(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

<font color="ff6000">jen</font>
guess hv to start on ur annual leave if ur mc has been used up..
how abt gg back to ur mum's pl? anyone at home now?
i tink i saw mustela cream in KP also .. u may want to chk it out there as well

<font color="ff6000">berry</font>
i bought mostly seperates, shd be able to last longer than bodysuits/rompers

so far i've only got 3 tops with newborn sizes, and 4 tops bigger than that of newborn
my mum also bought a few for me, but can't tell the size until i've compared them with the newborn size top i've got

<font color="ff6000">jen</font>
my fren can't plain water thru'out her 1st preg, her kid still take plain water also ..
dun worry too much ok

other than dairy pdts, there are other means to get calcium right? on hand can't tink of any now though
just get calcium supplements from your gynae next time... dun worry too much about not enough calcium in daily diet for now... the most u suffer from abit of calcium loss, baby will be perfectly fine

Next baby clothings if I buy will be separates too. More versatile.
chihiro, plain water is different mah... never heard anyone allergic to plain water one right... i also cannot take too much plain water at one go... at most 3 mouths only... btw, wat is KP?
Hi angelia &amp; berry

I'm at wk15 tmr, i tink gynae sayin doin some test? I dunno whether am i doin the triple test, can u pls advise me? Will it take long,cos hubby tmr got class at 12plus? Thks
Dunno tmr can c bb gender a not? HM....
Jen i also don't take milk and not keen on cheese and yoghurt, gynae gave me calcium pills and told me to take 2 a day.. even though I hate those pills on Wednesday I saw my baby on the monitor and the spine developed so well. Are you taking calcium pills.

I have also been taking McDonalds Sundae not sure if there's much calcium in that?

Angelia, Chihiro, I read on this forum that some people have a scan for like 30 minutes during the detailed scan, but when I check with the reception she said the detailed scan is just like normal scan leh.. my next session is the detailed scan and I wanted to know whether it would take a long time.
kypf, no i'm not on calcium pills... that's why i worry... and you choose not to take milk leh... for me is i can't take... take oredi will vomite...

oh yah... i tried taking sweets to curb the vomiting... i tried Fruitips (makes my tummy churn, maybe cos of the fruity acid), Polo (doesn't really help, feeling still there) and Ovalteenies (stomach churn, prob cos of milk solids)... SIGH.......................

I bought mine from JL at $37.08 after 20% disc. I think guardian oso selling. They oso have their own shop but i only remember the one at HG mall. If u want to buy, hurry up, i think their 20% disc will end with GSS.
i also can't take dairy products bcos i'm very prone to diarrhea &amp; i can't even take calcium supplements too so my gynae asks me to take calcium-rich food like tofu, ikan bilis, seafood and fish so you might want to try...
<font color="ff6000">jen</font>
hahah ...
KP = Kiddy's Palace

<font color="ff6000">kypf</font>
i oso dunno how long will the scan take
haha yesterday I neglected to take my calcium pills but thought my rich cheesecake slice would help. Eh, middle of night woken up by leg cramp (associated with calcium deficiency). Pain ahh! :p
u can find Mustela cream at follow places. mostly they put beside the baby's product.
-kiddy place

btw i oso cant take much daily product or else will diarrhea. So alr requested gynea to give calcium pills. So may just ask ur gynea for it.
MTMTMT i take my calcium pills everyday but last night also got leg cramp in the middle of the night.. thought leg cramp was caused by water retention or something like that?
kypf, leg cramps can be caused by lack of calcium or bad blood circulation or both.

Jen, have you tried yogurt? People who can't take milk usually can take non-fat yogurt very well. Choose the ones that says non-fat, cause it means its made with non-fat milk, meaning that the dairy content is next to zero. Food like spinach and broccoli also contains alot of calcium (more than milk actually).

BTW, what brand of wet wipes are you all gonna get? I think I'll get pigeon cause its non-scented. J &amp; J is very heavily scented.
I checked one of my books it says MAY be calcium deficiency or the habit of sleeping with feet pointed. :p Asleep already... how I know whether my feet pointed, hahaha?! Can relieve/ reduce leg cramps occuring, by having leg massage too
little devil
thumbs up for you to stop smoking during pregnancy! very 'wei da'. Though i'm not a smoker, i guess it must be tough for someone used to smoking to stop smoking. but i would also suggest you to keep it up and also no smoke after your delivery..then with that, u save money and ur little bb do not hv to inhale 2nd hand smoke also. so, remember huh, must try not to smoke ok? anyway, smoking does us nothing beneficial at all..somemore one packet cost almost $10, can used that to buy bb stuff, right?

think we better dun be so concerned abt weight gain, i hv heard of mummies that try to eat lesser during pregnancy for fear of putting too much weight and bb come out constitution very poor.

somemore i wan to eat more, i also cannot! sob sob! got gestational diabetes, must ctrl carbo intake.

me now coming towards the end of 23 weeks, think put on abt 7 kg..
Hi Mummies,

I got a contact from a fren to choose a chinese name for baby. She is quite a nice lady and charges v reasonable fees, around $30-$50. She will count the baby's ba zi with your chosen name. If not suitable, she will change or advise you accordingly. I just chose my boy's name from her last week. She even told me abt my boy's character which is v true!

