(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

gabby mum
sien cheeck!!! ai yor!!! cant resist also if im u! but i dun pinch lah, wat i like to do with those juicy cheeks is i will use my lips and rub against... soooooo irresistable!

ai yor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! edward really looks like gabby leh!!!!! and hes soooo chubby! gabby seems very careful with his little brother, so loving!
edward is sooo adorable! he's really a big baby considering he popped at 36 weeks plus!
the pics of gab & edward together are so precious.gabe looks really gentle with baby brother.
Edward looks so chubby and so like Gabe when he was born.
They look so loving..the 2 brothers
hi mummies
I need advice for getting a maid.Any mummies get a maid to take care of their new born baby? Shd I get Indo or Philip? I need my mum's help but she can only converse in Mandarin.

When shd I get the maid in as I am due in late Nov? Thank ..
Hi little devil,

i bought a bottle of R.W.knudsen from cold storage and its 100% cranberry juice from cencentrate without any sugar. Its soooooo sourish even after diluting. I dun noe how to serve it to my gal. I tried adding it to yakult but i dun quite like the idea of her drinking yakult very often due to its high sugar content which will lead to alot phlegm.

Finally i found an organic shop just a few shops away from Yuguo Tuina selling dried cranberries with no sugar, no preservatives, just pure cranberries. It tastes quite good. They also sell organic cranberry juice. You might want to drop by and have a look.
Gabby mum
Si'en is real chubby. Sooooo cute

congats again!!! Edward does'nt look like a new born, looks more like one mth old.
Gabriel looks so zai carrying his little brother.
Have a good confinement :p
so u manage to find the knuden cranberry juice!!!?? which cold storage u got it and when u bot it? u tik its still available? sorry for so many questions, heee.... becos i call up jason supermarket in tanglin and the manager says its O.O.S island wide. so its VERY sour!!?? oh dear.... if too sour its not too good for young kids, who knows it will actually upset their tummy. dried cranberry easier to get but not the juice, mayeb when go to the 1 at yuguo and take a look. heard tat there tis organic shop at holland carries lots of stuff too... but i tik its its 100% pure cranberry, sure super sour..... maybe for tis we can take the non organic....hmm....

i still like waynes hair at its natural state leh, her hair soooo very nice! very stylish i find.
It's so heartwarming to see Edward and Gab's pics. Edward is like carbon copy of Gab
When u have the time, do tell us more abt ur labour story. So fast u pop liao. Jus saw u not long ago then in less than 1 wk, u pop liao. Dunno when's my turn...

Yar, waiting patiently for my turn. Actually now cannot pop cos Kieran had a HFMD scare. PD diagnosed him as suspected case of HFMD. Well, i dunno lah, but to me it doesn't seem to be the case. So now jus have to carry on monitoring. Wyn looks older when she ties up her hair but i prefer her hair down. Like a doll
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Mommies,</font>

Sorry to start your day off with a sad piece of news. Esther has to wait a little longer before she can be a JieJie.

congrats! edward is a good size for a 36+ week baby. gabe looks like he'll make a great kor kor.


so sorry to hear that
, hope why is ok. do take care, all of you.
UTI- oh dear, Faye might have UTI- last night she woke up and couldnt go back to sleep (actually since few weeks back, she been waking up for milk TWICE a night! sometimes wants to be patted for like an hour- no idea why) then suddenly she said 'pee pee! pee pee!' and cried. Then when we removed her diaper to check, she peed again and then cried in pain. She also asked us to apply desitin cream for her. And she didnt sleep till 15 min ago (11am!). Spent the entire night playing with her daddy (and my hubby still wanted to bring her to the playground early this morning but she rejected his offer lol!)!
both of them are really uber-super-duper, I only woke up for a few times and for short period each and now I'm kinda stoned liao.
Anyway I'll prob bring her to PD in the later afternoon just to make sure everything is ok.

itsun, oh dear, I'm so sorry to hear that.
Do take good care of her and make sure she rests well.
Sharwyn so affectionate :p

Cross my finger that Kieran case is not HFM

Sorry to hear that.
Why, try to do confinement at least for 2 weeks if u can. Take care.

