(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

seriously those who didnt turn up need not feel disappointed as i beleive those who went might end up disappointed instead.... all u see is PEOPLE MOUNTAIN PEOPLE SEA~ and things tat i wanted to buy is NON SALES items.... but realized 1 thing, though it looks like discount is going on there but there are some brands or things are still at regular price so i really think brands there are jus taking tis as a marketing method....

"Mustnt forget to suck my fingers, mustnt forget to suck my my fingersss!"

"Must also suck daddy's fingers!"

"Oh yar hor, still got my feet!"

"Thats the way to go, baby!"
May May,

I've got the ladybug toy from lamaze too
Haven't given it to Jodie to play yet tho'. She just doesn't seem very interested in holding toys in her hands yet. She's very contented with sucking her mitts at the moment :p

The toy is washable? Am kinda afraid that the toys aren't clean. Given that she gums everything in sight nowadays, she'll be getting tummy aches if the toy isn't washed first... hehe..
Am so tired of expressing milk all the time. My fingers feels stiff every night when I wake. Can't even hold a pen properly nowadays.... sigh...

Maybe I should have bought a cow-bell whilst I was in switzerland :p hmm... I can still get my colleagues to bring one over for me...hehe..

Considering giving up soon but feeling quite guilty cos' am still producing sufficient milk. Hubby not helping cos' he keeps saying that I should try to feed BM as long as I can even though I keep telling him I'm ready to stop already.

Will be starting baby-sitter on the 21st this mth. Wonder if I should start mixing FM with BM to get Jodie used to the taste of it. I'm just afraid that if I start FM later, jodie will get constipated at baby-sitter's place.

sigh... basically, am just so apprehensive of placing her with a stranger
skyblue, for biscuits, either you get those that the sort that melts when in contact with saliva(so no worry about choking), or those teether biscuits that are very hard and meant only to be sucked on for fun and abit of taste (those are the ones I bought for Faye).

MT, wahhh Tena got 'loveboat':p Beri nice ah, I like! Faye says she wants to tompang Tena's boat for a ride!
I cant believe you coated everything with PLASTIC SHEETS lol....!! Anyway, if I had done taht to Faye, she would simply grab those plastic sheets and stuff it into her mouth. Nice Gap clothing!

SLK, thats a nice bib!! Lucas really looks like he is enjoying his meal!

Maymay, sometimes babies put a finger or two into their mouth to suck on during solids-feeding time to help them swallow more effectively (swallowing milk and food is diff for young babies, in order to swallow solids, they need to use their tounge to push the food back near their throat, and then make conscious effort to swallow that). This is especially true for our babies at this stage whereby they are still practising and acquiring the proper skills need to swallow. Faye also always stick her fingers in her mouth during feeding, and thereafter smear that cereal-coated hand on her head or my face :p

lil prince, wahaha, Rhyan looks like he is chuckling so heartily! Absolutely lovely pics! Post more, post more, I love to see his pics!
Chair- Maybe rhyan doesnt like hard surfaces, try putting a small cushion thingy for him to sit on?

Coco / SLK, The highchair that Faye is using now (Fisher price Healthy Care highchair)is great for us, 7 adjustable heights and 3 reclinable positions (I dont use this function though, cause Faye likes to sit up), detachable and washable table, the cushion padding that baby sits/leans on is nice and comfy but wipable at the same time. Side of table also got attachable toy thingy that you can link your own toys too. Everything I want in a highchair!

Coco, if your baby still cant sit upright, then maybe you wanna delay solids until later on? One of the signs of readiness for solids would be ability to sit upright (with a no or a little support).

AC, hmm.. actually for Faye, I'm oredi used to her temperamental drinking habits liao. Her intake ranges from 270ml (yes, at one go!) to a miserable 100ml :p And it ALL depends on her mood. Sometimes there'll be a period of few days when she'll take 250-270ml every feed, but thereafter for a few days she'll only drink 100-150ml per feed max. Anyway, I dont really worry about her intake anymore cause as long as she is growing fine can liao. And babies wont starve themselves, so dont worry.

