(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

oic... thanx MTMTMT, berry!

i'm actually looking for a simpler cot, dun intend to extend it to baby bed in future cos i'll 'graduate' my bb to mattress on the floor when she's ready.

are, I think $299 is already one of the cheapest cots around if you're buying at dept stores. If you want something even cheaper with lesser features, then try kaki bukit. They have quite a number of very basic cots after disc selling at only $150 onwards. But remember to make sure that the cot is not varnished and uses non-toxic paint. You might also want to get one with adjustable height to lower it so that baby will not be able to climb (v dangerous) once he/she learns to stand.
berry... thanx for the tips! will need adjustable height definitely, & wheels too. i'm toking more abt the 'can use till older as bed' features tat i might not need.

guess jan... i'm oso having flu!
cant take med in the day somemore cos drowsy. better go c doc hor, nowadays the flu bug v strong, & going ard. it takes a while to clear so dun drag till too serious or u'll pass to ur son, juz like my dear hubby passed to me.

haahaaa...actually my flu was also passed to me by my hubby. Poor us have to suffer.

I've seen a doc oredi..but the med is for my sore throat and fever but now I hve flu so thinking is juz the follow-on effect. So tot vicks may help lor.
Girls, my all-time no-fail cure for flus/cold/coughs is raw honey. Even cures of sensitive nose problem (I start having running nose when weather changes or too hazy). Also helps with my constipation problem sometimes. Do avoid taking medication no matter how 'safe' it is, cause traces will still be passed on to your baby. Why not try taking raw honey daily and see if it helps? This is what I'm taking, available at Taka basement (nxt to harrods section) and guardian pharmacy at Holland V: http://www.reallyrawhoney.com/
berry, are
I was told that we can take Vit C to boost our immune systems. So probably later will go guardian to get one.

u oni hve flu rite? If got fever muz take med leh..cuz fever muz control if too high is bad for bb. But both my gynae and gp says cold, flu and sore throat will not do any harm to bb. How I wish I can juz sleep in my bed now.
Hi, i am about 16, 17 weeks pregnant. when will you be able to feel the baby kicking? i don feel anything yet lei.. i am glad that i don have any MS at all.

Chihiro, is the mothercare sale still on? want to get the pump too.
guess jan... how come u not on MC? i was on MC on mon, but today worse leh, but cant take liao. sianzzz... i dun hv fever, but was told to take panadol w flu med to make it work better.

berry... i've always dislike honey, but now tat cant drink much 'liang' drinks, think i better juz bear w the taste. din noe there is such thing as raw honey, oni noe there is the honey combs, which i like. will go look ard. thanx.
hi coffee

I suppose is around 18-20 weeks. But for some ppl will feel it earlier or later. So dun worry...u will feel it very soon.
are..im on mc on mon and tues...so today back to work liao. Oh im taking parcetamol for my fever, i tink is the same as panadol.
guess... ya, tats panadol too. i seldom hv fever, but i will still take w flu med juz in case i din feel it.
hi all
sorry for not able to come here regularly.

When can we stop taking folic acid? I have not signed up the package eyt as my gynae did not ask me to. When do all of u sign up?
coffee, I started feeling baby's movements around week 16 onwards.
Yup, the sale is still on. Isetan is also selling the pump at the same discounted price as mothercare.

Emma, I signed up for my package at week 18.
Hi Emma,
how are you?

i signed up for my package @ wk12, $688/- U can always check with the nurses on when to sign the package.
are, thks..we are anxious to unveil as well.

Oh, me oso looking for bb cot and so far the one that we realli like is the one at kiddy palace, selling at $269 but does not come with anything else. Prefer to buy those tat comes with bedding set, mattress etc...to save all the trouble. Me intend to let bb sleep on the cot until like 2-3 yrs old, thereafter can sleep with us or mattress.

Coffee, I started feeling the movement when I was week 18, started with v mild movement but u know it's bb, cos nothing else oredy. Be patient, it's a real joy experiencing it.

Emma, I signed up at wk 12 oso. Ya, do check wif ur gynae.

