(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

I haven't started my calculations but i'm surprised it's so much! This excludes the gynae fees, delivery and everything...it's indeed exp to raise a child in sgp.

I read that triple test is typically done bet 15-18 wks. By 18-22 wks pp wd usu be doing the detailed scan oredi.

I went down JL to see the cot...decided to get one with wheels instead. Is there a motherhood fair or something like that next month?

Berry - thanks. That's what I was thinking too. So you help me to reaffirm. It's supposed to be done between 15-18 weeks of pregnancy, according to my gynae, so I think I would have to decide soon, otherwise.

not sure when is the best time for the triple test as different websites give different range. the folic acid is suppose to be part of the multivit. the vitamin contents of obimin are listed on the bottle. if your packaging does not have the label than you can just take a look at the obimin bottle at guardian pharmacy.

Motherhood fair is next week at the singapore expo.

Motherhood 2004
Hall 5B
02-Jun-04 to 06-Jun-04
Start Time: 12:00; End Time : 22:00

Me and hubby confirm going becos 5 bus stops from our home and PC Show is on.
triple test is fr wk15~18 har? kekekek... then may be i mixed up with the detail scan liao. no wonder doc told me must make decision by wk 16 lah! :p

motherhood fair coming har? thks for the info. i think will be going too.
btw u chose raffles hospital? Me still thinking whether to chose raffles or Mt A leh.. most probably is Raffles. Then dunno wan 2 bedded or 1 bedded? Hubby is supportive for me to chose 1 bedded, but i worry if any complication arise **choy!! touchwood** then may increase the bill size a lot leh.
for me, I did my triple test when I was wk 16 and wk 21, I'm going for my detailed scan. As a reference to you.

ya me will be going too, dunno wat is there to buy. Mothercare started the sale oredy right?

so good, u bought all the big items oredy. Me haven't yet, onli buy those smaller ones onli and not complete somemore. Hopefully this GSS can complete all my purchases. Wow, so much!!!! I just bought a few clothings for gai gai use onli, the rest all get from sisters and colleagues, things like mittens, booties, hats, bibs...so save quite a bit from there.
joyful, yeah, its excluding gynea fees, hosp bills and confinement. Its only baby items. Quite alot huh? I was also a little surprised. but well, many things can be reused for second child, so that could save some later.

kypf, actually you only need to decide with your hubby whether you'll keep the child regardless of positive/negative results. If you'll keep your baby, then no need to think cause there's no point doing the test.

I am choosing one bedded becos I want to have my hubby stay overnight. Maybe that is why your hubby prefers 1-bedded, in case you want his company after labour. Also baby can sleep with you instead of nursery. If you want to go for the tour of the maternity ward you can call this number 63111666 and make a booking.

In case of complications *touchwood* both hospitals would be costly since both are private.

My gynae is from the raffles medical group so we just choose raffles hospital. we both grew up in that area so we feel comfortable. bugis junction next door if you didnt bring enough stuff, temples and churches nearby so can offer thanks after delivery.

Maybe you go for the hospital tour then decide whether you like the place.
thks, i will make a booking for the tour then.

The items on sale at mothercare is on this page, its until 13th of June.

There is a shopping list on this website so you can print and cross out what you already got or dont need to get. Like I dont need car seat becos no car.


The list is split into essential products / Nice to have Products / Luxury Products is quite useful. There is one section for preggies and one section for babies on the same webpage
me thihking of skipping the triple test too! i;m terrified of blood tests and all...... my gynae says that it's optional for mothers below 35 yrs old coz we fall into the low risk group.... also the test is only 60% accurate..... to me, it may not be that useful.... will prob wait for detailed scan to be done at 5 months then decide.....
yes it can have false negatives... the test is not conclusive... it just indicates whether u are in the high or low risk gp..... after doing the test, nad if placed in high risk group, it doesnt confirm that your baby has down's or neural problems.... it just means that u have to take the aminocentices test to confirm it.... the aminocentices test is 99% accurate but carries a risk of miscarriage
Hi all,

I am new here..

