(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Viv ah... I hokkien queen, but I dun part time in Kopi Tiam leh.... Not Tiger Lady...

BUT, from what I know...

Kopi - Regular coffee
Kopi Si - Coffee with evaporated Milk
Kopi Siu Dai - Coffee with less Milk
Kopi 0 - Coffee with Sugar, no milk
Kopi Kosong - Coffee, no sugar, no milk
Kopi Kao - Thick Coffee, but stil with sugar n milk

What else ah? I am not sure leh..need the regular kopi siu dai orderers to confirm....

hi everybody,
after receiving Emily's sms yesterday, tot i come in to say hi.

Pregnancy for me is not so smooth sailing this time. i got spotting on and off til today (diagnose as threaten abortion). am put on both oral and injection hormones to tide thru. Hopefully everything will go on well, otherwise gynae hasn't detected any abnormailities.
Good thing i'm clearing my leave now. will be back at work from next week.The sleepness and MS really kill. If i don nap at around noon for n hour or 2, my head will just spin for the rest of the day. now i'm praying that that will not happen when i'm back at work next week. n yah, i have lost all my senses for hunger n thirst. i can survive on 1 fruit n a kopi for a day n not feel anything. now i have to be constantly reminded to drink b4 i become a prune.

As for Ashley, she kind of guess something is happening around in the family n insist on lying on my tummy during my afternoon naps. otherwise she will just cling onto my leg while i prepares her meals. i really love this stage right now. they are such a darling, offering kisses n hugs so freely. hubby n i always wonder how long can we keep her in this stage.
<font color="0000ff">Giggler</font>
Haven't found a job... or rather, haven't started finding. Whenever I think abt writing resume I v sian liao. DUn really have a peaceful time to sit and write oso.

<font color="0000ff">Jul</font>
Yes, I will miss Nat if I go to work lor. But sometimes she really makes me so frustrated at home, I'd rather work. But hor, best if I dun need to work and still have $$... hahahah... gotta strike TOTO.

<font color="0000ff">PVL</font>
Well, I dunno how true, but I heard tat bb who are borned more to full term not so high chance of jaundice. Cos their liver more developed liao. Nat din get, but my frens bb who were bored ard 38 weeks or so, get leh.

<font color="0000ff">Shook</font>
Aiyo, so touching!! Chen chen is such a darling... Hee... just now I asked Nat she wants mommy to go to work, she nod her head. Then I was upset... Then i told her, then mommy go to work, like daddy and mama, so Ah Ma look after you ok... she shake her head and hug me...
so confusing... haha...

<font color="0000ff">Nat</font>
YOu lah, talk abt french toast. This morning I fry liao... but Nat din wanna eat.
Yes, blood test every month, for Toxoplasma, or something(some cat poo and blah blah disease). I took glucose test oso. There hor, a lot of things to test. And hor... some gynaes dun scan you every month. They only scan initially then 3rd 5th and 8th month... other times... they poke poke you... to check if cervic got open. And tat starts after 3rd month hor. So every time we will joke," so you this c/u is poke or scan"!! hahahha... But luckily my gynae din poke so often...

<font color="0000ff">pigletz</font>
ENgaged oso doesn't mean gg to give birth soon. My dear girl was engaged and I dilated 1cm abt 2 weeks b4 delivery... we waited and waited for her arrival... Then hb will say we wait "until cows come home"
Absolut, was thinking whether to wait for a saturday trial. But since u doing sunday and waiting for saturday class, I'll do the same. Any date is fine with me. Just book and let me know, okay? Thanks.
B2B3M4, so nice of you to come in to say hi despite your condition. You take care and wow! Ashley is such a darling. I like her sooo much... ever since getting to know her much better at Pigletz.

Hubby not scared ah..

says it's ok.. cos i got very useful stuff.. besides he also said that since I worked sooo hard for the O level groups..can pamper a bit liao..

My last day of working was 8th Nov..I did an online class!! 9th Eng exam..

Oh besides he says I already saved alot from staying in during 2nd TRi due to pelvic pains!! When other ladies honeymoon period..HA HA!!

My purchases from Little dreamers..

