(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

medusa n berry,
Faye n Athena's bickering made me forget abt my lousy day at work.

Athena is looking more n more cheerful wif each passing day. Her clothes r so nice... i can only drool n can't buy any gal gal clothes
I feel like zzzing when i see the last pic... so comfy. I oso read dat shd avoid giving bb fish. But y? i thot normally bbies will start eating fish wif porridge b4 they r 1 yrs old?

little prince,
Rhyan looks like such a big boi in the top n bottom. Wah, check out the arms :p

yah, i mus be convince tat qinn looks like me... as sooo many pp (stranger) asking me "ur baby so cute, a GAL"???? piaz..... quinn is dress up in boys clothing, i dun tik i will accicdently dress him up with HAIRBAND rite??!! after i tell them nicely tat he's a boy then they will jus "oh..... solly ah maybe its his feature" then tats something i cant do anything about it......

mommies, how much water is ur baby drinking everyday? some pd says tat babies dun need any water besides milk unless on solid, is tat true? i dun know is it coincident or wat, everytime quinn drinks water, he will be cranky due to tummy discomfort...

quinns mummy fall sick, sore throat, bodyache, fever,cough...... now so scared tat i will pass to quinn
wow!!! check out those body mass.... and its definitely a stupid remark when pp says babies on BM will be smaller in size, ryhan is the best example!
lil devil,
hee... but I dun agree he looked like girl.. jus that he got your features... hee.. so nice and beautiful...

I mean they jus like to 'fight' with their food.. my QN used to be like that.. jus wan to drink water... but once put the milk teats into her.. she will wail..... hahaha
I had the same problem like what you encountered. Dressed Isabel in pink, and this stupid salesman asked me if she's a boy...
Charsiew / Yuru, there are stupid people (thank goodness a little lesser) who will EXCLAIM to me 'wahh girl meh?? But look like boy hor??' Feel like telling then 'haha, no lar, bluff you wan, is GAY!' *rolls eyes*

Yur, nice pic!! LOL these days all the pics of our babies are of them sucking their little fingers.

lil devil, Faye drinks as much water as she wants, I feed her as and when in between feeds and after her solids.

skyblue, I think feeding fish with porridge is an asian or local practise, most website and books are western-influenced or mainly american and will advise to stay off all seafood including fish for the first one year.

Lil prince, Waahhh Rhyan also got nekkid picture!! *Faye hurriedly goes to save them in case she ever needs to copy Rhyan's homeowork* Hehehe I love the third pic best cause I loveeee to see babies sucking their fingers, too cute!
Both Toes into her mouth!!!Wahaha....

Ya Lor. When pple commented that Kei looks like boy, feel like telling them no its a Gay.

Thats a whole lot of useful info. Thks.

Then u can have bb for 5 nites and the whole weekend. Not bad what.

Little prince
Don't know whether kei like nakked muscular boys a not, but Auntie pcs definately loves it. Drooling.....hehe

Little Devil
I feed kei with warm water in between meals but she drinks very little so have to feed her frequently

Out of 10 pple only maybe 2 can get it right that kei is a GIRL and not BOY

Help Needed
Mummies ,do u have contact for any Nanny Agency. My Nanny is shifting her hse by End March. She might not be able to take care of kei for 2 mths!!!!.

Nat encounter the same problem oso. Yty brg her for jab, both the doc and nurse thought she is a boy.... Alamak, got boy name natalie meh.
lilprince, that the water cushion? Hey Rhyan has a very neat mum, his cot so tidy! Hehehe, very well-built bb eh!
Yuru, my mum said Cindy very pretty
Berry, haha u shld hear my mum *scream* at me (now we know where the scream-genes come from), "oi! Athena so old aredy, u still take pics of her poot-poot!" So must censor lor, ahaha! My mum more kancheong her darling grandaughter than over me hor, that morning I sleepy, very lightly knocked tena's head against plastic thing, wah! My mum screamed, "aiyoh how u be mother one! Athena, I keep record for u that ur mum knock u!"

<u>Daily wardrobe update:</u>

^ oops, the pizza binge showing on my tummy...

^ ... urgh, must do sit-ups like Kieran... must get 6-pack abs...