SHAVE- ehhh....Justin dun look beri different before and after leh :p Still the same cutie hehe..
berry, what about toys made of cloth? Do u wash them or just wipe only? I noticed that one of the toy I got has a water-mark. sigh... didn't pay attention whilst buying lar... so dunno if I can wash it or not. No instructions given also
still zzzzzing then someone keep knocking on my door and making me real piss (hate it when my sleep being break) then i got no choice but to climb out of my comfy bed jus to attend to tis "DON'T KNOW WHO THE HELL" person. an uncle with great smile stand there with tins of something with another tiny box when i open the door.... then discover tat its abbott company delivery man, sending me 2 tins of formular milk and a brown bear for quinn.... so i jus do it as fast as i can, grap the stuff, sign the paper then go back to sleep. then jus now when i REALLY finally wake up, i saw wats on my table and almos forget about the incident i ask myself "eh!! wats these"? then i rem.....
oh I am so delighted, I put her on the swing, and sat behind her surf online... she reached out for the toy of own accord (very impt, of own accord, usually must sit there smile and encourage leh), and PULLED the toy, activating the music. Waaah. LOL!
Dun mind me, abit siao siao :p Edit to add: woah, she activate a few times liao. Makes me feel better abt the moolah!
MT, **GASP** Is tena..... naked?!? *horrified and faints*

Edit to add: Faye says she will save these pics and use them to threaten and bully Tena into giving her Tena's boat, Gap clothing and fancy $30 books. *evil laughter*
Berry, hahaha! Darling Tena older liao, got censor wat... dunwan wait more gentleboys fight over her lah. (Flapping Fluffyhead) Faye needs glasses ah? :p FFF... creative nickname hor? heehee! *evil chortling*
very appropriate nickname for lil faye...FFF

i had a gd laugh when i saw tena's 1st pic where her private part was covered. i saw e bathtub at Kiddy Palace 2day. it's by a famous brand, cant recall now (memory failing quite badly now, dunno y). it costs $39.90

somehow in e pic, tena looks ok sitting in e chicco potty. she seems 2 fit well into it. well, i tik i may get a bigger potty for gabbie, juz in case his butt/thighs get stuck.

GELATOOOOOOOOO for faye? did she take it well? looks like she likes it. she is very "flexible", wah..she's able 2 bring her foot 2 her face.

check out baby rusk or baby bites. when i was out my GF yesterday, she bought baby bites for her 7mths+ bb girl. her girl finished 1/2, e other 1/2 is all over her neck, chin n face. wat a scene but very cute. i really cant wait for gabbie 2 start on solids. 1 more month 2 go...
paiseh, just checked receipt, it's Infantino Clues Blues bathtub $39.90, nearly $40 not nearly $50 as written in my earlier post. :p I round things up, and often inaccurately heh.
Wahahahah...Faye is so serious when sucking her fingers... Faye oso on diet like mummy so must eat low-fat Gelato?

I wipe everything too but with wet wipes.

LOL...Trust u to blur out Athena's genital areas :p Kieran says heng ah, his gf's pte parts not exposed for all to see. He assures Athena not to be intimidated wif his locks of hair. If Tena wants, she can play wif his hair when they next meet
The bathtub is real cute. I brought Kieran to see n he was staring intently at the bathtub...

kelly n berry,
I went to Cold Storage to look looke see se. Chey, variety of 'biscuits' oso same same as NTUC. In the end, decided to buy Heinz Teethin Rusks for Kieran to chomp on
Hmm... will let him try when his milk is a little digested...
Speaking of wet-wipes, hubby bought one pack from Value-Dollar to try the other day. It's horrid as a baby-wipe but fantastic for wiping floors, table-tops & shelves cos' its so thick.

