(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be


U did not log in yesterday, u still interested in the girl rompers? i reserve 2 for u. want is your email address send u the photos
Kelly, Littleprince & SLK
My mom was telling telling me it is normal for babies not to gain weight after 5 mths onwards... it shows that bb is growing (getting more active and has been moving a lot thus burns more fat away :p)

Ya, JR is one of the oldest baby here in this thread...I m also amazed with his development so far...(as I dun really spend much of this awaking time with him) ..recently, realised he can sit on potty very well ..shaking legs while shhsh and poo poo... (he is undergoing 'potty' training as my mom thinks it is the right time now to start)...then he flips, turns from one end of the mattress to the other end (my parents got 2 mattresses put on the floor at mom plc for him to play and move abt)..loves his granny's brown rice cereal and can finishes the whole bowl within 10-15mins! ...

Well, I think all other babies here will be very soon going thru this phase...

Phases of growing up...it's so amazming and wonderful to see our babies grow day by day! You know, both me and hb will spend some time every day staring at JR while he is sleeping :p
ITs okay.. if yo uwant we can meet up for lunch also.. I'm free..
How's Cindy? She is still with your SIL right? So are you sending her back to the infant care..btw where if the infant care located?
She weighs 1.8 Kg at birth. We are all worried that her lungs are not well developed yet and she might not be able to drink milk from bottle. The PD says she might have to stay in hospital for a week for observation but everything turn out well and she was discharged on the 3rd day. Even the PD was suprised , he even call her "chilli Padi". (small but strong)

Tks. Always feel that you are a mum with alots of guts.

Charsiew Rice
Yes. I think that the mums here are great. Very knowlegable and lots of lobang - handphones, clothes, diapers, nannys and even cleaning ladies. Amazing
<font color="aa00aa">berry,</font>
ya, am drinking lotsa of water, and taking leave tmr so that can nap &amp; nap in-between my pump sessions. just hope i won't "hong sim" go out shopping lah.. hahhaa...

now i've got a bump on my head, just right above my right ear. last night lor, while setting my mobile phone alarm, in the dark as usual, i wanted to lie down to sleep.. then BANG, hit real HARD onto the bed frame. guess it's pretty loud cos hubby, who's in the living room, came running in &amp; ask what happened!!

now i feel pain when i munch or open mouth big big
hi ladies... i was asking if it's normal for Jean to be sucking her fists even after drinking milk full feed? We gave her 150ml, how can it be not enough?!

Finally got a nice pic of Jean lifting her head...
hahaha!! same here. every night, hubby and me also spend time staring and kissing lucas when he's sleeping!! somehow he looks so lovely when he's asleep :p

wow, your girl is indeed a chilli padi

*ouch* i can feel the pain. i'm a clumsy mother, always knock, kick, bang, trip here and there :p
<font color="ff6000">andrea</font>
QN refuese to drink plain wateR?
well, i guess shd be ok bah, tt is only 1/4 t-spoon everyday..
not v.sure .. perhaps u can chk with ur PD?
tt time i only gave calista to drink a few days, and then she dun wan, now tt can of glucose now sitting in the cabinet to collect dust
now i only gv her 1 t-spoon of gripe water + 100ml water everyday after her bath. if she finish it, will juz let her plain water for the rest of the day

<font color="ff6000">hi pcs</font>
welcome to the thread

wat's ur gal's name?

<font color="ff6000">jr</font>
when did ur mum start brown rice cereal for JR?
its a joy watching bbs growing up hor... see wat they start to learn day by day..
i will always tink back from the day they are born till now ..wow, how much they hv grown .. feel happy too
welcome to our thread, yr bb is just a few days younger than mine .. she is a strong gal indeed, any photos of her to post for us to see?

yalor, most of our bbs here have really develop amazingly fast .. hehe .. oh, JR is undergoing potty training now? rhyan also using potty, nanny trained him to poo into potty since 2mths old coz she feels tt its cleaner for his butt rather than poo on diapers .. so funny to see them shaking legs rite? LOL ..

wah, he can flip fm one end to another end .. looks like when both Kieran and JR are at your ILs' place, its going to be chaotic with 2 grandsons flipping everywhere .. your ILs must be really happy
teeth, i dun think the side white patch are teeth under the gum leh... too early to have molars. My mum disagrees, she thinks Tena is teething molars, OMG. I tried Dentinox, no apparent relief so I think Tena's just irritated by her already sprouted tooth (she uses her tongue to play with it lots, won't be surprised if she accidentally chomped on her tongue/gum/lips with it). I'm lactose-intolerant so din take regular milk during pregnancy, n was too lazy with calcium supplements. Maybe ice-cream lah :p . We never noticed anything with her bowels when she teethed, nor fever, only more cranky n red "pimples" at her tooth when it finally broke through.

