(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

Piggy, yah ... dogs are nice to hv. My sis just adopted one from ASD but the poor girl just went for sterilisation procedure. Aiyoh, so horrible.. poor thing vomitting all over the place (and the car leather)..

Haha.. Beth's pix ah, gotta wait 'cos dunno how to use Macbook to upload. I'm a Windows person.. my hb has crossed over to the dark side

Think most tods don't like to share lah.. hehe
Although I must say that Ashton is one of the most generous kids I've ever seen.. so loving to his brother.

Tetra, waaaaah, u are really close to the finishing line. My goodness... Tell us when u pop.. I agree, 2nd one is usually earlier. Take it easy at work and spend more time with Lucas while you can!!!

catz: it's also 'wow' for us too. less than 5 wks. Keep wondering how Marcus will look like. for your 2nd delivery, how long does it take for your milk to come? I am thinking of pumping every 2-3 hrs after delivery and also to stand by goat milk powder in case not enough fluid for baby. Would hope to spare him from going through the phototherapy.

piggy: the common discomfort i have now are heartburn & backache (if walk or sit too long). But yesterday, still can walk 3 hrs @ vivocity. Though I am not supposed to carry Lucas @ this late stage of pregnancy, I still do so once awhile, still can handle.

I just registered my hubby, helper & sister-IL for this First Aid Training Programme conducted @ TMC. They have one class on 7 Jul, about 3hrs. You will learn how to deal with an accident at home i.e. safety measures at home and how to handle emergencies like choking, drowning, epileptic fits, and basic CPR in infant and child. The last time when my niece has fit, it really freaked us out. The course is about $105/pax. If interested, can call Thomson ParentCraft at 6251 4090.
Hi all mummies...

How's everyone? I actually do pop in regularly to check the updates but no time to post.

Congrats Slamdunk on your little girl.. hehe, I'm sure she'll be really pretty, lookig at how adorable and handsome Dylan is

Catz, hope you are feeling better. So sorry to hear about what happened the last few weeks. Must have been terrible
Think on the bright side, experiences like these, make on stronger

Yah yah, got opportunity must pose photos of Beth. So looking forward to see how she has changed.

And thanks for your compliment on Ash. Think Ayd is starting to irritate him at times... haha, cos Ayd is so much more mobile so will always get into Ash's way when he plays
When Ash plays with blocks, Ayd will topple it. When Ash is riding on his ride-on, Ayd will try to clamber on. When Ash is drawing/colouring, Ayd will try to take the exact same coloured pen from kor kor... and many more instances... haha. So Ash will sometimes says "didi, go away"... haha, or sometimes, act like machiam big brother and say "no didi... cannot play with marker". Quite funny to see them interacting. As for Ayd, he's not out to disturb his kor kor, more of idolising him. At this age, can see that he'll try to emulate the kor kor is all that he does... very very cute and of course exasperating at times, like when both wants to sit on the exact same thigh, can faint... hahaha...

Tetra, jia you, can see Marcus soon. As I always tell my colleague, can unload soon

As usual, share photos of my monkies...


Sorry to hear about your grandfather and your hospitalisation, no wonder we din c you on the forum for a while. Was telling my hub that even though u guys are staying so near to us now, we hardly run into each other. N yup, our gals can go to school together in future, we are well within 1 km but I think it still won't be easy getting in still, read that they have balloting even for people staying within 1 km. I have some friends who have to sign up for parent volunteer service with the primary school of their choice soon as registration for their kids will commence next year. Quite stressful being parents these days

Envy envy, less than 5 weeks to go
I am one person who never enjoy my pregnancies and can't wait to bomb ... haaha ... with the 2nd one, I find myself a lot more anxious, always thinking about how I will manage my time with 2 kids, whether they will like each other, whether Dylan will be one little jealous green eye monster etc etc etc.

Talk about sharing, Dylan also have to be coax into sharing his toys sometimes. We never had this problem with him in the past and I hope it is just a phase. MGteo > Dylan is also very protective over my belongings, he doesn't like it when my mum pretends to carry my bag or wear my sandals
It is funny to see how the little boy gets really upset when po-po tries to take mummy's belongings.

There was an outbreak of HFMD in Dylan's school, 5 or 6 confirmed cases so far and we pulled him out of school for fear that he might contact it as well. Just sent him back to school today but will have to monitor him closely. Feels so unsafe with all these Dengue and HFMD going around
Hi All,
So good to read so many postings.

