(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be


Relax...relax i'll add ice water to u.
I fully understand hw u feel,initially my hb oso reluctant to get a P/T cleaner but aft my nagging & grumble. He finally gave in & agree to hire a maid. Try to hv a "heart to heart talk" wif yr hb,let him noe tat it's very tiring to work,take care of our baby & to do hsehold chores. I told my hb hw to try for baby #2(he wan a girl) if i'm mentally & physically drain out. (it's like threatening him) *evil smile*


OMG.... i tot i got no more BM-stop bf i think 2 wks liao but this morning i notice there is milk stain on my bra. How hah.... shld i let it be-no engorment or pump it out?

Lil prince,

Ur hair still dropping? I already stop dropping hair when nat was 5 mth+. Now i ve lots of spiky bb hair, look so ugly.... If im nt wrong, hair dropping shld stop after bb was 6-7 mths. I still ve i think 3/4 bottle of the tonics that lil devil recomended us to buy. U wan? I can pass it to u.
Hi is me again last x ask u abt blender nw hv to chk wif u re. thermal flask. paiseh..
Where u bought yr THERMOS brand? I hv robinson voucher,can i get it there?
Wahaha. Da(3) De(2) Hao(3)!!!. Yr animation really brighten up my day :p

I also suggested the drop keys in letter box method and he says we should'nt trust pple so easily but my friend has hired this cleaner for 2 yrs oreadi.

Yah is definately easier to win this battle compared to Puff'.

Chicken stock do cause phlegm. That was once I finish the balance chicken stock I made for Kei and I have a lot of phlegm the whole day.

Tks. No need to be so indirect hur. ITS ME who is eyeing all yr bb thighs. Hehehe
my lactation consultant told me not to pump it out ... she said breastfeeding mums will still have milk in their bodes for up to 1 year after that've stopped bfg. If you squeeze real hard, the milk will still flow (and surprisingly the milk doesn't go bad!).

thanks! but if u add in the scraped meat when the porridge is almost cooked, then the meat isn't soft soft right?
my son only 8mths, can't chew yet.
i thot of using slow cooker, put in the meat to cook right from the beginning ... let ie brew over several hours until the meat is completely SOFT....

Oh u r here!! I was abt to ask the mummies here regarding the stroller question that u ask me previously. Sori busy quarelling wit my hb. Hahaha.
Wah yr method really gd hor. **evil smile back**
Yr hb want gal hur. I rent out keira for one day, u want??

BTW u stay at home to watch over the PT cleaner??
thanks...yah the shirt too big cover his legs..he he

breastfeeding...i am still BF ryan but only at night and morning...worse part ryan now wont take formula if i am around....i dont noe how to wean him ...

aiyoo...his hair growth so slow since he shave his hair at 6mths....

PCS...talking about quarrel...will keira keep quiet when you 2 quarrelling..
funny is that when me and husband like aruging, ryan will keep quiet and look at us....he know mummy and daddy angry ...ha ha
thank you mummies for the responses.
agar agar how much is the thermal flask that u got ah?

this is the one i saw for both Tiger & Zoujirushi, however, hubby tot that the main container looked a bit small and dun't like the cap.

YES, still dropping and now i also got spiky hair. grrr! rhyan now going 11 mths leh and i am still dropping, dunno why. when did u use the hair tonic? did it work? if you really dun need it anymore, i dun mind trying lor .. hehe .. thks!

BM - tt time after i stopped bfg, will still feel letdown after a mth when i am bathing and trying to hear if rhyan cry while i shower. it will take quite some time for the milk to dry up.

i *think* thermos brand got some kind of "technology" in their flask tt food will be hotter than original temp after you pour the food in, like still cooking abit. i read it somewhere on the box tt time and i think its quite true!

i bought Thermos fm Metro, not sure if Robinsons got. i bought my flask at $40+, i think but got 10% coz i hv Metro card.

wrong leh. meat cook longer becomes harder, so must put in just long enough for it to be cooked then quickly serve. i tried both methods before and much prefer my method lor. i use both slow cooker and rice cooker.

i dun like those thermos flasks with containers inside, so i buy those with NO containers. Just pour in directly, and pour out what i need.

on the outside, its a steel flask.

I have several, but max i pay is $40.

