(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

better called the airline reservation & tell them that u need a bassinet. they'll put in yr request in the system & thereafter its first-come-first-served. i think there are abt 2-6 bassinet points depending on the type of aircraft u r traveling in.

SLK, Andrea,
me stay at bt timah... any meet-up for mummies in the west let me know.

Quinn has a good weight leh..my girl is 65cm & weighs 7.3kg. im thinking of switching my girl to either similac excellence follow-on or enfapro. forgot to ask my PD his opinion. will call him later. as for cereal, i think i'll listen to my PD & hold off the cereal until she is 6 mths old.

i gave keira paracetamol after she had the jabs & another one 4 hrs later yesterday. no fever thru'out the day. i rubbed some ointment (given by my gf who got it fm hong kong) on where she had the jabs & she was not fussy at all!

i read fm a parenting book that a baby who sleeps all over is an indication that he/she is going to be quite active. my girl also like that. i'll put her in a position inside the cot & she'll end up exactly in the opposite direction. her pillow & bolsters are strewn all over the floor too. chum liao...they are going to be a handful soon.
In that case, I think you shouldn't worry too much. Like my PD, he told me that Isabel should be drinking 5-6 ounce, but now she doesn't take that much milk. So, i believe that every baby is different.
Yuru, I'm using Britax first class (first class is the model name) car seat. Britax is a good brand for car seats, all their car seats have gone thru strict crash tests.
BTW, before we got this baby bjorn carrier, my hubby slings Faye everywhere he goes on weekends hehe.. He loves to sling her, but now got bb bjorn alot easier to use(no need adjust here and adjust there) so he uses this instead.

lil devil/lil prince, yar, my PD def said best to start after 6mth. Anyway, these are just guidelines lor. Some babies are ready from 4th, some not even ready till 7-8mth. Best to observe closely and follow baby's cues.

lil devil, good to know you're doing better! Btw, Faye also dun like her toys, prefer books alot better. Anyway now I've got a toy box almost full of toys I bought for her for past 5mth, none can amuse and keep her capticated like books can, so I've decided to spend the $ on books instead of toys (unless I see something really very nice, got lights and music etc, otherwise she prob wont like)

Andrea, Faye can also go thru one whole day without milk on some extreme days. Never mind what other say lar. Eh, baby big n heavy = backache, so as long as your bb is happy and healthy, its good enough!
hi mummies
do your bb drool a lot @ 3mths huh? couldn't be teething right? can actually wet 1 hanky with her saliva

nowadays, she always distracted from drinking milk...want to talk to whoever is feeding her
got to look away from her so that she can get back to her milk drinking session

<font color="ff6000">yuru</font>
so long she's gaining weight shd be ok lor
well, all mummies are forever worried abt their kid..

dun worry so much ya
something to share

Somebody said that a child is carried in its mother's womb for nine months.
Somebody does not know that a child is carried in its mother's heart forever.

Somebody said it takes about six weeks to get back to normal after
you've had a baby.
Somebody doesn't know that once you're a mother, normal is history.

Somebody said you learn how to be a mother by instinct.
Somebody never took a three-year-old shopping.

Somebody said being a mother is boring.
Somebody never rode in a car driven by a teenager with a driver's permit.

Somebody said if you're a "good" mother, your child will "turn out good."
Somebody thinks a child comes with directions and a guarantee.

Somebody said "good" mothers never raise their voices.
Somebody never came out the back door just in time to see her child hit
a golf ball through the neighbor's kitchen window.

Somebody said you don't need an education to be a mother.
Somebody never helped a fourth grader with his math.

Somebody said you can't love the fifth child as much as you love the first.
Somebody doesn't have five children.

Somebody said a mother can find all the answers to her child-rearing
questions in the books.
Somebody never had a child stuff beans up his nose.

Somebody said the hardest part of being a mother is labour and delivery.
Somebody never watched her "baby" get on the bus for the first day of kindergarten.

Somebody said a mother can do her job with her eyes closed and one hand
tied behind her back.
Somebody never organized seven giggling Brownies to sell cookies.

Somebody said a mother can stop worrying after her child gets married.
Somebody doesn't know that marriage adds a new son or daughter-in-law to
a mother's heartstrings.