I can imagine how Claira's face will be when she takes the mag away. Hmmmm...Must be a very determined face.

You solid la... Can still walk 3hours with Lucas there? Did you go to Life Baby? There was a sale on last week / 2 weeks ago and some going at 70% off. I bought their (black & white face) shirt for only $6 or $8? Very good value. (Wonder if the sale is still on.....)

They are photocopies.

How is your MS now?
I think better pull him out with the HFMD going on. My GF also send her hb to go do volunteer service 2years prior to the admission. Right now, I can't see myself doing this.
Oops Twinkle,
Missed your qn abv. Phuket was fun for us coz I think Dylan is very much a beach boy at heart. We booked a nice resort and spent the bulk of our time resting in our rooms, going to the beach and playing by the pool. It was very relaxing and Dylan enjoyed it very much but the weather was so HOT. We also rented a car for a day and went around town and shopping - nothing much to see and shop actually. We stayed quite far from the patong area where the heart of activities is.

My MS finally eased 2 - 3 weeks ago, suffered for a good 18 - 19 weeks this pregnancy, I thought it was never going to end and m so glad when it finally did

Your cheeky monkies are such a loving pair, simply love reading abt them on their blog.
Blanche, your two monkeys are really sweet. Seriously Ash is such a great bro... Timothy is such a naggy fella.. he keeps telling Bethany 'noooo, cannot 'cos it's DANGEROUS'.. haha.. really funny. But yeah, I foresee a lot of fighting when the little one gets mobile and snatches his stuff.

Tetra, waaaah, 3 hours of shopping? Gosh.. u really hv easy pregnancy. Like slamdunk, I have awful pregnancies so I cannot wait to bomb.. and my 2nd pregnancy was so traumatic.

slamdunk, wah got balloting for less than 1km?? Er... anyway, I still hv Kuo Chuan for back-up.. I hope!!
Should try to meet up soon.. now that I'm back on track.. just tt my hb suddenly got a lot of biz trips lor. Sigggghhhhh... So what are your plans for #2? Long leave? Who will take care of little girl?
Ya...your 2 monkeys are so adorable...Looking at most of you having #2 it gives me the urge also but am not ready for 2nd one yet.

I also suffered about 17-18 weeks of morning sickness during my past pregnancy. I'm glad that yours had already gone if not its really a drag.

Dengue and HFMD is in season now so got to monitor closely. Thats the problem when putting our child in schoool.

Ya you very 'ta kong' leh...still can walk for 3hrs ah....'pei fu'.

Don't forger to post us latest pics of Beth. She must have changed alot. People always say girl's outlook changes more than boys. Don't know how true.

You're right man...She gave a determined look indeed.
hi gals so nice to see the thread moving...

Catz, glad u are feeling better now and ready to post here more often ya..hee hee...

slamdunk, tks for the info on phuket.. intend to go langkawi or phuket next weekend but langkawi is fully booked for airline and phuket got to do transit leh.. so now nt goin already.. I booked bintan lagoon instead. Have been there once 4 yrs ago, now bringing Ferlin there since its school holidays and can see she is rather bored at home. Has sent her for her school's holiday program-art class and she came home with those art pieces think done by her teacher mostly.. cos so nice.. ha ha ha...

Sept/ Oct will be goin to korea without my 2 kids cos 7th wedding aniversary..cant wait by then... goin back to work in 2 weeks time..sian...

Tetra, milk will come on 4-5 th day and I started pumping at 2-3 hrly interval. Now I have stretch to 6 hrly..now trying 7 cos going back o work soon and dun think got time to pump so often.. luckily for my aent manual pump, if nt I would have given up EBM long ago..electric pump so ma fan.. mine was noisy also medala single..
Talking about holidays, me also looking forward to one. always plan but din get to do it. After our last trip @ chiangmai in Jan (hubby still haven't convert the pix, give up on him already), thot of going to KL in May for a break & to celebrate our 10th yr annv, but din a chance to do it. Planning if we can go to Club Med @ Cherating end of year or someone further next year. Alot will depend on how easy Marcus will be.

