(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

Baby no 3
So I am not the only crazy one thinking of having another baby!!! Hehe. Will think of having no 3 when Si'en turns 3!!!! Strangely, its my hubby that is the one who wants more. I think 4 is a nice no! 2 boys 2 girls!!!

"kow tow" to mummies who are thinking of #3. think that'll be out of qn to me. don't even know when #2 will be coming along, let alone plan #3 *LOL* why they say it's easier to get pregnant the 2nd time? for me, it's still so difficult leh. hiaz... think muz tell hubby, if cannot get piglet, then i stop production liao.

<font color="aa00aa">pcs,</font>
on the review on shanice's scar, the doc says it'll be there though it will grow smaller as time goes by. so next time shanice has to invest a lot on her foundation to cover the "line" and cannot be lazy like mummy lor. always go out w/out makeup.
<font color="ff6000">little devil</font>
Your mum's secret recipe sounds good leh....your skin looked so flawless and very fair

<font color="ff6000">kelly, medusa, skyblue</font>
Eh, my darling only abouat 8.5 kg at 2 years old compared to the 3-4 months sumos...hahahh

<font color="ff6000">Sharon</font>
I say both girls are equally sweet and beautiful.....my hubby was commenting that Sharwyn looked pretty and she was very happy on her birthday clapping hands and jumping up and down

<font color="ff6000">Jen</font>
I carried Edward last Saturday!! Seems like almost the same weight as Yingxin...then hor, he smiled at me leh...whahahah, i wanna melt

<font color="ff6000">angelia</font>
try pure Vitamin E cream from Nature's Farm, it is very good in helping to lighten scars.....can fade to almost skin colour if you use it regularly
sigh, 3 days into my job and i already spent like no tomorrow...kekeek, someone, please shoot me!!!

bought 3 pairs of pants, 3 pairs of shoes, 2 tops and 1 bag

actually only intended to buy 1 pair of pants, but due to some kind of special training i have to undergo, i had to get another 2

Yingxin had 5 mosquito bite marks on her legs on the 1st day when i picked her up after my 1st day of work, 2nd day she had additional 3....and some were large, swollen and she scratched it and made it worse....sigh, i told hubby about this and he retorted that i should send Yingxin to full day child care in air con room then since i dun like her to be bitten

then yesterday when we went to pick her up, MIL told hubby that she hit Yingxin cos she was being NAUGHTY by refusing to take her rice and soup for dinner; hubby just kept quiet

back home, i asked hubby why his mother had to hit MY child, he said we grew up in this way too, so it's alright to hit so long it is in moderation; i told him hitting is not a solution and will not necessary make her eat too; if she is not happy with my kid, let me know so i can talk to my kid instead

then he wasn't very happy; again, he said since i am so particular and fussy about the way his mother handle Yingxin, i should send her to full day child care instead; lest he gets sandwich

<font color="ff6000">little prince</font>
u mentioned sometime that we will be back to square one if we get a new car right...well, if it's a smaller capacity, we will at least save on the monthly instalment and road tax/insurance, however, hubby wants to get a bigger (not 7 seater mpv but sports car for his enjoyment!!) one which he feels we can afford with double income!! i told him it's not a matter of affordability, it's whether we have a need for it and also, u can't really drive fast with a sports car and you have to pay much higher road tax and insurance which i feel is not worth it...sigh.

anyway, this issue has been on the topic recently and he kept asking me every other day whether to change car or not and i always said no; he's behaving like a kid these days cos he felt that i am stopping him from getting something he likes

i said of course he can get something he likes, but we must weigh our priorities and needs vs wants
<font color="aa00aa">pcs,</font>
clawed by peacock during a zoo trip. got 3 stitches.

