(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

ruffy, Jen has pretty much replied about popcorn, thats wat I do too- I pour melted butter and stir quickly after popping, and I keep mine in fridge, can keep v long wan. I dont use sugar tho.

yuru, cause faye hasnt been napping much at all, she is not napping anymore half the time, and when she naps, she will only nap in car so I am stuck in the car doing nothing while waiting for her wake lol. Last time when we chat on MSN is when Faye is sleeping, now I dont really get to chat on msn anymore.
Thanks for answering the question about popcorn. I tried adding some sea salt today. 2nd time around then I managed to get the corn to pop properly. Ryan loved it.. ate up the most of it. Next time I try with melted butter but need to go and buy butter 1st

Today we went to the Gyane.. bb 2.7kg liao(34wks) I think when full term maybe bigger then Ryan was. He put on 700g within the last 2 weeks!!
<font color="ff6000">Berry</font>
hope she really mean what she said; total expenses is close to $400 (3 pants + 3 shoes + 2 top + 1 bag)

<font color="ff6000">Angelia</font>
Actually if look really closely, can still see the scar at the side of my nose

Yingxin is now afraid of rabbits! She wasn't like dat before - even dare to stroke, pat and hug the rabbit and allow the rabbit to jump over her but now she will wail loudly the minute she is close to the rabbit, i'm also trying to make her overcome her fear...slowly lor

<font color="ff6000">ziztine</font>
oh my....think you better stay at your mum's place or get her to come over??
<font color="ff6000">Yuru</font>
u dun need a big house to store things, can discard old stuff when you get new ones....kekekek

just joking
A &amp; E for mommie
this afternoon, i was in kitchen making burger patty then while waiting for it to cook, i tot maybe i can wash some cups in my sink. then after about few mins. i suddenly rem about the patty on the pan and was panic, afraid tat it will be burnt or wat. then i just take 1 step, i had a fall and i can say its pretty bad as the floor was wet. i rem landed on my back, the rest i cant really recall as it was sooooo fast, really. after i try to get up, i squat there for a moment as its really painful, feels like WHOLE is in great pain but cant figure out where. after calm myself down, realized 1 tiny cut on my left elbow and a HUGE bruise on my left shin area. was very very confuse at tat point of time, maybe the pain but mayb ethe shock too. after then, i felt sort of UNCOMFY.... dun know wats wrong, sort of confuse. i just try calming myself down and ard 2 hours later, i felt dizzy and feel like puking!!!! i was REALLY panic and wake hubby up from his nap and told him wat happen. so we care off quinn to mil and he rush me to MT. A *A &amp; E* to check. after checking, the dr *very very experience and good dr* says tat i dun need an x-ray, he examine my wound and such then i came to realized tat all on left side of my body and all those uncomfy also left side, like aching behind my neck, eye ball pain, strain when looking to left, whole of left arm aching and weak.... he says its a body reaction when we fell, especially in fast speed. the brain is sending signal to our body hence im feeling this way. but after he CAREFULLY examine me, he says i should be fine, need to take some medication and rest well and should recover in few days time.
lil devil, yikes hope you recover soon!

puff, waahh your 'harvest' sounds fabulous! :D

yuru, she doesnt nap daily, only sometimes, and when she does its in the car.
little devil
On no. Such a bad fall.
Can get someone to take care of Quinn for the time being, the most impt thing now is to recover.
little devil,
do rest well. who will be looking after Quinn?

am still monitoring the contractions. if it worsens then i might send Esther over to my parents on some days. see how lor.
THANKS - to all mommies concern. me still lokking afetr quinn myself, with hubbys help. mil did offer to help me if i really need help but i am like tat lah, when it comes to quinn, dun know where i get all my POWER from :p so always manage to looks after him when im not too well, unless really really bad.
<font color="ff6000">Medusa</font>
u were lamenting about being car-less right...sigh, actually got car also lotsa problems!! like my MIL expect us to drive her to meet her friends in town when we picked up Yingxin after work....we were already so tired and hungry!!

then worst still, she said since i am working now, she expect us to upgrade to a 7 seater MPV instead of downgrading to save costs!!