Robinsons at Thermos
La Gourmet is avail in Takashimaya.
huh? but whenever i cook stew for hubby and i, the meat becomes softer and softer. but must buy those meat that's meant for stew lah ... ntuc and cold storage actually puts lables on the meat to say if its suitable for stew / stir-fry etc.

Thanks again!
My mgr on leave so i come in "eat snake" hehe...
yes, yes try my method *evil smile*.
Yup,I'll stayed at home to watch over the PT cleaner, she's Li Ming friend (recommended by sharon).Engaged her svc for only 2 x so still dunno whether hw reliable is she? but so far so gd. We'll asked her to come only on wkend.
No thk u, my Linus hv oreadi fully occupy my wkend. Alamak hw to handle 2 bb @ the same time.
U sure wan to rent out yr keira?? tink yr hb will kill u. haha...

Ya pls help me to ask the mummies, Linus is more than 10kg & the present stroller dunno whether can take his weight anot?
little prince/cody, meat becomes harder after being COMPLETELY cooked (as opposed to medium-raw beef etc!) then after you stew (slow-cook) it for a long time(usually at least 1-2 hrs or more), it starts breaking up, hence becomes softer!
Mummys on MSN:
Thanx for those who replied my question... if you haven't, please MSN me back... I dun want to explain further to anyone... I'm too bz (even to go toilet) to reply u back individually...
just looking for someone to help me... thanx...

Tks! Lucky i nvr listen to my hb. He ask me to pump it out if nt let nat drink. *Fainted* I already stop bf nat, now he ask me to latch her on again. BM wun turn bad? I think it will leh. My BM gave out a sourish smell this morning. And i tasted it, it's taste suan suan, yiak......

There is a difference between lactose intolerance and allergy to casein (cow's milk protein).

Babies on bm by right shouldn't be allergic to lactose since bm contains lactose also.

Babies have a very good natural defence mechanism. Sometimes, when they are fed foreign things (eg, new food stuff), their natural reaction is to throw it up in case it is poisonous. So it does not necessarily mean the baby is allergic to it.

If you've tried feeding Shanice cow's milk more then once in small quantities and she still throws up, then she might be allergic to it.

Alternatively, you might want to bring her to a GP/PD to do an allergy test to confirm.
Keira talk
Keira recently can say Daddy "Da.. Da.. Da". & Grandma "Ah Ma". BUT STILL not calling "Mummy". Feel so sad. I'm am the one (90%) who feed her milk and fruits, bath her, read to her at nite and he learn to call Daddy 1st. Typical Daddy's girl. "Gek Sim"

Ok. I post for u.
Mummies/Daddies, do u have a pram to recomend??
1) one can last until 3 yrs old.
2) Light
3) & Must be comfortable. Hehe

Yr boys is soo cute. I'm also startled by yr pic innitally. Yah keira also stare at us quietly when we "quarrel".

aiyoh, if it's cigarette burns, who did it?? do let us know what gp says.

little prince

i think it's great that you are so nice to your nanny! my porridge is also like yours, good and nutritious what! hehe, your mil grew up in the "eat soy sauce with rice" times, my mil also occasionally urges me to give luke jarred food to save time, she not very concerned abt nutrition one :p


hehe, you can be very fiery hor? wah, with so many reasons, how to say no? my pt cleaner has been with me for about a year and only recently have i started trusting her enough to leave her alone in the house. depends on your own comfort level also...how about getting those who can come in the evenings on weekdays (since you probably wanna go out on weekends)? just that may have to pay a bit more.


i think cooking too long may result in loss of nutrients? dean should be able to chew or munch with his gums/tongue/roof of his mouth. i know luke does when i give him cheerios, bread, biscuits or fruit wedges but if the food is pureed well, he just swallows.