Oh no. hope Faye recover soon
husband &amp; i very sad 2 hear tis. take gd care of HY, both of u b strong!

oh my...hope faye dun get UTI n she reverts back 2 her old sleeping pattern.

hope kieran isnt suffering fr HFMD.
u dying 2 pop?
hi mummies,
thks 4 ur compliments

since i discharged fr the hospital, we had a few more scares fr gabe. he has been helpful wif ed but also very scary 2 let him b wif ed.

as all of u know abt my contractions starting at 12pm...
3pm - husband got 2 me while i was at my mum's plc (he rushed back fr JB, went home 2 finish packing my hospital bag).
410pm - reached MAH
445pm - water bag burst, gynae checked n found me 3cm dilated
515pm - epi administered
530pm - drip administered
8pm - 9cm dilated
930pm - gynae arrived n started pushing
940pm - Edward arrived!

This delivery was more "real" than my 1st delivery as i could feel everything. somehow they didnt give me a high dosage of epi n i felt e contractions every time, felt ed pushing at my cervix...aiya, i felt everything lah. if gynae didnt give me local anaesthia, i'm sure i would hv felt the cut &amp; stitching too.

when i complained abt epi not having any effect, they increased e dosage 4 me but i tik it was too late then...i was already 9cm dilated so e epi couldnt take its effect.

definitely a waste of $$ 4 me tis time round...
NS &amp; WHY, really so sad... WHY do take care and dun think too much... heard some mums will conceive easier after that...

kelly, u felt EVERYTHING?? meaning pain ah?? I've heard some pple do feel the contractions but pain wise, not really... that's what I hope my next one will be like... if completely cannot feel the contractions (like my first) then like not real leh...
<font color="ff6000">itsun, why</font>
sorry to hear that.
WHY, do take care and rest well for this period.
very sorry to hear that. Do take care &amp; try to have a good rest.

What scares did gabe give?
Btw, how u manage the sleeping arrangement? Does gabe wake up when edward crys?

I was on epi &amp; only felt some contractions &amp; even then it was very mild. How did u push if u can't feel the contractions?
But like kelly says, pay for epi then not effective is really waste of $$!
itsun / why
sorry to hear that, u guys must take care and i believe very soon, i will hear good news!

hope kieran is not having hfmd. symptoms of hfmd can varies, very diff. with diff. kids. some behave like nothing is happening, which is good as they still can feed well and sleep well.

hope its not UTI.
congrats on your newborn! i also think gab and ed look alike. any pixs with open eyes of ed? have a good confinement.

HY and itsun
sorry to hear about the bad news, do take care.

hope the kids who are not well recover soon.
1) on e day ed was discharged, gabe brought a box of toys into e room. i tik, he has e intention of playing wif his lil bro. he dropped e box of toys, emptied it near ed's cot. imagine e noise level n of course ed was frightened n he startled a lil.

2) gabe has a few plastic golf clubs n while playing wif it, he brought 1 club to ed's cot &amp; almost 'whacked' ed wif it.

3) we had friens/relatives who visited me yesterday so i placed ed in a bouncer 4 every1 2 view him. gabe lifted e bouncer fr e back, almost causing ed 2 either slide off e bouncer OR fall flat on his face. LUCKILY my GF was very nearby n she stopped gabe fr lifting e bouncer further.

4) 2day, he wanted some prune juice so he went 2 e fridge &amp; asked for it. he took out e prune juice, brought it 2 ed who was on e bouncer n kept shoving e bottle 2 ed's hands &amp; face. i told gabe tat "di di cant hv prune juice now". while trying 2 "rescue" ed fr gabe's attempts, gabe dropped e bottle on e bouncer n hit ed's left ears.

5) there were a few attempts where gabe grabbed ed's toes while ed was sleeping in e cot.

lil prince,
we havent capture a pic of ed wif his eyes open yet. whenever he opens 4 barely a min, we cant get e camera in time.
YES i felt everything...the contractions every 2-2-3mins, edward pushing me at my cervix, e sensation when edward is coming out of me, e sensation when my gynae pulled out my placenta, etc.

sleeping arrangement so far so gd. 1st nite, disaster...when ed woke up at 5am, gabe woke up too. 2nd nite, peace...when ed woke up at 12am &amp; 4am, gabe didnt wake up. we r keeping our fingers crossed abt 2nite n subsequent nites.
Gab seems very kan cheong to play wif didi. Hehe
It must be difficult to curb yr temper (while nearly having heart attack) and tell him nicely cannot do this or that to didi.

