(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

yes, I asked her yes/no questions, but no response, but i'm not giving up!

she does not take UHT milk, still on milk powder, so i pack a bun for her to eat if she refused the food there

i will try to relate to her my day's event and see how she reacts....thanks!

kelly and little prince
FIL - i was telling my hubby his father is a stalker!!

oh, Yingxin finally succumbed to wailing this morning when we told her we need to leave for work; she cried so hard that she threw out her milk feed

so heart wrenching to see her behave like that
there was another girl who yelled and cried louder, than her, i guess she could have been affected or she may have realised that it is a permanent arrangement to go to school on a daily basis
puff, I read that its v common to start crying after they seem to take well to it for few consecutive days or even a week or two. Reason being that the novelty factor that gets them hooked n distracted in the first few days is worn off and since no more mystery factor, school seems less appealing in comparism to mummy's company (see? heh they think we are the greatest :p). Faye had some seperation anxiety too after a week or two. I guess it will take some time for YX to grow to accept and love sch as part of her daily life. Meanwhile, dont feel too bad, since she loved it till now, it prob only means that she does like sch, except that she hated to part with you. For Faye, it helped alot that after before sch, I keep reinforcing in a cheerful and happy tone all the lovely stuff she will get to do and how I will *always* and definitely pick her up once school ends and so on, it helps her to visualise the end of the sch and how she gets to see me in the end (cause sometimes mentally they are stuck with the parting image and nothing else comes into that mental picture). But I am guessing that u are prob oredi doing all these liao heh. Anyway, dont feel too down abt it

lil devil, haha I am not so particular abt floor, but I like to make sure that the kitchen counter tops are cleaned n all dishes are washed before we sleep. Cause its v demoralising and not v nice to wake up to see dirty kitchen counters and dirty dishes first thing in the morning. Wat are you watching currently?
Wahaha on the conversation u overheard, so farnny :p
oh I just click along the "play" bar. Some serials really draggy, not important parts just skip! :p I'm the sort must finish entire serial in 1 night. Those Jewel in Palace types are killers- sooo draggy and long. So now I pick the ones that have less episodes. Sometimes skip episode also. As for functioning, err, I see 1 or 2 serials then rest for a very long while before picking up again. Like past few days nose running constantly blow nose, and sore throat can't read much to A, I caught The Banquet (movie) and Princess Lulu (K-serial) on crunchyroll lor.
MT, omg one SERIAL in one night?! Then er... you enjoy it this way ah? I think if I fast forward so much, cannot enjoy the drama leh :p Then how long u take to finish your fast-forwarded serial? Then next day you still got energy to care for 2 kids ah?
pcs - after your exam in Mar, you will complete your studies liao ah?

Conversation - Rhyan related this to me: *Took an NTUC diaper and gave it to me when I asked him to take a MP diaper to change before going to bed* "Chee How (his classmate) diaper. Chee How shee shee! Teacher change!" *I tried to put on the MP diaper for him* "Don't want! Want Chee How diaper!" Now every night, I need to put on the NTUC diaper for him and change it to the MP one after he has fallen asleep! :p

puff - then did you all stay on or leave when yx cried in CC today? do you think your FIL will step in if he sees yx crying like that in school?
ummm.... okie lah i admit...... sometimes can do WITHOUT cleaning the fllor BUT i will make sure my kitchen is clean and not messy. its really very sian to see such messy kitchen first thing in the morning, will spoil my mood wan so kitchen is a must!!!!!

the series is aabout a men, age 40 and he is 1 weird and funny guy. and his behaviour is funny too and he usually offend others ard him without even realizing it himself. the series is KEKKON DEKINEI OTOKO, dun know name in english, really funny!! hes 1 irritating guy and becos of his weird behaviour and such, he cant find himself a GF / wife.
pcs, yah... so I'm chasing the last 2 episodes... hehehe...

