(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Hi mommies,
Saw bb and heartbeat today. Everything seems fine now. EDD pushed back somemore. Ai yoh! I hope I am still giving birth in June man! EDD is 18June now. Bb's all curled up. Looks so much like Ethan... hehehee... from the black and white scan. :p So cute!! about 2.04cm from head to butt.

Nat, u deliver or not yet? Still haven't received any sms from you.

i got d sealer. havnt let him try. tks so much

cant use nepia 4 ash 4 nite. somtx PP oso leak. mayb cos he slp early? we usually change his last diaper at abt 8pm or even earlier.

saw chen chen's blog, playing w d water. wld he climb over n wan 2 'jump' into d fountain. ash c water only, sure wan 2 jump in, mus catch hold of him.

gd to hear ur update n d bb is doing well. take gd care

u take care
ashley so sweet. ash is super 'yang oh', alwy ask me saiyang saiyang but he is not d v affectionate type leh. he will saiyang my face but he is not 'into kissing'...

ash is v stubborn too. beating n scold wont work. he will throw his tantrum n can cry v v long esp if he is v cranky n cant get his wants.

val, eureka,
wat a small world. met both of u in 2 diff places on d same day. n so 'qiao', randall, elyse n ash cut their hair 2day.
ash still a mini giant hoh.. keke...
i like randall big big 'go li' eyes n elyse so sweet n petite n face fair fair n chubby.
hello mummies,
Thanks for all your concern. will keep u guys updated when i see my gynae again next week.

Re: Babies Blood Group
I dunno what's the orginal content of the discussion but allow me to explain in details.

The O gene is a recessive gene, meaning its "weaker" or almost like a empty gene. That's why O blood is a universal donor.

The rest like A and B are dorminant gene, meaning they have a say in the blood group.

A person is make up of a pair a chromosones (genes), one from the mother n another from the father.

A O person is made up of O from dad n an O from mum.

A group A can be made up of AO or AA.
Group B = BO or BB

So, if mum is O (OO) and dad is B(BO), baby can either be O (O+O) or B (B+O)

however, if mum is O and dad is (BB), confirm all the kids will be B (BO)

if one parent is AB and one is O, all the kids will either be A(AO) or B(BO)

n bcos of this dorminance in genes, a group AB person can essentially take blood from all blood groups. they r the universal receiver.

Am i making sense?
<font color="119911">Weekday Meetup Tomorrow</font>

<font color="0000ff">14th Nov(Monday)
Time - 1030am onwards
Venue - Paragon Kids Level</font>

Sanrio &amp; Ashrel - 1030am
Pringles &amp; Alicia - 1030am
Mom2nat &amp; Nathalie- 1230pm (1030am if Nat moves to 1 nap)
Berry &amp; Faye - 1100am
Lyn &amp; Jerald- 1030am

See u all tmw at Kid's level!!!
To beat lunchtime crowd, we'll try to hunt for lunch/brunch @ basement around 1145am onwards. So if u are later than 12pm, just sms any of us when u arrive. Tks!
Chen Chen wz ok on Sat. Running nose gone, cough occassionally. He din cough @ all @ BJG
I guess Chen Chen sick for so long tis time round coz the virus is @ my mum's plc. He passed to my family members n they passed back to him

The fountain is too high for Chen Chen to jump in.

It is so warm seeing bb for the 1st time thru ultra scan

Thx Brings me back to my bio lesson
Yeah shook, it sure is nice seeing bb for the 1st time. I was staring and was speechless... coz it didn't feel real.

Absolut, did I miss ur msg regarding the date of the trial??
shook, I have not used the eucalyptus on Sarah yet cos she has not had a cold/cough since I don't know when...May, I think, before our cruise. But for myself, I'll usually tie a knot on the corner of an old handkerchief, and pour some into the knot, and sleep with it near my face.
Imagine if it were your mum who is taking care of her, do u think she will get attached to ur mum instead? And do u think u wl feel differently if it's your mum that she prefers instead of u?
But every nite she is with u and hb right?
How coming suddenly so attached to your maid?
That's the dilemma mums feel...

Let's say she throws a tantrum, instead of scolding, did u try distracting her? We do that on jesse and we find it's beta than to scold him at times... he is also super stubborn.

Yah, me the Nepia fan... just gave a pack to my gf who delivered...

Thanx for the explanation, my science (?) has long been returned to teacher... I always thot that O, being the universal donor, is the strongest, but now I know it's not, it's recessive gene...

