(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

looks like u, hubby n sharwyn enjoyed urself at sentosa. very gd 2 expose sharwyn 2 different environments. from e pics, can tell she is seriously looking at e fishes n e musical fountain. so cute of her...

thks for sharing e article wif us. very interesting n informative.

dun feel like an idiot. u r doing wonders 2 declan, ignore ur family members. my 2 friens have testified tat when they read to their babies since birth, their kids love reading now n will pick up a book anytime to read (of course, something tat they can read lah). so hang in there.

ur husband seems very nice at the marche gathering leh. he was feeding declan milk n holding him to sleep. dun look like the sort who will deny his son of love n affection...unless he's putting up an act.

LOL...i'll tell gabbie 2 do the same thing except it's for him 2 KILL KILL KILL while i run n hide in e furthest corner in my hse.
sitting on e kiddy ride, faye must b thinking very hard (tat's y suspicious) wat on earth is this thing that has loud music n moves...hmmm???

i am terrified of lizard, cockroaches, moths, ants, cats, dogs, basically anything tat's not human. i only like fishes.

is declan colicky or not feeling well in anyway? or perhaps sometimes it's a passing phase. monitor him for a few days first. the PD told me all FM are the same and there is no need to change the milk powder.
so fast for natalie 2 b teething. gab is teething too. i also dying 2 c his lil 2 white teeth.

i share wif u all wat happened...

last tues (22feb), i found out by chance tat gab is teething. actually he has been showing e following signs since 14feb but i never tot it's actually due 2 teething.
1) fever on 14feb - i tot it was due 2 his jab taken tat day. fever hit as high as 38.6C n lasted abt 36hrs. i never realised tat it cld b due to teething as well.

2) husband suspected tat our son may b teething since his fever was so high n so long. he checked his gums n found a white tiny part on his lower gums. i dismissed it as a milk stain (though i didnt look at it or use my finger 2 rub e "milk stain" away). husband didnt pursue it further.

3) watery poo poo - he has been having watery poo poo since tat day too. from 14-22feb, he poo poo 6x n his poo poo leaked 5x. his poo poo rarely leak n his diapers was worn as usual...not loose or tight

4) tow suan like poo poo - in his watery mustardy poo poo, there were tow suan like shit. me blur mummy didnt bother though i noticed tat he never had such tow suan like shit (imagine tow suan in a midst of mustardy shit).

5) chewing/sucking on 1-3 fingers - a few days b4 14feb, he has been sucking his index finger and/or thumb. 1 wk later, he progressed to chewing/sucking 2 or 3 fingers at one time. initially we pulled them out as we dun 1 him 2 b sucking on his fingers but he would immediately put them back in. gab has a teething ring at home but i never let him use it cos i never would hv tot tat he is teething, i tot he's merely sucking fingers.

6) NO drooling - he rarely drool before and during tis teething period.

on 22feb, he was sucking on his fingers the 1st thing when he woke up. husband then said, "could he b teething? he has been sucking on his fingers as if he's chewing on them."
we checked n found 2 tiny white parts on his lower gums. i rubbed it wif my finger n the 2 white parts felt hard against his gums.

at tat moment, we realised tat he was in fact teething n we tot thru wat has happened to him since he had e fever, e watery poo poo, chewing/sucking fingers, etc.

my MIL came tat morn n she confirmed tat he's teething thanks to his tow suan like poo poo. when she told her tat gab is teething, she was like, "how can it b? he's only 4.5mths old". she then asked if he has poo poo like tow suan. i confirmed it n she saw e 2 tiny white parts. she so excited, called my FIL n her malaysian relatives abt it.

me has been oolong mummy...as i never expect him 2 teeth so early so didnt bother 2 ask around when gab was displaying the above signs/symtoms. i tot teething is often accompanied wif drooling but gab rarely even drool so i never suspected teething at all.

pai seh for not sharing the above info earlier. my granny has been in critical dying condition since mon so no time to post tis at all.
how come lucas only put on 0.04kg? cld it b bcos he was sick n lost some weight then? did he lose his appetite then and/or drink lesser milk?
my hb a bit siao siao one lah. at times he have lots of affection when bb not cranky. at times at home, he denies baby of it lor.

u know, just mins ago, my hubby was reading to declan in living room . my mil was there. she keep discouraging us from reading, and say tat bb so young, know nothing. bb dunno how to sit yet. bb no nid this book lah.