-warming shampoo, dry powder shampoo(for everyday use and in case MIL drops by spot check), herbal pericare wash(for hammers), herbal pericare spray, firiming lotion(shared w hubby), CF massage oil, afterbirth oil(cos get terrible cramps n allergic to ponstan), cleanser toner, foaming face wash (face super oily and my nutrogena finished), rejuvenating massage oil(for hubby).

The wash I bought from this gentleman off yahoo auction..

What I was advised to do.. is 1) use the wash like normal bathing..squeeze i palm and lather on.

or 2) alternatively squeeze some on a wash cloth..lather whole body then wipe off.

I'd prefer method 1).. cos not so cold..I found that at last CF..wiping down turns me colder faster than taking an actual bath..

Circulation is better for hot baths.

After that while still in Bathroom rub in the CF oil..hubby will rub my back for me when I come out.

Soo.. what i'll do..use the wash bathe hot water.. dry off and then rub in the CF oil.. Contains Ginger, Jojoba, rose, grapefruit etc etc!! It smells Great!! Not medicinal or anything!!

It might be a bit oily.. so I'll mix some with the firming lotion then not so bad I suppose.

Re: coffee

hubby dosen't want it sweet but with evapo milk.

Kopi O kosong is what my FIL likes..
good thing that work is less hectic in CGH. good thing u r out of the MS phase. now its my turn to be totally intolerant of cold. really strange. i can't imagine wearing those tube or sphagetti straps maternity tops. now i go every where with my thick cardigan n everyone just have this impression that i'm weak n sickly (yah, the pale face doesn't helps).

U haven't pop!!!??? Think i will die of such waiting game. what's the plan. i mean when u go into labour, what happen to Matt? Rush to hospital with u?

Re : cooking fish
The typical aunite will tell u, the darker (i mean the skin) n oiler fish are more suitable for frying eg, those nasi lemak fish, black promfet, salmon. Those fish that are white can be steamed like white promfet, cod. Fish for steaming MUST be fresh. otherwise no matter how much lime, ginger u use oso no use. therefore, one oso DO NOT steam frozen fish fillets.
Hope this helps.

how's the pricing at cloud-9. Brother;s wedding in December. n i'm in the not here nor there stage. dunno whether i shld splurge on a maternity wear or just get a big size gown?

Re: orange during pregnancy
I'm not sure whether one can take orange. but i remember one lactation consultant did advise me to avoid orange during breast feeding as it can contribute to phelgm in babies. dunno how much truth in that.

re:cheese pancake

My version put the batter w/o oil.. (cos the melted butter already in the batter)..

Flip the pancake..grate the chedder\parmeasean cheese with the handheld grater.. fold the pancake and serve..the batter I made more like in between pancake n crepe thickness..

re:french toast

Oh..I make ham n cheese ones by sandwiching two slice together with cheese n ham between.. coat with egg and then fry..then cut to fingers..alternatively i cut to triangles and then coat and fry..

I've also done the elvis "banana n peanut butter" and also minced corn beef\luncheon meat.
NO haven't kept in contact with Poontang..have been busy at work.

Ryan can sing to her.. or play with her.. or maybe recite one of his nursery rhymes etc.. or maybe order her around to do things for him.. he is very good at that.

my hokkien teacher!! So grateful!! Not that i eventually work in kopi shop..but who knows ah?

I thought

siew dai= less sugar according to Viv?

and so what is sua\seet??

Sugar= teng right?


so sorry you trouble you to "pop" in to check..as you can see.. still here with my long posts!!

So you looking forward to be SAHM!!? I think it really takes a lot of courage to be SAHM. The patience.. the cooking..

Matt drives me crazy at times cos he'd rather play than zz at the "right" times! By the time need to pick the seniors.. Matt is asleep!! can tell tired already.. eyes wanna close.. but he'd still rather "worm" about on the bed...

Re: Fish..

I know that the dory fillets\sacchi fillets frozen at NTUC good for fish n chips\grilling with lemon n herb\ sweet n sour fish fillets

threadfin (ma yao) for steaming..

white pomfret for steaming, black for frying and served with the chiili garlic, spring onion mixture.

the yellow tail(ikan kuning,) for deep frying.. The sting ray also for fryng w tumeric n ginger juice.

codfish(xueyu)for steaming, batang is terrible- very fishy,

song yu.. steaming..

grouper\soon hock-exp fish for steaming.. if don't know how to choose, the grouper can be "loco"

salmon- teriyaki soya,

Snapper= no idea..

got this from my BB sitter.. LOL.. she's a good cook!! Hope it helps
I tried the french toast on Sarah this morning. Same as usual.... eat the first few morsels, then keep the rest in the mouth for hours. She just threw a tantrum just now and spat a lump out.

