(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

me also confused so i checked wif my mum who works in a PAP kindergarten. she advised tat pre-nursery r called toddler programmes, meant 4 children <2yrs+. if u click on Kinderland Childcare, Academy &amp; Kindergarten, it says the same thing.


Yrs ago, b4 there's such thing as N1, N2, it was always juz Nursery, Kindergarten Yr 1 &amp; 2 for the tods b4 they head 2 Primary School. In recent yrs, with so many programmes for tods bet 2-3yrs, there's the "new" (no longer new lah) phase called N1, N2. Any other programmes b4 N1 is called Pre Nursery or Toddler Programme.

Education centres who are still following the "old school" will use pre-nursery, meaning it's meant 4 kids <3yrs old (cos only when ur tod is 4yrs old then u go 2 nursery)

I use gabe as example...next yr he's going 2 a 3hrs playgroup (i dun tik e educational centre i'm sending him to calls it N1). If he goes 2 a childcare centre or somewhere like Kinderland, it's considered tat he's in N1. In Jan 2008 (even though gabe not 4yrs old yet), he's going to N2. In Jan 2009 &amp; 2010, he's going 2 K1 &amp; K2. When 2008 draws near, i'll look 4 something else 4 gabe, either PAP, Kinderland or some other schools for his N2, K1 &amp; K2 programme.

as 4 appletree, i dun tik e company labels its toddler classes as N1. my GF whose daughter attended AppleTree when she was 3yrs old (she only turned 3 in Nov05 but she started attending in Jan05), is now attending N2 at SengKang Methodist Church and will continue wif the kindergarten classes there.

for u, mayb dun bother abt wat justin is attending (n1, n2, toddler class, etc) now. juz look 4 a proper school, check out e school, teachers &amp; curriculum &amp; let justin enjoy himself there.

me too, experiencing wat u say. quinn used to hit us *hubby, me, pil and such* but i always refrain from hitting him back as a puunishment. smtimes hubby cant control and will lightly beat his hand and such. and the thing is tat now he STOP *sometimes still will but very very little* hitting me but still hitting hubby :p so i guess to punish them by returning their act is not too good as its pretty confusing for them. of cos at times i very very tired or when i am sick or so, i really feel im gonna hit him at tat moment but luckily i always remind myself.even hubby says i SPOILT him by doing tat but again, i remind him wats the objective behind it, i even tell my sil my objective and hoping they can understanding. but no matter wat others think, i am sticking to my rules. its very difficult to get pp ard u to fully SUPPORT ur act but just stick to wat u think is rite.

umm.... i guess diff skool calculate it differently tats y we so confuse...
maybe just dun bother whether is it N1 N2 and such liao. just chose a skool we are like.
gabby's mum
how do u know if e school is true 2 montessori programme?

there's a few education centres in tamp (near my mum's neighbourhood) tat offers playgroup classes 4 gabe's age (as in he can attend next jan). they always advertise "based on partial montessori programme". is there any way i can see 4 myself a true montessori programme?
kelly, you gotta go read up on the montessori philosophy thoughly before you can determine whether the school is carrying out what they are supposed to. From what I know, there are lesser than a handfuls out of the hundreds of mont sch in SG that is near authentic (thats one reason why its not in consideration for us). If you verbally ask, all the schools will tell you they are authentic, but the word 'montessori' is not patented, that means anyone who wants to can set up a school n name it montessori. This also means that there is not regulating/governing board to define its authenticity. Anyway, in my opinion, partial montessori means not authentic. Like a partially authentic designer bag is not authentic too.
I have PM-ed you.

school for our tots
hmm, i am not that particular about Rhyan going to a proper N1 school for now. my reason for sending him to classes / CC is because he is really bored at nanny's hse, keeps asking to go "walk-walk!". adding on that i have classes at night, the day would be too long for him at nanny's place. if he go for some classes, at least half a day is gone and he gets to play with other children. as long as we are comfortable with the school we have chosen, its good enough for us.
HUMID DAY- today's a v humid day huh? Just discovered that frozen grapes tastes really good! :D I froze some for Faye earlier (er I dont really freeze them until they are rock hard haha, only for 30 min till they are really nice n cold, the 'semi-frozenness' makes them nice to crunch on), then I realised its time for her nap and didnt wanna give her grapes (high in sugar) before sleeping, so now she is asleep and I'm eating them all by myself! yummy!
lil prince,
after chatting wif a few mummies a few days ago, i also asked myself y i'm sending gabe 2 school next yr. i also dun bother if it's N1 or N2 (i know he shld go 2 N2/K1/K2 when e time is near lah) but after sitting down 2 tik it thru, i realised e reason y.

