(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be


yes, seeing the pics of your 2 girls together is so heartwarming. keep up the great work you are doing!

BB no. 2 - alamak, dunno why i am thinking so much of bb no. 2 lately, must be all the talk fr the preggie mummies :p for us, i think we will have to wait. we are not physically/mentally ready for 2 kids, we need to get a bigger place, we wanna take the opportunity to travel more first. but another part of me would like to have another bb soon. with a closer age gap, luke can have a playmate sooner, "suffer" now, enjoy later? hehe, and i am feeling v maternal lately, although i am definitely not pregnant :p

little prince

rhyan has cool trunks! luke also has one fr mothercare, but v cartoon wan. more economical than swim diapers.


ouch! yar, wonder whether it's painful for yx since the nail is "dead" anyway.


once, we met a saleslady who kept offering luke the freshly baked cake fr their dunno-what special oven and i kept politely refusing. despite my repeated refusals, she shoved a BIG piece to luke which i intercepted. i said "thank you", gave luke a small piece and while walking away, put the rest in my mouth furtively!

fruitcake, LOL!!! Cant imagine you shoving cake in your mouth

BB- hmm but then it'll make a big diff how luke sees the child when he is at diff age. At 2-3 he is more likely to see the new child as a threat as opposed to playmate, compared to when he is 3-4, able to play with (as opposed to parellel play) the new bb, able to share/empathise etc. Well, anyway, you'll be ready when you are! That what I tell myself too hehe :p
<font color="aa00aa">itsun</font>
i took pics when it just started to came off but didn't remove them totally...shortly after, it fell off by itself

<font color="aa00aa">kelly</font>
congrats!! gab got into <font color="ff0000">TOP 10</font> in the nov cutest kid contest
just came back frm plaza sing and bought myself a pair of flat soles, while at the shop, i put yingxin down on the sofa and tried on the shoes and there was this customer who kept looking at her and smiling and said "she's soooooo cuuuute....like a doll"
something cute and funnie (to me lah) - last nite she woke up at 11pm and didn't want to sleep till 2am....she repeated squat-stand-squat for over 30 times and was so happy about her achievements that she didn't feel like stopping

<font color="aa00aa">^HOORAY! CNY is here once again. I get to wear new and pretty clothes and eat delicious cookies....best of all, it's harvesting of red packets time!!!

Will be out the whole day tomorrow and dun have time to log in...

Sweetie Yingxin and I wishes Mummies, Daddies and Little Babes and Hunks here</font> <font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">GONG XI FA CAI</font></font>

thanks for the info on swim trunks. i have seen swim trunks here selling for 4 (about $12) so maybe i will buy Ethan a pair tomorrow morning b4 we have to go to airport. i don't even have swimwear myself! have a couple of two piece suits in SG but don't dare to wear them anymore.

yep i should be staying at punggol when i'm in SG, most of the time i think. would you like to meet up? i stay in the same block as Beanie (tho have not seen her online for a while). i'll try to get my hands on a pc and send you my contact number. or wait, i think i have your phone number, is it still the same as last time? i am in sg for 3 weeks.

wow, 4 boys to one music class? i reckon that when my #3 comes along, Ethan will at least be in nursery 3 mornings a week, so at times i'll (only) have 2 kids to deal with. 3 weeks ago, i brought my friend's daughter to playgroup together with Ethan in a double buggy. It went really well actually, except that on the way back they both started screaming and it was raining so I ran like a mad woman all the way home. needless to say, i have not worn heels for a long time as i walk alot here. i do have a pair of boots but i prefer my sneakers. and i live in jeans and tees, but i'm quite happy with that too.

It's so nice to see the pix of your girls so close. I'm slightly worried about Ethan, he seems quite aggressive in the playgroups.
Nice pics of Ethan

YX is very pretty in dat red dress. Hey, doing knee squats is not advisable cos seems dat it will hurt the knee cap area or smthg.
To all mummies, daddies and tods,
Have a Happy Lunar New year. May everyone have a prosperous year ahead, filled with happiness, good luck and good health!
Mummies n daddy,

I will be away from this afternn onward. Scared no time to come in again so like to wish all in advance

<font color="ff0000">Xin1 Nian2 Kuai4 Lei4!</font>
<font color="ff0000">Gong1 Xi3 Fa1 Cai2!</font>
<font color="ff0000">Wan4 Shi4 Ru2 Yi4! </font>

To all our little one,

<font color="ff0000">Kuai4 Gao1 Zhang3 Da4!</font>
<font color="ff0000">Shen1 Ti3 Jian4 Kang1!</font>

i'm thinking further ahead to when luke is 5/6 and the other kiddo is 3/4 or 2/3, when they can engage in more forms of play together. the closer the age gap, the sooner they can really play together. like now, the tods on my floor "play" with luke in v limited ways and they much prefer to play with each other, riding bikes, building railways etc. but well, that is just one consideration, more imptly we must be ready first. eg for now, i think luke would freak out if he had to share me :p


i love yx's cny dress!


ethan looks adorable in his puffy jacket!
wish u all have a good chinese new year...
everyone healthy, happy, no worries, properous, plenty of money to spend, etc etc...

