(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

pigletz, not sure if this phase will end soon or not. Also not sure if my back still can tahan till Vane pass this phase. Sigh.... My place too small to open house and I'm sure no one will want to come all the way to Jurong area.

brenda, I brought her to a bday party on sat. She was scared of those trumpet sounds that the other kids made so insisted that I carried her. Yday, we went Orchard for shopping. She was so tired that she wanted me to carry her to sleep. Sigh... Oh... there's a Ma Ling B2? Think I'm talking abt Ma Ling leh. Sori, wrong no.
I dun wanna start Chen Chen on canned food yet. I give him fresh food but I saw recipe using canned food. Canned food is high in salt leh.
My mum gives Chen Chen oats wif a little bit of milo, xiao man tou or ji dang gao, oki biscuits when Chen Chen is sick of bread n cheese
Thx for the update on Nat n Maxene. She sms u? Gd dat she had a fast delivery tis time. How long wz her labor?

May the virus in your hse b washed by the rain
Did YH eat his advance b'dy cake?

When Chen Chen recovers completely I will bring him to swim to build up his immunity
Chen Chen doesn't wanna b in stroller when he goes out wif me n/or my hubby. Wif my parents, he sit in the stroller only when they push the stroller. We either hand carry him or let him walk. Guess Vane is @ the stage where she wanna b carried agn. V siong she is so heavy

Talk abt CNY reunion meal, I v worried dunno wat oily, salty unhealthy food my MIL is gonna ASKED me or someone else to feed Chen Chen. My bro said the cowboy brand luncheon nice. Once there wz promotion, can't remember wat brand, not so oily

Thx for the link
Extract fm the link
<font color="ff0000">Eucalyptus oil should not be used by infants and children under the age of two, especially near the face and nose, due to the risk of airway spasm and possible cessation of breathing</font>

Wat dried fruit do u give Ash?
hahahhaha... i also think Jurong no one keen so never offer to open hse. But when i do, u must come okay!

oh... u din bring pram when shopping arh? then carry her while she sleep thruout?? u really super strong leh! I can't carry jem for more than 15mins now.

Yah, there's Ma Ling B2.. different from the ones we ate when young. This one is less greasy n less salty
will end soon one lah. Must keep on talking to them.

Actually, sometimes i rather carry Gareth then letting him run abt. haha, running is very dangerous. hahaha
But my family dun own one. Instead, married someone who does. Hehe...

Imagine he is a non stroller bb, nv sit in stroller when he still cant walk and when he can walk, still dunwan to walk??!!! Headache man~ Maybe when he can walk he decide to sit in the stroller. Hehe...
Shook, very siong for me to carry the haversack and carry her at the same time. So thinking of getting the bb carrier lor. But too ex so not sure if it's worth the money or not.

brenda, ya I'm sure both QSG and I will turn up since we stay so near to you. You also feel that the mummies here wont keen to come to Jurong? Heehee... wise men think alike. Didnt bring pram out yday cos hubby forgot abt it. No lah, I cant tahan carry her for too long. My hubby, cousin and myself took turns lor. Ok, must look for Ma Ling B2 now.

pigletz, true lah, if they run about, you still got to chase after them hor?

Val, it's my ambition to own a coffee shop leh. But it's getting so ex to do biz nowadays. So your in-laws coffee shop make money or not? Hahaha.... he wont want to sit in stroller since he never sit in it before.
I don't really want to spend so much on a carrier. I already have a 3 way infant and child carrier for up to 10 kg. So the ergo would be extra because it can function for infants too. All I need now is a hip carrier when I bring Sarah out on the bus or walking nearby, esp when it rains.... can't use umbrella and stroller at the same time. She walks too slowly for me. Sometimes I have no patience. I think these hip carriers can take up to about 40 lbs (18 kg).
When they can walk leh..they will want to run NOT sit in stroller..now have to really chase after Ryan..must put him back on doggie leash liao.. can run as far as 3 cars in a few minutes.. haiz.. lucky still able to catch up with him.
wahahah Shook,
i'm trying to tell myself to close one eye for CNY already... very kiasu hor!

YES! RUnning is very dangerous!

wahahha... think when randall can walk very zai, he'll run happily then decide he's tired n wan u to carry!!

yeah... i can vouch too that when they run about, its just as tiring..hahahahha.