i juz 1 gabe 2 b out of e hse 4 a couple of hrs so tat the caregiver (be it me or e maid) can handle ed &amp; e hsehold (cook, wash, clean up, etc) well. so 4 him 2 b away, a 3-4hrs playgroup is best 4 him 2 learn &amp; mingle wif pp. if there's no edward, i probably wont send him 2 school so soon.
have u tried frozen bananas-on-a-stick? Someone suggested to me a looong time ago, as a alternative ice-cream. :p I'd rather Ben &amp; Jerry...

Schs- this yr I know she's not ready, and since I can't predict whether she'd be ready next yr, I can't sign up for any til next yr, and if unavailable by then, will just adhoc lessons as we've been doing so far? The only thing I know abt montessori is abt them taking 1 toy at a time to play on own mat, must return toy to get new toy, watever toy on their mat they don't have to share. I *think*. LOL!

Athena: So many choices... all my jiejie, gorgor, meimei, didi- have you chosen your lantern yet? When are we gonna show each other our lanterns? :p
Aiyo, tried uploading some Faye's party photos but dunno how to edit size cause the format that its set by photographer is v diff from the normal pictures I took myself! Gave up :p

LANTERN VIEWING- so are we gonna go view the special lanterns at the chinese garden? Who has discounts for tics ah?

MT, er.. how come Tena is in bathrobe ah? (even tho v cute haha)
U engaged a photographer to snap Faye's bday pics? Quick upload leh, i wanna see

I oso have same tinking as u. If can't find a sch for Kieran next yr, I'll jus sign him up for weekend classes.
Cos whether or not they attend sch next yr is not a biggie to me. They're jus 3 YO.
Lantern Festival Tickets
Donno what happen. Every year our company receive early bird offers from JTC but not this year.

According to Angelia, NTUC member have discount too. I do have the member card but limited to 5 tickets. Does our kids needs ticket? Anyone else have NTUC member card?

Me too, i send nat to pre-school becos i find her bore at home. Last time w/o nydia, my mum still can brg nat to downstair walk walk, sometimes even to nearby shopping center. But now with nydia ard, my mum dun ve the ability to brg 2 out. So nat has to stay at home for the whole day. The only chance she can get out of the hse is when i send her thru n flo my mum's pl.

Another way to tell she is bore n lonely is when we r out, she will go n touch other kids. Like wan them to play with her, so poor thg....


The school that nat gog to is Nativity Church Kindergarden along upper serangoon rd. Chose that school becos my mum's neighbours gave gd remark on it n the most important thg is it near my mum's pl-walking distance. So its easy for her to send n pick nat up.
i am drowning in work lah, very uneventful week.

hehe! *I* only started going to school from K2 onwards, missed out K1!

we won't be buying lanterns for Rhyan, reusing what he had last year coz he is not very into lanterns.
oh after swim I usually just dry her, put pull-up diaper and bathrobe. Go home then shower etc. :p So she walks around like that until we reach home, hehe.
little prince,
Wat happened? How come u didn't attend K1?

Saw Irvin's swimming pics. Like wat u said, he looks so serene...
LOL! no need diaper mah, just panty will do since she is wet anyway. :p

nobody knew at that time i was supposed to go to school already. hahaha!
i also skipped K1.. cos my mum went for surgery and no one brought me to school / enrollment. so saved 1 yr's school fees. :p