Thanks for your message. I have replied, but in case you don't read your mails over the hols, i'll SMS you in SG.

Happy New Year to all! I'm so excited that the day I've been waiting for for 9 months is here.
love seeing Ethan all wrapped up in winterwear- so cute!
I've considered double buggy prams but most aisles are too narrow, plus such prams are really heavy, not to mention when loaded with a tod AND a baby.
I see mums usually put the baby in a single pram while the tod walks alongside... then when tod is tired of walking, sling the baby and put the tod in the pram. I'm thinking of trying that method out, and see how it goes.

YX so pretty and festive in her cheongsam! Very cheerful!
OUCH abt her nail, but it does look like on the way to recovery.

I really don't know who to focus on when new baby comes. The last time with Athena, it was endless round of feeding, burping, diapering- even tho my mum and HB helped alot, still alot of time spent on the feeding. Really must see how things go- this time round I'd have a maid, but have my mum come to my place... knowing my mum's pattern, will fly my kite if she has to travel to me!
I've been observing mums with maids- they tend to the younger baby (usually sling), and leave the chasing of the tod to the maid.

awww the pics are gorgeous! So sweet playing together, and Louisa holding Lavigne's hand! I think same gender siblings get along better. Kudos to u for having been able to handle TWO, alone, through all that moving, and settling in a new place!
Athena doesn't understand when I tell her there's a baby in the tummy- she can't "see" it. She only recognises "baby" if she sees other babies or baby photos.

R looks so handsome in his trunks, LOL! *WOLF-WHISTLE!!!*

Happy Chinese New Year!
I have a vid of Athena gongxi-ing and saying "angboh" (angbao :p )... http://www.youtube.com/?v=vw6CnTTu5j4

all who view the video must give angbao hor, LOL!
<font color="aa00aa">kypf</font>
thanks!! ethan's lip is so kissable....hahaha....as though he has lipstick on

<font color="aa00aa">skyblue</font>
oh, didn't know that it's not good for the knees but she doesn't want to stop

<font color="aa00aa">sharon</font>
thanks! hey, post pics of wyn in her new year dress leh...

<font color="aa00aa">medusa</font>
wanna ask you ah, did u manage to stop your mum and mil in getting stuff for athena?

i told my mil not to buy her any cny dress as she has plenty and i specially bought this red one just to please mil cos she wanted it!! then she went ahead to buy another halter neck kind even when she knew i bought a dress already....and ah, the material is very stiff and rough, very uncomfy, really dun feel like putting it on for yingxin

now felt as if i'm being forced to put it on for yingxin
yah managed to stop them- mum more scared of me will sometimes listen one... as for MIL, I showed her Athena's wardrobe. A's hanging dresses takes up 80% of the clothes rail, leaving only 20% for sibling. If we buy anymore clothes for A, her sibling will have no space. :p

I think no choice have to put the stiff dress on for YX, but u don't have to leave it on for long. Enough for quick pics can liao. Or... YX can conveniently drool one big patch or drip any stain on it hehe...

BTW ur dining table is how many seater ah? Very impressed u cld prepare such a spread that day, and accomodate so many!

pai seh, didnt log on veryyyy lomg liao as internet down, only will be okie in feb *i hope so* so now at mil place, using my sil pc.
<font color="aa00aa">medusa</font>
girls tend to have more clothes and it's a priviledge!! so siblings got to make do with the limited space lor....kekeke

LOL, wah, your idea of staining the clothes very good leh, like dat got excuse to have it change hor, will be putting on that halter neck CNY dress MIL bought today, got chance i post pic here

mine's a 6-seater dining table, but i squeeze the ends for 2 pax to make space for 8 person, thanks for the compliments, hopefully will be my first and last attempt, very tiring process

<font color="aa00aa">kelly</font>
how's your reunion dinner? did anyone help you in the cooking?

i fed yingxin abalone and fresh scallops yesterday
but dare not let her try the shark's fin soup
sigh, dun feel the mood of CNY of late

both yingxin and i were overly traumatised on the 1st day of new year due to the overwhelming crowd (esp my ILs) and mad rush to 5 different places...so tiring esp with a kid in tow who clings onto me at all times and even refused daddy!! MIL wanted me to eat in peace for both lunch and dinner and tried to carry her away from my arms (was seating her on my lap and eating at the same time) despite her loud cries and strong resistance

she cried non-stop as soon as she was taken away and no one can console her at all, but still they let her cried continuosly with big tear drops and mucus flowing without thinking of "returning" her to my arms

because of this, my MIL showed me her super duper black face cos she was angry that yingxin is stubborn and refused to let her carry; even my hubby is angry with me, accusing me of not exposing her to "strangers" and making her more friendly

then hubby's brother is also angry with yingxin cos she also dun want him to cajole and was very harsh with her....