Sarah was born at 39 wks. In the US, my midwife appointments were usually very quick. Blood pressure, urine test, "hello, how's everything", listen to the baby with the doppler, press press on tummy to see where baby is. Normal appt were about 20 mins max. We did have glucose tolerance test. Only one scan at about 20 wks. I had a second scan at about 34 wks because they thought that Sarah was breech. But fortunately, she had turned by then. They don't scan so much cos everything has to be justified to the insurance co.

B2, so sorry that this pregnancy is not going so well for you. Remember not to exert yourself too much, and keep off your feet as much as possible. Sarah is also like Ashley. Very affectionate. Quite cute. She kisses everyone around, even her toys. She also comes to hug us and says "mine".
giggler, stylo

thx for info on nepia.. will do art n craft later to send out!!

giggler Anniv when??

Hmm I think we need to make updated info list on these deatils ..LOL

anyone married more than 5yrs?


Hi-5 on the shape of my tummies.. I've confused\puzzled so many old ladies!!! They like sooo confident always say "si nan de hor??" or "yi ting si nan de hor??"

....HA HA!


I got the viet ones..with the cup thingee!! BUT NO CONDENSE MILK LIAO!! MY cupboard very bare!! Hubby said.. wait till after pop then he'll take excuse to unwind\escape by going NTUC shop with Matt!! Grrr...

D* I think I need a cup of Viet coffee n Pho(kway teow teng) today!!


re:blood test..

I thought unless u got cat at home..prone to the toxaplamis(someting like)..

My cat tested already when I had matt.. I didn't have to take blood test also what!!

Speaking of France!! I'm glad you're back after reading about all the unrest there!!


So glad you ok!! Spotting normal la... like me I did spot and I'm still WAITING!!! I smsed Em your No..LOL.. hope you didn't mind..

Matt stays at BB sitter nights after we take him for Kai kai\MILs place.. Tonight we going to Ikea bef taking him back to Sitter's

The sitter's hubby insist we leave Matt there nights..

Hubby at first very stubborn.. but since last few nights raining heavily... he's more convinced liao. Matt's been have a ball of a time.. zz late.. wake up late!!! Cos my students (aka sitter's kids) and their cousin plays with him...

Sitter says now the house filled with 3 monkeys..!! the two boys 12 yrs older than Matt and Matt himself!! All monkey years!!

Thank goodness matt not sticky.. Sent him back can so happily say "bye" "muah(flying kiss)
Sit on floor..take off shoes and run into the rooms to look for the "ker kers"

Not otherwise my hubby will be very "ku ku ti ti"
going off to maid agency to bring the maid home ...looking forward to the extra help but then really sad to lose my privacy
<font color="0000ff">Absolut</font>
Your case different cos you are not the main care giver. The reason I dun wanna have a maid looking after full time oso bcos I won't wan to see my girl attach to someone else. Well, after you give birth, maybe Ally will be closer to you, cos you at home 3 months mah!! Hee...
Well, it is nice to be a SAHM... if I am well paid to do so!

<font color="0000ff">Natalie</font>
Hee... guai... you call me Mom.. Hahah...
No leh, in fact there are hardly any cats ard in Fr. There are lots of dogs. And the dogs are allowed in shopping centres and restaurants... And of cos dog poo on the streets oso lor.
Ay, you v good leh, just sit at home and enjoy now.

No Pho for me today.. Had indian rojak\mee goreng and a bowl of longan cocktail jelly from Telok Blangah Heights.. Hubby wanted to see Matt..

Matt today very cute.. was playing with the "ker ker"s basketball..

saw his daddy and run to get hugged.. then he said "bye" and point at door tell hubby to "go" and pushed him out the door..!!

Mom Mom

thank you for the guai compliment.. heh heh!!

Yah the smell of dog pee very strong in train stations.. Gross!

Yes.. kinda relaxing staying in.. I'm sorting Matt's toys cos he rather run about then sit and play... and packing the x'mas deco!!