I am current 15wks into my pregnancy.. hv started to take calcium & multi-vitamin 2 wks ago.. start to hv constipation since then! acc.to my friend, multi-vit is the one tat cause constipation.. was wondering if u gals hv the same problem? can i stop taking it?
chantelle, me not really terrified of blood tests but i've got blood taken out of me 3 times this year already, some more at least check up i had low blood pressure
but the real reason is like berry i also don't think i will abort if really there's something wrong, so i'll rather not know and live with the final result whatever it is.
if your stand is as such then there really isn't any purpose in testing...... unless you wan some mental preparation for what is to come.... but even then, it's only 60% sure...... how about deciding after the detailed scan has been done? the detailed scan can pick up some down's and neural problems cases......

i have low bld pressure too and am slightly anemic... do u get fainting spells? i fainted a couple of days ago
Thks rochelle, nothing appeals me, can save my trip down.

Oh, yest was having nose bleeding, was so terrified cos I was at home alone and can't seem to stop the blood flow, lucky it subsided after a while. Think I must be taking too much heaty stuff. haven't been having nose bleeding for donkey years, and it just occurs so sudden.
<font color="aa00aa">baby88,</font>
juz drink more water or prune juice.. will help relieve constipation.

the vitamins R for ur bb &amp; ur benefit.. better take if u dun want ur bb or ur own health to be affected.. well, unless u'r sure u'r taking sufficient calcium &amp; such every day lor

<font color="aa00aa">yingzi,</font>
oh, the sonographer will let u see for a while. but it's only after she finish the detailed scan lah
kypf, I'm not taking any of the tests either. Like Berry, my hubby and I decided that we will keep the baby no matter what, so there's no point doing the tests. And I don't want to get kancheong since the test is not conclusive. My gynae says she'll do the detailed scans anyway, and I think that should be enough.
Hi angelia,

i drink more than 2L of water everyday + prune juice.. but it still doesn't help leh!

currently oso taking 1 calcium tablet &amp; 2 cups (sometimes 1 cup) of Anmum everday.. do u think this is enough?
Hi baby88

I'm oso having constipation. Now after pass motion still got blood. Aiyo..very painful leh. I'm oso taking prune juice. Hope it helps.
TBL, I'm also opting for single bedded so that we can have all the privacy I need, plus hubby will not want me to there all alone w/o him. Also, for single room, can request for baby to room-in, good bonding time for us esp my hubby and baby.

joyful, the test is not 100% accurate, quite significant chances of false positive.

baby88 and guess_jan, try taking yogurt daily, it works for me. Also I find that a glass of raw honey water taken half an hour b4 food on an empty stomach also helps.
Yeah i noe the part abt false positive. Looks like it can be false negative too...which means even if ur test shows fine...could be wrong also. But my gynae strong encourage preggies to all go thru it so i will still go for the test.

Btw does any one know the chinese herb called gao li. I think hokkien is called ko leh...anyone can enlighten me on what's this? I heard from my boss that this is gd for preggies ..she said helps to "strengthen" pregnancy.
Yuru and berry

Thanks..i try to drink as much as i can. Hope it can cure faster...its really painful.

Today juz went to see doc..can see baby dancing. Very happy..heehee.
joyful, I guess diff gyneas have diff opinions, cause my gynea is very supportive of us not taking the test. He says it causes unnecessary anxiety and I don't tihnk he is pro-abortion in the first place. Well, just go with your own comfort level.

Not sure what is gao li (I dun think you're referring to Gao Li Shen rite?), but best to do proper research on the herb before taking it. I havent dared to take any herbs apart from cordyceps (and birdnest, not birdnest is not herb.) so far. Even the Shi2 San1 Tai4 Bao3 concoction taken in olden days to strengthen pregnancy also I dun dare to take.
I only know its called "ko leh"..not sure the chinese name. She said its not a form of ginseng. Yeah i plan to ask eu yan seng since their staff more knowledgeable. I also dun dare to anyhow eat herbs. I may not buy/ eat it ...just want to know more info at this stage.

As for 13 tai bao, my boss ate them during her preg...she got no problem.
hey mums to be...

long time nv come in...been busy with my work...sigh...busy at the wrong time..feel so stressed...dun noe my baby affected a not when i am stressed....

by the way...been craving for durians....been eating it for the last few days.....sigh...some ppl say durian good for baby....some say not good...me in a lost...dun noe who to believe
I only know its called "ko leh"..not sure the chinese name. She said its not a form of ginseng. Yeah i plan to ask eu yan seng since their staff more knowledgeable. I also dun dare to anyhow eat herbs. I may not buy/ eat it ...just want to know more info at this stage.

