go to work. So the difference is night time, she will not see him only, else day time, it is more or less the same. HB n I have not decided which is the best way... she comes over or we go over. I guess when everything is settled, then we decide lor.
Hey....Why so quiet?? How's everybody??
Ya really very quiet.

Linus has slipped at Pat's play ground last Sat and knock his lips. Now, ulcers have developed on his lower lips and he cries whenever we give him food / milk. Aiyo... very heart pain. He keep saying hungry and when we attempt putting in bottle, he cries. I have to resort to using straw and spoon feeding his milk. SIGH...
Eve: The photos so nice & heartwarming. No wonder your two boys look so happy @ your mum's place, nice place for the boys to play.

When is the haze going to disappear? Can't wait to bring Lucas to the zoo. Have not brought him for outdoor activities for some time. Hubby & me kept having sore throat caused by the haze.

Anyone taking long leave next week for holiday?
Ya, this haze is so irritating. Can't go outdoors at all!! The worst is when Linus keep saying "Park Park" and I say can't go cos of haze, which of course he won't understand. Really hope the fires stop.

Not taking any leave leh...
Hi Ladies,

Thanks for the concern, I have been busy with work... Carine is fine after 2 days at home resting not going to school. She was so happy at home... Whenever I bring her to the school, she still not use to it. Still cry a bit...

Yesterday haze was so bad, these few days had the air con on throughout the nite. Probably becos of that today got flu.. Feel like sleeping... Maybe later go and see a doctor...
Tetra, Piggy
Yes I'm on leave on Monday. Yeah! But can't go anywhere cos hubby is busy. Probably we bring Claira on the MRT to Papa's office at Sembawang on Monday. So interesting right!!?? kekeke...

Poor Linus...Must be so pain for him..hope he'll recover soon.
Good Morning Mummies,

Hope everyone is fine!

My new job is so so so busy!!! Somehow really regret to change job. Money is good but the mental stress and hr are more & long. Sigh...

Tetra, think you are making a great decision! I was looking at Ryan's photo yesterday, I tell myself, oh god, he grow so fast, whatever passed will never come back!

If this job is not working out, I think I will take a break and be SAHM and start my production! hahah....
Think is always good to take a break and enjoy being a SAHM and start re-production. For own preference I'll rather settle for less money with less stress and can go home on the dot.
hihi ladies,

poh, long time no hear... wah, new job so stressful ah? Nvmind lah, can join me and Tetra
We're also shifting down in expenses to support me as SAHM but it's soooo worth while. If you think it's difficult to tear yourself away from one, think about if you hv a 2nd one!!
Yesterday was on leave to be @ home with Lucas. Brought him to library to pick up some books for myself, then to NTUC. He actually walked with me from home to Sun PLaza, about 15 mins walk. Along the way, he would ask to be carried. Carrying a haversack with books & grocery, and him (I think about 12-13kg) is really no joke. But I enjoy every second with him even though he can be quite difficult i.e refusing to get out of the trolley @ supermarket, shouting the names of the sea creatures on the wall mural in the library, etc.

Poh: If you think the new job is too demanding of your time & if still can cope with one income, then always have the option of SAHM open until you firm up your decision. Why I took so long to make this decision is because of several reasons. One of which is that I always ask myself if I am quitting because of difficulty I faced @ work & I jus got promoted not long ago. Sometimes when workplace is getting stressed esp emotionally, the thought of SAHM triggers again. So I told myself if I decide to quit, it should not be due to difficulties I faced @ work, but it should be a genuine & committed decision to be a SAHM for the benefit for myself, Lucas & hubby. If it is the former, been SAHM is an "escape" from work problems which may go away eventually. I need to be be strong in my decision 'cause my company will tempt me with several options to make me change decision (becsue nobody wants to do my work, haha)

I have read all the threads in this forum on SAHM & FTWM, very interesting to read from both perspectives. But I think there are 3 things that are the most important before deciding SAHM:
1) Enjoy doing SAHM stuff - cooking, housework, enjoy spending time with kid, etc
2) Hubby must be supportive of wife being a SAHM & recognise that SAHM also needs time for herself
3) Can live within 1 income after moderating the lifestyle needs - $ can be damaging to the family harmony if couple has different expectation on $.

I have been spending time to search for other learning opportunities either child development/ psychology & investment/trading. There are just so much to learn & I hope to equip with new skills while been SAHM. I have been trying to look for SAHM who is learning or are trading from home. Have not met any yet. Most of them are guys, some even SAHD when I visit their investing forum.

