(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

rachel H, hehe realised I missed out your post till now! sorry :p I only bought Faye paints lately, she is 21mth+. Actually can be done at a really young age too, as young as when they can sit up heh.
Puff, Why, Ziztine, of course lah!! I'm assuming IF same gender lah... hahaha... but then again, nowadays names are quite unisex leh...

Berry, I'm still waiting when I can bring Jean for a haircut... hahaha... also worry if she will EAT the paint if I put on her hands!!!

Auntie Evelyn and Auntie Ziztine for the loan of the lovely dresses!

Jean looks so pretty! Was she in a contest?

little devil,
Hehe...quinn looks really happy to hv gotten his way. Think no harm lah.
u r most welcome! jean so sweet. she smiles in all her pics! so difficult to get Esther to smile. she is always so busy looking at something else.

did u realised that we will be doing our confinement during the CNY period? my mom is definitely not too excited about that
Why & ziztine,
Hope it's still not too late to congrats both of u!!! Really so ZHUN on the timing....

Irvin's pix looks really chubby and keep up with the good work on BFG!!! And you are doing great for those weight u had lost so far!!! Jia You
thank you for all the well wishes.. trying hard to enjoy this preg..

we brought esther to Junior league @ United Sq, very disappointing too and my dear girl was sitting so still and that lady didnt cut her fringe nicely. Dare to tell me the uneven parts are like that one.... $15 is really not worth it.. going to bring her to the normal hairdresser next time.

Jean looks so sweet!!! my esther hardly smiles too

ya i know our confinement is definitely going to be during the CNY period. Have kinda of prepared liao.. we dun intend to engage CL. NS will be the confinement daddy... he will take full and half day leave if neccessary... will be catering for confinement food. Hopefully everything will work out well.... sure going to miss all the new year goodies and food...

your mum doing confinement for you? How about esther? who is going to take care of her? My girl will be going to child care at the end of the year hence hopefully she will settle down by the time i deliver
why, aiyo eh, so it looks like its quite a common thing at jnr league then! I think Faye might move alot at regular hairdressers w/o the aid of TV leh, so I think maybe for the time being I'll just DIY :p

Jen, waah lovely pics! Jean is looking good as always
Mummies of girls, do you all take any special precautions for your girll's hair before/during/after swimming ah? Faye's hair is a lil past shoulder length liao, even after tying up, she'll still get her hair wet at the pool. I think hor, quite damaging for the hair to be soaked in chlorinated pool water regularly. So wondering if anyone does anything to protect their hair?
BTW, anyone (apart from me
) conditions their girl's hair daily after shampoo?
Talking about haircut,
Ryan needs to go for one also. I think will let Granny cut for in as usual in stages when he is asleep. HE is super sensitive to the apperance of the scissors /razor.
Jnr League tried it once..doesn't work on Ryan also..
U mean Ryan doesn't like going to the hairdresser/barber? Kieran went for his haircut and as usual, bawled his lungs out.

Jean looks so sweet in the pics

I see the mess i wanna faint liao. :p

YX is really enjoying her ice cream hor.
Try bring Ryan for a haircut he will try to snatch the scissors and fling it at the hairdresser. It also will take 3 adults to restrain him to the seat. worst than WWF
i waiting 4 WHY 2 post abt esther's haircut at junior league, united sq. i saw esther's fringe n i must agree tat her fringe is definitely 'xie yek'. i tik esther's daddy NS can do a betta job.
when esther smiles, it's a golden moment for u & NS n i know it's a very sweet smile.

jean so pretty in those outfits. she must hv captured lotsa attention during e functions.

yingxin looks as if she really enjoys her ice cream.

lil devil,
quinn all fully recovered? he tasting which FM?
Jen, wow, Jean is so gorgeous in those pictures! Makes me think maybe if i have a little girl she'll be so gorgeous as well.. hee hee.
deniz, ziztine, why, medusa, berry, skyblue, kelly, kypf, thanks for ur compliments... actually she looked much better than the pictures can deliver... really grateful to the mummies for loaning the dresses... my photo taking skills damn lousy lah... hahaha...

deniz, meghan is still the prettiest with her lovely eyelashes!!

ziztine, ur esther is demure mah!! so 1 smile will mi2 dao3 all the boys leow... hehe...

why, ur esther can smile when u tell her leh!! that's even better right?? when i tell Jean to smile, she avoid the camera man...

kypf, the grass is always greener on the other side... hahaha... i also want a little boy like ethan...
Nice to see Faye in action again. Post more pics leh :p

Meghan look so serious playing the piano.
Keira likes playing too. She BANGS on the keys. Hehe

YX so cheeky in the 3rd pic :p

Jean look sooooo pretty *whistle*

Little Devil
Has Quinn recovered?
Ouch , Blue black on forehead, must be beri painful.
I thot most baby shampoo already got conditioning properties? I don't condition Meghan's hair & it's still soft, but I think it depends on the brand also. Was previously using Mustela (but very ex lah), now using chicco baby shampoo for curly hair. I tried those cheaper shampoos but it tends to dry her hair.

