(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

We just went to the beach over the weekend. Ethan's first visit to beach!





gd article! got husband 2 read it too.

how's ur piles now? u saw doc yet?

ethan looks as if he enjoyed himself very much. e weather looks gd 4 a beach outing too. does it take long 4 u 2 get 2 a beach?
hehe my 1st response to ur fren's case is, "wah, that's 1 way to lose wt!" :p .

10 consecutive days? I'd try that first, thanks!
I have to avoid dairy pdts tho- Irvin is so colicky I'm tempted to bring him to PD for colic (but HB doesn't believe in colic).
I have low pain tolerance- so am very cranky what with my cold I caught (HB's fault!), a colicky bb and piles which make sitting unpleasant.

havent seen doc yet- actually I dunno any female GPs leh
. The one I usually see downstairs is a cranky old man (very *stern* type). He's only nice to bbs/ tods!

I din quite fancy the 1st sling I've used (borrowed from friend) but it really helps, if ur bb is receptive! Or else u wun see so many pple slinging- Berry, Puff, Kelly, Sherhino all used slings. Even lilprince with her heavier Rhyan, slings (that I can't handle, hehe)!

I'm not sure abt handling bb *and* tod, *solo*, though! Even tho A is guai-dun-run-off-type, my bb feeds/ diapers so frequently, it's kinda restrictive for A to hang around me (while I sit down to nurse/ go diaper rm). So far I've had either my mum or HB with me, to entertain A. Can do w/o helper lah.

Oh! Lovely beach pics, makes me wanna bring A. HB refused to go for a beach outing last Sun *pout*.
u r at work since 7am? u changed ur shift again?

try putting a few chunks of charcoal in sharwyn's wardrobe. i tried it b4 when i moved into my new plc yrs ago. it worked 4 me.

there's a female GP at Raffles Hospital's Family Medicine Centre. i cant recall her name but she's very friendly & i kinda like her. u 1 2 make a call 2 RH 2 check it out. RH's FMC is like a GP centre. u pay GP prices there.
I did this to my new wardrobes, I place some chinese tea leaves in a bowl and left it on the cupboard. It took away the new smell
for gold/ platinum/ diamond jewellery- just soft toothbrush with normal soap will remove the dirt. No need ultrasonic/ special detergents ;) . But if the metals were scratched, will need to send for repolish/ replating (eg. when white gold starts looking "yellow").

for silver I dunno, think can buy cleaner specifically for that.
tea leaves are dried. put it in a bowl and leave for a week. buy from shops that sells those prayer stuff. cheaper. One pack about twenty cents and it will do the job. My aunt left it in an old pair of socks...
<font color="ff6000">Medusa</font>
think PD or GP can't do much about colicky baby; they will just prescribe a colic drop

your hubby dun wish to go beach on sunday only?? *pout* my husband frowns at the thought of going to beach so Yingxin has yet to go so far

<font color="ff6000">Sharon</font>
can put either a piece of charcoal or newspaper to remove the wardrobe smell
so nice pix of ethan at the beach BUT dun looks like its his first visit wor!!especially the first pix. i rem quinn first visit to the beach, he really refuse to walk as he hates the feeling of sand in between his feet and shoe :p but now slightly better BUT still not in love yet!

actually hor i tot so too, i guess u must be thinking about the kg lost rather than the treatment hor?? as i also share the same thinking too.... wahahahahahha!!!!!

