(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

little Carriane learning to flip

R u looking at me???


Yes, u!! u r the one!


I m trying to turn..

yar i was also amazed by myself! i hardly get angry at all during my pregnancy days
my hubby so surprised too n he always say thats the best part..hahahha
yar i also every fri n sat eat lots of buffet n even sushi as supper!
yar i add the cereal to her normal milk n she drink from bottle
oh she is gg to be 4mths next week.
wah.. can imagine the messy sight

i also started lucas on sunday. i held on to a wet hankie and wiped his mouth each time i fed him. lucas is a greedy baby, so could swallow quite well. but i only gave him a little, for fear of allergies.

carriane is so lovely...
count me in for the buffet
marche outing/jap food feasting
u all go ahead and decide on the date, i am not sure whether can make it or not but will defnitely join if can

yuru...we clean justin tongue using a towel and dab wif a liquid bot from chinese medicine hall, i forgot the name but u can tell them it's for cleaning baby's mouth. The milk stain can be easily wiped off wif dat
can i say 19 feb? but hor.. it's the best date for me though i'm abit wary of committing b'cuz till now I'm still scared of going out with baby though i want very much to meet all the other babies.. what's the timing like and are hubbies going, cuz mine definitely won't go.

andrea - 19feb
sharon - 19feb
kelly - 29jan
lil prince - 29jan / 5feb
Junior - 29jan / 19feb
jen - 29jan
puff - 29jan
mngo - 29jan
peg - 19 feb
fruitcake - 19 feb
kypf - 19 feb
I am trying to be cheerful ... like what AC & Ruffy mentioned I recovered when only I see JR :p

Menses not here yet. Really enjoy this, no need to worry abt stains and pads.

Jap food!
Wow, mummies here are organising a sushi outing

Heeehee, I am thinking of my hana maki sushi, spider roll now ...oh oh no..

You got PM. Thanks for the contact, I will try tomorrow.

Oh my 'Carriane so sweet'...JR's daddy commenting that his dil and his ds have 'fu qi siang' couple look!!! LOL!
I m still waiting for you to see me our darlings pic
i really lol while reading abt ur posting abt feeding Faye cereal. Must have be a real mess. Dun worry, when i 1st started Kieran on rice cereal by spoon feeding him, it was also a big mess. His hands were flailing everywhere n the spoon nearly flew away. His saliva kept on dripping out from his mouth together with the cereal. Oh yucks... indeed a horrible sight. After that his nanny tried again but this time, he wasn't sitting uprite. He sat in a slightly tilted position in his bouncer. Jus tis weekend, i tried it again myself n he managed to eat half a cup (the avent bottle cover) of cereal. Not so messy anymore also

As for the marche outing, i can't confirm if i can make it on both dates yet. U all decide on the date 1st n if i can will join all of u

SLK, blisse,
Hmm...am surprised to hear that ur little darlings r starting on cereals too cos i've always thot bfed bbies will start solids earliest @ 6 mths. Blisse, Kieran also drinks coarse rice powder mixed into his FM (dialect is called 'bi gor') via the milk bottle. Do share more on ur starting solid experience as well as wat u let ur bbies try.
Can learn from one another since we all starting solids n r rather clueless...

Carriane looks so sweet in her bandana.

Wat info do u need?

seriously i am sort of touch by the support u gals giving me... actually tot jus see if u gals interested but now i feel tat i am having support from u gals rather than jus buying from me....
THANX THANX..........
Marche, u gals go ahead w/o me lah, I'm a water guzzler... Marche doesn't serve free flow water, my water bill always end up rather ridiculous :p

Aiyoooh, Tena slept at 8pm, woke at 12mn, 2am... I am so sleepy yet cant fall asleep (ahaha like bb, dunno how to fall asleep).

Yuru, sorry I din chat with u at gathering, my Mandarin cannot make it
. I seriously worry abt Tena's grasp of mandarin next time... HB told me to study it together with her! Actually I can't even write her mandarin name... must "copy" everytime.
thks for ur advice on the gripewater.

talk abt tena waking up...gab slept at 1130pm, woke up at 130am for milk. he latched from 130-230am (i peng sanz), passed gab 2 husband (husband still awake studying for exam) 2 put him 2 sleep. at 3am, husband fell asleep 1st, gab still wide awake. i got angry, decided 2 give him FM. SURPRISE! SURPRISE! he finished 2oz FM. tis is the 1st time he drank from a bottle since last thu. he finally slept at 330am.
i agree wif ruffybear 2 include surnames n full add. i'll PM u my details later ok?

