(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be


I think 2 wks back, 1 of the wkend, i saw u, ur hubby and isabelle at PP. Wanted to call you but u r quite far away and the entrance pack with ppls so cant move fast.
Berry, skyblue,

My bag oso very big..... + heavy... Carry that bag can kill man... I already minimize the items but dun know y still so heavy. That time my hb cousin's wife still laugh at us, carrying such a big bag. She said her outing bag very small, half of my bag size. I just cant believe, she got 3 kids leh....

Shall we take a photo of our bag and post it here to c who is the champion....
keke... talking about bags ah ..
my bag now is a small Outdoor bag. :p
But its fully stuffed

<font color="ff6000">skyblue</font>
i c
possible to see a pix of ur thermal flask? not those with plastic look from the outside right?

<font color="ff6000">evelyn</font>
tink heavy its becoz of the water in thermal flask?
Hi Jen,
Hehe... not only that. I prefer to refer to other ppl by their names instead of referring them as whose so and so =P.

Hi angelia,
Do update us on shanice's condition.

Hi Sharon,
LOL.... that is a very funny dream.

Hi adeline,
Ryan is very cute and hor.... that pic is kind of scary leh =P.

Hi medusa,
WOW... Athena was 3.6kg @ birth. That is very big size for a bb gal.

Hi berry,
Mooncakes fr Raffles hotel is a must for HY every yr. Her personal fav is champagne truffle &amp; ganache. UOB credit got 15% discount.
Some pics taken just now while feeding Esther yoghurt and water:


I hate to drink water..... see how u can feed me water when i don't return yr spoon *pout*


mummy, u sure the next spoon is yoghurt? Don't bluff me, ok?
Office Server down again. Haiz...

Yah I have a hot temper and it got worse after giving birth. Hehe.
If the pt cleaner comes in the evening, they will need 4 hrs so meaning they can only finish their job at around 10pm???

U also felt jealous when Nat call papa. Thought u ask me not to gek sim. haha.

Wah u post "bao(4) chuo(2) . Such a long post.

I LOL when I read that yr MIL &amp; Mum get worried about their dress.
Wahaha. I can picture yr Mum trying to get Athena to smile/wave to stranger and all she get is the intense stare.

Hilarious pics of Esther. Did she put on weight? She seems to be chubbier since I last saw her.
MOGU - i agree with medusa, dun buy the fake one coz the seams are not tt tight and beads sure drop out. the real one is expensive but worth the price lah coz very cuddly.

hahha! i tell hb tonite tt avatar is a younger version of him. i cannot hold rhyan's birthday celebration like yours, 3 sessions in a day leh. i will just hv a buffet dinner and settled! still hear comments fm ppl who asked book bungalow for one nite only ah? waliao, book so many days for what! you found the blue clues balloons? expensive or not? WAH! yr mum hor, VERY NICE leh, everything also sponsor!

share with us on the magazine photo once its out!

erm, our food flasks are the same one rite? why you see liao sian? not very big wat? :p

AGE GAP btw bbs
eh, yes! if we talk abt AM and PM sessions, next time will hv problems for odd age bbs. even age bbs study same session, easier to arrange to and from sch. tts why i want 4 years mah coz 2 years gap too close for me.

rhyan also like athena, cannot be left alone even within sight, sure cry till i sit next to him and he place his hand on MY lap (think scared i MIA again!). nowadays, when i want to prepare to bath him, i hv to place him outside the toilet to watch me. i read somewhere tt may hv to wait till bb turns 18mths before they will really get over this ..

rhyan hor, whenever we are in the lift, he will purposely stare at any stranger who is also in the lift, STARE till the stranger look at him, then he grin! eh, abit embarassing at times so i end up telling him to say hello and bye bye to anyone we see in the lift! LOL!

i also horrified at yr flask size. :p. yes, tt pix of rhyan in TP mag was taken when he was 5mths old, at home during CNY.

BAG - i declare medusa's one is the smallest lah!

esther is so cute in those pixs! she bite the spoon very hard hor!
eh..Am/PM session not that true leh..coz now P1/P2 are in PM..then the rest are all in AM session. They are slowly changing all to AM session..to have more like whole day school system. so by the time Rhyan goes to school maybe in AM only.

A funny conversation

Mummy, " Ryan how old are you?"

Ryan ," One"

Mummy," How old is daddy?"