3 hrs of walking @ Vivocity --> got rest lah, otherwise my back will break. The discounts @ life baby is still on but I already bought some discounted clothing @ mothercare so din get anything @ life baby but their design is indeed very unique. tend to buy better clothing for Lucas & only get some cheapo ones from GIANT for Marcus. Got more reasons to splurge more for Lucas since his clothing can pass down to didi. so actually I don't mind to have a 3rd baby boy.

slamdunk: I also tend to have more concern for Lucas if he will respond well to having a didi, whether we will have enough quality time with him, etc. The anxiety of being a 1st-time mum is very different after you have the 1st child. For Marcus, I hope he will be healthy & easy baby. Good that your MS has ceased. Can go shopping esp during this GSS.

twinkle: thanks for sharing abt the breastmilk. I hope I will have an easy flow this time. The last time was so stressful, I only manage to bf successfully after 1 mth. so who is looking after yr baby when u return to work?
Tetra, my boy will go to my inlaw place during the day and bring back home at nite. My gal will stay at home with my maid cos she need to attend school. She takes school bus to school and my maid will tend to her. Cant leave 2 kids with the maid dont think she can cope also.. furthermore, baby is delicate... quite worrying to leave him in her hands...

So u will be delivering at TMC? I find that TMC is very congested nwadays, parking also lousy.. haiz.. if I have a third kid, think wont consider TMC liao
twinkle: Most likely I will be leaving Marcus with my helper while Lucas attends his daily half day class when I return to work. Not sure if she will be able to handle 2 in the afternoon. Usually Lucas will have his 2 hrs nap in the afternoon, then she can also tend to other stuff. I will be sending her for a refresher course on handling baby @ TMC.

I will be delivering @ TMC. Quite happy with the place & my gynae is from Thomson's Women Clinic -> easier for special arrangement.

This morning, went for check-up. Now @ 34th wk, all of us are shocked that baby is about 2.9kg. still got another 3-4wks to go.

piggy: any problem if we drop by @ your place this Sun afternoon about 2pm++ to 3pm++?
Hi mummies,
I'm resigning soon...Will start my new job in July. Really can't bear to leave this company cos my boss treats me very well but on the other hand its not easy to handle her (nobody can't tahan her). Anyway, this company has too many politics liao....worse than SIA man...I'm just sad to leave also because of the benefits. kekeke....
I think no other companies can give such good benefits than them. Moreover sit here most of the time nothing to do very sian....find myself so redundant. Think is time for me to move onto something more challenging but just scared that I will jump ship to shit.
twinkle, I still like TMC.. at least the valet system works! Unlike GlenE and Mt E.. wah lau, horrible parking situation. And I'm very anti-govt hospital.. so I'm super super happy with TMC.

Tetra, I was also interested in Club Med Cherating. My family went when I was 5-6 years old. My sis and I spent one hour in the children's club then spent the entire rest of the vacation glued to my parents... haha.. spoiled their vacation plans
Wow, Baby Marcus is big!!!!

mg, yah politics sucks. SIA crew got quite bad politics hor? But I think generally crew is like that. Will you hv some time to spend with Claira?
Tetra, maybe ur helper is capable... mine hor.. "shake head". She cant handle 2 for sure, she will faint. She is a slow worker so she need more time to complete a task. Furthermore, I caught her calling home so many times in a day when I was preggy. Nearly wanted to send her home. Hence I no longer entirely trust maid anymore. She has been with my mum for 2 yrs, then me. My whole family treated her like one of us bt yet she can betray my trust for her. Its really shocking...
catz, I tot glene and mte parking is ok? Maybe I dont go there often hence not familiar. But its costly rite the parking there. I only like TMC for its pro breastfeeding... during my recent stay, I was so displeased with their service. Guess what, when I was wheeled to the room after my deliver, think a few hrs later, a nurse came to help me to the toilet. Then I was really slow in getting down the bed, she talk to me in a very unfriendly tone that "I got to help myself cos she is also helping me", wa, I was like so mad and told her off, hey I just delivered today of cos I will be very careful when getting down from bed furthermore, its my first time to the ladiee after the stiches & all tat..so angry...

2nd incident was that I press the bell for service but waited so long. U knw wat, i got to get down my bed, walk to the door call for the nurse, but cant see anyone, then I got to walk towards the reception area to ask for the nurse.. really mad...