Surprisingly Meghan doesn't bang the keys. She started from the piano portion of the playskool activity table. Hehe... maybe it's cos I showed her to press it one by one last time.

She seems to like it, can be stuck on the piano stool for abt 15 mins. She's very dainty, will press the keys down one by one.

Thanks for the compliment! Think all kids will always be the prettiest/handsomest in their parents eye.
If Faye can sit still during haircut, u might as well diy cos most of the time it's only the fringe.

Hehe...have yet to bring Meghan to hairdresser. I'm sure she'll kick up a fuss cos she hates being made to sit still.
<font color="ff6000">Berry</font>
the last time i brought Yingxin to Junior League for haircut, she was wailing so badly all the hair got into her mouth and the cut was not straight either, I had to DIY too

perhaps you might want to try Supercuts? they do have tv and kiddy ride for tods to sit in when the hairdresser is doing their job; i personally find them betta than Junior League

wah, you took so much care of Faye's hair by adding conditioner! i use Gerber hair and body wash during shower and did not bother with any extras

<font color="ff6000">Jen</font>
Jean is looking very sweet!

<font color="ff6000">Little Devil</font>
Quinn's new found love reminds me of my habit when i was young - licking on holick powder....yummy-licious

<font color="ff6000">skyblue, Kelly</font>
yes, ice-cream is one of her fave dessert! does your boys like ice-cream?
<font color="ff6000">pcs</font>
heh, indeed Yingxin is very cheeky....but very cute too....whahahahha!

if Keira likes to bang on keyboards can consider getting her drums? but will be very noisy lor
<font color="ff6000">Berry</font>
for me i supposed i wouldn't speak up if i see a maid rough handles the employer's kids cos i feel it doesn't equate ill-treating; the maid should know that what she does in public is for all to see so i guess she wouldn't cross that line?
thought cheeky includes portion of cutness in the meaning. YX is always cute without fail. Hehe.

Drum for keira
Better not. Imagine the noise.
Has been giving her empty boxes as drums *cheapo mummy*
thx for asking
. he's ok feeding 3-4hrly at night/ 2hrly daytime, except he needs a pacifier leh (gets cranky can't sleep, can't put down, but can doze when i stick a finger in his mouth).

i dun mind pacifier if not for the fear of nipple confusion. had a horror nipple confusion time with Athena last time, so v. cautious now.
ya, seems like my mum has volunteered her services again
we have not talked about it really. Esther will probably stay home &amp; help pat bb to sleep. no plans to send her for childcare as yet. i plan to look after both after confinement on my own. besides, Esther has been a really good girl these couple of months. she has been keeping to her daily schedules very closely. napping when it is time. giving me lots of time to do my chores &amp; rest. send NS to do the visitations with Esther &amp; tabao the CNY goodies home lah

not much help with your hair chlorine qn. personally i used to swim lots when i was young. then my hair condition got really awful, guess it is the chlorine. somemore long hair. hate washing it after the swim. even conditioner has prob softening the hair. i felt like i was spoilting my hair when i try to untangle it. so the solution - i stopped swimming. i remember my younger cousins used to swim weekly &amp; they have really stiff &amp; damaged hair too. maybe can try those swimming cap? provided they stay on.
medusa, icic... i remember i was the pacifier last time... hahaha... so have u started expressing to feed from bottle?
nope haven intro bottle yet. But been expressing when engorged/ when he doesnt wake soon enough to clear. V. poor response to the PIS leh, sigh.
Finally got chance to log in today- Faye decided to go napless :p

pcs, hehe thanks! I'll post more pics when I have time to take and load

deniz, My hairdresser told me that most bb shampoos are made from tear-free formulas that doesnt sting the eyes, and such shampoos are not v good for the hair. I'm sure its not harmful to hair or anything, I guess maybe just not the best for hair? Shampoo usually dont get into her eyes when I wash Faye's hair and since we share the same hair type, I thought I'll use my own shampoo on her lor. I've neevr tried mustela, so far I been using Sebamed before I switched to my own shampoo, and sebamed is not v 'conditioning' I feel, the hair feels a lil too squeaky if you know wat I mean.

puff, where is supercuts ah?
I know wat u mean abt the too squeaky clean feeling...think the shampoo is probably too harsh.
Think so long as her hair feels soft &amp; smooth, I guess any shampoo/conditioner is fine.Just hvta do a bit of trial &amp; error.
Did u try normal lactacyd when Faye was younger? I found it quite good for Meghan.