Anyway, I am waiting for boos to return from leave before I give him letter. Target last day end of this year.
Hi mommies,

Sometimes i would aso wish to be a SAHM but i know i can't..actually in terms of financial capability, how much is really enuff for the single income family to survive in long term? i would tink tat for us, it's still ok if only my hb works, but then, provided we close factory liao..Too many commitments..for me as long as i get a 5 day work job, and a job that can let me go off on the dot (sometimes may need to work late once in a while) is fine for me..but then i still complained quite often abt my work scope and the salary i am getting..

Piggy, will keep a lookout meanwhile. cos we still have to wait until end of next yr before we can legally sell our flat. when are u moving? when Linus is older, will u still keep your maid or u will just send him to childcare?

Raymos is doing great in his daily playgrp now..latest news from my mil..he can willingly and happily waved byebye to her when lesson is starting and didnt even want to go home when she went to fetch him after class.. faintz..guess when it comes to play, boys tend to forget everything.

you really made alot of effort in keeping your darlings' blog very up-to-date..make me feel so guilty..wah, wilfred's speech is very gd leh..can say so many sentences and he has already potty trained..dunno when will be raymos' turn. NOw he will tell us "da bian" and we will rush him to the toilet as fast as we can if we are at hm, but most of the cases is he already finished doing his biz liao..haha
Did any of you read the front page article on Today talking about chidren being at risk of mental illness because of inconsistent primary care at a young age? I really applaud those who are SAHM. It's a big decision for anyone to give up career and stay at home to bring up kids. I really enjoy the social interaction and intellectual stimulation at work, even though that gives me no time to cook (which I love doing) and little time with Sherman. No matter how good a maid or child care center is, can never replace parents and family members because they are not consistent.

I'm glad I've got loads of parental support in helping us take care of our kids, but as hubby & I were discussing last night, you cannot really count on anyone else to teach values and discipline your own children. Grandparents will always spoil their grandchildren; maids and child care teachers will not be able to discipline your kids and teach them the right value system that you want to impart to them, because we have different values.

Go for it, Tetra!
Tetra, amen to your 3 points! Yah I mean I was willing to stick it out at my job but hubby felt that Timothy was getting a little too pampered at my parents' place lor..

babyD, yah I think that Today article jolted a lot of ppl, esp those who depend on maids.
Ah Bunny,
Thanks for your reading.
Frankly, I have no time for myself since Ive started my darlings blog :D
Anyway, I am very enjoying doing something for them. *ma ma zhen wei da* haha, thick skin!
Talking abt toilet/potty trained, we are so proud of Wilfred. He even has started diaper off (just wearing pants) at nap time. Anyway, heehee, hes mostly stays dry only for 2 hours of his nap :D

Thanks for viewing the pics and supporting. Btw, so happy to hear youve made a great decision and will be SAHM soon

BabyD, Catz
I didnt read the article. But no maid also jialat leh! My maid will be balik kampung end of the year. Sian, next mth onward have to start looking for new maid liao!
(Good maid not easy to find!)

Btw, thanks for viewing the pics and reading my blog. I will try to come in when I have time. Otherwise, feel free to read the blog when u miss Wilfred or ME, hehee :D
Thanks for the encouragement & sharing!

I think I only can get it from here other than a few of my supporters, hubby & Lucas. I have not told my parents yet, really dread telling them. Can't stand the nagging esp from my grandma & aunties. So strange rite, why is it when a mum goes with the flow of her maternal instincts will face such strong objection. I think our society has been conditioned for too long that SAHM is a low value job.

MGTeo: I am taking leave next Wed. I am staying @ Sembawang, where is your hubby's office?

Did anyone watch Child Of Our Time yesterday? sigh, miss it again. This is one of the best programme on child development.

Nanny is currently toilet training Lucas. But not as successful as Eve. He still not getting use to the toilet for business. Congratulations Eve, can save $ on diapers.

My last day is 31 Dec 06. It is more or less confirm. Boss asked me not to give more than 1 mth notice & that I should only give the letter exactly 1 mth notice. Now more fangxin & can start handing over my work secretly...haha.

BTW, my BIL's school is going to move to a condominium @ Rivervale (Sengkang) in Dec so next time I will bring Lucas there for his classes about 2-3 times a week.

arent you renewing yr maid's contract if you find her good? the most have to wait for her to come back after she has enjoyed her 2 weeks holiday..am wondering if anybody here has experience of asking yr maid to stay on after her 2 yr contract..do we still have to go thru the agency or we just process the procedures eg. renewing work permit etc on our ownselves. and also, if the maid is willing to stay on, do we have to automatically increase her pay and if so, how much is the standard and reasonable increment?
Tetra, wow, 31 Dec will come really quickly! I also keep missing Child of Our Time. :p Aiyah, my father still very sore that his daughter is SAHM.. oh well..
My hubby's office is at Northlink Building, Admiralty Street.