<font color="aa00aa">puff,</font>
thanks for the info. but it's a scar from 3 stiches. we do have some surgical cream from KKH for the scar (think it's 60+). but still the same lah, at least to me.
lucky you...edward rarely smiles at strangers. he quite unlike gabe who's more friendly &amp; smiley.

wat's wrong wif u buying so much things? i'll tell u 2 go ahead 2 do more retail therapy. would it help if u ask ur husband, wat's "in moderation" for beating? u mean u can moderate beating 1 huh? would it help if u speak 2 ur MIL personally abt it?
flawless becos got help from UN-NATURAL source mah "MAKEUP" :p

hey, when shanice scar / wound got better, u can try this, i got these range from compass point watson but i dun know if all watson have as this watson is newly renovated and super big. else u can try guardian too.


brand: URIAGE
Repair skincare
for damaged skin

Hydrocolloidal fluid based
on Sodium Alginate

Superficial wounds
Grazes, superficial burns, cuts, chaps and small cracks

External application
Two applications per day

30 ml bottle with applicator tip

BABY NO. 3 *or no. 2 for me*
actually me no intention for another 1 though i really miss my preggy time and such. my mil NEVER really interfere with how many kids i want BUT 1 of my hubby auntie very funny...... in the beginning she says she will HELP me babysit my babies / kids so to lighten my stress. and shes sooooo eager to see me preggy again and kept telling me to relax as she will be there to help me whenever i need. so 1 fine day i told her tat i am NOT worrying tat i cant cope, its more like FIANANCIAL *told hubby tat tis is the BEST excuse as she can offer help but sure NOT $$$$ wan mah* and true enough, she didnt say a thing after tat liao... so just when i tot i succeed liao, 1 fine day, she says if i have another baby, she will PROVIDE us S$ 30,000!!!!! i was like "HAR"!!!!! she says shes better than government leh.... then i just smile and say see how....but now wat, wat ecxcuse leh.... i mean not tat i have to answer to her why i want only 1 kid, its just tat shes very nice person, at least to my hubby and me lor... initially she says S$10,000 and i say its too little to raise a child lah but then she UP her digit! i mean even if S$30,000 is not enough to raise a kid, but i still feel paiseh about her offer lor, in terms she put in so much efford... trying to slove my PROBLEM *actually no problems exist lah.... feel even more bad*
<font color="ff6000">kelly</font>
i'm buying working clothes cos all my existing pants too small liao....haha, and some top as well, looked very tight on me!

current wardrobe very outdated/colour not bright/not appropriate for office wear
hehe! retail theraphy is good right? since you have not shopped for your own for ages, i think you have every right to go on a shopping spree!

for the mozzie bites, apply some ice to bring down the swelling. for mozzie bites cream, can bring her to the pharmacist at Guardian and ask them to recommend you a cream for the bites. i did that for Rhyan too coz his mozzie bites are super swollen wan.

i will not allow other people to beat my child as a form of discipline, regardless of whatever bad behaviour the child has done. i am fine that the caregiver scold but other than that, any bad behaviour should be told to the parents and let them decide on the form of punishment.

eh, will yr hb go ahead to buy the car without yr agreement huh? if he do, what will you do? i really think it defeats your purpose to work if he wants to upgrade to a bigger car.
puff, omg did your mil say how she hit YX? Is that acceptable for you? If its not then maybe it IS a better idea to send her to cc? It makes my stomach turn a little to imagine YX being hit. Hitting is not acceptable imo esp when its done by someone else other than the parents. To me, its not how much pain the child can endure physically. Skin that has been hurt can heal easily, a young child's spirit that has been broken sometimes never recover and they might very well carry the scar thoughout their adult lives. If your hb says he is PERFECTLY okay about his mum hitting him arbitrarily when he was young, tell him to dig harder for memories for the times when as a young boy he was deeply hurt about being treated/hit unfairly and how powerless he felt about that. Sure, he can say that he did grow up fine too, but ask him if he would like his daughter to go thru the same thing he did? Anyway, punishing(let alone hitting) a child for not eating is a pretty surefire way to promote unhealthy eating habits in a child, almost every parenting book I read agrees with this fact so it cant be too wrong.
i cant command much sometimes as diff pp do it diff. to me, no hitting is practice in my OWN household. even my family and hubby family knows it. i ever saw my mil LIGHTLY hit quinns palm once, but tats very lightly and was becos quinn touches a pot of boiling soup. and i observe wat my mil do. she lightly hit his palm and carry him and start talking to him, telling him tat how danegious it is to touch things like tat, and note even to go near, telling him the cause and effect. and kiss him after tat. so i will not take it as HIT.... and they never hit him for anything, even when quinn HIT my nephew, and quinn hit my nephew with things!!! things like toys, cup, touchlight..... but they never RETURN the hit back thinking its a way to teach him.
Ya, I do find Dr Ho sacrastic sometimes. Dr Loke's better.

