(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

i wont lah...skarly sweat then need 2 blot then touch up makeup. lenses will do. me already like a frumpy auntie so cant afford 2 look "unpresentable" when my bb boy sees me.
organise a pizza party leh...we split the cost by per pax. shld b fun.

wah found out already? Well, with close age gap and same gender- Gabe will be a GREAT elder bro.

There's always #3... hehehe.

Wow that means your dream of staying in a house with 2 boys running around may come true too! Quick go buy toto today..... $10mil!!!

Hope you feeling okay! There's still the 30% chance, but if 2 boys they can be great playmates!
husband's grinning from ear to ear cos he know i'll try for #3 when i start itching for a girl so 2 him, there's chance for #3.

i hope so abt gabe being a great elder bro. i foresee lotsa fighting 2yrs down e road.
70% chance BOY

went 2 c gynae 2day n the 1st thing he said was 2 try 2 c for the bb's gender. while doing the ultrasound, he said 2 me & husband tat he saw the penis n pointed 2 something (which i saw n looks like a stick). then he cant c it again.

bb's EDD changed again...tis time to 31jul. bb doing well.
ya lor, husband told me 2 go 2 buy toto 2day. he say MUST buy. i didnt know y. now i realised. my dreams r indeed coming true. striking toto not impt now. bb healthy & normal most impt. tis time never kenna, mayb next yr or later on.

glad tat bb doing well, I'm sure u loved boy too just tat too many baby girl here to tempt u kekee...
can plan for your 3rd one alry after 2nd out
Your dream is coming true!!
What number r u buying for toto???? Wahaha

Hmmm so far all mummies giving birth this year are boys hor or did I miss out anyone?
Congrats congrats congrats
They'll be very close in future cos age gap so close. Yesssss, go buy TOTO!!!

Yar, Kieran is on Friso. We buy from the chinese medicinal hall. Tink the shop is called Jin Tai Tong. I either go to their Pasir Ris dr 6 branch or SK branch.
Dec bb ah? try in 2 mths time lah! :p

yx taking Friso 3 now? my friend was just telling me earlier that she has a can of 400g Friso 3 FM for sale. she bought it when her son was not ok with his current FM at first but her son was ok after that so she didn't open the Friso can. if you are interested, or skyblue, let me know and i will check how much she is willing to sell at.

God wants you to have 3 kids lah!
<font color="0000ff">Hey, anyone using the BayB bandana? Do you find it good? Jean doesn't like to wear hats but we want to get something to protect her head... does anyone have a spare one to lend me to try out? Thanks!</font>
me usually buy quickpick cos cant figure out wat nos 2 buy. i dun tik i'll strike. where got so heng 1?

lil prince,
husband n i tik tat God is helping us 2 save $$. He knows i sure go on a shopping spree for girl's clothing n even husband cant stop me
PIZZA PARTY- kept seeing pizza party talk hehe, who is having one ah?

SWIMMING- Faye kept asking me to bring her swimming like 20x a day and its raining and so cold! Haiyo *rain rain get lost today, dont come back another day!* Quite sian for us on rainy days, cant go park, cant go swimming.

Jen, you can just buy any small nice handkerchief and use that also?

sharon, yar, as long as you eat only beri fresh sashimi, shd be fine wan. I ate TONS when I had faye :p

Puff/Ziztine, after my house renovated liao, will you both come for playdates on weekdays if I invite ah?

lil prince, yeah man, the cervix checks are horrid! Those nurse, esp the older ones, damn merciless wan
this time u gg to have csection again? Epi or GA?

First Moment
Mine was a GA csection. I didnt feel good as i didnt see how my baby was borned. Till now i am still upset that i didnt go thr the full process. I wanted the very moment to hold my baby when she is borned. I always told my hb that i wanted epi that time but donno y my gynae donno allow. SO i told him the next time round if i really had to go thr csection again, i wan epi csection as i wanted to see how the bb is borned. To me when i didnt see thr this stage, i feel as if i havent given birth.
wah, really many many preggie/TTCing mummies hor! who's NOT in the club ah? me, berry, little prince...anyone else????

