(2004/08) Anyone due in August 2004?

Hi all,

I'm back. I delivered on 22nd July at 5.51am. Hee... baby arrived one day before my birthday

Let me share my experience...

I had spotting on 21 July at about 11am. Went to gynae and was told to admit myself to TMC either at night or by 8am the next day. At about 10pm in the evening, get quite uncertain cos' dunno how contractions really feel like. Decided to admit at 10.45pm. Reached TMC at 11pm. Nurse shaved me and made me clear my bowel by inserting something into the anus. Then at about 11.30pm, I was resting in the birth room.

Gynae came at about 11.45pm, broke my water bag. Real painful contractions came at 2am. Very painful, asked for help and was given gas. Help a bit but still painful and a bit 'blur'. Asked for epidural but doctor refused. He talked to my hubby to advise me against it. Was given a jab at the buttock instead. Thank God, it worked for me. For the next three hours, could feel the contractions but not pain.

Gynae came at 5am. Examined my dilation and told me to start pushing. As I did not have epidural, I could feel and know when to push and with a few pushes, baby was out. Unfortunately, doc said I dared not push too hard (as when you are pushing, you will feel as if you are passing motion. I was paiseh and was afraid to pass out stools- which will neber happen actually) and assisted me by giving me a cut.

Overall, felt very satisfied cos' I could feel the baby coming out. So, girls, can tahan, tahan, don't use epidural.

So, baby was born. From real contractions at 2am to birth at 5.51am. TO me, the labour was rather short for a first timer. Baby weighs 2.87kg at birth. Looks like father.

Discharged today. On total breastfeeding. So far, so good. Feed only on demand. Not using any bottles.

Wow Augustmum,
CONGRATS!!! I'm so happy for u...so in the end, it turned out tt u were the first! Wow, yr labour's short, u lucky gal! So how's it like being a mummy? Care to share pics of bb?
hey...congrats augustmum!!!..so happy for you..this makes us more excited..wa..sound like your labour really nothing ah...so good.
Hey..but my gynae encourage me to take epidural..cos he say don't try to be "Gay Kiang"..make yourself suffer, must well enjoy the process. ..somemore first child labour usually will last 12 hours!!..hmm..anyway..it's up to individual lah..
I think i'll be giving birth either this week or next week... i think because of my diabetes..doc say if i don't deliver by 38th week he'll induce me on 39th week..hope i can have a august baby rather than july...

augustmum...must share baby pics ah..!! best if can let us see your face..who knows we might meet on the street.

Take care!
Hi Sue,
Have received it. Thanks alot!

Hi Irenevinc,
Me still thinking abt it. Thought of asking my friend's cousin who actually introduced her to me. i think $20+ - 50? Is that alot??

Hi Puggolite,
Like what valencia said, bb going back to breech position is rather low. But i guess on the day of delivery itself, doc will still check if in breech or head down

Hi Augustmum,
Wow, you are really our envy. Such short delivery...and the whole thing is like so 'smooth' and relaxed. i really hope to have something like yours leh.
And congrats on the successful attempt to bf. Care to share your hospital bill with us? And have any bb's photos??

Is the cut down there difficult to handle / unbearable? Me having alot of worries abt post-delivery care though

How abt amie? Has she given birth???
Hi Augustmum , Congrats ! Wow , you are on total breast feed , so good !

Hi aimee , think the amount is ok lah ! We not so rich leh !

Hi puggolite ,once bb turned , it would not go back to breech position . Dont worry !

Hi all , how are you feeling today ?
Any comment from your latest gynae visit ?
I went to see gynae on sat , everything was fine .
Only my weight shoot up a lot !! Oppss! Must control ! ( within one week , increase by 1.1kg )
@381/2 weeks. Gynae said anytime baby will pop out , so must take note any sign of labour ! And if there is no labour , can still wait after 40 weeks , no need to induce if baby is fine .
See him again this coming Sat !
Hi mums out there,

Thanks for answering my queries...cos my girl's quite active...worried that she'll turn to breech position even though she's currently engaged!