Somebody said a mother's job is done when her last child leaves home.
Somebody never had grandchildren.

Somebody said your mother knows you love her, so you don't need to tell her.
Somebody isn't a mother
my girl is 4months and 5days old... as I like rompers.. much easier to wear.. yes.. you may want to get pink and yellow for me.. prefer to have flowers, butterflies etc.... hee.. the rocking horse sounds fun... get those 6 to 9 mths for me... thanks first.. yaya... buy if convenient...

nice to hear mummy is happy.. I ALWAYS BELIEVE THAT A HAPPY MUMMY = a happy baby... if mummy tired, cannot take good care of bb... than this will result in wat berry say... happy bb = happy mummy.. heehee...

I really pei fu you leh.. so active with tena on all those massage and yoga...

I think step one last to 12 mnths is maybe if step 2 out of stock you can still let bb drink step 1... so when bb turn 6m, time to change to step2...

wat you mean by your bb not feeding well?? how? like my bb?

hmm.. you all going for holiday? won't the weather be too cold for sharwyn to take it since the weather is so different from spore? you do take good care of bb leh.. my sis say the worse think can happen to bb is to catch a cold (hokien 'gam dio'.. difficult for bb to recover... this is wat the chinese believes...

oke. will let you know.
chihiro, you mean like body with an extra piece of cloth that makes it look like a dress? Carters have some very nice ones, try yahoo auctions.
though I do agree with you.. but I cannot tahan ppl say things abt me... so I trying to take it when it comes lor...

I like that extract... cause I used to say my sis not doing her part as mummy... but now i totally understand her difficulties... I felt so ashame of myself...
yah ho....why is tat so... *scratch head* dun understand if the step 1 can las till 1 yr old then why the step 2 starts from 6 mois??

haiz... talk about fuss free, quinn fuss for 2 hrs jus now then manage to put him to nap... *PHEW* i didnt give the medicine as the las jab he did not develop eny fever so i tot can give it a miss.... keeping my finger cross tat later in the nite he will be fine thru out...... i tik his weight is ok but maybe becos he dun drink well for quite sometime, i worry as i am thinking tat if he drinks well, he will have a better weight or size
but wat to do?? i tik its ok for ur gal weight, shes a gal gal mah. and yah, i am still very reluctant to feed quinn anything other than milk but hubby keeps saying tathes ready!! i INSIST by telling him tat I AM HIS MUMMY then he says I AM HIS DADDY, then i say again QUINN LIVE IN MY TUMMY FOR 9 MONTHS!!! ha!!!!! then he says "wah"!!!!! heee.....

ha!!!! quinns cues is soooo confusing!!!tis min i tot "umm... hes ready"! next min he make me change my mind. ha!!! yah, quinns toys also cant really attracts his attention or keep him occupy as he dun seems to find them interesting, instead me find them interesting... maybe we really should stop buying so much toys and start stocking up on books.

heee.... dun worry, quinn can wet a large area of his MATRESS and he also started to droll when hes reaching 3 mois. i always tell pp tat the whole world will know tat i have a baby as my shoulder and t shirt is always WET!! at times his saliva can even drip all the way down to my leg!!!

i bought quinns carseat when hes about 3 mois if i dun rem it wrongly. i bought the Alpha Omega Elite Convertible Car Seat by Cosco, quite good i tik. u can take a look for details
<font color="ff6000">andrea</font>
hee.. when i read this, im picturing myself seeing calista on her 1st day of sch.. a bit of tears well up...

i rem i almost cry when i left for work for the 1st time after maternity..

<font color="ff6000">little devil</font>
ah..guess this is normal now
coz i tot bb will only drool when they start teething and tt usually abt 4mths..
chihiro, just thought of this- theres this shop at great world city, level three, next to cinema there, sells alot of such 'dresses', usually for $16-$25 each. But if you have the time, yahoo auction is alot cheaper (you can prob get it for $8-$15), but need to take the time to browse often.