SLK, not too sure if he is coliky cos his crying is a short while only. not very bad. i believe is passing phrase.
oh, just now i tried to read to declan and to be funny with sound and expression. he was quite interested and his eyes follows the book.

think next time i will buy more books, and cultivate such habits to declan either during weekend or at night.
Damn it lah. dunno why she very against us showing the book to declan. is a book with real faces and expressions. she say tat baby no nid to know all these, and by reading bb will get deceived / con. Bloody hell.
me too oolong mummy. nvr think of teething until the bb-sitter mentioned abt it. For natalie's case, no fever but has softer poo poo, kept drooling and sucking her 2nd to 4th fingers. she will cry n insist to put fingers back when we try to pull the fingers out. so gab has 2 teeth huh, natalie has only one.

i have not try to read to natalie yet, may be will try nxt wk or so. Yr MIL really funny, how can bb get con by reading books??
ignore her lah!
She is still taking the bottle very slowly, there was once she vomitted out the milk. I tried Avent, pigeon and now she is taking NUK. My mom says the flow might be too slow so she does not want. So she poke the hole bigger, I was so mad, worried she might get choked.

Is it ok if I bf her on weekend without bottles? I am worried she is not drinking enuf so try to latch her on as often as I can.
mngo. tbl,

u can try the ladybird board books. I got 2 of them fr the airport bookshop. comes with CD and is called playtime baby and lullaby baby.
Sharon, lovely pics! I esp love the one of Sharwyn on her dad's shoulders... sooo "awwww-sweeet"! And she certainly seems captivated by the musical fountain- I must try to bring Tena to see that one day! And the roosters ahaha, are so funny.

*MIL rant, can skip lah, me need to rant somewhere or else HB's ears will fall off*
I haven't been spending on tena, but my PILs certainly have! LOL, every weekend sure got something new for Tena there. But I feel quite displeased with how MIL reacts... minute I step into their home, she eagerly whisks Tena off me (without waiting for Tena to adapt to surroundings or to MIL), then Tena cries big-time! MIL holds me off and runs around the home trying to distract Tena with this-that gadget... me running after them trying to take Tena back to soothe... like some weird cat-and-mouse chase. So ridiculous. Then she claims Tena is sleepy hence the crying (nope!), and asks me if Tena cries ALLL the time at home (insinuating that this is perfectly normal behavior from Tena)... she just refuses to recognise that Tena has abit of stranger anxiety to her! I do try to ease Tena into being comfortable with PILs (cos I not so stupid as to kill a babysitting option!), but feel very annoyed that MIL brushes me aside to wrestle my own bb from me. Or when MIL refuses to listen when I tell her to just let me carry Tena while she SLOWLY touch Tena, talk to Tena... instead of just immediately grabbing Tena! Next wkend HB won't be ard, I don't think I want to go through the cat-and-mouse chase with MIL for my own bb. At least yesterday HB put a stop to the nonsense by whisking crying Tena away from MIL, into his own arms.

And MIL refused to listen when we told her NOT to go into the bedrm when Tena napping... she just merrily went in and out, talking... in the end HB "joked" that she's not "gan-yuan" (satisfied) unless she wakes the bb. Sure enough, MIL this morning said Tena so easily woke yesterday (when we were gone), when all MIL did was TALK. I was so pissed (so my Precious din sleep well lah!). Was grumbling so much to HB that I really don't understand why she just won't get it when we tell her something! And Tena's schedule was quite screwed last night (woke at 3am only got back to sleep 5am)... and MIL was still saying "how well Tena slept". Tena did not look like she slept well hor (even HB agreed on this)! To which MIL replied, "oh then she'd be so tired, later when u bring home, she'd drop right off, so EASY to take care of her lah." *steam explodes off my head*

Plus, when I was trying to get Tena to nap, MIL wld be hovering CLAPPING HER HANDS and CHEERFULLY saying things to Tena. I had to tell so many times, not to do such cheerful distracting stuff when trying to LULL TO SLEEP. Even HB explained to her. She says oh okkk... so I try again to get Tena to nap... and she starts CLAPPING again! Wahliao! I really don't get MIL.