for jew. cleansing, for silver, buy those solution tat brings back the shine, as for all types of gold, i use toothpaste and brush, works fine BUT if those jew. tat didnt clean for ages, can send them to reliable jew. shop for speed cleaning once and from then on, just use toothpaste and brush for maintenance. for wardrobe, charcoal is good!!! now very convenient, u can go ntuc or c.s and where they place those dehumidifier stuff, u can find something tat has the same packaging BUT its charcoal instead, so its less messy and u will not worry abt wayne playing with coal bits :p oh yah, nice bumping in to u guys yesterday, wayne such big gal liao, very sweet smile she has got there still thinking about what u told me when she got angry! ha!!!!
hmmm....thinking of letting quinn try tis. since kids like rebina and cranberry juice quite similar and definitely has more benefits. any mummies give this to ur kids? yesterday shop ard for it but most of them is in "FROM CONCENTRATE" but i wanna get fresh type, i tik only B.R.P has it.... *hai yo.... so FAR*
lil devil,
i was checking out BRP's cranberry juice when gabe was having suspected UTI. if i recall correctly, i dun tik BRP sells fresh cranberry juice too. the ones i saw at BRP is also "from concentrate" and it's organic, tat's all. if u manage 2 check it out, let me know. i may recall wrongly.
i check with the staff over the phone just now. they have 2 brands, 1 is R.W. KNUDSEN and its NOT organic????!!! and the other wan i forget the brand liao, organic BUT it consist of other component, meaning not just cranberry. according to the staff, she was saying the knudsen is much better even its not organic, due to the location and ways of growing and planting them and its a very reliable brand for many years. i seen tis in gnc and cold storage so properly will just grab tat. following site for you to make your hunting easier if u are getting it.

kelly, it takes us 2 hours to get to the beach. anyway we stayed at a resort there, for 3 nights. weather was good i thought, not too hot not too cold. but we saw jellyfish near the sea so didn't let ethan paddle in the sea and he got quite angry.

medusa, so what's a good sling you'll recommend? i'm still divided. i think cannot escape getting a double buggy. even though ethan knows to hold my hand when we're walking on the road, sometimes he wants to sit in the buggy, if baby is sitting there then i have to find a spot to do the transfer.

i'm also wondering how i'm going to handle baby and toddler by myself.. but i'll worry about it when the time comes, and probably pick up some tips from you then

sharon, for diamond jewelry, i was told old toothbrush and washing up liquid does the trick.

little_devil, technically it's Ethan's second trip to beach, since the pictures i posted were from our third day there, and he'd been once on the first day. but he loved the feel of the sand in his toes from the start.
oh yah,theres 1 brand of juices i particularly like, i drink them myself but didnt manage to find their cranberry juice in the supermarket. and last time when i was working and very busy schedule i will down lots of their Lemon Ginger Echinacea, suppose to improve immune system and i find its pretty helpful. if u are hunting for tis brand cranberry juice and manage to find it, PLEASE let me know. but must be careful when buying as this brand also carry NON organic cranberry juice.

Just sharing

1. Cranberry Juice is often used in the treatment of urinary tract infections, bladder and kidney infections.

Cranberries have long been consumed for their medicinal qualities. Cranberries were an important food for Native Americans, who made sauces from ripe red cranberries, used cranberries to preserve fish and meats, and treated a variety of illnesses, including bladder infections, with cranberry preparations. Modern medical research has also indicated that cranberries are an excellent source of antioxidants and may help protect against cancer, heart disease and other ailments.

2. Drinking Cherry Juice may help you sleep better.

Red Tart Cherries and Cherry Juice contain high levels of melatonin, the most potent of antioxidants, which scientists have found may be connected to sleepiness at night and wakefulness in daytime. The melatonin found in cherries also functions as an antioxidant to help the body prevent cell damage caused by compounds called free radicals. Cherry juice has also been recommended as relief from the pain associated with arthritis and gout.

3. Pomegranate Juice contains a variety of vitamins, such as A, B, C, and E, which are considered very beneficial for blood purification and circulation.

Traditional Middle Eastern medical books recount the benefits of the pomegranate in the treatment of diabetes, stomach digestion, and cleansing of the kidneys. Today, pomegranate is being hailed by many as a source of antioxidants and anthocyanins that contribute to combating cancer, lowering cholesterol levels and reducing hardening of the arteries. As quoted from Newsweek, Special Health Edition- 2001 . Pomegranate Juice can increase blood levels of an enzyme that appears to break up arterial plaque.

4. Drinking Blueberry Juice may help protect against the effects of aging.

Normal cell metabolism produces toxic substances within our bodies (free radicals). Daily stress, drinking alcohol, lack of rest, an unhealthy diet, continued exposure to tobacco smoke and other pollutants greatly accelerate this process, creating a level of toxic "free radicals" beyond what our body can fight on its own. Antioxidants are the bodys own weapons against disease and premature aging; blueberries contain very high levels of antioxidants.

5. The biologically active compounds found in Grapefruit Juice and Orange Juice can also help to reduce the risk of many chronic diseases.