Andrea, these days, esp after becoming mummy I'm alot more 'thick skinned'. If anyone gives unsolicited and rude comments about my baby I usually dont hesitate to let them know (politely lar) that I will tell them IF I need advise/comments. :p
hahaha... u are just like me! Recently natalie's milk intake drops ~30ml. So I dun allow my hubby to talk or make any noise while feeding Natalie. I try not to look at her too coz if she see me looking at her she will smile to me and then make 'yi yi' 'ah ah' 'ou ou' sounds to 'talk' to me and dun wan to continue drinking. Very easily distracted. So i always very stress when feeding her. Tot I'm the only the 'weird' one, now i know u are sama sama... kekeke...
<font color="ff6000">yuru, tbl</font>
but feels great to see her makeing noise or smile at u even she's still drinking milk ..

miss her..now waiting for hubby to come &amp; fetch me home..
<font color="ff6000">sharon</font>
it will be nice to bring more those long john type of rompers.. at least u can be sure that their legs &amp; little feet are well protected
of coz not forgetting socks too

do enjoy your trip ya..
when r u travelling?

wish i can go travelling soon.. *dream*
ya, u are rite. sometime see her dun wan to drink milk but keep smiling to me, dunno whether to laugh or to be angry...
btw it's normal to miss ur ger esp 1st few days after maternity. For my case i cried when sending natalie to nanny's place. Hubby kept reminding me we are NOT giving away our ger to someone else, only for nanny to take care, we can see her again after work.
hi all,

something to add to chihiro's extract...

Somebody say a crying baby is such a pest
somebody doesnt know the feeling of warmth when the baby is soothes n smiles at u through teary eyes....

hahahahah...the inspiration fr my motherhood....hahahahahah
Yuru/TBL, Faye has the same drinking habits :p I have to hide my face or look away when feeding, CANNOT look at her, cough/sneeze, definitely cannot talk or whisper even. Preferably in dim environment with nobody else around, also cannot have anyone else looking at her or standing near. Any the slightest sign of distraction whatsoever, she'll break into a grin and stop drinking n want to play. Once she stops, no way I can make her drink again LOL. So I can only feed her successfully at home (switch off lights, play soft calming music just feed her lol) or when we are outside, I'll lower her full-canopy pram and leave only a tiny gap for my hand to go underneath to hold the bottle. These days, she has started sneaking her thumbs into her mouth while drinking, so I must use the other free hand to hold both her hands when feeding her. Sounds funny huh... :p
lilprince, sharon, andrea,
*long sigh* I dunno if I'm doing something wrong- massage n yoga supposed to aid sleep, digestion, reduce crying... but,
- she still pukes regularly (not merlion lah but 1 or 2 mouthful, sometimes more than 1hr after feed so it's really rancid curdled, even though burped after feed n when she wakes up... today puke twice liao, my mum also wondering why like that),
- often wakes up crying after her nap... a few times today already (sometimes wake up fine n smiling)
- startles frequently in her sleep
- when she can't fall asleep and sleep-deprived, she cries ALOT
- poos while drinking milk, I can massage n yoga her all morning to help her poo, n make those nnnnnggg sounds, yet she will hold in til she's drinking milk. Last time newborn quite normal lah, but now still like that, how to potty-poo train? My mum also dunno how to solve, she also tried! However, she seldom has constipation (but ALOT of bloating and ALOT of farting).

wondering if i shld try sending her for tuina, maybe something in her not aligned or what. Then again, maybe something wrong with me

I do all the exercises suitable for her, except Divine Drops (I cut corners... buay tahan), Womb Wings (aiyoh so tiring), Dolphin (she always try to do push-up, not relaxing for her at all leh, also can't figure exactly where to tap), Lampa Season (she doesn't seem thrilled, or maybe I dun lift her fast or high enough... another way tiring pose), Bridge (dun dare), Headstand (dun dare), Guppy (dun dare).

Having problems with Rolio (hands n feet together- roll sideways. Her head often not in line with her heart leh), Siddha Twistee (leg cross over the other, head look opposite direction. Her head often look wrong direction leh).

End up, the only Magic Poses available are... ??? Cos some of those too energetic/ rolling, can't use when she's just had milk... and non-energetic poses don't soothe her when she's cranky. The Sleep Well series also... doesn't seem to put her in a drowsy mood.