I'm so lazy to post but enjoy reading all of you's postings.
Just returned from Vivo City with Lucas & my brother. Took a bus from my mum's place about 4 bus stop away.

Very crowded, many cars turning into the carpark. Dun understand why are there so many pple buying things. It is not like things are cheap but seems like this urge to buy 'cause it is a new shopping mall. I don't find it big (not as big as Takashimaya, Suntec) but I find the architecture unique & they have a wading pool @ the roof top for kids to play. The walkway along the bay is nice though not that long as Marina Bay. I think about 10-20% of the shops are not opened yet. Most shops are catered to the young working adults, lots of clothing shops. Not much on kids stuff.

I would suggest to go during weekdays.
Ah Bunny,
If nothing goes wrong, we will be getting the keys in early Jan. I need to put up grilles and some cabinets in Linus' room and I guess we will probably move mid to end Jan.
I have told my maid that I will renew her contract for 2 more years and she verbally agreed to stay. I have no big complaints about her as I think she is doing a fine job.
To answer your question about renew work permit, etc... I think you can do it on your own, if you want to save $. I have not decided yet, may just let the agent do it for me, to save me the trouble.
As for Linus, I definately will not start him in N1 next year as I think he is not ready for it. I may consider N2 in 2008. Well, alot of wait and see as I can't plan everything to the tee.
My MIL renewed her previous maid contract n she (maid) started to be very rude,etc,etc into the 6th month of her contract. Then MIL has to let her go back. I hope that this will not happen to me...if not, really headache...

Let these pp nag. They don't understand the logic behind SAHM. As long as u made up your mind, they can't do much.
Human are sometimes like insects.... They do something that they normally will not do. When they see buying going on, they will also buy as theythink must be cheap....

<font color="ff0000">Linus acting</font>
HB n I brought Linus to Borders this evening and as Linus was playing near the shelves, HB reminded him to be careful else he will knock his head. (I was browsing about 2metres away). After hearing what his dad says, he purposely but very very gently bang his head on the shelves and started to cry and call "Mama Mama". Then he come running to me to tell me that he knocked himself vey jialat jialat and asked to sayang. Btw, he really managed to squeeze out some tears!!

Where did he learn this?
Piggy: Linus is so funny, still got tears. haha... Lucas lately has also displayed some of this drama as well, he used his hands &amp; box the wall then come running to us &amp; said "pain, pain" then want us to kiss his hands. I think these boys of ours just want to be pampered @ times. also dunno where he learn all this?

oh, btw did you cut out the Borders 30% discount coupon in the life section of Strait Times yesterday. We are going tomorrow night to get some books.

looks like you are going to be real busy soon. good to move in before the CNY, in time to open your house for a prosperous new year.

as for the nagging, got the 1st remark from my aunt yesterday @ granny's place. when she heard that I am quitting end of this year, her remark is "why so stupid?" haha...luckily she did not say more after I expressed my stand firmly.
It seems that our boys are really up for Golden Horse award and Oscar award....

I did cut out that Borders coupon. I join their mailing list too and recently, there was a survey for members and after answering it, I got another 30% coupon too. You should also join their mailing list and put in a couple of emails address, if you do buy books quite often.

Btw, did you go to the MPH sale in Singapore Expo over the weekend? This time round, it is quite disappointing but at times, they do have very cheap books for children. HB go there for adults' books n I go for children's.

Your aunty must be very outspoken person to say "Why so Stupid?" Haha...I guess they are entiltled to their own opinions.

Have you inform Lucas' nanny?
piggy: Thanks for the info. I will join the mailing list tonight. We have never been to the book sales @ Expo. My hubby has very low tolerance to crowds. We usually get from Kinokuniya (join as memer since last year) &amp; chinese books mainly from this shop @ Bras Basah (some of them like $3 before the member's discount fo 20%). Thot of bringing Lucas to our community library once a week as they got many good children books.

My aunty is very outspoken. I just have to deal with them by reply" This is my personal choice."

