(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

<font color="ff6000">hi steamboat</font>
i did ate sushi during my 1st trimester.. no raw ones

<font color="ff6000">hi kelly</font>
ya..tts y i only take 1 for breakfast everyday lor
i oso like to chkup spring soon.. coz got wedding dinners coming up.. see if can get anything nice from there ..

<font color="ff6000">joyful, leo</font>
yalor, GSS is the time to get big items lor
sometimes tink EDD still so far, so fast get all these like KS.. but can save a bit of $$.. so dun care lah ...
gg for prams now .. hopefully can find a satisfactory one before GSS ends

and when GSS end huh ?

3.4kg is not very big lah!

my belly button has risen but not protruding

yrs also big leh.. according to this link

my friend had a very very big tummy and we all thot she's gonna have a very big bb, but her bb come out is 2.6kg, so it's all her waterbag!

me also heard fm many elders too!

I heard it's the bean sprout shell, not green beans

Btw, thot platinum card needs an annual income of exceeding 96,000 per annum? MAS reduce the requirements again huh or is it a one time promotion, Berry?
I m fine, just busy.

My gynae says i will be able to see my bbay gender next appt. My colleagues ask me whether I have any hunch or instinct boy or girl? They say normally very accurate. Anyone ??
mine is not accurate leh.. in fact, i dun really have any hunch.. sometimes i feel is boi, sometimes gal.. kekeke.. do u have any preference?
sorry forgotten to reply u .. me the same leh.. just tt tummy is really obstructing sometimes.. i living on 3rd storey so I'm used to climbing up the stairs.. actually how come u not used to it.. u seldom go out is it cause I everyday climb the same flight of stairs so I'm used to it liao leh..

But I do have other problems though.. the Braxton Hicks Contractions is getting quite painful for me. Initially thot tt it shld only b a tight feeling but my gynae said some women do feel pain. Then I went to check the internet.. indeed leh! Some women do feel painful Braxton Hicks.. haizzzz

and I suspect I having nesting instinct now.. Everywhere in the hse a bit dirty I will feel very awkward and go on cleaning n cleaning even though my bones very aching liao i still can't stop... to think tt I used to b a lazy wife, didn't even bother to wash a tablecloth
How bout u? U notice any exceptional changes in yrself lately? Btw, I starting to pack my hospital bag liao, quite loss dun noe wat to put in.. still thinking

come to think of it.. our pregnancy seems very fast hor.. suddenly.. me left wif abt 10 wks only leh.. so many things haven't do.. most of bb's clothes unwashed, pram haven't buy yet, playpen and sarong haven't set up yet, misc like ruyi oil and stuffs all haven't buy yet.. heard tt bb supposed to b full term by 38 wks.. tt leaves me wif abt another 8-9wks to do all these things only.. suddenly very kancheong..
sorry forgotten to reply u .. me the same leh.. just tt tummy is really obstructing sometimes.. i living on 3rd storey so I'm used to climbing up the stairs.. actually how come u not used to it.. u seldom go out is it cause I everyday climb the same flight of stairs so I'm used to it liao leh..

But I do have other problems though.. the Braxton Hicks Contractions is getting quite painful for me. Initially thot tt it shld only b a tight feeling but my gynae said some women do feel pain. Then I went to check the internet.. indeed leh! Some women do feel painful Braxton Hicks.. haizzzz

and I suspect I having nesting instinct now.. Everywhere in the hse a bit dirty I will feel very awkward and go on cleaning n cleaning even though my bones very aching liao i still can't stop... to think tt I used to b a lazy wife, didn't even bother to wash a tablecloth
How bout u? U notice any exceptional changes in yrself lately? Btw, I starting to pack my hospital bag liao, quite loss dun noe wat to put in.. still thinking

come to think of it.. our pregnancy seems very fast hor.. suddenly.. me left wif abt 10 wks only leh.. so many things haven't do.. most of bb's clothes, milk bottles and even the breastpump is unwashed, pram and carseat haven't buy yet, playpen and sarong haven't set up yet, misc like cabinet, ruyi oil and stuffs all haven't buy yet.. heard tt bb supposed to b full term by 38 wks.. tt leaves me wif abt another 8-9wks to do all these things only.. suddenly very kancheong..
hi joyful,
i've asked my sis. she said my niece sleeps in sarong during daytime with singlet and shorts and fan. and baby cot at night with rompers and aircon turned on. so somehow my niece knows the difference between sleeping at night and during daytime. my sis said no problems at all. i guess it all depends on the baby too. some babies are more stubborn than the rest. i wonder how my baby will be like. my colleague who has a 4 years old boy is still sleeping in a sarong. he just refused to sleep on a flat bed

hi cubbiebb,
wow, 10 more weeks for you. you must be very excited now
you have the nesting instinct already? that's very fast. thought we'll get that in the last month :p anyway, take things easy ok? you still have lots of time to do your shopping and washing up
good morning ladies!