Yuru, hey ur Cindy also poos mid-drinking milk? Tena almost always poo ONLY while drinking milk... then we remove bottle n nnnnng with her... after she's done, she doesn't want her milk anymore. Such a headache for me!
hmm... tik i mus give in to believing tat i hav to keep low profile while feeding quinn so at least he will take his milk without struggling.... and especially when we are out its a difficult to fight "WAR"!! so u mean when faye is out, u feed her when shes in her pram?
Berry, yeah... just now I sneezed while feeding... and she burst into tears!!! Why so easily frightened/unhappy?
Yeah, she likes to sneak her thumb in while drinking, have to move her hand away lor... or else all the milk will drip!
Small bb vs Big bb, sometimes I worry abt Tena's wtgain being too little, but hor... I often see alot of bbs waaay older yet quite alot smaller. And I don't think there's any benefit to be big, especially health-wise (now and in future when bb becomes an adult)!
I also wonder if she's reserved due to genetic temperament, or... upbringing?! I see other bbs energetically swipe the dangling stuff of bbgym, dun even look at their parents. Whereas Tena must look at the gym, then look at me (with big question mark on her face), back-forth. Finally tentatively, *touch* the dangling stuff... and immediately stuff her fingers into her mouth (seems to show she's apprehensive and needs to comfort herself).
Or other bbs readily smile at strangers, whereas Tena is alot more reserved in her responses (if any haha).
hmm.. I wasn't so attached to Qn that time cause she was very difficult... though a lil bu she de.. but not to the extent of cry.. hee.. but now... I felt sad when i leave her on sunday.. tomorrow is the happiest day of the wk leh.. going to fetch her after my work...

guess I have a lot more to learn from you.. hee... in order to protect my bb and me...

enjoy ur trip...

hmm... bbies are so cute hor.. so young wans to talk talk talk.. sometimes QN also like that... talk and talk but dun wan to drink milk... cannot do anything to her leh...
no lah.. of course massage is good and yoga too.. (not too excessive lor).. jus let you know, QN also puke leh... like your case.. I check with gyne, says is okie. my firend says it will gradually stops when we introduce solid... her girl stops at 9months plus... sometimes they are jus too full.. but I also can't help but wonder why like that... hmm.. that's why I thinking of introducing solid soon.. dunno leh...

{wakes up crying}
maybe tena had a bad dream.. shld be no prob... but if all these affect her feeding and sleeping.. than maybe you wan to bring her to your PD..
same as QN.. if not enough sleep.. definately fuss.. I hate that.. QN cant really sleep when oputside.. so I dun really like to bring her out for too long...

- startles frequently in her sleep
maybe dreaming.. got put the bean pillow on her chest while sleeping.. QN case inmproved when I do that.. now not so frequent startle liao...

poo during milk..
I think this is not a condition.. so no worries.. mine worse.. everytime I nggg her when changing wet nappies she dun wan.. once I put new dry one.. she will poo... *pengz*

anyway, dun be too gan cheong.. relax...
hey, please dun blame urself for the above u mentioned. u see, u are such good mummy tat keeps tena everyday soooo colourful which i cant as i tik i simply jus not cut for being a interesting mummy. as for poo poo during milk time, its normal i guess and i did ask my pd about it. reason y they poo during feed is very logical. when milk goes into their digestive system, they will clear out the previous feed (for some baby) so i guess our bb belongs to tis cat. so nothing to worry.
MT- in my personal opinion, er... actually I never thought that baby yoga would achieve all these, or any of the benefits adults do yoga for. I feel that the benefits of yoga are more psychological to begin with (apart frm the ability to tone, which is not even relevant in a bb's case.), and I dont see how we can make a young baby FEEL calmness or to be at peace just by manipulating their limbs? Anyway, the in classes I attended, during the first and last part of the class when we're supposed to hold babies close, close eyes (close eyes liao how to see what Faye is up to?) and breathe deeply (I am usually too busy patting her vigorously because she dislikes these boring no-action moments.), let go of thoughts(waliao, I am usuaally too busy thinking how to keep Faye still LOL) and all that. And everytime I look around me, ALL other babies are also somewhat wriggling (and their mummies are defnitely far from the TOTALLY RELAXED state they are supposed to be in), I've yet to see a baby sit still, breathe deeply and go "OOommmmhh" LOL.
As for the magic calming poses, I dont really see how is it yoga leh. Even before I came accross bb yga, I oreadi accidentally discovered that 'dropping' faye and swinging her around superman-style will calm/distract her, Anyway I dont think real yoga is supposed to be so thrilling :p So my point is- I really think that the supposed and claimed benefits are hogwash in most cases hehe (unless someone has a super calm baby to begin with, calm and patient enough to sit thru all the slower parts of bb yoga).
And I do not think there's anything particularly wrong with Tena leh. For her easily-startled-ness, it sound more like a personality trait? I mean, even some adults are VERY easily startled, so why not a baby? Potty-training- She poos while drinking only means thats her habit, its prob not what you did/didnt do. You'll just have to wait till she is old enough to understand what you want AND has ability to control her bowel movements. Give it more time, she's only 4mth+. If now you tell ME to poo ONLY at a given time, I doubt I would be able to do it too :p
Dont worry so much lar, I think you're already doing a fantastic job!
MT, oh, and as for her not vigorously batting at everything and smiling at everyone, I think its another personality trait. Some babies are simply more reserved in nature, it might NOT indicate a lack in skill/ability. I think you've heard me gave this example before- some babies do not utter a single word till very much later, eg, 2yrs+. But the day that they speak, they speak in complete sentences. This only means that they CHOOSE to make sure they've got it all figured out before making the attempt.
I only managed to read your posting on where to purchase the float today. Thanks! Will see if Kidsmall has.