I have not informed the nanny. Maybe in Nov. Lately she has taken in one 4 mth old baby boy, tentatively to take care till next year Jan. Then Feb another baby girl to take care. Her business is very good. Lucas will probably have to share the nanny with the other 5 kids. Lately I also notice that he has been watching lots of TV including the ch 8 serials shows. well, nothing I can do except to bring him back home early. can't expect nanny to play with him all the time.
I don't turn on the TV for any other programmes other than children's cos I find some programmes not suitable for them. I have a collection of Tom and Jerry cartoon which I also find it a bit violent and kept it till he is bigger. Imagine teaching these kids to chase the mouse up and down the tables, cabinets, etc, etc.... and whack the mouse with sticks, batons, TNT, and what have they..... Still not suitable...
Ch 8 also got quite many unsuitable programmes, especially those with violent family scenes. Lucas' nanny really have good biz and that means she will be able to replace income form Lucas. I think that is good for you. I feel that handling too many children at one time is not too good for each child as he/she will not get the attention. It is OK if child is older and requires less attention but I feel that a total of 6kids is little too much.
Ah Bunny,
My maid decided to go back cos her parents and fianc missed her. No choice lor! have to let her go..
Increment wise, it depends on individual. Think market price is around S$20 or S$30?

Ok girls, chat later.
Hi Piggy/ Evelyn,

So tat means we still have to go through the agent if not how are we gg to renew the contract? surely there must be a document for both parties to sign rite? sorry if sound too ignorant. I'm just tinking if there is a possibilty of renewing her workpermit and let her continue to work with us with no contract period, for eg. maybe we oni need her for abt half a yr more after her existing contract ends? but of cos we will still buy her an air ticket home after the existing one ends and and aso a return ticket back to singapore after her 2 wks holidays..sounds impossible rite. But piggy, u mentioned that yr maid verbally agreed to stay, does that mean she's not gg back for a short holiday before she starts on her 2 yr contract again?

I still dont dare to go Vivo City now..dun tink i want to stand wasting the time finding carparks and queuing up for meals.

btw girls, how are u all gg to celebrate yr darlings' 2nd birthday now that the dates are around the corner again? how time flies..remember last yr during this period we were already planning ideas for the 1st birthday.. :p
Ah Bunny,
All the questions that you raised have crossed my mind so that's why I tot I use the agent so that my life is easier.
I let my maid decide if she wants to go back for 2 weeks holiday or not. If she want to, I told her to help me by going back in March instead of December due to our moving, packing, etc.

Also, I told her if she wants to stay and not go back, I will compensate her accordingly. I let her decide if she wants to see her family or she wants $.
Hi Mummies
Long time no chat here but have been following the threads quite reagularly.

We went on a holiday to Australia for 17 days and had a really great time. This is my first long overseas trip with Dylan and was a bit apprehensive at first coz the plan was to cover 2 cities - Sydney and Brisbane and there was a fair amount of driving. DH covered abt 3,000 km in the entire trip and Dylan was a good traveller. He enjoyed moving from place to place and he took the long car rides surprisingly well and more importantly stayed in his car seat (we brought his car seat all the way to Australia coz we needed something which he feels secure in)

Eversince the trip, Dylan has been very very sticky to me. (Tetra > U wun regret your decision to be SAHM, the rewards are great). It has been a week since we returned home and he still cries when I send him to my mum's place every morning (he has long passed that phase but it came back after the hols) .. the first day I left for work, he cried for more than half an hour. Stood at the door and cries for "mummy" ... so heartpain when my mum tells that he was crying and calling for me practically the whole day.

My husband has finally updated the blog, half of it was done when we were in Australia .. Shutterbug husband jus went on and on with the camera and now ended up with more than 4,000 photos in his laptop.

Welcome back, slamdunk &amp; Dylan. I visited Dlyan's blog when you were all in OZ &amp; saw some of your photos when you were in Syndey. Finally can see the whole album. The place is so beautiful esp the beach. And Dylan as usual is as cute &amp; handsome, he looks great in all the photos. He can have his own travel show on Discovery Channel title Travelling With Dylan in Outback style.

Thanks for the link on the townhouse, will check it out when we plan to go there. Really miss OZ, we have been to Melbourne twice &amp; Syndey once, all involved long driving trips. We are just not sure how Lucas can cope with the plane though he sits quite well in the car during our long drive to Malaysia.

And about the stickiness, it is kinda of expected especially when Dylan has such great time with you &amp; daddy for 17 days 24hrs. Very heartbreaking to read that he cry for you. Luckily today is PH &amp; maybe for this week, don't work too late &amp; be home early to let him adjust to his routine schedule. It will be a matter of time, he would be ok.

We went to Borders yesterday to enjoy the 30% coupon. Bought a collection of 6 Ladybird books, after discount is $19+. Look out for Ladybird Reading Phonics series, their Book 1 on Alphapets is good. These books are fun to read &amp; not too costly. But still, we prefer Kinokuniya, the place quite messy as usual.