Potty training. Infants supposed to be still attuned to their elimination during birth-4 or 5mths, beyond that, supposedly too used to just doing in diapers. I think I posted a link to "Elimination Communication aka Infant Potty Training". This is quite tough, must be very attuned to bb, n very hardworking haha.

I'm doing something more similar to what my mum used (she started us at 6 or 7mth tho), which is, try to get bb used to/understand "shhhh" n "ngggg" (darling's surname ahaha), whenever possible, try to "catch" in potty instead of diapers. And use cloth diapers more often instead of disposables cos cloth once wet, she can feel and realise. Disposables usually stays very dry, hard for her to "realise". Supposedly, if infant realises these, and understands the shhh/nggg cues, when she's a toddler, easier to do the real potty training.

Welcome pcs, what's ur darling's name?
JR eating so much brown rice cereal but not gaining much growth? btw, how often a day does he eat cereal?

so far, i think rhyan is quite trained to poo in potty leh coz his nanny really very hardworking .. initially, she will ngg him after every feed fm morning when rhyan reaches there till he poos for the day .. now, she only ngg him in the morning when he shows tt kind of face and he really poos .. i tried at home over the wkends and it worked too .. maybe coz he started since 2 mths old and he is using nappies at nanny's place?
Tks. Actually I also feel very heart pain when u see the bb so small and has to be stick with all sorts of wire (for monitoring heatbeat, breathing and many other don't know for what machines) And they prick her twice a day to test her blood for jaundice.
For your questions on fist sucking. I think its normal. My gal will always suck her hands evertime she fnished her milk unless she is sleepy.
Welcome.. your baby so so small at birth..actually I was very small at birth too ard 2kg and I also a premmie. Well, if you see me now, so plump and not too small size
Great that your gal is strong and healthy now.
Pet Pet, i use for nite, leaked bigtime yesterday... put diaper on her, she polished 150ml, slept (8pm), polished another 150ml (12mn), 7am woke. I think she peed ALL of the 300ml in the night. :p
So hazey, how to sun the mattress, aiyoh.

SOLIDS N WATER, sorry I know it's been covered liao, but what recommendations for a BOWL, SPOON, FEEDING CUP (Tena only 4.5mth... preferably something not too hard?)? Thx in advance :D
lilprince, haha yest I caught Tena's poo for the 1st time. :p Fed her water n she started nnnging, so quickly took diapers off, rush to potty. Was so satisfied when she managed to get some in the potty (and only abit in diaper). Later on realised MOST of it ended on the floor just before potty. :p Not very funny when I had to clean it.
<font color="ff6000">jen</font>
tink its normal
calista also will stick her fingers into her mouth after her feed
she started to do this when she's 2mths+
now juz be sure that their fingernails are clean

<font color="ff6000">medusa</font>
hee..perhaps nx time u can stand by the potty before u start feeding
so u dun hv to clean the flr as well
medusa... u are so funny... does tena have a certina "look on the face" when she needs to poo? cos jean does, ever since 1 week old... her eyes will be huge and round, nose flared, mouth in an O shape... then her face will be slightly red... so we know she gek sai... haha... sure enough, u will hear the priak priak priak on the diaper... if she drinking halfway, she will also stop sucking and mouth become O shape too... hehe...
rhyan has a good nanny

junior, pcs,
i was a premature baby too!! was also ard 2kg when i came to this world. am so big and tall now! :p

huh, you didn't change tena's diapers from 8pm to 7am??
Pcs, guts?? wat do you mean? like wat?

MT, teething MOLARS?? Normally molars starts rearing its head from 1-2yrs old leh.

Jnr, yar lor, alot of the babies here oredi flipping here and there liao. Time really flies!
Yah I also think bbs really looks like angels when they are sleeping.