I also use thermos brand. i think if you are looking for food flasks without compartments, thermos got good range. it keeps my frozen food cubes so cold that even after a few hours, the cubes are still hard! and it sure keeps food hot for a long time too!


i'm down to 1 pump a day now! each time i pump out 20-30 ml, can i stop already? can't wait to stop but wary because of my history of mastitis.
hi mummies,
PC down at home, husband on reservist so handling gabe alone at nite (he managed 2 book out for mon/tues nites but not much help cos he was cleaning up e whole hse & washing clothes), me also on training these 2 days (tues & wed)...scrolled thru 200+ posts in 20mins. whew!

is faye betta now? hope she's back to drinking milk/eating solids well.

thks for ur offer. how come u can get 25% disc? i'll IM u when i hv time 2 go online 2mrw. thks! if not, i'll sms u.

itsun, WHY,
i know no need 2 thk u2 anymore but husband n i still feel tat we shld thank you for "chopping" a great plc for us on sun nite. we enjoyed ourselves while mtg up wif everyone again n mtg cody/dean/husband & yuru/cindy/husband.

u feeling betta now? read tat u r not well.

sulivyn, angelia, gabbymum, beanie
hope ur bbs get well soon.

did i ever share wif everyone abt my MIL telling me abt gabe's hair? after reading ur post abt ur MIL's passing "good genes" 2 yingxin, i really tik our MILs can shake hands & b buddies.

i'll go home 2nite, use my laptop & use dial-up 2 read all e posts again then post some replies. i HATE 2 use dial-up, very slow in loading e page. no choice...abt 2 suffer withdrawal symptoms when i dun read tis thread for a few days.
hehe .. i am convinced MY porridge is good so everytime she starts commenting, i bite my tongue real hard.

oh yar, the flask can also keep food cubes? looks like a good idea!

bfg - i think so long as you don't feel any engorgement, can stop already. or you pump on alternate days before stopping ..

FRUITS - do u all cut the fruit into thin slices for bb to hold or just a quarter of the fruit like how we cut normally? they can only nibble a small portion to chew rite? coz too big a bite cannot chew properly? i let rhyan hold, he throw the apple away leh. did yr bbs start off like this? i *think* rhyan is afraid to get his hands dirty .. haha ..
mummies whose bbs drink this FM, did anyone notice they hv a new packaging? its a different Step 2 FM or new packaging ah? coz i compared the contents and the new one got abit more for the different nutrients compared to the old one ..
On P-time maid, get extra $120 from your hubby every month, tell him it's for your personal maintenance, use this money to get a p-time maid who comes in during the day when your hubby is working, kau tim!

It's very nice to have someone to help out, even once a week. my hubby's working clothes need to be ironed, now i don't even need to touch the iron. though the p-time maid i m having now don't iron exactly very well, but i m ok, we are not very particular. most important thing is, we trust her. she comes in on monday morning when we are not around.
lil prince,

U drop alot of hair? If it's not then u shld nt be worrying as ur bb hair is growing. BB hair replaced the dropping hair. When nat was 4 mths+, my hair really drop alot. After hair wash, each comb i drop at least 10-20 hair *Biting my finger*

I apply the tonic after hair wash(morning) n nite time b4 i went to bed. My feedback is, it did nt stop my hair drop but at least it help to minimize my hair drop.
i drop ALOT, like what you say, at least 10-20 strands when i comb. even rhyan's mattress also got strands of my hair when i dun sleep on it, i am always pulling them off in case he plays with them.
wah lau... missed so many postings this & last week. Didn't manage to read most

Si bei sianz at my new office location. Not much makan options. Gotta walk darn far to get decent food. Been eating Macs & BK mostly... sigh... putting on weight!!!

<font color="0000ff">Little prince,</font>
I've been dropping truck-loads of hair since jodie was 4 mths old. Drop rate not abating still. My hair is EVERY WHERE at home.... on the bed, floor, milk bottles, stove, bathrooms, balcony, etc... scary!!!

<font color="0000ff">Angelia,</font>
Pai seh... didn't answer your question specifically just now.

I fed Jodie cow's milk 3x. 2x when she was ~3mths old and 1x when she was 6 mths old.

The first 2x when she was fed cow's milk, she threw up immediately. When we tried again at 6 mths old, it took her ~ an hour before she threw up everything.