MIL also complained that my "rule" of LIGHTLY rocking Tena til HALF sleepy and putting her down to pat to sleep, is difficult. She says SOOO much easier to just vigorously rock Tena to sleep and then try to put down, if Tena doesn't want to be put down, then just hold in arms lor. I have to say my mum has this exact mentality too. Wahliao. Let me go and vomit blood. See whether Tena reach 10kg, these 2 dowagers can even carry and rock to sleep EVERY naptime and nightime. Hah! Now I'm not even CIOing her, she's now quite fine except for fussing (and having to start over the process if she's cranky lah), already very GENTLE efforts to transition her liao. Really VERY funny cos MIL and my mum were always "advising" me not to carry Tena too much or she will used to being rocked to sleep. Hahaha!
so cute! your bb actually talks to the rattle?
Regarding the high contrast graphics, I show the Red-Black-White pictures to my girl since birth. Esther shows tremendous interest at 3mths. so i bought RBW cubes for her then to practise her motor skills. they often captivated her for long periods. i realise that as a result of this, her grasping skills was mastered really fast. how old is your bb? by the time our bb are 5-6mths, they are able to see other colours better as well. RBW stuff are more for younger bbs i think. in fact, Esther still looks at the pictures & plays with the cubes now & then, but they are losing their appeal. she is going to be 5mths in a week.

good to hear that she is at least drinking though slow. vomitting is ok for bb but if for consecutive feeds then that is not normal. must be more diligent with the blurping lor. esp if they take milk fm bottle, they tend to take in more air.

Actually teat hole size might be the cause also. Does she chokes on the larger hole teat? How old is she? are u supplementing with formulae?

Would you be bringing her home at nights? If yes, then I will advise you to direct latch her in the mornings & nights AND weekends. cos if u intend to bf her for a while, it will help to maintain the supply of your breastmilk. the other worry is that if u only do weekends, she might one day reject the breast totally, cos she will learn that it is easier to take milk fm the bottle then to suck for milk at the breast. besides, it will mean that u will not need to keep pumping & sterilising bottles.
Wahaha she looks way bald and chubby in this pic :p

Mngo, what does your MIL mean by bb being conned by books? How so?

Emma, actually, if you want to BF for as long as you can, best to latch whenever possible to stimulate and maintain production of BM. I remember once long ago when Faye was very frustrated by drinking and then later we realised that its because the flow was too slow for her. The situation improved once we changed the teats of her bottles.
reading abt wat ur MIL does pisses me off too. i believe my MIL can shake hands wif ur MIL lor.

my turn to rant off abt my MIL...
my MIL took care of gab a few times lately n gab NEVER sleeps well when she takes care of him. when gab is in my care, he can nap for 2-3hrs after his bath or 2hrs after he wakes up and 1-2hrs again in e evening or b4 9pm.

when my MIL asks me how long he naps, i said 2-3hrs. she is ALWAYS in disbelief and she said b4, "no wunder he cant sleep at nite n he sleeps so late bcos YOU let him sleep so much in e afternoon."

when gab is under her care, he naps for 30mins-1hr and he often wakes up crying. after being patted back 2 sleep, e min my MIL put him down, he would wake up. everytime when i return home, my MIL will say, "ur son bully me, wants me 2 carry him nonstop n he wont sleep so i play wif him" OR "wah, ur son knows u r not at ur home so he wakes up after 1hr of nap, then he cant sleep after tat. i've been carrying him, u know."