The next day, I think the director of cust relation came to our wards to knw if we are happy with the service, I complain to her abt these.. ha ha.. .. then she sent a senior lactating nurse to see me on bf and apologise.. ke ke ke
mgteo: I guess most workplaces are the same. Sometimes a new place gives you renewed energy, & having better pay & benefits will give you more threshold for office politics & crap. most importantly if you know what you want & yr priorities, leave the office politics to the power crazy, insecure colleagues, you just stay at the side & watch; then go home & focus on Claira. Life will be more simplier...Me also looking around too if an attractive job opening is available.

catz: I think you must have enjoyed the holiday @ Club Med Cherating with your parents. That place has gone through renovation, the only thingy is the 8 hrs drive which is tiring though the scenery along the coastal road is quite nice.

twinkle: My helper has her own hp so I will sometimes pay for her phonecall as 'staff' benefit which she is grateful. Sometimes, her family or friends may message her & she usually only talks on the phone on need to basis so we are ok with it. It's quite difficult for us to pose too much restriction on her as we have known her for 6 yrs. If there are some things that we don't agree with her actions, we just tell her not to do it again & she has taken it well. For now, quality of life is so much better but @ the same time, have to be mindful that Lucas does not become too reliance on her.

As for TMC, I enjoyed my stay the last time. In fact, regretted to be discharged 1 day earlier. This time round, not sure if the service level will drop esp since my hubby will not be staying with me @ nite. hmm...maybe get my mum or helper to stay since I would need help to sterlise the breast pump & bottles & will not be so mobile from my c-section. I don't think or expect the nurse will be so 'on' to help me with these things.

piggy: thanks for the wonderful hospitality @ your home today. We enjoyed ourself very much, so much to catch up since the last time we met. Linus is just so funny, he really likes to talk, and his imagination really amazes us. And he has been very accomodating to share his toys with Lucas. Must give him a star.

Lucas was not happy when we had to carry him back. His face was so black, until we reached Great World to purchase grocery. Daddy let him picked up a small Thomas train @ Mums@Work but he picked up the biggest box & carried all the way to the cashier. Kept calling the sales assistant 'aunty' continously. Thought of giving him when he visits me in the hospital but plan fail. He has been playing with the set for 4 hrs & have not stopped yet at this moment. Do post the pictures of both of them & can email me the pix @ your convenience.
I did gave him a star but not for his sharing but for the fact that he did not cry when he goes to bed on Saturday night. He came to my room only at 6am and that is like "Wow" behaviour.

Anyway, we enjoy your visit too. Last night, my talkative one still said to me when I put him to bed," Baby like Aunty "Tetra". When I ask him if he like Lucas? He nods.
I guess he must have enjoyed your company. I told him that we will go to Lucas' house to see baby Marcus next time, he agrees with enthusiasm.
btw, is your email address still the same?
piggy: my email is still the same. u must tell him that Aunty Tetra likes him too. At least he is still interested to put his hands to touch my tummy. Lucas is still in denial stage, insisting that it is mummy and not baby Marcus in my tummy. You are all welcome to visit us and I am sure Linus will have a great time here.
Tetra, 8 hr drive no joke :p With 2 kids.. arggghhh.. Lucas so cute.. haha
Must hv cost you quite a bit for the Thomas set!!

twinkle, I was very very happy with the service at TMC this 2nd time round.. it was esp harder 'cos I had a c-sect and they were super duper patient with me, even though they knew I was a 2nd time mom - they still helped me with latching etc. Personally, the service at Mt E isn't as good lah.. But yeah, I will always go back to TMC lor.
No complaints..
Piggy: Thanks for posting photos. Look @ how much our boys has grown. Liked Linus's flashing smile. Lucas always got this 'tao' look, don't really smile alot esp when outside.

catz: another arrangement is to take a plane to KL then take a coach or drive to Kelantan. I think it's not a long drive.
hi girls,
Nice to read all the updates, haven't been in for a while so thought I'd drop a note. I was v busy and away for conference - just got back. Sherman got chicken pox while I was away, but no fever and is recovering nicely. Looks poxed out with all the scabs on his face and back, but we started him on anti-virals quickly so didn't get full blown effects. Just cannot go out. He was very happy to see me come home.
hi hi

Sorry for intruding, i'm posting on behalf of Catz.

She has been hospitalised at Mt E for gastroenteritis again. She's been there for 3 nights already.

Do send her an sms or pop by to visit her, she misses Tim and Beth terribly!