Augustmum - congrats!! wah...yr labor sounds like a breeze compared to the usual 10-15 hrs labor i heard! My EDD is like 3 days after you but since you've popped much earlier, i am getting panic attacks thinking when's my turn....you hv no problems with breastfeeding...me sad ocs till now still got no breastmilk...hope i hv enough when the time comes!

Another qn to all gaks here - did you engage a massage lady? i am thinking whether it's compulsory cos everyone seems to be using one and i am not too sure if i shd too?
Dont worry about the breastmilk..the milk will only come in after delivery..you need the baby to simulate it then later on..it'll flow like tap!!!..

Me also never engage massage lady..think it might be uncomfortable having to wrap whole day rite??...maybe will go for massage after confinement .
Hi irenevinc,
i decide to change the amt only after she increased the price for doing confinement for me. Anyway, i paying $1800 for her...which i think is a little ex (she say it's dependent on flat size) but my friend who recommended her say she's good. So i close one eye loh

Hi punggolite, dun worry so much...like what scoobydoo says, really have to wait till delivery then will know if got milk. Most impt is perservere. Went for antenatal class and the nurses keep saying: Tell yourself you have milk and you will have!

As for massage lady, i heard from my aunt that it's to help to push the womb back into place, and also for getting figure back into shape? (not sure if it works, prob got to check with those who've tried it before?)

Hi scoobydoo,
do we have to be wrapped whole day? dun think so right? Will be like mummy walking around leh
Hi puggolite , yah now no milk yet must after delivery. I have not enagage massage lady yet , but think will try it again !hmmm...actually it is up to you . And also depend on your figure loh!

Hi scoobydoo/aimee
Yes its uncomfortable ! Have to be wrapped for about >5hours !During that time , cant carry baby too cos its so oily,worse if you cant bath !chaim !!
For this massage , they said must have at least 7-10 session then can see the results and must start few days after delivery!

For my first child , I tried once only and its about 2-3 weeks later cos I wanna to breastfeed.
Felt really uncomfortable ! I wanted to try it again this time , hopefully it will be better!
Hi all,

Got to be quick cos baby is going to demand milk very soon. Total breast-feeding is very xiong but satisfying. Feed when baby cries. As my boy is breastfed, he passed motion very often. It's really one way in and another out.

My charges:

Medisave deduction:

Cash payment:

Baby's bill:
Total: $583.95


Cash payment:

You all work out the cash payment yourself. Got to go. Baby crying.
Congrats Augustmum! So now, u've become Julymum instead? :p Really admire u for total breastfeeding, and hope that we gals shall learn more from u. My colleague also succeeded in bf, and same as u, her bb always demands for milk every now n then. But as what the nurse has been telling us, our milk is so dependent on the demand and supply!

Oh, wow, so now it's Sue's turn? Hmmm, getting so excited now for our thread, as the rest of us just have to perservere on to wait n wait... for things to happen :>

Gals, let's pray for Sue's safe delivery!
Hi all August mums-to-be,
I've been reading this thread ever since it started actually... and I've decided to join in (hope it's not too late to do so).
My EDD is 15 Aug, same as Leibit i think. My gynae's from KKH.

I'm planning to work for another 2 weeks, then go for a few good hi-teas before I pop... heehee. I keep thinking I won't have this "freedom" to do whatever I want (like hi-teas, shopping) once baby comes out. Been shopping around town even though my 2 feet are so swollen with water retention. :p
Hi all,

Sorry for not coming into this thread for so long.

I have given birth on 21 July (EDD on 17 August), almost one month earlier due to water bag leakage. So girls, got to get all ready one month ion advance.