The paper is virtually non-destructible :p Very good for rough surfaces. Wonder if the manufacturers think baby bottoms feel like cat's tongue.

hmmm... just the good reviews of PetPet diapers in previous posts. Anyone tried Huggies Dry b4? The basement shop at PP is selling them. Costs the same as Drypers at $0.20/pc. Wonder if its any good. We've been using drypers so far and haven't had any problems. Only thing is that Drypers is so bulky.
"Heh heh, this is my new toy, I use it to hammer mummy when I'm cranky!"

"I can also suck on it..."

"Wahaha, this hammer makes me so happy!!!"
Kelly/Skyblue (and other mummies), wahahaha please do NOT follow my bad example. I cant help letting taste a WEEEENNNNYYYYY TINY bit of the gelato (you can see in the pic that its REALLY just a weeny spot). But hehehe... she likes it!! :p

MT, My FFF dont have big inflatable loveboat never mind, she got inflatable hammer! She will use it to hammer tena when Tena makes fun of her flapping :p
little devil,
were u looking out for cultery at the Taka Baby Fair? did u notice any good offers for them? planning to start my gal on solids soon. wanted to go yesterday but she was feverish.

faye looks so happy in the last pix! wah, so many toys. wat a fortunate little girl.

i saw the wipes too. but didn't buy as i seldom use them on Esther. actually u give me an idea! can it fit onto the magicclean thingie? hehe. the wet wipes for the magic clean very ex. mah.
hi mummies
my baby recently likes to suckle her fingers esp after feeding and before. Does it mean anything? My hubby does not like her sucking of finger and always remove her hands. He said it is not hygenic.

mummies who express milk at work
how many time do u express? I can only do it once and soemtimes not much. How much do u pump each time? I am using Avent so it is quite tiring
Emma, it means your baby has reached the age of being conscious of the little digits on her hand, and she puts them into her mouth as part of self-exploration, as well as to satisfy a baby's natural and innate need to suck for comfort. So its perfectly healthy (you should be more worried if she doesnt ever suck her fingers at all) and fine. I actually find it cute hehe :p
yah, quite alot there and actually i also discover tat pigeon brand is also having 20% sales in Kiddy paleace so its the same..... i saw pigeon, gerber, munchkin,avent...... quite alot, u can take a look. today i jus went shopping and bought the pigeon feeding dish, i mean i dun know is it useful but it seems to be...ha!!!
spend $100 and above will entitled to tis free

and hubby bought quinn something which i tik hes way too young for it but i better dun complain...

for me, i prefer this as its very cute and fun and can be quite educational too. it consist of 4 colour illustrated hardcover books, 1 audio cd, 1 vcd, a funny looking finger puppet and a parents' guide book tat even tell u according to babys' age of their development and learning ability...

and these books i feel tat its reallyyyyy cheap and quite good, can even cut out individual page to form a chart, heeee.... and its only $1.50 per book!!
wahhh where you got the book from, Taka? Even though I usually prefer photograph board books, at $1.50 a pop I shant complain hehe. BTW, what a coincidence, cause I bought the exact same pigeon bowl set at JL sale last week LOL! I was also wondering how useful it'll be in actual fact, but seems quite convenient + v lightweight and only $6+, so decided to buy. :p
Ruffy, I stay in the north. As i am not a SAHM, i am busy all the time accept for weekends, which I would spend time with family at home and sunday is a time for God

Declan is still very young, only 3 months old. Think wont bring him to pool until he is much much older, with necc vacination done.

Thanks for invitation
Popular sells many photograph board books. $4+ per bk.

Hee...hee...i will not tch Kieran how to eat ice cream cos i dun want anyone to 'snatch' my ice cream from me. I want the ice cream to myself :p
baby so small can take ice cream meh?! no good leh.. the milk used in ice cream aint suitable for them.
i got it in a unbelievable place... "carrefour"!!!but only some are ok to buy though.

yah!!! $1.50, wats there to consider rite? when u say photograph board books meaning real things and not illustration or wat?