i'm thinking, "EXCUSE ME! is it bcos u wanna carry him nonstop n u wanna play wif him so u wont really pat him back 2 sleep." how is it possible tat while sleeping, my son knows i'm not around?

y would i hv such tots? bcos my MIL said 2 gabriel b4, "aiyo, dun sleep so much in e afternoon lah. play wif nai nai (granny). u sleep so much then nite time, u cant sleep liao"

despite me telling her NUMEROUS TIMES tat he needs his afternoon/evening naps, if not he would be cranky at nite AND/OR his sleeping schedule is entirely COCKED UP. she NEVER understands lor.

how frustrating it can be n after 4.5mths, i've learned tat they'll NEVER understand.
Thanks to all mommies who ask about Justin's condition in msn, he is beri well now

yesterday after his jab, he's ok but evening time slight feverish at avg 37.4, wanted to feed him med but realised we have thrown it away(PD said can use the med we get on 1st jab so we din get a new one...), then like kan jiong spider, we went to our GP, juz in case fever might develop during the nite...but luckily, temperature did not go up, and today whole day he was so active, keeps on smiling, toking and flipping and refused to sleep...now still toking to my mom....

here are some pix of tis almoz sick boy taken tis morning






dun know wats going on..... quinn starts his screaming all over again, i tot he already get enough of his so call "VOLUME CONTROL PRACTICE" but now he suddenly feels the need to do some revision!! and i am worry as although hes doing tat in the afternoon, but seems like even b 4 bedtime (nite) he will also SCREAM and will also like to toss and turn on his mattress. he looks like hes having a hard time trying to go into his dreamland as i can see tat hes tired but jus cant go into sleep..... and after a long fight with himself, he will get sooooo frustrated and will start crying very loudly. he looks like hes trying to find a comfy position and when he cant and cry, i will pick him up and try to rock him to see if it will help but quinn refuse, he seems like he dislike being rock to sleep (except when we are not at home) and tis really stress me out, really dun know wat to do?? and also, hes supper cranky lately, keep crying, screaming and scratching his face!! and today when i feed him water with his mag mag, he drank abit and demand to hold his mag then start to bite onto the teats then pull it out and he keeps repeating the same thing over and over again.

quinn is currently on NAN 1 and me tiking of changing when hes 6 month old, mummies here can share with me wat FM u giving / going to give to ur baby and wats the good and bad about it? my pd gave me a tin of enfapro.

any mummies here experiencing hair drop and are u using any special shampoo or tonic ??

lately me seldom do posting as i experiencing TERRIBLE migraine, its like almos everyday and keep having scary dream, like falling from high place and weird weird dream like a dying cat in my fishtank!!!!
<font color="0000ff">mummies,</font>
finally back to work.

last week took leave on Wed, then Thu &amp; Fri on MC. think the weather is pretty bad.. hiaz.. sore throat, blocked nose, then cough... still haven't recover yet.

been drinking a lot of water already!!!
justin is so brave, looks like most of our bbs here dun cry during jabs .. cheers! and he looks so happy in the pixs u took ..

very nice pixs!! u make me want to go sentosa liao .. :p

rhyan got almost all the symptoms tt gab had leh, but i still hvn't see his tooth popping out .. LOL .. but, he just started to suck 2 fingers instead of 1 .. so, i shall cont'd to monitor him ..

the tao suan like poo poo, many elders swear by it tt it means teething .. rhyan has been hvg this poo since he went for his 4mths jab and i thought it was diarrhoea at first and worried tt my ebm had a problem ..

wah .. natalie is very fair leh, very pretty ..

lil devil
maybe quinn is learning to voice out his stress by screaming, coz now tt our bbs are older, they will learn to scream instead of crying for every need lor .. and there is a possibility he may be teething too .. just monitor on and dun worry too much, then you can sleep better at nite ..

i shld be letting rhyan carry on to his Step 2 of Mamil Gold, will chk with PD when i bring him for jab next wk ..