Val, Giggler:
when both of u hv ur own coffee shop, i go n support u gals k! My money easy to earn one! Kopi-O Kosong!!
Yeah me still home... later I check email.
Hope u all are fine.

It's super hot at home, gotta switch on aircon for my nap.

Distracting yes, but the adult needs lotsa patience (hb more patient than I), stimes I close one eye and leave it to hb cos if it's me, I would have scolded him.
Nowadays everything to jesse is 'Mine!', even the shower spray, until I scolded him and he diam diam... hb says he read from bb center that they are coming to realise they have an identity of their own now so they can exert their emotions.

Vane refuses to walk?

Got Ma Ling B2? Me also hear of it the first time.
Just had the normal Ma Ling one few nites ago.

I always have this phobia of toddlers kena choked esp by fishballs so I dun usu give to jesse.

<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">Congrats!</font></font>
Ma Ling B2 is less salty and fatty than the regular Ma Ling. You can see a "B2" on the side of the can.

OK all mummies. Me logging off for the day. Have a nice evening all.
If u carry haversack n Vane oso heavy leh. $168 v x n dunno how long will it last. Does Vane like 2 b in carrier?
So sad, Chen Chen is having running nose n cough AGAIN. Dunno wat happened. He recovered yes'dy. V depressed.....

U not ks lar, it is human nature
I go Jurong if u host bb gathering provided Chen CHen no class on dat day

Pvl, Brenda, Pigletz
Wat is the color of the Ma Ling B2?
ma ling... my bro loves it. me is halal chinese so dun noe how it taste like..

organic dried apricot n raisins. organic almond nut grind into powder, once a while (wori heaty) i let him eat tis w cereal.

at hm oso 'run' ard loh. easily bored n somtx i brg him to void deck n let him run. now he is into marching af watching ss vcd.

i hope ash wld love to walk n run then altho i v busy n chuan chasing af him. i cant cari him 4 long, he is 2 heavy 4 me.
i try to use d hip carrier but find it not easy to use, v streneous 4 d waist n back unless i m bigger in size like d european??
halo mummies,
brought ash to east coast on sat. he enjoyed himself v much. but he wanted 2 jump into d sea, we brg him away as wave quite strong n he cried badly. he had a gd tx chasing af dogs. almost all dogs, big n small, were scared of him cos he will touch their eyes, nose, mouth, ears.. d owners said he is v bold but so cute. he saw a big golden retriever panting w tongue sticking out. he wanted to pull its tongue n put his hand into d dog mouth. we quickly stop him jus in case d dog 'swallow' up his entire hand!
giggler, brenda
maid is ok so far...hubby says still new so she definitely more on mah. one gd thing is that her english is gd so communications is ok, can also write down instructions for her. but i not used to having her around leh ...i hate wearing bra at home

haha ...same as shook ...ur blood gp lecture reminds me of my biology lessons in school!
and reminds me of my wonderful bio teacher.

stylobb, absolut
same sentiments here, after having maid for only a few days, i'm starting to get jealous as Jana starts to accept the maid. I'm usually the one who read to her in the car but on Sunday, she actually wanted to pass her book to the maid and ask the maid to read to her ... my heart got the suan1 liu1 liu1 feeling! so far we've only ask her to help with household stuff..cant imagine when baby comes along and she starts helping to take care of Jana! really wish we could do without one

take care! and hope YH recovers soon.
Giggler, Brenda, Shook, Stylobb, Viv,
Thanks for ur concern. I also hope tt my family will recover soon .... esp my fahter, he likes to get close to YH so much and yet his cough is really bad, i m really very scared tt he will pass the cough virus to YH, and he is so "unautomatic" ... sigh ....

Tell Ash aunty deer really pei fu him! Me very scared of dogs, even up till now, dont think i will ever imagine touching a dog's tongue! OMG!

As promised, the above r the recent photos of YH. And his bday presents fr my father and PIL. Guess what? I didnt take a close up photo on YH's bday cake .... didnt sing bday song also, dunno why so forgetful ....
Chen Chen likes the sea. But he doesn't run into the sea or cry when we carry him away.
Ash v hiong, touches the animal n put his hand into the dog's mouth. Muz keep your eyes on him all the time when he is wif animals

Your maid plays wif Jana during day time is it?

