(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

Wa, catz congrats!!! So happy and excited for you gd gd.

I too wish for a girl but my hubby wants a boy and my inlaws cant wait to have a boy haiz.
2 gals seems so perfect to me ke ke ke..

Guess I was too tired recently had to take a cab home yest. No energy to walk also...


Envy you leh... with a perfect job.. I dont mind being paid lower but I need my family life.. hence my hubby told me to quit after my maternity.. yeh!!!

twinkle, yeah, hi^5! Too bad we don't live closer to each other since both our kiddos will be very close in age. Anyway, the energy levels should pick up after wk 14.. take good care of yourself in the meantime.

MG, yah you're right.. so clever
Quite scared that cleaning private part is difficult lor.. not as straightforward as boys.

yve, you tingkat still? But actually $200 for 3 ppl for 5 days is not bad hor? For 2 ppl, not so worthwhile.

aiyo if can confirm next one is ger i will chiong liow..only worry is another little terror like jov then we will pengz!

i stay in punggol but will be at pasir ris almost everyday including weekend... my own house makiam like hotel go back to sleep only... heee

wow envy.. u gonna be a SAHM soon.. must tong and enjoy the maternity leave ya...

After quit I will still be looking for a job.. Dont think can cope with hubby's income only.. Ke eke.. Cos I spend on shopping a lot.. Hee hee but will try to do something that I like..have being in credit line for too long, dont knw if I m still employable

I thinking of a trip next mth , is it safe to travel by air? I m quite worried esp jus got bleeding prob. But by oct,(deepavali) I shld be in my 14th week. Catz, u have been to Indo Harris Resort rite? Is it a nice place to go? Or Bintan will be better??
My office working hours just changed few mths ago (management siow liao!) From 9-5.30 changed to 8.30-5.30pm. so sian! Same as you, I also need to work once a mth. Heard that we might work every sat soon. Sian ah!

Catz, dolphina, MGTeo
Im still in a dilemma.:p will definitely close shop when reach 35yrs old!
dolphina, hehee.. actually I dont mind 2 boys lor.. 'cos Tim is quite OK (I just like complaining

twinkle, serious ah, you still want to work? For me, I like to spend but vs not taking care of my kids, think I will try to cut down on expenses. Yah Harris is not bad but watch out for mozzies. Not sure about Bintan.
For my case, Im the one who's do the tracking because hubby said Im good in this area.hahaha! Anyway, all the household bills will be settled via Giro, he will give me one lump sum every month and I will just bank it in to our joint a/c and most of the time also use the card to settle other expenses like maid salary, marketing, medical and etc. It depends on the household usage eg: PUB high or low, Tel bill etc
How abt u?

wah...u dun mind 2 boys? thats good, then try for a 3rd one lah... its my hubby who mind a boy next..he is the one not keen..ahahah coz Jov too sticky to him liow...


i did fly to HK towards the end of 1st trim when i was till having MS...terrible flight/trip for me but bo bian coz of work... that time had not informed boss that i preggy... personally i would rather fly when the MS is completed gone.. just my 2 cents of worth...

Bintan is abit on the boring side for me but if you only wan to relax and enjoy then its ok..coz nothing much to do except to laze around the pool..

still a long way to hit 35 right..dun procrastinate liow.. heee
dolphina, my hubby also only like girls he said if next one is a boy he will surely beat him if he's naughty. With Claira he's already very strict with her imagine if its a boy...

Catz, don't worry about the troublesome cleaning. You will take it easily when it comes. Just remember to clean it from front to back like how we clean ourselves.

twinkle, no need to envy..you'll sure find something you like to do since you don't mind some pay cut. I also like spending quality time with family and friends thats why I don't want to do any stressful jobs. Like what Tetra said life is too short go enjoy what you like to do.

ha so ur hubby also like girls... both of them can shake hands liow...

jov really "tekan" my hubby alot till he scare of boys liow.. ahahaha

Tks for the advise on travel. Have not decided yet, still looking around.