(After thinking very hard that daddy should be older then me)

Ryan, " Fifty!!" ( Wrong answer . Daddy is only 33 yrs old)
* Daddy stares at Ryan in astonishment...

Daddy, " How old is mummy?"

Ryan answers, " TWO!"
can i ask the mummies here ... do you put the food in a seperate bag from the diapers etc?
My diaper bag is quite small &amp; compact, but with a thermos flask for hot water &amp; porridge, i have to carry 2 bags!!!

Abit not very clever right?
Anyone got an recommendations on a good bag that has enough compartments for diapers, clothes, hot water flask, thermos flask etc etc?

have u contacted my ex PT cleaner? SHe doesn't mind working in the evenings,esp if you live near to her.
really ah? i never go to school for so long liao, didn't know there is a change now. hehe .. then i am happy, coz i prefer AM sessions!

LOL! daddy is 50yrs old, mummy is 2yrs old, ryan is 1 yr old. so cute!

sometimes i use a separate bag, sometimes i dun. depending on how much stuff i hv inside but usually, I wld prefer to put everything in one bag. BUT if i am going to a few places and dun need everything at each of the places, i use 2 bags then repack for each destination in the car so tt i dun hv to lug everything lor. i use a normal sling bag only, but all my wallet, hp (my hb's also) etc all inside.
BAGS- my bag doesnt contain flask/bottle/FM dispenser. I put these items in the car cause I feed Faye in the car. So my bag only contains the usual- diaper/wet wipes, water bottle, faye's cardigan, her snacks, tissues, camera, and sometimes her flask of food + bowl + spoon.
Lucky u never call me... i always anyhow dressed when i go to PP, later paiseh! next time must dress nice nice oredi, since sometimes Sharon also see us from far.

I find ours quite compact, a lot of ppl complimented! but have not included thermal flask.
yuru, here are my suggestions:

-changing pad
-2 pcs diapers - if ur hb ard with car, then put one pc in the car? I always have a PACKET of huggies pull ups IN the car wan :p
-a set of clothes, sock - also can put in car, no need lug ard. how often do u need to change her clothing?

2nd bag(will put in the basket of the stroller)
-hot water flask - can do away, can ask for hot water from restaurants?
-small tupperware with bb bites - use ziplock bags, alot more compact!
-a few small toys to entertain cindy - I use on-hand items to entertain faye cause she dun like her toys anyway, stuff like CLEAN sauce dish/spoons/straws from restaurants, packet of tissue, water bottle, plastic bags, watnot.
BAGS- I use normal school backpack.-milkbottle/FM dispenser, diapers, change of clothes + jacket, storybook, toy car, wet wipes, bb bites, bb fork and spoon + bib. From before never brought out food in thermal flask- if bring out food put in tupperware.much lighter.
Yeah..he knows daddy/mummy older then him

paiseh, i was handling a lousy complaint yest so didn't reply you. you IM me again if got anything to ask me hor, thks!

my evaluation ...
you got car leh, no need to bring everything down rite? i am sure you dun need ALL at one place.

1st bag (will hang on stroller)
1)changing pad-ok
2)2 pcs diapers-ok
3)wet wipes, tissues(for changing)-ok but small flat pack kind
4)a set of clothes, sock-i bring romper coz 1pce mah, no socks coz rhyan wear shoes
5)cindy's jacket-not necessary for me
6)blanket (to cover her when she is sleeping)-not necessary for me
8)videocam-bring cam still must bring viewcam ah?
9)my hp/wallet etc...-ok

2nd bag(will put in the basket of the stroller)
1)hot water flask-if go shopping ctr can get fm restaurants, else bring
2)1-2 milk bottles, one of them filled with cold water-i bring only 1 milk bottle
3)water bottle-ok
4)feeding spoon(for water)-can drink fm water bottle mah
5)wet tissue, and tissue-thought already got 1 pack of each in the other bag?
6)small tupperware with bb bites-chuck in bag direct, no tupperware
7)small tupperware with bb puffs-in small food jar
8)our own water bottle
9)teething toys-nope
10)a few small toys to entertain cindy-pram got one toy liao.
<font color="aa00aa">mummies, daddy,</font>
thanks for ur concern.