^ ... must smile while doing crunches!


^ do some flips to keep the rest of me SVELTE. :p
(her memory improved! 1st she learnt to flip from front-to-back, then when she learnt from back-to-front she forgot the first style... now she can do both and just flip, flip, flip across the mattress continuously. Like, 20+ times!

The lil vainpot has more clothes than me in my entire wardrobe eh. Her aunt bought the above Babyguess for her, wah, I dun have no Guess myself leh! *jealous* I am determined not to buy anymore til after she's 1+yr :p (I think I got Snow White's evil stepmother syndrome... hehehe)
little devil,
no lah. u can of course use the feeding container with spoon at home too. there is a lid to it &amp; a space to attach the spoon to, so it is very useful for outdoors. someone passed me a baby food maker which i can use at home. so i dun need the grinding function of the Pigeon feeding container lor.

u r right about the BM babies not smaller than FM babies thing. fm birth to 6mths, there is no significant differences. after that, BM babies tend to be leaner.

Esther encountered the same boy or girl thingie in the church nursery that day. she was in a pink overall.
Little boy: "This one girl or boy?"
Little girl: "Can't u see, she is in pink!"
Little boy: "But look like boy leh..."
Mummy: "ya lor, LOL"


My boy boy girl turned 5mths on Sun! Confused yet? LOL
ladies... need help... my gal went thru bottle rejection b4... now she take EBM from bottle quite ok... but one fine day last week she only drink 60~100ml of her usual 150ml feed... then started to fuss and cry and push away the bottle... either that or keep playing with the teat... but if i latch, no problem... she is drinking much less and i'm throwing a lot of EBM... anyone go thru this stage??
I think most babies looked very puffy at birth hor? Isabel besides looking puffy, had forceps marks on her. her left cheek had a blue black from the forcep and it disappeared only when she was 1 week+ old. was so scared then that it might be birth mark! signed up for those Peter Pan photos but didn't take 'coz of the blue black. So, we went back to the hospital to have her pictures taken when she was slightly above 2 months old (too lazy to take earlier). The photographer said she was too big to be wrapped and gave her a hairband instead...
hi MTMT...

Sometimes i do look at Gabriel new born and a few day old photos...time really flies and i missed those days....
rhyan went for his 5-in-1 3rd jab tdy, didn't cry but whined a little when the nurse held on to his legs too tightly while preparing for jab ..

his wt at 5.5mths is 9.1kg, height is 68cm .. wt gain fm previous weighing at 4.5mths is abt 600g .. PD says our bbs weights shld be starting to stabilise ard this period so not so much like 1kg a mth last time .. hv given him fever med first, hope no fever later ..

pixs taken tdy using mummy's hp coz forgot to bring camera out ..



^ taken at mc donalds tdy before bringing him for jab, he could sit quite well in the bb high chair compared to the first time when i put him in and he bawled coz the chair was too cold for him
.. this time not much air con in this Mac so quite ok ..

no more nekked pixs this time lah, else so many aunties drooling and gfs wanting to keep my pixs for blackmailing me to let them copy homework next time .. :p
hahaha...it's real fun seeing the pics!! sometime I really 'pei fu' u lei! u still can take pic while tena was real cranky and cried like no body biz!! For the first 1mth whenever natalie cried I was either 'shou3 mang2 jiao3 luan4' or cried along wif her :p let alone taking pic!!!
rhyan went for his 5-in-1 3rd jab tdy, didn't cry but whined a little when the nurse held on to his legs too tightly while preparing for jab ..

his wt at 5.5mths is 9.1kg, height is 68cm .. wt gain fm previous weighing at 4.5mths is abt 600g .. PD says our bbs weights shld be starting to stabilise ard this period so not so much like 1kg a mth last time .. hv given him fever med first, hope no fever later ..

pixs taken tdy using mummy's hp coz forgot to bring camera out ..

