(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

Hi all mothers,

Topic on schooling:
I called up one of PAP branch (now known as PCF). The principle told me that for PAP, they will accept child born in 2004 registration starts from may 2007, nusery starts from 2008. Must keep a look out for their banner. They only have nusery then k1 and k2. Thus our child will enter nusery at 2008, k1 at 2009 and k2 at 2010. Primary 1 at 2011.

The priciple told me that N1 and N1 are terms use in CC or private playgroups.

I enrolled Janice for playgroup for term4 starting last mon sept 11. Initally i wanted to start her for CC next year, but i think she is still small for full day care so we reserved a place for plygroup next year also. Mon-fri is 1 1/2 hr. give her $$ to play... haahaa
Faye is really very fair & so pretty! It was a real good idea to hire a photographer...really lovely pics!

I don't need to pat Meghan to sleep but must accompany her to bed. There was one stage I could just leave her in her cot & she will fall asleep but that was only a short while.
How was your China trip?

The Sigalp open house is at 16 Oct..will give you more details once I get it .
Hello mommies.

1 more month to go (to my EDD that is).

Berry, looks like a fantastic party! All the pictures of Faye are great - I love her green cardi. Very stylish

Oh by the way I received my book already (the one you recommended), took more than 2 weeks for Amazon to find it and ship it to me. Just received it today so haven't read it yet.

Tricia, Ethan used to go to sleep on his own during nap time. Just put him in his cot and he'll play until he falls asleep. At night I would have to cuddle him on the bed then put him in the cot after he fell asleep. I guess it's my own stupid fault, during the first trimester of my current pregnancy, I always felt tired so took nap with him on the bed, since then he refused to go into his cot, and now nap time usually I have to be on the bed before he will stay on the bed and fall asleep. But once he was really really tired and I was doing the dishes, according to my hubby, Ethan just climbed up the bed and went to sleep on his own.

Schools: I'm thinking of sending Ethan to nursery next Sept.. maybe start off with 2 mornings a week then slowly increase it over the year. Last week there were a few days I really lost it with him, I think probably due to my frustration at not being able to handle him partly because of my physical state.. anyway thought it would do us both good.
Thanks mummies for your compliments on the photos

kypf, wow just one more month to go, are you all prepapred? Is Ethan all ready for his new sibling too?

skyblue, eh you wonder abt the words on the cake then why never ask me ah, you scared I feel v sad cause you thought baker write wrong words ah wahaha :p

yuru, Faye is taking source Naturals Life Flora, 1/4 teaspoon per serving. If you cant get this, can try GNC's probiotics also, get the one that they refrigerate in their small fridge in the store(cant remember the name).

sherhino, yeah I cut her fringe myself!
lil devil
so your self baked cake is for the birthday eve or actual day's celebration? must show us pixs of your cake! i still remember medusa's DIY cakes last year. :p

dr loke is a female PD, she is on the 2nd floor. hmm, i never notice whose queue is longer but i am very comfortable with dr loke as she has been seeing rhyan since birth. she is very patient with my qns whenever we visit her, and at least i know she doesn't prescribe antibiotics unless absolutely necessary.

probiotics - i didn't manage to get the GNC one that time coz it was out of stock at almost all branches. i bought at Guardian Pharmacy instead, but has stopped giving now since rhyan has recovered.

CC - the one that rhyan is on waiting list, no vacancy yet and need to wait till Dec. according to the person in charge, rhyan will be in N1 instead of playgroup which we are currently waiting for, if there is a vacancy for him in Dec. oh, i realised this CC has N1, N2, K1, K2 stages of classes.
how was ur beijing trip?

personally i dun like dr ho. i brought gabe 2 c her once n e experience was very unpleasant 4 me & husband. in fact, i wanted gabe 2 c dr loke tat time but dr loke wasnt in. btw, you hv mail.

which LV outlet did u talk 2? i spoke 2 mrs tami fr LV at Tamp St 81 and Janice fr LV at TP. they both told me tat they'll put gabe in N1 in jan2007. if gabe joins now now, he'll b in toddler class. as i know jesebelle's son jayden is in LV at TP, janice told me tat jayden's going 2 N1 in jan2007 too.
heee.... i should say its a PARTIAL diy cake as i cant bake the chiffon cake as i dun have oven over my place and mil oven RETIRED liao :p so i got to get a bakery to do it for me and i can diy the cream, fillings and decor part. tat cake is for the bday eve cele. and dun expect too much hor.... its gonna be a really simple looking cake, heee.......