Going to zz soon..eyes droopy..

nothing wrong working in kopi shop..but I think I sure kena sack before lunch!! besides the fact I don't know how to say the terms for each order..I can't yell as loud!!! heh heh..

siew tai= not too sweet..

Got...BJG oos there...

Piles very scary hor... i tink of it only i oso scare scare...

Yar, the shop is @ the UOB n POSB blk, but these 2 banks r at the other side of the 24 hr coffee shop. The shop wif magic board is located on opposite side, closer to the old mcdonalds. PR is closer to me but the premises like very small leh. I'm jus wondering if OCC will be bigger. U have BJG @ OCC's no?

shook, absolut,
So if bb has jaundice, is it advisable to take ginger?

Or u can make urself some red dates drink? Jus throw a few red dates into a cup of hot water, then after a while can drink liao. Yar, kiwi high in vit c. I'm like u, avoided oranges cos hearsay may cause phlegm. I didn't wanna take the risk. So i ate kiwi for vit c. For guava, i heard it's high in vit c, but oso can cause jaundice in bb. Tink it's bcos it's high in beta-dunno wat...

Jana not guai guai kind meh? YAR, sex of bb is really dependent on hubby, definitely not our pblm... :p
U very brave leh. I'll probably freak out if i have to poke myself.

If sarah is beri active then quite difficult to put on weight cos calories burn up so easily...

U still ard ah? Heheheh...bb too comfy in ur womb liao lah. U eat all the 'hou liao' so ur little one mebbe having a feast inside :p Got cream for piles, but it's basically useless. Took painkiller oso but no use!

U make me LOL wif ur food craving n ur hubby ku ku ti ti...
Goreng pisang where gor use del monte one? I thot they use those cheapo ones, gonna be rotten kind?

I heard dat jaundice is esp serious if the bb's parents r of diff blood gps. SO if u n ur hubby same blood gp, the bb will either have no jaundice or mild case only.

Do take care &amp; dun overtire urself.
Think if bb mild jaundice, still can eat ginger in moderation. But I would avoid if bb's jaundice levels are high esp if BF.
Ally's been eating fishballs for many months already. It's one of her fave food that she asks for. No probs with indigestion. For me... more worried abt choking but she's getting older so more relaxed now.

Super heartwrenching when she keeps crying out for maid. Told hubby that I already tried my best to spend all my time with her. Dun go out after work with friends coz wanna spend time with her and once in a long while then meet colleagues for supper and it has to be after Ally sleeps. But can't blame her coz my maid is really good with her in terms of being her playmate. Remembered that I also used to cry when my mom came to fetch me from my nanny's coz preferred to stay at my nanny's. Guess I'm going thru the same thing as my mom ... just that it's worst coz my maid is staying with us.
Really hope she grows out of it coz that was my greatest fear and partly why I hung on to bf Ally for so long to create a bond.

I also dun dare to let Ally wear Nepia to sleep. Used to let her do that in the past but now she drinks so much water that her output is also quite a bit. Only let her wear Mamy Poko or Pampers to sleep. Even the pampers pants leak coz dun think the back section of the diaper is meant to be v absorbent. Meant for running around.

4 kids?? No way man! Quite happy with 2 but hubby thinks 3 is nice. Will see how we can cope with 2 children first.

Changi's quite good ... near yr mom's as well rite?

What's the difference between head down and engaged? Does that mean the head has descended to the pelvic area?

Will only be married for 5 years in May 2006. How abt you?

Does Matt get very attached to the bb sitter? Esp since he spends his nites there now.

Let's hope you'll finally give birth this weekend so you dun have to be induced.

All the best with your new maid! Hope she'll be of good help to you.

Oh dear ... was your last pregnancy this bad? Better rest well over the weekend before work starts again. Gynae didn't give you mc? Then you can save on your leave. Is your mom helping to look after Ashley otherwise it could be quite taxing for you to look after Ashley in your state. Did Gynae ban you from carrying Ashley?


Still around leh..my other thread also suggesting how to speed up..but I think my Max too comfortable liao!!

Anyway..I've been horrifying my other thread with my CF\MIL HORROR stories to kill time..LOL!! Feel evil but very useful leh!

RE: Goreng Pisang (another crave)
The bananas they use are the very GREEN GREEN ones.. well at the the goreng pisang shop at BT merah interchange does..not sure about others..

re: blood group

Ah no wonder!!! mine A+.. hubby's O..