cubbieBB. we've been staying here for 4 years liao, but dunno why I never got used to climbing 4 storeys. :p
For the platinium card, yeah, the requirement for this UOB one is 96k, not sure for other cards though.
lately , the only 'changes' I noticed is my water retention- been getting that real bad, I look and feel quite swelled up all over. My threshold for dirt and mess is indeed lower than before, but my body aches prevent me from being able to do alot of housework, so either I get my part-time cleaner to come more often and rest of the time I force myself to close one eye about the mess. wow, you start packing hosp bag already...I think I'll pack only few weeks before EDD.
BTW, which brand of disposable panties did you buy? I'm wondering which to buy.

steamboat, fish roe is generally raw. the cooked ones are not red anymore, after cooked, it turns opaque and pinkish white. the california maki one is raw.

joyful, I'll also be using a cot, no sarong for my baby.

emma, on the day of my detailed scan, just before we went to the gynea, I suddennly had a very strong instinct that my baby is a girl, and yeah, turns out she is a girl.
Hi Emma,
Are the clothes at spring maternity expensive ?
Will likely to go there tomorrow.

They say can determine sex of baby from the shape of your tummy ... I am not too sure how you check but I got 2 colleagues who told me that if baby is a boy the tummy will be quite sharp and can still feel your waistline but if baby is a girl then tummy will be very round and you'll look like a 'tree trunk' (can't feel your waistline hehe)
kelly, spring maternity clothes are really trendy and very affordable. cheaper than the other brands like thyme and mothers work. I only wished I found spring earlier- I came accross this brand only after I've pretty much finish buying all the clothing I plan to. :p

I went to watch asterix and obelix yesterday with hubby at lido- wah, the seats are so uncomfortble! Its been a while since we went to this theatre, forgot how crampy the seats are, gave me neck and knee aches. think I'll stick to golden village from now now until I deliver.

I measure my waistline yty nite, is 30 and my belly is 35. My hubby was teasing me that my waist is bigger then him
when do u gals notice tummy bigger? mine like still not showing leh... and my weight is still a few kg below my pre preg weight... prob due to bad MS...

Each UOB 1-2-1 card is entitled to bring 4 persons (including yourself) free into Sentosa. just check if your card has the 1-2-1 logo on it.
Oranges, CubbieBB

bean sprout shells and green beans shells are the same thing. basically soak the green beans until shell/skin fall out or get/buy the green beans shell/skin from the tau suan stall.

The pillow/bolster is to help with wind/colic

tummy not accurate. I had very bad wind problems that I look like a balloon.


my belly size is only 30inch, waist is 28 (pre-preggie is 24). my baby is low so can still wear my normal baggy clothes.


dont worry, I lose a few kgs due to morning sickness, now gain 2kg already after morning sickness subsided. just eat whatever dont make you throw up and take your folic acid.
we bought lots of baby clothes at the John Little warehouse sale.

we went on wednesday evening and got a baby romper and two shirts at $1.50 each becos we reach expo at 9pm not much left.

yesterday we went at 6pm and bought 4 shorts, 1 romper and 3 shirts all at $1.50 each.

we check out the prices at isetan tampines, metro tampines and kiddy palace tampines yesterday morning and found the prices there were much more expensive for the baby clothes thats why hubby was so enthusiastic to go and get more.

the brands are Piyo Piyo and Mini Car for the $1.50 and the size range is newborn to size 4.
all material are 100% cotton.

if you want, try to go early so that the 2 bins are full. the 2 bins are located near the toys section right at the back of the hall.
rochelle, wow, great haul you've got! For us, we have a bag of hand-me-downs and we only bought a pack (7 pieces) of bodysuits from mothercare sale . dun dare to buy too much in case my baby grows fast or turns out big and cant wear keke..
btw, you only bough newborn clothes? did you buy for 3-6 months?

Leo, my belly is around 38 inches liao (pre-pregnancy 24)!

Jen, my belly started growing v early, around week 10 onwards- steady growth until now.
hi slk,
have u receive the anatenal calss schedule fm TMC? coz the lady told me will send me the notice but i've yet to receive leh!! mmm.... may be will call them later if i free, coz the class starts tomolo leh... wat time is yr class har?
Rochelle and berry,

Both of ur belly seem to be smaller then me huh. Me today is wk 18 and my belly already 35 inch,
I tot mine already very small hahaha......

for tops we bought one newborn, one for 3-6mth, one for 6-9 mth, one for 6-12 mth, one that says size 3 and three that says size 4. the bottoms are all size 4 as we are going to let baby run around in diapers most of the time.

my hand-me-downs are almost all in pink from my MIL so hubby also think since doctor double confirm our baby is boy should get baby some nice baby boy clothes. funny thing was could feel baby move when we were at the sale rummaging at the bins so hubby say baby also kan cheong becos buying his clothes.
leo, my belly is 38, slighlty bigger than yours. dun think too much about belly size, as long as baby healthy, big or small belly is fine.