OK, let me know once ash has tried ...

nat has finally gone to POP????
Mummies giving pancakes to your tods, usually they can eat how much? I just made some on saturday morning, Dana dun like din even finish 1/4 of pancake though she took it in bintan and at a friend's place..wonder why..end up i have to finish up almost 4-5 pancakes on my own.

Mummies giving Scotts cod fish liver oil(orange flavor) to your tods, does it cause your tod to have phelgm?
Happy Wedding Anniversary!

My guess for pigletz no. 2 is Little Miss Piggy :p

Sorry to say thank u for ur helping me w the fish so late..hahhaha, but still in time cos i doing the shopping later.

U take care hor... eat more fish too..hehehe

yoz.. thanks for the fishy help. U went to pop already har??

how's ur new maid?

so funny... i keep thinking of getting fishballs for jem over the wkn after reading ur post. saturday went chinatown so end up having porridge so no fishballs. Sunday went to the farms, so no fishballs again. Wait till dinnertime, that fella went to ZZZ... I still wun give up n went ahead to order. THE UNCLE SAID RUN OUT OF FISHBALL LIAO!!! arrggghh...

Mommies gathering at paragon... share share photos later k
Oh yah Shook,
wanna tell u i did what PVL does for cold n flu too. dab some of the oil on hanky n fold to smaller square then tuck slightly under the pillow.
u wanna try other breakfast option for Dana. Jem takes most food but dun like pancakes as well (1/4 too n he starts to shake head). Tho he do take waffles... hahhah, i dun bother to decipher his preferences for food
Brenda, any other suggestions?...recent 1 month she has rejected bread so now only takes fruit puffs or cornflakes for breakfast.
can give bread and cheese.. or even yoghurt as breakfast if you allow cold stuff. Nowadays I give Ryan garlic bread occassionally as he asks for it.
Guess I'd feel differently if she's attached to my mom. After all, she's family. She's always been quite attached to the maid but guess she's gotten more vocal. The funny thing is she never demanded for my maid in the nite til recently. Maybe they are learning abt relationships and all now.

As for tantrums, we usu try and distract but she's real determined to get her way. Sometimes we succeed in getting her attention away but other times if distraction doesn't work, we will usu scold her and leave her alone to cry it out.

Nat headed to Mac's to get a bite before heading to the hospital on Fri nite. Should have given birth already? Guess we'll prob hear from her when she's back at home.

Ally's also down with runny nose again. Not sure if she got it from her cousin or from daddy. Anyway looks like it's sleepless nites again.
U so funny! Super keen to try fishballs on Jem? It's not the healthiest food leh. Ally has tried all the different kind of balls already... cuttlefish ball, fish cake, prawn ball,fish glue from coca, beef ball etc. Guess she likes it coz not mushy and quite bouncy.
Pvl, Brenda
Thx for your reply on eucaplytus oil. I told my hubby abt it. He heard may cause seizure, shook his head as expected.

Aiyo, Ally got running nose. V poor thing. Clean the mucus till nose red red. Hope she recovers soon. U wanna try eucaplytus oil on her?

Absolut, Brenda
Fish/sotong/beef/etc ball not healthy. A lot of msg

Do u give your tod canned food?
jesse takes the hotcakes once a while at Mac's, finished about 3/4 piece.

I guess as much: mother is diff from maid... I too dun feel anything if jesse wants my mum (which is not often) but I think I wl feel diff if next time he is attached to maid. I told hb about ur situation and he says must make sure all three sleep with us.......

Personally I dislike fishballs, as what absolut, not v healthy leh. The other day jesse spotted our sotong balls and he insisted on it and guess wat, mil gave one whole pce to him! I said cannot just give to him like tat incase he chokes mah so I took it and slice into smaller pices and gave him a little toothpick to pick.

When u submit, take note of date cos till now they did not send me my NTUC voucher altho I have called them.
Jul, what does your mum cook the oats with? I tried the instant oats before, not very nice. The actual oats takes quite long to cook right?

Shook, i was thinking of starting dana on those canned/bottled pasta sauce soon and maybe tuna as well. You planning to start Chen Chen too?
Hi mummies,

Long time didnt come here liao .... my whole family down with flu/cough/sore thoart/fever .... 2 weeks liao, some of us r still recovering. Poor YH, he got the flu almost immediately after recovering fr fever, still hving running nose now, hopefully he can recover fully b4 his bday on Fri.