like dat also angry...sigh!!!
yah I dunno why the older generation wld expect a tod to be warm towards people they seldom meet! Luckily in our case, some relatives visited a mth or so back, and Athena wailed- MIL asked me, "I thought u always socialise her?". HB retorted we only socialised with BABIES and couples our age- it's HER responsibility to socialise Athena among old people :p . So MIL been pre-empting by socialising Athena with those relatives these few wks b4 CNY. Athena only warmed up during CNY visiting when they offered her tidbits lor. Even then, there was once she wailed BIG-TIME cos she wasn't used to seeing a totally-white-haired relative- it was so bad MIL had to borrow their teddy bear, rush Athena out of their home with that teddy bear (must return teddy bear another time, hahaha)!

We think MIL complained abt me to an aunt, cos that aunt deliberately dipped Athena's bread in gongba sauce (fatty pork sandwiched between bread leh- the sauce is black with layers of oil). Everytime dipped will pointedly tell me, "MUST dip in SAUCE then tastier". We din kick a fuss cos CNY, but HB went to chew MIL's ear abit after that. :p

U ran 5 places in 1 day? Wow, we only hit 4 places including PILs' and were dead-beat- difficult to flag cabs, lucky some places were walking distance (but not easy for me!), and sometimes we took bus.
Urgh, so angry. Dunno why MIL is so hell-bent on waking Athena from her naps. HB told them NOT to press doorbell cos A napping, they pressed doorbell anyway. Then they entered A's room while she was sleeping, told them 1 MILLION TIMES not to do that cos she's a light sleeper. Sure enough, she woke up.

I'm going to show black face rest of the day.
Hello Mummies
I'm back. Hope everyonr have a great CNY :p

Really Buay Tahan yr ILS leh. Acting like kids.
I brought Keira to Malaysia and she takes abt 3 days to get used to the huge crowd. Oh I like her CNY dress - very pretty :p

Ethan look soooo cute in the winter clothes. He seems to have put on weight from the his baba cheeks :p

Beri impressed wif Athena able to say gongxi &amp; angbao :p
Gong Xi Fai Cai!

didn't take many pictures, here is one i took with isabel... sorry, me not that pretty in the picture compared to what i mentioned much earlier...

I think u look radiant and pretty.
Isabel looks so grown up!! Beri sweet and pretty like mummy
hallo to all
Happy CNY!

yar, the price is expensive but we calculated a breakdown if we use it often enough and it worked out to be reasonable enough. my hb and i are very particular about cleanliness at home, especially with Rhyan around now so we are sure to use the vacuum frequent. if you are like us, maybe you should consider too.

anyway, you can ask for a demo and see it for yourself since its free (they will give you a book that talks about how to treat general illness like diarrhoea, flu etc free too!). hehe! the guy that did the demo for us showed us a comparison btw Osim and their product, i thought he was diplomatic enough while comparing and not the kind that condemn other's products while promoting his own. he didn't contact us after his demo too as he already made it clear when he came that he will not call us to check whether we want to buy, and we can call him if we have decided.

btw, i am not promoting for the salesman hor, in case you all are thinking. my hb and i were just too impressed with the numerous functions of the Rainbow vacuum and feel its really useful if finacially, our budget permits. just to share.

wahhahah! i like yx's pix with 2 hands up!

nice meeting you and ethan yesterday!

CNY Visiting
Aiyo! I also no CNY mood! went to MIL's place for the 1st and 2nd day of CNY and it was terribly crowded and worst of all, FIL and SILs smoked like nobody's business IN the house!
I am really very annoyed with inconsiderate ppl like them! there were so many kids playing around, sitting on the floor etc and they could still stand there smoking away! what will you all do if you experience this ah? like someone (relatives) smoking IN a covered area where your bb is present?

on the 1st day, we were only there in the evening so it wasn't that bad but on the 2nd day, we were there for more than half a day! there was once when i couldn't tahan FIL standing up to smoke with Rhyan playing so nearby to him that i brought Rhyan downstairs to the playground to play. *I* almost wanted to faint from the smoke. I did hint FIL by saying he shouldn't smoke so much coz bad for his health etc but i think he abit senile nowadays, seems like he didn't hear me. Then, i hinted to MIL and she went out to the living room and scolded FIL. But, FIL just stared at her, no other reaction. Waliao eh! So, yesterday we managed to siam and didn't go over.