John Little having sale on Fri, so far din see any cot there hor.
Hi angelia/Yuru/are,
if u are looking for mustela stretchmark cream, can try bugis. last wk went to seiyu got 20% discount, only $39.20. dunno the sales still on or not?? btw can get from kiddy place too, but no discount, oso $49..
hi yuru... yes, i've gotten my CF lady. din bring her number w me. think i PM to yingzi previously oso.

yingzi... do u hv her number now? else, yuru, can oni give u tmr.
Hi all,

finally in my 2nd trimester! wee....
But wondering why I still don have much appitite.

Saw yr discussion abt streychmark.
When do we need to start using stretch mark cream huh?

I'm drinking the one teaspoon birdsnest now, didn't seems to notice much diff, anyway should be gd for bb ....
Yuru, yeah, my MIL is really nice to me.

wooof, your appetite will slowly increase, be patient. For me, super slow- my normal pre-pregnancy appetite only returned by week 20 or so. Before that, even though not much MS, also not much appetite. I am savouring the last 1-2 months of my good appetite before third tri, incase I kenna MS, indigestion or heartburn again.
I started using stretchmark cream since first tri, but not daily, only once in a while when I'm not lazy.
my friend told me not to buy baby cot before the baby is born and avoid getting the essentials..

She said better to have them after that. Anyone also heard of that?
Emma, that's the chinese pantang thing. Westerners often decorate the nursery and ready all items for baby's arrival.

So up to each individual's level of comfort
emma, what is the reason? then wouldnt it be quite a rush to buy everything after baby's born? I think most of us would be really tired and busy after baby's born. I would want to prepare everything for baby's arrival so that i can have ample time to do my research and plan properly, than to rush like mad when baby is out. Besides, alot of items can be used by both gender even if you're not sure whether bb is boy or girl. I think I'll finish buying everything during this great singapore sale, just nice timing before I become too big and can't shop properly.

wooof, the cream is supposed to help prevent stretchmarks, but then again, stretchmarks are genetic, so they only do that much, the rest up to your genes.
yuru... she's a local, so no nid permit. but she is quite ex, @ $1,800. when's your EDD? cant find your name on angelia's list?
wooof, you are same week as me (12) and also same EDD! so i'm in my second trimester already? my appetite is still pathetic and the ms is still around and pretty intense at times as well. heard some people will continue to feel the ms until week 14 - looks like I may be one of the unlucky ones
me tomolo in wk13 liao. but ms still on & off, esp in the morning seems worse than previous wk! My gynea say unlucky one will have MS for the whole 9 mths!!! well, hope we are not that type. Anyway gynea say normally shld feel better by 4th mth lor...
TBL - wow cannot imagine how to tahan 9 months of MS! I heard of that happening but I figure since I'm the never-strike-lottery kind, this shouldn't happen to me. Even another month sounds like torture to me. I was hoping it would be better this week but I've been rushing to the toilet with tissue over my mouth about twice a day so far..
hi kypf and tbl,
i'm in my 14th week but MS also still on & off and still haven't regain my appetite yet...and even more tired than last week...sigh, dunno when i'll feel better...
kypf/tbl... my MS oni weaned off totally in 15-16wks, so dun lose heart okie? i oso tot i'm the unlucky one to hv for whole 9mths, lucky not! *touchwood*

i read here tat some ppl had it worse juz b4 its totally gone, which happened to me as well. so do bear w it a while more, it will be ovr soon! jia you!!!
hi are, really? then i'll pray hard and keep my fingers crossed that this is the worse for me and i'll feel better next week...
u give me some hope liao...
i'm really worry i'll be the unlucky one since MS got worse in wk12. I'm prepared to suffer till wk 16!

peg peg, kypf,
must really bear with it. imagine after the MS gone then we can start eat whatever we want and not feeling guilty at all (eat for the sake of bb mah!)...