NO ND TO GEK SIM LAH! Nat did that to me oso. Actually all along nat has been mumbling papa, mama, ma1ma4-grandma, mammam, galgal-dog.... But she still cant differentiate which is which. Last sun, i carry her to our room where my hb was still sleeping. When she saw my hb, she call out "PAPA". I was so happy..... but with the mix feeling of jealous. As for my hb, no nd to say lah, he immediately woke up, carry her over and start kissing her.... *buay da han*

Now nat will still mumble mama, ma1ma4..... But im nt sure is she calling me or my mum. Mon morning when i leave her in her cot, she start shouting mama....., again i cant confirm is she calling me or my mum.
CS rice,

Kena stuck in hotel room 90% of the time and the only day we went out, hb locked the camcorder in his luggage

So the only pics I have are of her in the hotel room... nothing much to see lor.

Beanie went to HK to visit her hb with jodie n i think her mum.


Pai seh huh..... just being kpo, help u to answer on behalf.
wah, so many toys! So buy MOST toys = chairman seat lah? :p
MOGU- the FAKE mogu cant let bbs play... Athena had one, then I realised she bit until the beads came out, quickly threw it away!

paiseh I last-min decided to go fireworks. I thought at Clifford Pier, luckily bumped into lilprince enroute. :p
reached fullerton i also blur-blur, LOL. Yahlor, u and ur HB very slim. Got check ur photos as a baby?
I was not very chubby bb, dunno how grow up like this. Sigh.
Your Esther very gentle bb to play with ;) .

SHICHIDA- hmm another mum in Athena's kindermusik class RAVES about it. Say very amazing etc. I abit brainwashed but my HB not keen even though my mum agreed to sponsor. So most likely won't lah. :/ I was actually thinking after her 1st birthday would be gd, u don't want too young (fall asleep or hungry midway), also note, alot of sick bbs attend the class cos too expensive to skip when sick! More than $1K for baby lessons PLUS parent lessons (parent must go study too).

You look very gd at the fireworks too. Actually I think u look different from at Ruffy's place. Either that I super-blur as usual, at Ruffy's place, fix wrong face to wrong person.
Cindy looks so pretty as usual! Bottom-right pic very cheeky too! So many teeth liao!

oh dear hope Shanice's better.

hmm ur Faye alot of special pattern. 1st got PINCER GRIP, then now teething CUSPID. Very cheem. :p
Oh poor thing, oral thrush became ulcer? OUCH. Ok everyone close eye to your illegal book purchase :p.

Foodcourt/ Highchair,
must BROADCAST that Berry veli skilled with Faye. Can eat sinful cake in restaurant while Faye wriggle left, right, and all kinds of stunts. I attempted to follow, let Athena have some "freedom" instead of in highchair, wahliao, can't!

LOL I was too conked out to notice if anyone visually molesting Athena :p . Sorry wasn't more sociable, wasn't feeling very well.

gabby mum,
hehe books are better than toys I think, more interesting for bbs once they can turn it about, flip pages. I stopped buying toys for some time liao...

wah ur darling so pretty, pity cant use the passport pic- it's really very nice.
Enjoy your getaway!

ROFLAO, that avatar like Faye! Abit fierce-fierce type :p . Looks like will karate-chop anybody who shushes Faye! :p

"Training" baby to be more friendly,
aiyah I really think it's personality. I really try very hard liao, but my darling still very slow warm-up to strangers.
Can console myself it's difficult for strangers to kidnap her... :p she will WAIL! :D

haha, what an avatar ur HB made for Rhyan! Very cool, boys sure like one!
The 2nd bowling alley one very blond hair leh- look more like young version of ur HB than grown-up Rhyan leh, LOL!
Waah, book bungalow! 100pax is a mega-celebration!
Athena will only have 1 function room, stagger guests into lunch, hi-tea, dinner... total ~70pax! I went to buy (not yet inflated) BALLOONS today! *bounce bounce bounce!* Browsed the catalogue sooo long, and hor, my mum was with me. Ask her opinion, she say, "BUY! I pay!" Siao. No point spend too much on balloons mah. I got exercise Restraint one. My mum's the Bad Influence, LOL! :p

hmm I told my mum about the "salt" that old people like to feed bbs, my mum was horrified. She said," last time is last time, CANNOT put salt in porridge! BABY leh!" (My mum is very dramatic one, got capital letters when she agitated). Even my MIL agrees NO salt in Athena's porridge, (though she once fed Athena SAUCE from zhi-cha dish lah, I screeeam until she scared liao).
Ur mum/ MIL can't be older than my mum/ MIL (since I'm sure I'm older than u :p ), how come like that ah? I think the root of the problem is they think YX is too small, because they perceive her as not eating enough. Size may be due to genetics, eat too much will get a small-sized but unproportionately fat baby, so *if* YX's genetically predisposed to be small, forcefeed her full-fat ice-cream will not help. I worry if ur HB doesn't nip their interference in the bud, or correct their thinking, next time YX will end up being loaded with french fries and mayonnaise every chance they get.