YH is so BIG!. He looks like the tod in tis thread.
His b'dy tis Fri mah. Get him another b'dy cake, sing b'dy song n snap the b'dy cake

R u there? It's been a mth since your last posted. How r u?

Nat had a short n easy labor tis time. 6am labor @ home, 8am checked in 11:54 delivered. No induction n episiotomy. Maxene in ICU for observation n blood sugar tests. Poor Nat feels dizzy n giddy after birth. She puke since delivery till 4pm. Din take food till 6pm.
Maxene is 2.9kg 47cm

YH looks 100% like your hubby!!! And he is so tall!!!

I just looked through RY's birthday photos, he is still very small size and very babyish!


Congrats!!! U really hv a fast delivery! Hope to see Maxene's photos soon

Yeah, will buy him another cake this Friday. Will definitely blow candle with him this round hahaha ....

I was waiting for ur call yesterday, wanted to chat with u abt our little boys ;) Did u get my office nos. right? Or u r bz with work? I want to see RY's photos leh, can post here or email to me? So what r u going to do with RY's actual day?? Hb is out stationed, most likely i will spend YH's bday with my parents, and celebrate with my family at nite. Hvnt decided what to do yet, maybe go out somewhere, but must also see whether my father has fully recovered by then.

Agree with u, YH looks 100% like hb. I brought YH to AMK polyclinic for his 12 mth old chk up last Sat, took a cab there, and tt's the exact comment of the cab driver. MIL consoled me by saying my no.2 will look like me if its a girl ...... but hor, after fighting virus for 2 weeks with YH, i almost lost all courage to hv no.2 .... its so tough taking care of 1 baby, how to cope with 2?
Ash likes the sand and sea? Ally seems like a true blue city girl. Didn't want to walk in the sand after feeling the texture and was scared of the waves. Sigh! To think we live so near to the beach.

Anyway my older niece (3 yrs) just got a pair of crocs and Ally liked it so much, she kept wearing it to walk around. Grandma just bought her a pair even though it's still quite big for her so gonna let her try wearing it to the beach and see if it increases her interest to walk in the sand.

How come poo in the fluid, means must go ICU? Did she get some infection? Poor Maxene.

Chen chen got sick again? Oh dear... is he on antibiotics? It's been so long. Guess what... think I also just got the cold bug. Nose started getting blocked and leaky after I reached home last nite. Now my whole family down with the cold. Worst of all, kanna caught in the rain this morning... let's hope it doesn't get worse or else I'm really gonna go to the doc and insist on 2 days mc. hee hee!

Know what you're referring to but seldom ate it in JC. Had more than enough good selection.

My goodness... all these talk abt the unhealthy luncheon meat. Thankfully I just ate it a few days ago so didn't start craving for it even though I keep reading abt it in this thread. haha!

Totally understand how you feel. Also had to wear bra at home but recently gave up already when I wear my baggy t esp when I wash up for the nite. Guess we just have to think positively and be thankful that our maids are good with our kids. We'll have more headache if the maid isn't able to get along with our kids or be their playmate when we're not available.

U enjoying your rest?? U dun go over to your mom's in the day? The prob is if I get mc, I'll leave Ally at home with me so won't get as much rest but can't bear to leave her elsewhere leh. But maybe if really get mc these few days, may consider that so I can really get proper rest.

YH looks quite different now... all grown up and looks like a tod more than a little bb already. Our little ones are growing up so fast... sometimes I wish they would slow down a little.
PVL, can you let me know if you managed to find one in Sing? I'd like to try it out. Thanks.

brenda, wow so fast you think abt CNY liao? I think we got to put on running shoes nowadays liao. If not, how to run with them in heels??? Ok, I've alr noted down that you'll come to support me if I open coffee shop. Heehee....

styloBB, hahaha... so qiao, I just went to Baby Center and read the article on discilpining toddlers. Guess I got to train to have more patience. But I got lots of relatives and friends telling me that I've spoilt Vane. Sigh.... It's really diff to strike a balance.

shook, Vane doesnt mind to be in carrier cos she's used to sling. But $168 is kind of ex hor? Think it'll be more worthwhile if I've No. 2 lah. Aiyo, Chen Chen has flu again? Dun get depressed.... think it's the weather lah. Cos even adults get sick easily recently. Hope Maxene can get out of ICU asap.

sanrio, Vane is too heavy for me too. Even my hubby cant tahan to carry her for long. You got the hip carrier? So you find it not suitable for you? Think it wont be suitable for me too. Ash is also another brave boi, dare to play with dogs.