<font color="0000ff">lanterns</font>
what a coincidence.. i juz bot a lantern for shanice yesterday. the kind that medusa posted, in the shape of a goldfish. but i only let shanice touch a while then kept it already. scared she'll tear it before the festival is near :p
skyblue, yar lor, we didnt wanna tire ourselves out by running around to take photos when we should be having fun together with Faye and the guests. The photographer took, edited (basic stuff like lighting/contrast), write into CD and send to me, gave me three copies somemore! So now I just need to send for printing! V worthwhile.
<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD></TD><TD>Kids' Name</TD><TD>Kids' DOB</TD><TD>Kids' Age</TD><TD>Mummies' Nick </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Ryan</TD><TD>05/03/04</TD><TD>2y 06m 10d</TD><TD>ruffy_happy </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Jayden</TD><TD>07/06/04</TD><TD>2y 03m 08d</TD><TD>jesebelle </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>3</TD><TD>Gabriel</TD><TD>23/08/04</TD><TD>2y 00m 23d</TD><TD>gab04 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>4</TD><TD>Jiang Rui</TD><TD>23/08/04</TD><TD>2y 00m 23d</TD><TD>junior </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>5</TD><TD>Kiern</TD><TD>24/08/04</TD><TD>2y 00m 22d</TD><TD>jer (dreamer_j3r) </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>6</TD><TD>Sarah-Lynn</TD><TD>25/08/04</TD><TD>2y 00m 21d</TD><TD>radiohead </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>7</TD><TD>Keefe</TD><TD>31/08/04</TD><TD>2y 00m 15d</TD><TD>cubbiebb </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>8</TD><TD>Marcus</TD><TD>03/09/04</TD><TD>2y 00m 12d</TD><TD>domesticgoddess </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>9</TD><TD>Esther</TD><TD>04/09/04</TD><TD>2y 00m 11d</TD><TD>jamie_c78 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>10</TD><TD>Kieran</TD><TD>09/09/04</TD><TD>2y 00m 06d</TD><TD>skyblue </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>11</TD><TD>Ryan</TD><TD>14/09/04</TD><TD>2y 00m 01d</TD><TD>expecting_mum </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>12</TD><TD>Faye</TD><TD>23/09/04</TD><TD>1y 11m 23d</TD><TD>berry </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>13</TD><TD>Rhyan</TD><TD>24/09/04</TD><TD>1y 11m 22d</TD><TD>littleprince </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>14</TD><TD>Quinn</TD><TD>24/09/04</TD><TD>1y 11m 22d</TD><TD>little_devil </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>15</TD><TD>Janice</TD><TD>24/09/04</TD><TD>1y 11m 22d</TD><TD>peipei </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>16</TD><TD>Keira</TD><TD>26/09/04</TD><TD>1y 11m 20d</TD><TD>pcs </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>17</TD><TD>Lucas</TD><TD>27/09/04</TD><TD>1y 11m 19d</TD><TD>SLK </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>18</TD><TD>Sharyn</TD><TD>28/09/04</TD><TD>1y 11m 18d</TD><TD>pets </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>19</TD><TD>Carriane</TD><TD>28/09/04</TD><TD>1y 11m 18d</TD><TD>blisse </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>20</TD><TD>Arnav Neil</TD><TD>03/10/04</TD><TD>1y 11m 12d</TD><TD>sun </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>21</TD><TD>Rachael</TD><TD>04/10/04</TD><TD>1y 11m 11d</TD><TD>are </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>22</TD><TD>Lavigne</TD><TD>05/10/04</TD><TD>1y 11m 10d</TD><TD>casros (ouiwii) </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>23</TD><TD>Samantha</TD><TD>05/10/04</TD><TD>1y 11m 10d</TD><TD>sherhino </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>24</TD><TD>Esther</TD><TD>06/10/04</TD><TD>1y 11m 09d</TD><TD>ziztine </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>25</TD><TD>Shanice</TD><TD>08/10/04</TD><TD>1y 11m 07d</TD><TD>angph38 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>26</TD><TD>Gabriel</TD><TD>10/10/04</TD><TD>1y 11m 05d</TD><TD>kelly (weddingfairy) </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>27</TD><TD>Cayden</TD><TD>10/10/04</TD><TD>1y 11m 05d</TD><TD>feline </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>28</TD><TD>Meghan</TD><TD>12/10/04</TD><TD>1y 11m 03d</TD><TD>deniz (deniz_ann) </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>29</TD><TD>Nicole</TD><TD>13/10/04</TD><TD>1y 11m 02d</TD><TD>bride0712 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>30</TD><TD>Hengzhi</TD><TD>14/10/04</TD><TD>1y 11m 01d</TD><TD>comizgirl </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>31</TD><TD>Qian Ning</TD><TD>18/10/04</TD><TD>1y 10m 28d</TD><TD>andrea ku </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>32</TD><TD>Athena</TD><TD>18/10/04</TD><TD>1y 10m 28d</TD><TD>medusa (mtmtmt) </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>33</TD><TD>Rafael</TD><TD>18/10/04</TD><TD>1y 