^ taken at mc donalds tdy before bringing him for jab, he could sit quite well in the bb high chair compared to the first time when i put him in and he bawled coz the chair was too cold for him
.. this time not much air con in this Mac so quite ok ..

no more nekked pixs this time lah, else so many aunties drooling and gfs wanting to keep my pixs for blackmailing me to let them copy homework next time .. :p
nice pixs of tena, really bring bk memories of our bbs when they were just born ..

compliment me for his neat cot ah, thks hor .. hehe .. ya, tts the water mat .. rhyan is sleeping on it now, hope can chase away fever with it ..

lil devil
ya, our boys where got look like gals hor .. rhyan also always kenna qns like boy or gal? i was like duh! so obvious my bb is boy leh, esp when i dress him in blue most of the time ..

rhyan says *ok, must protect auntie sharon and sharwyn mei mei* .. hehe ..

rhyan - pass tissue to auntie pcs please ..

Rhyan so cute, the photo where he was sucking his finger look like he was looking at some tempting food but he cant ve it. Ur photo got story line lei. Start from the left top pixs, go horizontal...1) Huh, where mummy go...2) wow... got ice cream and fries, yummy yummy 3) Huh, how come mummy never give me the mam mam 4) Don give me nevermind, i eat my hand.
her auntie (my sis) yesterday saw her &amp; wanted to BITE her cheeks! LOL
that pix is courtesy of her grandfather lah. he used Adobe Photoshop to play around with the photos. he can't help taking photos of her whenever we visit. machiem like model like dat. i so jealous. she is only 5mths old &amp; has more baby photos than my whole childhood ah.

thanks for the compliments! means she look girl girl in some of the photos. "heng" ah. LOL
MT...so nice to hv newborn pix to remember, i regret not taking much pix at dat period...beri tiring leh, no energy to do anyting hehee
seeing Tena's pic story.. really can't help smiling... it reminds me of QN for these period... so sweet... hmmm... Tena really look different hor... her birth pic sooo... puffy...

times really flies... see rhyan also sitting up so stable liao...
"Today I went shopping on a trolley thingy at Daiso at IMM.."

"And then I got hungry, so I ordered from the waitress.."

"A mouthful of warm brownie drizzled in chocolate sauce...hmmmm.."

"With a mouthful of vanilla ice cream..."

"Since I spent the pocket money that mummy gave me on brownie with ice cream, no choice but to drink plain water lor.."
Berry, Tena compliments Faye on her purple flower top. Haha, the trolley looks fun, Faye looks like she's hanging on for dear life!

Solids- I started Tena with very watery Nestle rice cereal, then made it thicker each day. 1st day she didn't get the concept of swallowing mouthfuls, but today she's quite ok, eagerly opens her mouth for each spoonful
. Mum said she wants more, but shldnt wait for her to turn head away cos she's too small to determine if too-full. Just give 2-3 teaspoons enough already and can always follow up with milk feed.
Today 4th day, I gave her that at lunch AND dinner!
AIYO-A-AH!! My hubby has been playing firing-at-the-enemy with faye! He sits her uprite, then he runs to her from a distance and makes a 'gun' with his hands and goes 'ahh-piu-piu-piu!! ah-bishhhhh!!' at her! And she laughs soooo heartily! And he hides and appears and 'fires' at her!

And he takes Faye's arms to imitate kung-fu moves like 'xiang long shi ba zhang'!! and goes 'ah bish! ah bish!' *Faye's mummy faints*

MT, yar, she was indeed hanging on beri tightly hehe. she says since Tena compliments her on hew clothing, she'll pass tena an entrace ticket to the Isetan private sale. *angelic smile*
Looking at tena's newborn fotos remind me of faye's younger days.

Sharon, wahh so nice, Sharwyn got to go Macdonald's for breakfast! Faye seems to prefer Msc's wooden chair to the plastic one.

lil prince, I loveee the pic of Rhyan sticking out his tounge! He looks so happy

And wow oh my, he is 9.1kg!! Your shoulder not painful to sling him ah? I sling my smaller-sized faye also beri painful leh.
wat's dat? A new toy? Looks yummy...

Let me try stuffing the whole thing into my mouth.

Eekkks, not dat nice after all...
Athena has really grown to be a swan... But hor Kieran is not a lai4 ha2 ma2 :p

medusa n sharon,
Kieran: Aunties, i nvr do many crunches liao lah. Y u all always mention my name? Mummy says i'm a gd boi leh. I know i'm very flappy like Faye but hor, my kungfu haven reach home yet lah.