Overall, is a very painful experience for me. Admitted into TMC labour ward at 4.50pm on 20 July. Experience mild contraction at 10.30pm. Real contraction came at 2.00am and I was given the gas just like augustmum. I endure the contraction until 6.30am when I asked for epidural (really cannot tahan the pain anymore). Cervix dilated 1.5cm only. I was shaved and pushed into the delivery ward. Got my epidural at 8.10am and oh gosh, is such a relief. No more pain man. I was left to wait for full dilation until 10.30am where I watched Argentina's match with my hubby (hee hee). Real pushing starts at 10.30am, however, with the epidural, I really cannot feel the urge to push (even thou they lesser the dosage). Therefore, I totally agree with augustmum, if can tahan, dun take the epidural. I pushed headlessly until 12.10pm when my doctor came and assist me. My baby was born after four push, with the help of my doctor, 2 nurses and my hubby. Baby weigh 2.8kg (considered good weight taking into consideration that she was born nearly one month earlier). So girls, will be your turn soon. Get prepared and hope all you gals have a smooth delivery.

Augustmum, you also gave birth at TMC? I find your hospital bill so much cheaper than mine. Did you include professional fee? How are you and your baby now? Have you registered her birth?
Thanks augustmum for the breakdown...v helpful. Do take care of yrself altho bb seems a handful.

Wow beanie,
CONGRATS to you too! Wow, seems like early deliv seems to be the case here...wow, yr bb's of excellent wt....wonderful! So how's it like being a mummy?

Hi ladies,
Gdness, looks like all of us hv to be prepared as of nw...so exciting....everyone's poppg one by one....all of u take care n keep us posted on birth story ya?
Thanks Andriany. Is really a wonderful experience being a mum for the first time, especially when you carry her in your arm. You will automatically feel so proud of her. And the very moment you see her, you will feel so touch that you will cry. That's what happen to me and my hubby at the delivery ward. I am sure you will feel the same when your turn comes. All the best.
Hi irenevinc,
So if we're going for bf then difficult to massage loh?

Hi augustmum,
Thanks alot for your breakdown. Seems like your bill also quite reasonable hoh?

Congrats once again on healthy bb boy
Feel so happy for you, while the rest of us will continue to countdown to that big day

Hi cookiedough,
not too late to join, guess you cannot tahan seeing all the excitement here whenever someone pops right? Wah, still going for hi-t?
Well, still can do what you want...just that got to bring bb along

Are you expecting a prince / princess?? Who's helping you to take care during confinement?

Hi beanie,
not too late to come in to share your birth story
Congrats on your new born! Hm...seems like those early aug mums are giving birth in end Jul instead

Beanie, why not you also share your bill with us here? Then prob can do a comparison. Me very worried abt the bill size leh...
Any effects upon administering of the epidural? Did you manage to successfully bf? Sorry to ask so many qns..like very kpo ;)
Your mama instinct really sets in liao...so loving

Hi Andriany,
Yah, maybe we should be 'operationally' ready at all times...my colleague always tell me first-timers always give birth abt 2 weeks earlier one. Unless bb is quite big size and comfortable inside mummy

We're still waiting for mummies to share photos of their bbs when they are more settled down
wo wo...congrats again augustmum & beanie!!.. & welcom cookiedough!!

I think your bills are really cheap..compared to mine (was explained about the bill when doing the pre-adminstration)..i think mine will come up about $2K +.

1) Package Price for 4 bedder : $1480
2) Professional Delivery Fee (i booked a doctor) : $1000
3) Paediatric Screening : $160
4) Newborn Hearing Screening : $30
5) Epidural - $450

Subtotal: $3120
Deduction from Medisave: $1050

Total: $2070. ($2173.50 aft GST).

TMC is considered private rite??..didn't expect to be so cheap....

Wonder who's next to pop??..can't wait to see the pictures of those cute little babies!!

even though i haven't pop yet..but i already can foresee myself crying when i see my boy..i think babies are miracle..and i'm sure all of us will feel proud of ourselves and our babies.

God bless us all!
Hi beanie,
Thanks for yr well wishes. I thk I'll cry too when I finally get to see my daugh...quite emotional abt such thgs...