Viv, you'll get used to it. Initially, we feel weird to have the maid ard too. Now we treat her like friend lah. My sil was complaining to my mom that I gave her too many things for a start.

deer, YH doesnt look like 1yo leh. He looks like toddler liao.
And you cant tell your dad off too rite?

absolut, your family also down with cold? Think the virus bug is in full swing now. You just take mc to rest at home lah.
I think having more patience is very important. I find that I'm starting to lose patience on Gareth. Which I think I better do something on it. *sigh*
I scrolled up and read QSG's msg, Nat delivered yesterday. Hope all is well for Maxene and she will be discharged fr ICU soon.

Hope Chen Chen and ur family will recover fr the flu soon.

U got flu and still go to work? Go and see doc and stay at home lah. U tummy big big, the doc sure give u 2 days MC ;)

Agree with u, our bb is growing up so fast .... but i m looking forward to the day he can play on his own more and give me a breather. Stylobb keep telling me tt when they r bigger, they will be more independent, and tt's what keep me going .....

Mind telling me what FM r u giving ur little ones? I hv just started YH on Gain IQ, coz got free sample and $3 voucher. but yesterday when i was at NTUC using the $3 voucher to buy FM, i saw Friso 3 is more than $5 cheaper than Gain IQ .... wonder whether i shld continue with Gain IQ?? Any comments?

My mum just bought Nestle cereal and mixed it with YH's FM. Initially i thot she only meant to do it at nite for the last feed, so tt YH will hv a fuller stomach b4 he sleeps, but it seems like she is doing it at every feed. 1 scoop of cereal + 90ml of FM, which make up 200ml. U think its ok? I wonder whether taking 200ml of FM will be much better than mixing at every feed??
Think u know what i mean abt my dad .... sigh .... i was actually very pissed off with him. He was hving sore throat 2 wks ago, but he didnt tell us, still carried and kissed YH .... later i found out he was taking lozengers, asked him whether he was ok, he said nothing wrong with him .... then i was down with flu and sore throat, and on the same day, YH and my sis were down with flu .... then 1 by 1, my mum and hb were sick .... until now all of us still not fully recovered yet, esp my dad, his cough is quite bad now, but still wanted to be close to YH, argh!

YH looks big, but he hasnt even crusied yet! He is trying to stand on his own now. Hvnt called papa and mummy yet, even though we heard him once or twice. Still very much a bb.

U looking for a carrier now? Do u hv a close friend who has one? Maybe u can borrow and try out first?? Think carrier is not easy to carry also, dont spend too much on one and eneded up not using it.
I mixed one scoop of rice cereal into Gareth milk for every meal now. We have being doing that since he's 6 mth old.

Not sure which one is better, but he is taking it very well.

As for which FM is good, my suggestion is, if he's happy and can finish the FM, just continue. There are so many brands, difficult to say which one is better.
tummy big big also dun get offered seat in the MRT. Actually I rarely get 2 days MC unless I ask. Maybe look too healthy and strong already. haha! Sometimes 1 day mc also must ask for it leh. Feel a bit bad taking mc tis week coz teammate on reservist and if i go on mc, boss will be all alone. She's quite new to the divsion.

Ally is on Friso 3 gold. Dunno if there's really a difference between gold or not but only a few bucks difference, I buy the gold one. No probs with it so far and she loves her milk. My friends who have younger babes just switched to Friso 2 as well coz their babes seem to like it better and their constipation improved compared to when they were on similac. If you wanna try, can ask Friso to send you a sample and see if YH likes it first.

YH is taking solids well? If he is, dun think there is a need to mix cereal with FM. In fact, milk should play less importance now that our babes are on solids. Maybe she feels that YH gets hungry after feeding just FM alone? If it were me, then I would rather feed him snacks etc in between or give him a bigger portion of solids to fill him up. Just my 2 cents worth hor.
I had that phobia of bb choke by fishballs too. That's y till now never dare to feed.

wanna tell u last nite 'ran' to NTUC again...hahaha, n bought the Ma Ling B2 luncheon meat!! but only got the small can one.

