(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

GONG XI GONG XI for all preggy again mummies!!!!

i am posting pix to destress abit here... still waiting for quinn to recover. following pix is when quinn INSIST tat daddy goes into the shower with him, as hes not feeling too good, bo bian got to give in lor, at least make him happy.






Little Devil
Quinn look so sad.
Hope he recover soon.

U can watch sad movies and cry wif him next time. So heart warming.

O i c. Tks
DENTIST- Few weeks ago we past by the kids dentist at Forum and Faye saw the small playarea thru the window pane and excitedly wanted to go in. I told her thats the dentist and since then she keeps telling me she wants to go dentist LOL! She knows that she she has to sit in a chair and open her mouth for the dentist and she says she will do it but wahaha I dont think she knows she has to sit there for more than a few minutes :p
hee... say thanks to ur colleague

thank you.

no lah, hubby NOT bathing, just tat he has to be in the shower with quinn in his shorts so hes drench lor.

i really cant wait for our little ones to go dentist, must be a REAL experience...wahahahahaha!!!!
congrats!!! ya hor, looks like both Esther gonna be jia jia about same time
now i found my kaki for the 2007 batch liao. heh. oh no, your MS sounds exactly like mine. dun know to feel sad for u or feel good that someone is going thru the same thing as me. let's pray that it will end real soon!

actually after i typed my reply to u & off the pc, i did suddenly think that your main concern might be the night feeds given your experience with Gab. like u say, maybe edward might start to sleep thru the nights a lot earlier. dun know if this will work for u, but it worked well for me. i placed Esther's cot next to my bed. we do not co-sleep. i pick her up fm her cot for bfg & she goes back in there to sleep. maybe this way, less contact, less disturbance, can't smell u so much, Edward might be trained to sleep thru faster? Guess u will not be considering to train Gab to sleep in his own bed/room? Your HB ok with night feeds huh. cos can be quite siong also, having to go to work next morning & waking up few times a night for months & months.

kelly, MT,
actually the best is not to pump & keep track of your EBM. cos different bb consumes dd amount mah. tracking can be very stressful. also, must remember that normally amount bb drinks when latched on & pump out might not proportionate. this might come as a surprise, i estimate that Esther takes 100-120ml of EBM each feed only leh. since very young. cos i can only pump that much fm both breasts after lacthing her 3-4hrs b4. whereas jean drinks almost 3 times as much? right jen?

yes, there is such a thing as breastmilk jaundice. but hor, no one knows what causes it really. breastmilk jaundice is normal. we are advised by the lactation professionals to continue bfg. very rarely, does bfg need to be discontinued. also, some GP & PD are either not pro-bfg or not well informed about bfg enough to give sound advice on bfg. they normally get lots of flyers & sponsored FM fm FM companies actually. but i can understand the dilemma u were in, worried about your boy's condition & stuck with only your PD's advice. did u managed to get him to latch after the FM switch? Esther was feed FM by spoon for 5 days (2nd to 6th day old) due to some unique antibotics i was taking for my episo. i had a bad wound u see & had a whole long list of medications which i am allergic to. so can't take wat normal patients take for post-natal healing. i was waking up 3hrly & painfully pumping away with my manual pump in a corner with no bonding with Esther. so i can perfectly understand.
i did tat wif gabe for abt 2mths (when he was abt 4-5mths). gabe's cot is always next 2 my bed so he has been sleeping in e cot since he was born. when gabe was on TBFg, for his nite feeds i picked him 2 BF, put him back 2 his cot but i was doing it every 2hrs n i was so dead tired. at times i was falling asleep while BFg n i was afraid tat i'll drop him.

after 'dong-ing" for abt 2mths, i gave up, resorted 2 letting him co-sleep wif us. edward definitely wont hv a chance 2 co-sleep wif us cos gabe's already on our bed. hence, e decision 2 give FM 4 nite feeds. husband's ok wif nite feeds, was used 2 it wif gabe for his 1st 3mths.
little prince,
I let nanny bring Kieran for haircut cos it's cheaper :p It's those cut at home kind.
I guess Kieran has been traumatised by his surgery experience, dat's y he has phobia abt going to the PD.
Yep yep, I brought him go watch movie liao. Thought since he could sit thru Barney concert dat time, so movies shdn't be a pblm. Actually wanted to watch Over the Hedge but timing didn't suit us. I wasn't so keen in watching Cars.