Citrus fruits have long been valued as part of a nutritious and tasty diet. The flavors provided by citrus are among the most preferred in the world. It is well established that citrus and citrus products are a rich source of vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber (non-starch polysaccharides) that are essential for normal growth, development and overall nutritional well-being. However, it is now beginning to be appreciated that these biologically active, non-nutrient compounds found in citrus and other plants (phytochemicals) can also help to reduce the risk of many chronic diseases. Where appropriate, dietary guidelines and recommendations that encourage the consumption of citrus fruit and their products can lead to widespread nutritional benefits across the population. Grapefruit juice is an excellent source of Vitamin C, particularly because it contains citrus flavonoid compounds not found in other citrus juices. Flavonoids in general have shown protective biochemical effects.

6. Blueberry, Raspberry, Blackberry, and Black Raspberry Juices all have very high concentrations of anthocyanins and ellagic acid, both of which are powerful antioxidants that aid in reducing the risk of cancer, heart and liver disease.

Berries have been found to reduce the risk of disease in many studies. According to the American Cancer Society's Guide to Complementary and Alternative Cancer Methods, the ellagic acid found in berries prevents the binding of carcinogens to DNA and strengthens connective tissue, which may keep cancer cells from spreading and may also reduce heart disease, birth defects, liver fibrosis and promote wound healing.

7. Drinking Apple Juice has a beneficial effect on risk factors for heart disease.

According to a study published in the winter edition of the Journal of Medicinal Food carried out by the University of California-Davis School of Medicine, drinking apple juice every day significantly reduces the risk of heart disease. Phytonutrients found in apples act as natural antioxidants that help to slow the oxidation process that is involved in the build-up of plaque that can lead to coronary problems. These phytonutrients have also been found to be associated with reducing the risk of certain types of cancers and strokes, as well as improving lung function.

8. Drinking Aloe Vera Juice can aid in the healing of stomach disorders, ulcers, and colon problems.

Aloe Vera is often called Natures Miracle Plant. Current evidence suggests that Aloe Vera contains a broad range of constituents including large polysaccharides, which are called conductors. These conductors set in motion a cascade of important biological events.

Traditionally, two forms of extracts were derived from the aloe vera plant. The leaves were filleted to remove the internal gel or the leaves were dried and the yellow sap (located just beneath the thick green ring of the leaf) was collected to produce a product called bitter aloes. Today many types of beneficial products are extracted from the aloe plant.

Aloe used externally is associated with healing burns and wounds, stimulating cell regeneration, and is known to be an effective skin emollient with antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties. Taken internally, Aloe is associated with soothing stomach irritation, reducing swelling in joints, aiding the healing process and immune functions, improving digestion and bowel motility.

9. Pink Grapefruit, Papaya, Guava, and Apricot are all rich in phytonutrient lycopene, which has been shown to reduce the risk of prostate and other types of cancer.

The potent antioxidants such as beta carotene and lycopene found in a variety of Fruit Juices have been proven to aid in reducing the risk of heart disease, cancer, and stroke. Studies have shown that diets high in carotenoids can help protect against cardiovascular diseases. They do this by preventing the oxidation of LDL cholesterol and reducing free radical damage at sites of atherosclerotic plaque formation.

10. The powerful antioxidants found in blueberry juice will help to neutralize free radicals that are associated with heart disease and cancer?

Free radicals are the unstable oxygen molecules associated with cancer and heart disease. The antioxidants that are found naturally in blueberries and other fruits and vegetables help to prevent the free radicals from causing damage to your bodys cells. By protecting your body from the harmful effects of free radicals, you can significantly reduce the risk of cellular damage that can lead to heart disease, cancer, and arthritis. Blueberries have also been found to be very helpful with promoting vision health, reducing the buildup of bad cholesterol that contributes to cardiovascular disease and stroke, as well as supporting a healthy urinary tract.

11. Carrot Juice contains more Carotene (Alpha &amp; Beta) than any other fruit or vegetable.

Beta Carotene is the chemical precursor that the body uses to produce vitamin A, which is important in strengthening the immune system and promoting healthy cell growth. Vitamin A is a potent antioxidant, which fights free radicals and helps prevent them from causing membrane damage, DNA mutation and lipid (fat) oxidation. All of these can lead to a variety of degenerative diseases. Also, studies have shown that Alpha Carotene may be as powerful as Beta Carotene, to significantly inhibit the processes that may lead to tumor growth.