Er regarding the name, I have something to confess. I like vaingal bb name so much that I also named her "Keira". Her Chinese name is "Qi Xuan" "Qi" in Cantonese is "Kei" so i use this name lor

Pie Seh. Hope u don't mind

Little Prince
I will love to post but don't know the steps leh. Any body can teach me how to post pictures?
Tena's molars not so fast lah..ur MIL so gan cheong? Feeding utensils.. the smallest one (for small mouth bbs) are from the pigeon range.. I bought the portable feed as you go container where the spoon can be attached to the lid. If you want cheap melamine crockery(can be microwaved type of hard plastic) there is wide range at Daisco.. with a lot of cute picture kiddy bowl/plate etc. I bought a few different types of bowls from there to feed Ryan.
Feeding cup there are quite a few -pigeon magmag cups series- good but pricy.. KP have cheap sprout cups.. my boy hates sprouts so we just skip and move on to straw cups.. will teach him to use normal cups in the comming weeks. Now we use normal metal teaspoon to feed him when outside.
SLK, yah 8pm to 7am... sleeping mah, she only woke when startled (pat back to sleep) n to drink. I not so daring change diapers at night, wait she EYE BIG BIG n want to play, then I jialat haha. :p I think I need more absorbent diapers...
pcs, my gf's premature bb also Keira
. It IS a beautiful name.
berry, ruffy, haha my MUM thinks molars lah, not me... but seeing HB has really abnormal teeth devt too, nothing will surprise me. Won't be surprised if next time she has double tier teeth, sigh (like Jaws, Great White shark). $$$$$$.
i see i see. i thought she woke up to drink at 12mn., can change before/after the feed?? for nights, i use pampers premium, and day i use pet pet. so far no problem. my record for his diapers was from 7pm to 6am (cos he really knocked-out, was too tired i guess). but he didn't wake up for any feeds so i guess nothing much to pee :p
I bought the tollyjoy feeding spoons. the tip is made of silicone so meghan chews on it without any problem. the handles are very brightly coloured so she gets excited every time she sees it. when was tena born? I think my gal is maybe only 2 weeks older but she drinks 210 ml every time except for her 1st feed. she sometimes very greedy &amp; will refuse to release the bottle even after sucking it all down.

how old is ur gal now?
Thanks for the assurance. maybe I shd be happy that Qi xuan is a premature bb, may be I will also have SUPER grandsons like Lucas ans JR next time

Guts as in letting Faye try out all sorts of things. I think Faye is always among the 1st few bbs to try out new things like ceral, bumbos, bb chairs, finger sucking, bb lessons etc.

Guts as in daring to opposed what u think is not right. If I'm not wrong, u did not really follow the confinment rules like no bathing right? You also did not go for "Pai Nian" right? I also did not want my gal to go for this gathering especially ny hb side bocos he has 9 siblings and my MIL have 22 grand children. THeir gathering more like gambling sessions. They gambled Everyday (from chu yi to chu liu) from dinner time to 3 to 4 am. When I say bb and I stay at home, he says cannot becoz like that very "dao"?????

Tks. Er how come today don't have Athena pictures Har? Her photos never fails to make me smile.
MT, use a small, shallow, soft n rubbery spoon, something that will fit nicely in tena's mouth. As for bowl, I use a small regular glass bowl, nothing special/specific about my bowl.

yuru, if you suspect baby not drinking water because she rejects the teat and not because she is not thirsty, try feeding water in a different bottle/cup. Currently I'm feeding Faye water in her Pigeon magmag stage 2 cup, so she regconises that this cup is for water and will open her mouth or turn her head away to indicate whether she wants to drink water or not.
i'm currently using drypers, &amp; usually for nite time, it'll last the 9-10 hours that she sleeps. i noticed the back of the diapers don fit her so well which was why i thought of switching to pet pet. is pampers premium the one that says hugs like a koala? i've tried that type &amp; it leaked big time.

i wanted to name my baby gal kiera or kieran but by hubby has a niece with the name kieran so we decided not to lah. I think the name is really pretty too.
LOL .. i think bb gals more difficult to toilet train than bb boys lor coz they can't aim .. hehe .. so they must sit in potty to pee but if leaked everywhere, really a headache coz got to wipe the mess .. nvm lah, practice makes perfect

for rhyan, i bought the pigeon spoons and IKEA small bowls coz they are light .. will buy proper plate / bowl for him when he is eating more ..

u just hv to click the "upload attachment" button which is found next to your preview/post message button, then choose the location of your file for the pix and post ..

slk / yuru
ya, i hv to admit rhyan has a good nanny .. what more to ask for when she is only charging me $400 for bbsitting rhyan, always buying stuff for him when i insist tt i must pay for them but they refuse, buy breakfast for me every Tues am etc .. only thing i dun like is nanny will at times be too carried away taking care of rhyan till she forgets i am the mum .. LOL .. well, but he is doted on at her place lah ..
drypers failed on lucas poo, esp watery ones. i tried a few times and gave up, gave the whole pkt to my SIL.

not sure if pampers premium is the one that days hugs like a koala, any mummies know? lucas has been using pampers premium for nights from day 1 and i have no complains so far.
Morning all!
Wah..so many postings, just finished reading...

Natalie's such a pretty gal!