Heard fr Skyblue, a few bb in the forum is sick also, came in to see who is it, and cldnt find leh ..... anyway, hope all bbs and mummies healthy healthy, and those who r sick, recover fast fast!

Went to The French Stall to celebrate YH's bday with PIL over the wkend. Bought a cake for him also, but MIL said shldnt blow candle twice, so we didnt light the candle of the cake, just take photos, and guess what? We cut the cake after taking pic, and fogot to sing birthday song

Hb will be flying off to Nice tonite, coming back on Sun morn, so he will miss YH's 1st bday
Nice is affected by riot .... quite worried abt his safety ....

Has Nat pop liao?? i hv been very bz with work, and bz taking MC and leave also, dun think i hv time to chk postings regularly, pls help me to send my best regards to Nat and Maxine. Thanks

I will post YH's recent photos here when i hv time to resize them

U still resting at home? U take care. Will send u an email later
Haven't called them to see if the sun teacher is the same as the sat teacher. Otherwise like what shook and you mentioned, maybe should wait for empty slot. I'll call them later to check.
Emily, did Ethan go with you to see bb?

sanrio, so far Vane has no prob with Nepia and Huggies Dry Comfort. She wears them from 10pm to abt10-11am leh.

Shook, you got to build up his immunity once he fully recover. I dun really give Vane canned food.

StyloBB, you find distracting them when they throw tantrums more effective? I was so tired after scolding Vane for one whole day yday.

Hi mummies, anyone use any type of carrier for your kids? I cant use sling anymore as Vane is too heavy for me. Thot of getting the Ergo bb carrier but not sure if it's worth the money cos it cost abt $168. And Vane doesnt like to be in the pram nowadays. Pls help!!!

brenda, thanks for your advance well-wishes leh. We may not have any celebrations at all this yr cos I got co function and hubby may not be in Sing during that week. How you tell that Pigletz having gal?

absolut, do you still leave Ally to cry out if you're outside? I find it difficult to do it outside with Vane so usu I give in to her. Vane doesnt like mushy food too.

jul, just 2 more packs of Nepia!!! I only got 4 so I gave them to my sil.

deer, aiyo... your family also down with flu! Are you having any bday party for YH?
Hi-5 QSG,
hahahhaha... jem also refused all kind of bread leh!
other suggestions for breakfast? hmmm, he usually take breakfast at infant centre where they feed fruit puff n cereals too. Weekends he'll hv those chee cheong fun (no sauce), eggs dishes, biscuits w milk, waffles etc.

YAH! i very keen cos alway see those tods happily poking fishballs n enjoying it. So wonder when Jem can enjoy it too..hahahahha. u mean even meat balls also no prob? okay, i mus go try.

I've added baked beans (canned) into Jem's diet sometimes back. Other than that.. no other canned food.

yah yah.. that's what i intend to do. cut into smaller pcs n let him eat w toothpick, like his fruits. nah, wun be giving his fishballs at home cos i dunnoe how to prepare..hahahah. But thot it will be another choice when we eat out. And hor!! i got the same fear as u leh, that in-laws wanna give during CNY steamboat!!

u r back!

u rest well well k... n chat w us more often
a few friends of mine bought it. One of them complained that it is quite hot and bb end up pespiring in it...also after a while the bb (same age as Ryan) would prefer to come down and walk so not very useful for her.. now in cold storage although she only bought it a few months back.
Ryan.. since he rejected pram and too big for bb carrier has been hand carried.. or forced to walk. He will only sit in the pram if he is sleeping or the pram keeps on moving..so keep the pram in my mum's car to use on weekends.
shook, here's some info about eucalyptus oil

We don't eat very much canned food at home except the occasional Ma Ling B2 luncheon meat, and canned mushrooms. Sarah has eaten the luncheon meat and the mushrooms. She likes the meat very much. But as I say, we seldom eat it, so I have no worries about giving her a little to taste.

QSG, Sarah has taken the orange scotts emulsion. As far as I know, she has not had phlegm at all. But she finds it rather sweet and often gags when I give it to her. I have to feed her in drops. One teaspoon full takes 15 mins to finish.

Emily, so glad that everything is alright. Take it easy. Take care of yourself.
huh? why no celebrations? celebrate earlier? Must Must! To make it a point to hv some time to give each other a real good hug for being there for each other for the past one year...

hahah... dunnoe leh, just feel that pigletz having a girl lor after eating, shopping w her.

Can't help u on the carrier cos jem's still in pram or i let him run.