Thank you!
Thanks cody for the update. Poor catz, I think she really needs a break & rest. Her hubby and kids have just recovered recently, and now she is also affected. Will sms to her.

babyd: Sherman must have missed you when you are away. Did he get the virus from someone? Good that he did not have fever. Can consider boiling barley water for him.
An update from Catz.
She was discharged this morning but still weak. Missed the kids badly. Tim is sticking to daddy and Catz is not able to bf Beth for another week. I think she really needs some good rest.

Now my hubby, Lucas and maid all down with viral fever. sigh... hopefully I don't get infected since I'm 3 wks from my delivery.
Thanks for informing us.

I hope that they recover asap. Three down is no joke.
You must try to drink lots of water and take more vitamins/fruits to build up your immune system. Otherwise, if Marcus should decide to make his appearance now, it is going to be tough for all to cope. Take care.

You take care. Hope that the pain goes away asap.
Cody, you're the best

Thanks for the nice SMSes from Piggy, Tetra and Slamdunk. It's been a really tough time. I actually had the pains from last Saturday when my hb flew off for a 5 day biz trip to Taiwan. By the time he came back, I was in agonising pain already so had to be admitted YET AGAIN.. this time for 3 nights. The first night, the pain was so bad that I had 2 pethidine jabs in my butt and still painful.. can u imagine? Worse than labour lor. Then worse thing is that they didn't hv single room so I had to share with this inconsiderate cha bo who had a lot of visitors and they only left at 10.30pm.. then she got lots of phonecalls. Wah biang. Luckily she was quite nasty to the nurses so actually although she was supposed to be first on the waiting list to get single room, they transferred me first..haha
Anyway I had all sorts of tests (where the sun doesn't shine) and no cancer, no ulcer.. just irritable bowel from the bad food poisoning I had from Kebun Bahru market a few weeks back.

Tetra, poor you.. this viral fever no joke. Pls make sure it's not dengue hor. Somemore Marcus anytime can akan datang.. so pls pls rest well. Handling a jealous toddler and c-sect plus newborn is not easy...
Thanks for the concern. We had 'intensive resting program' over the weekends. Eat, sleep, medicine, herbal beverage, TV are the main activities. Luckily the medicine which we had from Kiddy Clinic was effective. After 1 -2 days of medicine, Lucas's fever, phelgm, running nose was gone yesterday. He coughed lots of phelgm out and that helped greatly. Only thingy is he lost appetite which only normalised last week after his 1st bout of viral fever. Now have to start all over again. Daddy is still recovering from his badly inflammed sore throat & cough, even got boil on his lips. So today, I go to office, leaving daddy & Lucas @ home. Maybe safer for me...

catz: your gastroenteritis problem is really bad. can't imagine it is worse that labour. Luckily, you got a parents to help out. Take your time to gain your appetite and everything will be back to normal again.
Good to see you back here. I can't imagine the pain that u go thru. I think your hb must be so worried in Taiwan....

I have to tell you that Linus must have enjoyed having Lucas as a playmate. I lost count how many times I have to pretend to be "Lucas" over the weekend.
"Mama, pretend Luca...play jigsaw..."
"Mama, pretend Luca..play choo choo..."
"Mama, pretend Luca please...."
Catz, so sorry to hear u were hospitalised again. Hope u are feeling better now... rest well ok... can understand that u missed ur 2 kiddos greatly. Cos I went to Bintan over the weekend without my boy but with my gal lah, me already missing him so much.. ha ha...

gastroentritis are a hit now leh, my friens also kenna... so mus be really careful.. it can spread thru air contact and toilet seats also rite...

oh btw.. me going back to work next week, end of maternity...sigh.... tetra, enjoy ur ML , its coming... ke ke ke...
Hi Piggy, Tetra, twinkle,

Yup it's been tough.. really considered my annus horribilis - difficult pregnancy, emergency c-sect, everyone non-stop sick then top it off with total 5 nights in hospital... argghh.. and plus i cannot eat a lot of things for a few months. Sianz..

Hehe... good that Linus and Lucas hit it off. Tim and Dylan were so stuck to Elmo on the TV yesterday that they barely acknowledged each other. So funny.

twinkle, so you will leave your little one with the maid? Anybody supervising?