Supercuts - the compasspoint branch has the tv &amp; car for kids to sit in. I know they have a branch in wisma &amp; parkway but dunno if they have the same kiddy facilities.
medusa, what u mean by very poor response to the PIS? u mean cannot express a lot of milk is it? i think it's like that one... somehow I feel that electric pumps do not help to empty the breasts as well as the ISIS or bb suckling... if u plan to BF long term, maybe u can try to feed on one side and tandem pump on the other side at the same time? U will be able to get more milk...
gabe loves ice-cream, basically all things sweet but so far he has eaten ice-cream <5x. we dun offer 2 him often n i tik he only ate e mac $0.50 ice cream cone twice.

i very scared he kenna phlegmy cough so i avoid artificially sweet stuff. i cant help it if e food is naturally sweet like raisins (which he takes abt 2-3x in a mth), grapes, etc. i also havent given any sweet snacks like jellies, choc-coated wafer biscuits, etc. even 4 drinks (apple juice, iced milo, etc), i dilute it 4 him. he does eat cakes/muffins but also not often.

me control freak when it comes 2 sweet stuff cos i'm definitely once bitten, twice shy. even for fromage frais, i took a long while b4 deciding 2 give it 2 him.
Haiyo, Faye is having a fever again! She was on antibiotics just shortly back, I *really really* hope this one is just a virus that'll clear up on its own asap. Sigh, now we're stuck at home again. Originally had lotsa fun plans for her these few days wan, now all gotta cancel liao.
probly from sch? Shld be adjustment type of bug or something?

v. miserable 50-80ml TOTAL from both sides, after 3hr lapse. cant get letdown... just goes 1 drop by 1 drop and relieves engorgement (but doesnt empty). The gd thing is PIS is relatively quiet (Irv next to it, doesn't wake), doesn't need manual pumping- I can relax by watching TV.

BOTTLE introduction-
hmm shld I intro after 3wk or 1mth? cos I dun wan him to *reject* the *bottle* either! Basically dun wan him to reject either bottle or breast lah... *headache*. Just realised I can't go haircut/ highlight hair/ facial etc until Irv can take bottle. But cant afford him to reject breast since I'm not responsive to pumping- I wun be able to exclusively pump lah!
puff/kelly, we've given Jean ice-cream too!! sometimes she like, sometimes she dun... but she prefers plain milk to choc flavoured... guess she dun really like sweet stuff... we're STILL trying to get her to brush her teeth before zzz...

berry, oh dear... hope faye will recover soon...

medusa, it's very hard to predict bb's reaction to bottle intro... i believe angelia intro shanice @ 3wk and she rejected breasts... i intro jean @ 1mth and she rejected bottle... had to cold turkey for a few days before she took bottle... but still preferred breast until Feb this year, she self-weaned... that's why i have to diligently express now...
Poor faye, hope it's nothing serious! Btw, just kpo, what kind of stuff u got planned?

Meghan loves choc milk, she don really care for the plain one. Think she takes aft me!
deniz, we got 2 playdates lined up originally, plus we were gonna bring her to watch the NDP preview-preview (hubby says its the preview OF the preview so less crowded lol!) over the weekend. Haiz, now looks like she's grounded liao, unless a miracle happens- I say this cause based on previous experience, she never has mild fevers wan, all her fevers are monster fevers, the sort that goes up really high and takes quite a few days to settle down wan.
Choc milk- heh I suspect faye will LOVE it too much, which is why she still hasnt tasted choc milk :p

MT, could be lor. But then again, she hangs out around others kids at public places few times a week, so by right her immune system is not so 'new' when it comes to contact with other children?
BOTTLE- if I were you I'll def intro lor. I think nipple confusion is not as bad as postnatal mummy getting cabin fever :p
quinn join faye for this..... he was in KK last nite, kena BALANITIS. its sort od UTI, just that its more lower part compare to UTI which is the upper part thats nearer to kidney and such. so well, on ANITIBIOTIC again!! 10 days tis round...
gabe loves choc-flavoured milk too but so far he has taken it only a few times. i bought him Magnolia milk but he didnt fancy. he was fussing 4 my milo when he saw me preparing so i put in a lil milo into his Magnolia milk n he drank. he tried choc-flaovoured magnolia milk once fr a mummy who was nice enuff 2 buy him a pack but he also didnt drink much. i tik he probably still fancies his plain FM.

oh no...hope faye recovers ASAP so she can enjoy all e activities u've lined up 4 her.

