(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

maybe he is also "talking" in his sleep..sometimes when bb learns something new they will "practice and practice" their new skills..like Ryan..last week he learned how to climb up and down the bed carefully..(leg down first) he will go up and down X10 to show off.
Hi mummies,
actually I can also get cheap branded like Oshgosh/gymboree clothes for under $10.. from HK...so I'll pass if there is any bb clothes gatherings.
SLK, faye does that only when she is frustrated and tired, not normally. Unless she is turning here and there to look at diff things.
Yuru, your darling is very fair and pretty, so delicate features!
lildevil, any link/ pics/ price, am interested in Laura Ashley cos tena doesn't have that (and hb choked on the prices in the store, LOL).
angelia, I dunno, I'm optimistic abt parent recognition, for eg. my hb on some days has ZERO interaction with tena. Come home she's asleep, out of the door she's still asleep, n when he's travelling, can't see too mah. So I make weekends when he's ard "intensive bonding time". I throw bb into his arms and don't take back unless he wants to go toilet, LOL! Gives me a break too.
SLK, tena not dropping hair yet, but I want to shave BALD after CNY cos... err.. only chance to see her clean-shaven bald mah, LOL. I'm eyeing the one puff went- forum shopping centre fantastic sam where u pay $5 for a cert with locket of hair. :p
kelly, haha thx for compliments. BTW have u bought the bb yoga bk, tot u ordered from Acma? I dropped by Babies n Cream, still not in!
sharon, berry passed me huggies hospital freebie sample, I forgot to note the size oops, but it fits very snug on tena, any smaller become hipper liao. Shld fit sharwyn perfect, since her butt smaller and cuter than tena's, LOL.
TBL, Natalie looks so pretty how can MIL say looks like boy ah? Ignore her lor, we r stimulating bb and bonding. Maybe she dunno how to.
blisse, SLK, ooo- HB was in NUS comp sci too... err, he's 30yrs old this yr, so dunno whether same batch as Blisse or wat? He claims to be a super-nerd leh (and judging from his sch pics, hehehe, I believe him :p ).
angelia, i also have problems with my mom la.. y'day i spent the day with my mom, and when Ethan cries after bfing, my mom insist to give him FM.. you know what she said, "bfing is only a supplement, you have to give FM to know how much he's drinking" aiya, i couldn't be bothered to argue with her la after all my baby already had plenty of FM b'cuz of his jaundice.

rhyan thank all aunties and bbs for sayang-ing him .. his ear looks better but can see it was a few small cuts lor, not like one straight cut .. i had to make sure i dun rub against his ears when changing him etc ..

last nite, he was so funny .. i was trying to put him to bed when hb called me and asked if i can pick him up somewhere nearby our place .. so i brought rhyan to the car and put him in the seat before driving off and he was looking at me wierdly .. lol .. he must be thinking how come i am bringing him out again when he is supposed to be going to bed .. haha ..

i just fold abit of the front part in to make it shorter for him ..

i like yr bb's eyes .. so nice ..

i know what u mean .. for me, its fine coz i wun leave rhyan at other places except at his nanny's and he is going there during wkdays now so not too bad .. the good thing is also tt nanny and her hb (my hb's aunt and uncle) will go MIL's place during CNY so if rhyan fusses, got additional ppl to help .. but most prob my MIL will put up a face lor .. but i dun care ..

rhyan also got his name fm YLZ, can go swimming and overseas leh .. only cannot go temples with hell gods and try to avoid noisy places and funerals etc ..

hmm, my hb's aunt also went to YLZ for her son's name and was told cannot travel for dunno how many years .. she ignored tt advice and her son was very sick for quite some time when they returned .. i dunno how true, its up to individual's beliefs ..

aiyo, ILs really drove u mad ah .. but nvm lah, hb says u put in effort rite? hopefully he will "reward" u when u r back hor .. never "hint hint" him to get stuff for u .. haha

lucas looks real adorable huh .. and cindy is sleeping so sweetly in her sarong .. haha .. i like her hands in this position ..

me okie with the contacts, can u post up exactly what are the details u need and we PM u? then u are going to circulate via email?