i was at GWC on sun n asked abt the book too. the girl (didnt c daphne or kathleen) said no stock. anyway, i've ordered the book thru acmabooks n YES! it's taking a long while 2 arrive. me calling the customer svc later 2 scream n complain

lil devil,
me excited 2 c ur stuff too!

since ur shipment is arriving end of tis wk, may i suggest we visit ur plc next wk 2 "shop shop"? i like 2 get some clothes for gab for CNY but cant find nice ones in the stores. how abt u fixing a wkday n wkend date (b4 9 feb) for us 2 pop by?

if ur company accepts me then they must be very desperate for pp...but then again i juz found out tat the training will be in BOON LAY!!! i wanna faint lor...so far for me. anyway, i shant worry so much. wait til i receive any news 1st then i freak out.

since u r decided on 19 feb, let's stick wif 19feb.

i'm fine wif any Marche. i've tried the Marche, Heeren on saturdays n there's always a crowd at lunchtime BUT i wont mind going 2 there as i can continue 2 shop in orchard after lunch. shopping at Suntec a bit limited leh.

merely reading ur "solids adventure" wif faye is so fun. i cant wait 2 c gab's reaction when he start on solids. i'm sure it'll b loads of fun too.
at ruffybear's plc, i was sharing wif skyblue or sharon (sorry, memory lapse) tat my GF actually uses large sheets of plastic as bibs. the plastic sheets r like those which they use 2 wrap "zi char". she said it can b found at provision shops. she'll place a sheet on her daughter n clip it tgt behind her neck wif a clothes peg and she herself uses 1 sheet to protect her clothes.

after each feed, she juz throw away the plastic sheets. she used 2 rinse them wif water n dry them but she found it too leh cher after a while. anyway, the sheets dun cost much.
marche outing fixed on 19feb. venue is Marche, Heeren. wat do all the other mummies tik?
lil prince,jen, puff n mngo, can u then make it on 19feb?

the mummies who hv reverted on Marche are andrea, sharon, kelly, lil prince, junior, jen, puff, mngo, peg n fruitcake
i'll be able to make it on 19 feb...hubby going overseas so no designated "family day".

will pass u the bath toy holder then?

look forward to "gao kwang" yr business..

I find it easier to clean baby's mouth when bathing him. he willing to open mouth and stick out tongue. no problem with speaking mandarin becos my dad speaks much better mandarin than english so I chat with him in mandarin.

i'm also quite apprehensive about bringing baby out alone. he tends to fuss more when outside. but at least there will be other experienced mummies who have been there, done that.


are hubbies coming along?
Morning mummies,
Yesterday Ryan finally can sleep thru the night till 6.40am
.. however have been too used to waking up in the middle of the night to check on him. yesterday he slept at 8pm.. however woke up at 10pm coz hubbu came home.. dunno how he will know when hubby returns and wake up to play with him. he slept back at 10.30pm till this morning after 60ml at 10.30pm...
Hope it can continue..
Natalie is on FM coz i'm taking quite strong medicine tat doc advised to stop BF immediately.

no difficult to clean at all. i normally do it during bath time.
mandarin? no problem for me. we can communicate in mandarin
morning all

today we saw a small piece of dried blood at the nostril of justin and tot he nose bleed, but look more clearly it is a small tiny wound...justin muz hv scratch himself
my hubby was looking at me as if i pick his nose wif my finger, and i was like, not meeeeeee!

justin has been sleeping quite a lot recently, during the day AND nite, yesterday at nanny's place he nap for 3hr+ straight and twice for 1hr+
i tot bigger babies tend to sleep less? is it normal?
Your baby is lovely!

Thanks, Isabel is getting better. Also, next time will speak to you in Mandarin ;-) Is your hubby from Beijing as well?
she fluke flipped again! i was taking her clothes off n flipped her on her tummy, next thing she propped on her arms n flipped onto her back. Then i tried the "proper" flip, where 1 arm must be pinned under body n not propped up on her arms, cannot. So I let her do her propped arms again, n she flipped again, on video :p . At least can show her daddy :D
cosmo, yah she drinking more these 2 days, i'd come back to read other posts, bath-time! And i forgive her 4 waking so often last nite lah, :p
sharon...i better go home check whether isit the same, we are actually advise to clean everyday but we too lazy, onli do it twice a wk
morning to all

Japanese Food
I am okie but hor, i dun eat raw food and wasabi leh .. haha, abit defeat the purpose of eating Jap Food hor .. but i do frequent sushi tei lah, eat all the cooked sushi lor .. lol

u gals go ahead to plan for this gathering first, i will see if i can make it ..

