(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

Wow, 3.995 kg... very big bb hor. Enjoy ur confinement. Come in here when u're not tired.

Kieran oso okie after MMR Jab.

gabby's mum,
gabe's GP said tat if gabe takes the pneumococcal jab now, he needs 2 take 2 jabs cos he's <2yrs so damage is $340. if we wait for him to reach 2yrs old, only 1jab required so $170. we are still contemplating abt giving gabe tis jab cos we wanna wait for him 2 finish his 5-in-1 booster jab then decide. by then, he's also reaching 2yrs old so not sure lor...

for gabe, husband only named him after i gave birth. for #2, we have a name in mind but not certain if we are using it. husband likes 2 get inspiration after seeing #2 in person too.

i was told b4 tat boys tend 2 take a longer while 2 PT and my GFs advised me 2 start only when he's >2yrs old, for faster &amp; betta results since i'll b a SAHM wif an infant then. unless i dun mind the hassle of him peeing all over the hse (and probably no
Have to pay for 5-in-1. Can choose to pay package price or individual jabs.
Keira is on the "rota virus" trial so all 5-in-1 jabs are FOC too.
Think so far I only pay $10 for Hep B jab.
<font color="ff6000">CSR</font>
Congrats!! you've got a huge bb!
Evan is so cute n chubby!
Do rest well in your confinement.
Thanks for the well wishes!

Mine is a scheduled c-sect, no much birth story to tell. pushed to OT at around 12pm, by 2pm, i was back to my ward already. able to get out of bed on the 2nd day. compared to last time, this time round, i recover much faster.

I didn't eat a lot, gained a total of around 9kg. isabel was around 3.2kg, so i was surprised with evan's weight. isabel sayangs and kisses her didi, but this is just the beginning, don't know how is it gonna be like later.

Thanks to all again!

U put on 9kg and ur boy already 4kg, like this i believe very soon u will be back to pre-preg weight. So envy.....
Good to hear that u r recovering much faster this time round. with 2 little ones in the house, must be so exhausting. must share with us on tips on how to handle two in future, since u r going to be the most experienced liao ;)
i've yet to bring Cali for the jab yet due to her fever couple of wks back. Supposed to go yesterday, but i forgot to bring her health booklet, so delayed to today. However, history repeats itself.. so, i will bring her for it tomolo.
<font color="aa00aa">chihiro,</font>
didn't bring health book never mind 1.. you can update yourself or ask the nurse to update the next time u go there..
MMR- wah so many bbs never kenna fever, thats v encouraging for me hehe! After her last bout of scary fever, I've developed some kinda fever-phobia. :p

skyblue, hehe I still remember the last time u told me on IM you so scared K kenna fever after MMR casue mmr almost sure will kenna wan. Maybe their immune ssytem stronger now cause bigger liao hor.

gabbymum, I *think* that jab is called prevenar or something. Yep I'll be sending Faye for that.

lil devil, faye also loves CS porridge unfortunately LOL!
Hi Mummies,
Been so long since i last log in.

Wah... now there's a new "COLUMN" for the next baby?


U r also expecting yr 2nd baby.

My hubby did the same way as MT, cut the cost item by item aft tat sum up the total amt &amp; further deduction fm the final amt (eg: $25,500 mayb u can neg. until $25,000). Bear in mind this is juz only the budget amt, cos they will add in other misc. chg. Juz done our reno so they will come up wif alot of stupid excuse (eg the wood material tat u hv chosen is out of stk &amp; u hv to choose another material then u hv to top up the diff. Cos i also hv bad experience wif contractor. Short form for contractor man is CON MAN. hehe...

Oh ya, that HG provision shop had increased the petpet to $12.50, sob sob.... I think i must go around to racky cheaper source. At present, i will ask kelly for help....


Where is the shop that sell $11.80 petpet?

Oh.... u MIA so long.... i tot u lost in the east, wahaha... U move in to ur new hse already? Nanny settle? Can get used to east side or not?
the shop is at west plaza, along pasir ris drive 1. it's opp my plc. i dunno the blk but when i go home, i take a look at the blk, then i advise u can?

it's a medical hall next to SKP and opposite a hair salon
Halo i'm lost in east but not lost in this thread, ok. hehe....

Yup shifted in end of last yr but still very blur to east side.
Linus still under the care of my nanny in bt panjang &amp; we hv to travel 1 end of s'pore to another end of s'pore to see him. My hubby also cannot tahan the long journey so we decided to get a maid. She came on 3/3/06, so far she's ok.

