(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

Hi ladies,
Finally! We've rented our office space. Gonna turn it into a music studio cum office cum play-area cum second home etc... Hehe. Might spend most of our time there perhaps. So we're busy asking for quotations now. Also been helping hb with a few "events". Quite happy doing it leh. Wonder how he managed all by himself in the past.

Piggy, Heidi was also like that a few days ago, & it lasted for a week. I also dunno why? And she threw up twice in the middle of the night.. I wonder whether it's wind pain in the stomach???

Your maid really loves Linus, that's good. My maid also prefers if we bring Sherman home earlier because he doesn't sleep well if he sleeps later than 9pm, which means she also don't get to sleep well. How heavy is Linus now? I find I have not much strength to carry Sherman these days, he just reached 12kg and is becoming v tall. Likes to run v fast in the house, but once we go out, he wants us to carry, can't seem to walk for long.

Like you, hubby & I love outdoors. We should meet at the zoo. We always try to bring Sherman for a hike or walk every Sat morning. We have been making full use of our Friends of the Zoo card, usually go every 2-3 weeks. Our friends can't imagine how we can go to the zoo every other week. Starting to recognize some of the animals, butterflies and orang utans already. Last Sat we went to Bt Batok Nature Park for a change. Lots of F16s flying overhead.
Angela, wow, so exciting that you're helping hb out

Piggy, aiyoh, hope this is the last night of your panda eyes episode.

SAHM-tiring.. Tim is still 10+ kg but I think the pregnancy makes me tired more easily so I really feel his weight when I have to carry him. Shack....

Twinkle, I did the OSCAR just to get the bad / good news out of the way in the first tri.. unlike triple test need to wait till 2nd tri lor.
Wah...yesterday no postings at all ah...

Hey I must tell you all this. Guess what.... Claira knows how to do sommersault! She copied from my two monkeys (nephews) at my mum's place. Was very surprised cos she's quite timid. And also when I ask her how she fell down and she'll demonstrate and say "bommmm", cry "herrrrr". Very funny to watch her doing that.

Lately so quiet here where are all the ladies

MG Teo,
So good, claira is so clever clap clap


Hows Linus now? My gal also wakes up in the middle of the nite crying so hard dont knw what went wrong leh..she got fever on Wed nite, after 2 dose of parace, no more fever heng ah..

Catz, you must be so bus with Tim. Oh I m not doing the Oscar test cos gynae say not necessary so save $ loh
Hi Mummies,

Can I just check if there's any babies who's experiencing the "Hate Mummy" symptoms? Phoebe simply refuse to let me carry or get near to her at all. She prefers Grandma more than anything and the second in line would be Daddy.

Even when it's bedtime, she still crings on to my MIL like some medical plaster and refuse to let me near her.

It's very disheartening to have the little one treat me this way. Dunno what went wrong and she simply hates me to be near her.

When Grandma goes into hiding, Phoebe will cry, scream and bang her head against the floor / wall just to get Grandma to come out. We are at out wits end and this also happens in the middle of the nite. For the past 4 nites, she has been waking up between 1.30am to 3am just to cry, get off the bed and bang at Grandma's door. Really tired and stressed... Lost my cool last nite and scolded her and spank her, and miraculously, she stopped crying and struggling and quietly lay down beside me and sleep.... Is this the start of terrible 2???

Menses is still nowhere in sight and the preg kit it still showing -ve. Might need to see YC soon.

Mummies, any advice is deeply appreciated!
Finally rented the office? Good good. Hope that all goes well for you.

Linus also wants to be carried when we go out. Very siong for me, especially when I am so tired from lack of proper sleep. He is slightly pass 12kg now. No longer the chubby baby anymore. Imagime I have to carry > than a quarter of my weight everytime, I really pengsan. I must thank the Chinese doctor that I see as I feel much more energetic after seeing him for a few months.

In fact, night 3 and 4 are pretty the same as night 1 and 2. Just that the awake moment is shorter only. This morning, I got a wet cloth to clean his nose area and I saw blood gushing out from the lip area. I must have accidentally rub against the ulcer on his lips....Aiyo...he cry for only like 5sec and was distracted by something else and want me to carry him upto my room.

Claira doing sommersault must be very funny to watch. Take a few pics lei and post to show us?
But it looks like she'll sprained her neck anytime...quite scary to watch though.

You didn't give her much attention isit?? Maybe Grandma and Daddy can help by pushing the attention to you but you got to be very patient with her. I think she's experiencing some kind of anxiety. Just give her lots of kisses and hugs. Hope it works.

I will try to take some pics then post here to let you all see.