puff, wendypooh,
Heheheh, u two make it sound like I'm delivering tomoro :p Actually I'm only in Wk 34 leh. But then again, who knows hor.

little devil,
Quinn still looks gd though he's unwell.

yuru, sharon, pcs,
Eh, i tell u 1 more incident. Yuru, Cindy has tis book too i tink. I read a story 'A Party in the Jungle' to him and made the elephant seem so pitiful cos he didn't have any friends. I pointed to the picture and told Kieran, 'See, he's alone and without any friends. Dat's y he's so sad.' Wah piang, after dat he buried his face on my quilt and i thought wat happened. So I called him. When he looked up, my quilt had a few wet spots. He was actually teary. Seriously, i nvr know tods at this age can be like tis, esp boys. :p

My hubby always laugh at me when i cry while watching sad shows. Now his son takes after me. Hahaha...

DUn be scared abt bringing Cindy to BJ. Gan3 gan3 lai2. But easier said than done. I oso no guts to bring Kieran on a plane trip. :p
<font color="ff6000">skyblue</font>
wah, Kieran so "gan xing", bet he will be very sensitive towards girls next time
<font color="ff6000">sharon</font>
bulge? i also have leh....whahahah, not preggy la, sigh....just ROUND!!!

<font color="ff6000">ziztine</font>
after watching Esther on the slide yesterday, Yingxin now has the guts to come down on her own without needing my assistance! kekeke, and she's so happy about her "achievement" she is doing it more furiously now....next time auntie treat Esther ice-cream? provided mummy allow??
Berry, wa! you let Faye do the painting at home? Think if it's Ethan his face would be covered with paints, followed by the chairs, sofas, etc.

Faye sounds like a really sensible girl.. someone who can listen to reason. Is it a girl thing, or an age thing.. wonder if Ethan will be like that some time.
Ziztine, re bfg, by the first night in hospital, Ethan was screaming and the nurse there was telling us to give him FM. So from day 1 he already had FM, from a teat. Consider my case lucky, he either doesn't get any "confusion" or he's happy to drink from teat or nipple, FM or BM.
ziztine, why &amp; itsun,
A bit late but CONGRATS!

So nic pics of Faye painting!
Hehe, u really berry brave! Think if I let Meghan do finger painting, she sure lick her fingers one!
thks for ur well wishes!

thks 4 ur well wishes too. u must take care too. must b strong 4 ur mummy &amp; ur bb. hopefully i've popped when u come back! me now 35wks zhun zhun...all ready 2 pop!
very cute 2 c faye painting. she looks so serious 2 paint a gd piece of artwork. i dun dare 2 let gabe try if i'm alone. i'm sure he'll smear some paint on his face, eat his fingers n smear all over e furniture.

lil devil,
aiyo, i c quinn's pics, really feel like sayang-ing him. he definitely dun look like his own self - perky, smiley &amp; cheekily-looking. hope he gets well soon!
so nice those pix! i will SURE capture those moments too! hubby says he will keep all quinns painting and frame them up!

talking abt painting, tik quinn will take up a painting class soon and i really getting all so excited liao.... but hope he will be okie with attending classes.

kieran sooo adorable leh.... i tik quinn will care less abt it. the most he will just goes "ohhh...". whenever he saw some pp fall down and such, he will just either ignore or says "oops".
lil devil, are you referring to growing paints ah? I saw them at parkway parade and am very interested but too bad its really far to travel and the timing dont suit us v well, do DIY at home lor lol :p When is quinn's class starting?

kypf/ deniz/ kelly, hehe at this age, experimentation is part of their learning process, so painting sure bound to be real messy wan. These are pictures of when she first started painting, not pictures of wat happened at the end cause by then even I was smeared with paint, how to take photos :p Faye did get the paint on some parts of the floor, furniture (I chose a dark leather couch is for obvious reasons hehe) and all over her face by the end of it. But these are finger paints (bot from tanglin mall basement The Better Toy Shop) and very washable, v easy to wipe it off the floors/furniture and I just need to bring her into the shower and rinse her down.

deniz, hehe licking of such material is usually self-correcting, toddlers seldom will choose to eat too much of these, even if she takes a lick out of curiosity, that one tiny lick will already tell them its pretty nasty stuff to eat and hence stop that behaviour w/o much inteferrence from us. Thats wat Faye did.