My gf has a premmie who's older than Athena but smaller built- the PD explained to them she'd always be small-sized, next time sit in front row in class one. They accept it and don't try to fatten her, as long as healthy, good. Her bb's VERY advanced in motor skills, drag around the helper with 1 hand to walk in public!

Apologies for the length- I'm genetically predisposed to rambling on...
Oh yah, ur MIL very problematic, of course bb closer to own mum mah, where got let bb cry, dun let the mum carry?!

Wedding MIL story
I also got! Quarrel until face black-black both sides. MIL also change twice cos she paranoid thought her 1st dress not nice. My mum din change but couldn't sleep cos she also thought her dress not nice. Women lah. :p . Had big quarrel cos she FORBADE me from wearing kua cos she say HOKKIEN no need. But my mum Cantonese, kua VERY important one! In the end I wore 2 kuas, she also din say anything negative on day itself :p .
Pregnancy also quarrel until my MIL say she has to LUN! (close one eye to tahan me).
But now ok, not best friends but both can superficially tahan each other.

LOL abt ur comment on puff's MIL's figure- 30yrs ago was already so fat! :p

Baby weight,
Athena's 8.5kg @ 10mth.
I don't think can hit TRIPLE her Birthwt (3.6kg! x 3 = 10.8kg!) by 12mth, esp since her ht is still ~65cm. Her ht stagnated for sooo long liao, dunno whether I shld panic.

I wldn't say am TTC but not "preventing" it. But hor, now with #1 liao, not as active as BEFORE #1 came along, so chances not very high. Plus, I still haven't a clue about ovulation >.< and don't even know when my period starts/ ends/ how many days. Recently got weird thing- my period came for one morning only! I still don't know how come.
Test twice after that, NOT pregnant so couldn't have been spotting?
That time with Athena also blur-blur with such things, the gynae had to hantam foetus age until later when she cld scan a clearer image.
According to HB, he thinks now is very good age gap for the kids. If 3 yrs age gap, u may have some problems juggling morning-afternoon school sessions, next time. But then again, things may change, maybe all single-session or one session only?

I photoshop altered the avatar
. Used to be part of my ricebowl...

Welcome bitbit and Natalie
She looks sooo happy in her bike!

My bb is very attached to me (main caregiver), and when I'm not around, very attached to my mum/PILs/HB. Can't walk away, must be within NEAR sight (near or far is judged by baby!), preferably carried all day long. Can't soothe herself to sleep either.

Some days I take a breather and leave her at mum's- my mum CAN'T cook when Athena's around, can't bathe also :p (even when A sleeps cos mum can't rush out fast enough if A wakes crying) ... so my mum only allows me to MIA a few hrs, if I want to MIA a few days, must handover to my PILS instead (got 2 adults can take shifts).

Today my mum just commented Athena very cry-baby... abit only she will cry- and she really scrunch up her face to SQUEEZE out the tears such that some SPURT outwards, some roll down her cheeks. Major waterworks. Sometimes makes me want to laugh cos it's so drama-mama compared to the REASON (eg. I'm sitting next to Athena and my mum walks away abit, within sight. Or if my mum swop her real mobile phone in Athena's hands with a toy mobile phone- wahliao, she cry until so kelian, then when my mum quickly return the real mobile phone, Athena GLARE while sobbing.)