My gal is also like that. She prefers her Daddy to me, maybe cos I scold her more often.. ke ke ke.. try spending more time with her and see if theres any improvement. Dont worry. Parents are always dearest to our kids, they know this very well and they will alwas look for us no matter what. Maybe phoebe needs more time.
Your blog is so funny....Wa...really got time and patience to do all these hor...Me too lazy and also with Claira can't do anything infront of the computer. She'll surely disturb me.

emonster, twinkle
Ya I agree with you. Parents are always dearest to our child. So emonster don't be disheartened k.
emonster, yah it's a bit tough like that since your MIL spends more time with her yah? It was that way for a period with Tim - where he prefers my mom but he does know who his mummy is.. so don't feel bad lah. perhaps also your hub and MIL are more lenient with her?

yah very busy now 'cos Timo is sticking to me like glue.. maybe he's scared that i'll go disappearing again.. haha..

Piggy, aiyoh poor thing.. ulcers are just horrible. Take care.. hope your ordeal will be over soon.

MG, Timo started doing tumbles a while back then stopped, then now he will do but I get so scared he will twist his neck or back. yeeeks...
Hi Piggy,

Lately our thread have been very quiet hor, guess everyone is very busy. So how's Linus now? Hope he is better

Hi Eve,
Hope Wilfred has recovered. Take care
Thanks for your concern. Linus' runny nose has recovered 90%. He was down on diarrhea on Sunday though. We brought him to Ngee Ann City and he pooed 2x there! The whole of Sunday, he LS 5x! So I self medicated and went to Watsons to get him some medicine and after one feed, he is OK liao.

Hmmm, wonder how is Tetra's trip?

Keep us posted of your visit to YC, ok? Btw, any improvement in Phoebe reactions to you?
I am back too!! back from Genting over the weekend.. damned shagged after it.. I lost weight cos I was slinging 8.9kg brian most of the time.. Then Angel got stomach flu after we got back.. Puked everything that she ate and we went to KKH A&E twice.. haiz, so heartpain to see her suffer..
yve, wah Brian is doing sooo well..are you pumping for him? poor Angel.. hope she gets well soon. did you enjoy Genting though?

Brian is so cute and chubby....

So hows ur trip? fun?

Poor Linus, poo so many times... glad he is ok now... poor boy...

Long time nv see yap, wonder how is she now
yeah.. pumping.. but he only drink and 4 oz and a little bit every 3 hrs leh.. but he dun poo everyday lah.. taking in all the ho liao (good stuff)..

Angel enjoyed the trip a lot.. She likes the kiddy rides and she just met their height limit of 76cm.. else we got lost a lot of times.. like getting out of malacca, KL..

Angel is not vomitting already but having diarrhea.. she has lost 1kg already.. all bones left.. and wearing diapers of the same size as Brian!
Poor Linus...but he must be fine now.

Yes Brian is cute and chubby...! Mummy's milk must have alot of ho liao thats why he's in such a good weight...

All Mummies
Anyone here has sinus or allergic rhinitis?? Can share any of these experience?
yve, I think 4oz is about right lah.. anyway, he's definitely getting enough! ho liao what..
Wah, got kiddy rides ah? Hmm.. gotta rethink. Timo is now 86cm.. I'm v happy with his height!

MG, my hubby is one of the worst sinus sufferers I know.. think he will go for the laser op to stop his suffering.
Aiyo...Brian is so cute.....

Ya, he is ok now. He is now drinking ALOT of milk. I gave him 240ml last night at about 8.45am and he asked for more, I then gave him another 130ml at about 9.30pm. He woke up again at 3am and asked for milk. Maid gave him another 130ml. Must rob milk factory liao...
So does your hubby always got it worse in the morning?? Like sneezing, itchy and runny nose then at times get blocked nose as well? Any idea what laser op he's going?

Wah....thats alot of milk leh...Yesterday Claira had 240ml, then before she sleeps she asked again so I gave about 150ml. As for night feed I've stopped her at 1 year old.
Good to hear that Linus, Wilfred & Angel are getting better.

We came back on Tuesday late afternoon. Quite fun since we are on Free N Easy. Can shop, rest, eat whenever you like. We stayed @ Berjaya Times Square for 2 nights then left for Port Dickson @ Avillion for 1 night. Lucas & his cousins enjoyed themselves with the indoor amusement park in Times Square, running around in the shopping mall, got to eat ice-cream everyday, stayed out late at night (I think the only toddler walking around @ Bt Bintang at 11pm), playing with aunties & uncles from Taiwan @ the Avillion pool.

For me, I got to ride the roller coaster twice. Also found some interesting night supper places. tried one of the best kwai ling gao @ Jln Imbi & night supper @ Bt Bintang. But I found that Penang's night supper is better & more interesting.

Not much stuff for kids @ TImes Sq, only got 5 shops. I think the shopping malls along Bt Bintang is better. But we like the location, the convenience & the hotel's room.

