(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

pcs, no pic cos I can't take pic of Tena while singlehandedly holding her over potty ahaha. And her usual tummy exercises very boring to see liao. Show us your Keira lah!
<== oops just saw, cutie!

yuru, i bring changing mat- have changed her on diaper-changers in toilets, in pram (hide in handicapped toilet), on the flr (at fren's homes :p ). HB never changed Tena when we're out... quite inaccessible for most guys (and I think he'd end up smearing "stuff" on Tena's clothes, pram...)
SLK, yeah, think I have to change before her 12mn feed, am too cheap to spend on diapers (I will spend on everything else tho haha :p). Usually don't change after feed cos afraid too much movement will cause puking, and cos she's usually lethargic/ half-asleep, just nice for her to nap.
lilprince, yahlor I also want ur nanny to help me potty-train heehee.

Thx for the input, will check out Pigeon/ Tollyjoy SOFT spoon, and hopefully find microwavable bowl (hopefully in a "travel" pack). And maybe Pigeon magmag cup (I saw so many options in Mothercare... some soft spout, some "easier" for bb to hold).

Hi Vaingal
Charge Fee? Ok, not but too expensive pls....
Yah the The beautiful british actress is known as the warrior princess right? Actually I checked Keira means "the Sun" in Latin or Spanish. She is definitely my "sun".
Tks for the compliments.
Pampers premium is green in color

Mummies staying in the West
I stayed in Bt panjang and I know a place which sells diapers cheap. Mummy Poko at $16.50(M size)
Its a provision shop at Bangkit Rd
MT, the reason I use Magmag is because Magmag cup is transparent (can see water level) and has diff 'tops' that you can switch to as baby progress to diff stage; So when time comes, only need to buy and replace top instead of having to get a new cup.
The meaning of the name Keira is: Black Haired
The origin is: Celtic/Gaelic

Keira is an aboriginal name for which three meanings have been given: large lagoon; high mountain; wild turkey.

Ethnicity: Celtic (old Irish)
Pronunciation: Said in two syllables, "Kir-a." Like most Celtic words, a C followed by an 'I' or an 'E' has a 'K' sound, not an 'S' sound.
Meaning: from the Gaelic Ciar, which means dark, dark skinned, or dark haired
However, Ciara is also said to come from the Latin word "Clarus," which means "light."

Alternate spellings: Ceara, Cearaa, Cearra, Ciaara, Ciarrah, Cieara, Ciearra, Cearia, Ciera, Cieria, Cierra, Cierrah, Keira, Kiara, Kiera, Keara, and Kira

Meaning: Dark, black. Feminine form of Kieran.
Origin: Irish Gaelic
Alternatives: Ciara (Irish), Keera, Keira.

Haven't a clue whether my fren's bb is Keira or Kiera or pronounced Kay-ra or Kia-ra. Beautiful name in all forms!
Besides those you mentioned, Plaza Sing, Tampines Mall, Bishan Junction 8, Ikea (but can be smelly) have proper changing facilities but I like the one at Taka best.

I also like the name Keira or Kara &amp; wanted to use it for my girl but my HB's surname is Tay &amp; if i pronounce it with the surname, it's going to sound like "Karate" so had to give up the name! LOL!
pcs, i really admire ur bb...
got any recent pics of her?

peg, karata... haha... very funny... i thot the pronounciation was "ki-ra"... =P
Re: Daddy changing Baby...

Hmm... I never really thought of it... but then, can Daddy (alone) enter nursing room to change baby? I mean those single nursing room with only one armchair for mums to breastfeed?
Jen, if the nursing room is empty then I'm sure its alright to do that. But usually places with individual nursing rooms comes with proper diaper changing facilities in the first place I think.
Oh ya! dun know why bb looks so lovely &amp; sweet while sleeping :p

I only started brown rice cereal for JR sometime 2 weeks ago..when he is approaching 6 mths old. I actually wanted to wait till 6mths but JR seemed to have interest in our food whenever we have him near us when we have our meal. Thus, realised that he is ready for solid and I introduced him semi-solid (blend with BM) for a week for avocado/banana/frisocrem and then last week we introduced him brown rice cereal and increased his intake.
Ya, I always like to look at JR's pics album.. it so amazing and feeling happy he is growing well.