Funny thing is all our kids will follow me also A+..some scince basis thing.


Sifu!! sua=2??

ok my order.. care to translate??

thick coffee (expresso) with extra condensed milk and iced?

thick tea with evaporated milk, extra condensed milk and iced...

The whole idea.. I don't want sugar...just more condensed milk as sweetener...

I'm cheapo cos I don't wanna pay $2.50\$3 to dring iced vietnamese white coffee.. LOL
Green green bananas? Those i saw at goreng pisang stalls r usu short n black black ones. :p U so bad, go n frighten 1st time mummies. Heng ah, dat time i dunno u yet :p

This weekend?? Ermm still have to get some decos from Beach road..LOL.. Hubby says if not popped we could drive past and see X'mas lights and then head home to decorate the x'mas tree..

Hubby happy to decorate without my inteference!!

Weekends kind of a lot of things happening..yummy meals.. bring Matt out!!

Sunday night or Monday will be good.. My Gynae will be back from ICT!!

Re: sitter

Matt's not really attached to anyone..Sitter\Us occassionaly only when he's teething\sick. He's never cried when we leave him at sitter's house.. or when we take him back..
Initially I prepared myself for these few days.. but Matt has been "matured" about it..byes, hugs and kisses us. And his new one is "go go" while pointing at the gate.

However.. I noticed a difference when my sitter's hubby comes back or my hubby comes over...

he'll run and greet and hug..kiss at the door and then he'll squirm to be let down and continue his play..

Even leaving sitter's house .. we'll tell him to get his shoes.. he does with no fuss and sit on the floor for us to wear it for him. He automatic will walk out of the door or stretch arms for hubby to carry since I don't carry anymore.

Which is why I can't comment on experience like what some mummies her feel when BBs cry and cling etc etc.

*fingers crossed Matt will be like this sociable.

Initially i also worried..when he had no stranger anxiety so young till now.. I atrributed to Altuism at first till got reassured by Shook..

Re: Length of Marriage

5 years at NOv 2005.. like super long and feel old!!
I tot jaundice will be more serious if the child blood group is diff fm the mother. Tats wat the PD told me as tat time I was worried abt Randall having jaundice n PD told me even if he do get, wont be tat serious as we hv the same blood group.
Skyblue, nat, the best goreng pisang IMHO is with pisang rajah. I think it's the short black one that skyblue mentioned. Really sweet and melts in the mouth, esp when ripe.

nat, we're waiting with you....

must take every excuse as preggy woman mah!!!

this "nee" word I can't bring myself to say la..It's quite ermmm errmmm embarrassing.. I don't know why...but in school..I remebered I'm s flat that I also had nicknames like "bo ni ni"

I always get laughed at when I speak hokien..even till now my sometime "ah beng" of a hubby also unkind!! Sends me to get "slaughtered" by the coffee shop old lady almost every morning!!

I think I'll stick to "gu ni" not so bad..so my version of sweet milk "gu ni tee kai" pass or not har?

"just "nee" it's like "neh neh pok" that category!! I get a bit offended when my Mil says zoe tay now got "tua liap nee"

Thanks so much..

Oh from the last I saw you.. my tummy now puts me from the computer table 1FOOT\12inches\30.5cm!! I'm trying to keep occupied so have this tape measure on the computer table that I take measurements of my distance away.. LOL
Wah liao eh, 1st u tok abt bananas, then tok abt ni. Now i tinking of banana milk shake n got craving for goreng pisang!!! haven had lunch yet u know... must go n find food liao.
Ryan's blood group follows DH.. B+ not mine O+..dunno if the #2,#3 will have the same blood group. Ur gyane let u be overdue for how many days? At that time after 2 days overdue went for C-section to take Ryan out coz no contractions etc..also blood pressure was getting higher. If I have a chance I also would prefer #2 to be C-section..less problems etc.

sorry la...if you knew me from beginnign.. you'll know what a foodie I am..LOL

I've got one student whose uncle sells oyster omlette at Newton even!! I got free plate waiting liao..

Banana milk shake? Hmm never tried.. Nice? I like honey dew milk shake...

OH NO..I'm hungry!! Glad Stylo not here to "torment" me on her snacking.. HENGZ!

EAT EAT!! else bad for system.. SO late lunch?? It's T time!!!