<font color="0000ff">burn marks</font>
think we not so gan-cheong. din bring her to GP/PD with regards to the burns cos we are quite sure it's burn marks. and since we can't recall when she actually got it.... hiaz..

my dad &amp; bro smokes, but i don't think it's them cos when they smoke, they won't go near to shanice (but still near enough for her to take in all 2nd hand smoke)

<font color="0000ff">FM</font>
beanie, thanks for the explanation...

maybe will let her try 1 more time. if still cannot, then will switch brand to let her try. i've got samples of EnfaPro A+, mamil gold and similac exellence.. :p

hiaz... wanna wean her oso so difficult!!! if she still doesn't wanna take FM and i don't hv enuff BM alr then how? she's oso not taking solid well leh!!
angelia, have u tell your mum to try experimenting with different textures/tastes? Maybe she prefers a certain sort of meat, hates the rest? or dun like porr with certain veggies? or prefers her porridge to be cooked with grounded grains(smoother) or chunkier? Maybe she dun like porridge, hence u try out other food like noodles/pasta cooked till v soft? some babies are more sensitive about tastes, so gotta keep trying and trying diff sorts/types. I know its troublesome for your mum, but if all this effort will yield positive results and Shanice will eat more in the end, its worth it mah
Actually nowadays my bag very heavy cos I stay out quite long and got no car, no car boot *sob sob* :p

Me edit from Yuru's post :p

#1 WAISTPOUCH (will hang on stroller)
2)2 pcs diapers
3)SMALL wet wipes (for changing)
4)my socks (to go Gymboree)
- umbrella,
- 1 ziplock with 1 pkt Baby Bites, handful of Gerber puffs, 1 ziplock packet of cereal with disposable teaspoon, 1 bib
- 1 ziplock with enough FM to last whole day and night, with scoop (cos I impromptu runaway from home or stay out all day),

#2 INSULATED TWIN-bottle size MILK BAG (put in the basket of the stroller)
- Milk bottle with water (drinking water and to make milk)
- Vacuum flask with hot water (dolphin brand, very skinny one- to make cereal or top-up her milk)

#3 S-hook onto stroller handle
- Wristlet (wallet, mobile, keys, camera, extra cam battery, tissue)

#4 On stroller
- stash the sling anywhere lah, can use as blanket for her
- Lamaze stroller toy (like to chew)
- Alphabet links attached to pacifier chain clip onto seatbelt (cos she will pull apart full string of alphabet links, then lost)

To get on cab- I sling Athena and loop #2 &amp; #3 on my wrist. The rest in cab boot.

If NO stroller- I sling Athena and put #1, #2, #3 into Her World freebie totebag to carry.

I only bring vidcam if go out weekend with HB hehe. Rest of time just use vid function on my digicam :D. Digicam can even fit into my no-space-to-fit pants pocket leh... considering got to fight space with waist flab.

I oso carry 2 bags but 1 of it is for my stuffs only. I squeeze nat's things into 1 bag. U put ur wallet, hp... in the bag that hang on the stroller? U nt afraid that some1 might just grab it when u not aware?
Yuru, yah that box, but like another mum mentioned, dunno whether will last until she learn how to tidy up her toys. :p

my HB suspects his serious toddlerhood/ childhood asthma was triggered by 2nd-hand cig smoke, so be aware
. His case really jialat, western med cldn't do much, face turn blue-purple type (scare caregivers until 1 granma dun dare to babysit, and other aunts dun dare also). In the end tried TMC, vomit alot, then miraculously ok liao.

I had the same problem previously. I was slowing down on my bm and trying to feed her fm at the same time. When she turned out to be allergic to cow's milk, I was caught in a bind. So had to try extremely hard to increase bm production again.

If you remember, I panicked like crazy back then, so some mummies offered their frozen bm :p Am very very thankful for their generosity though I didn't use it in the end. I found out that jodie took to soy milk well.

When jodie was almost 6mths old, I tried weaning her again. This time, I made sure I stocked up on frozen bm just in case. So even after i stopped expressing milk, I still had 2 weeks of stock in the freezer.