medusa, thanks! I din know got such a website... suaku... =P but, the activex told me to install some antispyware thingy before I can access the website... must install ah? ONE SERIAL IN ONE NIGHT?!? faintz...

lildevil, the boy 2 really very smart leh!! hahaha...

puff, oh dear... u must have been stressed... but don't worry, I'm sure it's a phase...

lilprince, erm... Jean wears NTUC diapers to zzz leh... u afriad will leak is it? So far, it's ok for her...
Refused to go to school
Keira also going through this phase.
she bawled even before we reach her class.
What should i do. Just leave her there? or should i give in to her request??
If you give in to their request they will constantly bawl..coz they know it works. I won't give in to Ryan's request of not going to sch..unless he is sick or we have other impt things to do for that day.
NTUC diapers can only tahan max 4 hours for Rhyan. When he goes to bed at 9pm and I dozed off with him and I wake past 1am, his pyjamas would be wet liao. So, I must change by midnight.

wahahaha! you sound so happy about your promotion! :p Congrats yeah!

when Rhyan cries upon reaching CC, I usually stay with him till he allows me to go. he will insist that I carry him and as I carry him, I try to distract his separation anxiety with the fun things in CC, see what his friends are doing and try to ask him to join them. once he shows signs of interest in what they are doing and attempt to join them, i will tell him i am going off to work and ask him to say goodbye and give me a kiss. at times, the staff at CC will also try to help by using other activities to attract him so that he will allow me to leave.

I don't wish to walk off from the CC with Rhyan crying. I will assure him that I will only leave with his permission. So far, he does let me go after I accompany him for a while. I am prepared though, that if there is a day that he doesn't let me go off, I will take half day leave or tell my boss I will be late for work.
hello mummies
really busy wif the 2 kids till no time serve the net.

CC / sick bb
Nicole had attend cc close to 2 mth and she had be sick for almost the whole duration since she in cc. so heart pain, she even spread her virus to her bb sis when she is week 5 only. I think she had seen countless doc and still no cure sigh... yest mil tell me after cny if tis still continue dun let her go cc anymore keep her at home. she tell me she can handle both during the day after i go back to work.
Any child fall sick after attending cc?
Nicole love sch very much so far she never cry since day 1 will waves happyily to us.

i put nicole in cc which is a distance from pil hse so they will not spy on her haha...
yes, i kept telling her she has her friends for company, they can read stories, sing, play, eat together and although I am not able to pick her up from school, i WILL definitely fetch her home after work, and have dinner together, shower together then off to bed together!

little prince
she cried again today, even before we stepped out of the car, she was teary and clutched to me tightly, when i tried to pacify her and handed her over to the principal, we just walked off cos the principal said she will carry her in....

yesterday however, we hover around for a while until they are out of sight
Tks for the advice. Not easy to see her bawled like that and walk off.

Tks for sharing yr experience. keira is Ok during the 1st mth. No crying and looking forward to class. she was sick for a week so we let her skip class and she refused to attend class after she recover.
Went back to finish my moral obligation to the service. After 1 year, its the end of the moral obligation, I think again. may quit. Then when kids are older go back and work again.

