(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

Hi littleprince,
Can u pls help me to find out fm Rhyan CC? U wrote Rhyan's CC is at Simei & the full day CC open till 8.30pm? Is tat true?

May i noe the exact location of Rhyan's CC? Currently, Linus attend full day playgrp & they open till 7pm (latest).If we r gg to fetch linus aft 7.30pm,the sch wil chg us for a small fee. Since I'm expecting my 2nd baby it wil be better if the CC is more flexible on the opening hr.

U wan to try linus playgrp (SunflowerCEC)?

Then try for a 3rd baby la? Mayb u bingo then hv a GIRL. Me too...my 2nd one is oso a boy.

is that a hint that you are trying for No.3 already? :p

hope your 2 boys recover soon.

yar, i know what you mean. i don't have much time with Rhyan on weekdays too, we reach home around 8.30pm at times if i work late. and, put him to bed at 9pm. but, i try to make up for it by having more activities with him on weekends and cut down on TV time.

am hoping the weather is good tomorrow morning so that i can bring him to swim on my own.

I PM-ed you.
Little Prince
The weather was sunny at Bali. Suffered a bit of sunburn at shoulder despite putting on tones of sunblock for my rafting session.

My boy's teacher is an Canadian-Indonesian, ie, born in Indonesia but stayed in Canada for many years. She's also a SPR. Came to SG when her hubby was posted here almost 10 yrs ago. English wise although she speaks with an Indonesian accent, I would say her English is grammatically better than mine :p
for cooking meals for our toddlers *now tat i cook almost every day* i usually cook simple stuff. like chinese brewed soup. i put in all ingredient in slow cooker the night before so it will be ready the next day. everyone in the family can drink it. besides soup which i have it almost everyday or alternate day, i will cook those normal dishes lor.... rice, fish...... but i dun cook these everyday, too much work and also sort of sian if i eat those every day. so i will cook fried rice, noodle soup, steam egg *chawamushi* or maybe some finger food like chicken nugget *homemade*. and also i always have batch freeze stock *chicken, pork but no other ingredient in it* in my freezer just like berry, for last min cooking and such. reason for not putting any other ingredient in it as i dun feel comfortable if i have to batch freeze stock with veg. in it. and i use it as a BASE for porridge or noodle or to enhance the taste of certain dishes so i dun need to use salt or MSG. i will only add in veg. and such in SOUP, meaning consume within tat day.

for letting our toddlers staying over night is NOT a bad idea afterall. its just tat we mummies will feel guilty and such but again tats NORMAL? but when theres certain time when its doing more good than harm *actually no harm lah* like when u need to catch up some sleep or studying, its better infact? like me, after just 1 night of good rest without having to worry about things, i recovered the next day

yah!! i also feel the same but i ALWAYS remind myself tat *I* or hubby also need to have some times of our own too so to do our job better? in this case is being a better person *mummy* to quinn

ha!!!!! yah, i never stop reminding myself about tat. and i guess its getting better. i dun blame myself for things tat happen or feel guilty tat easily. i will pull myself out from those emotional tots too. i always tell myself this " I NEED TO TAKE GOOD CARE OF MYSELF BEFORE I CAN TAKE GOOD CARE OF QUINN / MY FAMILY "

hope gabe is okie now. and thanks, i am okie liao too
though this virus is pretty bad but recover quite fast also.

kypf / yuru
tats mother love ......

me okie liao

umm.... quinn sleeping pattern abit hay wired there lor. slept at ard 3am then my nephew woke up for skool at 9am he also follow him. the MIL & SIL brot him go supermarket the he knock out while SIL carrying him at ard 1pm then woke up at 2pm. then they all went to nephew skool to fetch him. then quinn insist he wanna go skool too, just like gor gor and also wanna go into nephew class :p

then at night we cele MIL bday so reach home ard 10 + then he knock out at 11pm. but cried 3 times in his sleep but still okie lah. then this woke up 12pm this afternoon :p guess hes catching up with wat he lost when hes at PIL place.