haiz..... dun know wat happen to me lately..... easily agitated and feel out of control. i mean i do felt the same way before but it goes away real quick, but tis time round it stays longer than wat i expected....
lil devil,
me too! me too! dunno if it's bcos e boys r getting on my nerves or i'm getting more & more short-tempered. it's as if i cant control e situation and i flare up easily.

2day i hurt gabe physically 2x. i didnt use "beat" bcos 1st time i did beat him bcos he poured cornflakes all over him WHEN ed's crying nonstop. after he poured cornflakes all over him, he climbed onto his table, stood by e window. i carried him down in forceful manner while telling him tat he'll hurt his head again (he fell fr e table last sat) if he dun listen 2 me, definitely frightening him AND ed was still crying at the same time. gabe started crying n i hv both boys crying at the same time, both boys requiring me 2 hug & carry them at the same time - URGH!

2nd time, gabe simply refused 2 wear diaper b4 he nap (he hasnt been wearing diaper cos me trying 2 potty-train him). he struggled so i kinda hurt his arm when i was too rough wif him - he kept pointing 2 his arm & said "pain pain". i felt very bad after both incidents n even cried wif him when he was sniffling abt his arm.

wat's happening 2 me huh?
e book u recommended, i also reserved it at e library.
will b picking it up soon. tot of borrowing it fr e library, see if i like it then buy it fr e bookstore. if not, another white elephant on my bookshelf.
I can empathise with u. I do get very short tempered when Kieran does things despite me telling him not to. He's been doing things to get our attention recently. I tink it's cos he's a little jealous of Kayden. For ur case, it's understandable dat u flare up more easily. It's definitely not easy handling the 2 boys on ur own. Mebbe can get ur MIL to come by more often to help u out or u go over to ur mum's place?
remember e last time we spoke, i did mention tat gabe is also seeking more attention nowadays. he knows tat if he cries, he'll get e attention (probably realising tat since lil bro cries, he gets carried) and he asks 2 b carried very often too. i've been telling gabe tat edward cries bcos he dunno how 2 talk like him, edward needs 2 b carried bcos he cant walk & crawl abt like him. i tik gabe's getting e picture but lately he's into seeking newer & higher limits like climbing up 2 my kitchen island (his latest stunt), very insistent on wat he wants (getting harder 2 distract him when he's throwing tantrums), etc.

i try 2 go over 2 my mum's plc as often as possible but my mum & i hv different parenting methods. she beats gabe whenever he misbehaves, i usually dun n we do hv conflicts bcos of tat. now my mum's harping on me for NOT potty-training gabe yet (she laments tat she potty-trained me & my 2 other siblings by our 3rd mth) and insists tat i potty-train edward NOW too. tat's y i also try NOT 2 go over too often, i keep it at max 2x in a wk.

as for my MIL coming over, she comes over as n when she likes...usually only once in a wk. so for e other 4days in a wk, i try my very best.
kelly, oh dear, you must be quite stressed out
Actually I think you are doing a great job (afterall, how many mummies can handle a newborn and a 2yr old ALONE? I def dont think I can honestly.) I guess gabe's latest 'adventures' like climbing up on tables etc might or might not be related to Ed (could be a way of getting more of your attention, but can also be totally developmental for his age, like to test physical limits or wat) cause Faye is also going thru the same thing- she has been trying to scale cabinets, tables and every other 'climbable' stuff. She is also beyond distraction and persuading at times. I guess the only thing to do (apart from threats/hitting) is to keep a vilgilant eye on them and to constantly remind them about the dangers etc. I can understand why its alot harder for you since you also have Ed to care for. Is it possible for you to find a playgroup-kinda-thing to send Gabe to for now since his nursery starts only next year rite?
Watever it is, you are def doing a great job oredi
Nice bday pics of pretty Faye :p