Little Prince
Can you PM or SMS me the name of the travel agency you used for your genting trip? My family r considering to go to Genting in Dec and I thought if the bus can take us up to Genting then it will be more convenient. The agencies I asked all said we have to take cable car up. Thanks!
Early Contractions at 26 weeks Again
Last tues, I started having contractions. Went to see my gynea &amp; was placed on medication to relax the uterus. The same thing happened when i was 26 weeks pregnant with Esther. Though it is currently not as serious as previously. Praying that it will go away if I rest more.
puff, sigh... MIL problems... I guess FTWM leaving babies in ILs care have to close an eye or two sometimes... maybe you can try to speak with ur MIL to ask her not to hit YX again... even CC will have their own rules which we sometimes may not like... tell ur hb since he prefers you to work, he has to help you explain to his mum about certain things which you really cannot tolerate... otherwise, you might seriously consider going back to square one and quit ur job to take care... *hint* there goes any possibility of his car!

lil devil, why not u tell her to sign contract with u so that IF u get preg, she wun go back on her words?! hahaha...

ziztine, oh dear... do rest well...
hehe that's true, puff can subtly hint that if she's happy with childcare arrangements, there goes all hope of a car upgrade!
Oic . Didn't see u mentioned this.
Nvr cross my mind that we shld be careful wif our kids when we visit the zoo
Shanice is still young sure got chance to recover, feel that doc is pessimistic.

Pls try to get as much help as possible &amp; rest, rest, rest. Early contractions is no joke
Little Prince
Thanks. I will go check with them

Saw your posting on spending. You earn your own money with your own blood, sweat and tears. You should indulge on yourself.

I agree with pcs that Shanice is still young and her scar should be able to heal and disappear. My hubby met with an accident when he was about 5 or 6 yrs old. He got lotsa cuts on his face and according to my MIL, each cut was about 2 or 3 stitches. Now if you see him, you won't see any visible scars on his face and his skin seems better than mine.
*woes of the car-less :p*

We got *kicked out* of a cab! I went out with helper and PILs (and of course A &amp; Irv)... cab trip there was fine. Trip back, when it was our turn to get in the cab, cab-driver rejected us! Said overlimit! I didn't realise!
Me, helper, FIL, MIL = 4 adults. A, Irv- both A &amp; Irv carried-in-arms cos sleepy = 2 kids!
cos the guidelines are,
4 adults, or
3 adults 2 kids.

I'm still in shock. That means last time before we had helper, before Irvin came out ie. 4 adults (HB, Me, FIL, MIL), 1 baby-in-arms (Athena)... also considered flouting? Or is "kid" defined by under 2yrs (hence just-turned-2yr Athena considered a kid now)? Or under 1yr (I know public swimming pool start charging above 1yr)? FIL complained that A &amp; Irv shouldn't be considered kids cos they r still carried-in-arms (they don't sit separately with separate seatbelt).

like this really cannot have 3 kids and no car hor? :p Cos I can't imagine me &amp; HB going out with THREE young ones (2 adults, 3 kids cab limit)... machiam we are octopus? 4 adult hands to hold on to 6 little hands?! Or the helper cycle behind the cab meh?