10m 28d</TD><TD>belanda </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>34</TD><TD>Isabel</TD><TD>20/10/04</TD><TD>1y 10m 26d</TD><TD>charsiew rice </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>35</TD><TD>Gabriel</TD><TD>20/10/04</TD><TD>1y 10m 26d</TD><TD>may may </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>36</TD><TD>Nilay</TD><TD>22/10/04</TD><TD>1y 10m 24d</TD><TD>august </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>37</TD><TD>Justin</TD><TD>25/10/04</TD><TD>1y 10m 21d</TD><TD>AC (anchovy) </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>38</TD><TD>Anders</TD><TD>26/10/04</TD><TD>1y 10m 20d</TD><TD>cow </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>39</TD><TD>Sharwyn</TD><TD>28/10/04</TD><TD>1y 10m 18d</TD><TD>sharon </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>40</TD><TD>Gabriel</TD><TD>29/10/04</TD><TD>1y 10m 17d</TD><TD>gabby's mummy </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>41</TD><TD>Cindy</TD><TD>08/11/04</TD><TD>1y 10m 07d</TD><TD>yuru </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>42</TD><TD>Esther</TD><TD>10/11/04</TD><TD>1y 10m 05d</TD><TD>why &amp; itsun </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>43</TD><TD>Ying Xin</TD><TD>11/11/04</TD><TD>1y 10m 04d</TD><TD>puff </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>44</TD><TD>Calista</TD><TD>11/11/04</TD><TD>1y 10m 04d</TD><TD>chihiro </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>45</TD><TD>Tristan</TD><TD>11/11/04</TD><TD>1y 10m 04d</TD><TD>cxope </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>46</TD><TD>Rui Ying</TD><TD>17/11/04</TD><TD>1y 09m 29d</TD><TD>KC (sunshine_bear) </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>47</TD><TD>Brandon</TD><TD>23/11/04</TD><TD>1y 09m 23d</TD><TD>Bing (crazbin) </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>48</TD><TD>Ethan</TD><TD>23/11/04</TD><TD>1y 09m 23d</TD><TD>kypf (ktpf) </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>49</TD><TD>Tricia</TD><TD>23/11/04</TD><TD>1y 09m 23d</TD><TD>peg peg </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>50</TD><TD>Chloe</TD><TD>29/11/04</TD><TD>1y 09m 17d</TD><TD>duffy/wooof </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>51</TD><TD>Aaron</TD><TD>30/11/04</TD><TD>1y 09m 16d</TD><TD>maple_leaf </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>52</TD><TD>Chloe</TD><TD>01/12/04</TD><TD>1y 09m 14d</TD><TD>chantelle </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>53</TD><TD>Wen Wu</TD><TD>01/12/04</TD><TD>1y 09m 14d</TD><TD>rochelle </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>54</TD><TD>Natalie</TD><TD>02/12/04</TD><TD>1y 09m 13d</TD><TD>TBL </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>55</TD><TD>Rinchen</TD><TD>02/12/04</TD><TD>1y 09m 13d</TD><TD>bitbit </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>56</TD><TD>Allycia </TD><TD>03/12/04</TD><TD>1y 09m 12d</TD><TD>emma (babypooh) </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>57</TD><TD>Steffi</TD><TD>04/12/04</TD><TD>1y 09m 11d</TD><TD>LL </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>58</TD><TD>Dean</TD><TD>06/12/04</TD><TD>1y 09m 09d</TD><TD>cody </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>59</TD><TD>Luke</TD><TD>06/12/04</TD><TD>1y 09m 09d</TD><TD>fruitcake </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>60</TD><TD>Natalie</TD><TD>06/12/04</TD><TD>1y 09m 09d</TD><TD>evelyn (leo29) </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>61</TD><TD>Declan Isaac </TD><TD>10/12/04</TD><TD>1y 09m 05d</TD><TD>mngo </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>62</TD><TD>Trixilia</TD><TD>10/12/04</TD><TD>1y 09m 05d</TD><TD>sulivyn </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>63</TD><TD>Jeannieve</TD><TD>11/12/04</TD><TD>1y 09m 04d</TD><TD>jen </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>64</TD><TD>Andric</TD><TD>15/12/04</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">1y 09m 00d</font></TD><TD>stephie (blurq) </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>65</TD><TD>Rae-Ann</TD><TD>17/12/04</TD><TD>1y 08m 29d</TD><TD>lachesiz </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>66</TD><TD>Linus</TD><TD>18/12/04</TD><TD>1y 08m 28d</TD><TD>oranges </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>67</TD><TD>Jodie</TD><TD>20/12/04</TD><TD>1y 08m 26d</TD><TD>beanie </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>68</TD><TD>Nicole</TD><TD>24/12/04</TD><TD>1y 08m 22d</TD><TD>wendypooh </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>69</TD><TD>girl</TD><TD>26/12/04</TD><TD>1y 08m 20d</TD><TD>GIRL (baobei) </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>70</TD><TD>Ashton</TD><TD>03/01/05</TD><TD>1y 08m 12d</TD><TD>Blanche</td></tr></table>