read somewhere that babies drool a lot because they have yet to learn how to swallow their own saliva.


i'm a western mummy too!


i think that babies are born a certain way, with inbuilt likes/dislikes, their own personality, so parents can only influence to a certain extent. i try to tell myself that my baby is his own person and i must respect and understand him for who he is, not who i think he should be. of course certain things like discipline and right values must be instilled but personality wise, it's baby's own.
MT...i read in tis book called Happiest Baby on the Block dat, bb poo during milk feed coz the tummy is making space for the intake, and it is beri common, Justin also usually poo, halfway thru his feed
they will only allocate the bassinet at the check-in counter as the airline do not allow passengers to "reserve" the bassinets. same goes for seats. u hv to make yr preference known only during check-in unless u r business or first class passenger.

i just give keira the paracetamol twice without waiting to see if the fever will come on.

Posset Milk
- its ok for babies to bring up some milk (its known as posseting)after a feed. according to my PD, unless yr bb vomits most of the feed then there shd be no cause for alarm. my girl still possets sometimes, especially after she flails her arms &amp; kick her legs about.

Crying &amp; Startled During Naps
- my older boy went thru crying spells during naptime &amp; at night. i was even reduced to tears once cos' i was really worried like u. then my SIL brought me this leaf (in hokkien its "xia liu heot") &amp; told me to put it in his bath. even tho' im a christian, i was game for anything bcos i was really tormented by bb's constant interrupted sleep.

anyway, this leaf was supposed to "wash" off any "unclean vibes" that is disturbing the baby. believe it or not, it worked for my boy.

Poo During Milk Feed
- my girl never fails to poo while drinking her milk 1st thing in the morning. i'll just clean her up &amp; then let her finish the remaining amt if there are any. abt 1 &amp; half hr later, i'll give her abt 90ml of milk again. i used to wonder y she fret so much during before the morning nap &amp; by chance, realised that she was slightly hungry after the poo.

BB'S Yoga
im not a believer in BB's yoga based on a lot of feedback fm my gfs. they said it does nothing for their bbs but incidentally, BB's Massage taught at pre-natal classes does.

I read yr previous posts &amp; i think u are EXCELLENT at taking care of yr girl. u shd see how nonchalant im at bringing up my boy. even my hubby also commented that im quite unconventional. cheer up... there's really nothing wrong with yr girl.
my girl nowadays keeps blowing raspberry when she's upset or when she feels neglected. sometimes when strangers come up &amp; talk to her, she'll give them one of her signature raspberry blows ... very anti-social leh. at times she'll be such a darling, smiling oh-so sweetly but most of the times, she'll give ppl this "what-the-hell-are-u-doing" look when they tried to make her laugh.

this bad attitude of hers definitely not from me one hor... (bad traits fm father, good ones fm me!!) lol
Berry, u made me laugh, ahaha! Yeah, the belly-breathing, Scoop n Hug/ Bukka Bukka thing doesn't quite work for us either, though I'm still trying. Unfortunately now have RASHES under my chin cos she's turning her head here-there... and her head very stubbly leh! HB was laughing when I showed him my rashes.