Then when the 3 kids grow up to be "adults", we have to take cab with 2 of them... then the eldest (ie. Athena) cycle behind lah! *for some reason can't imagine grown-up A pedalling furiously to catch up wahahah*
puff, yuru, cushiony feel?! gosh!! i can imagine!

angelia, the last i saw the peacock not there leow... maybe kanna hang...

medusa, serious?! the cab driver must be very unflexible!!!
yah the next cab took us and listened to FIL complain all the way. Anyway cabfare from Parkway to town is quite profitable mah, haha.

I know! I had already gotten in with Irvin in my arms! Literally got kicked out ah.

Too Much Information-
anyone feels overwhelmed? I'm already a paranoid person by nature, then have several mummy-friends or read papers got something happen, makes me feel even more worried about potentially bad things. Gf's tod touched hot pot, I rushed out buy stove guard. Then another gf's tod touched hot baking tray, I am now extremely cautious abt such things. Hear abt other bbs' on nebuliser, my heart also panic abt mine. Hear other people's kids hand caught by elevator door, I get scared too. Hear another tod hit head kanna stitches, I worry every time A hits her head. Then hear abt kids stumbling and cutting their lips with their teeth... aiyoh sometimes needs stitches leh! Hear S got clawed by peacock at zoo, now I'm very scared too. Hear Q's circumcise-or-not issue I also worry Irvin will face that! And today's papers abt escalators!
I got so scared I carried A instead of letting her step onto escalator. At this rate we'd end up taking elevator instead (then wait elevator freak accident and crash how?). Sometimes I really wish I cld bubblewrap both kids... until I pass away then they can do dangerous stuff like skydiving (wait parachute freak accident dun open how?) or what-not. Irvin better not learn how to ride a motorbike, I will die of anxiety...
<font color="ff6000">little prince</font>
heh heh, indeed i have not shop for myself for doney years....retail therapy very shiok, but when i saw the bill, i wanna faint

MIL hit cos got the go-ahead from my hubby

he won't buy without my consent lah

<font color="ff6000">berry</font>
she didn't say how she hit Yingxin nor how hard it was but when she was saying it, she was laughing away as though it was very funny!!

anyway, this morning before i left for work, i told her not to hit Yingxin, if she "misbehave", just scold her lor
i said that few days ago, the news reported hitting and scolding is detrimental to kids physcologically - she agreed verbally but whether she will do it again, i won't know

if i choose full day CC, that would mean saturday/sunday i have to bring her over to ILs place and my mum's place; at least for half day CC, i only need to waste saturday and sunday would be family day for us
<font color="ff6000">Yuru</font>
initially, Edward also "grumbled" a little cos i didn't carry him the way he likes
I was also worried abt the escalator thing.
So far we always let Keira step onto the escalator herself (1 adult hold her hand).
If we don't let her do it, she will tear down the whole shopping center with her screams.

Did not have a chance to see the papers.
It happen in Woodlands right, anyone know where?

supposedly this IS the age to start letting them on escalator accompanied (but I read another article seems most accidents occur when accompanied- ie adult hold 1 hand but didn't notice the other side hand/ leg). Supposed to let them stand in the middle (not at sides), shoelaces must be tied, no overlong trousers/ skirts that can get caught, no squatting or sitting or bending down to retrieve anything. If child tall enough to hold handrail... must make sure child lets go of handrail when we step off (sounds simple yah, but supposedly 1 child listened too obediently to "hold on to rail" and didn't let go and hand went under...).
<font color="ff6000">Medusa</font>
i had 2 minor accidents when i was young; i pulled a hot water flask for support when i was learning walking and got scalded at the back so got to be warded

another occasion i played with my sister in the shower area, slipped and knocked my nose on the pail, got to have stitches

i always held Yingxin's both hands when we are on the escalator and we always stood in the centre
escalator- goodness gracious me even *I* was freaked out! That was a seriously horrid accident, I cant imagine the grieve and pain the poor child and her parents are going thru.
Anyway the frist thing I did after hb told me was to bring the papers to Faye and told her wat happened, it helped that the pictures are so clear. And she obviously was quite affected by it- red eyes and flattened mouth, and kept saying 'dun wan, dun wan!' So I told her that if she always holds tight onto my hands, dont wriggle too much and watch her feet when stepping, she'll be okay and I had to console her for a few min after that haha. I guess this is a really good reminder for us all to be extra careful! And how in the world did the crocs go in as well?? Cause normally it seems that the gaps arent very big or visible at all? How come even the bulky shoe got in?