umm... normally if its not tat im seriously sick, i will not even let him go over to MIL without me in the afetrnoon. as they dun know wats his habits and sleeping pattern like so they will sort of mess up everything. but this afternoon when quinn woke up, he says he wanna go to PIL there :p and n i guess he did enjoy himself there and of cos im glad. but the only thing tat stop me is their UPBRINGING culture...... pretty diff from mine. and also they will mess up quinn schedule as in sleeping and such its it takes quite alot of efford for me to tune it back, very tiring. so for cases like me not feeling well and such, i will let go but not as in a ROUTINE tat i will send him over just to play and in return i will get more trouble :p just now i was looking at quinn and i think to myself, he REALLY needs some activities!!!!!!!!
anyone's kiddo on it? Two friends with girls similarly sized as Athena, started their girls on it. Thing is, Athena is really smaller sized than most, but cheeks and upper arms chubby lah. Fat distribution on these body parts unfortunately takes after me :p . Appetite good if it's a buffet or somewhat junky food- otherwise she's a little picky on what I call nutritious food. Though she DOES eat vegs etc. And loves chinese soup (so we give almost daily). She's lactose-intolerant particularly to fresh milk/ UHT milk so we avoid giving that- usually soymilk. Anyway she still takes at least 240ml Gain FM. Plus goatmilk supplements for calcium (my mum's idea cos she thinks A needs calcium to grow).
U think Pediasure will help her sprout a little bit more? Heard some other FM similar in composition but cheaper in price?
about this pediasure, i did gave quinn sometimes back. but during then my idea has nothing to do his size and weight. tats when hes having diarrhea since pediasure is lactose free *hes not willing to take soy or other lactose free milk* and after 1 tin or so, i did notice hes more fleshy.... ummm..... the feeling when i hold his arms is more FIRM?? but then i stop as i personally feel tat its abit heaty for him. and also after talking to his pd, he says tat lactose is very IMPORTANT for growing kids unless the kid is really lactose intolerant *meaning cant take it at all* else its still good to give F.M tat has lactose. and also i realized quinn started to eat MORE when on pediasure :p

actually if u are just worry about her size, tik maybe u should relax abit?
as u and hubby not short *rather tall* and i believe Athena will follow. and just tat maybe its not time yet? lots of my frens kids started to GROW when they are ard 4 or 5 years old, its like suddenly they grow soooo tall!!!! and maybe pediasure will help, but maybe in terms of FATS only?? so if ur concern is HEIGHT then will pediasure helps? just IMO lah.
lil devil
thanks! rhyan doesn't like soup, usually I got to mix in rice for him to take together. if noodles soup, he eats noodles but there will be soup left in the bowl. i think he prefers dry stuff like fried noodles.

for batch freeze stock, you just boil the meat (chicken / pork) in water and freeze it? i was wondering if soup ingredients can be freezed together coz i feel quite uncomfortable about it, not sure if it will cause the stock to spoil faster?

i usually take leave on a working day to rest at home (send R to CC and go nanny's place after that as like normal working days) lor. but pretty disruptive for me coz I still need to send R to CC then come home to sleep instead of sleeping through the night. anyway, its ok for the time being lor, will see how bad it is after i start classes next week.

wah, i thought your ILs being very strict about upbringing will ensure they try to let Q sleep early at their place. looks like the sleep routine really messed up there.

i also heard somewhere that kids who take Pediasure will increase their appetite and if she does eat more, then it may help her gain weight and not height leh. not sure about other FM similar in compositin and cheaper in price but i heard that Carrefour sells Pediasure cheaper than the normal stores.
little prince
if Rhyan is eating okie than i guess its okie if he dun really like soup, imo lah. as for quinn there will be times when he refuse to take his meal so by drinking soup can at least provide him some nutrients.

for soup, yes, i ONLY boil the meat in water. meaning i use chicken meat to make chicken stock and so on. so i use quite abit of meat to get the full flavour. i guess its actually okie to freeze soup tat has INGREDIENTS in it BUT maybe its judt me tat i prefer not to do so. i guess the stock will NOT spoil faster but i just dun like the idea. since i use it as either base or to add flavour, i can add in veg. when at the point of cooking.