It was so funny when I first saw JR shaking legs at mom plc... hahah...he has grown up already..no longer a baby liao :p
Kieran and JR seldom have the chance to flip at ILs' plc cos there is no mattress for them to move around and usu they are being carried around by ILs.

JR only started to eat more brown rice cereal - one small bowl last week. One brown rice feed to replace one BM feed. This week, my mom will try to introduce 2 brown rice feed @noon and @dinner time for JR. I know why he is not gaining much weight... in fact we know that whether JR is with me over weekends, he looks slimmer cos' I let him direct latch for BM and he does not drink much as compared to bottle feed BM where you know exactly how much he has drank. HB always 'complaint' that I dun feed him enough :p ...

so fast thinking of grandsons liao

Century Sq has a new nursing room at level 2... cool!!! Like Compasspoint nursing room too!!

Berry &amp; Yuru
My hubby surprised lots of my frens that he can change JR anywhere!!! even while he is sitting @ Book Cafe at Rivervalley last Sat! Fyi, I usually dun change diapers for JR... it is daddy'sjob! and there are lots of nursing and changing station out there in most established shopping malls.

JR is using cloth diapers at mom plc cos' mom told me it is easiler for her to do potty training.. like what you have mentioned in your posting.

The parents' room at Paragon is not too bad also, got hot water dispenser and hubbies can enter. But definitely not as big as Taka.

My hubby usually does the changing in public because he likes to take over baby on weekends (also give me a break mah). For some reason, my boy likes to do his once a day poop in public and while we are out eating. So my hubby will change in the pram away from the restaurant, not nice to display bb's poop when others are eating, ha.
I have one very unpleasant experience at Paragon Nursing room a few mths ago...Well, it has got nothing to do with the facilities within.. the nursing room is great but it's location is too near the MALE toilet liao!! While I was latching JR, a man rushed into the nursing room and opened the small bfg room where both of us were in.. the latch in the small bfg room is too easy to be opened from outside. I shouted "Hey, What are you doing here!!! Do u know this is BFG corner? You are NO allowed here!!! and he ran out asap!

the baby room at level 3 of Raffles City is not bad too for diaper changing. got three changing "stations" and you can feed your baby there too away from the crowd and noise. also a good place to take a rest from shopping.

I have a changing mat in my diaper bag so can put that on a bench if cannot find a clean diaper changing room.
berry, empty room of cos good lah... but what if got pple leh? and some more cannot lock one rite? usually just a partition to hide behind if BFG... then if daddy suddenly go in so paiseh...

Re: Name
peg, my parents also very scared we will give a name which pple will make fun... initially we want to give her middle dialect name Xi (as in Kang Xi the Xi)... then hubby's surname is Ho... then my daddy say "Jean Ho Sze... HUH? Jin Ho Si?" (as in really very good to die in Hokkien)... duh... luckily the Youlongzi's son say the name we choose will clash with her so we din use the name...

But then hor, now her dialect name my daddy still make fun... he call her "Ho ah... Jin Eng" (as in good ah... very free) Pengz... her dialect name should pronounce jin ying... just that spelling more special only...
oh yah, forgot about the one at Raffles City but i find it quite cold...my girl was shivering while changing..

if only all baby nursing rooms have hot water...

BTW, there's also a changing room in Isetan Parkway..
alamak! my girl is a wild turkey?? jialat liao...must hide her when christmas coming or else she'll sure kena roasted! lol

i didnt know keira means "sun" in spanish or latin. she's my sunshine that's for sure.
yah, Youlongzi says try to pronouce the name in all dialects so that it won't sound funny. So Jean's hanyu pinyin name is Jin(1) Ying(1)?

btw, Jean Ho sounds like "very good" in hokkien leh!
for nursing room, i like the one at suntec. there is a mini L-shaped sofa in the locked room, where you can BF in comfort

there is also hot water there. another good one is at United Square.

i stay at bt panjang too!! whereabts in BP do you stay? i stay at blk 629, Senja Rd.
Woh! Keira's mummy also not as hardworking as you. Thanks for the info.

I am in the office now reading yr post. Buay Tahan, wanted to LOL but not possible cause office open concept but still can't stop similing. Now have to cover my mouth while typing this else pple thought I "siow"

Yah, Dreaming a lot nowadays. Visulizing when she goes to school, when she have boyfriend. When she get married etc.