puff, if she agrees verbally not to hit YX again, then I guess she does agree with you to some extend (as opposed to thinking that hitting is perfectly fine and right). Hopefully she'll have better control over her mood. I can totally understand the part about having sunday as family day, it is very impt and nice to have the family hanging out together just on your own.
SHOPPING- hehe, how much u spent ah? Wardrobe revamp ah :p

MT, with a maid AND 2 kids and ILs/mum whom you all hang out with so much, it is really quite practical and convenient if you drive. Eh if you get a cheaper flat sure can afford car wat. Car sounds more worthwhile than pool and security guard :p

angelia, oh dear, poor shanice! She must have been pretty traumatised! And to think Faye was chasing a peacock the last time we saw one! I must make sure she doesnt do it again.
u mentioned 3kids? u also considering #3?

i totally understand ur predicament abt cabs. i came fr a family of 3kids. i still recall when we were young (when e ruling 1st came out), my dad had 2 "cham-siong" wif e driver when the driver refused 2 fetch us. when we got bigger (teenage yrs for my siblings and i was in my early 20s), it was worse, resulting us having 2 take 2 separate cabs. dad probably felt the pinch e most during CNY so 3yrs ago, he bought a car, despite me no longer staying wif them.

i agree wif berry tat since u do go out pretty often wif ur mum/ILs, how abt getting a MPV such as Toyota Wish or other models (pai seh, i only know toyota wish is rather cheap &amp; can fetch >6pax comfortably)? easy 2 bring e tods around when they r bigger too.

FYI, husband was even contemplating of getting a bike so he can go around town while i take over e present car so i can fetch e boys around (for school/enrichment classes/shopping/playdates). i guess he knows i wont stay home much once my helper arrives.
<font color="0000ff">escalator</font>
my heart also skipped when i heard the news. poor girl &amp; her parents too.

i'm ALSO letting shanice stepping onto the escalator and just few days before the accident, am teaching her how to step off it. guess i can continue to let her step onto the escalator but will revert to carrying her off the escalator instead!

<font color="0000ff">scar</font>
puff, glad to hear that the scar can go off. the doc is the head of the dept so i got worried lor.

littledevil, erm.. if the cream is good on C-sect wounds, then i'd wanna get it to try on shanice. otherwise, i think at the moment, will continue with the super expensive gel we got at KKH.

<font color="0000ff">zoo &amp; peacock</font>
ya, shanice was really traumatized by the incident that she's even afraid of birds now. she used to chase after them to make them fly away. not sure if this has impact on other animals too but i had a hard time trying to get her touch a snail or a small tortise
dunno how to teach her not to be afraid of these small animals.

berry, think it's okie if faye is "chasing" the peacock cos the peacock will be fleaing from faye. for shanice, she is moving TOWARDS the peacock, think she wants to touch it, while some lady was feeding the peacock breadcrumbs. even gave some to shanice &amp; ask her to feed! (she likes to touch all animals before the incident) then, the peacock jumped up and it's claws scratched shanice's cheek, right eyelid &amp; somewhere below the right ear. luckily it didn't hurt her eye.

jen, when we went Sentosa some time ago (after the zoo incident), shanice saw some "hen-cock", she quickly backed off to a SUPER safe distance!
hmm.. dun think the peacock will get hanged lah. hahaha.. a fren was advising me to write in to complain big big. get the zoo to compensate. but hor, i am not good at words...
Escalator Freak Accident

I freaked out when I read the news!!! Yicks! I often let gab walk on his own due to his weight!!! 15kg will hurt my back if I continue to carry him all the time. Now I need to rethink. Anyway, was it a pair of crocs that the child was wearing or was it just a pair of slippers??
gabby's mum
ur gabe's 15kg now? wow! e last time we met (for e swim), ur gabe was >13kg rt? he has indeed put on weight while my gabe's still stuck at 11kg+.
ha!!!! no need to sign contract as i know she sure will KEEP her promise wan....