welcome back!
MOONCAKES- I heard lotsa raves about Raffles hotel mooncakes, anyone tried? They have lotsa fancy types rite? Any recs? Wanna get some for my mil(she beri sweet and understanding w Faye, I beri touched hehe)
Disney BB Contest at United Square- did anyone join? Just opened letterbox hehe, can go for 1st qualifying round- bring Athena there for photo shoot, they will supposedly make a mock magazine cover. Quite troublesome cos not 1-time settle but the mock magazne cover sounds fun (to me)!
I sound very excited hor? My mum EVEN more excited. She ah, cancelled her Genting trip so that she can accompany me "to make Athena smile for photo". ROFLAO. I think my mum abit disappointed Athena din smile during last wk's bb show :p . Today she kept trying to get Athena to wave bye-bye to perfect strangers, LOL! Of cos Athena din even smile at the strangers. :p
thank you mummies for the inputs on the thermal flask

will go and take a look at the flask this wkend. Just remembered that I've got a Tangs voucher, maybe i can use the voucher to get the flask .. kekeke
PT cleaner,
my HB very against PT cleaner last time. But when I was in 3rd trim, very moody, very heavy, very fussy abt tidiness and cleaniness... he still insisted HE would do the housework instead. But his workload so heavy, wkday night impossible, and wkend all burnt up trying to mop/ iron (while I wipe surfaces, sweep, tidy)... one day I mood-swing very bad, CRY. CRY and CRY and CRY. (Athena got my genes)

So we got PT cleaner "temporarily" til bb comes out. BB come out liao, lagi worse, wkend really got other things to do and I also not hardworking, where got want to do housework at night while bb sleeps? So now PT cleaner quite permanent.

I think it's mindset lor. My HB really had mind set against it, think that why so "luxury" have CLEANER, why WE cannot clean up after ourselves, blahblahblah.

Puff, maybe get ur HB to help in some chores to get in your shoes for awhile. I really don't think he has any idea what u go thru. Tot the other time ur eczema flared up- is it because of such stress (housework load, MIL, mum, HB going out at night)? Must take care of ur health, suffer too much will be bad for your well-being, may end up getting too much emotional grievances/ burdens, then won't be healthy for YX's r'ship with her grans too.
<font color="ff6000">Yuru</font>
juz bought a toyogo box last wkend at Giant to store her toys, even though she does not have a lot .. at least will not be dusty since she dun play with them everyday .. and of coz, her play area will look neater

alamak, juz remembered that i did not clean the box before i placed her toys in
looks like i got to spring clean her toys before i give it to cali .. :p

Wah...... u want to find nice container to store cindy toys huh. As wat berry said, ikea shld ve it. Nice n cheap but i think it may not last long. I get mine from giant, those TOYO plastic container. Bo chap lah, put inside nat's room, nobody see........
nose cleaning
If I see boogers, I will tickle Athena, and use my fingers to dig it out. Settled without any crying or fussing! :p

ear cleaning
I cld see ear wax lumps way inside, but I dun dare to put cotton bud or what to clean... so I got GP to give me ear-drop, just put, rub the outside of the ear (let bb remain lying, amazingly she LIKES the sensation of ear-cleaning), and done! I can't see the ear wax now so I stopped liao

Food containers
I bought simple thermos, no compartments. But I look at it (size and wt) and I sian liao, haven't used it yet. Easier to bring dry cereal out.

I vote for Ikea cardboard box (there's some with a hinge-style lid). Reason being next time can train Cindy to keep away her own toys- cardboard less dangerous than plastic edges.

hi all,
No time to read thru all postings... Jus saw MT's super long postings :p hehehehe...

RE: toy box
chihiro is rite. Those wif wheels r very gd as walkers. Kieran likes the box. Sometimes he'll climb into the box n play inside. Other times, he'll be pushing the box ard the house. But now i put MORE toys inside, so he dun have much strength to push. Hehehe...

RE: Thermos flask
I love my TIGER brand thermos flask. Can contain at least 3 feeds of porridge and can keep porridge absolutely hot for long hours. Bought it from taka but forgot the price liao. The size is errrr not beri small though. MT is horrified wif the size of my thermos flask :p

RE: fotos in mag
I keep forgetting to tell little prince n MT how cute ur darlings r in the mag
Little prince, dat one is taken during CNY rite? After u all mentioned abt the pics, i kept hunting for the mag but dunno y, couldn't find it until recently.

COngrats dat T got into 1st round. Must let her practise smiling hor. But hor, i tink she looks cool when she's not smiling leh.

Wahahaha, Kieran oso loves to dig ears! Sometimes when i have difficulty putting him to sleep, i'll tell him,'Come let's clean ears.' Then he'll lie there n let me dig.