The color n design is almost the same as ole Ma Ling, just lighter tones n there's a B2 logo on it.

hahahhaha... ur ash reminds me of Jem on Sunday!! We went to the goat farm n he happily grab hold of their horns n shake.. in the end, kenna get clamped down in the pram while the dad n mum happily play n feed the goats.. think the dad worry more for the goats leh..hahhaha

can go braless lah... soon she'll be seeing more during ur confinement.

YH looks very diff hor! Our small boy grow up liao! n, erm... dun punch me hor, he actually looks much more handsome now compare to younger days!!
Deer, glad to hear from you again. I started Dana on Gain IQ also bec of the free sample but stopped many months back bec too expensive. Other brands are at least $5 cheaper and not big difference in ingredients. If YH likes it and you dun mind the cost, can carry on if not switch to others since there are so many around.

Viv/absoulte and Giggler, know nothing much about maids. What type of food does the maid take for their meals ? Do they eat after you are done or eat at same table at the same time?
Pigletz, Absolut,
Thanks for answering my qn on FM and cereal. Actually the main reason for asking the brand of FM is becoz of cost. Gain IQ is much more exp, the diff in price can kill if YH increase his milk intake later. Actually i sent in a request for Friso not too long ago, but they didnt contact me. I will see how ....

Actually i dont really know whether YH is taking solid well, coz i hv a hard hard time feeding him during wkends, but my mum keep telling me tt YH is eating well, she even give him porridge twice a day! I trust my mum on what she says, but it just work differently for me, YH always kick up a big fuss when i feed him porridge, always ended up either hb or me finished the porridge ..... my mum said YH bullies me .... i sound like a lousy mummy who doesnt know how to handle a child ..... but hor, YH likes to eat fr my plate very much, whenever i take dinner, he will want smthg fr my plate, so i let him eat fish, vege and a few grains of rice ..... does it sound like i m spoiling YH??? I tried to discipline him when he doesnt take porridge but doesnt seem to work .....

U poor thing, u dun get a seat on the MRT? U must know who to stand in front with ur tummy. during my preggie days, usually it was the young man and old folks who gave their seats to me. Very pai seh to take the seat fr old folks and usually i will decline their offer, so try to stand in front of a decent looking young man, most likely u will get a seat
Hmmm .... i m not trying to be racist, but no point standing in front of Malays, whether young or old, man or woman, they wont give u their seats.

Aiyo, i m sure the doc will give u an MC, coz the flu virus is very strong this round. And with ur big tummy, u need the rest to recover fast fast. Go and see a doc now.
I see. Where do you usually buy your FM? I usually got it from NTUC, but recently found a shop selling at $2.90 cheaper then NTUC. haha, so now die die also go there to buy.

I think YH is bullying you also. Gareth never finish his porridge if the daddy feed him, and recently, he try to be funny when I feed him too. But he finish everything when my auntie feed him.

But I just let him be cos I only cook porridge for him during weekends. hehe
Deer, don't worry, I face the same problem. When I try to feed tyra myself, she will have LOTS of nonsense! Takes soooo long to finish... so now, feeding is not my "duty" liao! YIPPEEE!
the maid eat watever we eat and i think my mum/dad fuss over the maid a little too much, v scared she'll climb over our head! they worry the maid eat too late, too hungry so the maid to eat at the same table at her house. if we eat first then before we start eating, take the veg/meat out for the maid first, dun give her the leftover. at my place, when we ask her to eat, she choose to eat in the kitchen, hubby say let her be.

i told the maid must wear bra at all times mah ...so i also wear lor. EEE!!!...dun think i'll want her to see
anything during my confinement! this time round cannot bf n express in the hall already ...so ma fan!!