Er.. anybody's toddler not taking bottle anymore? Wondering how to stop giving bottle 'cos if I don't, Timo doesn't drink enough water. But so malu go to kindy still using bottle lei...
piggy: poor mummy, have to pretend as little Luca. Haha...thanks for the photos, I have received them. I think he will enjoy nursery when he starts next year then he will have same-aged friends to play with.

twinkle: I will still work for another 2 wks before I start my ML. Taking things slowly now, only stress for me is the thought of having bf baby every 2-3 hrs & having insufficient sleep.

catz: It has been a difficult period for you after going through so much. It's good that they are over, I'm sure you will be back to your normal state soon.

About bottle, Lucas used bottle for milk only which he will need it before sleeping. As for other beverages, he will drink from cup, cutie small water bottle with straw or the Thomas bottle. Does Tim drink water from cup or those bottle with straw?
Poor u, have to go thru so much suffering. But sure u will see sunshine after the rain, so pls take gd care of urself in order to be there for ur kids... boost up by taking chicken esccense as it does help to keep u going...
My maid will be at home with Ferlin while my boy will goes to my inlaw place. I am really reluctant to send my boy over as my inlaws has very poor hygience practice and can really freak me out by their actions... haiz... bt my maid cant cope with 2, and I m also not risking by leaving him in her hands. But we have installed cameras at home so that I can still watch over her via the web...

U will pull thru.. dont worry. Breast milk is the best food for ur baby, so whatever it is we must perservere... I m pumping 6 hrly now... have to keep going. Take care and best of luck...
hi tetra, yup, first 3 wks is usually horrible.. but u hv maid and hb to help out right? should be ok... but try to sleep when baby sleeps.. actually baby sleeps a lot.. it's just that nursing takes 1 hour everytime :p

hmm..bottle.. tough lah 'cos it's a comfort thing. Tim is really good with cups, straws, bottles but still, he needs his bottle in the morning and at night :p

twinkle, yup, trying to be positive and hoping that the worst is behind me! think it's good that you hv help with your baby.. 'cos really maid cannot cope with 2.
Hi mummies,

I just wanted to share with you all....

25.06.07 First Day of School - Wilfred
He was looking forward to his first day of school at Tots House.
He happily to show us his new uniform this morning and said, See! didi uniform leh!
He was very excited and said I want to wear uniform! I want to wear uniform! when he saw kor kor in his K1 uniform.
He smiled and joyfully said Bye Bye mummy! I go to school lor! (My helper brought him to school while I followed them without his knowing it.)
He cant wait to get into the classroom, 8.30am. (My helper followed him into the class while I was able to see through from a small window.)
He asked, Where is kor kor? He thought his kor kor was in the classroom coz kor kor usually attending the weekly phonics class there.
When he saw the teacher told everyone to wash their hands. He said I want to wash hand!
He played with toys happily and comfortable with his peers.
He didnt feel scared because my helper was with him.
He cried just for a while after my helper left to go home.
He stopped crying because the teacher gave him one small pkt of candy.
He continued playing, listened teacher reading stories..Until 10.30am, when the teacher brought him out to me
He cried loudly when he saw me.

I carried him and kiss him. When he calmed down, I asked him why he cried. He said Where is Kakak? Why kakak go? Di Di scared! But the next moment, he looked happy and said to me, Teacher give me sweet! See!