Catz, ya me cant stay at home one leh..sure bored to death.. Feel very insecure w/o an income hee. Btw, u sound energetic this days compared to weeks ago :p
talk about cleaning the backside.. The difference that i noticed between angel and brian is that i always tot brian's balls are shit when i peeped into his nappy at the side.. hee hee..
twinkle, yah lor 2nd tri is a lot better.. plus looking fwd to spending more time with Tim. Feel like I've lost out so much during these 6 months working. No money sucks lah but I think I'm happier at home with the kids. Me also, still looking for somewhere to holiday

yve, you very joker leh you
As HB and I are both working in the West side, we will stay back in this area.
I agree that it is nice to be queen of your own home. Just that finances must be worked out before we take the plunge.
I can't imagine your HB to be strict with Claira leh. He looks like the type that will melt when Claira calls him or sainai with him.

Congrats. Your parents must be over the moon to know that a girl is on the way?

I am also the one handling the finance here. keke... So staying with in-laws actually very good cos I don't have to buy any household things as MIL handles them. HB gives his mum money every month and rest I will take and pay all the bills lor.

Thanks for all the feedback on household finances.
Yes yes agree with you...definitely has to work out on finances before committing. Oh yes HB will melt if Claira sainai with him but he is not as patient as me. There was once HB shouted at her in the car to tell her to keep quiet cos she was crying non-stop asking me to carry her.

Talking about home. Me and HB only prefer (Geylang/Old Airport Rd) area but they're expensive. A resale 5-room cost about $450k...ggulp. Can easily pay for a private apt.
sleepymom..heh, I was actually hoping I wouldn't hv to shop for pink stuff but oh well, think I won't buy v much since Tim has HEAPS of stuff we bought from the US.. luckily had the foresight to buy 0 -9 months pretty unisex.

Piggy, my mom is happy for her back..'cos she finds it stressful to deal with how active Timothy is. Muahahah
Who ask her to spoil him until he doesn't want to walk whenever she's around? So are you planning to move out soon? Think with dual-income, you should hv no problem maintaining your current lifestyle lor.

MG< wah those HDB are too expensive. I'd rather go for private freehold!!
Hey gals,
We were at Sunway from last mon - Fri. And Heidi had high fever &amp; vomitting from Wed - Fri. Then, she had diarrhoea &amp; rashes... Been busy attending to my sick baby.. so poor thing. Sick until face like ang ku kueh &amp; had watery eyes.. Sigh... I cried &amp; cried while sponging her, so heartpain. Anyway, she is much better now except for a phlegmy cough. Think the hoildays are too close to each other la. Scared to travel again *Shudder*

Catz, congrates!!! Think you will enjoy having a gal! So can drink coffee together already! Anyway, just came back from Pasir Ris...

Piggy/MG, it takes a lot of courage &amp; getting out of your comfort zone to move out on your own. Especially if you've been staying the your ILs for so long.., but it's absolutely GREAT la. If need to tighten yr belts, then do so lor, coz it's so different staying on your own. I stayed with my ILs for a year after coming back from Australia. Then we got our little 4 room flat. Then b'coz of Heidi, we got this place. HB &amp; I are not rich, we are VERY careful with our limited "resources". Now also headache coz we are getting our own office space, and where to get the MONEY?!! Also don't know, but just have to trust in God Almighty! Many times we just live by faith &amp; God has blessed us with so much, but each time with a story behind it.. hehe.. suddenly talk so much hor?

Twinkle, I flew to US for holiday when I was 6-7 weeks pregnant. Very siong la... Can't go on any rides in Disneyland, so sad!! Haha.. but you must take extra care!
Haha. The way u describe your Mum spoiling Timmy is so funny. How did she make him hate walking??

Hope Heidi gets well asap...
I know that staying on your own is probably very great.. I just MUST make sure that I really really make up my mind b4 getting a place on our own.