Hair Issue
my hair keeps on dropping lah .. aiyo, drop everywhere till i cannot tahan .. i just cont'd using my current shampoo lor, heard it will stop when our bbs are ard 6-7mths?
angelia, aiyo sounds bad! do take care, sleep ALOT and drink ALOT of water!

lil devil, aiyo your pooorr quinn! could it be teething? you checked his gums?

AC, I love justin's pics!! He always looks like he is laughing so heartily LOL! wah, he looks older liao, see the second last pic? Dont look like small baby anymore.

TBL, nice pics!! hehehe Faye has the same doll. Interesting doll hor? I like the ladybird on her backside :p Your natalie is such a pretty girl!
little prince, eh, faye got cry during jab leh, cry VERYYYYY loud and long somemore hehehe. My pd was like "wahh your girl is really very expressive about her discomforts huh, such a strong-willed girl (cause faye was obviously determined to get her point accross)" LOL :p
i got something very annoying to share ..

went to hb's colleague's bb full mth on Sat nite and when we reached his place, hb was carrying rhyan and i was handing over our gift to his colleague's wife .. then, this woman (hb's another colleague's wife) came over to rhyan and pinched his cheeks VERY HARD .. and say "wah, u so bah bah .. very cute hor" then, she used her fingers and keeps on pushing his cheeks!!!

i was so annoyed and carried rhyan over fm hb immediately, and walked into the colleague's house .. and told rhyan "AUNTIE SO MEAN, PINCHED YR CHEEKS SO HARD. MUMMY IS NOT GOING TO LET HER DO IT AGAIN!!" then tt woman still followed us in and insisted she wants to carry rhyan, i die die refused, told her rhyan got stranger anxiety and if other ppl carry him, he will cry .. she then said maybe rhyan will not cry if she carry, i said no, if he cries, i can't stop him .. so tt nite, i slinged him tight tight with me and refused to let her even stand near rhyan in case she touched him again ..

and she was so irritating .. kept on bragging abt bb's development as if she is a very experienced mum liao .. hb mentioned rhyan may be teething and she said cannot be, bb only teethed during 7mths lah .. and when bb teethed, sure hv high fever tt can shoot up to 40degrees .. i was so pissed off with her .. but she also very jialat one, used rubber band to "tiak" her 2 year old daughter and keeps on scolding her and beating her in front of all the other guests .. everyone was practically shaking their heads at how she lectures her daughter, and she still thinks she is very great!
and, i finally managed to make this self-think-smart woman keep quiet in the end when i told her my hb can do everything (feeding, bathing, putting himto sleep, wake up for nite feeds etc) with rhyan while she was bragging she can do all these .. she was surprised tt my hb can do so much (coz i heard tt her hb is always out with friends at kopitiam etc till wee hrs at nite then come home) ..

then, there was once when she pressed rhyan's hands and legs and commented "drink too much FM will hv all these bah bah" .. i replied bk to her "no, he drinks BM more than FM" then she asked "you bf him till now?" i said "yes!" .. then she "diam diam" liao .. hahahah
ooops .. i think i must say most of our boys here dun cry during jab .. hehe .. next jab if she cries again, rhyan sayang her, ok?
and, yest went to MIL's hse, she saw rhyan and commented to him "aiya, u this black chicken, go swimming again until so dark huh?" then, rhyan frowned and bawllllllllllll .. LOL .. dunno if its a coincidence but everytime rhyan goes there and MIL calls him tt, he will cry inconsolably .. i had to carry him and pat him and assure him nothing is wrong before he stops .. grrr!

then, rhyan flipped all by himself yest!
hb, me and hb's sis and niece were talking at one side of the bed and he turned to his left to look at us .. then hb's niece was playing gameboy and he got very excited, giggling then he suddenly used his effort and flipped himself up to tummy all by himself .. i flipped him back on his back and he did it again .. so happy tt i brought my camera in to video it down but, MIL came and carried him up .. so annoyed again ..

in the end, everyone went out of the room and i was alone with rhyan again .. and he did it for me .. hehe .. so happy and i video-ed it down liao ..