1 word "REST REST REST"!!!!!!!!!!!

hey, i guess TAT particular taxi driver is just simply NOT flexi lor. and i think its just a small no. of them on the road. can imagine how ur face looks like at tat moment....:p

about the anxiety thingy hor, i ALWAYS tot i am the ONLY 1 or maybe rank no. 1 :p but guess things improves slightly, maybe becos been thru alot and my mum always lecture me..... she says if i carry on to be this way, 1 day i will look like *40* when im 30. and tells me tat i have to learn tat the day our darling out from our tummy, WORRIES starts from the very very moment and till the day we as parents leave this world, even when they are adults and even they are already parents themselves. she says she can understand how i feel and why am i feeling this way, panic over the slightest things and even tells me her PAST experiences with ME! so she just sort of teaching me theres nothing wrong being paranoid, but just tat we must know when and where to draw a line. well, easy said than done of cos but i will try and constantly trying leh.... sometimes certain things happens, i really feel im going to FAINT!!! not just a way to tell u how panic i am BUT its really so panic tat i experience some dizzy spell! i told myself tat theres YEARSSSSS.... down the road, and its sort of unhealthy to do it OVERLY lor.... but again, not easy to adapt this, will try and must try. now whenever something happens, i will keep calm *sometimes very panic but will remind myself* and tell myself tat if THIS i cant handle or take it, wat if something worst happens? and whenever i read some article about how some BRAVE parents handle some situation *like parents of a VERY sick child* i will againg tell myself tat they are facing wat i call "WORST" situation yet they are so brave and strong.
its very complicated for me as i am a person who also panic over small things. hubby did ask me about wat if 1 day quinn wants to ride a motorbike??? after thinking about it, i say "i dun know, i dun like the idea but again some things its not up to we *parents* to decide" guess theres lots of courage needed to be parents yah!

the 1 tats good for operation wound is NOT this gel, its a gel like plaster call CICA - CARE. this uriage gel is for marks and such and also helping the skin to do repair work. but since KKH did precribe u the cream, can just carry on with it i guess.

heymummies whos interested to get a DIGITAL W.S can go to guardian. they have 1 tat cost only $29.90 compare to the osim wan tat cost over hundred! osim wan can measure body fats and such but i dun need tat as i wanted to get a digital scale so to take quinns weight accurately and easily.

must share lah. lately quinn is very expressive. his conversation with me is full of sentence tat "is tat right" when he is doing something or goodness, please be quick" when i am slow at something. or "there u see" when i doubt him where certain objects is being place. and sometimes when hubby is out and quinn is looking for him, i will tell him tat papa is working and he will even open the studyroom door to check and says "u sure"? :p this evening, i ask him:

MOMMY: what ur name dear?
QUINN: Quinn Tan.

MOMMY: and how old are u?
QUINN: 2 years old *he use to says/insists hes 6*

MOMMY: and where u stay? *its a new question*
QUINN: Punggol Field. *i really burst out into laughter when he says tat* :p

also, this evening, hubby ask me tat did i teach him the correct way to hold a pen to write, i say no then hubby ask me so when did he learned it?? when i take a look, YES, hes holding it the correct way.
and hubby also tells me tat in future, quinn will have a good sense of direction. as whenever we are out, he can reg. certain routes. like going mil place, my parents place, our house of cos, market, to town...... too much praise about him but i just feel tat now hes a BIG boy liao.... no longer the tiny quinn *happy but sort of miss him when he was a tiny baby*
money can be earned back wan.

lil devil
yeah, i bought the weighing scale from Guardian too. very useful in weighing Rhyan compared to conventional ones.