Welcome back:p

"warm brand" DIY cake by mummy is always the BEST cake in the world. Pei Fu u and Medusa for the effort
Agreed wif Berry, u r fantastic to be able to handle 2 boys.
I have been telling HB lately that i'm SERIOUSLY thinking of just one kid. Tired......
Well, like wat berry mentioned, Gab's behaviour could be Ed-related or age-developmentally appropriate. At 2 YO, our tods r definitely more assertive n curious abt everything. They oso tend to test limits. Kieran is now treating my window grilles as smthg like a monkey bar. He'll hang on to the lowest bar and try to scale up my full height window, machiam doing pull ups.
From wat u described, i tink i'd rather stay at home and try very hard to cope by myself :p n yes, u're doing a wonderful job oredi
U confirm getting dat helper?
skyblue, kelly,
I haven't been alone with 2 kiddos- cant manage even tho Athena doesnt climb anything but the sofa. I can only manage 1 at a time...
Kieran climbs window grilles?!! Wah, very advanced, I only recall doing that in... kindergarten I think. BTW door frame can also climb up... wahliao, our homes r getting more and more dangerous for our tods!
kelly, I definitely will tear my hair out if I'm alone with Jean for 1 week! hahaha... so I think you are doing a great job! Don't be too tense...

berry, oic... I can imagine Faye saying that!
Dear Mummies,

Need your support again! hehehe...
If you think Jean's a little bit lovable, PLS VOTE FOR HER!!!
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One vote per email. Multiple emails are accepted.

Thank you, if you have already done so!
hi Kelly

u doing a great job so far, dun worry Gab will understand your hard work. i cant imagine myself looking after 2 kiddo by myself, tink i will kncok my head against the wall.
Relax a bit ok, dun be so tense. Maybe get your sis to relieve u a bit on weekend , then you go out to relax a bit
I should be proud of my monkey keira. She can climb up the metal gate and window grills (right to the TOP) when she was just 18 mths
pcs, wah!!! I know dangerous lah, but very skilful! My gal 18mths dunno whether cld even run properly, LOL! Now, so far highest climb achieved is sofa or adult stool.
TODDLER ADVENTURES- Haha I think alot of our tods going thru similar stage hor? I read that this is very a very normal stage that mpst tods go thru, they simply NEED to test their own physical limits and its all part of exploring their world and what their bodies are capable of. Also that for some kids, if they are fearful of harsh punishments when they climb places they arent supposed to, they might gradually learn to avoid climbing in view of parents/caregiver and attempt only when no one is round. This makes it even more dangerous cause if an accident were to happen, no adult will be there to help. I am extremely concerned that Faye will climb and fall when I am not around (like when I am taking a bath or busy in kitchen), so I tell her NEVER to climb anything when I am not around, otherwise I wont be there to help her if she has a bad fall. And for the above said reason, I also dont wanna be harsh with her about these. So far I think she understands(keeping my fingers crossed) cause she only attempts to perform gravity-defying stunts when I am right next to her. But then, there are times when I REALLY do not want her to climb esp when its def unsafe (like trying to climb the slim metal 'poles' of my stand-alone clothing rack!) and sometimes I nearly wanna tear my hair out in frustration cause I dunno how to make her see that its REALLY unsafe and not meant for climbing, yet unwillinging to resort to be harsh in case she decides to do it only when I am not around. Haiyo, so I end up just giving her alot of info (this pole is slim and the base is unstable because of its castor wheels, anything with wheels at the bottom could slip easiy etc etc et..!) and tell myself that this phase will pass too haha
TODDLERPROOF- haha I realised that toddler-proofing is another thing altogether compared to bb proofing the house! These days Faye is attempting to DIG OUT my safety plug-ins(or watever you call those things, cant recall name) for the sockets! Luckily she is no where near success, but I am seriously breaking out in cold sweat wondering what to do when she finally is?!

pcs, wahaha yar u shd be proud of her agility! Faye also did the same with my mum's gate at the same age! And hor, we decided thereon, that we are not gonna have a gate at our front door, so now we only have a baby gate hehe.
At 18 mths, she can't run very fast but she sure can "cling on" well. Since she is a monkey i assume its a natural capability. hahaha.