I hope I am not the only one not putting gabby in school as I feel that he is not ready! Sigh! But they way he clings to me before lessons made me decide that he is not ready. It seems that a lot of our babies are not
Rhyan had a few episodes of slight running nose and cough but since they were very slight, I only gave previous PD med or let him recover on his own. Maybe can get some vitamins for her to build up immune system?
My son attends childcare since he was 18 months old in Dec 05 and ever since then, he has been sick every other month, basically eating medicine almost everyday. Whenever he's sick, we will not let him go to centre and my MIL will take care of him (since she's in her family business, she's flexible on taking leave). And whenever he returns to the centre after recovering, his sickness will return again. This continue until later part of 06. We feed him multivitamins tablets everyday. Thankfully, he has not fall sick since his last visit to his PD in Nov 06. I think vitamin is very impt for childcare attending kids. To build up their immune system.
pcs, did you managed to know from her exactly why she doesnt wanna go sch? Is it an isuse with something in sch or simply cause she doesnt wan you to leave her? I think its hard for us to give advise on whether u shd continue or withdraw since none of us know kiera intimately nor did we see the state of her devastation when you had to leave. If you feel that its a matter of temporary seperation anxiety then maybe give her some time to get used to the routine. But if you feel that the problem is deeper than that, as in she is truly not ready to independent school yet, then follow your instincts lor. My concern abt making kids go to sch if they are *truly* not ready would be that once the fear sets in and becomes a real phobia, that memory might be hard to erase and might in turn discount her future experience with sch. But then of course this is a slightly extreme example. So watch her close n follow your instincts
not very enjoyable I guess- ffwd AND muted (cos scared wake the kids), but I think better than not watching anything at all. Most of the stuff I catch are stuff which were shown on TV/ cinema and I missed
. On gd days, both kids K.O. by 8pm mah. Next day if tired, then err, I go on power-saving mode lor, dun run abt so much :p . Of cos cant do that often too- like today run out whole day... went to see play, lunch with friends, jalan abit, music class, supermkt.

jen, I din d/l anything, in fact after registration, mine is still "email not verified" :p yet. Dun care lah, can watch for now.

I have no idea.
But I suspect I'd be the sort to pull her out... *cross my fingers she dun cry!*
MT, haha, I forgot your kiddos can KO by 8pm :p sometimes Faye hasnt even taken her dinner at 8pm, I guess if Faye KO by 8pm, I'll prob be watching myself heh.
Keira has been enjoying school since her 1st day. The turning point is when she falls sicks and she did'nt go to school for one week. She was very unhappy on the 1st day she goes back to school. My HB says she might be feeling left out as the other kids knew how to sing the new songs they learnt during her absence.
After a week , she fall sick again and missed another 2 lessons and she refused to go to school since.
Luckily HB is very patient with her, He keep on trying, taking the time to let her "explore the place", distracting her with stickers and insisted on accompaning her (even though the teacher wanted him to leave the class)
This give keira the assurance and she can sit through the lessons with Daddy around.
Today keira was more willing to attend class. Hopes this continue :p

U withdrew Kieran from school?
Anyway i agree wif u its more impt that both keiran & u are happy
i was about to leave, then saw cindy sitting there alone i think, then saw your hubby walking up to her, so I went up to say hi...Cindy's fringe is so long....
I went to the dentist today! Thought I cracked my tooth or something serious, turns out it's gum inflammation (think a sharp bone fragment hit my gum while chewing food, oops). Anyway got my teeth cleaned... I have receding and bleeding gums, not gum disease but "presence of bacteria".
But nothing much I do abt it other than the usual dentalcare routine.

Took opportunity to get A's teeth checked out. She saw me sit in the dentist chair throughout my cleaning (dragged my mum along to jaga her cos now A is not as guai-guai-sit-there as a few mths back). So by the time I got A to sit in the dentist chair, she wasn't too alarmed, obediently opened her mouth for dentist to check (I practice at home with her- tell her to say "ahhh" and "eeee"). Dentist said 2 last upper molars still not erupted through, the rest all in and... NO CAVITY! NO SURFACE DECAY! NO NEED TO DO ANYTHING ON HER FOR NOW! :D :D :D :D :D I'd been worried cos just found out a gf's tod (same age as A) has to go for 3mthly scheduled cleaning due to "surface decay" from drink-milk-in-bed habit.