After this trip, got more confidence to drive to KL. not as tough as we thought.
Hi all,

i'm back..we went for a trip in HK last week, was dead tired cos had to carry Raymos most of the time during the 5 days in HK. Brought him to disneyland and sightseeing and of cos not forgetting that mommy had to do her shopping as well...

Wish all the babies here a speedy recovery! Raymos was also sick after he came back fr genting during the 1st week of Sep. He had a fever and subsequently cough and running nose during tat period and didnt have any appetite at all, didnt eat solids for almost one week. Really heartpain to see him like tat, and we were so worried as we were heading to HK that subsequent week. So we brought him to see PD and PD suggested that raymos to use the neubiliser for 4 days. Thank God the neubiliser was really effective though Raymos cried until very cham everytime we had to use that on him. He recovered before we went HK and now his appetite has greatly improved...

Hey Yve, Brian is really very chubby leh..already so heavy at this age. How many mths? raymos is i tink oni 10.5kg now. u mean Angel is allowed on the kiddy rides at Genting? Raymos wasnt allowed although his height is now, i tink 84 cm? and we were quite worried he might just stand up or tried to get out of the ride if we really let him try. We oni took those family rides like the venice gondola, the ferris wheel etc.

Yeah, raymos will be starting his daily playgrp next tues. so worried wondering if he will cry on the 1st day..
anyone gg to the isetan pte sale today? any things to buy? spent quite alot during my HK trip but still can't resist leh..thinking of gg..hubby wanted to faint when he heard me gg..haha
Hi Tetra & Ah Bunny,
Welcome back. Seem that you 2 mums had a lot of fun eating and shopping. Must try to post some pics if possible.

<font color="ff0000">Mummy to Rob Milk Factory</font>
Linus drank 1.1 litre of milk yesterday in all!! This is like 300ml more than his usual intake.
Hubby and I are both sufferers. Hubby more serious than me. I used to wake up every morning with leaky nose, but once I go and walk in the warm sunshine at lunchtime, it goes away. Hubby uses steroid spray at night and sometimes takes anti-histamines before going to sleep as well, to avoid morning symptoms. We both avoid sleeping in aircon, otherwise sure kena next morning. Hubby more serious, cannot even have fan blowing at him. I can use fan, but must have warm duvet. People think we're nuts to use duvet without aircon, but it's the only way to avoid having sinus symptoms every morning. We've had it since we were kids. I used to get a lot of nose bleeds as well, because of the frequency &amp; severity of running nose (like a tap).

Think it's quite normal for kids to be really hungry after a bout of illness. They're trying to compensate for their loss of appetite during the illness. I still recall Sherman was really sick a few months ago and didn't eat any solid food for almost a whole week, just milk only. When he recovered, he was eating all the time, hungry all the time and milk was never enough. It lasted for a few days up to 1 week before he went back to normal. You might want to try giving Linus more than his usual portion of solids and let him snack on his favourite foods throughout the day until he stops this feeding craze. Somehow I find milk doesn't satisfy my boy for long enough compared to giving more solids. Linus will regain &amp; surpass his pre-illness weight v fast like Sherman.
Actually mine also quite bad. Almost everyday between 2-4am I'll wake up with itchy nose and sneezing, runny nose then blocked nose. Morning wake up same thing again but I didn't take any medication at all. Funny thing is usually afternoon it seems ok already. I'm allergy to my room....everytime I go in I'll have itchy nose. How...???
Yah, it's like that one. I'm sensitive to dust and temperature changes. Usually by lunch time my symptoms will subside, provided I get outside without aircon for sometime, no need medication also will recover. My hubby takes because his symptoms are very bad once he gets it and won't stop without taking anti histamines.

Do you use anti-dustmite pillows, mattress protectors, etc? Change your bedsheets often? Also, do you live by a busy road? Hubby and I get symptoms without fail when we stay at MIL's place on Friday nights. They stay by a busy road and nearer to town, so the pollution makes it worse. Hubby said his sinus has been much better after we got married because we stay quite far away from the main road and the air is much fresher because of we're nearer the nature reserve and surrounding parks. When I was a student in London, my symptoms were the worst ever... lost 5kg in my first few months there bceause I had symptoms from morning till night everyday. No such problem for 3 years further up north in UK, or in -20deg Boston USA, so it was definitely because of the polllution. I saw ENT specialist before. He said no cure. Only way is to migrate. hahaha....
Wow Tetra, gd that u have enjoyed urself. In May I have the same itinery as u, stayed in Berjaya Time Square and then Avilion hee hee bring back memories.

Same as u, I have always loved driving up to KL and genting so fun rite, relax and enjoy the car ride , no need to rush. Own time own pace.

Btw gals, I am entering 12 weeks next week, really pray hard that my MS will leave me soon.