*Keira hi-fi to Faye*
No gate?? Its impossible for our HDB flats i think. keira is the opp. SHe goes around the house plucking in all "the safety plugs" which i sometimes miss out :p
My boy's PD is Dr Ho. But he had seen Dr Loke too when Dr Ho is not around. I remembered when my boy saw Dr Ho recently, she prescribed an antibiotic for 10 days when my boy's down with throat infection leh. So I think the prescription of antibio is depend on the seriousness of our kiddo's illness.

You are really a steady mum leh. Can handle an active 2 yr old and a baby. I can't even manage a 2 yr old boy sometimes. Once when I am on leave last year, I baby sit my boy and my hubby's 3 yr old and 5 yrs old nephew alone when my MIL was sick and went to the hospital. It was such a terrible experience that I decide I will not have 2 kids whose age gap is less than 3 yrs :p

California Fitness
I was browsing thru the archived thread just now and read that some mummies here do visit the california fitness at orchard. Just curious, those mummies, do you still visit the gym? Erm, cos I visit there almost everyday during lunch time for the past year.. Hee hee...
Berry, no not all prepared. Bought some newborn clothes, diapers, and trying to slowly buy many many things because I remember the first couple of months with Ethan I was practically housebound. Some more I can't confirm boy or girl so have to stick to gender-neutral clothes. At least if need to get stuff can order online and get it delivered but must wait a few days.

As for Ethan. No idea if he knows or not leh. Bought a book called "Zaza's baby brother". Keep telling him, showing him my belly. He likes to poke my belly button and smack my belly.
Oh Berry your hair cutting skills very good ah

I cut Ethan's hair on Sunday. I thought he looked Very Handsome, but my hubby said it looks awful. Thing is, it was his *first* haircut so I wanted to do it myself. Even though my friends tell me the barbers in town do it for 2 or 3. I thought maybe next time I will bring him to barber, but then, he's going to have many many hair cuts in the years to come, might as well do it myself, practise makes perfect.
little_devil, kelly,

I think it must be in the stars or something, last week I also lost my cool with Ethan a few times. Each time my response different, first time I gave him silent treatment (not intentional, just that I was so upset I couldn't look or talk to him), second time I yelled at him, third time I handled him quite roughly. Each time I felt very guilty after that. After I cool down I realise Ethan's not really doing anything to intentionally agitate me, he's just doing what he wants to do, and because it's not easy to control him I feel helpless, frustrated, desperate, rather than angry with him. So my reaction is a bid to regain control of the situation really. And each time the reaction is different because after having a "bad" or "negative" reaction I tell myself not to do it again.. so come up with something new....

After the 3 incidents, that occurred every other day last week, I keep reminding myself to be patient, try to turn the situation around and keep cool.
BTW, Kelly, you are my "ou xiang". I will probably need to get tips and advice from you soon. Right now am delusional, think the baby will be good as gold, sleep most of the time, and Ethan and I can carry on life as usual...........
On the book that Berry recommended, I read through preface and a few chapters. My interpretation from the preface is that there are no hard and fast rules on parenting, it varies from family to family and you have to determine what values you want to impart to your children. After reading few chapters though, I thought the book does have some "rules", eg I started wondering, have I done something "wrong" when I help Ethan out in difficult situations rather than let him figure it out himself? I guess your mindset when reading any parenting book should be that you take in whatever works for you, and keep an open mind to try out whatever else is recommended. And of course it helps if you're confident enough of your parenting skills to ignore the "advice" that don't work for you, even if you're warned that your child will grow up confused if you don't follow the advice given.

The other thing about the book, I thought it was written "textbook" style. I had the urge to make notes and start memorising stuff... that's what 12 years of formal education in Singapore has done to me!
kypf, I guess that every author who has decided to write a book will more or less have their own school of thought about parenting. I do feel that this author is less mainstream than alot of other authors (which is why I agree so much with what is being written since I am not v mainstream haha :p), but in this way, it provides a v unique perspective on many things. I feel that its helps struggling parents become more aware of their children's emotional needs and gives alot of insights on what our toddlers are going thru. So far I have not found another book that does this so well and accurately. LOL about your wanting to make notes! Anyway was it helpful for you? Any particular thing struck a chord with you?
pcs, then are you worried that she might one day on the switch and stick her finger into the socket? What do you do ah? I am wondering if there is a way (apart from putting safety plugs thingy which I am oredi doing) to prevent that from happenning ever??
there are a few books that can be used to teach the older kid about the arrival of the younger one.
The ones I got for Ryan are
" The not so PERFECT baby" and another one called
Hello baby