As for 13 tai bao, my boss ate them during her preg...she got no problem.
adeline, your baby is definitely affected when you're stressed/unhappy. The best thing you can do for your unborn baby is to keep yourself happy and cheerful. High-strung and mothers who are often depressed (not saying you, just saying in general) produce babies who cries more often and cries in higher pitches. The best way to have a happy baby is to stay happy yourself during this period.
Some people believe preggies who eat alot of durians guve birth to heavier and bigger babies, I kinda believe a little of this myself, so I dun dare to take too much.
hi berry,
i bought the Johnson Cot at Robinsons last night. Bought the Oak color. You? I wanted the dark wood color but most people advised me not to cos dark wood attract mosquitoes.

hi angelia,
you are right. ideally the age gap should be 2 years apart. but i find it quite 'siong' leh.... maybe 3 yrs is better
Hi ladies,
how do u want to decorate the bb room? for me i plan to engage someone to paste those high quality, nice and sweet wallpaper instead of re-paint the wall. but hubby dun think it's a good idea as wallpaper may not last long. well, do u paste any wallpaper @ yr house? any comments on the quality?

ko leh..yes that is what my MIL put in the bird nest. cannot put too big piece coz the medicine hall says very heaty but it is very pu...
Sorry for the last reply
Thanks for your info about bloated stomach and lower abdominal area pain.
Thanks that you have the systom too.
Doc say is normal lor..
Say I worry too much.. cos like every 2 days i go for checkup and scanning..

Feel so paisey..
cos really feel like mense pain and so scare that my chair will stained with "Red"

You know I also hear some pple told me about some bad incident like baby die in the stomach... yeeee
but i always tell myself.. please dun worry so much

about the stomach pain you mentioned.
My Gynae say is normal lor.. Dun worry..
But cos most of friend dun experience this and just heard one have experience and has a miscarriage ..
Yo,, so scarry..

Dun worry about the MC taken lor..
Safefy first
My gynae say multi-vitamin will cost constipation lor.
That why i eat liao got very serious constipation..
(Normally, I do faced constipation liao.. after eating more worst). Need to inform to my gynae..
Also my stool are black in colour.. may be too nutrious liao
So what's benefits of ko leh? Any idea what it's called in chinese? I also heard that it's very heaty. Well all bu ping usu very heaty.
SLK, I bought the Johnson cot in natural wood(lightest shade) cause I thought the lighter the less obvious when baby starts chewing on it LOL.

TBL, I dun plan to have baby room. No space and too troublesome to have baby in another room cause I'm planning to BF.
hi all,

went for my gynae appt this afternoon. so far all seems well, baby's arms were moving about, hubby was so amused. asked my doc about the bad pains in my lower abdomen but she said it was normal. also confirmed I am not doing my triple blood test. funny, cuz joyful's gynae is for it, berry's gynae is against it, but mine is like totally neutral "it's up to you".

the ironic thing is that my gynae said this is the start of the "honeymoon" period for me but ever since i woke up from my nap i've been feeling terrible! i snacked on some almonds as i could feel my stomach rumbling, and threw them all up soon after. after throwing up stomach still felt queasy and sure enough, few hours later threw up some horrible, dirty yellow coloured, bitter-sour liquid. think that's bile or gastric juice or something? is this the "intense" period before the honeymoon arrives that some of you experience?
kypf, everyone's 'honeymoon' trimester starts diff timing. For some, theirs start as early as week 12 pr 13. For me, my MS improved only week 14-15 and my appetite increased properly only week 17-18 onwards.
I still have some discharge on and off and stomach also feel a bit tight. But my gynae is away till 7 June. Wonder why like that.