If u wish to join the list, pls send ur details to me:
- Baby Name
- Baby DOB
- Mummy Name
- Mummy Nick
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<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD></TD><TD>Mummies' Nick</TD><TD>#2 Name</TD><TD>#2 DOB</TD><TD>#2 Age</TD><TD>#2 EDD</TD><TD>Expecting </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>1</TD><TD>rochelle</TD><TD>boy</TD><TD>05/12/05</TD><TD>9m 10d</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>2</TD><TD>peipei</TD><TD>Jayden</TD><TD>12/01/06</TD><TD>8m 03d</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>3</TD><TD>charsiew rice</TD><TD>Evan</TD><TD>10/03/06</TD><TD>6m 05d</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>4</TD><TD>gabby's mummy</TD><TD>Si'En</TD><TD>18/05/06</TD><TD>3m 28d</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>5</TD><TD>chantelle</TD><TD>Caleb</TD><TD>05/06/06</TD><TD>3m 10d</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>6</TD><TD>TBL</TD><TD>Nathan</TD><TD>14/06/06</TD><TD>3m 01d</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>7</TD><TD>medusa (mtmtmt)</TD><TD>Irvin</TD><TD>17/06/06</TD><TD>2m 29d</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>8</TD><TD>evelyn (leo29)</TD><TD>Nydia</TD><TD>10/07/06</TD><TD>2m 05d</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>9</TD><TD>kelly (weddingfairy)</TD><TD>Edward</TD><TD>13/07/06</TD><TD>2m 02d</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>10</TD><TD>skyblue</TD><TD>Kayden</TD><TD>10/08/06</TD><TD>1m 05d</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>11</TD><TD>Blanche</TD><TD>Ayden </TD><TD>10/08/06</TD><TD>1m 05d</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>12</TD><TD>bride0712</TD><TD>girl</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>12/10/06</TD><TD>36w 1d </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>13</TD><TD>kypf (ktpf)</TD><TD>?</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>17/10/06</TD><TD>35w 3d </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>14</TD><TD>chihiro</TD><TD>boy</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>20/10/06</TD><TD>35w 0d </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>15</TD><TD>pets</TD><TD>girl</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>05/11/06</TD><TD>32w 5d </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>16</TD><TD>KC (sunshine_bear)</TD><TD>girl</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>11/11/06</TD><TD>31w 6d</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>17</TD><TD>sharon</TD><TD>girl</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>18/11/06</TD><TD>30w 6d</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>18</TD><TD>sherhino</TD><TD>girl</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>24/11/06</TD><TD>30w 0d</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>19</TD><TD>ruffy_happy</TD><TD>boy</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>18/12/06</TD><TD>26w 4d</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>20</TD><TD>wendypooh</TD><TD>?</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>18/12/06</TD><TD>26w 4d</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>21</TD><TD>ziztine</TD><TD>?</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>06/02/07</TD><TD>19w 3d</TD><TD></td></tr></table>