Dentist said to carry on brushing WITHOUT fluoride toothpaste (apparently swallowing the fluoride causes white patches on adult teeth when it comes through). Athena can spit medicine very well but not sure if she'd spit toothpaste as efficiently :p . I explained A's still taking the bedtime bottle as a comfort thing- she must have it in teat not straw form, I must hold the darn bottle for her, and she will knock out midway. I can't wake her to brush teeth cos she precisely wants to KO using the bottle, but I do try to dilute the milk hoping there's less sugars. Dentist suggested I use a cloth to clean the inside of teeth (where the tongue pushes against) *after she's asleep* cos she says there's alot of natural sugars in milk and when decay starts, it's NOT ONE TOOTH BUT THE ENTIRE ROW. *faint*

Quite happy, if I dun crack my tooth or something, dun need to see dentist for another 6mth :p .
Hello mummies

Quite ashamed to say that I've gone MIA for quite a while. Too caught up with work since my last posting :p

Anyway, i'm back here to my most trust-worthy information point. Very very glad that the forum is going strong after 2.5yrs! I can't imagine pregnancy and caring for then-infant jodie without this place.

Anyway, Jodie has recently been expressing great interest to go to "school". She's been "nagging" me every night that she wants to follow nanny's daughter to school and she very happily imitates kids at TinyTots whilst observing them outside.

So, my question now is, where is a good place to send her for proper playgroups? Not one of those 1hr sessions where kids learn to tumble or climb. I'm looking for 1/2 day playgroups which teaches words/numbers/phonics as well.

I guess u girls would probably have discussed this long time ago. Sorry to make u all repeat yourselves. But would really appreciate it if u know any good schools around punggol/sengkang.
yuru, I was referring to the same playschool I told you about. Faye has been attending her playschool alone right from beginning, I only accompanied her for first 2-3 lessons. Of course in between there were periods of sepseration anxiety which had to be worked out and so on.

Pcs, your hb is really great for being so patient with Kiera, kudos to him! :D If seperation anxiety is the main problem in your case, then his patience will def help to assure her and help build her confidence to attend sch independently. A securely attached and assured tod is usually more independent and confident than one who isnt, imo.
hi littleprince / Jesebelle

Thank on the info on vitmin. B4 gog sch we feed her cod liver oil thinking is enough never know it still lack just started her on other vit too. In fact her cc will feed them vit c tablet daily.

she had been eating medicine almost everyday since dec and see countless doc. The GP doc tell me it common for kid gog cc and will last for alomost a year. I nearly faint when i heard and mil insit if by cny still like tat will withdraw her. I leave it to hubby to talk to her.
She cough terrible during nite time but day time is quite ok. She keep throwing out after the last nite feed.

Nicole love gog to sch too but we do observe the day after she absent she tend to be clingy when we send her there but after a while she ok alry.

Finally got chance to show Jeralyn pic.

I agree that assurance makes our kids confidant.
HB was complaining to me that since he understand keira more than the teacher, he shld be the one to decide when to leave keira alone.wah....so fierce.....

i also feel that one day absence have great effects on our tods.

oh Jodie looks so sweet.....and still so chubby :p
good info you have for me.....Yingxin also needs her bottle before bedtime, but luckily she will remind me to let her brush her teeth before she sleeps

she is teething her very first molar, but position looked to me like it is the 2nd molar on the chart! got bitten by her yesterday when i asked to check

strange thing is she only has central incisor and lateral incisor for the longest time, both lower and upper, but no signs of cuspid yet?

hi hi....so long never "see" you....aww, Jodie is so sweet and cute! chubby looking too
Wendy, Jeralyn looks really cute! aww... i miss holding a little bundle of joy.

Supposed to have planned to have no.2 last yr but damn work has taken over our lives.


wah seh... seems like u girls have mostly moved on to sending your toddlers to "school" already! gee... now i feel really guilty for putting it off. Same ol' excuse for being too bz and all.... sigh...

Gotta learn to prioritise. New year resolution :p

so... first thing first... any playgroups to recommend? What did u girls look out for before u signed up your toddlers at the school?

good grief... now then I'm starting to do my homework on schools. Hope I'm not too late.