heee.... they are strict in certain things lor, like MUST greet pp when u see them, must ask people *who is older* to eat before u start eating...... but when comes to certain things like choice of food or schedule, NOT so. imagine i have to cook up a story for why is it so bad about eating WANG WANG *the cracker tats full of msg wan* so to stop them from giving to my nephew, okie lahi admit, its also if they see my point and stop giving my nephew, it also mean tat they will NOT buy it anymore so when quinn is there *without me* they will NOT give tat to him. :p:p:p so somehow i guess they buy my idea and from then on i NEVER see WANG WANG again!!! wahahahahahahhaha!!!!! *EVIL*

so u like being sahm ah..heee... join us lah! :p

since talking about being a sahm or not, i got something to share. its just my own idea and such so dun misunderstand my point of view as i think ALL mummies are GREAT, working or not working.

theres few inccidents when theres job offer and im seriously considering about going back to work or not. then i ask hubby wat he think, he says its up to me, as long as im happy with either choice but he did mentioned tat he really think its good to have at least a parent to culture quinn. so straight away i put away the idea of working since i also share the same thinking. then theres pp saying tat maybe i can start working when quinn is older? lets say when hes ard 4 or 5 or even older but to me wat i think is its correct tat by then they are older and more independent but i personally think tat at tat age is also when they need us the most? as they are going into primary school soon and all tat and when they are even older like teens, its also very important as they willbe entering another stage where most parents will worry about their children mixing with the wrong company and such? so i guess me just love walking down the path with my kid / kids *but not as in interfering or overcontrol* and i also ask hubby about our SINGLE income..... hes fine with it but i ask him again wont it be better if we have 2 income? his answer is "human are such adaptive animals tat we can survive when place it various environment" so well i agreed wat he says and so now im still a sahm lor. but i believe when quinn is slightly older i will be doing something for myself and fetching some income too. nowadays i simply laugh alot!! no kidding as its really so fun when i see wat quinn does and such. and also i constantly have this feeling in me tat tells me tat kids without parents is such a sad thing...... i dun know, ever since i myself becomes a mother, i see things differently, and also feel things differently too..... and sometimes when i read about some news about parents hurting their fresh and blood child, it really makes me wonder??!!!!!
lil prince, when I make chicken stock, I use carrots and chicken, I find that carrots really help to sweeten it alot. I normally slow cook the stock for up to 5-6 hours, so by the time I am done, ALL the flavours are extracted and the meat is literally useless/tasteless. Hence I freeze only stock.

MT, hmmm if anything, pediasure might help weight gain if its high in fat, but I doubt there is a food that might help increase height? I really doubt so but I could be wrong.

lil devil, yar, if you want mil's help sure gotta close one eye about something lor. I think even if u have a trusted caregiver (mum, mil, relatives etc) to help u out, no matter how similar their style is to yours or how much they love quinn, there're bound to be differences. I guess I am fortunate n unfortunate in the one same area- I dont have anyone to help me (apart from hb) even if I want to and the good thing out of this is that I dont have to deal with diff parenting styles and so on. Haha in a way I am glad abt this also, cause I doubt one of my eyes are willing to close. :p

kelly, I am glad for you that gabe is doing so well in sch, its a great relief indeed, esp now that you have ed to care for. BTW, how's your maid issue coming along? settled oredi?
lil devil / berry
thanks alot for your useful tips! i will stock up some frozen stock first lor and see what else i can do to minimize cooking time at the last minute.
GOOD TREES- does anyone know where in sg I can find trees that are very low and sturdy and good for kids to climb? Since last week, Faye's been asking me to find her a tree to climb.
Hehe, yup still SAHM! I really enjoy being with Meghan & watching her discover & learn. If u can manage with a single income, really encourage u to try!
Yuru, hehe I learnt that escalator is "zi dong fu ti" :D . Both english and mandarin equivalent to 4 syllables, haha!
But mandarin versions of hippopotamus is only "hai ma" (water horse), much simpler! And zebra is "ban ma" (striped horse). Easier hor? HB was saying mandarin more literal, like traffic lights is directly "red-green light".
Rhinoceros is what ah? I find my girl quite resistant to mandarin (like me ah :p ), the only time she "absorbs" is if it's food-related, while eating "bing qi ling (ice-cream) and "qiao ke li (chocolate)".
Yuru, oic, xi niu! So much easier than rhinoceros!