MIL Story
when she knew rhyan's ear got injured, she asked me why i never bring him to the barber near her place? then i replied her tts the barber you recommended lor, tt cut his ear .. lol .. she kept quiet liao ..

lil' devil
count me in!!

this is one of the reasons why i refused to start rhyan on sarong coz if someone else is taking care of him, surely end up the person swing and swing so tt bb can sleep longer .. my MIL does tt leh ..

rhyan's hair also kept dropping, nothing to do with yr BM lah .. dun worry
little devil
do count me in , I am keen to look at the clothings.

actually, my mom and many others say that if ur gal looks like boy then ur next child will be a boy, not sure how true...but some say true...
cosmo, nice pic of Issac hehe. The rejected pacifier like so dramatic, LOL!
lildevil, quinn looks so chubby n cute! Hmm I think I'm supposed to "train" tena to sleep sideways cos supposedly will sleep better (other than tummydown lah). But I haven't lah.
i will have tat in my second shipment, i did order some dress, sure u will like, even for other brands, i see liao cannot tahan, nice wo....
okie, u are in. hee....

i tik u dun stress urself and sweetie tena about it, let it be, once they feel like it, u will be shock to see them doing it so well...ha!!!
tbl / berry
hb had an aunt who dun believe she shld talk to bbs coz she feels tt bbs wun understand anyway .. in the end, her bb grew up as an introvert and can't express what he wants to say .. currently studying in those special school and got to delay P1 for a year .. so sad rite?

tt time when she heard nanny talking to rhyan, she said bbs wun understand what we say and nanny told her off lor ..

issac really looks very man-ish leh ..

thanks for complimenting me .. hehe ..

dun worry, rhyan started turning his head at 3mths+ .. at times, he keeps on burying his head into the mattress when i let him sleep on his side, think tt is bcoz he is sleepy and his pacifier seemed to be dropping out .. nowadays, rhyan turns his head to extreme sides when he wants to see something on top of his head ..

lil devil
quinn is sleeping so well
hmm, like what i say, it depends on individuals .. my hb believes in fengshui etc and i dun see any harm following when its realistic and we can do it .. so, we followed most of what YLZ says when he looked at our home .. as for rhyan, YLZ commented he shld not go to noisy places like weddings also but for me, i feel tt i will still bring him along but just tt i carry him out or cover his ears during the yum seng part .. tts all ..

if u dun think u want to believe in all these, then maybe shouldn't go to him in the first place coz usually after ppl say liao, u wun feel good abt going ahead to do the stuff lor ..
good to know that Rhyan is better today.. by CNY the scars would be gone..dun worry..they heal very fast.
I too think bb should be talked to coz they are very receptive and learn the fastest during the 1st 2 yrs of life.
Little devil
Hope that your business takes off.. actually also have the contacts to start Children clothes business but after calculating still better to give lessons/tution PT if I want.
Btw ur clothes are directly from US?

my hubby is also into fengshui but he does not believe in consulting those famous fengshui master like YLZ..cause most of these are just $$$ making and waste of $$$.. he does his own reading for own benefit and the real fengshui master will not do it for $$..
thanks to all mummies who responded on the 'stevie wonder' act. knew i could count on you girls for prompt answers. don't even need to call up the PD

same here. we settled the name Lucas pretty early, even before we knew the gender! Joshua is nice too!

i use a bolster to stop lucas's pacifier from dropping. these days, he'll look for his bolster when he's awake and hug it tightly.

i was not from NUS comp science, studied in UK cos results too lousy to enter NUS :p

old folks always have this thinking that BM is not enough to fill up a baby's stomach... sigh..

yup yup, show us the baby clothes next time!

ryan is really very impressive for his age
you mean ryhan had a few small cuts?? so sad
can sue the hairdresser for negligence!! should have been more careful
yingxin already knew how to turn her head from left to right/right to left before she hit one month old; she also does that in her sleep or when i carried her

the problem now i have is she is inclined to sleep on the left side of her head and whenever i tried to turn her head to the right several times, she'll turned to the left again!!

the salon at forum (fantastic sams) also give u a polariod in addition to the 1st hair cut certificate and locket of hair

little devil
count me in when the shipment arrives!!

quinn sleeping position is so cute...

little prince
i know your name already, so i just need your mobile number and address
emma...i agreed wif lil prince, i also dun like restrictions coz i am beri looking forward to bring justin for swimming but now canot, hv to wait for 5yrs
and YLZ also say my son character might become quite GU PI so we hv to educate him properly...i hope to let him hv more bb frends in future so dat he will learn to play and socialise and not be alone
alr PM to u my name & mobile no. thks!