kypf, I dont think its a girl thing lar, maybe its a personality thing? Eh wat do u mean by sensible ah?
deniz, hey I just found out that gymboree has art classes that does stuff like finger painting, moulding with wet clay etc, you pay for the class and leave the mess behind when its all over. Can consider that if you really dislike messes at home. but I personally find it a lil exp, ard $40 for a trial class of 45 min I think.
agree the paints taste FOUL- don't have to worry abt Meghan ingesting it.

waaah, artist in the making!

yah trying to give myself less stress abt pumping. Just that I know I'm gonna get bored eventually and want to pump/ let someone else bottlefeed, for breaks. Anyway I bought a freaking expensive PIS- die die must utilise. :p
oh dear, ur afterbirth experience sounds very trying, having to jumpstart bfg w/o latching!

I think it all depends on the nurse/ PD/ hospital attitude. I birthed at Eastshore and Thomson. Eastshore was more hardcore in the sense they encouraged latching right from start when I was still in pain, but some nurses were surprisingly ignorant and kept dissing my MS when Athena fed v. frequently (which is v. normal for bf bbs!). Thomson was abit slower and steadier in approach- no hurry in the beginning, but more reassuring in the process.
berry, i did get Ethan some markers that are from age 1+ so I figure it wouldn't hurt if he ate some of it (I assume the manufacturers would know kids age 1+ still putting things into their mouth..), still I don't like him to suck the markers. His little friend also likes to suck the markers, he'd run to a corner to suck them so his mom can't stop him.

Sensible, well you mentioned before that she would listen to your reasoning about tying her hair, and well, those pix of her NOT eating paint.. Maybe I put in too much effort to explain everything to Ethan when he was too young to understand anything that's why now he bo chap me whenever I try to reason with him instead I have to use the distraction technique all the time.
Medusa, you're probably right, I think the LC at Gleneagles isn't the best (I'm trying to not be too rude). I think the hospitals in England encourage bfg and in fact don't have little bottles of formula, together with my experience hopefully my initial bfg will be more successful this time.
those pix was taken on the day when hes super cranky, then tat evening he kept saying "PAIN" to me, very bad tummy pain i tik, must be the anti biotic. and today is his last dose of antibiotic and as usual its force feeding lah, so after he done with it, i hand him the bottle of antibiotic and tell him tat no more of tis liao and tell him can THROW away. so he walked towards the dustbin and dump it in, very angry face when throwing and really throw very hard tat give out a loud BANG when the bottle hit against the bin :p and he walk away very fast, still looking very angry , wahahahahaha!!!!!

yah lor, can tell rite, from hiseyes i can see hes not well too.... but its okie lah, i told him he must be brave and mummy will FIGHT the monster with him and also tell him tat tis time round the monster is bigger tats y he needs EXTRA help from antibiotic.

yah, im refering to the PWP growing paints. hey, they have afew branches, i tik 3 and theres 1 in forum which i tik u won't mind going. and the boss quite nice, if i didnt rem wrongly, i rem him telling me tat i can switch ard those 3 location if happen tat tat day i have smthing on and cant fulfil the PWP timing. very nice hor, everytime i walk pass, i will smile when i saw those so nice paintings and really love the singing *the boss will play guitar and dance somemore* :p sooooo fun. u know me, i dun really like those very up tight teaching method and to me at tis age its all about FUN FUN FUN! heee.... and really tik tats a good way of expressing themselves too.
Went gai-gai today
. HB handled Athena on hipseat (and small diaperbag- can still fit A's neccessities, Irvin's diapers and my personal belongings), I slung Irvin. Tiring but do-able.