I think to some bio-genetic theory.. B+\A+ will superceed the O+ in the blood group.. In the sense that there won't be such a thing as AO or BO blood groups..

So likely #2/#3 is B+..

Like my #2/#3/#4 will be A+..poor hubby..

Gynae says if ALL A-ok/..I can wait till 42nd week!! 21st Nov??

So far my Blood pressure is good, av 120\62.. contractions today 1/2hr-45 mins one BIG one.. shoots up spine feeling..But no sign of getting closer..stopped now..

I think my gynae\gynae team is not so pro-c-sect elective esp..never asked why...

Max is active..I think cos I'm hungry.. so made myself Cadbury hot chocolate 3-1.
Val, kekekeke.... won't even "pang chance" for me... heng I already gave exemption clause... anyway, my money very easy to earn, cos i jus order "KOPI!"
Chen Chen's cot wz next to the window @ my mum's plc but he still got jaundice. I even brot him dwn stairs to get morning sun but it din help @ all
Satsuma is fresh tangerine
Can get jiffy fm NTUC or not?

Can understand how sad u feel when Ally asked for your maid.

Chen Chen recovered completely yes'dy but dunno y today cough n flu agn

Chen Chen is jealous when I carry other bb n of anybody who hugs me
Gd dat u transferred to CGH. Nearer to your mum's hse

Pvl, Nat
Upon seeing wat Pvl said abt eucalyptus may cause seizure. I better drop dat idea. My mum n hubby sure object

U r a great cook
Sorry hor to cause u pd more. I no kopi person. Drank kopi may b twice so far

Wa man, u lao hokkien. Oso kopi queen
Ya rite. PD @ KKH said mother n bb diff blood gp may result in jaundice.

Drink dried logang n red dates drink to make your body warm.

I guess Nat doesn't understand wat work is until u told her u gonna leave her wif ah mah for the day. Bet she misses u
I had ultra scan every visit except one. Poke once

Absolut, Emily
IMHO, trial wif the same teacher u gonna sign up your tod for. Not all teacher teaches on Sat n Sun

Kidds Zone
Orchid Country Club
1 Orchid Country Road,
Singapore 769162.
Tel : 6482 2758(weekdays) / 6750 2219 Ext 8662 (weekends)
I dunno whether ginger has effect on jaundice or not. Chen Chen's bilirubin level din go dwn even after I stop taking ginger
Guava causes jaundice, never heard b4
My hubby n me diff blood gp
Ai yoh! So tired... so terribly busy today that I forgot to pump. On top of it, vomitted all my lunch. Sigh!

Seeing gynae tomorrow morning. Will update as soon as I get into the office after that. Fingers crossed everything's okay.
Who says I not there?? KEKEKE.... I just napped... so tired today.
Btw wanted to tell u after the banana, I found Milo nuggets and drank a glass of milk yesterday.. now really NO FOOD, think I take short walk to central to buy some back-ups, hb bot me cakes, I have finished them.

I realised how fortunate my brother and I are cos my mum was housewife... too bad I can't do the same for jesse and the girls.
I can sorta understand, imagine she chose the maid over u.. sigh... but btwn u and hb, she still prefers u right?

I dun feel so bad as u cos jesse takes to us v well, is it a boy thing? He will always wanna be with us.

I did not know the blood group has such implications... jesse had terrible jaundice, he had to say in hosp for two more days, thereafter he had to have the level checked monthly for 2-3 months, foot and fingers kena pricked by to draw out the blood. V heartpain for us to see what he went thru that time.

How are u today? I have mild headache...think I slept too much... hiaz...

Gosh... u beta take care and rest when u can... u on mc or not???

Yeah the pisang at TPY is good strangely I did not take any since preggie....
val, I don't know about TPY. Haven't tried that pisang. But my mum will occasionally fry pisang rajah. Very yummy.

shook, I guess some babies are just prone to jaundice, whatever the reason.

I think you can use a LITTLE eucalyptus if necessary, for nasal and chest congestion. Esp since chen chen is already 1+. I find it quite effective. Last time my mum used to put it onto a gauze pad and pin the pad onto my shirt.
<font color="ff6000">Hi moms, just came in to post this. Looks like we got a majority number voting for next monday morning. If no changes by tomorrow, its all confirmed then. Thks!!!!</font>

Okay, Calling all SAHMs and anyone else interested for weekday meetup.