Ya aimee, I agree..we must be ready at all times. Told my hubby tt once next wk comes, when I'm 37wks, likelihood of me poppg anytime is v high so he must make sure he's ready to leave office asap.

Scoobydoo, u did preregistratn already? So how do u go abt doin so? Just go hospital and ask admin staff? Maybe I shld do so when I see gynae this Fri for checkup.
hi Andriany,

It was explained to me on my last visit..i think it's because i'm due soon. A nurse will explain to us about the price and fill up the admission form for us then we'll bring it to the patient service counter to do the Preadmission, don't have to pay for deposit first. So when you are going to be in labour..just go to the A&E department then they will bring you to the labour ward.

As for other hospital..i don't really know what's the procedure like...
Thanks scoobydoo for explaing the procedure to me. I'll chk w gynae on Fri wat to do for ESH. Just don't want my hubby to be stuck hvg to do admin when I'm in labour...heh. Need all the support I can get!
Hmm wonder who'll pop next? So exciting!!!
Hi Beanie,

You gave birth a day before me. Wondered if we have actually met.

I had included the professional fees. Maybe, my gynae, Dr Lawerence Ang, is cheaper. I paid for 4-bedded although stayed in 2-bedded room due to my package. In additional, I did not use epidural. Think epidural costs an extra $200-$300.
My birth process was rather natural, with only stitching at the end of labour. If I'm not wrong, natural will be cheaper.

The rest of the mums,

Try walking more if you can. Think my daily walking routine works...Take care and relax...Enjoy the birth process...

As for breastfeeding, it can be rather discouraging on the first two days as baby may just want to sleep. Don't worry if baby doesn't eat much on the first two days as they have reserve. On the third day, your milk will come. Just ask the hospital nurse or lactation consultant for help. It also helps to convince you mother and mother-in-law the benefits of breastfeeding prior to giving birth. It helps to have supporting mother and mother-in-laws.Ask your friends whose breastfed to help or even visit you during your stay.

Take care, all mothers. Sleep more cos there will be sleep deprivation after birth.

August-to-July mum
hey..augustmum..thanks for your advice.
I do have daily walk..er but not really long...how long do you normally walk?..

Sleep deprivation...i can foresee that..but i think training our baby to have a sleeping routine will really help in the future.. I have some info about sleep training..can get it from http://www.babycenter.com or www.parents.com...

i'm getting rather impatient now..hope to get over it ASAP..want to see my baby ..i have friend asking me why my pregnancy so long...haha..

take care all mothers!!!
Hi Scoobydoo,

I took a daily walk to and fro the mrt station to my workplace. Think each trip is about 10 mins. In addition, as I am teacher, I'm constantly standing and walking.I seldom sit down when I'm in class.

Hee...don't be so anxious...now still July. Try talking to your baby to ask him to cooperate with you. Doc and nurses said my boy was very co-operative during birth.

Thanks for the info. on sleep. Now, we switched on air con at night and changed him into pyjamas to set the routine.

Hi the rest of mothers-to-be,

Think you may need to stock up on your maternity pads. I have exhausted about 7 packets (10 in each packet). Changed very frequently cos' cannot stand the wet feeling.Do check the size of the disposable panties. After birth, the maternity panties are too loose for me. Should have got normal ones.

When you go to the hospital, you may want to stock up on the nappy cream (Desitin with aloe). Highly recommened but ex. So far, have not seen neighbourhood shops selling it.

Remember to fill us in when you pop.

God bless.
Hi Scoobydoo,
The price breakdown that my doc gave me also something like that leh. Was still telling my husband how come people around us is like only paying a few hundred only...

Hm...anyone knows the procedure for MAH then? Dunno if it works the same for all hospital leh....