List of additional benefits:

Boosting immunity
Reducing photosensitivity (protect the skin from sun damage)
Improving symptoms of HIV
Aid in healing minor cuts and wounds
Reducing the risk of heart disease (reducing risk of high blood pressure)
Cleansing the liver
Helping to fight anemia
Improving eye health
mine was from Moms In Mind, sateen material. yeah, still slinging Rhyan now but only when i need to carry him and be handsfree. if carry him for more than half hour, i think my shoulder and back will break.

i think i used charcoal previously to get rid of those smells too.

lil devil
can let Quinn eat dried cranberries instead? i think i usually buy the Oceanspray brand of cranberry juice for myself. Rhyan loves to eat dried cranberries.
Irvin cried for 3 hrs yest in discomfort- I was having fever so only latched him hrly, he stopped crying when latched but still in discomfort... cld hear all the wind in his stomach gurgling.

btw my helper is *better* than my mum at soothing Irvin. tho Irvin still cried when colicky, she achieved more periods of "lull" than my mum. She knows how to carry him "superman" style (the stance recommended for colicky bbs) and sing soothingly. So amused- my mum was carrying crying Irvin, my helper took over awhile, soothed him somewhat and "taught" my mum how to carry him (so helper cld cook).
lil devil, hmmm, maybe its just me but I find it hard to believe that non organic juice is better than organic, esp since organic means no chemicals/pesticides are used when growing the fruit, and I read that this is especially significant in small fruits (the smaller the fruits, the higher the pesticide content since lesser 'flesh' and more skin area exposed) like raspberries/strawberries/cranberries etc. Or maybe when she said 'better', it could be in terms of taste instead? Anyone else has more info on this?
lil prince/lil devil, eh dried cranberries usually contain added sugar I think. But hor, if you dont mind then ok lor. I do give faye some once in a while too.
even dried organic cranberries? btw, i went home to check. the Origin brand of cranberries i bought is organic one, indicated on the packaging.
me having contractions every 15mins since 12pm n i spoke 2 my gynae who told me 2 go 2 Mount Alvernia NOW since i MUST hv epi n i've been 1-2cm dilated since last fri.

y i'm still here? cos my stupid husband went 2 play golf in JB n he's still there. i just spoke 2 him, SCREAMED at him 2 come back ASAP, told him 2 go home 2 grab my hospital bag 1st (damn it, shld hv put it in e car like wat sharon's husband advised) b4 picking me up at my mum's plc (i came over tis morn cos i've been getting contractions since 12midnite n didnt wanna b home alone, skarly i really pop 2day).

All the best, should call a cab to take you to Mount Alvernia now!!! Ask Ben to bring the hospital bag to you later. You got all your pre-admission done? Do update again via sms! Wish you Smooth delivery!
yah, h has been talking alot lately and at times when i was carrying him while hes talking and me not paying attention, he will grab my face with his 2 hands and make sure theres eye contact! and also, he loves to sing too, especially when hes playing by himself or in the car :p yah, waynes behaviour i DUN take it as notti lor, i find its her way of showing shes real angry and very gal lor, like mummy hor?? heee...

hmm... i rem how colicky quinn was too and heard tat boys tends to have more of this problem. wah, ur helper really good, difficult to come by, can cook well, especially for A and can sooth a colicky newborn! next time if u decide to stop using her do let me know, ha!!!!!

yah, the first thing tat comes into my mind when i discovered tat the C.J tat B.R.P is selling is NOT organic is "HUH"?????!!!!!!!!!!!! i guess wat shes trying to tell me is if u compare a very good and reliable brand brand and picking only the best fruits and without adding additives and such and another 1 is organic BUT not as long establish and reliable, the first wan will be a better choice, BUT again i still have doubts lor. tat is why i am looking for the LAKEWOOD brand organice C.J. since its Fresh Pressed, No Preservatives - No Fillers, Not from Concentrate, Nothing Artificial, 100% Premium Organic Fruit Juices, Pasteurized and Vacuum Sealed in
Glass Bottles, No Sugar Added.but i guess need to really hunt it down. maybe jason will have them..... as for dried cranberry, quinn was very into it sometimes ago, and it started will hubby bot him a pack or organic dried cranberry, and hubby says he tried both organic and non-organic, they taste soooo diff!!! the organic wan is not sweet but sort of sour and the ther wan soooo sweet and dun taste natural to him. but i tik quite sick with it liao, but he still prefer tis to raisin lah, me dun like raisin too.