and, i think he is really aware who is his mummy and daddy liao .. hb was feeding him on sat nite and i was sitting there watching, then decided to go to the kitchen to check on the laundry and he cried and refused to drink milk when i walked out of the room .. hb also had difficulty feeding him yest, was complaining rhyan biased .. LOL
Everyone got annoying story, I also got!
On sunday we went to a cousin's wedding lunch buffet held at his place, my parents *made* us go cause all the relatives waiting to see faye since we didnt go CNY visiting this year. The min we stepped into the house, all the relatives all zoomed in and crowd around us and suddenly someone took Faye from my hb's hands and everyone crowded around that person and we were nudged away further and further away from her(!!), imagine there were like 12-15 aunties surrounding/touching/pinching/kissing/trying to carry her!!

My god, I was so shocked and horrified that I couldnt react, and then everyone shooed me away saying "eh eh, you go and eat lar, we look after her for you"!! And they literally nudge us to the corridor where the buffet stands are. and sure enough, within a few minutes, Faye broke into tears and trembled and howled SOOO loudly! so at the risk of offending all of them, I squeezed my way thru the crowd and whisked her away and almost RAN away to the corridor with my hubby closely following to prevent her from being kidnapped again.

But to my horror, there was a group of 4-5 aunties at the corridor area waiting to ambush us, and with their outstretched hands attempted to steal her again, but this time I was quick (got practise liao), I pretend to bend down to adjust my shoe (dodged her outstretched hands) and then I passed her to my hubby (who also squatted down with me) and he ran away with her hehe. But alas, siam also cannot siam long, in the end we only stayed for 30min and poor faye was so miserrable, she keep looking like she's gonna burst into tears, and there's this stupid auntie who KEPT following around and saying in my ear "you MUST bring her out more mah, bring her downstairs to walkwalk, or bring her to shopping centre to see people, once a month also can, then she wont be so scared of people mah!!! see she is so scared because she never see people before(waliao, I'm not people then I wat? fish ah?)" She repeated this at least 15 times (grrrr, ahbish!!!!!). Waliao, I cant even be bothered to reply her.

lil prince, faye says ok, next time she jab will sms rhyan to see if he free or not to go with her :p
Waahh you managed to tape Rhyan's flipping!! my goodness that colleague's wife is really irritating, one of those loud-mouth kampong-style woman huh hehee..
Ur MIL don't know that Rhyan understands what she says ..Even when bb are young..they also understand what you are saying..just that they don't know how to answer back in the way adults understand. My Ryan v.fierce one.. if anyone try to touch his cheeks he will use his hands to beat the person's hand away.. turn his head etc.. If the person try to get near him again he will scream and shout at the person...very good at showing temper..
There is one aunty of mine..v.stingy one.. everytime give recycle teacher's day present...even for Ryan's b'day also give those that you don't need to open can just throw in the dusbin.. my mum ask me to donate it to jumble sale..I told him..even donate it..those people won't be able to sell it to earn donations. kekekeke

EVerytime she wants to carry him he will "siam" her.. now he sees her comming near ..will fast fast walk away.
FYI.. possible for bb from 3mths to be teething..teeth can come out as early as 3-4mths. If Rhyan likes teeters can give him some to soothe his gums.. mines reacts better to teething gel.
the book that i have is on facial expressions, with real faces of babies. There is this sad expression which resembles like declan at times. we showed declan tat expression, and we told him tat he looked like tat.

my mil heard it , and tell the baby dun listen, cos later bb kena con by us. i think wat she meant is tat declan does not have tat kind of expression and we are trying to bluff him
LOL .. i can imagine the situation on tt day .. i bet now u know what i meant when i went for CNY visiting .. EVERYONE will keep telling us to go and eat even if we have already eaten, so tt they can kidnap our bb .. poor Faye, must hv made her so horrified tt mummy and daddy 'disappeared'!!

rhyan says ok, he will accompany faye if his mummy can make it .. but cannot let sharwyn know, coz rhyan hvn't accompany sharwyn for jab before .. but sharwyn dun cry during jab, so she shld be ok .. shh! :p
lil prince, yar, I know, and I am SOOOO glad I didnt go for CNY visiting, cant imagine faye having to go thru this several times a day at several diff places. Even if she can take it, I cant! I'm definitely overstimulated from yesterday.

