(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be


just remembered the other measurement was the fetal limb measurement (checking the length of the baby's long leg bone) and the abdominal circumference.
<font color="ff6000">rochelle</font>
ur gynae does a lot of measurement for ur bb hor
mayb mine did oso but we din notice
too bz trying to see bb's gender i guess.. hahaah ...

my gynae more kan cheong than us. dunno whether it is becos I am consider "high risk" becos my next gynae visit is in 3 wks time. I was born on week 28 at 1.3kg. just check my birth records.

maybe your gynae took the measurements but didnt want to flood you with too much info. my gynae likes to explain to us, especially see my hubby's blurr look. yest got 7 ultrascan photos to take home
hi, i am into 20 weeks and my gynae said the baby weighs 357g. is it consider small, big or average?
i only gained 2.8kg.
Rochelle &amp; chihiro
Thks for the website add. Aiyah... so many con abt sending bb to infant care.U r right lor, bb is too young.BBsitter is still better.
Had my detailed scan today. Probably a GIRL

Can see 3 lines from bottom up, but legs still closed so can't see if there's anything sticking out between the legs. Gynae said very likely a girl but don't buy gender-specifics til she sees what's exactly between legs too.

Gynae also said baby head VERY ROUND. And face VERY CHUBBY. Called hubby and told him it's his fault if baby GIRL has big wide face like his. And he replied the baby face chubby cos I ate too many donuts!
I agree wif berry,I think you can engage their confinement services even though u dun deliver in TMC. u can call them. tel no:62514090 u can speak to Ms Angeline she's very nice. Btw, if u sign up for their 1st born incentive u're get 10% discount.I'm joinin cos UOB ladies card nw got prom at $98 instead of $128. Btw, hw many wk r u nw?
MT, hope u can confirm your baby's gender soon (then you can decide whether pink or blue lol). haha...your hubby really has sense of humour keke..

oranges, any idea what is the first born incentive about?

for me, baby's legs look fatter than previous ultrascans so hubby actually tell me to eat more so that baby would be more chubby.

my friend's hubby said their son looks so chubby becos my friend likes to hug winnie the pooh; actually he is abit plump.
hi girls,

does anyone know if preggies can take aloe vera? those bottled one and those found in fruit juices. a sales person from "Lo Hang Kah" told me we can't take them.
Wa.. there's too many privileges.Actually, i oso blur blur dunno wat's some of their privileges. U may call Ms Mary fm tmc tel:63580055 she'll explain to u &amp; pls ask her to send u the brochure.

congrat on yr bb girl. my hubby oso head big big dunno next time my bb will be like him a not?
mngo, you reminded me, sometime back there was an article in the papers about babies as well, and some minister was being interviewed about whether the baby bonus would be effective for those who start trying for babies now. The minister (can't remember his name, but he's malay) quoted Lee Hsien Loong as saying that it takes 9 months to have a baby anyway, so please go ahead and try for babies now and the new benefits would be effective.

Wanted to cut out the article and keep in case need to fight for rights next time, but forgot!
wah lao,
U ladies talk so much bad abt infant care.. me now also scared to put my bb there liao.. hmm have to look for other source soon..

I posted something on First Born Incentive care yest leh..It's a promotion from UOB's Ladies Card.. Hey. U mentioned u also have UOB card rite.. think can leh..
cubbie, oh, so this firstborn thingy is incentive from ladies card! lol...I thought its a TMC promo. never mind, will check with tmc and see what they say..
dear ladies

anyone know the market rate for CF lady dat comes in daily and stay till after dinner?
My mom might be taking leave to help me but confinement is so tiring and i tot of engaging a CF lady to help her
AC, most confinement ladies are malaysians, so such cnfinement services is not common, unless you're lucky enough to get a local(but then, locals costs alot more). or try TMC as someone mentioned earlier. I think they have non-overnight ones.

skyblue, yeah, its alot, but then its very hardwork if the nanny has to not only look after baby in the day but wake up at night to do nightfeeds as well. then in this case, doesnt it mean that either baby sleeps at her place or she stays overnight? If you realy need this, how about considering a maid instead?
<font color="aa00aa">chihiro,</font>
nope, i din ask, except for the last visit cos i always forget

my bb weight at wk 23 is 606g
dunno next Monday (wk 26) will be how heavy
<font color="aa00aa">mtmtmt,</font>
ur hubby so funny
say bb face round round cos u ate too much donuts!!

eh, if i eat a lot of bak-chang now, will bb face like triangle
btw, hw much do i need to pay m'sian confinement lady? Any gd one to recommend? U found 1, mayb u can recommend yr CF to me cos my EDD is in Dec'04
Hi berry,