To think you are so kan cheong and wants him to pop quickly? Thought some of the mums who've given birth miss the feeling of bb inside them leh

Hi augustmum,
Sigh, seems like the bf process will be tougher for me. Apparantly no one i know has bf their bb....so i'll be the first to face the music

Thanks for sharing with us on the post natal care
prob later go walk walk and try to stock up on more pads

Are you using the maternity ones? No switch to the normal ones with ultra dry?

You take care and rest more ok!
Hi Augustmum and all mothers to be,

Daily walking actually did not help me and instead, resulted in leakage of my water bag and early labour. But this depends on individual as my placenta is pretty low and that's why my doctor actually advise me not to do too much walking as may result in early labour. I even got a scolding from my doctor when I went to see him on the faithful day when my water bag leaks.

Yah, I agree with Augustmum, got to stock up more maternity pad. Augustmum, are you still having the discharge? I am still having and wonder if is normal.

My girl was hospitalised bcos of jaundice and was discharged yesterday. Got to go back for review this Saturday. BTW, who is your bb's pd, Augustmum?

Care to share your professional fee? Mine is $980 + GST (Natural + Epidural + Assisted Vacuum Delivery)

Ok, got to go. Is feeding time again. You ladies take care.
Hi gals!

Been resting these few weeks, i cant seem to walk around much now, even 10 mins walk makes me pant like mad! Getting heavier and heavier, so afraid that i wld topple and fall. Do u gals have similar feelings too?

Wld like to update u all abt my latest visit to gynae. Bb's weight is now 3.1kg at 37.5wks. To me, that's real heavy! Coz of my pain, gynae proposed about induced labour next week. But he said must check my cervix to see whether it's ripe for the labour or not. I'm in a loss, as most of the people around me who went for induced labour, actually ended up in c-section. But if i do not go for induction, then i will have to suffer the pain everyday n loss of sleep for until maybe mid-Aug! So, right now, i'm still praying for directions.

Agreed with what Augustmum has said, that we should bought the normal disposable panties instead of the maternity ones. Too bad now, i actually bought quite a few packs.... maybe gonna top up the normal ones this weekend.

Cookiedough, wow u still have the energy to walk around and go hi-tea! Envy u coz now the furthest i go is usually the circumference of my house. Cant tahan anymore. Ur edd is the same as mine. So do u experience any contractions lately? And how's ur bb?

Beanie, why is ur bill so cheap? What type of package was it? How many bedded one? I am quite concerned now abt the cost, as all of a sudden, seems like everyone's bill differ quite much to an extent, on extreme end in fact!

I've a colleague who delivered at MAH, costing $5k+ for stay of 5 days. After deduction by medisave, she topped up cash of $3k+. So i tot that it's roughly $1k per day. Gals, do u all have any idea? And how much does ur gynae charge u for delivery?

Okie, hoping to see photos of ur darling bbs!
Hi Leibit,

Dun be mistaken, that is just the fee charge by my gynae, excluding the hospital charges. All in total, I paid about $1.7K (hospital charges, professional fess & baby's charges).

I think Augustmum's bill is cheaper as I had epidural, assisted vacuum and stayed one more day in the labour ward for observation (water bag leaked) before my delivery.

Hope the above info helps to clear your doubts.
hi guys..

I didn't buy the maternity pad leh..i tot it will be very uncomfortable..so thick..i'm used to using wisper ultra-thin..so i bought the extra long for heavy flow...cos after comparison..the length of the maternity pad (kotex) is the same as the extra-long (wisper)..and kotex doesn't have wings.
Thanks for the advice for the disposable panties..heng..i bought both.

why issit that those induced labour will end up c-section??..i don't want that leh..cos doc say if i'm not delivered by 39th week..he'll need to induce me. (so sad...)

take care all mums!!
Hey beanie,

My boy had no jaundice when we were in hospital. However, noticed that his eye white is rather yellowish. Taking him to see the pediatrician tomorrow.Hope he does not have to be hospitalised.The one assigned to me is Dr Terence Tan who is based in Mt Avernia. Too far for me. Going to see one who is operating in Yishun (highly recommended by hubby's colleague)
Hi Augustmum, my gynae also assigned Dr Terence Tan as Pd. Read from somewhere in other thread that he's quite a nice and friendly fella. U r currently bf right? Most prob ur bb's jaundice is due to that. Dun worry, ur bb will be fine. (Remember the power oof Breastmilk!)