Tomorrow on leave. Thot of going to zoo provided there is no haze.

Ah-Bunny: still have not thought of how to celebrate his 2nd birthday. We may drive up to Malaysia again if not will celebrate his birthday with my family @ home.
hi all,

been a long while since i last posted...boss has left so now portfolio getting bigger.. so been working late these days..

now having lotsa problems with jov coz he has been rejecting his milk since last friday. he refuse to drink his formula milk even when i change 2 different brands within a week. he rather prefer the fresh milk and packet kind. any kiddo going thru this phase?

for solid feed, he dun fancy and ate as much as before. very heartpain as his stomach seems to shrink.. he is only a mere 11KG when we last weight him yesterday... wonder should we bring him to PD.
Sorry to intrude. I am looking for Emonster urgently. Anyone knows her email or her contact no., can kindly PM me? Thanks!
He could be teething. He prefers those packet fresh milk cos its cold and easier for him using straw rather than sucking from the bottle. Thats what I guess. You try giving him soft porridge maybe he will eat?
thanks MGTeo,

We tried porridge too and at times he refuses after a few mouthful... very headache.

do u gals reckon fresh milk is sufficient? my mum pretty concerned coz its cold and may not be good for his little tummy, scare tummy upset

How about those UHT milk? is there lots of preservatives? coz the shelf life is normally about 2 years... hesitating to substitute it for formula milk, 3 times daily..
dolphina, maybe he doesnt like porridge anymore. Tat's wat happened to raymos few mths ago and since then, we have been preparing all sorts of noodles like kway teow, beehoon, pasta and rice for him. When we go out, he will just eat our food. his appetite is gd, but when comes to porridge, one spoon only and he doesnt want anymore. I guess that is a very normal phase that every child goes through. as for milk, of cos formula will be better than fresh milk. maybe u can try chocolate flavour? but i tink for milk wise, after sometime he will regain his regular intake again. maybe u would aso like to try appetite booster that contains lysine but i tink unless his loss of appetite is really very serious, if not, u just wait for some time to monitor the condition.
Piggy, for maid issues, i guess i will wait until the time is near and will then discuss with hb. of cos we would prefer to send her back after the contract ends cos i'm planning to send raymos to full-day childcare after she goes back. think having a maid is really a waste of $ as we only have one child and sometimes really lack of privacy..plus although she's really considered not bad, sometimes really still can give us headaches.

For birthday, have initially wanted to book a chalet at Chevrons but too bad, it's always fully booked on 31 Dec and New Year day..
thanks ah bunny,

ya am thinking to monitor for few more days but his daddy and grandpa getting so anxious he is not getting enough and losing weight!

aiyo getting on my nerves...haha
Hi mummies,

anyone knows where I can get the Zogg's float. Not too sure if I got the spelling right, but their float are typically bright orange in colour.

Used to see them in a shop in United Sq but it closed down.

Any inkling?
blanche, i got tim's zoggs from this swim/surf shop at tanglin mall but i think the swim/surf shop at paragon also has it.. maybe toys r us also? the other brands of arm floats suck.
Maybe you can try fridging the formula milk for a short while so that it's just a little bit chilled but not cold? If he likes drinking cold milk from a straw so much, you can buy some straws and let him drink his formula milk with them. I let Sherman drink his daytime formula milk that way, trying to train him &amp; get him off the bottle eventually. As for eating... try rice or pasta? My nephew prefers rice to porridge and is 5 months younger than Sherman. He was eating rice long before Sherman was. Sherman has been eating off the table for dinner &amp; weekends. We decided he's old enough to handle soy sauce etc now since he's been eating out with us, just drink lots of water (which he does). He'll also refuse to eat if the food is not so tasty. I remember Sherman went through a very short phase of not really wanting his porridge. I tried changing to pasta for 2 days. He hated it, and when we went back to porridge, he gladly ate up everything.
hi babyd,

Thanks for your advise on the cool milk. Will give it a try!

these days jov will eat wat we eat, guess thats the reason they refuse their own bland food... perhaps they are also at the stage where they will become fussy with food ya..big headache on the way...

brian looks like a big boy now!

yve: Brian is a big macho baby. He must have enjoyed his bath, can see from his face.

Went to the zoo last Sat, Lucas and his cousin had a good time at the pool. Then walked to our fav area- fragile forest. After a while, both of them slept at the elephant spot while waiting for the rain to stop (about 45min). Me very tired from the carrying &amp; running after him. Slept the whole day yesterday.
