(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

Pawprint, haha I know you'll be able to give me workable ideas! :D The bow and fragmented look thingy is GOOD!

Rochelle, thanks alot!

I am looking for a trustworthy and hardworking part time cleaner, someone who resides near the west/central area(alexandra/buona vista/pasir panjang/holland etc). Please PM me if you have such contacts, preferably local/PR. I need it quite urgently so would really appreciate it, thanks!
Can anyone share their kid's nursery curriculum this year? In term 1 and term 2.

I'm a wee bit concerned abt my girl's current kindy curriculum... but HB thinks that as long as it's NOT LOWER than the average PCF kindy, then there's no cause to move her. He said he did fine in PAP Kindy last time...

Thing is, I dunno what's the average PCF kindy??? I admit I kinda hantam-hantam put my girl in current kindy due to location and apparently they have loving teachers/ environment, and she does have sports P.E. and outdoor playground days and waterplay and some sort of group-music singalong-to-tapping-triangles.
eg. my girl's kindy, nursery term 1 & term 2, covered:
- 0-4
- lower case handwriting for a few alphabets (they follow jollyphonics sequence, not exactly A, B, C, and so on).
- no blending phonics, still introducing basic phonics of each letter- haven't covered whole alphabet yet.
- heng, shu, dian (for chinese strokes)

my hubby also say the same thing. he say PAP kindy he also didnt get to learn much english. in primary one at neighbourhood school just catch up.

my boy syllabus is
Uppercase letters
Lowercase letter
SH and CH blend
vowels and consonents (as in know AEIOU are vowels)

hope that helps
Thanks Rochelle,
BLEND already? And vowels and consonants?!

I was more concerned abt her chinese strokes... now I think I have to concern about... argh!

the preschool will ask the kids to memorise that AEIOU are called vowels and all the other letters are called consonents.

my older boy pick out the blends from WordWorld


its available in DVD so my boys watch on DVD until can remember the spelling of the words and the phonics sounds.

I couldnt write chinese words well until K2 because I am a left hander. did get A* at PSLE so v lucky.
Anyone has 2nd-hand piano lobang? Budget $400... or anyone LOOKING to buy a piano too, maybe we can group together for better price or something?

there is a 2nd hand piano shop in Toa Payoh. the uncle there maintain and repair the piano v well. make sure u get one with heater. else easy to get termite infested and than the piano will not be usable. two of my friends piano without heater got spoilt by termites.

Yamaha 2nd hand is about $800
Rochelle, thanks, just found out fr another mummy that my $400 budget is too low for a reasonably good-sounding piano. I didn't know that pianos sound different even when properly tuned and in working condition, oops! Yah she said $800 is a better figure for a Yamaha 2nd-hand that will sound good.

I'm not sure about dropping $800... what if tomorrow Ahgirl says she DUN like piano???

How about getting a Casio or Yamaha full size electronic keyboard?

My SIL is teaching music using that. She has two, one for teaching and one for her kids to use. the one she is using is < $300 and the one her kids are using is < $200

Its cheaper on the electricity bill also. For piano you have to keep the piano heater on 24/7
Rochelle, ooo- that sounds alot friendlier on the pocket, thanks! I need weighted keys tho, Ahgirl using cheapo electronic keyboard... when she tries acoustic piano, her fingers can't adapt to the heavier keys.

acoustic piano (with strings)
digital piano
My gial is in PAP.. they are much slower than any other kindy. They have about ten alphabets.. no phonics til K1.. no chinese til K1. Very very slow.. Their curriculum doesn't include phonics and chinese til next year,. All I see in her progress report is colorings, colorings and more colorings... and no matter how badly done, you get a star.

children get a star or sticker for every assignment they do. its just to encourage to child.


if not wrong the ones with weighted keys are < $400 so should be within your budget.

when I was 4, my dad bring me to a friend's home to use their piano for practise until my parents could afford to pay for my piano.
you can see if there are any neighbours with piano that you can practise at their home for a small fee?
Rochelle, thx for suggestion, hmm, we live near her piano teacher, wahaha *evil grin*. Wow, u learnt at 4? That's really young in our time!

bride, no chinese til K1???

my dad read a child rearing book that say children's hearing peak at 4 so best to let children learn music at 4 to maximise their hearing potential. I dont know how true that is but thats how I end up learning piano at 4.
hi mummies and kiddos of 2004,

anyone of you keen to have a playdate or meet-together-&amp;-play session? since all our kids are going to going to school together in yearly-batches instead of monthly batches, cos k=find it quite hard to go into the different monthly tracks as the tracks are all moving so fast!