Can you rent instead of purchase the office space?
Angela, hihi, aiyoh, poor little Heidi. It's horrible when they get sick. Now I'm giving Timothy poly vi-sol multivit drops..hope that it helps to boost his immunity since his larger teeth are popping through. Yah yah, we can meet up after I revert to SAHM status. BTW, are you at Savannah?

Piggy, dunno lah, she carry him here and there until he dun wanna walk. Serves her right.. warned her already when he was 6 months old. Dun listen, see lah now back pain.
Hi Piggy,
We stay in a condo. Monthly estate maintenance is already $200. On weekdays, we eat dinner at IL's place or my parent's place, depending on who Sherman is with, so grocery bill not very high. We got filipino maid.

Our water and electricity bill quite low, around $70, because we only switch on aircon before we sleep and switch off after the room is cool. All our lights are energy saving bulbs. Believe air con is the biggest electricity consumption so if you use aircon when sleeping at night, your electricity bill will probably be $150-200.

We use cylinder cooking gas instead of piped gas. It is much cheaper. Our first tank amazingly lasted almost 3 yrs because we went away for 1 year and usually only cook on weekends (really tan, 1 tank of gas only $30). If you get piped gas, got montly charges, at least $10 or more, plus usage. Not sure about telephone and internet bills cos hubby pays. SCV will add to cost. I think your bills depends on your lifestyle, but do be prepared that the initial cost of buying, renovating, furnishing plus buying household items etc will be quite high.

Been v busy and not having a good time at work. *sigh* Feeling quite low.
Angela: Hope Heidi gets better. Can understand how stressful when kid is sick especially when on holiday.

piggy: We have been staying on our own for the last 9 years. My thoughts is slightly different especially when I visit my BIL's place (playschool). If one day can afford a landed property (through means of toto or $ falling from the sky), I would like to stay together with my parents &amp; grandma. I personally enjoy the closeness of having extended family staying together. Go back still can have homecooked food &amp; the old folks can enjoy the grandson everyday. But must qualify, I think space is very important if the place is small to accomodate more than 4 pple, then I think it's best to stay on your own. As having a comfy personal space is very important, otherwise nobody will be happy.

As for expenses, I take care of paying the household bills through the POSB Everyday Card. Quite useful as can gain points when pay to SP and StarHub. I usually set aside about $500 for utilities, internet, SCV, household stuff, part-time cleaner, newspaper, etc. Electrical bill makes the bulk about $150, SCV/Internet about $100 and the other bulk killer is your meal(either eat in or out).

babyd: long time din see you here. don't worry, bad times will get over soon. just persist through &amp; good times is just round the corner. hope u feel better soon!

catz: congratulations! lucky girls...you &amp; your baby. you leh, lucky to have a girl as you have wished for &amp; your baby also very lucky, will have many pple doting on her &amp; get to doll up in pink. mummy sure buys lots of pink dresses.
Ya.. Its a BIG BIG step to move out. Do take time to think abt it.. Stress over $ issue can be quite a strain... bad 4 health too! No hurry, do yr sums first.. In S'pore there's no lack of property!
I'm renting the office space. No money to buy la. But we need to renovate the whole place... so need some cash lor. Plus just spent some money on my home reno, buy furniture etc. On the other hand, I'm actually quite excited abt this. Furthermore, we'll be looking at a space later in the afternoon... Sometimes quite overwhelmed by what is to come, but just have to chiong &amp; walk by faith.. Come to think of it, also very scary now that we have children!

Catz, I gave her this same vitamin too, but recently just changed to a cheaper one coz I think this is for babies leh.. Now Tim can take other vit liao... And yes, I'm at Savannah. Why? wanna come &amp; swim?
Hee...can't contribute much to this but everytime talk about $$$ quite stress hor...Anyway Piggy hope you can come to a solution and not be 'fan' about it. cheers...