Scoobydoo, induced labour often ends up in c-section due to cervix not ripe enough, thus not able to dilate for bb to come out. Bb gets distressed as a result so need c-section. My gynae said that b4 induction, he wld try to do a cervix ripening test for me first to see how. But he didnt tell me that once he did that, will i have to be induced no matter what. Will only know next week when i see him, update u then :> When's ur edd?

Beanie, thx for the enlightenment! So how many days in total did u stay in hospi?
Hi Leibit,

Met him twice. He is indeed a very friendly man. You will feel at ease with him.Would like have him as pd but distance is really a problem.

Aiyo, taking boy boy out for the first time tomorrow. Hope he doesn't get hungry. Shy shy about having to bf him outside. Not really an expert in covering up nicely.
Hi Augustmum,

My PD is Dr E K Ong. Ya, sometimes bb janudice is due to bf. Me also stop bf for two days and bb now is fine. Got to wait until Saturday and see what her doctor say.

How is the charges for the PD at Yishun? TMC is also a bit far for me. Yishun is so much nearer as I stay in Woodlands.


I stayed 3 nights in the hospital.
Hi all!
Thanks for the welcome to the group.
I just visited gynae today and was told that baby's head is lying low already... i think she's engaged liao. Yup Aimee, she's a princess. Gynae said my placenta's a little low though... but with a vaginal check, gynae could feel her head (and not placental tissue). I was kinda freaked out, like "Har, you actually can feel her head already?!".

Anyway, Leibit, my babe's lighter than yours... she's about 2.8kg.
She's still actively moving around in the tummy... think i'll miss this feeling when she's out of the womb. I can still "gai gai" around quite a bit, though i do get tired more easily than last time. With my 2 horrendously swollen feet, shopping isn't that fun anymore...
And I pant easily when I've to talk a lot!

Btw Augustmum, I'm a teacher too! I wonder if all that screaming I do in class at the kids will affect my baby's personality.

I was at KKH's Mothercare today and got myself the black Avent travel bag that comes with the Isis breast pump, 2 cooling packs, 4 bottles, teats, breast pads, etc. at $107... price reduced from $119. Wonder if this is a real bargain?
Hey ladies,

My gynae oso recomended Dr. Terrance Tan as my boy PD. Well well...I m still waiting for my boy arrival. Now I m so huge, dunno when then he decide to see his daddy & mummy.

Received the mailing fm Mothercare. They will be having sale starting fm 5 Aug 04. I doubt I can make it for the sale.
hi all..

leibit..thanks for your info.
Went for checkup yesterday..doc did a cervix check for me..super painful ..(can't imagine the actual birth)..not even 1cm dilated..doc say must really walk more..just like augustmum..i think the standing and walking really help in the labour.
doc already scheduled me to induce if i didn't give birth by next week..10th to be admitted..he say to inject me so that cervix will open up..then on 11th will break my water to start my labour. so i guess..if nature doesn't take it's cause..i'll see my baby on 11th (well that's 1 day before my EDD..)
but yesterday..i think i got show liao..notice a bit of dark red mucus in my urine..(is that consider show??)..my friend who's given birth told me to wait for contraction or water break..hopefully it's the latter.
Well..God's time is the best time lah...