Is there a certain date to register?

Arghhhhhh!!! I've got too many questions. Don't know where to start.
Hello PCS and Puff!

yar... it's been a while since I've "talked" to u girls.

wow... i'm amazed... 23 mummies with 2(!!) kids already.


Life for me mostly revolves around Jodie and work still. Jodie has sensitive airways so she's down with the sniffles every 2 weeks or so.

Extremely exhausting... she's perpetually on steroid sprays to "dry-up" her airways. Gotta wake up at unearthly hours to administer the spray every time she comes down with the cold.

I looked at my medical expenses and realised we made the PD richer by $1000 last year alone.

Can't imagine the situation if and when she goes to "school".

I know she likes to interact with people and she loves songs and dances. So, I guess I'll have to be prepared for more frequent bouts of colds when she does enrol in school. I just hope it won't take too high a toll on her health.
wah!!! so many postings laio!! hee... was pretty busy with quinn as hes into his WHINING / ANGRY phase again... OOPS!

last nite 1 hour after dinner, quinn complained that his tummy ache *didnt really hear that from him before* then i monitor awhile and he says his tummy still hurts. i just kept thinking about what could be wrong..??..?? i only knows that his shorts is very tight *ard the waist band* and also he ate alot for dinner and was running and jumping straight after!!! then i worry.... APPENDICITIS!!!!!!!!!!thinking of all those running and jumping afetr his meal and he cant really stand straight, holding his tummy with both hands and bending forward. then we went KKH to check. during the car ride, he seems okie. as i didnt belt him up his his carseat as i tot its pretty uncomfy if hes having such pain and being belted up so we sat infront. hes playing with everything ard him... buttons.... on radio off radio and didnt complain of pain. after we reached KKH, hubby drop us while he park the car and we went in for registration. he seems fine and its sooooo packed in KKH!!! heard alot of bad bad coughing, and vomitting and such so i tot its not worth to risk quinn caugting those virus if hes fine..? so i told hubby tat why not we hang ard KKH *OUTSIDE* and monitor for awhile. so quinn is running and playing for that half an hour or so. then i talk to him, ask him if its still painful. he says no more pain but i just wanna confirm if he gets me right. i ask him "just now when we were at home is ur tummy pain"? he says "yessss" then i ask again "now does ur tummy still hurts"? he says "now okie, no more" so we just went home after that

heee.... what a scare last nite
and we went home after awhile, no supper though... :p

oh dear... me also standby liao.... as i know many kids constantly sick while in CC and quinns pd says tats normal too... but if u withdraw her out now and in future when u put her back again, will it be like starting tat falling sick period all over again?

i dun know wat is my take if this happens as me also cant bear to see kids keep falling sick, so heart pain if its for quinn case, hes not taking his medicine well and meaning most of the time is FORCE FEEDING... more heartpain then. all i know about building immune is balance diet, enough water, rest and also the emotion of a kid plays a part too in here. besides tat will be vits and all and falling sick itself is building immune too sad to say.

so now no more skool for K?

so now u can stop worrying about A teeth condition

i intend tolet quinn attend a skool just next block. its NOT my fav *but still okie* as i have planning. for now whenever i ask quinn does he wanna goes to skool he will say NO!! but tat time after fetching my nephew from skool he says he wanna attend skool :p but sometimes he will say no... so its yes and no situation. so i think maybe i cant rely on HIS answer totally and i plan to send him to the skool next block so call to TRIAL his readiness for maybe 1 trimester or so before switching him to that particular skool tat i wanted. the neighbourhood is has good timing, from 9.30am - 11.30am and skool fees is very very affordable *so can use this to trial* i just want to see how is he when attending skool and such and even if certain days he cant attend his class its still okie *in terms of the low skool fees* and also its soooo very near my place. so if everything seems okie and he seems to be able to adapt easily to new environment, i will sign him up for the skool i plan initially.