Hope u are doing fine now..
Thanks for sharing...I was very worried thought how come nowadays very sensitive. Sometimes I do get breathless leh...don't know is it because of some nasal congestion. Think I better see a Chinese physician cos too much western medication not very good but if it gets real bad then I'll take clarinase night time I'll take zyrtec.

Anyway I'm very lazy to do cleaning this could be the cause. My house gets very very dusty easily today I clean tomorrow dusty liao. Hubby suspect it could be my pile of clothes in the room. I suspect its my blanket and Claira's soft toys.

babyd really glad that there's someone sharing with me. I've got real worried. Thanks...
MG, yah it's usually in the morning but if he's having a bad attack, he will drip the whole day long. Like babyD, the solution is the spray (Flixonase) or antihistamines (but makes him drowsy)... guess you might need to hv your mattress steam-cleaned just in case there are allergens there.

Tetra, waaahh.. sounds nice.

twinkle, hope your MS says bye bye also

Piggy, I'm so envious of Linus' milk intake leh.. Tim is having somewhat of a reduced milk appetite nowadays but he's weirdly teething premolars on his top and bottom.. weird 'cos bottom he only has 2 teeth and yet got premolars cutting out :p
Oh ya Catz I've the spray, Flixonase also but me try to avoid using it if possible. What kind of vacuum cleaner is good ah? I'll probably need it badly man....
oh, i use bagless - mine's a kaarcher but very heavy.. maybe get a dyson? the suction is super solid.. plus u dun hv to fiddle with dusty vacuum bags.
Dust is very big problem because of dust mites. I think the SEAsian breed of dust mites are particularly allergenic for me. Once spoke to a Professor who specialises in allergens and he said there are also dust mites in Europe and America, so I was just less allergic to them than those here because I don't really get symptoms there. A lot of friends are also like me, no problem in USA or UK, but suffer everyday in Singapore. Your house will get very dusty if you live near a busy main road or construction site. Our house doesn't get cleaned everyday but it's ok because nobody is at home for most of the day. My MIL's place cannot, must clean v often, esp with hyperactive Sherman spreading all the dust around.

Can't remember whether it's OSIM that advertises that their vacuum cleaner can even take out the dust mites from bedding because I recall seeing soft toy dust mites as advertising in one of their shops... If you're really concerned, then it might be worth investing in one (vv expensive!) and see if it helps alleviate your symptoms. But if your house gets dusty easily, have to clean often lor. Did you just move house?
I have an old OSIM sitting in store room (used twice only). It is the model before the current one. You want to get a used one? The price at that time was $1099 or $1299??? Anyway, do let me know if u are interested. No obligations.

Ya, I told my feeding obsessed maid that Linus' appetite will go up after he recovers. And thank goodness it happened. Otherwise she will be a miserable maid as she can't indulge herself in feeding him. "Very Siao at times".

Thot I'll share that there's a Toys R Us sale at Downtown East at the Marquee. May wish to take a look over the weekend. There's fisher price stuff but no leapfrog if anyone is looking for that. It'll be up till Monday.

There's also this explorerkid thingy that the tots can play in. Ash had quite some fun climbing the strictures and stuff, but mummy is shag man, having to climb together with him, up the tunnels and down the slides!!! If wanna go, remember to wear socks, otherwise must pay for the socks there. Can see the pics at our blog - www.cheekiemonkie.blogspot.com

Here's some pics of ayden to share. He's showing more expression now... more responsive and cuter... hehe... *thick-skinned*

Before long, we'll get to see more and more baby pics again... kekeke

It started ever since I started working with piles of clothes in my room. I know dust is the main culprit. Anyway these few days quite ok so I guess at times it'll get real bad and sometimes ok.

Thanks for offering your vacuum cleaner but I'll go and look around to check it out.
Hi Gals,

Long time never chat.... Last week, just put Carine into 1/2 day playgroup... However, till now she is still crying and clinging to teacher to carry her... anyone have any experience on how to make the her feel comfortable at childcare? Whenever we bring her there, she will cry like mad... Really dont know what to do... As the 2nd one coming up, we would like to try her to be more independent and let my MIL to rest more or to be able to take care of the 2nd one...

The other reason of putting her there is to let her learn things and get to play with other kids... As she had been alone, till now she still does not play with other kids...

help help...
MG, yah agreed with babyD, it might be the haze.. my hubby's nose started dripping today.

yvonne, I'm coming 20 months.. my detailed scan is on Wed.. quite worried 'cos Timo's detailed scan gave us the false scare about his heart. :p

Blanche, u were at Downtown East? Should hv given me a buzz.. coulda brought Timo down for playtime with his good buddy Ash.

hee... the haze must be affecting you, or is it the pregnancy?
you must be 20 weeks, not 20 months... enough time to have 2 babies!