Irvin nursed 4hrly btw 9pm yesterday to 9am this morning!
Tho there was some fussing when he cldn't sleep for 2-3hrs. Daytime nurses more frequently, which isn't so bad since it's daytime, heh.
MT, wah 4 hrly at this stage is really great! Jia you!

lil devil, the boss told me several weeks ago that they oredi closed other branches liao, left only the one at PWP. Quite a pity hor.

kypf, hmmm yar then I guess it could a personality thing. She did stop smearing paint at places she shouldnt after I told her only to do it on paper. I think its great that you explain and talk alot to Ethan, I do that alot with Faye too. Actually, I'd like to think that she understands me pretty well for her age and we have quite a great communication thing going on because I talk alot to her about everything and I always explain in detail why I do/not certain things heh.
Oh hey, I just bought Faye her first markers over the weekend too. Bought her the crayola WASHABLE markers, hope they are as washable as they claim lol!
haha berry,
let me know if the markers are really washable.. been wanting to buy it but i know my son will make a mess out of it!
anyway berry,
Faye really looks very engrossed with the painting--cute! how many mths is she? when did u start her on the painting?
good for her! so u must be more busy watching her now. heh. of course, Esther is allowed to claim her reward fm auntie. Esther say thank u to Auntie Puff first
she is a big ice-cream fan ah! that evening, she actually called your name out of the blue u know. think she was thinking about the visit.

can hear u r a lot happier now! happy for u too. more sleep makes a happier mummie
ya, my initial bfg experience was pretty drama. somemore i had slightly inverted nipples, used the nipple shield, which confused Esther &amp; had my nipples chewed very jialat! Thank God the LC was able to correct the way she latched.
Berry, yeah, I explain everything to Ethan but he doesn't understand me leh, he probably just hears "blah blah blah no blah blah cannot" and he throws a tantrum already! Like when we are taking walks and he wants to walk into someone's driveway.. I usually explain gently "No we can't walk in here, it's someone's house, you won't like it if someone walks into our house would you?" But once I told him off sternly for throwing food on the floor "NO. We do NOT throw food on the floor." and guess what, he cried! Until he starts understanding my reasoning think I'll have to continue to use distraction..

Anyway, the crayola markers are good, definitely washable off the face!
huh???!!!! left the PWP only!!?? yah, such a waste... PWP is abit far for u but wat abt the saturday time slot? saturday ur hubby ard and maybe u guys can bring faye there for lesson and also shop ard or have a meal? regarding the washable marker hor... ha!!!!! its washable lah BUT not totally clean lor. but it also depends, example if ur wall is paint with those washable paint then faye scribble on them with her washable marker, it will be easier to clean. so meaning it depends on wat type of MATERIAL she acts on.
wow you are so brave to bring no 1 and 2 out. Me still struggling so dont dare to bring no 1 and 2 out. so far they have only gone to visit grandparents together!!!

Congrats to all MTB again! So happy that you are going to welcome a new life into your life again!
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Mommies,</font>
Thank you very much for all the well wishes. =)

<font color="aa00aa">Hi Ziztine,</font>
Congratulation! So qiao that both Esthers are going to be JieJie at about the same time hehe.

<font color="aa00aa">Hi Evelyn,</font>
Have a smooth delivery and rest well during your confinement.

<font color="aa00aa">Hi Littledevil,</font>
Very nice Daddy and son shower pictures =). Hope that Quinn will get well very soon.

<font color="aa00aa">Hi Sharon,</font>
Esther has been rather co-operative so far. She does want Mommy to carry her but still ok if I carry her instead.

<font color="aa00aa">Hi Berry,</font>
Nice pictures great artist @ work hehe. Dont think I can stand the sight of the messiness @ my place.
<font color="ff6000">Berry</font>
cool!! Yingxin still draws on the table despite my several reminders that she can only scribble on papers

<font color="ff6000">ziztine</font>
whahahah, Esther is so sweet, she remembers me!! ice-cream fan ah, can fight with Yingxin liao, both of them can go for ice-cream buffet!!
<font color="ff6000">Jen</font>
provided both ziztine and why no. 2 same gender then can share same name mah....if different how?
puff, wahaha wat I meant is that for THAT time she doesnt anymore, not for the rest of her life :p Faye has a 'drawing station' whereby I cover a small IKEA kiddy table with paper and place a box of crayons/col pencils on it, which means to say she has free access to them anytime w or w/o supervision. And yar, once in a while I do find crayon/ col pencil scribbles on the floor/chairs (which is why I dont put markers and paints out for free access). Eh, if say one time then toddler doesnt do that again EVER then is not even developmentally appropriate, then I might be worried that I'm suppressing her or something :p