Take CAre!
Scoobydoo, why did ur gynae want to induce u since u r still about 1wk+ to ur due? If not for my pain, my gynae wld want me to continue to wait. Another prob abt induced labour is that it takes more time, and seems that we wld take longer time to recover. That's what i heard from people with induced labour.
I read that mucus plug could be dislodged up to around 2 wks b4 labour. U have to keep track of this, the amount, as well as the other signs of labour. Agree with u that hopefully it's water bag breaking, not contractions that send us to labour ward

Valencia, same as u, i've been wondering when bb's wanna out to see us. He has been poking n punching me everyday without fail. I find that my bb hardly sleeps, coz he's constantly on the move. His resting period is usu 2hrs the most in 24hrs period.
Sigh, wondering if this pattern will continue when he's out. How abt ur bb's pattern?

Cookiedough, it's so difficult with swollen feet leh! I've bought 2 new pairs of shoes earlier this month due to the horrible swelling, but now within weeks, i cant fit into them snuggly anymore! So sad, no fitting shoes, no walking around.
I dreaded the walk coz the weight is simply too heavy, esp when the lower abdomen seems to droop heavily towards the ground. True, loh, will miss the feeling of bb's touch in the womb after birth.
Even though bb's movements hurt me so much :p

So both Augustmum n Cookiedough r teachers :> Me too! I often commented to my colleagues that the first song our bbs know will be Majulah Singapura, and the first words they learn will be from our daily national pledge, hahaha!
thx for the info. I think ur hospi bill is quite reasonable. At least now, i can put my mind at ease. How many bedded-room did u opt for?

yah..usu it's the distance that puts people off. Travel so far with bb just to see pd, quite waste of time and energy. So definitely have to choose our pd carefully, must go through selection :p

Leibit..doc wants to induced me cos i'm having gestational diabetes..doc say can't go beyond due date. I think he scared the baby too big to deliver..but actually my baby's size is ideal...

wa..so many teachers in our group..
Hi leibit and Scoobydoo,

Hee hee...so many teachers...;P I teaches in a primary school in the west, how about the rest?

During my pregnancy, I always look at the cuter and smarter boys...hoping that boy boy will turn out to be just as adorable.

if you think you have 'show', go see your gynae...no harm right?

Hi beanie,

The pd is at Blk 417 Yishun Ave 11. The clinic is 'Ooi Baby' which is operated by a husband and wife team. Found the wife, Dr Foo, very understanding and assuring. Boy Boy went to see her for jaundice today. Paid $45. How much did you pay for your child's consultation for jaundice.

Boy Boy was kept off breast milk for two days too. No need for phototherapy as she thinks my boy boy is big and alert. Tomorrow, must take him for blood test @ Yishun Polyclinic. He has his blood taken today. Tomorrow, must take again (heart pain)

Didn't carry him after the pd visit cos' everytime when I go near him, boy boy will start moving his lips, looking for milk. End up, hubby and MIL became the ones feeding him Formula.

Hee... though most babies will lose 10% of their birth weight, boy boy who is 8 days old actually put on weight. On the day of discharge, he is 2.7Kg, now he is 3.2kg. Think bf helps.

btw, my gynae said we could take our baby to polyclinic for injections cos' cheaper and some jabs are free. Shall find out more.
Hi ladies,
Hope everyone's doing great! Went to see gynae yest and bb's not yet engaged. I'm currently in end of 36th week....wonderg when bbs usually get engaged. My sis's 2nd kid is already engaged n her boy is due a wk after my princess....so worried nw. Does it mean tt bb's gonna be late?
Hi Leibit,

I stayed in a 4-bedded ward.

Hi Augustmum,

The first visit to my PD, his consultation was $60 + 5% GST. My bb went for a blood test and got the result half an hour later and was told she got to be admitted, 19.9 was her jaundice level. 2 days later, she was dscharged, jaundice level 8.9. Today went for her jaundice review, and her PD charges 30 + 5% GST. Me also dun no why the difference. But anyway, I find $30 + 5% GST very reasonable. And furthermore, he is very attentive. So most likely will continue to use him.

For her immunisation, I am also thinking about going to the poly clinic. Will do some checking and let's inform each other if we have any findings.

My girl also put on weight. She was 2.755kg when discharge and today, she weigh 2.99kg. Me also very happy on her weight gain.