Berry, missed ur posting. Climb a tree, wah! My girl climb stairs already my heart beat faster :p .
wahahahahha!!!! so cute ur question. actually its difficult to say which trees are good for climbing. most LOW trees are very YOUNG trees and meaning not sturdy and usually sturdy trees are OLDER trees when mostly TALL? mayeb u can try east coast park. i rem theres some NOT SO TALL trees.
MT, stairs?? Haha I live on the 4th floor, no lift, that means EIGHT FLIGHTS to n fro daily. :p

Lil devil, haiz yar lor, thats wat I thought. I know that overseas in other climates, there are trees that grow naturally low even if its an old tree, so they are v sturdy and v low, excellent for climbing wan.
think there is one tree at Sentosa which is quite sturdy and has low branches, u can see it along the road to The Sentosa Resort & Spa, but not sure whether it is climable or not
Yuru, eh is it? I've never seen such a sign. If there is such a sign then I prob wont let Faye attempt, in case its related to safety. But I think tree-climbing is a v common outdoor activity for kids in many places outside singapore? Maybe not popular in sg cause no suitable trees haha :p
Saw the programe too. Edward is so chubby comparing to the other bbs. Even my cousin get excited when he sees Edward yesterday :p
yuru, pcs
thks 4 ur compliments.
e prog was recorded in early dec at a aug06 mummies gathering. we organised mthly gatherings n a mummy (e main character) arranged 4 e crew 2 come down 2 film it.

they reached abt 230pm n filmed until 4pm+. did 3interviews (only 1st time mummies get interviewed) n filmed lotsa footage of e bbs.

i definitely didnt expect tat 2 feature gabe in e 1st shot, gabe wearing no bottoms (cos he juz peed in his pants) n ME cleaning up e mess on e flr. yikes! so embarassing...national tv leh

IMO lah, edward got quite a lot of screentime cos they featured his chubby thighs 3x, sleeping on ben 2x n lying on e flr >2x. he was in fact e eldest bb around so tat's y seemed bigger lor. e youngest bb was only 3mths old. most of e bbs r born in aug. too bad he wasnt in a smiley mood on tat day cos he couldnt nap well outside so very grouchy. if he smiles, i'm sure will melt more cha-bo's hearts. he's melting mine everyday.

e show is called bao bei yi bu yi bu lai (pai seh, i dunno e english name) but i know it's shown every mon at 1030pm.

i waiting 2 get e DVD recording of e show so will upload into youtube then put on e boys' blog.
i doubt there's such a sign in s'pore cos s'pore kids r not tree-climbers. sad 2 say our kids r not exposed 2 such healthy interesting activities or their parents dun encourage them 2 do so.

check out e trees at pasir ris park C. me & a few mummies were there 4 a picnic b4 i popped n i recalled esther & athena sitting on e trees rather easily (probably bcos it's low). e trees r juz near e pony stable.

faye's such a sweetie 2 make those remarks. make me wanna give her a big hug.

oh ya, if gabe can tell me he 1 2 climb tree, i'll hunt 4 a tree 4 him 2 climb too.
i see, i usually reach home around 10 plus. By the time i am done showering myself and Yingxin, it's close to 11pm! then got to put her to sleep then i do chores, no time to watch programs
mummies, will u give your kids sashimi when they are older? if yes, wat age is appropriate? i asked cos the other day i saw a kid eating sashimi (tuna and salmon) happily and my guess is she is about 7 years old only; the father offered her agedashi tofu but she said it's not nice, she prefers the sashimi!
got to wait for my hubby to finish work around 9pm, then have dinner together before picking Yingxin up. MIL did shower her but her timing is usually 5 or 6pm. By the time we reach there, she is all sticky and smelly again
kel! congrats on ur darlings getting screened on national tv! too bad I didn't catch them...
but i agree if ed smiles, he really melts girls' hearts... he's so cheerful! hehehe...
Puff, haha I am not exactly proud of this, but Faye is oredi eating sahimi regularly
. I know the risks of parasites and all, but I know that as long as the fish is frozen in a specific way (most sahimi-grade fish by right shd be frozen, except for places like certain areas in Japan whereby the fish goes from ocean to table in matter of few hours), the risks are not high as freezing below a certain degree kills parasites. Plus I do state to the chef that the sashimi is for a very young child, and only to serve it if its extremely fresh. So far the restaurants are all v nice, they really do make it a point to serve the freshest they have (which is really *alot* fresher than the usual ones they serve). Faye doesnt always eat a good range of healthy whole food, and when I found out she LOVES salmon sashimi, I cant bear to turn her down. :p
Kelly, yes, upload to youtube I wanna see ur boys!
Since I usually dun catch TV