Faye really looks like she's eating... so cute

little prince,
Rhyan so smiley
I love the pic of him shoving his fist into his mouth...i wanna kiss him...

Dun worry lah, do crunches not tiring for them one :p
skyblue, wah can tell kieran has grown! He looks even more big-boy-boy now hehe, undeniably handsome leh!!

sharon, those are SHADOWS, not chocolate sauce LOL!!! :p
Very nice pics, I like the last one with her piggy bank hehehe
So many cute baby pictures..

Time really flies. I enjoyed looking at Tena's newborn pictures.

Faye is a cutiepie. She is really adorable!

I like Sharwyn's pictures. I know how difficult is it to capture a smile.
wat to do, i mean i dun blame pp for thinking hes a gal (not so petty abt tat) maybe jus shock!!

wah!!! lace stocking, A BOY??!! they mus be out of their mind!! wonder if they dress their boy in lace too...ha!!!!!!!!!!! at least they say "boy OR gal"? mine is "GAL huh"?!!

yah, then i tik i jus go ahead with the water, i cant possibly prevent him for tummy gas by avoiding water, how long can he goes on with water intake.... at times he prefer water than milk, its so stress for me!!! oh, today i feed him gerber rice cereal, he loves it!! so i guess he simply hate the organic brown rice... even the nestle brand he dun really like. so while hes sleeping tis afternoon, i mix 3 types and have a taste myself, well.... the earthbest does taste awlful!! nestle taste the best and gerber not much taste... but he prefer tat, maybe i should try 2molo, mix the earthbest with gerber and see if it works, heee.....the pix of faye reading the newsletter (second pix) looks like ur hubby and i dun tik u really allow her the browniesand ice cream rite!!!??

yap, sometime quinn will drink his water like theres no 2molo but sometimes he refuse so i also try feeding him constantly to keep him hydrate.

ha!!!!!! NATALIE a boy, they mus be out of their mind!!! and i have a problem with quinns name, as pp always mispronounce it. pp always call him QUINN (QUEEN) but the its actually QUINN (K-WAYNE)... so whenever hes at the pd, the nurse will call out loud "QUEEN"!! goodness!!!!!

talking about the pigeon set, today IT create trobles for me.... the bowl topple, dun know hoe it topples, it jus happen then cereal all over my floor then no more cereal for quinn and he scream...!!

"9.1" wow!!
hee.... he is a macho baby.... quinn same length as ryhan but sure not the weight... now i am at a total lost as i really dun know wat to do with him, he simply live on WITHOUT feeling tat he needs milk...HOW!!!
in those pix, hes like telling us "wahhh.... got fries leh....hurray, they are coming my way with those golden fries.... errr.... why no one offer me... er....hellooo.... still no fries, then i shall comfort myself with MY OWN FRIES, NO SALT"!!

wah, after looking at pix tat sharon posted, kieran really grown up, now he looks like a boy than a baby... and he mus be a handsome boy boy now and future to come.

ha!!!!!! i like the BO CHAP PIX!!!!! so funny and so cute!
morning, mummies

me back to work today, rhyan was OK yest .. no fever though when we reached nanny's hse, he seemed a little warmer .. will call nanny's pl again later in the morning to see if he really has fever ..

evelyn / lil devil
LOL .. i didn't put any storylines coz rhyan was waking up fm his nap, your storylines are great! we only ordered a pita chix meal and a tempura chix burger meal lah, no ice cream .. gee! though he was really eyeing our food, esp the 3rd pix when hb was opening up his pita ..

we went to the Mac at TM, think only the bigger Macs hv this new high chair .. the last time he sat was at East Coast Mac, bawled like mad coz the chair was too cold .. so if you do bring sharwyn to sit, rem' to put a cloth below her butt ..

ya, all our bbs grown up liao .. i still rem' sharwyn was sooo small when i saw her during your confinement, she is a beautiful swan now .. i like her pix tt shows her saying nite prayers ..

the purple top is really nice, compliments Faye's fair skin .. the swing is so cute, thinking why NTUCs dun provide such cute bb trolleys hor ..