Marche Outing
i cannot make it on 19th leh coz i will be working on that Sat .. i dun drive on Sats usually so i will hv a problem bringing rhyan along if i do go .. but u gals go ahead if this date is most convenient, me okie one ..

i hvn't start rhyan with any solids yet, though he tried a lil tiny bit of porridge and soup on Mon coz 4 mths old mah .. i am not confident of what i want to start him with first, wanna read the book tt berry recommended first just in case ..

haha, thank god the oranges were found earlier else yr cabinet wld hv ants partying liao .. me also quite forgetful nowadays, always worry i forget this or that ..

i can imagine the mess but fun both of u had .. lol .. think if its so messy, i better feed rhyan in the kitchen only else he will ruin my floor in the living room ..

i saw the slideshow, Neil's smile is so nice .. is it difficult to create a slideshow like this?

wah, carriane very "cool" in her photos lor .. she looks great in pink ..

i remember u, thought u looked very "Chinese" lor but didn't hv much opportunity to chat with u, will do so at the next gathering .. i can speak Mandarin

rhyan is still sleeping his usual hours except tt now, he dun sleep in the car on the way home fm nanny's place and he dun take his nap ard 8pm anymore .. this means i got to put him in the bouncer wherever i am, he watch me wash bottles lah, eat dinner lah etc .. but the good thing is tt he will be so shacked after tt he falls asleep easily after drinking his milk at 9pm .. and he sleeps through when we carry him up to go nanny's place in the morning, only wake up when he reach there ..
most of the mummies here can speak mandarin..so no problem to converse with you.. I also speak cantonese coz my hubby's from HK.
saw Neil's slideshow..v.impressive!
lil prince...exactly! if justin din nap after his 8pm feed, he will be so shack dat he will fall asleep during his last feed at 11-12+, which is good coz if not we have to carry him and pat him for another hour before he dozes off, which will usually comes to 1am
i wld prefer him to nap at ard 8pm leh, else i can't do much things lor .. my hb is coming bk late again this wk, me very shacked leh ..

Its is quite very easy. The s/w is similar to powerpoint. Just drag and drop the pictures and add text, clip art and music. If you buy the full s/w can even burn as DVDs! Right now i just have the trial version
I think it's quite normal since most of our bbies also go thru tis stage of sleeping alot. When Kieran was 3 mths plus, he also zzzzz alot. At 1st i was also worried but at certain time, i think he decided that he had enuf sleep, he'll be very active...
Btw, really thk u for getting the bottles for me...
ur hse very nice. Great view

Wah, u not bad huh, can resist the temptation of msn. Keep it up... :p

Ya , me also more mandarin speaking so no pblm, can definitely converse with u at next gathering.

Think gotta give the marche outing a miss got Kieran gog for his last jab that day... U gals go ahead n enjoy
Ya, training at BL is very very far. Imagine i took the bus/MRT/bus everyday for 1 n a half yrs... Always zzzz in the MRT. But enjoyed shopping @ Jurong Point. Now no chance to go there liao cos so far..
Hee...u shared with me the bibs. Very gd idea

little prince,
Ya, if not sure, better wait for the bk n read up. Me also waiting to read the bk.
I am still having discharge almost 2 mths, actually it stopped last week but after my pap smear test, it came back again..anyone has such long period of discharge?

ur baby so cute, how old is she??
travelling wif baby
anyone planning to travel soon?
we will be bringing justin in april to see his grannies in sabah
problem is, if fly direct from SIN it will cost us easily at least $800 on tix, but if fly from senai, onli $200...but it's tedious juz to go to senai, not even taking the flight yet
lil prince...actually i prefer justin to nap more coz go home so many tings to do, but if he nap more will means he sleep later for the nite...even more jiak lak
can understand dat u will be beri tiring, especially one person at home onli, my hub also sometimes work till beri late...i dun even dare to go shower before justin sleep

skyblue...no prob about the bottles, i was there mah, and tks for yr compliments on my house, now beri neat dats why nicer heheee wait a few more months sure messy wan...next time if u free drop by anytime leh, me at home beri bored hahaaa
aiya my office canot install msn, onli yahoo, but no one in yahoo so nonid to chat lol
emma, i have replied ur PM...

Re: swelling...
I called up the clinic and spoke to the doctor... he told me becos the 6-in-1 is jabbed into the muscle so some bb do experience swelling... it's not exactly a swelling cos u can't see it... only when you touch and feel will feel a lump there... the doctor say some bb swell only go down after a few weeks...