Puff, only if she'd take the wasabi with the sashimi lor. I really believe wasabi kills some of the bacteria. Though another matter how gd the wasabi is. But I'd probably not encourage it, I'm too fearful of stomach food poisoning, if bad case end up in hospital. I am so afraid of the DRIP that they gave me laughing gas before they inserted the drip during my delivery. I can't imagine if drip is inserted in my tiny girl!!! Her pain threshold/ fear of pain, is very similar to mine and my mum.
Then again u said a 7yr old girl? Hmm that's almost 5 yrs AWAY from A's age... I might be very easygoing on such stuff by then, who knows? Heehee.

Hmm my girl woke 730am, went for PG, lunched out with me, went Taka shop for crafts, Borders shop, Marks & Spencer and Zara browse with me (and napped on me), dinner with me and HB. Back home 9+pm and we put her to bed. Without a shower whole day (did wash butt lah, scared of nappyrash). :p

Berry, oh yah that Gallop Stables picnic area tree is low and seemed relatively ant-free (or so the HB reassured me!). But still don't see how to climb up a vertical trunk?
yuru, Faye likes Ikea too haha, we just went there two days in a row! I think something about their bright cheery interior is very inviting to kids maybe. Everytime we go there, Faye will ask to be measured at the entrace of the ballpool playroom (the alexandra brance), she cant wait to be tall enough too.

Something hilarious to share- just now Faye was cuttng some tape for me, then she started pressing the rivet on the scissors in her hands (the round metal rivet that holds the two sides of scissors together) and said "press button to see can animate scissors! see if it works! animate(as in animation) the scissors!" I was like "animate?!"
thks 4 e info. we already got e ikea card n we've been going 2 ikea at least once a wk. mostly 4 brekkies nowadays cos dun dare 2 bring gabe who runs loose there. if u read my blog, u'll know wat i mean...
oh! yuru, i didn't know that the requirement is $30 only... just bought something from there... but besides the receipt what you mean by need to get 2 stamps from both branches? pls advice... thanks...
ehh... sashimi ah? i think i am not so daring lah though hubby love them big time *not me* and maybe if quinn shows interest then i will see wat to do then.

WAH! u are 1 GARANG mummy!!! but do u still rem the first time faye eating sashimi? as in do u let her eat it and hope tat nothing bad will happen and keep watching out? for me i tik i sure keep my eyes fix on quinn to watch out. :p:p but i guess big fishes like salmon or megajikie *cant spell, i tik its swordfish* should be okie as they are frozen. guess next time when hubby wanna wat sashimi i will tell them to make sure tat their fish is VERY fresh as its for very young kid, then hubby can have very fresh sashimi though quinn is NOT eating! :p

hey, faye very adorable! wats was on ur mind when she says tat??

wahhhh!!! jacqui smiles soooo happily, so adorable!

yesss... me too waiting for quinn to reach the minimum height require so to enter the playroom *tampines branch*!! looks soooo nice and quinn wanted to goes in too.... very fast, only few centimeter to go!!!!!

today was a very BUSY day for me, both mentally and physically. quinn has been whining and crying and screaming at very very slight issue!! well i just press my BE NICE button and now finally hes sleeping! but something cute to share beside all these stressful issue.