If you wan her contact, please email: [email protected]

Hi Berry,

Pigeon wipes are good but I heard some mummies saying that it contains Paraben which is supposedly no good for baby boys. Now, I use Kodomo wipes when I am outside and bring my boy to the toilet to wash when I am at home. Sometimes, I use wet cotton wool to wipe.
hi all mummies,

i'm back from my check up and rest from yest. today i feeling good. thank for all the concern and care when i down.
my gyane say my bb is growing very well and i so happy tat i wont affect the bb. a bit diappointed tat still can't know the bb gender cos yest moring when doc was scanning bb was sleeping on his stomach and cant see at all his back is facing us. he was so active on my previous check up and i was so worry when i saw bb sleeping so well, but later when gynae say he growing well then i feel better. my next appt will be the detail scan at KKH hope can see bb gender and can start some shopping.
anyone here experience changing of EDD with every check up? my initail EDD was 24Dec and after every check up seem to move up and after yest check up ny EDD move up to 15 DEC.

We have opt out for the triple test and only do the normal blood test
MTMTMT: feet pointed? pointed where? sure must point somewhere what, ha ha. about a week back my left calf cramp in the middle of the night (must be due to the feet pointing somewhere, otherwise why is it always middle of night??) and after wake up already still can feel aching for a day or so. But last night right calf cramp but today ok leh.
feet pointed down as in ballet tiptoe style lah haha
Supposedly cramps up easily if you do that in your sleep hehe.

Hahaha, yah, always middle of the night!

Just wanna check if anyone here is still lying down on their tummy?? I'm already in my 23-24weeks and I still can't kick my habit. I still flop myself on my tummy every night on my bed and even on the floor. Even my mum can't help but comment why I'm still lying down that way.
MTMTMT: OIC! I thought pointed as in pointed upwards or sideways. Ya lor, sleeping how to know pointed or not.

Bride0712, I'm 17 weeks and occasionally lie on my front to read. I think soon it'll be impossible as it will be like lying on a watermelon!?
berry, i never tried yoghurt... but dun think i dare to take cos last time take but dun really like... too sour...

yuru, when u call up, the lady will ask u when is ur EDD and she will advice u the best date to start...
hi all,
my boy is now 4 yrs old and he seems to take the news of the impending arrival of a "mei mei" very well.
i'll be delivering my girl at Gleneagles and i put on abt 8kg to date. everybody commented that i look very energetic and i must say my complexion is better than b4.
sometimes i cant sleep at night from my baby's kicks but im happy to know that she's well!
Micky (ade02)
how do u know that little devil stop smoking cos i din see any of such threads or comments
jen, any spotting? slight crampish feelings at your stage is fine, but not when its bad enough to wake up you from sleep. my gynea says bad pain of any sort is not really normal. do call up your gynea and see what he says?
berry, no spotting... normally last time my AF cramp on first day is very bad, which i rate 10... then the pain last night is about 7 - 8... so considered quite painful... i had to curl up my body...
Nice to c u back.Wat test did u do today cos tmr is my chkup? Aiya... i oso dunno whether can c bb gender tmr a not? very excited nw
yuru, I saw plenty of designs at Mothers Work at great world city, price should range from $60 to above $100 thereabouts.
Mayb u can try to get bikini style swim wear @ least aft birth still can wear. Too bad i dunno hw to swim if not i'll buy bikini.
hi orange

my check up was yest and still dun know bb gender cos bb still sleeping. so have to wait for another 4 week for the detailed scan at KKH, by then should know bb gender.
me too dun know how to swim leh
yest i do blood test for anemia, hep B and rebulla .
i have opt out for the triple test. I want my bb no matter wat so dun want to do the test
<font color="aa00aa">yuru,</font>
won't lah. the classes not related one
so can start any lesson. anyway, when u call them up to sign/check on the class, they'll advise u based on ur EDD

<font color="0000ff">mustela stretch mark cream</font>
i find it a bit "sticky" after applying. elancyl is better, cos it's like "absorb" after applying, don't leave a trace on ur tummy

<font color="0000ff">detailed scan</font>
it's actually same as the normal scan, juz that the time is longer, and the sonographer will use the scanner to shake ur tummy a bit now &amp; then (juz like what the gynae does) so that she can get more accurate measurement of the various baby parts

i felt like taking a nap when the sonographer is doing the detailed scan for me cos she din let me see the screen when she's taking the measurement
really? we can't see the screen during detailed scan? sigh, i was still hoping to watch every detail of my bb at my detailed scan next week...
depends on the equipment set-up. My gynae watches from her small screen, while I watch on the big TV suspended at ceiling. Gynae's screen supposed to be even clearer than the big TV.
<font color="aa00aa">cynthia,</font>

<font color="aa00aa">peg peg,</font>
think different sonographer got diff setup. for mine, only got 1 screen lor, so i din get to see

yah, i use to be a smoker but of course stop immediately afetr discover the tiny new life forming.......


yah, me agree on the mustela cream but i still using it, maybe find its more moisturizing..... i tried the vichy one, not bad also.

jus came back from gynea, bb doing well and bb weigh about 1.1 to 1.2 kg.
U so funny man
u say until like u long time nvr bath. I oso hv alot of hair grow on my tummy.Actually my bellybutton oso black2.

i have opt out for the triple test. I want my bb no matter wat so dun want to do the test.

Jen, take care.

when do we go for the detailed scan? So far, I notice that my gynae did not tell me what the baby is doing . He just tells me this is the head and leg and so on. Then when I asked for scan pic, he will say not clear this time. angry leh!!

I heard it is good to eat yogurt and black chicken soup. Any receipe for that?