Can if you don't mind I asking how much did you pay for your apt?

Me signed up for JG and last minute rejected it cos thinking the time 2-4pm isn't the right timing for Claira. Usually this is her nap time. Now put on waiting list for next year's term. I've also waitlisted her with GUG.

I really enjoyed going classes with her. Wondering if any mummies have other recommendations for weekend class (once a week)??
Dear Mummies,

I m down with MS and MIA in office 4 3 days.. stress..think gonna affect my job if this continues.. everyday vomit where to find strength to work.. cant eat well also...haiz...


big step wo... think carefully ..ur Ilaws will be unhappy if u moved out ornot?

cheer up... u will be fine..."hug hug"
What about going to Pat's school house for the programme "D story club"? Once a week too. Available at various centres like Halifax (near United Square) or even Serangoon (the ones that Tim, Dylan and Ash are attending). You can sign up for a trial first b4 deciding.

Must try to do minimum reno to rented place. Such investment not worth it. Can busybody ask you what biz are you in?

Not sure if they will be unhappy but I guess unless they are able to give me another room for Linus, if not how? Always let him sleep in the living room?
Ok I'll check from the website for more details. Thanks...

Think you just take more MCs if you really need since it affects your performance at work. For the benefit of your pregnancy rest well...
twinkle: you must rest well. Nothing is more important than your health &amp; your baby.

Lucas has not been asking for his milk night feed since he was infected with the intestional virus. It has been about 10 days already. Nanny also told me he doesn't ask for milk unless you give him when he is in the stroller &amp; walking in the park. However, he is asking for more bread &amp; insists to have jam on it. He will even unfold the bread to check there is jam. He is getting very weird nowadays.
I paid abt 700K for my apt. It has 4 bedrooms plus a study niche. Interest rate is sky-rocketing, so very stressed coz we dun have CPF contribution.

My hb is a drummer. He has a group of drummers doing corporate performances locally &amp; overseas. Recently, he was involved in the NDP as a choreographer. Basically, he trains pple to perform. ALso, we coordinate weddings, d&amp;d, provide live bands, sell/rent out musical instruments &amp; sound systems 4 corporate events. In other words, we do many many things.. He's going to Phuket to perform in the Thai parade this Nov &amp; maybe going to Hong Kong for Lunar New Year - by their tourism board or something.. also not so sure... But definitely going along with him, so fun! hehe..

Just hang on... U'll feel better soon!
*sob* things at work getting very bad, really feel like crying now. Boss been asking me to do some "miao xiang tian kai" things, today just got a v long email increasing the task list of ridiculous and near impossible things to do. Trying to talk him round but he's not listening, feeling so tired, desperate and upset. I'm so afraid all this will create problems and I won't be able to try for No.2 as planned at the end of the year. *sob*
Angela, *gulp* me definitely cannot afford man...wa plus no CPF. I'll be very stressed also...
You must be very happy if there's assignment overseas then you get to travel and have fun right...how nice!

If you feel like crying then cry, you'll feel better after you released out. Now its employee market look for other jobs if its getting more difficult to handle. cheers..

So you go to the same centre as the rest? Seems like theirs is not bilingual right?
babyD, sounds like my current post.. hubby took pity on me 'cos i was really too miserable.. that's why i resigned. :p

twinkle, better take care of your health.No choice, take MC to rest up.. 2nd tri will be better
trust me!

Angela, your hb's job sounds v exciting leh!
babyD: would it be better to talk to your boss again next week when both of you cool down. perhaps to be frank with him that his behaviour is causing you stress &amp; ask him what is he driving at? sometimes bosses must be confronted &amp; have a heartfelt conversation. Maybe they have some problems or unhappiness resulting in unreasonable demands. hang on there...just think of your hubby &amp; Sherman. It's going to be weekends soon. anyway as what MGTeo says now is an employee market. all bad times will end...