i was packing hubbys studyroom and quinn was playing with everything in it. then he spot the FAKE muffin tat hubby made me last valentines day and was playing with it. use a ruler and cut it like a knife and wanted me to sing BIRTHDAY song so he can cut after im done. after the song and blowing candles *no candles lah, he pretend only* then he cut his CAKE and very happy. then our conversation:

QUINN: mummy, what is this?
MUMMY: its a cake.
QUINN: NOOO..... its chocolate cake!
MUMMY: okie, its a CHOCOLATE cake then. *smiling*
QUINN: NOOO..... its actually a MUFFIN!! *laughing loudly*
MUMMY: oh okie, its a MUFFIN. * laugh with him but very busy with tidying up the room*
QUINN: HAHAHAHAHA!!!! no mummy.... its a HEART shape CHOCOLATE MUFFIN!!!
MUMMY: ummm.... its a HEART shape CHOCOLATE MUFFIN!!!! YEAHHH!!!!!
QUINN: yes!!! tats right!!!! soooo clever!!!
lil devil, I will *try* to make a real edible choc cupcake for quinn tmrw... if I can find the time... =P

cupcake vs muffin, erm... what's the diff?? pengz...
yah, roy is sooo chubby!!! ohh... those cheeks!!!

heee.... yah, to him theres difference i guess :p he very particular about words and also when to use them. so he always correct my mistakes and such

thanks for ur cupcake BUT i just came to know tat we cant attend 2molo lesson!!!! i know we have a wedding DINNER 2molo and just now MIL called me to remind me and i proudly say "yes i rem" then who knows she says she will meet us at the resturant at ** 2pm ** then i was like HUH!!!!???? we *hubby and me* actually tot its a DENNER and now its actually LUNCH!!!!
IKEA- waliao talk abt Ikea, I was at Ikea again today cause Faye wanted to go (said she REALLY REALLY want to go and I couldnt think of anywhere else to bring her) three times this week *faints*

lil devil, haha sometimes Faye will correct me too, she will laugh at me when I say something wrong or use a wrong phrase.
Heh actually wat Faye said wasnt totally unexpected cause these days she is totally into imaginative play and loves playing with words alot (she esp love inventing rhyming words!), but then, I guess it did crack me up alot anyway haha.
Sashimi- She ate her first bite when she jst turned 2. I was eating it and she suddenly asked for a bite, I gave her a bite thinking that she will spit it out immed casue she hates slimy stuff. But she gobbled it up n asked for more! So I gave her 3-4 TINY bites and figured that if she got sick from that, it cant be v serious since she didnt eat alot? (haha I am not sure I am right, just consoling myself :p) Anyway she was perfectly okie, and since then, everytime we eat at a japanese restaurant, she'll ask for some of mine and I usually give her only one slice (cut into tiny pieces). Then several times later when she grew to really love it and I was also more assured, I started giving her more. Now she usually polishes off around one small plate by herself.
I think it must be all the sashimi I ate when I was preggie, I ate heaps.
sorry about my strange post the other day.. my friend just sent me the pic and i really liked jacqui's picture in it, so thot i'll try posting it, not sure if it'll succeed since the picture quite big, who knows it really posted.

wow! there's 2 ikea in Singapore now? I brought Ethan to the one opp Anchorpoint once. He wanted to play in the ball room but was too small. Maybe he can now?

little_devil, how did your hubby make the fake muffin? and kudos on quinn's fantastic vocabulary! very descriptive, i can visualise the fake muffin!

ruffybear, roy has a good head of hair!

berry, naughty naughty! heaps of sashimi when u were preggie!?
kypf, hehe yar lor, I was oh-so preggie and oh-so craving and they were oh-SOO delicious! (plus I wasnt on a good diet when preggie and hardly ate fish at all except sashimi so I told myself some fish will be good for little growing faye) :p
IKEA- I am not sure if Ethan is tall enuf, the requirement is 0.9m, Faye is just a little short of that, maybe in half a year's time or so she'll be tall enuf.
Introducing My Little Sarah:

"I choose to be born on my mummy's birthday: 21 Jan
I arrived early at 37weeks. I weigh 3.125kg at birth."