Jana is taking both Gain IQ and Friso, we mix the 2 FM. We gave her Friso after finding that Gain IQ gave her hard stools. But i find friso too sweet and worried that Jana will develop sweet tooth so we mix the 2 together.

take care!!! i had flu for 2 whole weeks before i was fully recovered! gynae says its like dat during pregnancy, i saw her on a thursday, she gave me 2 days mc, for thurs n fri and told me to lie down rest n sleep even thru out the weekends, she says this is the only way to recover.

hmm...yes...i will hv to see it from a diff perspective n be more positive ...tks for the reminder. yes! i cant wait for nite time when i wash up n stay in the bedrm! strip off my bra the min i step into my bedrm

so far the maid hasn't interact much with Jana ..ermm..i quite unwilling to let her start interacting with Jana ...i really v scared of "losing" Jana to the maid leh! anyway, she's busy with household stuff for the past few days cos we trying to train her on how to do the housework.
Viv, you meant the maid ever din wear bra before ah? Think maybe the maids are trained to eat in the kitchen and not with the family?Your maid is filippino right?
no lar! but i scared she hv same habit as me
so i make it a point to tell her upfront first during the briefing at the agency.
Hi Mummies
Woke up late this morning cos was super tired.

Yeah at least ur maid sounds rather efficient. No choice, so no one is ard to supervise her when u guys work? If she is alone with jana, then u gotta let her interact with jana what, or else how???

U are BACK here!! Hehe...
YH has long eyebrows, eyes and a wide smile!!!

Re FM, jesse takes Gain IQ all this while, since he has no problem, I dun wanna switch lor. Ever tried Friso but find it too sweet and it tends to make jesse poo too often. He does his biz once a day usually. He drinks 240ml morning, and at nite can drink 300-330ml..

Re porridge, u still have problem with this huh? Btw did u try adding a bit of pork floss into the porridge?

Cud it be that chen2 has sensitive nose???

I dun go over to mother's cos my place is more comfy and I can do what I want here. Plus I need to rest, actually never went over, even last time when I was preggie and hb was outstation, I still stayed at my own place.
That was once I was supposed to fly to KL next day and hb was on resvc or sth and I went to sleep at her place, guess what? I could not sleep at all!! so felt so strange...

Hope u and Maxene are doing fine.
Maybe your mom's porridge more tasty? Kids at this age can be quite fussy with food. Started Ally on rice with dishes and soup at around 8- 9 months coz she got sick of porridge. If we eat at home, she eats the same food as us. When we're outside, usu prepare food for her but will let her eat off our plates too. But maybe you should start that slowly coz YH just turned 1 right?

There is a likelihood that YH bullies you or isn't used to the way you feed since your mom feeds him most of the time. Sometimes Ally does get more difficult with me then with my maid for feeding. She'll also insist on self-feeding more often when she's with us than with maid.

Does he like cereals then? maybe you'll have an easier time if you feed him something that he likes more.

My maid eats the same food as us. She eats with us on the same table in my and my mom's home. Either she can feed Ally and eat at the same time or if she's at my moms, hubby and me will eat first while she feeds Ally and I'll take over after that and she can eat with my bro and SIL etc coz they usu eat later. She eats in the back kitchen with my MIL's maid after we finish eating coz that's the practice that my MIL all the time.

When my maid first arrived, we also used to take food for her first before we start eating and give her quite a bit of food. If we eat together, will put a common scoop for dishes. After half a year, we give up already... just eat and make sure we leave enough for her etc. Too troublesome.

How come you tell your maid must wear bra all the time? She should know right? Never told my maid but so far so good lah. Sometimes she seems more well-dressed than me when she's at home. haha! At least her tee and shorts not the baggy loose loose type.
Auntie Brenda,
U no good lah, u said i m not handsome boo boo boo .....

Hb and i watched the Star War dvd on sunday, and hb told YH he looked like Yoda when he was born .... dunno whether YH understood what he said ....

The goat farm outing sounds interesting, where is it? Is it smelly huh?? sounds like Jem has a lot of fun there. U got recent photos of Jem anot? Last seen his photos when u were back fr HK, quite a while liao.

Thanks for the info on Gain IQ. Agree with u, in fact all FM in S'pore is very safe and nutritious, almost hving the same kind of ingredients, dun see why i must pay more. Which brand is Dana taking now?
Btw, hv u solved ur slippery bathrm problem? U r wearing slippers now or u put a non-slip mat in the bathrm?

Where did u get the FM which is $2.90 cheaper? Share share ur good lobang leh hehehe ...