oh u also buy tat pigeon set, heee..... looks useful to both of us, ha!!!!!
oh yah, forget about this... i saw the japlo diaper when i went to taka kids department and the sample they show is pretty good, soft and feels comfy so when i discover tat they are having buy 2 get 1 free, i got TEMPTED!!!! and after some consideration, i got it but i can only get 3 pac size M as theres no more L!! so afraid tat quinn will outsize (hoping) the M but no choice since theres no other sizes except for XL. and the size M is las 3 pac sitting on the shelf..... and i tried it on quinn las nite b 4 he sleeps... and tis morning when i check his diaper, its good!!!! i mean for such long hrs his butt consider very dry and the urine spread ard the diaper nicely, unlike some diaper out there will cause the urine to pool at 1 area. and its soft and it does not leave the side of quinns thighs with red marks and looks as if hes not on diaper all nite... so its a good buy i can say.and yah, he sleep thru las nite...ha!!!!
Justin went to the movies today! We watched Howl's Moving Castle, beri nice, and he slept twice during the show
when he's not sleeping, he will look around or stare at the pair of kissing fish besides us...sometimes he will wan to voice out his opinion lol and hub quickly stand up and go to the back(we sitting last row), ready to dash out of the cinema hehee
it was great
wah!!!!!!!!!!! u beri beri brave leh and i told hubby about it and he goes "WAH"!!!! and the way u describe "ready to dash out the cinema really make me laugh as i started to picture the scene
and hubby says we DEFINITELYcannot bring quinn to movies.... or else we will all kena take picture and paste at the entrances of all cinema "REJECT"!!!!
wah....justin watched anime huh? shld b fun. luckily he didnt create a bawl. makes me wanna bring gabbie 2 watch it too.

for a moment, i tot e kissing fish r u n ur hubby. then i read properly again n realised it's not u2. LOL
lil devil, yar, I meant photograpah as as opposed to drawings/cartoons.

AC, waahhhsaaayy! How nice hehehe! I was telling hb the other day that our next proper movie in a cinema will prob be a year from now at least :p Nvm lar, meanwhile we'll watch DVDs at home after Faye sleeps.
put rhyan on his highchair to eat cereal yest, he sat for abt 15min .. not bad .. but talk abt flappy hands, he almost flapped the cereal bowl off my hand .. phew! then, he sucked his fingers after each mouthful of cereal .. i had to keep telling myself berry says its okie to do so coz it helps our bbs in digesting ... LOL .. after tt, i had to clean him, change his shirt, clean the highchair .. grr!

took a few more pixs yest, will post tonite if i can

the pix of faye holding up her foot .. LOL .. she looks as if she is holding on to somebody else's foot instead of hers .. wah! faye ate ice-cream? what was her reaction? the other time when hb and i ate swensons, hb also fed him a small spoonful .. but he scrunched his face .. hehe ..

faye's hammer so cute!! ask her dun anyhow hammer ppl hor .. rhyan got hammer at nanny's pl also, but its the hard plastic kind, got sound when u hammer his hand or the floor etc ..

i clean rhyan's toys the same way as berry does .. as for bfg, you make the decision yourself on when to stop ..
me just stopped bfg completely, was also very reluctant to stop coz i was so tired and had to ensure enough ss all the time ..

my personal opinion is, you think whether you will be happier if you stop, without feeling guilty etc .. i was guilty for a while, and kept on telling hb "i really got no milk liao" .. hb told me "its okie, you already did so much for rhyan .. he will understand and both rhyan and I appreciate all the hard work you have done to bf" .. but now looking back, all 3 of us are even happier together coz i can spend more time with rhyan and put him to bed myself etc instead of rushing off to ebm etc ..

always remember berry's quote "happy mummy = happy baby"

my colleague happened to walk by and saw tena's bath-tub and he told me its a cartoon character Blues .. hehe .. nice tub, rhyan will like it though mummy definitely can't afford another tub in our bathroom ..

lil devil / berry
i saw the same feeding dish on Sat at metro but i didn't buy lah, cos i was thinking how good will the grinding area be .. thought will hold on to it till the need comes for it ..