We can meet up at central locations or parks or beaches, or my house even.

hope to hear from all of you! cheers!
I have two Barney concert tickets, bought at $71 each for tomorrow(5 Apr 08 Sat)'s concert at Suntec. Will let them go at much lower prices. Any reasonable amount is fine, please PM me your best offer by today and I'll meet up with you tomororw to pass them to you before concert starts.

Concert: Barney's Lets Imagine Live!
Time: 11.30am
Date: 07 Sat 2008
Seats: Row E, seat 5 and 6
Original Cost: $143 total
Selling at: Best offer by 7pm today.

Payment: I will require a 50% deposit of whatever price we agreed on via IB, and remaining amount to be paid up in exact tomrrow when tickets are handed over.
gabby, that will be nice... Wed 915am or Thur 2pm, email mel_tan_st at yahoo dot com.

Rochelle, thanks for the link. Btw was wondering, u learnt piano at 4yo... did u personally ever find it stressful? Was it pleasant for u throughout ur piano-learning life? I never learnt piano so I wldn't know.

Didn't find it stressful. my dad went with me to Yamaha at Plaza Singapura for classes and he end up learning english from the songs we learn to play.

Did find that practising for the ABRSM piano exams stressful. and of course taking the piano exam was always stressful.

My nephew attended piano lessons for a year and than stop because he didnt like classes. He is still playing the piano for leisure everyday. My nephew's mum can play piano and she has her own piano which is what her boys are using.

My boys love to bang on my piano so I wont go for the exam kind of piano learning but would let them go for classes when older just to socialise and learn in a structured environment.
hi pawprint

wed 915 class sounds good. Cant make it for thurs afternoon as gab needs to go for phonics class.... will email you soon
Kelly, ur mealworms still alive or not? Must water???

Gabby, Wed PG postponed indefinitely, email me if u can make Thur 2pm, thanks!
pawprint, hee JUST saw your post asking me whats wrong :p Er.. we went to concert in the end. Lets just say that Faye changed her mind suddenly and after a *long* talk, we worked things out peacefully. :p
Piano maintenance advice?

is there a way to vacuum out dust from piano interior? Abt 20yo, my gf who plays the piano feels it's a good piano with mellow rich sound... but hor, the dust I saw inside is bothering me. What if triggers allergies or something? Can I actually ask the tuner to thoroughly clean up or something???

my piano tuner actually vacumn the piano interior for me. v clean and she tunes v well too. I got her through yamaha.

you can just let the tuner know that the piano has not been used for a long time and just pay a little more. because the first tuning is always more expensive anyway as it takes longer to tune a piano that has not been tuned a long time.
ooo- ok so it's not that worrisome ah? I had the impression the interior supposed to look spanking spotless or something, hehe.

Yup will pay more/ request for more thorough work.
So excited, can't wait for it to come, wish I arranged delivery EARLIER, aiyah!

even showroom pianos get dirty. the interior would get a little dusty from time to time as our air is dusty.

have fun with your piano. press all the piano keys and count how many "loose" keys. than you would see the tuner having to spend more time tightening the strings for those keys. most piano would have one or two loose keys at least.
Hi pawprint,

Yup, her curriculum doesn't include chinese this year. They are also only learning the Uppercase for now. Only writing.. no phonics. Maths only learnig writing number 1-5. Nursery is only 2hour sessions. You can actually see their timetables on the general board outside any PAP centre near your home.
Kelly, Pawprint, Berry, are ur kids still on sambucol? Did you recently made purchase of kids sambucol from overseas. I opened a new bottle and found that the colour and density seems different from the old batch. Did you encounter this problem? TIA!
any mummies bringing their little ones to the closing ceremony for arts festival??