there are some on amazon like
Baby on the Way (Sears Children Library) (Hardcover)
by Martha Sears (Author), William Sears (Author), Christie Watts Kelly (Author), Renee Andriani (Illustrator) "You are growing up - becoming an older brother or sister..." (more)
which you can consider.
That was me & puff discussing california fitness. I still go but a bit irregular, usually go to orchard on Mon ams & Fri pms. Wat time is ur lunch time workout? I usually leave the gym abt 12 plus on Mondays.

B4 pregnancy I was very on, can go almost everyday!
deniz, wah no wonder you are so slim haha! Dont mind me being kaypo hehe, who bbsits for you when you do your workout? When Faye is older and I have more time on hand (that is, IF by then we dont have another small toddler hanging ard heh)I would love to excercise more regularly too.
haiz, i have been freaking busy this week with office work, school work, rhyan's upcoming birthday party and got to make a list of what i need to pack for our genting trip. can only read SM at this unearthly hour.

i can imagine how tough it is, hang on there till your helper comes along soon to help!

so far, dr loke has prescribed antibiotics to rhyan twice and both was a 3 days course only. but, possibly if more serious illness may require more days of antibiotics?

toddler behaviour - i almost wanted to pull my hair out when i brought rhyan home earlier. nowadays, he slip off the car seat on his own once i unbuckle him, without a chance to carry him out of the seat in the carpark. he will then climb to the front or back seats to "play catching" with me. that means, if he is at the front seat and i move to the front to open the door for him to get off the car, he quickly scrambles to the back seat again. aiyo! i was tired and got alot of barangs to carry home and he kept doing that until i had to give him something to distract him, then carry him home with my barangs. just last 2 weeks, he only slipped off the car seat and whichever seat he climbs to, i just have to open the door there and he will get off and leave for home.

book - i borrowed the book berry recommended from the library too, but have not managed to read many chapters. i do feel as well, that the author do have some rules but for me, i generally read as a form of understanding of what i have been doing and what i have not thought of before and only realised now. Not so much for evaluating whether my previous approach had been correct or not, but i still think the book is pretty good. hehe! i would love to read more but i really don't have alot of spare time now.

wah! you so on to go gym everyday? then you never take lunch ah?

rhyan has also been attempting to pull out the safety plugs but not very successful so far coz the plugs are pretty tight (even hb also complain its difficult to pull off when he needs to plug in the vacuum cleaner's switch :p). but, there is one switch at home that the safety plug can't fit and he loves to poke his finger in there which i will quickly shoo him off by telling him its dangerous.

the other day, granduncle told me nanny was alone at home with rhyan and she was in the kitchen when she heard him saying "bye!". she quickly went out of the kitchen and found rhyan standing on a chair which he pulled to the window grilles and climbed up to see if granduncle has returned home after work! fortunately, all the grilles are locked but i think its still very scary. nanny did tell him its dangerous to do so and i have warned her to be more cautious that he may do this again in future. haiz, i really think its not possible to babyproof the whole house lor.
thks a lot...

me feeling much betta 2day, after tiking thru last nite (reflecting on my behavior).

2day is also a much betta day too. both boys not fussing, my BM ss not failing me (last wk i got pretty stressed & worried when i didnt hv enuff 2 feed ed), husband & i brought e boys out (2 collect ed's passport, order gabe's bday cake & check out e school 4 gabe), both boys napped as long as they could, i rested when i can, i chatted wif friens online, etc...it is one of the betta days again (though i know not everyday will b like so). me trying 2 be mentally strong n be more careful when it comes 2 handling gabe (definitely dun 1 2 hurt him anymore - i felt very lousy for my behavior). i told myself tat i'm no superwoman n i am human. it's normal 2 lose control but it'll b betta if i can pick myself up again...for myself & for my boys.