last month when we (PILs, hubby's brother, hubby, myself and Yingxin) attended a wedding dinner and about to go home, MIL apologised to her sister in law (with 2 teenage kid) that we are unable to send them home cos we are not driving a 7 seater!! duh!
<font color="ff6000">Berry</font>
dun think will buy xmas tree, no space to store and waste electricity also

actually last year MIL gave us a white one (old liao and they dun have the time to put up), but when i opened up, it was YELLOW!! and it smells too...haha, so i threw it away :p
Xmas tree,
will recycle the free tabletop one that I got from HK 2yrs ago. (those fibre glass that rotate and play xmas songs)

I know what you mean.. even 7 seater will complain not big enough.. go for 9 seater etc.. petrol cost not cheap leh if you have such a big car.. can expect to spend at least $1.5-$2k just on the car a month for installment and petrol.

Little Devil,
Hope that you get better soon
<font color="ff6000">Yuru</font>
not yet, still looking around, only went to view 3 so far;
she so poor thing, every morning gotta wake her up from her sleep cos we are rushing for time, and she will always cry cos we disturbed her

then when we are leaving for work after we care her off at PILs, she will cry again and pout her lips


U will get use to it soon... i think most of the working mum will wake our little one when we leave for work. Most of the kids dun wake up so early. As for crying YX... she may nd some times to get use to it. How is ur work so far? OK?

Some pixs of nat n nydia cutting hair


Taken few days b4 her haircut. Dun wan to shave her botak oso cannt. She has been dropping lots of hair and left with those spiky one.


puff, you are always doing the best for YX within the circumstances you are in, anyway I think that this sleep thing will past. It prob wont be a problem when she is older. This is def something that wont make a dent in her childhood, I'm sure years later when she recalls now, she will remember how mummy joyfully picks her up everyday after work, instead of how she was woken up in the morning?! hehe
CAR- haha then u ask your mil if she is gonna sponser yr MPV lar :p BTW wat does yr hubby think abt upgrading/downgrading?
<font color="ff6000">Berry</font>
of course she is not going to give us a single cent to buy car; instead *I* have to give her allowance for helping me take care of Yingxin

hubby thinks we dun need MPV now cos he feels like he is driving a bus to work everyday with no passengers

it's only during certain occasions like CNY, Xmas, birthday celebrations in the immediate and extended family, tomb sweeping day, wedding etc then we need to ferry people around and the car will be filled
<font color="ff6000">Ruffy</font>
haha, yes...i agree, if one fine day we really buy MPV, MIL will complain not big enough...

Hi mummies... I was wondering if you are interested in organising a Christmas party for our little ones. I can offer to host. We can get them together to dance, eat and exchange presents for the season... anyone interested?
Gabby's mum
so nice of u to offer :p
I don't know abt the other mums, my dec almost fully booked already.Hehe.
See what the other say 1st
<font color="ff6000">gabby</font>
must see which day then can tell you whether we are available to join in the xmas party
Venue: Esparis, Pasir Ris Drive 4 (gabby's mum plc)
Date: 16Dec, Sat
Time: Anytime after 4pm

gabby's mum
kelly (will rush down after another xmas party)
<font color="ff6000">Evelyn</font>
so far ok, cos still new, they try not to overload me

<font color="ff6000">Yuru</font>
if i dun wake her up, and carry her up from her sleep, she will cry even louder
Question for mummies

Can your little darlings play on their own? I realise that Gab dont like to and prefer company. My in laws stated that I should train him to play on his own.... but how to train??? Anyone can help on this???
i reminded my MIL at least every other day to help me toilet train Yingxin and she will always say she try; but whenever we picked her up in the evening, my MIL will "report" to my hubby that she still let her wear diapers cos she is worried Yingxin will slip and fall if she wet the floor! i told her umpteen times it will not happen cos Yingxin will inform her but she is still not convinced...