TBL, enjoy your class, is ir conducted by mrs wong?

rochelle, hmm....i think i should also buy a few pieces of larger sized clothing for my baby.
BTW, I just found another place offering prenatal massage- st gregory spa, $100 for 50 min, only for pregnant ladies above 5 months. The massage targets shoulders, back and leg areas, no abdomen massage of any sort, using only almond oil.

Leo, yeah I understand your concerns cause I'm also worried that my body cannot take the rapid weight I am gaining- in fact, I'm already having aches all over, esp on my hip and lower back.
hi tbl,
yes, i received the confirmation and schedule from TMC. my class is from 2 to 4pm. it's Mrs Wong's class. yours?
Hi All,

I have a qn on detailed scanning. For those who has done ur detailed scan, did ur gynae did the detailed scan or is it done by a sonographer at the hospital?

Did u get the results of the detailed scan immediately? Does the sonographer brief u on the result? Or u have to bring the result back to ur gynae for analysis?

Thanks in advance.
deer, I did my detailed scanning at TMC, did by sonographer instaed of my gynea. Yu, you can know results immediately cause its all measurements- measure and know on the spot. My gynea is the one who brief us on results. But I think some gyneas will not say anything unless somethig is wrong or abnormal.
Deer, my detailed scanning by my gynae. Just a checklist of whether the heart has 4 chambers, the liver there or not, blahblahblah. And alot of measurements.
Deer, my gynae din realli go thr the report, he just said all normal and well. But u will be getting the report back, so can read up urself together with the scanned pix, where I can hardly figure out what is what, except for the littles toes and fingers.
My UOB Ladie card dun hv 1-2-1 so hw tat meant no free entry ? Regarding the green bean, i thought juz buy the green bean then juz stuff in the pillow? y muz soak it ?

Hi anyone using stretch mark cream ? My friend kept askin me to use cos she say dun use nxt time will hv alot of stretch mark ard yr tummy.
Can u recommend to me. Thks
Hi Oranges

I don't use stretch mark cream at all but i ended up wif lots of stretch mark with my 1st pregnancy. If u are worried abt getting stretch mark later..u may like to start now. But really dunno how effective is it.

you have to soak the green bean so that the skin will detach from the bean. then dry the skins and use that to stuff the pillow/bolster.

the green beans without the skin is used to make tau suan.
hi yuru,

i am delivering at gleneagles but attending the class at TMC. cos i heard Mrs Wong's classes are very good and informative, one of the best around
'm using Boots currently ($18+), have started using since week 8/9 and thus far no stretch marks, but dunno how things go later on. Actualli gd to apply cos ur skin will feel more moisturised and less dry.
yuru, where to get mustela? i asked my mum if she used creams last time and she said no... she dun have much stretch marks... but my skin is rather dry and i dun have habit to apply cream everyday... scared i will be lazy... :p
where can i buy mustela cream? Tink cannot be lazy. Saw fm internet Stretch mark can look damn ugly &amp; like got alot of wrinkles. So we muz start takin care of our body. We muz oso look mei mei aft delivery. Am i right?

Dun hv stretch mark is a gd thing wah, mayb u start using it at a early stage.So u find is gd to apply, right?
yuru, I've finished mrs wong's class. yup, hosp tour is included in one of the classes, she'll also give you ample info on TMC.

Jen, can get your mustela cream from robinsons or JL
Yuru...i am delivering at glenE but having the antenatal classes at changi hospital coz it's nearer to my workplace and house

I'm applying the stretch mark cream since wk 13. But i can't remember the brand name, will check it out for u tonite. I bought it from John Little, guardian sell it oso. They oso ve a store at HG mall .
of course gd not to hv it. It's realli veri ugly, just like those orange skin but more wrinkles. I hv been applying dutifully everyday though it's realli tiredsome and sometimes realli veri sianz but no choice, wanna protect my skin. Find it quite ok, so far onli bought one tube and believed it can last me till full term...
I onli apply on my tummy area.
hi jen

hi everyone, I got a question to ask about passing motion (hope u all dont mind) . I discover that that the colour of the stool on the toiler paper is like greyish black , been like this for past business, donno why. Hope it is normal.