anyone interested in the avent manual pump? I saw it at Kiddy palace at $57 after disc and really tempted to buy. Anyone know where to get a better rate? review has indicated that it's good...
tbl and kypf,
yea, i really really can't wait for that day to come, i'm at a loss whenever MS strikes...nothing seems to ease it and i'd get very frustrated with ppl who cooks! the smell is intolerable! :p
hi all MTB,
sorry i'm very ignorant - just like to know if i need any breast pump if i do not intend to breastfeed at all? thanks...
yuru... yes, she is a stay in person even tho she's a local. then she can take care of bb @ nite mah. i was told to leave bb w her so can sleep well during the 1st mth lor. not sure if i bear to do it! :p no one helping me oso, my salary go to her lor.
berry, kypf, TBL, are, peg peg

Crossing my fingers that it wouldn't last too long for you. Sound so poor thing, don worry , will sure go off one.

My MS not as bad, just feeling extremely tired and lots of headaches. but slighlty better now.

Which hospital u going to?
Maybe we will pass by each other, haha, like those drama...

<font color="ff6000">angelia</font>
tot i heard dr explained to me wrongly, was wondering how come i still need to pay for detail scan @ TMC .. hehe..

<font color="ff6000">hi coffee</font>
welcome to the thread

i tink mothercare's sale ends ard 13/14 June
shd still be able to get the pump with 2x 4oz bottle @ $57
<font color="ff6000">emma</font>
how hv u been?
im still given folic acid even though i was in 12wks when i went for chkup last wk
i've signed up my package on my 2nd visit (5wks) @ $550

my appetite has definitely gotten better
can eat more for dinner now ..hee
as usual, if hungry a bit, will feel nauseous lor
but i dun realli snack a lot, mayb these few days im realli bz, no time to tink abt it ..
however, i do still feel tired lor.. esp at the end of each day, keep

<font color="ff6000">yingzi</font>
hope u can see ur bb's gender tonite!

stretchmark cream
i bought stretchmark cream from guardian pharmacy last wk .. Boots is the brand @ $18.90 ..
i started applying last wk.. ks
<font color="ff6000">are</font>
dun tink so right? since u not gg to bf, there's no need for u pump ur bm.
coz i tot once start pumping, body will tend to produce more

juz asked my mum for her opinion if i shd get a pump (i keep typing PIMP !!!
), she say i bf my bb for 2-3 mths (ie during maternity leave) can liao.. so now am still tinking whether i need or not ...

dun wan to miss out gd deal .. kekeke...
Hullo ladies,

Ya ya, can see my bb gender yesterday. Me having bb girl, so now can start doing up the nursery room and buying clothings for her.
Now at week 20, she is oredy weighing 500-600g, think tat is quite heavy right.

SLK, my triple test result all shows normal (thank god!) but gynae still refers me to do a detailed scan at Thomson. My gynae mentioned it will costs $90+, just booked a schedule.

Chihiro, me oso using Boots, actualli tat one quite ok and think can be used throughout my pregnancy. I started using tat when I was week 10 I think.

Yest at my gynae clinic, saw a mother carrying her new born bb for her check up, haiz can't wait to see and carry mine too.
yingzi, gender of your baby is 100% confirmed liao? Anyway, if your baby is growing too big, gynea will tell you. If gynea says fine, then is okay. I also can't wait to finally carry baby in my arms keke..
are, peg peg, tbl,
actually i am quite an "optimist" because every morning i wake up thinking "maybe this will be the day the MS stops!" unfortunately the day has not come yet.

last night for some reason i was really tired and slept from 7-11pm and again from 12am till this morning. is there any such thing as "sleeping too much"? because i still feel tired this morning.
hi kypf,
same here, i was still telling my hubby that every morning i wake up hoping to be a human bcos i feel like less than half a human every day!
and i've been very tired lately too and always trying to think of excuses not to come to work whenever i wake up in the morning!

furthermore, the weather has become cooler so how nice if i can sleep in!!!

hi yingzi,
congrats! wow, your princess is really big!

it's ore reassuring to do a detailed scanning
when is yours scheduled??

i'm like you... always envy mothers carrying newborns. also can't wait to see my boy