AC, yar lor, it does feel like a battle. :p
thks .. i bought teethers for him but he seem to bite everything except tt .. anyway, i am learning to close an eye when i see his saliva drooling down and him wetting my clothes, sling whatever .. :p
kelly, MT, my MIL loves to rock Jean to zzz everytime after her feed so that she has time do her stuff... somehow, i feel that Jean is zzz too much?? like not very good for development leh... here's her rough schedule (timings means in roughly in the range of those times):

00:00 - Sleep (may wake up like 2am but try to pat back to sleep)
04:30 - Feed (latch) if cannot pat back to sleep
05:00 - Sleep (after feed)
10:00 - Wake up and play for 1hr
11:00 - Feed (bottle)
11:30 - Nap for 30mins
12:00 - Bathtime
13:30 - Feed (bottle)
14:00 - Nap for 3hrs
17:00 - Feed (bottle)
17:30 - Nap for 1.5hrs
19:00 - Play
20:30 - Feed (bottle)
21:00 - Play
21:30 - Nap for 30min
22:00 - Clean up for bedtime
23:00 - Last Feed (bottle)
00:00 - Sleep and cycle starts again

So in total, she sleeps like 15 out of 24 hours?!? Hmm...

Re: sucking hands
Is it normal for Jean to be sucking her fists even AFTER we gave her 150ml of milk?? It's those really loud sucking leh...
little prince, SLK, Andreau, Fruitcake,

What is your email address, i send photos of the clothings that I have bought from states. there are too many photos to post here.

I only saw your message regarding the training pants today. Hmmm....will be going to States again in June. Can you wait until then? Sorry.
Carter and OshKosh were having great sale in the states. Bought close to 50 pieces of apparels for both girl and boy even though my baby is a boy. The only constrain that I have was I am afraid that my baggage is overloaded.



This lovely sundress only cost US$6.99 a piece.
thanks! your pics make me wanna fly to US!! :p are you back in singapore? i've sent you a mail

same here, i'm closing an eye on the drooling, biting etc etc. cannot spend the whole day cleaning his saliva. now i let him bite almost any toys he can grab :p hey, your MIL's comment is so irritating

natalie has very nice 'olive shaped' eyes

i think lucas has a similar book too. it shows babies with all sorts of expressions. i like the one that described 'Naughty'
may may,
me very interested too. can u email 2 me on [email protected]? thks a lot.

lil prince,
ur husband's colleague is really a pain in e ass. whoever pinches gab's cheeks, i ALWAYS tell them off regardless of who they r.
i hv an aunt who did it once n i told her off nicely. from then onwards, whenever she sees other pp pinching gab's cheeks (bcos she follows gab around whenever he's around), she will say 2 tat person, "hey, u dun pinch hor...his mother dun like it 1"
once i was around, i said, "ya lor, so dun pinch his cheeks pls...bcos he has sensitive skin (not exactly true but a very gd excuse)"

wat u experienced is wat i've experienced thru out the 1st 5days of CNY...juz tat i didnt hv e time/energy then 2 write out exactly how u felt n went thru. they even call or sms us, asking when we'll arrive wif gab.

rt now, whenever i bring gab 2 gatherings, all e aunties will rush 2 e door n grab him over b4 we cld even take off our shoes...then they'll ask us 2 eat, watch tv, chat wif others while gab becomes bb baton 4 the next 1-2hrs while we r there.

I am back in Singapore. Got back on Sunday midnite and my friend came and grab a lot of the clothings yesterday. will send u the photos later.

I am going to States again in June, can go for another round of shopping.

going to HK this saturday...Friday we mostly don't cater so will go out for dinner..sorry..was busy with Ryan's party..forgot to inform you.