Thinking of making a trip down for fun! want to join me?
Jumpstart Educational CDs

borrowed the preschool and kindergarten cd from library to try out. after a few games, the game just "bomb out" (auto close). had to restart the game (no need to restart windows) to play again. so not good to buy until u try a library copy and make sure it works on your pc.

the kindergarten one is more fun than the preschool one for my boys.
Rochelle, thx for heads up... does it "teach" phonics or what? I haven't tried any CDR game-applications stuff on the kids yet.
Wake up time?

my 3yr old wakes up after 9am and my 2yr old wakes up after 7am.

problem is next yr my Dec 04 goes to school.
he wakes up in middle of night if he sleeps before 9pm.

how do you wake your child up in time to go to school in the morning? he gets very upset when he has to wake up early
rochelle, J sleeps around 10.30pm and i wake her at 7.30am. but she has a naptime in school. initially it is difficult but i think it's a matter of the child getting used to the routine. try to stay calm when he gets upset and explain to him.

most mums tell me their kids sleep less as they get older. but my older one still sleep the same amount since 1yr old until now. no increase no decrease.

school don't have naptime as his school hours will be 8:30am to 12:30pm

if we wake him up "early" he will cry and refuse to change clothes, go potty. he will just lie in bed and throw tantrum. so when we need to go out, we had to carry him to the car crying. he will cry while hubby drive until he fall asleep. than we have to put him in stroller as he will still be sleeping. if he woke up when we reach destination, he will be throwing tantrum again.

we try by getting him to make sure he sleep at 9pm when he has class the next day morning. he can sleep at 8pm after being tired from playground but still throw tantrum when he is woken up at 8am.

How long did J take to get use to it? Is she a early waker like my 2nd boy or did she have to adjust to waking earlier?

I used to nap in school during my morning classes. Because I am not a morning person. hubby also not morning person.
rochelle, if he is so resistent to being woken up and his sleep timings just cant be changed for now, I would give it more time. At this age, I dont feel that its worth it to put them thru that just to go to 'school'. Plus if he is gonna start sch for the first time, it prob means there is gonna be adjustment on his part already, and still having to go thru such a difficult morning might put him off and leave a negative association- not worth it imo. Plus it will definitely be frustrating for you too, and if everyone has to go thru such pain just for him to start school, I'd say postpone it for a while (or do afternoon school for now?). He will probably be able to handle it better when he is a little older.

Hmm, what is his fave thing in the whole wide world?
I'm just bouncing ideas hor... hmm I would serve grapes for breakfast. My Ahboy loves grapes. Or animal biscuits. And I'd do this from now til next yr... and maybe after a mth of school, discreetly/ random days, cut out/ reduce that Special Item.

Haha, I shld do this FOR MYSELF, cos *I* can't wake up! :p Maybe next time prepare a slab of chocolate on my bedside, heehee.

Ahgirl is more of a sleeper... she napped 3-6pm yesterday, knocked out 9pm, and still woke 8am this morn. Today skipped nap cos we had playdate/ ran out to the mall... she dozed during dinner before 6pm. Likely to zzz til next morn lor. But she's seldom grouchy upon waking lah.

Ahboy sleeps lesser. And he wakes up on wrong side of bed... quite hilarious, he'd drag his feet around with a SCOWL. Slam the babygate (and in his Royal Grouchiness, forget it swings back)- then it'd hit his face and he'd lie on the floor complaining. But next yr shld be fine... I *hope*, he currently wakes in time (if he shld need to be there at 830am). Not sure if sleep pattern will change.

Today just met a 3yo with "internal clock". Her mum says she will wake at exactly certain timing, not earlier, not later. And nap at exact timing, even when out will just daze out on her own. Really own internal clock leh. Not sure if ur kid falls into this category cos then abit hard to reset the clock inside.