my mil is those who believe all bbs only need to drink milk & sleep, no need bonding with parents. so she kind of surprise why i always talk to bb. aiya, bo chap lah! else i veri pek chek!

count me in too. betta if u can show pic then we can order fm u.
i also brought lucas to Fantastic Sam when he was 1 mth old. not bad....

same for lucas. he is always sleeping on one side of his face, esp when we prone him down on his tummy.
Hi Mummies,
Have u all started ur baby with any cereal?
Just now i went Cold storage n buy Gerber Mixed fruits cereal which say start from 4mths onwards. Wonder any of you tried and what brand?
N wat else can we slowly introduce them?

yah, hope it works. i always looking for nice clothes for my quinn but in singapore soooo difficult. so now i found tis and actually jus wan to buy for own use then my hubby client says he dun mind supplying them to me, tats y i started tis. umm... i dun know is it direct from us, but i tik not all as now even get it from u.s, its also manufacture from somewhere else, those branded company also cut cost for amnufacturing i guess.

yah, i tik ur teaching give u good income and as me didnt work so tot of doing something on my own.
so who give u the stock? maybe u can give me the contact so i can compare prices. is it ok?
sharon...if the mummy that u passed the diapers to is with charsiew then she is KC and her baby is 6 weeks old if i can remember correctly.
HP: ya yalor... I am damn 'heart pain'...still not recovered from the depression yet. Currently, using an old nokia hp from my sister.

I was sharing with cosmo regarding cute bbies just now and would like to share with you all:
Like to see all the pixs of the babies posted up here, they are all so so dear and lovely, all are handsome, pretty or cute. And I realised that the more I see the pixs or the real person, the more I feel that they are someone special and make me want to see more and wish to see them grow

Oh, thanks for the compliments too!
Turning head around: I thot all babies will turn their head soon after 3 mths? And physically 'advanced' babies will turn their head much earlier? Btw, my hb commented JR seems to be more lazy physically when compared to many of his age.

Quinn sleeping posture is like JR.
Count me in for bb's clothes too!

I will try yahoo auction later to see whether there is any HP I like selling cheap. Thanks for info.

I dun know how to describe myself and happenings to me
... computer spoilt, then hp spoilt and today I forgot to bring out Avent milk bags for EBM, so got to throw away the EBM expressed out at work
and what's more... my bm seems to have dripped drastically!

Is Natalie on BF or FM?

I also a Japanses food fan. Think Berry too. Maybe we can organise a jap makan outing one day.

You got PM.

Tell Rhyan: Lots of aunties here sayang sayang him...he is so 'guai' boy.

Next gathering-
Maybe we can have a big floor mat to have all our darlings there and snap lots of pic.
oh i miss KC too. didn't know there was a 6 weeks old baby there!! i am so blur!! love looking at young babies. saw a 5 week old baby in church on sunday and really miss the time when lucas was that SMALL!

i gave lucas a little bit of Heinz Baby Food (carrot) on sunday and he loves it! didn't want to give him more cos was afraid of allergies. he was making alot of noise when we were eating so decided to let him have a taste of 'eating'.
*sayang sayang* don't be so stressed ok? at times things just don't go our way... hey, you started having menses?? if not, a dip in milk supply could be an indication that your menses is coming. mine came once and my supply dropped more than half the usual amt!!
JR...pls dun be too sad, go home can see JR and play wif him sure will lighten up yr mood

do u know whether can i source for 2nd hand bumbo? i tried yahoo auction onli got 1 and nothing at ebay
sure we can organise! i love Jap food. I alreday had 3 times this week for sushi and still like it alot

oh do u heat up or just opened n let him eat?
just let him eat since the bottle said 'ready to serve' and my friends said don't have to heat up. anyway, i only gave him a little. only a quarter of the small bottle.
put quinn on my bed and let him play by himself..... as today hes notti, keep screaming loudly.... then when i dun hear him, i worry so go check on him.... tis is wat i found

i used the bolster to hold his pacifier also leh, but he likes to hold his bolster up and down like playing peek-a-boo .. argh!

ya, i think at tt moment when rhyan moved, the razor kenna across his hear so a few small cuts instead of just one slit .. i am observing his wound these few days to make sure it is not reddish or swollen lor .. dun think there will be scars coz its at the side of his ear .. thank god else if kenna his face, i sure sue that barber ..

u hv got mail!
quinn's beginning to flip. must watch him carefully!

hee! rhyan's cute

*ouch* poor poor rhyan

don't worry, there won't be scars cos he's still a baby. baby skin heals very fast!
wow... postings are going real fast today.