FIRST FEELINGS - i teared when luke was placed on my lap immediately after birth, haha, was so happy to see him! subsequently the maternal feelings faded somewhat when he was constantly plastered to my boobs and i was sore and sleep deprived :p

CERVIX CHECKS - i got epi quite early so couldn't feel the subsequent cervix checks!


heh, my hb's itching to go for a family holiday in tokyo also but must see finances first :p hope to hear good news fr you soon, jia you!

gabby's mum

luke has 7 teeth now, 4 on top, 3 below. not many :p
count me in for NOT in the club.. at least not for year 2006 bb. we r planning for year 2007 bb

First Moment
the epi numbed my lower half of body hence two nurses pushed my stomach to assist me in the pushing .. still quite terrified by the pain inflicted by the nurses at my abdominal area..esther was placed on my chest immediately after the vaccum assisted birth..she was just staring at me.. at that moment my heart really melted...

for mummies who had taken the epi for first bb, will you be opting for epi again?? Am thinking of going without the epi for the 2nd bb if possible hence would like to know if anyone is going to do that too... heard that 2nd bb is easier to deliver so for those mummies who are giving birth soon, do let me know if it is true...

remember to tell us any 4D number appearing in yr dream next time.. will definitely strike.. ha ha...
anyway, congrats and am sure Gab will love to have a brother to "fight"with him... hee hee..

congrats on YX's first tooth... end of being toothless

hope sam's injury is better now... so heartache when i saw those pics
<font color="aa00aa">skyblue</font>
thanks for the info; i also bought from the medical hall at pasir ris, thot u might have cheaper source

<font color="aa00aa">little prince</font>
eh, actually yingxin is taking any brand FM and she's ok with them all - Dugro, Neslac 1+, Enfagrow, Promil, Mamil 2, Mamil 3, Friso 3, Gain IQ, Pediasure

but i wanna settle for Friso 3 cos i find it not very ex and she started off with Friso 1

yes, can help to find out the price for me please? the 400g tin i bought was priced at $15 for 2 tins, so if price is cheaper or smilar can get from your fren

<font color="aa00aa">berry</font>
yipppeeee!!! very elated that you inviting us over! of course will go if we are free, thanks in advance

when will the reno be completed?
So how's yr toto luck?? I've strike!!! 2 numbers only. Wahahaha

Count me in too. I'm planing for a 2008 bb too.
By then I'll be a high risk mummy oreadi but I have no choice lor.
only strike 3nos. where got so heng 1?
gabby's mum is having a girl, if i not wrong.

i juz told my gynae yesterday tat i MUST take epi. i've heard stories of 2nd deliveries being very short but i cant tahan the contractions, how 2 relax 2 dilate? so MUST take epi.
pcs, why

hee hee, we are planning for a 2007 baby.


i took epi first time round and probably will take it again unless the labour is super fast because i cannot tahan pain wan :p with epi, my labour was relaxed but i was still able to push luke out in about 1/2hour, and i didn't feel the pain fr the episiotomy (when i just think of the gynae cutting, i wanna faint liao)!
Wahahahha, ahbish dat person. I dun really bother to find out if other places r selling it at a cheaper rate cos i find JTT's prices r not bad liao. Plus Friso is oredi one of the cheapest FM. Kekeke...

Kieran wore dat Bandana for i tink less than 5 times? I agree wif sharon dat if jean doesn't even like hats, then Bandana is not an option either.

Wah, u dare to take the risk and eat sashimi ah? Dat day when i went Sakae, i could only watch in dismay as the sashimi went past me on the conveyor belt. Very sad...

I tink Esther looks gd in dat outfit in the slide pics.

I only heard dat the 2nd one will usually be delivered faster than the 1st one. But then hor, sure got to go thru cervix checks. I tink i'll still ask for epi. But dat time after i had Kieran, my relatives all 'scolded' me, said i shdn't have taken epi cos will cause backache, etc etc. But i was tinking, wah piangz, i'm the one in pain leh, i dun wanna be heroine.
puff, wahliao, who said that to you?! Obviously this person is out to hurt, so I think u can definitely NOT take her words into consideration. What a thing to say!
Reno- dunno yet, we still trying to work out the floor plan now- for our case it'll be abit slow cause we can only meet up with ID for decent discussions on weekends when hb is ard to help out with Faye.