I asked him if he still want go to school tomorrow morning.
He said Yes!
Why? I asked.
Because so many friends and teacher give me sweet!
26.06.07 The 2nd day of School Wilfred
He was so keen to go to school.
He cried when saw Kakak wanted to go home.
He said, Kakak, you must stay here and play with me.
He saw a little boy cried very badly until vomited most of his food, he said, I cried but no vomit! He felt so proud of himself.
He enjoyed teacher Clara reading stories to everyone but
He kept turning around to ensure Kakak wont out of his sight.
He smiled when saw Kakak was sitting quietly at one corner.
He threatened Kakak, Kakak, you cannot go! You go, I cry!
He finished eating his cookies but when saw his classmate asked for some more,
He said to teacher Clara, I also want!
He is the youngest kid in his class according to teacher Clara.
He was absolutely enjoyed today class.
He told me over the phone, Mummy, di di got so many friends! Di Di "mei you" cried! You sure? I asked.
He laughed and said, di di cried a bit. Why? I asked.
He said, Kakak want to go home, I cried lor! :p
27.06.07 The 3rd day of School Wilfred
He asked to put on his uniform after breakfast.
He told my helper, I want go to school! when he saw everybody was out.
He allowed teacher Clara to carry him and my helper straight away went home.
He cried and said I want Kakak! Where is Kakak? After teacher hugging and coaxing, he stopped crying.
He enjoyed colouring, playing masak, toys and eating.
He told teacher Clara, I want to go to toilet or I want pass urine for several times when he felt like he want to pass urine.
He smiled and ran into my helpers arms when he saw her went back to pick him up.
His teacher told me over the phone, He is considered very well. He did cried today but just for a while. After that he was ok and interacted with other kids.
He told me over the phone, Mummy, di di cried. Kakak not there. Di Di scared and teacher give me biscult.
28.06.07 The 4th day of School Wilfred
He was willing to go to school without making any fuss.
He didnt cry when my helper passed him over to teacher Clara.
He cried for a moment when realized that my helper was not there.
He stopped crying because teacher Clara held his hand and comforted him.
He enjoyed playing with his friends, colouring and reading.
He looked so happy when saw my helper was waiting for him to pick him up.
He told me over the phone, Mummy, di di cried a bit a bit, di di good boy!
At 8pm, I brought Wilfred to fetch Wesley from phonics class.
While we were waiting for kor kor to come out, I asked Wilfred.
Di Di, do you want to go to school tomorrow morning?
I dont want!
huh? why?
I want go to work!
eve: Your journal so funny. I think Wilfred will settle in soon, give him another 2-3 wks. I think he is settling well, at least he only cried a while & he stopped crying when coaxed wtih sweets. Not all the kids can be coaxed. Lucas also just went to school yesterday after recovering from his viral flu. After the 1 mth holiday, I thot he will forget about the school. But he seemed happy especially when we get to leave the house with us. He also thot he is going to work.
Eve, wilfred is so cute and funny, I had a gd laugh... hee hee...

Tetra, gd to hear Lucas is better now...now more kids are getting sick....sigh....bad weather...

I m back at work and Jayden goes to my inlaw place. We told Ferlin that her didi goes to school. Today when my mil called my gal and talk to her, she told Ferlin that her didi is at her place and sleeping.. Ferlin says ... "NO, DIDI GOES TO SCHOOL".. My maid had a gd laugh.. ha ha...
Hi Tetra,
Youre right. Wilfred indeed is progressing well, we are quite surprised!
Just that now were quite worried that he will get sick lor!
Glad to know that Lucas is recovered from his viral flu. Haha, he is so cute! Perhaps, WORK is PLAY in their mind hor???
Wah! Im so kan cheong for you now because still have one or two weeks to go right? *jia you!*

Hi twinkle,
Oh really? I must say our kids really give us lots of joy and happiness!
Hows Ferlin doing in school?
29.06.07 The 5th day of School Wilfred
He was quiet when my helper passed him over to teacher Clara.
He put his head on teachers shoulder, wriggled a bit but didnt cry.
He did not look for my helper any more.
He enjoyed Alphabet and Number activities.
His teacher told me that he never cried today.

It makes me very happy that he is progressing as well as he can!
30.06.07 Saturday
Today I beat Wilfred because he tore his book in half.
He cried out in a loud voice. I ignored him
After a while, he came to me and said, Mummy, sayang me!
Why I must sayang you?
Because you beat me you never say sorry
eve: I think our children know how to pacify angry parents. Nowadays, if we expressed our displeasure about his behaviour & ingore him. He will first stare at you to gauge if we are really angry with him. Then he will open his arms and wrap around our neck and proclaimed "I Love You!". This is his new trick, he stops his "hide the under bed/ face the wall, etc" when we or he is angry.

Yah, another 13 days to my delivery
wow Tetra u are finishing the race.. have u got all your confineent stuff ready and will u be getting a cf lady?

Eve, ya lor.. she can be quite funny... she has attended school for abt 4 mths... cos she takes school bus to school, hence there were a few episodes of tantrums thrown by her initially. Lately much better. But have u heard of delayed telecast?? That is kids get cranky only after 2 weeks or more in school. This is wat happens to ferlin. She only cried during her 2nd week. First week was very ok... teacher says some kids behaves like this...
Time now to get yourself and everything ready and enjoy the moment when your baby is finally born!

I hope Wilfred will just like his kor kor; cranky for only a week! I'll keep my fingers crossed