ur gal soooo sweet!!
i think i only saw Apple Tree and one CC at the community centre. can't remember the CC's name but they don't have half day CC so i didn't check further.

jodie looks so different now, i can hardly recognize her!

i don't have recommendations for Punggol area coz i only concentrated on Simei area then. you are looking for half day CC? then who is going to fetch jodie after that? nanny?
lil devil, hmm I feel that it takes quite alot for a child this young to settle into their school, familiarise with the teachers/classmates, get used to the routine and know whats going on. If quinn really does settle well into sch and grows to love and look forward to it, it might be quite a shock for him to be pulled out and have to get used to another school/teachers/classmates/routine/environment all together again. Plus, I feel that just because a tod loves a particular sch doesnt mean that they will love every other sch in the country. So if he likes this neighbourhood sch, it doesnt mean he might also like the other one; Similarly, if he doesnt like this one, it doesnt mean that he will not like the other one? So if he settles down well then why not let him continue? Or if you dont like this long term for some reason, then maybe you send him to the other one from the beginning? Just my opinion lar
Yah I'm worried abt her teeth cos HB and I spend alot of $ at dentist for our problems.

A been attending accompanied "sch", and I'm trying to eliminate some classes cos it's ridiculous to spend that amt of $ mthly on a not-even-3yr old! No offence to others who can afford it lah. Everytime after each class, I ask her whether she liked it/ fun/ come again, she says yes. Got HB to interrogate her for her preferences, same thing. Now I really feel very frustrated- which one to cut? And if I cut the ones I feel don't have as much "added value" but she enjoys it so much, I feel guilty.
Plus I spend so much time bringing her to these classes, there's no way to slot anything in for Irvin. Irvin almost 8mth never been to swim or GUG or JG or Gymboree or Yoga trial. Then again I think Ahboy will not sit down to listen to storytelling...
*Sorry let me whine lah*

And I'm still colossal... how to face people asking me if I'm preggy for CNY? Still blowing my nose and coughing, can forget abt grab buddha feet/ exercise.

Gabby used to eat anything. Nowadays, he is turning vegetarian! He will eat only rice, vegetables, carrots and tofu. Fish is consumed when he feels like it. Anything else, he does not like, he spits out all the time. I wonder if all tots go through a terrible eating phrase like him? I am just worried about having a balanced diet.... sigh
no schools to recommend around Punggol cos Yingxin attends one at Tanjong Katong area

i'm using Gerbers Shampoo on Yingxin, not too bad, nice smell.....i think with conditioner, hair should feel softer?
hmm... no recommendations around punggol/sengkang huh. cham ah... how... how?

I was looking at gingerbread at St Anne's wood but it's a bit difficult for nanny to bring her to/fro school.

I know there are a few childcare centres around punggol but have no idea how they are like. Is there any websites which I can find a list of schools sorted by area? I went to MOE's site but it wasn't very good.

Tough decision.

Wendypooh, Little Devil, where do u girls send your toddlers? Who else staying around me ah? Can't remember :p
Thank you for all the compliments on Jodie :p I know she's still chubby. Good for training arms whenever I carry her... hiak hiak

Any meet-ups recently? Have not met u girls for sooooo long.
Yuru, I din clarify with dentist. Oh, but I told her A is very fond of sweets and sweet stuff (like me :p ), she said to give water after eating those to reduce damage.
actually after i off my laptop then think about quinns skool issue, i also tot the same too. suddenly i sort of tell myself tat it takes alot for a toddler as in changing skool / environment and such. then i log on to the neighbourhood skool webbie to check and realized that they only conduct classes from 18 months up to 4 years old, meaning no kindergarden. so now imust decide whether to let quinn attend the skool near my place then when age 5, i will look for a skool tat has kindergarden OR i will just put him in teh other skool from now..... hmmmm......
YOU ARE BACK!!! I was wondering where were you!