Angela: yah, your hubby's job very interesting leh. I think Heidi will definitely inherit the musical &amp; creative talents from her parents.

I m back at work though still on MC..too many emails liao... cannot tahan... I will take gd care of myself, thks for all your encouraging words... Catz..really envy u... your hubby mus be big earners if not how to have single income...


Dont cry, work bound to have ups and downs... my boss is also leaving and I got to cover her work till her replacement comes, see with me so restless how to cover her.. but will take it as it comes.. u dont be so worried, things might turn out to be fine...

wa Angela, your hb's job so interesting... hee hee..so nice....
Hi BabyD,

Sigh... Me tearing when I read your post. You are not alone, I'm having problems at work too, but only with one particular jerk and unfortunately, I'm quite affected by what he did. Sometimes really want to throw up my hands and quit...
twinkle, haha, my hb ain't no big bucks earner.. we'll hv to tighten our belt and perhaps shift into a HDB.. well, it's worth it lah, I don't mind.

emonster, so any news to report??
Goooooood morning to all!

Indeed your HB's work sounds interesting.
It is a very niche market.

Be happy ok. If you find this job really eating u up, it is time to move on... Or if you find your boss having ideas that work only in another planet, let him know cos he may NOT be aware what he wants is impossible.

Do you really save alot going into HDB? We were weighing the costs of private and HDB too but could not really draw a conclusion. Can give me some pointers?

Lucas is taking bread with jam? I am still not giving Linus sweet stuff yet. I am worried that he will not want the plain bread should I start with peanut butter or jam. As I am giving him plain white bread, he got so used to it that he will not take wholemeal bread at all.

Take care.
good mornign Piggy
Well, moving into HDB would reduce our mortgage amt by half and the maintenace costs would be more than halved too.. so that's why we might downgrade. But of course the upside is the privacy, the convenience of basement carpark, facilities, nicer neighbours etc.. oh well, just hv to take the good with the bad lah. I think CPF e-services has a very good home affordability calculator and you could try that out?

Tetra, wow, no peanut butter (nuts are highly allergenic) and jam (berries also no-no) for Timothy.. hehe.

BabyD, your boss is so one kind..

Still getting used to the fact we're gg to hv a girl. Yest went to my friend's and they hv a boy (2+ years) and a little girl, 9 months.. aiyoh, the boy bully the girl jialat jialat.. but she's so tough nut. I thik with my boy being so chicken, he will kena bullied by the sister.

I got spotting again yesterday. Very upset and called gynae today. Waiting for him to return call. This pregnancy made me so stressed up first pregnancy I never encounter similar problem.
twinkle, aiyoh you too stressed already.. quickly go and make a gynae appt to check it out. take care of yourself!
Take care and rest now.

The mortgage amount is dependent on the property value, correct? And what is the current maintenance that u are paying, can I know?
Hi girls,
Quitting not an option for me, nothing to do with $$$. I'm doing 4-year PhD, now in final year, hoping to graduate end July 2007. Now in last phase of my project, actually everything going very well and I'm on schedule to finish. That's why we can only try for No.2 baby end of the year, cannot give birth just b4 graduation - no maternity benefits, no maternity leave etc. When I had Sherman, I went back to lab after just 1 month. For No.2, want to rest longer &amp; spend more time with bb.

Now boss suddenly add list of crazy experiments to do which he himself doesn't know how to do. Plus he is refusing to let me continue to last phase of my project. Of course I cry lor. Scared cannot finish and graduate, then No.2 how? I'm on employer scholarship, got secure job after graduation &amp; they are already asking me when I'm graduating &amp; going back to work. I kena sandwiched, die die must finish next year. That's why the pressure is so great. Already working to full capacity to get everything done by July 2007, how to squeeze all his "miao xiang tian kai" things in? Feel so trapped. You girls can look for another job when things are not going well, my situation got no such option.
BabyD, sorry, had quite forgotten you were doing your PhD.. so thise boss can prevent you from graduating? What a creep! Just try to dong.. you've got a v supportive hubby who is great with Sherman, so cheer up