PETPET-When linus use petpet &amp; dryper his urine will flow out. why???? He hv to use huggies for day &amp; MP at night, such a expensive boy.
yikes, i just realised tat i typed my earlier post 1/2way.

i was told b4 tat boys tend 2 take a longer while 2 PT and my GFs advised me 2 start only when he's >2yrs old, for faster &amp; betta results since i'll b a SAHM wif an infant then. unless i dun mind the hassle of him peeing all over the hse. i havent really tot abt how 2 PT him 1st. my plan is 2 let him understand wat's shitting &amp; pee-ing all abt, then hopefully he's able 2 say it when he's doing it or abt 2 do it then hopefully i'm able 2 scoop him off 2 the potty b4 he does anything.
Thk u for yr invitation.
Can u give me more info for free waddler's class at my gym? When's my gym &amp; what's the timing (fm 10am to ?) Sorry so long didn't login, miss alot of info.
He slim down no longer chubby.
oranges, welcome back!

LOL con man!! Eh U dont scare me leh, I heard too many horror stories abt contracters liao. The quote I am getting from my contracter is based on exact measurements and exact materials, so shouldnt have too many 'susprises', I hope. *cross fingers tightly*

I airmailed her airtix but kampong area- can take as long as 20days to reach her. Actually dun need to airmail one, just telephone tell her to airtix code can liao, but they dun feel very secure with no piece of paper. Her arrival date supposed to be 24 or 25 (forgot when!), she's supposed to PHONE us when she receives the letter but she hasn't. Starting to worry abt the postal reliability.
I'm dun wan to scare u but u hv to be mentally prepare for their excuse. During quatation everything also ok, but once u signed is another story.

Share wif u my personal experience, we wanted the silk glass to be place @ both side of our living hall partition. Aft signing the contract then he told us tat we hv to wait for 3-4wks cos the silk glass tat we wanted hv to be order fm japan &amp; hv to wait 3-4wks. He told us only aft when we hv sign the contract wif him in NOV'05 &amp; it was fixed up before CNY. In fact, he told us he under quote us &amp; if u guy cannot wait then change to a lower quantity or normal glass. Both hubby &amp; myself was very mad wif him, we waited until very "sigh". Luckily, there's a bal of 10% unpaid if we don't get what we wan we r not gg to pay him.

My advise
(1) chk wif yr "con man" is the mt'l tat u wan easily available in the mkt or hv to specially order?
(2) Paid up stage by stage, if work not done. "Dun pay" always hold the last 10% until u r fully satisfactory.

Sorry forgot to ask u, r u movin in to a new hse that require full reno or partial reno?
u mind to share who's yr contractor &amp; fm which company?
Thks. I tried to login to their website but cannot access.
Sorry do u hv their contact no. I'll call them to chk for more info. Dunno whether izzit 1st come 1st serve basis or hv to pre-register
medusa, lil devil, berry
looks like our bbs love CJ porridge. gabe can finish 1/2bowl of CJ fish porridge. i havent attempt 2 feed him 1 bowl cos i feed him other dim sum like bao, chee cheong fun, etc.
oranges, I have an ID who will be handling everything for me (he's the one who is gonna do the coordination work with contracter before and during reno), he'll also be drawing up a contract for me so everything will be written in black n white. Should be quite ok I think.
it's not an airtix, it's a letter telling her airtix code (she can check-in with the code if it matches her details).

yahlor, u just have to chew ur designer- then he chew the contractor :p .

I just went to Taka fair again to get more of the Benbeni cotton pants! Total now is 8 pants ~$40. If project abandoned, sure hear alot of nagging from the HB :p . Last time Athena's cloth diapering only lasted 1+mth, he also complain til now.
Eh, saw alot of tiny bbs at the fair, sooo nostalgic. When #2 pops out, must SAVOUR every baby moment cos I really dun think I want a #3!
<font color="ff6000">why</font>
i posted something last nite but didn't come up...

yingxin has an inclination in using her left hand, and when i tried to switch she will throw tantrums and insist on using back her left instead of right hand; spoke to the PD and she said tods will show preferences between 15 - 18 months and we can try to encourage them to use right hand cos left-handers may inconvenience people at dining table but if the tod themselves refused to change etc, it's best we let it be
<font color="ff6000">evelyn</font>
Ren Tai Tang Chinese Medicine Shop
Blk 735 Pasir Ris St 72
Pasir Ris West Plaza
<font color="ff6000">jen</font>
think i paid $65 for the MMR jab at PD, inclusive of consultation and accessment (The Kids Clinic @ Rivervale Mall)
have yet to feed her crystal jade porridge; so far only porridge from compass point food court

but yingxin likes yoshinoya salmon rice!! i've stopped cooking porridge for her now, will steam rice with fish or eggs etc for her

Tks! I know where is west plaza and i used to frequent the food court there quite often when my hb stay in pasir ris.