Like what Sharon says, tik Quinn could be teething, try teething gel. Hope it helps. And abt ur bad dreams, tik you need to take some time out to relax...take care!

Saw ur posting on bringing Sharwyn to Sentosa for a nite's stay and wow, i really admire you leh. Sharwyn must be very guai(1). Till now, i haven't mustered enough courage to bring tricia out alone yet &amp; we also haven't had a chance to bring her for a getaway..really should try that one day.

btw, love that story on Power Woman. Kinda reminds me abt my M-leave days! really scary! hehe...

May May,
Did you buy anything for baby girls in the States? If so, I'm interested. My girl's 3mths+ now. Please send pics to: [email protected]. Thanks!

Using it during the day &amp; can't say it absorbs well but reduces NR on tricia.

Any mummies here go to this clinic? Any comments?
pcs, yar, I didnt follow the confinement rules :p

Peg, Maymay has some very pretty girl clothing from carters, I oredi bought a piece for Faye hehe
there are nursing rooms/bb rooms in certain shopping malls.. I normally change Ryan there. coz he doens't really like the diaper changing area in the female toilet coz it is hard and cold.. If have to change there he will be standing there.. If there is no proper place then just change him at a bench in the corner.
C u at 1pm.. can have lunch other time..no problem
yuru, I use the diaper changing stations in ladies toilet, or the diaper changing stations at family rooms and nuseries. Or if at some wooloo place with dirty toilets or no changing stations then change in the car. I love changing facilities at Taka, wisma, wheelock and great world city.
Changing stations- I've been wanting to ask this for the longest time, keep forgetting, if a daddy brings his baby out without the mummy around, where in the world does he change his baby's diaper?? Cause most of the changing stations are in ladies toilet, right? Strange huh?? So that means if a daddy wants to bring his baby out alone, must make sure no need to chnage diaper? If poopoo halfway then how (presuming he doesnt drive)?
As long as there is a chair/table around in some corner daddy can also change the bb there..my hubby's done that before..sometimes he brings Ryan out alone. Of course he has the bb bag with all the essentials inside. Normally daddies won't bring bb out for that long..the most 1-2hrs.. if there is no poo-poo I don't think they will change the bb till the bb is back home.
yuru, nope, I dont bring along a changing mat. I'll only change faye on a changing station that is clean enough to be used without needing a changing mat. I also dont really wipe. I just changer as per nornal but do it as FAST as I can manage.
that's great! Hope Maymay pop in today so she can send me info on the clothes &amp; i can start shopping!

I really dun like the diaper changing stations in female toilet, so hard, cold &amp; inconvenient. Tricia doesn't like it too. If I have a choice, I'll usually go to malls with proper changing facilities otherwise will change in the car/pram...
where is the changing room in wisma? any idea if there is one in plaza singapura?

so far, i only go to those shopping centres that i know have proper changing rooms. don't really like the thought of changing her on those changing tables in the ladies altho i always carry a changing mat.

slk, yuru,
what colour is the package of the pampers premium? there seem to be a few types &amp; i get kinda confused.
My HB once changed Tricia on a bench at Marina Sq bcos they were renovating so no proper place to change &amp; bo bian bcos she pooed..
deniz, er wait!! paiseh, I dont mean wisma, I meant ISETAN, as in Isetan at shaw, there's a baby room at the baby level (level 4 I think, cant remember). I'm very amused by the baby room there cause there're even 2 cots in case some baby wants to take a nap LOL.

Peg, apart from Taka and Isetan at Shaw, where else can find proper changing facilities? I also dislikethe cold hard changing station thingy at ladies toilet.
orrrr...must pay me copyright fees hor....lol. im glad u like the name too. many ppl pronounce my girl's name as "kia-ra" but i meant it to be "kay-ra"...heee...as in keira knightly, the british actress.
The Cold Hard Changing Station in Female Toilets...
i find it a bit risky to change bb there. what if bb kicks and head kena the edge? i like the one in compass point (top level, next to foodcourt). they have two changing stations, cushioned. They also have two nursing rooms, very private.

changing diapers in the car, my highest record is twice in a day... since then, i think nothing is too difficult... ;-)

yr gal is a survivor!!! i was told that bb born after 28 weeks are strong enuff to brave the world.

Berry, lil_prince,
i bo pian hv to be really garang with my relatives... they dont take no for an answer. what pisses me off big time is that they were quite adamant to make my bb pick 4 numbers for them!! i was told its bad for bb...just like touching pregnant woman's tummy, its supposed to take away bb's luck &amp; make it their own. arrrrrghhhh....

got it...will mail it out to u at the end of the wk?