Remember your Jodie and my Isabel looked like twins? Jodie is so adorable.

Little Devil
Saw your hubby and your darling last evening outside coffeeshop. I was hoping to see you.
wow, so many posts.

<font color="aa00aa">beanie,</font>
shanice also has sensitive airways. very scared when she's down with cold or cough cos usu end up having to nebulize, hiaz... 2 wks ago juz kenna again. think we also spent a bomb at the GP alr.

<font color="0000ff">Encounter at Playgound</font>
abt 2 wks ago, brought shanice to a playgound near my mum's place that has swings. as it has only 2 swings, we have to Q up. after waiting for abt 10-15 mins, shanice has the chance to sit on the swing.

after abt 5 mins, an indian mummy with her 2 kids came along and waited at the side of the swing for shanice to come down. the boy, who's younger than shanice, was whining and crying (with NO tears) and wants to sit on the swing. after waiting for abt 2-3 mins, the mummy got "frustrated", ask shanice to "come down. enough, come down". and even allow her son to beat shanice.

meanwhile, i was trying to ask shanice to come down, in mandarin, but shanice doesn't want to, so i don't force her. somemore, the mummy was so rude, all the more i didn't want to force shanice to give way.

part of the conversation goes,
indian mummy: this is for public, not for you alone
me : yes, so you have to Q up. we also Q-ed for a while before she has a chance to sit
indian mummy: you sit so long alr, enough, my son wants to sit
me (frustrated alr cos she didn't scold her son when he hits shanice) : why should i sacrifice my child to satisfy your son? and you can even allow ur son to hit people, what kind of behaviour is that?
indian mummy : good behaviour!

when shanice still didn't come down, the mummy stop the swing, hold on to it and told shanice to "come down, or i kick you". and shanice said "no". i kept quiet (cos i was very frustrated already), and watch the lady asked shanice to come down 3x and shanice told her "no" 3x and i couldn't control myself and burst out laughing. cos i find it hilarious. imagine the conversation between an adult standing, holding 1 side of the swing, looking down at the toddler who's sitting on the swing, looking up at the adult and saying "no" forcefully for 3x, hahahhahaa...

at this point, the son smack shanice on the shoulder (too fast, i not sure if it hits shanice's face) and this time round, shanice smacks his face back and i couldn't control but burst out "good girl"
but when she wanna hit him again, i stopped her lah.

all this while i have been trying to get shanice down the swing cos going to meet my family at the hawker centre nearby but shanice just refuse to budge. and since the mummy was so rude, i juz couldn't be bothered to let her know i'm trying to get shanice off the swing. if she's been polite, i'll hv tried harder to get shanice down.

finally after a minute, they left, and the elder girl walked past behind me, and i felt some "water" near my feet. after a long while then i realise it might hv been the girl's saliva!!! my, some kind of upbringing they have.

hopefully i won't bump into that mummy again the next time i bring shanice to that playground. just our luck. it's only the 2nd time i brot shanice there (the 1st time was like 1-1.5 mths before the 2nd time) and got into argument with someone. then hor, i was actually shivering leh, cos i nvr quarrel with strangers!

thanks for the link. Very helpful!

Charsiew rice,
Of course I remember our girls looking the same

They were so tomboyish as infants hor. Any recent pics of isabel? Show leh.

yar... the BK gathering was the 1 and only 1 gathering I managed to attend. So sad... most of gathering after that we couldn't attend cos' jodie was down with something or another... sigh...


I've whittled-down the list of ccc to Learning Vision at Blk 128, Bright Kids at Blk 173D/175D/192 (?), Faith Educare at Blk 107D.

I wonder if the cccs at Punggol 24th Ave provide transportation. They are all located so deep in. If they do, then maybe I would consider them. Most have nice big compounds for the kids to run around in.

Charsiew Rice and Wendypooh,

have u 2 walked-by Learning Vision at Blk128 before? Any comments on the place?