I tried giving jodie Friso and Similac exellence. Got 2 huge tins some more.. sigh... it's still sitting on the shelf... totally wasted.
ur darling really very advanced! Understand concept of age so fast- dun think Athena by that age will have any idea.
when JY appeared for the third song, i was like "WOW! he looks so so handsome in white" Love his song too!! he was much much better than WL. Am sure JY is going to the final and am going to buy his CD hee hee... btw,did you vote for him?? i voted twice, think listening to his songs esp the third is def worth the $1.20
TV PROG- eh we havent watched tv for v long liao. I ask you all har, what does your bb do (as in where you put bb and how u keep bb occupied somewhere else?) when you are watch tv in the evening, cause bb dun sleep so early rite?
TV- at night..Ryan sleep by 9pm.. if not he watch TV with us loh..hehe.. he likes to see people singing so will sit on the couch and watch with us. Come to commercials he is even more interested as they have catchy tunes. If the program bores him he will go to his room and play with his toys.

Sometimes nat will watch TV with us but wun be long lor. If she make noise, i will place her on the mattress and let her play her toys. Like this i can play n accompany her at the same time watch TV lor.
mommies, thanks for your info on bags.
seems like quite "normal" to have 2 bags hor?
i think its really heavy to carry the flask containing porridge etc.

berry: huh only 2diapers??? each time i go out, i have at least 6 in my bag, and another 2 contingency ones on the car boot!

mt: ziplock bag for milk powder?? is it difficult to scoop the powder out? i kiasu ... got milk dispenser AND another container of extra milk powder with the scoop ....

cham lah, i think when i go on holiday, i will have to LUG everything!!!
somemore the lightweight umbrella stroller i bought does NOT have a basket below.

Maybe i should return it and buy another one with basket???

this one i bought, its really light!
by Lucky Baby, only 3.6kg!
but no basket below and no canopy on top ...
lately gabe will watch tv wif us if he doesnt sleep by 9pm. even so, husband n i only allowed him 2 watch for <15mins cos our programmes sometimes got a bit violence, lotsa action, gross scenes, etc (programmes we dun find suitable). after tat, i'll drag him into our bedroom (while husband continues watching) 2 play wif him, read 2 him, etc.
Hi all,

i am back.. OMG i couldn't follow up with all here coz after me MIA and back, I can't imagine all posties here went into Archive already, so fast...

Wow saw alot of baby pictures and the latest topic was TV &amp; superstars?

anyone watch the 9pm channel8 show?
i used to bring 6-8 diapers out too
now i cut down to 3

my bag content
1) 3 diapers
2) 1 small pack wet wipes
3) 1 drapolene
4) 1 chg mat
All the above in a diaper pouch

5) 1 romper
6) milk dispenser
7) thermal flask w hot water (heaviest item)
8) a milk bag -> 1 milk bottle filled with water for milk, and 1 water bottle
9) my wallet
10)1 small gerber container for her bread cubes
hankies (got this free fr MH fair :p)
11)cali's jacket
12) socks
13) bib(s)

front pocket
1) pacifier + fastener
2) my HP
3) tissue
4) plastic bag for dirty clothes/hankies

Sling will be in the basket of stroller...
will act as blanket if needed

my bag will be very full with all these stuff ... :p

Ya lor, y must brg so many diapers. U often out for whole day? I only ve max 3. Tell u hor, actually i seldom change nat when we r out becos becos.... i always forgot
. Now i let her wear MP when we r out, the absorbant is better.


You changing pad very big? For me, i just used cloth diaper to act as a changing pad.
oh no... i missed the superstar show yesterday cos did OT till 9pm...
hiaz... and i like the tong hua song too... *sob*...

Re: Bag Contents
1. Diaper changing stuff (1 ziplog bag)
2. Clean towels and extra bodysuit (1 ziplog bag)
3. 1 small thermal flask
4. 1 warmer container (to warm EBM)
5. 1~2 feeds of EBM (depends on how long we will be out)

All stuff in a backpack... :p
cody, evelyn, y need to carry around more than 1-2 diapers since u all got car ah? diapers v bulky leh :p

yuru, hehehe u are a tv fan! your fil is very sweet to walk away to smoke even tho it takes him so long.
<font color="ff6000">berry</font>
i will put her within our sight and let her play/roam abt while we watch tv..of cos still watchful of her
Er...what is bread cubes ah?

My items almost the same as chihiro's except no bread cubes, replaced by gerber fruit puffs.