Skyblue, For sashimi, you'll only get into trouble if you get food poisoning, so just make sure you eat really fresh ones? (I feel that sakae sashimi is one of most un-freshest ard?)

fruitcake, hehe you decide on no 2 liao! When decided wan? 2007 bb means to birth in that year or ttc that year?
hmmm..... very sianz! dun know y tis time round my cold seems very very persistant leh! almos recover then attack again! since cant go anywhere and cant do much, me stuck at home reading books tat i bought last week.

bought 3 books and find them quite interesting and quite good too so wanna share with u gals

after reading, sure helps in terms of
understanding ur child, interms of
their behaviour and such.

(tips for parenting in a commercial world)-

3) BECOMING PARENTS (how to strengthen your
marriage as your family grows) - PAMELA L.
more for family well being and i always
believe tat wat a child really need is a
happy / balance family so tis book might
worth a read.
thx for yr concern...Sam had fully recovered from the fall!!Hahaha But y'day while at cousin's plc,sam had another slight fall that hit on her left cheek.Haiz.....

hehe, we've been talking about it for some time liao. since we know we want a second baby, it was just a question of timing. we'll probably start TTCing end of this year, hope to give birth before i hit 30 :p


glad to know sam is as active as ever! luke's been falling here and there also, doesn't slow him down at all!
duh... thanks for the suggestions on the bandana... the thing is, we wanna cover her head until the hair grows back lor... otherwise pple will stare and she will become self conscious... bo bian... have to get her used to it...

puff, gosh... how can u look preg?!? ridiculous!! the person who said that to u must be super skinny like tek koh leh...
Arbish the stupid &amp; blind person.

Athena pose beri professional - like models. So sweet somemore. LOL
MT, hehe your 65 bucks dress beri pretty indeed! How do you keep Ten's pretty clothing from staining ah? Even if Faye uses a bib thruout her meal, she still gets food stains on her clothing leh, like if her top's protected, she'll drip some on her pants/skirt during self feeding?

lil devil, got any new insights from your books or not? share share with us!
P &amp; R furniture sucks lah. My bedrm set is that, I bought cos cheap display set. Had/ have full intention to upgrade!

Berry, my incredible bib lor. It has pocket ledge at bottom, PLUS I PUSH the bottom of bib outwards so it covers her skirt. In LONG skirt case, I go as far as to tuck her skirt into her bloomers. :p Pants no solution lah.

what a nice spring dress!


heard same thing about p&amp;r as what medusa said. if you want reasonably priced solid wood furniture, go for indonesian teak. they can custom make for you also.
A's dress is making me itch for another studio shoot for her. Am thinking of doing some B/W shots of her hugging my bump :p ! Must wait for bump to grow bigger... LOL!

When new baby's out, will probly do the Kids Pics package (every 2mths take a pic, after 1 yr bind into album, just as have done for Athena). But start earlier maybe straight out of hospital :p cos A's earliest pic then was at 1.5mth, not very newborn.
A's dress is really pretty but very ex.
where did you buy that dress-like yellow bib?? Have been looking for it.
yah, i also dun like P &amp; R furniture as they look machiam tough but not so. u can go LAMI in G.W.C, their things quite okie and sometimes can manage to get great deals like when like when they are having sales. and if u are into solid wood stuff, can go HOME MERCHANT to take a look www.thehomemerchant.com

for tat three books, these are some of their content:

first book: the magic word to create cooperation, wat to do when children resist, active children needs, loving rituals, why children resist, taking time to listen, hard love parenting, learning to delay gratification, meeting ur children's needs, why and when punishment worked, the 2 reasons why children misbahaves, dealing with demanding child in public, dont use emotion t command, its ok to make mistakes, when emotions are not helpful, yelling doesn't work, the need for time out, too much or too little time out, diff needs for trust and caring, whoes fault is it anyway, don't punish but make adjustment, the imp of managing feelings, when parents express negative emotions, learning to say no, giving too mush, how parents affect their children, children have a different memory, balancing freedom and control.........

second book: what do kids really want tat $$ cant buy includes topic like * you, family, free time, frens, nature, spirituality* to make the worls a better place, more fun less stuff, acceptance and respect..........

third book: 4 key patterns tat harm a relationship, communicating safely and clearly: the speaker - listener technique, difference between issue and event, unmet expectations and wat to do abt them, foefiveness and the preservation or restoration of intimacy, managing fatique, stress, dun try parenting by urself.......

tena really has pretty dresses!!! and she sure looks great in every pcs
my friend is asking for $7. is it ok with you? if ok, i will take it from her and meet you up somewhere near your place?

nice pixs of Athena! yeah, send her for photoshoot again!