Suggested tentative dates - <font color="0000ff">14th Nov(Monday)</font> OR 17th Nov(Thur)
Timings - <font color="0000ff">1030am</font> OR 330pm
Venue - <font color="0000ff">Paragon Kids Level</font>

Please state your preferred date and time and feel free to add on names to the list. Tks!

Sanrio - 14 nov/330pm,10am oso ok (17 nov oso ok)
Pringles - 14th Nov/1030am
Mom2nat - 14th Nov / 1230pm (10.30am if Nat moves to 1nap)
Berry - 14th Nov/1030
Lyn - 14th Nov/1030am
Ruffy- 17th Nov 3.30pm
PVL - 17th Nov
Eureka ?
Val ?
<font color="0000ff">Hiya All</font>

Contractions 15mins exactly apart!! Called Labour ward .. and they told me to wait 5-10 mins for "unbearable" pain.. or contractions that don't go away!! Hmm I think I'll overshoot the 11/11 nice nice date!!

Watch out for SMS I suppose..

Now hungry again!! Home still no food..envy you stylo
Congrats! Hope Max will be out soon. Better go and have something to eat before going to the hospital. Otherwise after delivery, it's confinement food for a month.

Between hubby and me, she'll def choose me coz hubby has rarely succeeded to carry her to sleep. Guess what... she was acting up again and insisting on my maid to carry her when we were at my mom's. Refused to give in to her demands and after that, my mom carried her into the room to make her stop crying etc and in the end, she threw up all her dinner. Mom was saying that Ally is unlike other bbs... if you threaten to beat or scold etc, they will be scared but she's so strong-willed and persistent. chiam! Later found out she didn't sleep much today so super cranky. Came home and was still cranky and demanding for my maid. Finally managed to carry her to sleep. Can't wait for Nicholas to be born so I can have time to be home with Ally. Let's pray that bf won't take up so much time and Nicholas will be an easy bb so I can have more time with Ally.

The funny thing is I didn't like my mom to be home when I was in pri school coz she'll watch over what I did. Preferred her at work so I could watch TV and not practise my piano. haha! Remember being really happy when she went back to work full-time. Maybe coz that's when we are
older and want freedom.

still waiting for contractions to close in... will go drink something now!! and eat soda pia!!

looking forward to CF FOOD leh!!! Sun got fried rice!! Darn.. contractions and still so Tam Chiak!!

Re: Ally

Must be so stressed for you..especially with Nicholas so on the way!

I really hope Ally will be fine once you dedicate more time to her.

I was a bit miserable earlier cos at 7.30pm the contractions been coming...
We went concourse today to see the xmas trees with Matt.. Barely 1/2hr.. we had to go cos the contractions so regular.. Hubby didn't want to take the risk

Matt was so quiet all the way back to Sitter's house..

Hubby told sitter what happened.. and she also mentioned that Matt didn't sleep except afternoon except for Morning..

We'll pick him up tomorrow for a bit of kai kai if I haven't pop yet... :p

Jul, no lah I think Stylobb is more of Nepias fan than me. Btw, rem to keep 10 Nepia seals to exchange for $10 NTUC voucher.

Pigletz, its good that boy is brave mah. I like that heehee

Viv, mine is on 25th Nov, same as Nat, everything on the same date. Hows your maid on her 1st day?

B2B3M4, take care of yourself. Hope your MS over asap!

Mom2Nat, dun think you want to go out to work rite?

PVL, wow Sarah so possessive of you. Heehee

Nat, same as you its 5 yrs for us this Nov 2005. Think Matt is used to be in your sitters place liao. I suppose you haven pop since theres no SMS from you?

Skyblue, heard from my col that the BJG at OCC is better is their gyms facilities.

Absolut, Vane also drinks lots of water but Nepia is good for her leh. Ya, 4 is scary hor? I wonder how my parents cope with 4 of us. I can understand how you feel abt Ally choose maid over you. Hope that you can time to bond with her more during your confinement.

Val, thanks leh.. Me also like Nat, prefers more condensed milk but doesnt want sugar for my kopi. Are u Hainanese?

Shook, huh??? Chen Chen really sick very long this time round leh. Then you still bring him to BJG today?