Thats why I salute to mummies here wif 2 kids.
U all are super mummies :p
tell me abt it...i was at my dining table, trying 2 run 2 rescue ed. i didnt scold gabe cos he dunno mah...i just told him tat we cant do tat 2 'di di'. husband &amp; i now doing lotsa stuff 2 involve gabe. tat's y i said he has been very helpful cos he knows where 2 get ed's diapers, switch on e fan 4 ed when he naps, get tissue 4 me when i fed ed FM, get wet wipes when i cleaning ed's shit in e living room, get ed's blanket &amp; cover him, etc.

husband also taught me something...while we involve gabe in ed's activities, we MUST NOT neglect him n we shld b involved in gabe's activities too. so far, we've been playing wif him, get him involved in our activities (like back in e old days b4 i pop AND b4 i got preggie), etc.

tis morn, when husband was trying 2 wear mittens 4 ed, gabe fussed BIG TIME. he didnt wanna ed 2 wear mittens cos he 1 2 hold his lil bro's hands. husband handled it very well (i very proud &amp; pleased wif him lately cos he super patient wif gabe n kept guiding gabe on how 2 handle ed). husband got gabe 2 help put on mittens for ed. gabe did it so willingly then husband explained tat 'di di' may b cold, scratch his face if he dun wear mittens. husband then asked gabe if he wants 'di di' 2 scratch his face.
no point...gynae said tat despite e midwife increasing my dosage, i could hv dilated 2 a point where e epi has no impact liao...

bo pian lor...

thks 4 e visit &amp; e gift.
we paid $650 cash at e hospital. overall, e total 'damage' for Edward is abt $1350...$550-antenatal package, $105-detailed scan, $50+ - misc charges, $650-hospital bill
I'm really sorry to hear the news. Take good care of Why. She needs all the comfort in the world.

Rest well. Try to keep your mind occupied k.
Congrats! Mind, your two boys looks like twins at birth! Did u request to start with a lower dose of epi initially? Or did they just decided to start off low?


^ hubby display quinns VIRGIN work in the living area and he says theres 2 more canvas in the storeroom, and will also get quinn to work on them so total there will be 3 pcs of quinns work. hubby so PROUD to display his sons art work :p
when i read about gabe and didi, i really cant help but laugh sooo hard. told hubby abt it and he says soooo cute hor.
and i can imagine during tat situation u must be "no.... darling"
lil devil, nice!
Initially I wanted to do the same, but I not so professional, use majong paper only, Faye everytime will wet the paper beyond salvage, so cannot keep to display. So I took a photo planning to print it out instead heh.
U and yr HB is handling the situation very well. *thumbs up for both of u*

Little Devil
That's a very very nice piece of work from Quinn *impressed*
<font color="ff6000">why</font>
cheer up
and take care yah....

<font color="ff6000">kelly</font>
whoa, both ed and gab so alike!! heh heh, now gab is sweet to didi but when ed grows up, both of them would be fighting
sounds like gabe can't wait to play with ed! it's actually very adorable tho I know it's also quite scary. just gotta keep an eye on gabe, i guess.

little devil,
the painting looks quite professional leh!
CAKE- hehe Faye has requested for a strawberry birthday cake (strange, she never even had strawberry cake before, she just came to me one day and tell me she wants strawberry cake lol)! Anyone tried Patissier's Strawberry Shortcake before? Is it good? I'm looking for a really good melt-in-your-mouth strawberry sponge cake for Faye's birthday (preferably with a shop that delivers), anymore recs anyone?
NS &amp; Why,
Sorry to hears abt the news.Do take gd care of Why now hope to hear gd news from u guys soon again.

Me cross finger for u too that it's not UTI. Cos kids will suffer from the tests from hospital and it takes like mths b4 she's dischaeged by the doctor.