<font color="0000ff">vaingirl &amp; kelly</font>,
Jodie's much better today, thankfully
Would really luv to meet up with u all.

sigh... if she's like this after every jab, I'm gonna need to know how to use the sling soon! My arms hurt like hell from carrying her all day.

Think I'll be developing biceps soon :p Wonder if my triceps are getting any workouts at the same time... hehe... Got flabby arms lah...

<font color="0000ff">little devil</font>,
My bb's clothes won't fit if she grows some more. I didn't get many new baju for my bb, so i'm definitely interested in what you've got

<font color="0000ff">puff</font>,
I'll pm u my contacts in a while. Btw, the punggol &amp; sengkang list I compiled previously is missing... sigh... must have accidentally shredded it. Otherwise I can give the info to u.
Heniz &amp; Gerber Carrot,Sweet patato are very staining on utensils &amp; bibs..so have to wash straight away after feeding bb or else stain is v.hard to come off. Have tried those..but nowadays I use the blender to make fresh puree fruits/vegetable for Ryan ontop of Porridge..he also takes Youghurt and sometimes fruit juices..

Hope tomorrow will be a better day for you..1 day all bad luck.. bad luck spell all over liao.. so dun worry..of course when you see your BB u will surely feel better.

Maybe hubby can get you another phone as valentine's present? * hint* Hint
tried all the Heinz/gerber cereals..anyway dun give too much each week as can be quite heaty.
Ryan likes the banana cereal so I keep one packet on standby incase he rejects all the other food cooked for him..at least he will eat the banana cereal.
Little Devil,
I normally buy directly from the wholesale area in HK..so not really have a contact..but average is about $5 for pants/jeans..and the most $15 for a dress.. most pieces I bought cost about $8-$10. There are many many shops in the area so can take the whole day just choosing clothes.. also quite a bit of boy's clothes..they sell shoes also..but didn't really get shoes as Ryan already has shoes.

I'm also into Jap food..last time before having Ryan will occassionally make sushi.. cut sashimi..fry tempura..hubby knows how to make chawamushi.
thank you mummies for the spontaneous reply in providing the details; am currently consolidating the info

no worries, i have also noted down the punggol and sengkang mummies!!!

anyway, i'm currently compiling a more comprehensive list

my fren's baby also slept on the left side of the head and she said the baby's left side of the head is now flat

did u give lucas pillow? i heard that it's not good to intro pillows to babies below 1 year old

how ah??
i've heard of it too. but there's nothing i can do. like yingxin, lucas will automatically switch back to the his right side after i turn his head to the left. yes, i give lucas the babysafe infnat flat pillow. he sleeps on his tummy most of the time. so i didn't want him to drool on his mattress. pillow easier to wash!! :p

MT, I understand about the repeating part... for my MIL... she keeps repeating to me what to do for jean... as if that is not enough, she will also tell hubby to do and hubby come and REPEAT to me AGAIN... hiaz... I've given up... just listen and keep quiet...

Puff, I dun mind if it's an internal list too...
I've just PMed you...

Beanie, last week brought Jean to take her 6-in-1 and she got very cranky about 3 hours later... kept crying and refuse to drink from bottle... i had no choice but to latch her... think she's not comfortable so let her comfort suck... she took the jab on her thigh and the part has been swollen till now... is this normal?

angelia, my MIL complains that the avent teats I'm using for Jean is too fast!!! Imagine... it's No 1 leh... when I told her it's the smallest hole and the slowest, she still say how come Jean suck so fast... and my MIL REFUSE to listen to me to let the milk cover the whole teat... I told her Jean will suck in air and she still continue to cover half teat... I gave up and walk away... of cos less than halfway through the feed, Jean will cry cos uncomfortable wif air in her tummy... then in the end she cannot finish her feed cos too many breaks, my MIL say she dun want oredi!!! argh!!!

Another thing just happen... Jean likes to sleep on her tummy and have a pillow or bolster on top of her tummy butts area so as if someone's hand is on top of her... will feel secure and zzz longer... my MIL keep removing the bolster!!! Said she cannot breathe with the bolster on her... argh... i went out to peep again and she REMOVED it again!!! i was so fed up i din even look at her, put the bolster back and left... she keep lamenting "aiyah... told u it's not becos of bolster then she can sleep longer lah..." I din bother to answer her... *FUME*