If u wish to join the list, pls send ur details to me:
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- Occupation/SAHM/WFHM
- Blog/Online Photo Website (if any)
so nice A pix! hubby says shes getting prettier and prettier
hey, where is this place ah, tat sells sooo much traditional lanterns??

must quickly figure out how to resize those pix!!! really wanna see her BDAY party pix
so u got the strawberry shortcake from bakerzin? so u manage to get them to do a bigger cake.

hey, really appreciate ur help on the chiffon cake contact, may be going down 2molo to sort it out with ah lian. i already got most of the decoration thingy for quinns cake but i have a problem, i must get a BOX for my 2 tier cake and will upload the cake tat i do to show u *if its nice lah* :p but willbe a very simple 1....

yikes! i read my earlier posting again n realised tat i didnt communicate my tots clearly. gabe's definitely not a nuisance at home n it's not like i want him out of e hse. he's getting bored and every morn he can spend >2hrs in front of the TV when i'm busy wif ed (feeding, bathing, lulling ed 2 sleep). i dun want the TV 2 b gabe's bbsitter and *i tik* gabe's getting cabin fever.

b4 i gave birth, sometimes when i asked gabe if he wanna go out, he would say "no no". i would listen 2 him &amp; stay home so he can do wat he wants. now everytime i ask gabe if he he wanna go out, he'll go "yesh" without fail.
when i saw e photog tat day during e party, i tot she's a photog fr Globetrotters who was going around taking pics of every guest at the restaurant. then when i found her hanging around our tables all the time, taking pics of faye more often, i found it puzzling so i asked her. we chatted briefly n i even took her namecard.
me cant wait 2 c e pics too!

lil devil,
no problem...luckily my mum knows tis kinda lobang. if not, i also cant help u. try getting e box fr ah lian or ask her how 2 pack it. i'm sure she can help u.
lil devil, aiyo I gave up liao. tried many times, just cant get the size rite! :p
cake- yeah got the cake from bakerzinn, its great cause everyone told me how delicious it is haha!
load the pixs in yahoo photos or what and send us the link lah. :p

lil devil
our boys will be 2 years old next Sun!

how are you celebrating Quinn's birthday? we are having a simple celebration at home with hubby's nieces and nephews, and going to Genting 2 days after his birthday. going to order Rhyan's Barney cake tonight, looking forward to his small party next week. hehe .. he knows how to make a wish and blow the candles out. the only thing i am worried about is the mess that hubby's nieces and nephews will leave behind, i can faint when i look at the mess at their house.
How abt uploading to one of those free photosites then post the link? I also anxious to see ;P

little devil,
I was just abt to ask medusa where that place is!
i got it from a shop name BAKE IT YOURSELF. its ard Bt Timah area. can go down and take a look, they got pretty cute stuff.


yah man, soooo fast rite?? cant imagine i am already a mum for 2 years!!

for quinn, its gonna be a small cele too. on the eve of his bday, FIL intend to hold a small cele in east coast, he loves 1 of the resturant there, got really nice steak and my parents will be there too. and most importantly, quinn and my nephew can cycle there else it will be soooo boring if we hold in it in those INDOOR places, nothing much for them to do. then on actual day, afew of hubby frens *skool time good buddies* and my best pal *who is quinn godma* will be celebrating in NYDC maybe.

Rhyan so adorable, can make wishes somemore!!!
i think quinn will only eye on the cake! these few days he keeps requesting me to sing his CAKE song *bday song* so farney.

just now i was chatting with quinn, abt wat to buy or must buy when we go supermarket 2molo. his list consist of:

1. corn *dun know why he says corn since he dun really eat it*
2. cheeze *as usual*
3. yogurt *his fav too*
4. bread
5. chicken *also dun know why he suddenly tot of tat*
6. carrot
7. brocolli
8. potato
9. egg
10. car *i tik he wants those tiny toy car in supermarket* :p

then when i say "shall we buy some pork"? he says "yesss.... mummy cook, baby eat". haaa!!!!! and then he says again "buy corn, eat corn" "buy bread, eat bread" "buy yogurt,eat yogurt, YUM YUM YUM"!! i really had a good laugh at tat.
traditional lantern shop- it's at holland village, along the Swensen's stretch. I know of another bride from my wedding studio who did outdoor shoot using that shop as backdrop ;).
hi, just wonndering how your toddlers go to nap or sleep at nite.. do u still have to pat them to sleep or can they go to sleep themselves if they are tired? my boy is 22 mths and i still have to pat him for a longggg time before he sleeps
very nix pix! i like pix no. 0372 &amp; 0531 especially!

Tricia H
for my boy, i dun need to pat him to sleep. maybe becos i never did tat. so for now, when its bedtime, i will accompany him and he will just fall asleep on his own though i know some toddler can just be in their room and sleep without parents ard.

today went to united sq, brot quinn there for some ice-cream. went into a shop where they sell childrens clothings and while chosing wat to buy for him, quinn is busy with his own SHOPPING too and ended up he pick himself a levis jeans, hubby buy on the spot
Jen, regarding your question on MSN (I closed your MSN window accidentally so cant IM you back, paiseh :p), the cake writes "this faye's strawberry cake" instead of "this IS" is because this is what Faye would have said haha, she usually skips the 'IS', like she would point to me and say "this my mummy!"
Faye looks very fair and chubby in the pics leh!!
Btw did u cut her hair(fringe) yrslf again this time cos looks very neat. And the strawberry cake certainly looks sooo good and must taste super yummy also.

Hehehe.Faye really wore her fav crocs at her bday party...

Tricia H,
For my gal,if she's been awake for more than 4-5hrs(in regardless wat time she wake up in the morning or for her nap),she will fall aslp by herslf while drinking her milk.
But if we put her to slp earleir than the time mentioned,we will have to accompany her by singing songs,talking to her etc but no nid to pat her liao....