Hehe YX sure looks like she is really savouring her ice cream! :D
<font color="ff6000">Berry</font>
hm, quite true in that sense; cannot expect them to fully follow our instructions all the time
HAIRCUT- I brought Faye to her first real haircut over the weekend hehe! I've been preparing her for it for a long time- brought her to salons to watch haircuts 5-6 times, and told her all about wat goes on in there and so on and she finally said she wants a haircut too. So I brought her to Junior league cause they have little tv screens in front of the mirror for the child to keep busy. But hor, quite disappointing leh, I only asked for shorter fringe and minimum trimming of hair ends and the lady didnt get her fringe v nciely at all. The whole time Faye kept REALLY still (partly coz of the tv heh) and yet the lady didnt cut her fringe v nicely- I had to point out several parts that were obviously uneven and then today had to trim it straighter myself! hmmm... is it always like that wan ah? Doesnt make sense to pay $15 bucks and still have to trim myself right? Anyone got recommendations of good kiddy hairdressers?
I want to bring her to my hairdresser, but then normal salon no tv to watch, dunno she can keep very still or not :p
MAIDS- Wanna ask you mummies for opinions(esp those of you who have a maid). Lets say, if a stranger mummy comes up to you and tells you that she saw your maid handling your child very roughly/unkindly while you were away (like maybe you went off to buy/do something and the maid was in care of your child alone in public), would you feel that its uncalled for in anyway, ie, none of her biz to come up and tell this to you?

Or lets say, if you witness a stranger maid being very unkind and physically rough with a young child (who cant speak well yet), will you think of informing his/her mummy if you happened to see her later?
nice pixs of the little tots hard at work.

wah! what an achievement for Faye! should have let her gone to the haircut salon that gives certificate for first haircuts to reward her!

eh, i also think its very unjustifiable to cut Faye's hair so not nicely when she sat so still. for rhyan, i close one eye coz i know he struggled too much for anyone to cut nicely.

Maids - actually, i saw a similar incident at GUG last week. there is this tot in rhyan's class whose mum always accompany him in GUG but last week, she didn't come and the maid accompanied the tot instead. somehow, the tot was a little bit misbehaving and i saw the maid smacked his hand. i don't recall seeing the mother ever doing that when her tot misbehaved in class so was a little shocked. at the end of the class, the tot sat beside me while the maid wore his shoes and i asked him "hallo, ryan. how come your mummy is not here today?" and he told me "mummy and daddy go overseas to work". then i realised i won't see the mum lor, was also thinking at that moment if i should tell his mum when i see her during the next class.
Let me KPO a bit here :p I will definately look into the matter as like you said, the person is a stranger. Y would a stranger said something out of nothing?
And definately I will tell the mummy should the miad be unkind to the child. I dont care if the mummy finds me KPO or not. At least I done my part for the child.
valencia, wahahaha wat a surprise to see you here! :D

MAID- I asked this cause today I saw this 2 yr old tod in Faye's class (this is a trial, we never saw them before), the maid seemed rather impatient and unkind to that boy on many occasions. The first time I noticed them was at the toilet when she was supposed to be washing his hands after art. Faye and I went in before they did and from what I saw the boy was really well behaved and quiet all along, but I heard the maid told the boy off something along the lines of 'haiya you, so troublesome one, hurry hurry lar!' and she was very rough with him too, she was gripping hims arms really tightly while washing his hands and was v rough while handling him. Then back in class during snack time, he popped a cheese cube into his mouth and promptly spat it out (common right? dont like sure spit out wat?), that maid went 'yyyeeuurrr!' and wiped his mouth REALLY hard, almost like pushing his head!
Later at the end of the class, I saw the mum came and the boy was SOOO happy! He tranformed immed from a really silent and still child to a jovial and animated one!
So hor, if you were me, would you have said anything?
I did not cause I was thinking real hard and trying to decide, and by the time I decided to say, she left liao :p
lil prince, if the mum herself doesnt do that often enough for you to notice, then I guess she would probably mind her maid hitting her son's hand? for me, this would have really crossed the line, so yup, I'll inform her if I saw that. If anyone ever does that to MY kids, I would sure like to know, so I'll see it as my duty to inform that parent. Of course her son is hers, whether or not she has a problem with her maid hitting her son's hand is her call.

i don't recall the mother doing it before, only hear her speaking in a very serious tone to her tot when he misbehaves. I quite like to observe this tot coz i love to hear him talk and i have spoken to his mother before, she is quite a friendly lady. maybe when i see her this weekend at GUG, i will try hinting. :p