I personally find distraction more efficient than scolding too. Tho got to constantly hv ideas to keep them occupied.
Err, we haven't being using carrier for Gareth for a long time. Most of the time, if not required, we don't even bring out the pram. Either carry him or hold him to walk. Worst come to worst is to let him run abt.
QSG, my mum uses the quick cooking oats and cooks it with egg... Ian really enjoys it... can take one whole bowl, which is amazing for breakfast.
i LOL when i see ur "Worst come to worst is to let him run abt." Think very hard to ask gareth out w Jem again liao... later u kick me!

rite... now i feel like kicking u for the luncheon meat thingy...hahaha
we can always let them run abt at botanic garden one mah. hahahha

whykick me for the luncheon meat thingy?? hahah, u want me to help u to buy anot? I saw it at the Econ minimart at my place. hehe
is it quaker instant oats? u mean cook over stove, let it boil then beat d egg in or how?? tot of letting ash try oats too. he has been eating organic multigrain cereal since 6mths old. now i add dried fruits, rice krisp, cornflakes etc into it 4 flavor n 4 him to munch munch.
QSG &amp; jul,

can't rem that oats need to cook very long one leh. I rem cooking for my mum last month when she not feeling well, only took me 5 to 10min to cook them.

But my type very simple one lah, just boil them in water and add sugar that's all. We like it watery.

haha, we can always arrange a date.
Aiyoh... PVL, Brenda and Pigletz..now u all got me wanting to eat luncheon meat!!! Love to "kiap" it into a triangle... Also spread some margarine.... yummy! Always eat that for breakfast in JC... think Absolut might have some idea what I am talking abt!
hahaha. Everyone is now craving for Ma Ling B2? brenda, are you sure that NTUC doesn't carry it anymore? Ohhhh Noooo! I haven't bought for a very long time, so I didn't go check.
no lah.. i ask mark go to that econ to look for it..hahahah. we always buy a few cans to keep.

i like it w eggs in any shape!!

hahhaha... ash likes to run for past time? pengz! then at home how?

dunnoe leh.. i looked for it regularly but dun see it on the shelves. usually shop at Giant, NTUC n Sheng Shiong. The last time bought a tin of another brand..hahah no interest so till date din open
Yeah. Hainanese. Wat abt ah?
Still gotta carry Vane when she is walking liao ah? OMG. I tot once Randall walking "zai" I dun hv to carry him. Seems not the case now? Anyway, he not a "mini giant" so still not too bad. LOL... But for long hrs, really cannot tahan.
Mummies, have you received Nat's sms? She popped this morning 11+am. If i din remember wrongly Maxene is 2.9Kg. Very natural, no induction and very fast.

Pigletz and jul, i added suger, salt and rasins before but still thought quite tasteless. Ever thought of letting dana try the instant oats but felt that since i dun like she probably don't also
haha, maybe becos i never taste oats with those things b4. Only with sugar, so didn't expect too much taste from it except for sweet. hehe
uffy, Vane is also the same lor... She'll only want to be in prams if we keep pushing it. So your friend feels that the Ergo bb carrier is white elephant? She interested to sell me at a discount or not? heehee....

PVL, I like the Maling luncheon meat too. How much you willing to spend on the carrier? The Ergo bb carrier cost $168, too ex liao. How heavy can the hip carrier withstand? For the Ergo carrier, it can carry as heavy as 20kg.

brenda, Vane doesnt want to walk too much recently. My back nearly break over the weekends cos she kept wanting me to carry. And the worst thing is, she only wants me to carry her. Sigh.... No mood to celebrate early and no time to celebrate on that day. Can get the luncheon meat at Giant.

Pigletz, I usu let Vane walk or run about but she doesnt want to walk for too long leh. It has been quite some time since we meet leh. You ok to open your house or not?

Val, cos coffee shop most owned by Hainanese mah. Once they know how to walk, they lazy to walk liao. Sigh.... I cant carry Vane for long too so looking for solution now.

QSG, wow Nat finally pops.... Thanks for the info.
I think it's a phase that they don't want to walk. I usually try to distract Gareth by telling him we go see dog, cat or birds. hahaha

Don't think I can open house any sooner leh, hubby need to work every sat now till mid dec. Then festive season liao. By then 3rd trimester liao, then my sleeping bug gonna bug me again.

Anyone else volunteer to open house?

wah! where did u bring Vane to? gotta carry over the weekn very siong leh.

The Giant u mention is at Pioneer Mall? Have meh? Not just Ma Ling Luncheon leh... must be Ma Ling B2 one