Sterilising Tablets
Mummies, did you all use this when you brought your bbs overseas? I am contemplating whether its necessary to buy. Thks!
MT, lil devil, yikes looks like picket and rail is out then, thanks for replying!

lil devil, John gray is the guy who wrote the mars/venus book rite? You picked up anything useful for yourself in there? What did he say about punishments and delayed gratification ah?
Sister Kang of MAH is quite well known in the industry as well. but it is not only the lactation consultants that matters i guess. it is how the whole hospital advocates bfg.

playdates at your place sounds fun!

the gynea will inject pain killers b4 the episiotomy. so no need to scared. but hor, when u are having contraction pains, i doubt u will be able to differentiate the pain fm the cut &amp; the contractions leh :p

Athena really knows how to pose in the pics leh. She's got a very cute french too.

Auntie Skyblue,
thanks for complimenting me on my blue outfit...Esther

IV drips
did anyone went thru the delivery process without having the IV needles (dun remember the correct term) inserted into their hands ah? i read that we can request for them not to put but dun know if it applies to sin. cos i felt so tied down with the thing inserted, dun dare to move cos of pain. wanted to move my body around a bit also can't. my spine &amp; buttock muscles was aching like mad after the long labour.

Primary school sessions
Any mummie planning to deliver by this yr so both darlings will be in the same sessions when in pri school? If born in 2007, then will be diff sessions. anyone given any thoughts on this?
<font color="aa00aa">skyblue</font>
yah, agree that JTT prices are very reasonable but different outlets varies a little bit leh

<font color="aa00aa">berry</font>
there's a gracious home exhibition at expo hall 6A till this sunday, can go check it out for ideas

it was my ID who said that to me
and i dun supposed she was out to hurt me lah cos i took a hard look at myself and gosh.....i really am FAT after all the CNY feasting!!!

so i hit the gym today!! but all gone down the drain liao, cos after workout i felt so hungry i ate tempura udon...kekek

<font color="aa00aa">medusa</font>
aiyo, athena's so sweet in all the pics...did u teach her to pose that way?

and her dress is lovely....wah, $65 not cheap wor

<font color="aa00aa">jen</font>
my ID who commented that i'm preggy is indeed as thin as a stick! hahhaahha
<font color="aa00aa">berry</font>
i was very near your place on saturday nite cos we had oiishi pizza; in the past we only drove past the building, if not because oiishi pizza moved from gillman village, dun think we will ever walk in

<font color="aa00aa">little devil</font>
u take care and get well soon!

<font color="aa00aa">little prince</font>
yes, i would like to buy from your fren...please get the FM on my behalf and i will arrange to meet you, thanks!

<font color="aa00aa">ziztine</font>
did not think so far ahead about morning/afternoon sessions; anyway, me also lost track cos they kept changing and some schools offer single session only??

since you ask about this, i have another interesting question too: anyone thot of doing volunteer work or joining the grassroot so that your kiddo can enrol into primary school with priority?
<font color="aa00aa">berry</font>
so u decided on getting what pressie for your hubby?

saw lotsa people doing last min v.day shopping at taka
<font color="aa00aa">pcs, skyblue, jen, berry</font>
keke, thanks for "arbishing" the fella who said i'm preggy....think i should arbish myself for no self discipline instead; i eat like there's no tomorrow during CNY
Hello mummies,
Have not been able to come in for chats for a couple of mths already. Miss yakking here sooooo much :p

Here's a pic of jodie... think it was taken last mth. She's abt 76.5cm (measured using own tape) and weighs a tonne

Anyways, she's been up to loads of mischief. Kena baluku on forehead cos' she tripped whilst running to door (too eager to go kai kai) and then kena another baluku whilst trying to be difficult when nanny was changing her. So now front &amp; back balanced with a lump each.

Think we're bringing her to melaka for ex-colleague's wedding next weekend. Kinda hard to decide where to stay though. Not much good hotels over there.

Will tell u girls abt our trip to KL &amp; Phuket last Xmas when I next loggin. Kinda sleepy now :p


<font color="aa00aa">beanie</font>
halo there!! jodie looked so different now....more girlie and sweet looking! did u rub her bump with zambuk?

i personally like Century Mahkota Hotel @ Melaka, been there once in 1998