I started to bf her again today. In the meantime, to ensure you will have consistent supply of bf, you must express your milk this 2 days and either you store them properly or discard. For my case, I discard my supply and gave her fresh bf today.

Btw, what formula milk are you feeding your boy boy? I supplemented her with Frisolac for the past two days.
Hi beanie,

I'm using Frisolac too. However, baby and I seems to be suffering from withdrawal symptoms of breastfeeding. He cried whenever I carried him. So fed up and offered him my breast and peace resumed immediately.

Boy Boy's jaundice was about 15 yesterday and 14+ today. Pd wants me to continue with formula till Wednesday but really cannot tahan not able to breastfeed him. Do you know what is considered a high or 'dangerous' juandice level?

I think your charges are quite ok too. You have everything under one roof. For me, we have to go polyclinic for blood test and return to clinic for diagnosis. If phototherapy is needed, must go back to TMC. Think about it, also very troublesome.

Glad your baby's juandice has gone down so fast. I hope mine will too.

Take care.
Augustmum, me teaching in a primary sch in the northwest part of S'pore. Going for my maternity leave after National Day. Really looking fwd to it! I suspect the 3 of us (Leibit, Augustmum and me) conceived soon after the sch hols started last year, right? Heehee.

Btw, anyone here getting any Malay massage lady after delivery? I wonder if it's really important...
Hi Augustmum,

According to what my PD told me, anything above 15 got to be admitted and above 20 got to go for phototherapy. For my girl, her level was 19.9 and therefore, she was admitted and given phototherapy. My PD passed me some info on jaundice and I find it really helpful. Maybe you can try to ask your doctor for some info too. Let me know if I can help. BTW, where are you staying? Me staying in Woodlands.

If so troublesome, why dun you consider going to a PD in TMC? Save all the running around. Just my suggestion only.

Try to abstain from BF, I think it really helps. Me back to bf yesterday and so far my girl is sucking well. Since your doctor advised you to stop bf till Wed, is wise for you to follow. When I got my girl's blood test result at 19.9, I cried immediately and even my PD and my obstetrician got to pacify me and asked me not to worry. I know is common among new born especially early baby, but is just the feeling of missing her, putting her in the hospital for two days. Can't help to feel guilty. So, to ensure you dun have to go thru what I went thru, is best to follow what your doctor advised you. Another thing, bring her under the sun every morning. My girl just finish her "sun-bathing" and now resting. Going to bathe her after she cools down. My MIL also bought something from the medical hall to bathe my girl. Is believe to help bring down her jaundice level. Maybe you can give it a try too.

Dun worry too much. Just follow what your doctor said and I am sure your Boy Boy will be fine. You take care too and god bless.

Did you engage any Malay massage lady? I got one and had 2 sessions with her. I find her pretty good.

Cookiedough, Malay massage lady will help to firm up flabby flesh and at the same time "eliminates the wind" in your body. Personally, I find that is quite important. I had 2 sessions and finds it effective.

Hi Beanie,

So assuring to read your message. I shared the same sentiments as you did. Felt very guilty as if I'm the cause of it. Missed him so much when I couldn't feed him. Took my boy for 'sun-bathing' too. Got to take him downstair cos my house is too shady in the morning.For how long did you sunbathe her? When you are on formula, what's the duration of each feed? Lost track cos too used to breastfeeding him on demand.

Ya, I think I will follow your advice. I will feed him from my breasts only once a day just to comfort him. For the past two days, he cried so much.

Can I have the contact of the massage lady? Got to lose fat in some places. Maternity dresses are too big for me now. However, my old pants are too tight. My bottom in quite big now (sob sob). After confinement must go shopping to buy new clothes lor.

Hi Cookiedough,

I suspected too
You teach in a primary school in northwest? Which cluster? Mine is somewhere northwest too? W2 cluster if I'm not wrong. Maybe we even know each other;P