pcs, skyblue, berry
gabe will love 2 climb my grille door if he can but he cant cos the design of e grille door isnt not "climbable". he did climbed husband's cousin's grille door when he visited them last wk. according 2 husband, he climbed til a rather-high height which is rather dangerous, shld he falls.

as for my window grills, he climbs onto his kiddy table & tries 2 get onto e grills but his legs not long 2 get him up and/or his upper body not strong enuff 2 lift him up.

he's lately into climbing onto my kitchen island, my dining table & also my study table. when he sees something he wants but he cant reach it (cos it's not near e sides of these table tops), he'll climb onto e chair, move onto e table top. *FAINT*

i also tik it's a developmental thingy where gabe trying new physical limits. he was into climbing b4 whereby he climbed onto sofa, dining chairs, his kiddy chair, etc. gabe's also into hitting pp now which he did for a while sometime back, then he stopped now tis hitting-pp behavior is back again.

i wonder wat he's up 2 next.

let's learn & share experiences tgt ok? i was chatting wif husband tis evening tat when e maid comes on board, i shall still try 2 handle both boys on my own while e maid handles mainly e hsehold chores & b my secondary helper ONLY when i really cant manage.

LV is learning vision, a popular childcare centre in spore. www.learningvision.com
YES!!! I turn paranoid when she does that. Whenever i see her trying to insert the safety plug, i will DASH to her and ask "U need mummy help?" I will help her to insert the plug and watch her move away from the socket before i can leave her alone again. hahaha

We always, constantly remind her NOT TO PLAY with the sockets and wire when she goes near them. Don't think she understand "dangerous" but i think she knows its "untouchable" since we always "make a big fuss"
Little prince
Heart skip a beat when i read what Rhyan do in the kitchen. I MUST go lock my kitchen grills even though there is a kerb which prevent keira from pushing the chair near the window. Better be safe.
kelly, I'm glad you are feeling better! :D Hey, I agree with what you said about not being a super woman and hence will lose control of yourself at tmes. U know, For a while after Faye went into her terrific twos stage, I lost control of my own emotions and reacted v unkindly on several occasions (and they all happened in like 2 days!), and I was seriously stuck in a rut. The thing that I was most fearful of and only question I kept dwelling on was "how in the world can I prevent this(me flaring up) from happening again? How do I make sure that I will NOT lose my cool again??" and I got a little depressed actually :p
THEN I came to the realisation soon after that maybe the key is not to be a perfect mum, the key is to work on my recovery time after I get mad so that I can do damage control. And if I dont feel guilty and beat myself up for losing my cool, I can handle it better and move on much faster and as a result Faye will be less negatively affected. So these days, if I ever lose my cool with her (thank goodness its not often!), I'll immed remind myself to step back (mentally, cannot physically- she will come and scream and cry after me and make me more pek chek :p) compose, replay trigger scene in my head, identify the trigger, make mental note to be more alert of my emotional state next time, then hug and hold her close and apologise and tell her I'll try to be in better control of my emotions next time. So far this seems to work for me.
You are doing a really great job kelly, jia you! Think of all the fun you and gabe and Ed will be having when Ed is a wee bit older!
No lah, not kaypoh. Luckily my hb's working hours are flexible so he tries to keep Mon mornings & Fri evenings free to babysit. Plus he's in the fitness biz so he understands lah. \clipart {happy}
I hvta sneak out of the house tho cos Meghan will start fussing if she sees me dressed & she's not. Mornings are less stressful cos she wakes up late, ard 1pm, so I'm back b4 she knows it. \clipart {happy}
U don't hv anyone to babysit Faye for a short while during the day?

Faye's so cute! Calls herself "Faye Faye"!

U're doing a real great job looking after a tod & a baby alone! I don't think I can manage it at all. Will u still be going back to work soon?

Climbing grilles
A year ago, we changed our front door grilles so that Meghan can't use it to climb. The original grille looked just like a ladder & I was already having nightmares of her climbing up!

talking about climbing... couple of nites ago, Jean tried to climb out of the haenim playyard... lost her balance and fell... her arm got stuck between the vertical gaps... started crying when she couldn't get it out and screamed "Jean fall down!" as we left her alone in the play area for a mere 5 mins!