Asked HB just now (before her milk) to try the Divine Drops (with me in front of HB smiling at her)- she turned red and bawled. Then we tried the Womb Wings, same thing. I tried the Hop Along Yogi and she didn't like it either, the Headstand also. In the end, what she did like was the newborn version of Divine Drops (ie. facing in, not outfacing). And HB came up with another version (facing in). My guess- she wants to see the person lifting her, then maybe not so unpredictable to her.

Hmm, I read the later pgs (for crawlers) and some of the exercises are similiar to brain-gym exercises for primary-schooler.

So far I'm still hoping yoga n massage will help circulation, flexibility, relieve aches (of a growing body), even though not getting much success with the Magic Poses. Plus *touch* is supposed to be beneficial to a baby (since I'm not keen to "babywear" a 6+kg bb :p). I think tui-na cld possibly help her (be happier? so that I'm happier? LOL!), might check that out too.

lil_devil, AC, heh, didn't know it was that common among bbs this age, that's reassuring, thanks!
Medusa, I think what you are feeling is very common for a new first time mommy. We tend to over anyalyse every aspect of our babies and their behaviour. I think every woman does that to her first child to a certain degree.
This shows what a fantastic,caring mother you are!! So please relax and enjoy your baby. Before you know it they would be talking back to you(my 6 yr old) and shutting the door in your face(imaging my 6 year old DD when she becomes a teen) lol
FYI, Just came back from White Sands and Tom and Stephanie is having a sale outside, at the enterance of the mall.. there were 4 bins full of rompers, pants shorts which were going for 5 for $10.

I bought long sleeve romper and jackets and turtle neck shirts in anticipation of my move to US.. Would be going again tomorrow to grab some more things...
My turn to have crisis :p Faye has two naps that are crucial to her overall state of well-being -> the Morning (before lunchtime) nap and the evening Nap (usually from 5.30-6.30 give or take 10min). The thing is, we go PIL visiting every Sunday for dinner and in the past we skip her late afternoon nap so that we can make it home IN TIME for her bedtime routine (we have to leave VERY latest by 8pm, otherwise it'll overstimulate her and she cant sleep at night). And because we skip her late afternoon nap, every monday is real hell for me because she will be very tired and sleep yet cant sleep, CRANKY the entire day, VERY fussy and unhappy (she is like mummy lar, cant take sleep deprivation).

Sat is out cause my MIL not free. Sunday afternoon is out cause my PIL still not home from work. Weekdays definitely out 100%. The only time left is Sunday dinner and it screws her sleep routine up BIG time and *I* pay the price on monday and tuesday.

We CAN go *after* her nap, which means we'll reach there by 7+, but then we'll have to leave at 8pm latest, and I know his parents (who really dote on faye big time) will sure be very disappointed leh, how ah?? Plus journey to and fro is ard an hour (30min to drive there, 30min to drive back!), so its an hour of journey for less than an hour of visiting?
meghan also poos while drinking milk most of the time. sometimes poo while i'm making the wee wee sound in the midst of changing her diaper...i think she mixes up the sound.

i also think the crying in her sleep could be due to a bad dream. my gal sometimes also giggle while sleeping.

not to worry, tena will come around. all babies have their own time.
Little devil,
haven't tried any of those using baking soda..tonight just tried to "dry clean" some soft toys..seems a bit cleaner..also used it to clean Ryan's toys.. I prefer using vinegar..coz not so "coarse" on my hands..maybe u can try out and let me know

Is it possible to get Faye to nap in the car..so she will still get her nap and also be "refreshed enought" to play with your PIL?
Ryan mostly naps in the car if it is a long journey ..eg.. from Tampines to Clementi .or u play some soft classical music in the car.. will make the bb fall asleep.. or tune in to news 93.8fm.. another alternative is to make bb exercise more just before setting off on the car trip..so she/he is more tired and will fall asleep in the car. ..some suggestion.
little devil,
lucas is taking enfalac a+ for his partial FM feedings. so i will switch him to enfapro when he turns 6 mths. most PDs will advise to start solids at 6 mths. however, some will ask you to start if the baby is drinking very little milk, like my niece's case.