LOL about Quinn's conversation! Rhyan always say he is 4 years old, coz his fingers can't show 2! its really fun to hear the things they talk about nowadays!

Rhyan is 15kg too! I got a shock when i weighed him recently at CC, thought something was wrong with their weighing scale till we weighed him at nanny's place and its still that weight. think really cannot sling him anymore, past the weight limit liao!
little prince
good hor tat scale? somemore quite stylo looking too
wahahahahaha!!!! so R is 4 years old
so how is he coping with the CC? i guess should be fine liao?
no not planning for #3 lah. But if unplanned then different story lah. Eh another mum in Irvin's June thread is preggy liao!

yah i very chummy with my ILs hor? LOL. Photo in ST today of how crocs stuck in gap... it IS crocs lor.

yikes, must be painful memories! my mum always said me &amp; my sis very accident-free and fuss-free to handle (she say as long as my tummy full, i will koon ahaha)... i tell u, sometimes she makes me MORE panicky over A &amp; Irv.
XMAS TREE- anyone bot oredi? Faye asked for hers last week when we were chatting about the orchard decor, so over the weekend I went to buy her one- bot her the fibre optics type from metro so that its safer. She had alot of fun picking out xmas decorations and hanging them up on her own!

lil devil, yar the stuff that our tods say is indeed super lovely and hilarious lol! I really cant believe how big they are now, such a fast year this is!
yuru, no leh, my house is pretty small honestly. Faye's stuff are mainly in her room (which is not that big either). The tree we bought is only 120cm, slightly taller than her doesnt take up much space, which is placed in a corner in living rm. Heh, and I dont think Faye that that much stuff compared to alot of tods her age (we are quite cautious about over-indulgence on material goods).

regarding POPCORN,
Do you add butter after it has popped or before it has popped? How long can it be kept after making? Ryan has been asking for popcorn also these few days but hesistant to buy from outside coz it is expensive.

Ryan is also 15kg..hehe..
Now coping quite okay at CC #4.. says he likes the school + teachers..just dun like eating lunch there..but will eat breakfast + tea time. He is in the N1 class- learning counting of numbers and other stuff.. they are sprucing up the garden so in a few weeks times they can do outdoor painting and gardening also.

I find car is more worthwhile also..esp if have to bring small kids around. Petrol cost also cheaper (per trip) as compared to taking taxi.
<font color="aa00aa">yuru,</font>
i also think car is more worthwhile than pool/security in our sense.

car can use everyday, pool prob won't use after 2 mths. security wise, singapore's security not too bad lah. :p

<font color="0000ff">weighing scale</font>
wahaha.. i nvr thot of getting a digital weighing scale or any weighing scale. maybe hv dropped by GP too often (like twice a mth or so cos sick or back for review) n was using their digital scale every time we're there.. kekeke..

but, shanice is not tall enough for the machine to read her height, so it's always 9.2cm (min for the machine).. hahaha
lil devil
thankfully, he is ok now! still chants "go ye ye's house" but after i explain he will go nanny's place after school, he is ok. granduncle says he is ok too (from daily peeping!), only thing now is i still haven't found a bread spread he likes to bring to school.

good to hear ryan is enjoying himself too. rhyan and ryan opposite, rhyan eats lunch there only, doesn't like the breakfast in CC.
we hv a xmas tree which we shld b putting it up end nov. gabe loved it when i put it up last yr. he cant resist looking at the lights &amp; touching e ornaments. i'm sure edward'll love looking at e lights too.
ruffy, based on past experience, usually using those popcorn maker outside, they add butter &amp; sugar to stir with the corn kernels before popping... u can add before if u do it on the stove... else u can melt butter separately to pour over popped corn... alternatively, u can pop corn in a container in the microwave using some water... u can try to put in the freezer to maintain the crispiness... can keep for long...