Last time I used to bring out porridge for Meghan when we go out on weekends. Now, will buy those heinz jar food (got pasta which she loves &amp; will eat the whole jar!) from supermarket wherever we are &amp; feed her direct. Since it's only maybe 2 meals a week that she eats "out", I'm ok lah...lazy mummy hehe.
just to chk, those tt go out from morning or early PM till nite, past bb's bedtime - do you all bring PJ out huh? :p. i do leh, i bring PJ and bath lotion etc for bathing IF i am going to anyone's hse so tt by the time we are home, rhyan wld hv fallen asleep, just need to put him down to sleep.

how much did u buy the Lucky BB pram? hb eyed one stroller, looks like Mc Claren one, net kind but i think not very suitable for rhyan yet coz when he is in his pram, he will bend all the way to look at the pram wheels. tt lucky bb one dunno will overturn or not if he do this ..
Outing Bag content

I pack this into small bags then put it into the big bag

-cloth diaper + blanket
-wet tissue + tissue
-Hot flask + milk bottles + FM container
-clothes + socks + pant + cardigan

Pacifier n water bottle i will just placed it in the small pocket.

Huh.... seem like very little hor, did i miss out something....
Hb &amp; I are tv addicts so Meghan plays her toys while we watch tv lah. Can play &amp; watch at the same time lah.
When I put her to sleep at nite around 8.30-9pm, I will also watch tv while she rolls around our bed. Sometimes she also watch a bit, but when she's sleepy, she will just suck her arm &amp; go to sleep.
repost : juz saw soemthing not right with my earlier post ...

my bag content
1) 3 diapers
2) 1 small pack wet wipes
3) 1 drapolene
4) 1 chg mat
All the above in a diaper pouch

5) 1 romper
6) milk dispenser
7) thermal flask w hot water (heaviest item)
8) a milk bag -> 1 milk bottle filled with water for milk, and 1 water bottle
9) my wallet
10)1 small gerber container for her bread cubes(got this free fr MH fair :p)
11) hankies
12) cali's jacket
13) socks
14) bib(s)

front pocket
1) pacifier + fastener
2) my HP
3) tissue
4) plastic bag for dirty clothes/hankies

my small Outdoor bag will be very full with all these stuff ... :p

Sling will be in the basket of stroller...
will act as blanket if needed

However, still evaluating how to make it easier n lighter to bring out
little prince,
Yup, will bring Meghan's PJs when we go to my parents place every sat. We usually leave ard 9pm so will wash &amp; change her there. Sometimes, she falls asleep in the cab ride back.
Noticed no mummy mention bringing makeup??
Hehe, last time I definitle must bring makeup pouch, now bag so full already, no space.
Berry, Evelyn:
six diapers ... its my kia-su syndrome at an all time high. I used to carry TEN !!!

i change v regularly, max 3 hours i will change already. Dun want dean to get rashes firstly, and i worry i will forget secondly.

My food bag:
dunno abt u mummies, but i am paranoid of my son getting constipation. So if i go out for a long time eg the whole day, i also bring along fruits for my son! somemore to add to my food bag ...
think my medusa sees me with ALL my bags, she will faint!

Brands of bag:
anyone come across a good brand of bags with many compartments? Doesn't necessarily have to be a baby or mummy brand eg mothercare. I heard that CRUMPLER range of camera and laptops bags are also v good, but they all costs >$100 for the larger ones!

i don't let Deam watch tv. By the time he goes to bed betw 930-10pm, i start to do my own stuff eg read newspapers, jog, bathe etc. NO TIME to watch tv! I don't even have the time to open my mail daily...i have a whole big pile waiting for me now.

how do u bring EBM out? if its frozen, won't they thaw and defrost? erm, why dun u just latch her on?
<font color="ff6000">deniz</font>
Calista likes to eat bread, so we buy those bread for kaya toast, white color one ... as those bread will not hv so much of preservatives as compared to the others which can store for 5-7days. This type of bread the most can only last for 3days.

Then i cut 1/2 a slice with scissors into cube size, ezier for her to eat.
if we tear with our hands, bread will not be puffy lor

deniz, I would be most happy to feed Faye jarred meals (like pasta, casseroles and watnot form heinz) when we are out except that she will not eat them! She ate a little when she was going thru her appetite spurt (which is now over!). And she wont take more than a few bites, I usually ended up wasting the whole jar :p

MAKEUP- I dun bring my makeup out wan, cause I dun like to do touchups(hygiene reasons- dun wanna 'contaminate' my MU brushes/products). Do I dun have a single makeup item in my bag!