I told hb and he said no choice what, his dad and sisters have been smoking like these all along even when his nieces and nephews are around. How to ask them to smoke outside the house just bcoz i say its bad for Rhyan? I think I will say i am not bringing my son over to inhale 2nd hand smoke if they choose to continue this way!
you looked good! btw, your belly button protuding out rite? when you had Isabel, did your belly button protude out also?
wah.. thanks for the nice compliments, made my day!

Little Prince
no lah, my belly button not protruding out... i look at the picture again, don't know what's that leh.
CS Rice,
hey u look the same. didnt really "bloated" at all considering u gg to give birth soon

Isabel has changed alot. her hair so thick n neat now
she is quite big hor..hhehehe
little prince,
Wat i do is i'll bring kieran either to another rm or to the corridor. These pple have been smoking for donkey yrs, n they dunno the meaning of zi4dong4. Worst still, i i got a relative who said,' Aiyah, inhale the smoke won't die one lah. It's all fated!' Wah piangz rite... SO sometimes, i can't be bothered to say so much, jus bring kieran away. I hate pple who smokes in the lift, such dat when u enter the lift, can die man!

Dats ur top of ur pants is it? The button area?
Hi!! As usual beri busy. Keira enjoys it a lot coz my grandparents hse got a lot of space for her to run around.
She has a lot of new experience too
1st time she get to see firecrakers and fireworks. She even get to light them up. Hehe
1st time she get to see live chickens roaming around.
Lucky she can still fall asleep wif all the firecrakers noise throughout the nite.
Its definately a very exciting week for her :p
Little Prince
Didn't have protruding belly button last time.

No lah, that one was a draw string skirt... anyway, never mind lah.

CNY is ALWAYS very frustrating for me too lah! everyone will goes "must let bb eat ANYTHING &amp; EVERYTHING then they will be healthy"!! *&amp;^&amp;@#!$%&amp;*!!!!!!!!!!!! luckily tis year not much visiting *plus me not well and quinn is having running nose afetr he recover from tat bad bad cough* jus like tis evening, went to1 of hubbys relative place and she wanted to offer quinn vitagen and mil wanted her to ask me for PERMISSION first then i say no as he jus recover from very bad and phlegmy cough. mil didnt say a thing lah then later on while i am waiting for hubby to pick up the car, mil says "kids must eat and drink EVERYTHING wan lah.........." then i say "yah lor, i also BELIEVE so tats y lately i become more bo chap and let quinn eat and drink EVERYTHING and see wat happen, very very bad cough and cold and he never kenna sick in a row wan leh, usually once every 2 months the most, tis time round is like 2-3 time PER month".

wow!!! u definitely looks great! not much kg gain and looks radiant!

i also tell hubby tat i only want 2 kids, max! be it gal or boy. hes okie with my decision as he actually wanted at least 3
but till now, me no planning for no. 2 yet.

wah... seems alot bb training in process liao.... me still lazy to do so. quinn will pee when hes strip naked, standing beside his bath tub. after he pee, he will give me the VERY proud face! i tik hes trying to do wat his daddy is doing lah. sometimes hubby visit the toilet without closing the door and quinn will STUDY closely wats hes doing.. wahahhaha!!!!

me interested in tat v. cleaner too!!!wats the damage?

tell R tat hes very very sexy!! hee!!!!

OUCH!! tat looks painful!!
KNS u!!! :p wahahahahah... u all stalking me in other threads ah? Kekeke... I wanted to reply to u yday but smthg wrong wif my stupid network...

Thks...see lah, u made pcs so curious, she went to 'hunt' for me elsewhere :p
Want to share some CNY pics


This is what u will see in Ipoh everywhere
U can even get this view from yr backyard.


Keira testing her driving skill


my gal admiring herself and saying "wahhhh"
Buay Tahan this little vainpot


This is a super loud firecraker know as the "thunder king"


Keira holding the firework while its goes off
It lasted for about 1 min
Keira smiling while watching the fireworks

This is the ultimate. 16 Ft long firecraker
My Dad insist his precious granddaughter light up this thing. *pengz*
carriane also sick and still having flu n cough
but luckily is that my mil is those who is those concerned abt food stuff than me. She wont allow her to anyhow eat. But that day i was at home, i was abit shocked when she added oil into the porridge. But i dont dare to voice out.

since carrie ard 8mths old, my mil already made her sit on the potty every morning after her feed and evening as well. But recently donno what happen. SHe do not wan to sit on the potty and each time she sit she will make noise.

Yesterday scissors fell onto carriane's first toe. Her toe is quite badly hurt. I see already very heartpain.

oh u went back to ipoh during CNY! For the past 2 yrs we didnt go back already as we go back during the yr end.
Yar in ipoh they can put fire crackers.
rem last time we still did mention maybe if we go back can meet up there..hahahha
keira is very pretty
she got very nice eyes