meghan looks very alert for a 4.5mths old baby

sure sure, will definitely include you if the west-side mummies meet up.
*Mood swings of Justin* (taken when he wake up from his nap juz now)


Beri happy



Beri angry

Beri beri angry....
tis afternoon didnt read posting carefully as too busy, so now i read again and realized tat u mentioned about the SLEEPING ALL OVER baby is gonna be an ACTIVE baby.... i was like "HUH"!!!!!! oh no.... can sense tat i will be chosing quinn all ard in no time, cant imagine how its gonna be when in future he went shopping with me..... so far so good as quinn didnt develop MR "F" kekeke..... and tell u something so funny..... as i worry he kena MR "F" so i took his temperature regularly and guess wat, he keeps moving his head and i am soooo angry and i hold his head still and say "DUN MOVE"!!! then he really dun move and i place the ear thermometer into his ear and press "BEEP" and when i remove, he cant stop laughing.... dun understand y.... so i tot hes jus trying TO BE FUNNY and maybe he knows tat i am mad at him for not being able to stay still. but everytime i take his temp. same thing happen, over and over again till i show hubby and hubby laugh like mad!!!!

i like the bathing pix, its like saying "oi, y didnt u ask for permission for taking my bathing pix"?? ha!!!!

i dun tik i can clean quinns BROWNIE (a bear) with baking soda or else i tik quinn will say "mummy, why u sprinkle icing on my BROWNIE"?? ha!!!!!

yah lo... i tik tat might be the reason y my pd ask me to start quinn on solid and he even told me tat he expect quinn to be progressing in a faster rate.....

wat happen to justin, who make him soooo furious!!?? he so happy then out of a sudden so angry, but looks cute though....
Deniz, I love the pics, esp the last one wahaha!

Ruffy, no, CANNOT nap in car. That evening nap is VERY important, will affect her well-being for the rest of next two days if she doesnt get proper sleep. So that nap must be taken at home(she wont be able to sleep well anywhere else).

AC, hehehehehe!!!! Super cute pics, I love the beri happy one hehe
i dun think there is anything wrong in what you are doing for tena, my thoughts are also more or less the same as the others .. you are a great mummy, dun worry

wakes up crying fm naps
rhyan does tt pretty often too .. according to nanny, she gathered tt when rhyan does tt and she remove his diapers, he will pee .. so she feels tt maybe he is trying to tell nanny its time to shh him .. LOL .. anyway, she does tt whenever rhyan cries when woke up and at the end of the day, rhyan only wets 2 nappies a day .. at times when rhyan cries when he wakes up, i will give him water .. he drinks and falls back asleep again .. so maybe he is thirsty? i realise tt he will only wake up and play by himself when he has slept enough, not sure if it applies to tena too ..

startles easily / poo during feeds / cry when sleep deprived
i think all these are pretty common for our bbs, esp the last one .. nvm lah, can toilet train when she is older .. but if she poos during a feed, finish the milk first before cleaning her else its true, our bbs wun want to cont'd with their milk anymore ..

maybe u can go there once and see how it goes coz if u go there, u will realise alot of ppl bring their kids there .. its really said to help bbs eat and sleep better lor ..

sneaking thumb into mouth during feeds
ya, rhyan does this very frequently too .. he usually starts this habit when he is getting full (can afford to drink slowly) and puts his thumb in as he tries to push my hand or his bottle out with the other hand .. cannot tahan ..

small bb vs big bb
i agree tt big bbs doesn't mean good .. for rhyan, i also feel he is a little on the big side .. he looks good like this but i dun think its healthy if he is of this size in the long run .. i am hoping tt he will slowly thin down a little as he starts to crawl etc ..

faye can't sleep if she is outside? how abt going to mil's pl earlier and let her nap there? i am trying to let rhyan adapt to napping outside coz we are always going out and its difficult when he can't get used to sleeping at unfamiliar places and cry due to being sleep deprived .. so far, he is quite alright so long as the place is not noisy or distractive with bright colours .. but he wun nap as long as he is at home lor ..

i like justin's angry looks also, very funny .. haha .. me so mean ..