Pigletz, Hazey,
Thanks for sharing the feeding porridge thingee, wish i cld do the same as both of u. Hard to ignore the fact tt he is not eating the porridge i cooked leh, i dun cook at all, i only cook his porridge, to me the chopping of pork, squashing of fish meat and cutting the vege is really a chore, i spent so much time and efforts and he eat until like tt, really gek sim

I wish i dun need to feed him also, just like Hazey, wash her hand off feeding, but i kena scolded by my mum, so die die must cook porridge and go thru the ordeal

U sure its ok to mix 2 diff FM together?? Actually i wont suggest it, coz diff FM has diff content in terms of ingredients .... if u mix, will it be too much of one ingredient and too little of others??? U wanna chk with Jana's PD to make sure its ok? I think Gain IQ might hv smthg to do with YH's hard stool after reading what u said. aiya, shld hv posted my qn earlier, then i wouldnt hv bought Gain IQ yesterday. Will let him finish this can and see how ....

Where r u? Still sleeping? the weather is sooooo nice/conducive for a nap, didnt feel like waking up this morn, but still hv to drag myself to work. Me going off soon, going on half day leave. U take care.
pigletz, sometimes I also at a loss if I really spoil Vane leh. But I think I rem Baby Center's words that I shd have a happy baby lah.

deer, I'm giving Vane Enfagrow. No special reason, just like the brand. Heehee... Think old folks are like that, my dad also. Sick but always self-medicate. Dun worry abt YH's devt, he'll walk and talk eventually. My cousin has one but she's using it too. I also scared Vane doesnt like it after I spend money on it lah. I also let Vane eat from my plate, now I'm trying to let her eat beside me.

brenda, wow Jem so violent to animals.

QSG, my maid usu eat after we eat in the kitchen. She doesnt dare to sit and eat with us though my dad asked her to do so. She eats what we eat except pork.

Viv, same lah...my parents also worry too much for the maid, esp my dad. They keep thinking that the maid is very poor thing to get such a meagre amt of salary and got to leave their home. My dad also insist that the maid eat with us at the same table but the maid doesnt dare to do so. Now, she eats in kitchen. Jana ok with the maid? Vane still doesnt really like the maid, that's why I dun have worry that Vane will prefer maid to me. Rather, I worry that the maid cant really help me to take care of Vane. Hahaha.........

styloBB, I cant really sleep at my parents' place too. But I still go over there cos dun want to trouble my parents to pick up my gal from my place if hubby not ard lah.
she din insist on going church becos we talked to her and brief her on all the do's and dont's at the agency, then we ask her if she's ok with everything or not, if she's ok then she come home with us.

i dun dare to take chances, we rather tell her in advance rather than assume she knows wat's rite/wrong. yalor! now i also wear ugly baggy lose tees at home now leh! and her shorts are all nicer than mine too cos mine r simple and sewn by my mum!
I appeared what.... feeling so sian now.... really no mood to do anything...
Going to cook lunch, kway teoy with chix and vege with chilli and shallots..

FYI thyme is having 30%, each customer can buy only 3 pces. I dun think I can even fit into their XL tops anymore...!

So ur maid any off day then?
Think it's good to lay down the rules first.

So if ur hb is not around, u will stay over?
That time I really pengz cos cud not sleep... the bed not comfy, jesse was fussing a bit... just not used to it and that was my room before I married!
hehe ...i'm just a little crazy for now ...and in a dilemma... just wished i could be the one at home taking care of Jana!

its ok to mix the FM, hv checked with the PD cos we had problem switching back to Gain IQ cos Friso is sweeter and Jana rejected the milk without Friso. PD said no problem, can continue mixing. we try to give Jana a little more fruits so tat her stools r not so hard.

Jana's quite ok with the maid, though she's only started last friday, when we went out on Sat, Jana let the maid carry her once and also let her hold her hand to walk around. but i'm worried the maid may not handle Jana well cos when Jana is tired and cranky n rejected the maid, the maid still tried to carry Jana even when Jana kept shaking her head.
Viv, I don't wear bra at home and I even breastfeed in front of my maid. Think used to it already. Initially also quite embrassed, but now, don't care liao... coz more convivent. My maid always wears bra at home and I have never told her the golden rule. So far so gd.

Viv, I also briefed my maid on the Dos and Donts on her 1st day. Better to let her know what can be done and what cant be done. Got to instruct maid how to handle Jana lah.

styloBB, yup, I'll stay over if my hb not ard. I'm worse cos I gave up my room to my bro.