Re: Marche outing...
I should be able to go... kiv first... if I go wif Jean, hubby sure want to come along cos dun trust me alone wif Jean... hehe... why go Heeren one? Why not Suntec? Cos like easier to park car leh...
u referring to lochia? me had that for 2 mths! sometimes seem like ending then suddenly came back again...

OIC, next time go yahoo n tempt u... kekeke
I enjoyed talking to u and ur hb during the gathering...maybe we can chat more if we meet again the next outing. Ya, realised that both u and hb were very quiet that day. Btw, you really can interact well with us here and if not that I have spoken to you, I werent have thot that you are not local! Btw, my chinese also very lousy, maybe need u to help me so that I can speak better mandarin to JR.

JR has been crying while sleeping these few nites..maybe he played too much before sleep with daddy liao!

Those 2 height posters are really good ... you mentioned that Kieran likes to look at it. JR not only like to look at those animals, he will smile and make noises (happy!) whenever he sees the pics! Very Funny! Thanks. Let me know if you have more of such lobangs in future.
tok abt food..anyone into thai buffet? there's this thai buffet at centrepoint. ok la but quite a gd deal. i love italian food too but very fattening.

white tongue? r u referring to thrush? keira had thrush at 1 mth & PD gave me "Daktarin" oral gel. very effective & safe for babies. the thrush was gone the next day.

me speak mandarin too but just cant write chinese very well.
sorry that day didnt have the chance to tok to u. as too many pple and i cant rem who is who n i went off earlier too. Yar hope we can chat more the next gathering.

hahhahah...wow so fast got couple's look! hahahha must let them take more photos together

i have sent u one n only photo they took together!

oic. yar i always hear pple eat bigor! Yesterday i went cold storage i saw got packet ..think is also like bi gor as it got "si sen, ikan bills etc" got one is for 3mths and above. Havent buy n tried. U buy from medical shop or super,arket for the bi gor? yar we shld share more!
thks for the compliments but the bandana seems too big now

BTW, my Carriane didnt drink milk at all since last night n hb measured her temp was 37.4degree, so i took leave n take care of her. Just brought her see doc n he say nothing wrong. maybe gg to be sick thats y no appetite! me worried as she didnt even drinlk a tiny bit of milk since last 9 feed at 9pm. She cried last 9 at 2am, tot she wan milk, feed her but dont drink at all. Then at 6am, she cried n tot she hungry but reject again. Any mummies face this problem?

oh that will be great too! thanks thanks.

how come? u dont speak mandarin at all? btw, my hb say he find ur hb familiar. wonder if same camp..
Japanese Food,
we can go to the Jap buffet or any buffet got free slow of sashimi n cooked food. so whoever wan to eat wan also can..hehhe

thks for the compliments, but i notice Carriane tends to frown. that day took some photos of rhyan n carriane, so cute! seems like holding hands! opppss...cannot let jr see, if not he will be JEALOUS! hahhahah

Starting on solid
yar me also gg to go n look out for some of these books this weekend
maybe mummies can share how n wat u did to babies during this process.

my ger is gg to be 4mths this weekend.

last christmas, carriane only 3mths, we brought her to ipoh to visit my in laws relatives. We drive there, its 6hrs journey. n this CNY, we gg to bring her to genting for 2nites

wat posters?

i love italian food too! When i preg, most of my meals r Jap n Italian food

Marche outing
if i can, i might join in
i gave her water she dont drink also. i use syringe n pump in n she puke out my face

wow sharwyn so lucky, can go PErth.

yuru, I dont really clean faye's tounge hehe. You are from beijing? thats quite a nice place I heard. Your hb singaporean?
hehe, I def understand mandarin and can speak some, but I cant express myself very well though. :p aiyo, you remind me, I been speaking only english with faye leh, think I betta get my PILs to talk to her in mandarin more.

Blisse, your carraine is such a darling!!

Kelly, okie, stick to 19th at Marche heeren then! I be bringing ny hubby cause weekend is family day, so we all go together heh :p
Your gf's bib idea sounds good! Maybe later on I'll try it out. but if the plastic makes a loud rustling sound then will distract faye from eating, she likes rustling sounds heh.

skyblue, aiya you cannot go marche never mind, I'll take pics of my food and post up to show you :p

fruitcake, I be bringing my hubby along.

MT, fluke flip betta than no flip lol :p

Vaingirl/blisse, I also like italian food leh, but italian food sure got starch, these days I try not to eat too much starch, so havent eaten italian for a while. I love modestos pizza!!

sharon, yar do post sharwyn's pics when you can, I'll look forward to seeing them