Tks for the address!
thanks for all who shared on the lefthander issue.
am more for not to change her preference to use left hand. itsun mentioned that most of the things are meant for right hander eg scissor, gun for the boys in army.. lucky she is a girl hee hee..think i will let her be lah

welcome back!!
show us some updated pics of Linus leh...

keep yr finger cross &amp; hope yr ID will do a gd job.

c u on this sat at my gym. Btw,is there any direct tpt fm our place to marine parade,cos hubby juz told me y'day tat there's an appt wif scv. So he hv to stay at home &amp; i'm gg to linus.
betta 2 call &amp; check if there's stocks of pet pet 'L'. when we bought on sun, there's only 1 pack left (after we took 1 pack). according 2 husband, they dun stock tat many cos their price is reputably the cheapest around.

oranges, yuru
no prob. i have their no on hand cos i've been trying 2 book a trial for gabe but cant never reach them. i must have left 3-4messages. when they returned call once, i was busy so couldnt take their call. will try again lor.

if gabe's a left-hander, we'll let him b too. husband didnt mention abt the equipment in the army but he did mention tat if gabe plays golf in future, he needs 2 use left-hander clubs so cant use daddy's clubs. DUH....

my bro's a left-hander and i must admit there were inconveniences. when we were younger, i cant sit on his left at mealtimes. our arms would clash. my parents dun mind my bro being a left-hander and we felt tat it may have contributed to him being more artistically inclined. he's graduating from his architecture class tis yr (after spending 6yrs in perth), he's getting very good grades (he got sent 2 italy 2x on exchange programs) and we are all very proud of him. my sis &amp; i often went 2 him when we needed help wif our drawings too.
left/right? Jean has the inclination to start things off with her left hand too... hmm... but subsequently, she will switch between both hands... hb also say most things are made for right handers... we will see how lor... wun purposely force her to change if she is really a left...

any tod can sing ABC already? Jean does "fill in the blanks" thingy...

evan is really big!


thanks for posting the number! i was looking for it since their website was down. i just called btw to book a slot for luke.
i FINALLY fix a trial for gabe tis sun, 10am. i put him for the gymsters class 2 c if he's suitable. the lady i spoke 2 is grace who is very friendly.

luke's a waddler still, hehe.

gabby's mum

luke's taken the 1st of 2 prevenar jabs, didn't have side effects. meningitis and pneumonia can be v serious, even fatal, so i decided to play safe, esp since luke meets other kids regularly.
i may b ambitious 2 put gabe into gymsters but he has attended a free trial at the waddlers class at mygym in woodlands and i like him 2 try something new 2 c if he's really up 2 it.

how much did u pay for the prevenar jabs?

haha, yep, since it's free, why not let gabe try since he's already attended the waddlers trial.

i'm paying $168 per jab, yeah, it's very expensive.
play school

is anyone signing up their kid for playschool? (berry!!)
i visited 2 schools today and was impressed! they have so much activities like phonics, chinese sessions, crafts works, themes, cooking classes, waterplay and even outings(to fire stations, bakery etc)! beside those usual language cum sing song etc stuff
they are like GUG, kindermusik etc plus longer play time and more space, PROBABLY quality of teachers might differ but i doubt so

i am beri keen to let J attend half day course, then transport provided to send him back to nanny after 1pm...but i need nanny to reduce her fees

any comments on such play schools? the one i am keen on has 16kids wif 4 teachers, and i tink 2 helpers
I'm very keen- but I'm waiting for people around me to send and feedback hehe. I haven't a clue where to start, in my area. But I'm also worried abt health aspects- once they start, may probably fall ill often, I can't afford to have A bringing home bugs to a newborn.
AC, quality of teachers will always differ from place to place, but since you've visited them, its your call whether you are comfy with the environment/teachers. I think it'll be great for J to have little playmates to have fun and learn with. BTW, its a daily thing? How many hrs?

MT...the ones i went are landed properties and are quite big, different floors for diff age groups, and big outdoors for running about...i tink there are more around the same punggol deep in ulu area, hv to find out more
health issue is headache also....

berry...environment/teachers are good, except not fully aircon :p i tink J can tahan better than me heheee
it should be daily, from 7am onwards to 1pm for half day....ting is, if switch to this, a lot of adjustment to make, eg now wif nanny, every morn we juz scoop J out of his bed(while he still sleeping at times) and off to nanny, who will feed J bfast and clean up, which i dun tink we can do the same if switch to PS
and you know abt J's diet(no salt/sugar watever), the PS said so far they dun hv such request but they can accomodate, which i duno can trust or not

i tink i am getting overly excited :p budget will be super tight if we enrol J into PS, but i tink he will love it so much, he likes to play wif kidssssssssssss :p