Piggy, yah mortgage is approx 80% or less of the property amt. Current maintenance is $330 per month, rather high as our place is boutique with only 27 units.
babyd, if this is the case then you die die also must 'dong'. As for trying for No.2, don't put too much pressure in this once ready then try lor. After you graduate then check if can transfer to other department. cheer up
every problem has its solution.

piggy, I would suggest you take a HDB first if you buy resale with no grant after 2 or 3 years can move out already then take the money and upgrade to private or bigger place. I heard now is not a good time to buy private house/apt leh...maybe can check with housing agent they can help you to do all the break down.

twinke, don't get too stress ok...anything just go back to your gynae. If there's still spotting then bed rest more often.

Yesterday having bad constipation no mood to work. In the evening no choice but to use enema after that it was such a relieved...
Hi.all mummy..
so sorry for MIA so long...be busy with my current job..sigh! everytime change the job also become same situation..i think is my luck..no choice liao.

go thru roughly all the posting.look like a lot of unhappy thing happen around. so sad about that..is it becoz near to end of year???
all mummies and babies must be strong to face it! ok!! jia you and jia you!
must believe "ming tian hui gen hao"

Twinkle: take care and rest more..don't be too stress..this will be over.

babyD: this year will pass soon...jia you! any not happy thing happen, juz thing about your sherman. you will have super power to face it!

piggy: your situation is better than me liao..me still rent a HDB now! take it easy.ok!

Catz: gong xi. gong Xi! is a "hao" that everybody dream for it leh! i'm sure they will love together lah!..dun worry

hey..1 question: any mummies prepare for our kids to go childcare on next year? i want 2 search for Pasir Ris area leh? any idea?
i looking fot those with chinese one..
and my frenz told me that dun look for those only aircon environment. coz easier to get sick.
any comment about this?

thanks yah!

Hope u are feeling better now.

Mgteo was right. Like me, put too much stress on myself this pregnancy turns out to be quite worrying... to share with you, I am desperate to leave this job hence I die die wana get pregnant. After pregnant I kept worrying and stressing myself that this pregnancy got to be successful hence puttin myself thru so much unneccessary stress. hai.. now I tell myself I m goin to take it slowly, if its mine, its mine...with regards to the job, I will cross the bridge when I comes to it..

Dont stress urself too much, jus do your best and you know there will be no regrets whatever happens... hey you will be fine and well k... dont worry...

Yest went to gynae got another jab and on medication now. Bed rest for 1 week...hope everything will be fine.

Go for HDB first and get the first timer grant. book a new flat if you dont prefer resale. After staying for 5 yrs, u can choose to upgrade to private. Thats also my plan. You can always have a chance to stay in a condo but there isnt alwas a chance for govt to give u subsidise rates for new flats.. ke ke.. my 2 cts worth. though I m a agent myself, I would alwas reommend my friens to get the grant first... upgrade later. My bro took a grant and bought a new flat at Ang Mo kio for 230K, now its selling at 340K. Of course only certain areas u can see profits when u sell. For my case, if I were to sell mine now, still nt making any $.
.. but I am happy staying here, cos no pressure in terms of loan repayment. One day if I were to be jobless, I dont have to worry abt paying off loans as my hubby's cpf is sufficient for mthly repayment.
twinkle, thats what I'm thinking also. Thats why I only prefer mature estates cos when you want to sell off its easier. Hope things will be fine soon.

Hey all mummies
Have u all heard about this cosmetic brand "Majolica Majorca" from Shiseido? You can't get this in Sin but can tell you this cosmetic range is super nice...!! Saw from another thread someone is doing the BP. Go take a look if you are cosmetic freak like me. Only sold in HK, TWN and JPN sadly not in SIN yet. Haha...but I've ordered from yahoo auction can't wait for it to be delivered.