yah, the organic cranberry really taste soooo much better than the non-organic wans, even hubby can tellthe diff. and he only let quinn eat the organic wan. u know quinn hates sitting in highchair in resturant, and if u give him organic cranberry, he can sit thru till we finish our meal :p

all the best to u!!!!!!
Wah 2 hrs drive to the beach but I guess its worth it coz is a REAL beach REAL sand and not man made.
I like Ethan pics wif the blue hat. Makes him look sooo chubby.

Tks for posting the info on juices

Yr helper really good. Can handle newborns

sharon, medusa, NS, skyblue (u still ard?)... I din know Pasir Ris park got horse riding?? Can share where exactly pls?? Thanks!!
pcs, yah surprised, as far as i know she has no experience with newborns, only bbs. But she learns fast- she follow the different carrying styles my HB uses. i'd give her a small raise this mth- she's really quite worth her salary, despite any issues i have.

Pasir Ris Park Carpark C- there's a Gallop Stable, bike kiosk, cafe, open field.
* Directions:
if u cant view e link, go 2 www.streetdirectory.com , type "Pasir Ris Green" n u shld c e rd, a CarPark labelled 'C', a Rent a Bike Kiosk &amp; Gallop Stable (Pony Ride).

U planning to bring Jean anytime soon? I arranged with 2 frens (and their tods) for next Sun morn... h/e, not entirely confirmed lah, one of my frens sometimes fly kite :p .
Congrats! U're dream the other nite was pretty accurate then!

Thanks for the update.

gabby's mum,
Wow, Si'en is really heavy! Love her chubby cheeks!
I didn't know pasir ris had pony rides! Now, I'm tempted to go also. Do u know their opening hours?
Agree with the other mums, u're looking really good, very radiant!
Athena is really pretty, lovely dress too! Irvin in the sling looks a bit like a baby in the womb, but only on the outside. That's the mesh sling u were talking abt rite?
medusa, thanks a mil for the info... it's quite far from where we are during weekends, so prob wun go all the way alone... maybe the next time u plan to drop by with other mummies here, can call us along so we will be *motivated* to go... hehehe...

congrats, kelly!!

skyblue, you are next!!
gabby's mum,
wow really hamster cheeks! Chubbier cheeks than my supposed heavywt Irvin (I conclude his bones are heavy or something).

congrats when u read this!

i dunno opening hrs- starting shld b abt 10am? i *think* they take a lunchbreak. And end abt 7pm.
Yup that's the mesh sling, abit more reassuring when bb is all wrapped up in it cos there's so many holes (for breathability).

Can drop by to see my princess anytime. You still sending Nat to GUG? What are your comments about the class? Thinking of putting gab there for a term.

Chubby Si'en
Thanks mummies for all the praises... Now I am floating... I love little chubby babies... Pinch her cheeks all the time!!

Wow, CONGRATS!How are you coping. Post your dear Edward's photo soon!!
Gabby's mum
GUG so far so good. Nat goes 2 times a week, now 2nd term liao. I sian lah, so far leh. Wanted to stop, but hb say go on for one more term then see how.
I was thinking of trying JG. HEard good comments, but oso got no good ones. But equally far.
Would love to see your girl, but dunno Nat will allow or not.. Hee... Bet you can hear her screams now and then.
hi mummies,
I'M BACK...finally i popped.

thks so much 4 ur well-wishes! i'm doing fine, still feeling surreal fr the whole experience. i post some pics 1st...later come back 2 share my birth story &amp; e happenings after i returned home.


can u tell who is who? edward or gabriel?
(edward's on e LEFT, gabe's on e RIGHT)



At 36wks+, ed's 3.2kg, 52cm, HC 33cm. taller &amp; heavier than gabe gor gor.


gabe finally showering lotsa kisses, hugs &amp; "sayangs* after receiving ed's gift.

back at home...