Lil Devil,
wow yr son is the mini "Picaso" in our thread!!
Is yr total damage $1350 alrdy less the govt subsidy Or have not less yet?( $1.8k from hospital bill &amp; $450 from Antenatal package)

Gabe is def showering lots of loves to his Didi.Imagining that time u were sayiong he like not interested at all now is 180degrees change!!
thanks for praising quinns work.
hes very afraid of getting his hands dirty when eating and same goes to painting, cant stand his fingers or hands coated with paint! but hes super ON when he use pen, marker and such to draw his own hands, legs... and mine!!

actually the canvas belongs to my hubby, he bot 3 small canvas as he wanted to paint something tat goes in a series and hang them on where he hang quinns painting now. since hes too busy for tat, he pass on to quinn lor :p

for strawberry shortcake, i tried Patissier wan before. if u would to ask me, i tik i prefer Bakerzin wan lor. lighter and not sweet at all. Patissier wan is more expensive BUT the taste dun really justify it leh. their chocolate cake taste great and i tik they are BEST with their Chocolate flavour.

i really tik gabe is really a very nice gor gor!

ha!!! me still talking about it hor!? okie, i tik i will just grab SUNRAYSER *i tik wrong spelling* C.J. as most or should i say all organic and pure C.J is SUPER sour and its really impossible to get quinn drinking, even me feels the same! so i will just buy non organic but better brand wan liao.... maybe can get the KNUDSEN non organic wan.
Dried fruits

carrefour at PS has a section which sells all kind of dried fruits, cranberries, blueberries, apricot, plums etc, and no added preservatives, good snacks for the tods, but not organic lar
ya, lotsa savings...husband very pleased abt it when he compared 1st pregnancy ($3300 cash) &amp; 2nd pregnancy ($1350 cash) BUT not too pleased bcos of e lack of FOC upgrade &amp; he also very puzzled how come we r paying more for a natural delivery as compared 2 c-sect (my GF &amp; medusa's c-sect bill in TMC was even cheaper).

oh well...over liao so dun 1 2 'complain'.

if u look at it tis way, it meant e cash part is $1800 n e subsidy given is $450...resulting in cash payment of $1350. if tat's wat u meant.

ya, u saw how 'bo hew' gabe was when we presented edward 2 him. e 180degrees change came abt AFTER we gave edward's gift 2 gabe. tat gift worked wonders. after gabe received the 'gift', he was showering kisses, hugs, pats, strokes 2 hi lil bro nonstop.

lil devil,
when i saw ur pics, i havent read e words yet...i was tiking, "wow, S removed e dining table, moved e sofa 2 e wall &amp; put on a nice artpiece". i remember how ur plc looks like mah... after reading ur words, then i realised it's quinn's artwork. WELL DONE!!!

ur husband very smart leh, 2 put up his son's works...i'm sure there'll b more pieces of quinn's talent in future. can buy his artpieces thru auction anot?

lil devil,
yes, i'm going "no, darling" 2 gabe dunno-how many times in a day now. husband also getting confused when i say stuff like, "remember 2 do tis, do tat 4 darling". he'll go, "which darling?"

er...can i ask quinn 2 do 1 piece of artwork 4 auntie kelly? i buy his mummy a bakerzin's strawberry shortcake.

i didnt ask 4 any dosage. i not silly 2 ask 4 lower dosage...my pain threshold VERY LOW. i tik e midwife started low but like wat my gynae said, i probably dilated 2 an extent tat epi no effect on me. for some mummies, it can b 6-7cm dilation then epi no use. for me, it probably was 4-5cm.

yes, i'm sure they'll fight n i'm waiting 4 tat day 2 come.

sharwyn looks so much like a jap girl in tat pic, wif her hair tied up.
did she help out by being a flower girl? i like her white dress which she wore 2 e reception. halter dress 4 her?

since he popped, ed has been sleeping 3-4hr stretches. btw, ed's taking FM hor...back in e hospital, i instructed e nurses 2 feed him FM bet 12am-6am n i'll latch him during e daytime. they did tat during e stay.

these 2 days, he has been getting BM+FM for abt 5 out of 6 feeds (i tik my BM supply kicking in after a VERY BAD engorgment on sun evening which only cleared on mon nite). 2day, when i latched him, he didnt ask more after tat and he slept for 3hrs after tat TBM feed.

since he was discharged last sat, i latched him abt 45mins average n he still asked 4 more. i then gave him 45ml FM which he finished. i didnt latch him for 1 feed tis morn at 1am+, he finished 60ml FM.

tis fellow has a bigger appetite than gabe. gabe barely drinks 30ml at each feed in his 1st wk.