rhyan says "wah, Faye really knows how to enjoy life hor .. but so pitiful, only drink plain water in the end. NVM, next time i treat Faye to a choco milk shake."

oi, my hb also always play this "xiang long shi ba zhang" with rhyan leh .. then take the bolster as a sword to play 'pretend fighting' with him .. then hor, still got WWF wrestling .. he always tell rhyan "WO! WO! WO! You can't see me!" and move his hands left and right in front of his face .. *faintz, he really thinks rhyan is sumo wrestler ah"

i sort of get used to slinging him liao lah, though cannot sling everyday lah else i may get hunchback .. hehe .. but hor, he is starting to dislike his pram nowadays .. want hb to carry him instead or me slinging him, think he wants to hv a better view of things at a 360 degrees angle .. grr!

kieran looks soooo grown up, very handsome indeed .. i think he is beginning to look more like you leh ..

rhyan says "Kieran, mummy says good things must share share leh .. since i dun get to eat Mac, you give me a biscuit, can?"

lil devil
dun worry lah, PD says our bbs are stabilising their weights already so shld be ok lah .. there are times when rhyan also dun ask for milk, now his feeding hrs are at a gap of 4hrs instead of previously 3hrs .. PD wanted to check his gums to see whether teeth coming out or not but he kept on smiling and sticking his tongue out at PD till she gave up, says will just hv to wait for teeth to pop lor ..

btw, PD says teeth can start to come out anytime btw 4mths to 18mths so no worries if teeth comes out anytime within this gap ..
Esther is a very chubby,pretty and happy bb. Her eyebrows is very well defined which gives a her a ladylike" look. How can anyone mistaken her for a boy? Don't understand...

Very organized pics, capture almost every moment. Tena will sure appreciate yr efforts. But Really hor this is the 1st time I see bb's puke pix. I bit "kua zhang" a not har?

Still loves Rhyan serious look (seriously blur look as 1st pic) Hehehe.

Don't faint lar. I think yr hb game is good for tranning Faye to be a tough girl, then she can protect mummy mah :p

Kieran looks so handsome. (Auntie pcs starts drooling again.....)

also like Sharwyn "bo chap" look. Got"xing ge"!!!
yuru, waaahhhh so fast! We have so mnay early bloomers on this thread, 4mth got teeth liao hehe so nice. Aiyooo, I suspect Faye teething so long ago till now still no teeth, I think I kenna bluffed :p

wah u can take pictures of cindy's 2 teeth. Gabriel has 2 teeth too, but he doesnt allow us to take photo as he will always stick out his tongue when i try to look at it.
like the pic, so cute!!

natalie is 3mth-old now and has 1 tooth at lower gum at center. tried to take photo but failed.
another 1 'potential' one at right side but is a bit out of place. PD said the side one may not be a tooth but a cyst wor... She said it'll be better if it's a cyst coz it wont bother bb at all and will disappear within 1 or 2mths. If it's a tooth then it seems out of place may need to remove it.
Pics, yest I showed my mum the pics posted here- to her, every baby is "bigger and older" than Tena. LOL! She esp (erm, other than her own biased preference for Tena lah) thinks Esther very pretty, so chubby cheeks and nice eyes, while Natalie has really big bright eyes!
She oso say Faye angmoh ah... tsk tsk, Berry! Wat did u do?! :p

Yuru, so sweet! Her teeth so sweet! She got 2 there right? Wah, she really very delicate... and such beautiful snow-white skin.
lilprince, wah, Rhyan really very big haha, and yup he looks like he wants what u were eating hor!
sharon, hey the 3 bbs together in Dec is such a flashback, all so different... and Sharwyn is now heavier than Tena leh!

lildevil, u very adventurous... I not adventurous abt food one, never taste Tena's EBM/FM/cereal. *makes a face* I am sure it's ALL eeew. Hey Nestle nicest ah? No wonder she likes her Nestle. Inside got sugar as ingredient leh. That's why I hold off intro of fruits puree... if she takes after me, she has plenty of time to pile on the desserts when she's older (and regret it)! LOL!
Berry, hahaha, Faye bluff her mummy! Faye told Tena very fun and easy to bluff! :p

u so bad.... let faye open her mouth so big yet that scene is for photo taking only. Make faye so malu