i also requested her to help put on insect repellent (i gave her a bottle) whenever Yingxin is playing outdoor cos she has a few bites already but she said she did not put cos she said there are no insects around!! duh! so mad at her...dun tell me must wait until got bites till start putting?
gabby's mum, Faye can play on her own periodically, not everyday and not always for thr same stretch of time. There are days when she simply needs me to be around almost all the time(literally hanging from my legs haha) and I usually do my best to do so (sometimes when I really need to go off to cook/chores, I'll just bring her with me and she'll hang around wherever I am 'helping' me or just watch and fiddle ard with neaby stuff). I do think that the more clingy a child is, the more attention shd be given. In my experience with Faye, the more securely attached she feels to me, the more independent she is.
<font color="ff6000">gabby's mum</font>
i dun suppose u can train them to play on their own? Yingxin does that when i explain to her that i am really really busy but it usually doesn't last long

<font color="ff6000">charsiew</font>
tried that too...doesn't work leh
Understand your frustration. You are hoping your child to be brought up in your preferred method but your MIL not co-operative enough.
in laws had twins so by 2 they layed on their own... in their case each other! So they claimed that Gab can also do so... quite frustrating. I understand what you mean when you say, ' more securely attached she feels to me, the more independent she is' Gab is also the same. As long as either my mum or I am around, he will invent games to play with us...

at least YX listens to you and try for a short time... my gab will look at me and agree to play on his own and the next minute, he will ask me to do something else. At times quite frustrating.
Why dont you tell your mil that YX can indicate the need to go to the toilet? Just tell her the amount of money saved from buying diapers may come back her way?? hahaha
gabby's mum...for me, J has always been playing on his own, but we muz be in his sight
we can read books, watch tv...and he will play around us with his toys, sometimes ka jiao us a bit

Mommies who sent their darlings to CC, anything i should prepare in advance for J or us? emtionally, materially, watever!
we finally decided dat J have no "fate" wif nannies, so it is time for some out-in-the-field training :p
He will hv to go in 1 wk's time!
Eh my gal wun play on her own if I *ask her to*. Only if she chooses to do so.

And the pee puddles are still happening. Every single day. Worse, now she very used to it *silent SCRRREEEAM*, she'd step away from puddle, walk round the house, request to come UP MY BED... before we realise. ARGGGGH.

AC, cute way of putting it, fate wif nannies. From wat I heard... #1 is BUILD UP HIS HEALTH (supplementally, nutritionally, watever! :p )
Yup, agreed with Medusa is to build up health. Cos there will be many kids in the centre and there will be virus flying around. Try telling J that he will be attending childcare centre and that he will have lotsa friends in the centre and there will be a teacher who will teach him and take care of him. Oh, and also, try to adjust J's nap time from about 12.30 to 3pm cos that's when the kids take their nap in most centre.
For mummy, my advice is that you should be emotionally prepared that he will cry big time for the first few days. My experience is that I felt very bad when I first sent my boy to the childcare centre. Cos when he attends, he was only 18 months old. He would clinged onto me and will cry if I step out of his classroom to go to the washroom. Then for the first few weeks or so, he would wailed loudly when I left the centre. So I explained to him that 'mummy's going to work, not to go shopping or have fun.' I felt so bad that I cried everytime when I left the centre for work then. And very important, don't sneak out while he's not looking cos it will make him feel he was dumped there. Then, he may reject even more.

I think little prince did share some of her preparations for Rhyan which I think is very useful for preparing a kid for childcare. Maybe you would like to refer to it too?
Anyone notice their tods becoming skinny?
Athena used to be so chubby, but now can see ribcage. Everytime shower her, I feel so sad abt her ribcage showing, really want to FATTEN HER UP. Now it's like a huge head on a skinny body! Still 10+kg, at this rate, her bro will catch up in a few mths?
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS...gabe's getting skinnier. dun tell me abt ribcage, i saw gabe's so long ago liao. even his fat lines on his thighs disappeared abt 3wks ago. i was so upset when i didnt c it one morning. my only consolation is gabe's growing taller (which my mum said so since she didnt c him for 3wks).