I stayed at Jelapang Rd Blk 530.

where is the changing room in plaza singapura?

the nursing/changing room in centrepoint (level 2 i think near cargo) is also freezing cold.
Diaper changing
i usually change rhyan in pram or in the car, else definitely in nursing rooms .. wun wan to change him in the ladies toilet lah .. if hb change him, usually in pram lor ..

actually, can change bb anywhere as long as his head is quite stable lah, esp when our bbs are fm 4mths onwards .. lie down on our laps also can change mah, just need some practice and all of us will be able to do it well

ohh .. qi xuan looks so fragile in the pix ..

so did u allow yr relatives to let keira take the 4d numbers in the end?
i dun dare to use those nursing rooms tt hv their hot water in thermal pots leh, dunno why leh .. i will only use if its fm a hot water dispenser but if its in those thermal pots we use at home (United Sq uses this), i dun dare to use coz i will not know when the water was last changed .. i usually bring out my own hot water ..
Yah. Everyone's remarks after seeing her is "so small ah"

sure. Lucas so mancho sure can protect my mini Keira.
yr ger ger is really a cutie.

Diaper changing
I will try to find nursing room first, else will change in the pram/ car. Will bring along small changing mat coz worry the changing station not clean.
lil prince,
Hot water - i see what you mean &amp; yah, you got a point. I also bring my own hot water but it'd be useful if the taps have hot water function, just need to use it to clean her sometimes as some changing rooms are freezing...

btw if i'm not wrong, you go to Kid's clinic at Rivervale Mall? Thinking of bringing tricia for her 2nd 6-in-1 jab as it's nearer to my place.
foldable changing mat can get at KP..have many brands.. I bring along absorbant kitchen towel sometimes coz changing mat can get quite dirty also..if poo poo too much etc.
little prince,
Hee hee hee... ILs happy with 2 grandsons flipping? Hmm...so far haven got the chance to put JR n Kieran together on mattresses at ILs for them to flip leh... maybe shd try out tios coming weekend. They're sure be 'fighting' for space. But then, Kieran not like his gor gor JR, will flip from one end of his mattress to another end. He'll flip from back to tummy n stop there 'munching' his yummy fists. When he's bored with dat, he'll start 'burrowing' into the mattress, like trying to dig a hole in the mattress.

Potty training:
Kieran has also been trained by his nanny to poo into the potty. B4 dat, nanny 'nnggg' him at the toilet bowl n he'll poo there. But i lazy mummy, weekends with him, i dun 'nnggg' him at the potty.

Hey, I oso like staring at Kieran when he's fast asleep. I'll stroke his head n kiss him on his face. Somehow, i find him so angelic looking when asleep. Kieran oso had a lot of white patches on his palates n gums. I asked PD b4 but she didn't tell me exactly wat they were.

Hi, welcome here...
Feel free to post watever questions u have here, the mummies here r all very helpful.

Ur hubby's niece is named Kieran? Hee hee... my son's name is Kieran leh... unisex name ah?
btw, i also bring along a small bottle of the mustela non-rinse cleansing fluid, very useful to clean poo too.
yup, it's unisex. male version also has kieron. i really like the name but too bad lor.

i bought my changing mat from mothercare cos my hubby wanted a plain looking mat. anyway most of the time, he does the changing when we're out.
diaper changing,

I put the blue pads 17"x 24" that is used to line the bed, get at Guardian Pharmacy at $4 for pack of 10 onto the changing mat. so that if poo poo alot will throw the pad as well becos 40cents per piece not so heartache. when outside, I use the johnson baby wipe (pink pack) becos easier to clean up poo, no need to use so many pieces.
peg, i've PM u...

skyblue, hmm... am i missing something? are u and JR related?
sorry if u gals mentioned cos the posts too fast to catch lah!!
sorry, can't remember lah, bought it mid last year.

i remember in the earlier threads there was a mention of this super baby food book. besides kino, where can i buy the book? thanks.
hi mummies
may i know do we need to produce anything for the robinson's member sale today?
or there isn't any sale today?
Jen, if the daddy not sure whether the nursing room got anyone or not, best is to ask. Can just sorta holler 'eh, anyone in there?' :p

lil prince, you dun dare to use the hot water from nursing rooms? you scared rhyan kenna spiked ah? hehehe :p