We dun want a maid cos dun fancy having a stranger in the house. Moreover, maids can be up to alot of nonsense when owners r not ard to monitor them. Heard too many horror stories abt maids so it's a no-no. That's y thinking of leaving our bb @ the bbsitter's home during weekdays n we bring back during weekends.
oranges, for malaysian confinement nannies, prices range from 1.7k - 1.9k (thereabouts) excluding red packets. local ones (if you can find) will cost 2K or slightly more. my MIL is doing confinement for me at my place, so I wun be hiring one. But I will lookout for you, if there are, will let you know. btw, if you plan to use malaysian ones, best to go thru confinement agencies, cause if not you'll have to apply for work permit and whatnot for the confinement lady, very troublesome on your side, especially when you're already so busy adapting to new baby after delivery.
<font color="ff6000">skyblue</font>
perhaps u can ask ard for the price of a bbsitter who bbsits day &amp; night for 5 days

tink my auntie is charging ard $700
skyblue, yeah, you have a point there about maids- hard to trust them completely. but if you leave baby at caregiver's house, isnt it better to leave at your mother/MIL's place if possible? you'll sure miss baby alot after you go back to work. you plan to have this arrangement for how long? until baby can sleep thru the night?
Might consider hiring a maid and dropping BOTH the maid and the baby at parents'/ PILs' place, for them to keep an eye on the maid.
Yest just went for my usual checkup and my bb girl now at wk24 is oredy 836g...as compared to urs, think mine is realli quite big right..but gynae said tat's within the normal range. Aiya now realli hate to weigh myself, keep gaining. But appetite is realli getting better!

skyblue, like u hiring a maid is definitely a no-no for me. Well before my pregnancy oredy told my hubby even if no one takes care of bb, I will still not hire any maid to look after. Just hv a strong disdain towards them and yes me oso heard and seen lots of maids nightmare.
not sure abt the spa details as the info counter only mentioned spa.. call them lah

it's a tmc's promotion.. just tt it was tied up wif UOB Ladies Card recently for advertising only.. mayb they also advertised wif other cards, u may like to check wif them!

u ladies talking abt bb's wt, hmm.. ever since my detailed scan, I've been asking my gynae wat's my bb's wt then cause I see most of u here have an estimation of bb's length &amp; wt fm yr sonographer, but he told me my bb is abt the size of a palm.. ok then! Subsequently, every mth I go, I will ask him my bb's wt and I always get the same answer," It's abt 500gm!"

I was like ,"HUH?!#@!!!*" How can?!? for the past few mths my bb's still at the same wt and yet everytime I see him he looks so different each time and the most recent scan he's aldy pounding on a lot of fats on his face.. To think tt u ladies can have at least an estimation of yr bb's wt and length, I think my gynae is really lazy.
My belly seems to be growing very rapidly still, I was telling my hubby that my entire pregnancy is a growth spurt in it self!:p
I always forget to ask gynea about baby's weight- must remind myself to ask the next trip- suspect that my baby is on the big side....

cubbie, thanks for the info on the card, coincidentally, just yesterday when hubby came home from work he told me UOB called him up and extend invitation for their platinium card, and since they're giving free first year subscription fees, we've decided to take it up.
BTW, are you still as mobile as last time? I already cannot walk much leh. just short distances tires me out, and climbing stairs also gives alot of strain to my back/knees.
good morning ladies...

me also went for my scan yday....me also ask my gynnae about my baby weight...he say my baby at 28 wks weight around 1.3kg...is above average...so ask me to cut down on my carbo intake...and dun take too much durians....

so i better control....my colleague that time her son was 3.4kg at 9 months plus.... gynae say too big....advised her to go c-section....
Gd morning !!

juz had a bak zhang brought from home for breakfast !

but feel like i've had not enuff, want to have another one !!
Berry...i have checked with one agency but they dun have permit for those Malaysia CF lady and will be on social pass only
will dat be dangerous?

For the past 2 days, i ve been having Ba Zhang for breakfast, morning teabreak and afternoon teabreak. Very nice......... yum yum.....
leo29.. yeah. wen 4 1st class on tues. short class on nutrition, quite a drag to sit thru a 'talk' at the end of the day!

u can give them a call @ 67312133 &amp; tell them ur EDD. then they will advise u which mth to sign up. they hv classes every mth. cost is $173.25.
<font color="ff6000">leo</font>
i dun dare to eat so many in a day leh
scared xiao hua bu liang

now still tinking abt it .. shd hv brought 1 more ...
I had dumpling for 3 consecutive morning's breakfast. Finally cleared them..i find the sizes shrink liao...all so small..eat one not shiok.

leo 29,
I see mag...those models belly button like out pop out...mine also.
<font color="ff6000">joyful</font>
my mum's dumplings usually smaller than those sold outside.. so eat one like not shiok enuff.. hehehe
adeline, my gynea didnt print out the ultrasound scan for me on past 3 visits leh- maybe baby too big to be captured properly?

leo, my belly is huge, but belly button still not popped.

AC, better not, cause its against the law for them to work while on social pass- imagine if something happen (like they stole something or some accident) on their stay here, it will be very hard and legally troublesome for the family to be responsible or lodge police report cause its along the lines of hiring illegal workers.

my belly not too big but belly button oredy pop out, dunno whether can find it in later mths.

Onli the detailed scan shows the weight, those usual scan pix does not indicate. Do we still need to go for other tests or now just go for regular checkup till delivery? BTW when wld our checkup be changed to twice a wk? later once a wk?