hai, tell me how 2 fatten our tods up? he not keen on carbo, only loves his SOUP &amp; MEAT. he so active &amp; moves abt nonstop...e only rest i get is when he naps for 3hrs. his weight also stuck at 11.2kg for >6mths. i've even consulted PD and many others (friens, relatives, e sinseh &amp; massage aunties fr yu guo). they ALL said it's normal 4 tods 2 NOT gain weight n b skinny after they start walking BUT i c other tods gaining weight &amp; beefing up leh.

i'm really at a loss wif gabe. i juz keep telling myself EVERYDAY tat as long as he eats a lil of everything...carbo, veg, meat, fibre, fruits, etc. i very happy.
gabby's mum,
my gabriel's able 2 play on his own, if not how i handle a tod &amp; infant at e same time. gabe has come 2 understand tat when edward's sleeping, is when i can sit down &amp; play wif him. if edward's awake (which is happening more often now), i involve gabe wif e play activities i do wif edward. if i'm nursing edward (which also isnt long - max 15mins), he'll play around on his own.
yuru, kelly,
maybe it's the contrast when i massage 1 kid after the other. One still have rolls, the other has a pronounced ribcage ah! HB told me to bring A for buffets more, since she eats more during buffets... she's quite experimental, anything we eat, she's willing to try. She tried olives, cooked sushi pieces and the japanese mini-octopus dish. She does not fancy Lao Beijing hi-tea though! Doesn't like rice, and only takes porridge if it's Crystal Jade's. More a noodle person so at home, we switched to bowl of beehoon for her instead of rice/ porridge, and let her pick from the other dishes at the table lah.

I'm incredibly lax abt her food choices, as long as she eats lor. Her PG introduced her to the world of Kellog cereal, she likes so I bought and she ate lots. But still have ribcage and the rest of her steadily slimming down! Height dun seem to be shooting up...

I used to dilute her bedtime/ night bottles to *try* wean her off reliance on bottle as sleeping prop, to no success lah. Anyway in view of her recent slimness, her milk back to full strength liao, she takes 2-4 bottles daily (to lull to nap, to lull to bed, middle of night). :/

I'm back to giving her cheese (she was tired of cheese at one time)- cheese bread, cheesecake, cheese slices. Only thing she's not getting is fresh milk cos it gives her tummyache. Anyway I heard fresh milk inhibits absorption of iron???
Potty tranning
Keira also "regress" recently.
She also not willing to inform me OR only called mamee after peeing on the floor. Hiaz....

BB Fat
I'm very worried abt keira too. Heartache very time i see her bb pics.
MIL says she cannot finish even half a bowl of porridge BUT if my dad feed her, she can finish more than 3/4 bowl.
she dont feed her bread, cheese, fruits - Only give biscuits and kopi.
remember in mar, i complained about my maid?

she took care of isabel well. of course, she has her flaws. i couldn't take it when my mum complained to me about her attitude. i felt bad my mum was being "bullied", not once. we talked to her before, things didn't seem to be better. so, we decided to find a replacement.

did not tell her we were replacing her with someone else.

to be frank, apart from all the anger, i was very sad when i sent her back to the agent just now. she cried... so malu, i cried too, in the agency! what more can i say? i only hope she will get a good employer.
any idea y she regresses?

IMO lah, 2 put on weight, tods MUST eat carbo and lots of it too...rice, porridge (basically rice lah), potatoes, pasta, bread (maybe), etc. i guess carbo'll do e trick cos it's e same 4 adults. when we pile on lotsa carbo, we put on weight. of course there r other stuff 2 help u put on weight such as fatty food, fried stuff but i dun give these 2 gabe mah...

tat's y i deduced tat gabe dun put on weight bcos he dun consume much carbo. barely tat 1/3bowl of rice or 1/2bowl of porridge every time. on rare occasions, gabe does finish 1/2bowl rice but it's rare lor...he just so into his soups &amp; meat. he must hv meat for every meal &amp; soup 4 dinner.

buffets r out 4 us cos gabe barely sit in e chair for >5mins. he'll eat wat he likes 2 eat so he wanna choose fr e buffet spread himself. usually it's food tat wont fill him up but give him more sugar

Yup, milk cannot take together with iron, must at least 4 hrs diff. I was told by my Gynae's nurse when i took iron during my pregnancy.