I am thinking of seeing another gynae.
When the gynae scan my tummy he did not tell me the parts of the baby only tell me the size and heartbeat.
Is it ok to see the gynae two times in a week? I just had my scan on wed and today need to visit another one as got discharge.
Emma, now school holidays starting ma. So think gynaes also want to take leave/holiday. My gynae also will be away end of June so my next visit is more than a month away. When you say discharge is there blood in the discharge, as otherwise I think it's normal to have some discharge. But if you don't feel comfortable better to see gynae anyway.
Hi, do any of you know if it is okay for us, that is, pregnant women, to take manuka honey? I have a terrible sore throat and it feels like my entire throat is burning up! But don't want to take medication in case it affects the foetus. Any idea what I can do? Please help! Thank you!

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ wk 31-May
.. .. .. .. .. . EDD .. . Week

aurora ......... 08/09/04 wk 25
cubbiebb ....... 12/09/04 wk 26 MAH / B
expecting_mum .. 12/09/04 wk 26 TMC / B
lilo ........... 20/09/04 wk 24 TMC / G
mom ............ 20/09/04 wk 24 MAH / B
berry .......... 21/09/04 wk 24 TMC / G
bebechic ....... 26/09/04 wk 23 MAH / G
ww ............. 29/09/04 wk 23 KKH / ??
pets ........... 03/10/04 wk 22 TMC / G
angelia ........ 04/10/04 wk 22 TMC / G
SLK ............ 08/10/04 wk 21 GEH / B
yingzi ......... 10/10/04 wk 21 MAH / G
heather ........ 10/10/04 wk 21 GEH / B
blisse ......... 11/10/04 wk 21 GEH / G
are ............ 12/10/04 wk 21 MEH / G
mtmtmt ......... 18/10/04 wk 20 ESH / ??
dee ............ 22/10/04 wk 19 GEH / ??
micky .......... 23/10/04 wk 19 GEH / B
yeeyee ......... 24/10/04 wk 19
cosmo .......... 01/11/04 wk 18
AC ............. 06/11/04 wk 19
joyful ......... 20/11/04 wk 15
peg peg ........ 22/11/04 wk 15 MAH / ??
melbb .......... 26/11/04 wk 16
sybil .......... 26/11/04 wk 16
chihiro ........ 02/12/04 wk 14
TBL ............ 02/12/04 wk 14
rochelle ....... 02/12/04 wk 14 RH / B
plong .......... 08/12/04 wk 13 KKH / ??
woof ........... 08/12/04 wk 13
kypf ........... 08/12/04 wk 13 GEH / ??
emma ........... 09/12/04 wk 13
jen ............ 09/12/04 wk 13
melody ......... 20/12/04 wk 13
chantelle ...... 12/12/04 wk 13
guess .......... 12/12/04 wk 13 MEH / ??
wendypooh ...... 22/12/04 wk 11 GEH / ??
oranges ........ 22/12/04 wk 11 TMC / ??
jov ............ 05/01/05 wk 09

<font color="ff0000">GEH - GlenE, MAH - Mt A; MEH - Mt E; ESH - East Shore; RH - Raffles</font>
<font color="119911">remind me if I left u out or get ur date wrong</font>


<font color="aa00aa">baby88,</font>
hmm.. since u taking calcium tablet everyday, guess no need to drink 2 glasses of Anmum liao

i'm drinking 1 glass of FrisoMum/EnfaMama, no extra calcium tablets. i asked my gynae, he says the multivit he gave alr hv sufficient iron &amp; calcium

maybe u can try the methods the gals mentioned.

<font color="aa00aa">adeline,</font>
me oso took durians last wkend. Sat took, Sunday took again

durian sld be good for bb (high nutritional value) &amp; will result in big babies. so if u dun eant ur bb to be under/avg weight, take some
but shld be taken in moderation cos might cause gestational diabetes.

<font color="aa00aa">micky,</font>
ur MIL put ko-leh or pao-sheng? cos my mum puts pao-sheng. as for ko-leh, she bought $100 to "bao" in Martell, i think. she says that's for me after birth..

<font color="aa00aa">young jes,</font>

wanna post ur EDD, current wk u'r in &amp; hospital u intend to deliver? oh, if u noe ur bb gender, can let us noe too

<font color="0000ff">triple test</font>
personal opinion.. it's good to go for the test, be it positive or negative, be it u'r keeping or not keeping regardless of results..

if positive, at least u'r more prepared. hv more time to look up info now &amp; more prepared to handle the bb when bb's born.

if tested negative, at least hv a peace of mind