justin's first movie!
.. hb and i wanted to bring rhyan to the movies previously too, but somehow at the last minute always hv something on and cldn't make it .. booked tixs twice somemore but didn't go to collect, but i think now cannot bring rhyan there liao cos he has been "talking and singing" alot these 2 days .. enough for us to be banned fm the theatre if we do go .. haha, i can imagine justin's puzzled look when he look at the pair of kissing fishes .. LOL
AC, haha, I also tot the kissing fish r u 2... next to Justin wat. :p

News Bulletin
Flapping Faye swung her air-inflated hammer at Airhead Athena- the 2 have decided to slug it out for the affections of Kungfu Kieran! Jovial Justin tried to lighten the mood by doing his flips but the 2 babes will not be distracted. While the 2 babes struggled, the hammer flew out of FF's fingers (which were drenched in saliva cos her mummy says developmentally appropriate to suck, so never wipe lah!) and hit Sweet Sharwyn, who burst into tears! Gentle Gabriel comforts her as Righteous Ryan & Rhyan confront the errant babes. Charming Cindy helps FF & AA getaway by smiling at the 2 RRs.
- The End -
Alot of names not here cos I cldnt think of suitable description (eg. what word for Q?), or fit to put in storyline.
PD wants me to start solid.

Wow, u both are so brave to bring Justin to the cinema. I think we won't dare to cos Bryan get impatient easily. Even waiting for 1/2 hr at the clinic he already 'complain' liao!

May May,
Gabriel didn't shave skinhead?
gd morning ladies,
i was listening to J Lo's new single "Get Right" this morning & i realised that my girl was looking intently at the CD player. i called out to her & she started shaking her head & laughed out loud! i decided to turn off the CD player to see how she wld react & she cried! when i turned it back on, she smiled! this happened a few times & i recorded it down on my digital camera to show hubby. chum liao...i've turned her into a pop baby! lol
no did not shave skinhead...the hairdresser left about 0.5 cm of hair. how about Bryan, he complete botak?
haha... hilarious newscast
Good one Medusa!

Ziztine, dun think u should wipe the whole floor with the Value-Dollar wet wipe :p I use it only for cleaning dirty spots. It has moisturiser in it. You'll get sticky floors instead. Wiping shelves ok lar cos' you dun touch it as often. Good for getting rid of dust

I use it to wipe dustbins, window sills, shoes, etc.


geez... earlier this morning I was so blur. Last fed Jodie at 2am. Then when she started squirming at 5am, I thought I've only just fed her and tried patting her to sleep. That worked for 5min b4 she wailed big time. Aiyo, lucky the windows and doors were closed. Otherwise she'd have woken up the block :p
hmmm... no feedback on Huggies Dry? I recall someone said that Softlove not bad also.

1) PetPet
2) Huggies Dry
3) Softlove
4) EQ

Wonder which one is less bulky but won't leak. Am considering switching from Drypers.

Pai seh ah... I know this topic was discussed a couple of mths back. Bad memory lar... sleep deprivation has killed off brain-cells :p


<font color="0000ff">AC, TBL</font>,

Need to check with u. Do you leave a few spare sets of clothes and milk bottles at the nanny's? Does your nanny wash your bb's clothes/milk bottles?

I have absolutely no idea what's the norm. My nanny is new to the biz also.

Do you set any ground rules with the nanny, like how they should sterilise the bottles and what time of the day she should bathe baby?

Pet Pet is thinner. Got a lot of compliments from the mummies here that it's better than Drypers. Maybe you can give a try?
about your trip to perth, my personal tot is perhaps it's good that the trip be postponed slightly later. yeah, lots of arrangements need to be done, change of air tickets, hotel, cancel and re-apply leave, etc, etc... but i guess letting your daddy take a rest and build up his stamina before the trip might help. afterall, he will be going to another country, a different place, culture, weather, etc, etc, might in a way put some 'stress' on him. just my tots to share.

petpet and EQ is okie for rhyan, but i still use MP for nite and if i know we are going to places where its inconvenient to change diapers so tt can tahan for longer hrs ..