lil devil,
wat happened 2 quinn? wat kinda symptoms was he displaying b4 u rushed him 2 KKH? hope he gets well soon too.
berry, lil devil
hope that your little ones will get well soon. Its so horrible when they are not well.
Recently sent gab to see a doc as he has bad rashes on his neck. saw a poor little baby of about 9 months on nebs... sigh... pray that your lil darlings will get well soon

I can understand how you feel. I introduced the bottle to Si'en at 5 days... haha. Still no confusion. God bless. But I think she prefers the breast as she will nibble at the bottle but take big gulps at the breast. Jia you!!!
he was okie for the whole yesterday afternoon. in the evening, hubby brot him downstair and upon reaching home *abt 10 mins later* he kept crying while holding on to his birdie. so hubby told me tat he did tat when he was downstairs, once and hubby tot he kena bite by some insects but after checking, no leh. so i just check on his birdie and the tip is red. so i tot its becos of his very wet diaper *but in my heart i sense its more than the diaper lah* that was like 7 plus pm and ard 9pm, we decided to bring him to KK children dept. to track wats happening. i suspected its UTI lah so from the dr point of view, quinn has no fever and still very himself, meaning playful and active. just tat when he need to pee, he really SCREAM his head off lor... so the dr says UTI USUALLY dun behave tis way, there will be mostly acc. with fever and feeling tired or so. and he says its BALANITIS, not as jialat as UTI but HURTS as much. sort of thousands of needle poking and burning sensation when pee. and usually for UTI, its VERY difficult to pee and quinn pee in his room while the dr check on him, and the amount of urine is not that little so its not likely UTI. but quinn was screaming loudly and bitterly lor.

yah man i tell u, its like another nitemare for me. the whole of last nite he was trying soooo hard to fall asleep *i tik theres some discomfort, or alot* then when finally he fell asleep, he will wake up scraeming as i tik he pee lor... he tossing and turning in pain and want me to carry him but when i carry him, he will twist and turn, looks like its very painful leh....
tears roll down my cheek...... and he woke up tis way ard 2-3 times las nite. the urine test shows that he got BALANITIS so now on antibiotic *for a good 10 days* and some wash and gel to apply. last nite at KK, soooooooooo many children in for fever also, i tik theres a bug going ard. my mum was at my place and shes at a total lost man, don't know wat to do, i guess its becos she sense tat quinn is in very bad pain and cant help much. but from wat i know for things like this, like UTI / BALANITIS, they respond pretty quick to the medication, usually antibiotic so now i really hope he will feel better soon.... as its too painful for me to see him in such great pain.

oh yah, so hows faye now?? wat the pd says? she okie? meaning is she cranky or anything? hang on there, our darling will be fine real soon!!

thanks. so wat the dr says? why is he getting those rash? last time while at yu guo, i also saw a child on nebs and she seems unconsious.... my heart also feel pain though shes not my child.
lil devil, so far today her fever was only 38.6 at it highest (er, considered not v serious to us as long as below 39 lar, so far all her fevers hit minimum 39+ wan :p) so I'm only giving neurofen and monintoring. I am hoping that its only a viral thing that will go off on its own. So far no crankiness yet, which means no throat/ear infection yet. Really hope her fever wont go beyond this, my nightmare would be another infection that'll need antibiotics again. *crosses fingers tightly*
I really hope Quinn gets better soon too, must be real hard on you. I can totally imagine your pain. do hang in there *this too shall pass*
yah, i also hope faye will be okie after the nurofen, dun worry
last nite my mind was soooooo in a huge mess! kept tiking wat could be the cause? then i go about sort of blaming myself for not cleaning the bathing mat properly and such :p i tik maybe too tired or so, become so emotional lah. so tis morning i feel better, tellmyself tat its a experience lor and just have to shower him with lots of TLC and he will feel better besides those medication.
Hope Faye gets well real soon!!Sam also just recovered from her stage 1 bronchitis not to long ago
.Abt the hair issue,i also suggest swimming cap but dunno if there one for younger kids...U can try to look arnd for it.

Lil Devil,
Wow thousand needles poking @ birdie....Q must be screaming his lungs out whenever he wana pee.At least now u know wats is going on and there's remedy.

Hope the 2 todds get well soon .

Btw,just went for gynae chkup today and confirmed Sam will be getting a baby sister.Yipee now can do my shopping for my 2 princess(s) liao..
yikes yah UTI can b v. painful... eh I just recalled some info abt UTI. *May* b caused by too much sugar in diet, too many warm baths (take showers alternatively- seems baths more likely intro bacteria into pte parts). Glad it's Balanitis instead of UTI.
